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王渟渟  张桥英  张运春  唐梦娥  廖望 《生态学报》2022,42(22):9100-9110
研究植株个体与种群数量的关系对探究植物的适应策略、理解植物入侵机理有重要意义。但多数研究着眼于常温处理下植株响应密度变化的生长权衡,对增温处理下植株的密度制约调节机理和常温与增温处理下响应密度变化的调节规律是否发生变化认识不足。以喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)为研究对象,采用密度(1、5、9株/盆,37、186、335株/m2)和温度(常温、增温)双因素实验设计,探究了全球变暖背景下,密度制约与喜旱莲子草的关系、地上与地下部分的密度制约调节规律。结果表明:(1)地上构件特征与温度呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05),地上构件特征和比叶面积表现出明显密度依赖性(P<0.05)。温度与种群密度及其交互作用对地下指标无显著影响(P>0.05)。(2)无论增温与否,随密度压力增加,根生物量分配比率增大,各构件平均生物量、茎生物量分配比率降低。叶生物量分配比率在各密度下维持恒定。(3)用生物量-密度异速指数γ衡量种群密度调控强弱。常温处理下,γleaf(-1.685) < γabove-ground(-1.612) < γstem(-1.605) < γ individual(-1.558) < γroot(-1.524),受密度制约调控强度的大小依次为:叶>地上>茎>个体>根。增温处理下,γstem(-2.075) < γabove-ground(-2.038) < γindividual(-1.982) < γleaf(-1.933) < γroot(-1.800),受密度制约调控强度的大小依次为:茎 > 地上 > 个体 > 叶 > 根。喜旱莲子草种群地上构件受密度的调节作用强于地下构件。由此可见,无论增温与否,喜旱莲子草种群地下资源的竞争能力随密度增加而增强,地上资源竞争能力随密度增加而减弱,喜旱莲子草地上部分调节强于地下部分,常温处理下,叶受密度制约作用更强,增温处理下,茎受密度制约最强。根受密度制约最弱。地上资源的竞争占主导地位。  相似文献   

植物种群自疏过程中构件生物量与密度的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黎磊  周道玮  盛连喜 《生态学报》2012,32(13):3987-3997
不论是在对植物种群自疏规律还是在对能量守衡法则的研究中,个体大小(M)大多针对植物地上部分生物量,地下部分和构件生物量及其动态十分重要又多被忽视。以1年生植物荞麦为材料研究了自疏种群地下部分生物量、包括地下部分的个体总生物量以及各构件生物量与密度的关系。结果表明:平均地上生物量和个体总生物量与密度的异速关系指数(γabove-ground和γindividual)分别为-1.293和-1.253,与-4/3无显著性差异(P>0.05),为-4/3自疏法则提供了有力证据;平均根生物量-密度异速指数γroot(-1.128)与-1无显著性差异(P>0.05),与最终产量恒定法则一致;平均茎生物量-密度异速指数γstem(-1.263)接近-4/3(P>0.05),平均叶生物量-密度异速指数γleaf(-1.524)接近-3/2(P>0.05),分别符合-4/3自疏法则与-3/2自疏法则;而繁殖生物量与密度的异速关系指数γreproductive(-2.005)显著小于-3/2、-4/3或-1(P<0.001)。因此,不存在一个对植物不同构件普适的生物量-密度之间的关系。光合产物在地上和地下构件的生物量分配格局以及构件生物量与地上生物量之间特异的异速生长关系导致不同构件具有不同的自疏指数。无论对于地上生物量还是个体总生物量,荞麦种群能量均守衡,而对于地下生物量,荞麦种群能量不守衡。  相似文献   

毛竹地上器官的生物量分配及其随个体大小变化的规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探明毛竹生物量分配格局及其随个体大小的变化规律,有助于揭示毛竹生物量的种内变异规律,从而能够进一步提高毛竹生物量及其碳储量的估算精确度;同时也有助于指导毛竹林定向培育,以提高毛竹附加值和促进竹农增收。利用收获法在皖南毛竹分布区砍伐227株标准竹,研究毛竹地上器官的生物量分配格局、地上器官生物量之间的关系以及生物量分配随胸径和竹高的变化规律。结果表明:单株水平上皖南毛竹叶、枝和秆的生物量分别为0.84、1.42和6.84 kg,约占其地上总生物量的9.21%、15.60%和75.19%;皖南毛竹地上各器官生物量之间具有明显的线性关系(R20.75,P0.001);毛竹地上生物量分配格局与其胸径和竹高具有密切的相关关系,且这种关系可用幂指数关系拟合;拟合曲线表明,相对于大胸径的毛竹,小胸径的毛竹倾向于把代谢产物更多地分配到上部器官(如光合器官叶)。本结论支持异速分配理论关于生物量的分配受到植物体大小制约的结论,但是否支持最优分配理论,还需进一步开展实验验证。  相似文献   

为了给四季竹(Oligostachyum lubricum)高效培育的林分结构建立提供理论依据,对立竹胸径基本一致的4种立竹密度(24600 ~ 29800株·hm-2,D1;37500 ~ 42600株·hm-2,D2;46500 ~ 52800株·hm-2,D3;76500~ 85500株·hm-2,D4)四季竹纯林进行了1~3 a立竹地上生物量积累、分配与异速生长模式的研究.结果表明:四季竹立竹构件生物量分配比例秆>叶>枝.随着立竹年龄增大,不同密度的四季竹林立竹秆、枝、叶生物量和地上生物量及叶/枝、叶/秆、枝/秆构件生物量比总体上均呈增大趋势,且2 a、3 a立竹显著高于1 a立竹,枝、叶生物量分配比例呈升高趋势,而秆生物量分配比例呈下降趋势.随着立竹密度增大,1~3a立竹地上生物量、构件生物量总体上呈“∧”型变化,D1~D3密度时逐渐升高,D4密度时显著下降,各年龄立竹枝、叶生物量分配比例降低,而秆生物量比例增大,叶/枝、叶/秆、枝/秆生物量比总体上1 a立竹呈倒“N”型变化,2 a、3 a立竹呈下降趋势.叶-枝构件生物量符合近等速增长模式,异速生长指数随密度的增大而小幅度下降,叶-秆、枝-秆构件生物量符合简单异速增长模式,异速生长指数随密度的增大分别呈升高、先升高后降低的变化趋势.研究表明,当超出一定密度时(D2密度以上),四季竹立竹生物量分配更趋向于支撑构件(秆),以促进立竹纵向生长来获取更多的光资源;46500~ 52800株·hm-2是试验四季竹林立竹生物量高效积累和有效分配的密度.  相似文献   

不同生境下刺五加种群构件生物量结构与生长规律   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
从构件水平对针阔混交林、蒙古栎林和次生杂木林3个生境的刺五加种群各功能构件的生物量结构及生物量比率与年龄之间的关系进行了定量分析. 结果表明,刺五加种群的个体生长和各构件生物量动态与环境条件关系密切.不同环境条件下,刺五加种群各功能构件生物量平均值具有相同的规律:茎构件>根茎构件>叶构件.3个生境中刺五加整体种群水平具有一定的相似性.在郁闭度为40%的蒙古栎林中,刺五加种群个体生物量和各构件生物量较针阔混交林和次生杂木林中大.不同生境下刺五加种群分株生物量的差异蕴涵着重要的生长调节和物质分配策略.在分株较小的幼龄个体以及郁闭度较大而不利于分株生长的次生杂木林中,分株优先建造叶器官,以保证充分的物质生产. 3个生境刺五加种群的叶、茎与分株的相对增重均具有相同的幂函数异速生长规律.  相似文献   

本研究中用成年东方田鼠不同时间不同密度笼养后(笼内雌雄各半),低密度配对饲养,观察各阶段东方田鼠繁殖指标的差异。试鼠144只,处理时分为LL(低密度长时间)(2只/笼,共20笼,90d)、HL(高密度长时间)(8只/笼,共5笼,90d)、HM(高密度中等时间)(8只/笼,共4笼,20d)与HS(高密度短时间)(8只/笼,共4笼,10d)4组。处理后在低密度条件下观察繁殖情况(胎仔数、怀孕率、分娩频率以及产仔间隔等),直至180 d。实验数据按时间划分为3个部分统计:0~90 d为第一阶段(不同密度处理期),90~109 d为过渡阶段(处理后的过渡期),109 d以后为第二阶段(正常低密度配对繁殖期)。结果表明:经过长时间高密度处理后,平均产仔数显著减少,组间平均分娩频率无显著差异。怀孕率由HL组到HM组,再到LL和HS组显著增加。在第一阶段,除了LL组之外,其余各组都未发现繁殖。过渡阶段的怀孕率组间差异显著,LL组以及HM组显著高于HL组。第二阶段的怀孕率以及胎仔数的组间差异显著,都为LL、HS两组较高,HL、HM两组较低。平均分娩频率、平均胎仔数以及产仔间隔各组间无显著差异。结论:不同持续时间的密度效应有较大差别。对于东方田鼠,20d的高密度处理相比于10d更能对其繁殖起到抑制作用。恢复低密度后,存在种群的迟滞性密度制约。  相似文献   

Corner法则反映了植物枝叶大小和数量配置的构型策略,但是,对于个体密度如何影响枝叶关系的理解仍不够深入。该研究选择浙江天童的25个植物群落,通过比较枝大小(横截面积)-叶大小(总叶面积)关系和枝大小(横截面积)-枝数量(分梢密度)关系,分析个体竞争对植物Corner法则的影响。结果显示:1)在不同密度区间,枝横截面积和总叶面积均显著异速正相关。2)个体水平上,枝大小-叶大小回归方程的截距在低密度区间显著小于高密度区间,表明在枝大小一定的条件下,高密度群落的植物当年生枝条会支撑更大的总叶面积;而物种水平上,枝大小-叶大小回归方程的截距在不同密度区间没有显著性差异。3)枝横截面积与分梢密度显著负相关,且各密度区间也存在显著小于–1的共斜率。4)个体水平和物种水平的分析结果都显示,枝横截面积与分梢密度回归方程的截距在不同密度区间无显著差异,表明高密度植物并没有比低密度植物在单位大小枝条上配置更多的分枝。总之,植物枝大小-叶大小关系和枝大小-枝数量关系各自在不同的密度区间具有共同的变化斜率,反映了天童地区植物Corner法则不随个体密度变化而改变。但是,枝叶关系回归方程截距的改变表明,个体竞争的加大会使得植物在枝叶大小的配置策略上进行调整,从而可能通过生态位分化促进物种共存。  相似文献   

植物群落物种共存机制:负密度制约假说   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
负密度制约假说主要描述由于资源竞争、有害生物侵害(比如病原微生物、食草动物捕食)等, 同种个体之间发生的相互损害行为; 它主要强调同种个体之间的相互作用, 解释自然群落物种共存的机理; 负密度制约机制主要在小尺度上降低群落内同种个体生长率, 同时提高个体死亡率, 从而为其他物种的生存提供空间和资源, 促进物种共存。目前负密度制约假说的检验研究主要侧重密度制约、距离制约、群落补偿效应等三个方面。最近, 研究者又探讨了近缘物种之间由于对相似资源的竞争所产生的负效应, 扩展了负密度制约假说, 进而提出异群保护假说和谱系多样性制约假说。负密度制约假说引起生态学家长久的探讨和关注, 世界范围内大尺度森林动态样地的建立, 又为探索不同尺度上密度制约效应的研究提供了条件。然而目前的研究仍然存在不足, 比如负密度制约假说的检验受到其他因素的干扰、区域研究不平衡等。因此, 生态学家们仍然怀疑负密度制约效应调节群落物种共存的重要性, 但是目前的研究还没有发现否定负密度制约假说的充分证据。  相似文献   

爆发型种群铜锤草增长的密度调节   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“生态入侵”已成为国际上生态学领域关心的热点问题之一 ,尤其对引种引起的生态灾难已越来越受到人们的广泛关注。以引进种铜锤草为研究对象 ,通过实验从形态及数量动态、产量等方面考察铜锤草种群调控特点。研究表明 ,铜锤草种群的密度制约主要有以下特点 :①铜锤草单株构件具有随种群密度的增加调节自身数量和生物量的能力 ,以叶构件的数量和生物量对密度的反应最灵敏。②密度对种群数量动态的调节表现在个体和构件两个水平。铜锤草种群叶构件调节表现出各密度种群单株叶密度有如下趋势 :低密度种群 >中等密度种群 >高密度种群 ,而个体数量调节仅出现在高密种群。③密度对单株生物量和小鳞茎产量影响极显著 ;单株生物量与种群密度的关系基本符合 - 3/2幂定律 ,小鳞茎产量与种群密度也表现出近似的幂函数关系。  相似文献   

棕色田鼠种群繁殖特征及密度制约调节(英)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1992年~1994年在河南灵宝市郊黄土高源农作区春夏秋逐月捕获并解剖棕色田鼠1757只(雌性961只,雄性796只),总性比为1.2073。全年都有繁殖鼠出现,但怀孕率、胎仔数、性比、繁殖指数有明显的季节变化,年间也有一定的差异。不同年龄组的性比、怀孕率、胎仔数、繁殖指数、睾丸下降率不同。种群密度对繁殖特征有明显的调节作用。高密度年份的棕色田鼠的性比、怀孕率和繁殖指数低于低密度年份。高密度区种群的繁殖强度受到抑制,雌鼠怀孕率、睾丸下降率低于低密度种群。  相似文献   

Growth and Organogenesis in Tissue Cultures of Allium cepa var. proliferum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Callus isolated from aerial bulbs of Allium cepa var. proliferum was grown in agar and liquid cultures on a synthetic medium containing 5 × 10?6M 2,4-D. Root formation occurred in the absence of 2,4-D and was highly stimulated by 5 × 10?6M NAA. Cytokinin was not necessary for growth and organ formation but slightly stimulated the formation of leafy buds. Combinations of NAA or IAA and cytokinin stimulated growth and root formation to a greater extent than anyone of these substances added alone. Pieces of callus in liquid culture developed roots in one week in root-inducing medium, but bud or embryo formation was not observed in liquid cultures.  相似文献   

  • 1 Mortality and size variation (siphon length) in Aedes cantans larvae were examined in natural populations in northern England in 1989 and 1990.
  • 2 Under crowded conditions, density-dependent competition led to reduction in the size of both larvae and adults and increased larval mortality.
  • 3 Larvae were also maintained in cages in the field at different densities. Results paralleled those for the natural populations in the ponds; larvae maintained at high densities showed increased mortality and reduced size.
  • 4 Possible density-dependent factors leading to mortality and size reduction include cannibalism and contact inhibition leading to food shortages.
  • 5 The main density-independent factor contributing to larval mortality was habitat desiccation.

Background and Aims Empirical studies and allometric partitioning (AP) theory indicate that plant above-ground biomass (MA) scales, on average, one-to-one (isometrically) with below-ground biomass (MR) at the level of individual trees and at the level of entire forest communities. However, the ability of the AP theory to predict the biomass allocation patterns of understorey plants has not been established because most previous empirical tests have focused on canopy tree species or very large shrubs.Methods In order to test the AP theory further, 1586 understorey sub-tropical forest plants from 30 sites in south-east China were harvested and examined. The numerical values of the scaling exponents and normalization constants (i.e. slopes and y-intercepts, respectively) of log–log linear MA vs. MR relationships were determined for all individual plants, for each site, across the entire data set, and for data sorted into a total of 19 sub-sets of forest types and successional stages. Similar comparisons of MA/MR were also made.Key Results The data revealed that the mean MA/MR of understorey plants was 2·44 and 1·57 across all 1586 plants and for all communities, respectively, and MA scaled nearly isometrically with respect to MR, with scaling exponents of 1·01 for all individual plants and 0·99 for all communities. The scaling exponents did not differ significantly among different forest types or successional stages, but the normalization constants did, and were positively correlated with MA/MR and negatively correlated with scaling exponents across all 1586 plants.Conclusions The results support the AP theory’s prediction that MA scales nearly one-to-one with MR (i.e. MAMR≈1·0) and that plant biomass partitioning for individual plants and at the community level share a strikingly similar pattern, at least for the understorey plants examined in this study. Furthermore, variation in environmental conditions appears to affect the numerical values of normalization constants, but not the scaling exponents of the MA vs. MR relationship. This feature of the results suggests that plant size is the primary driver of the MA vs. MR biomass allocation pattern for understorey plants in sub-tropical forests.  相似文献   

Scarcity of long-term (over 30 years) data series represents a major challenge for an accurate estimation of the role of density-dependent processes in population regulation. We analyzed population densities of the wingless parthenogenic morphs of buckthorn aphid (BA), Aphis nasturtii Kaltenbach, potato aphid (PA), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), and green peach aphid (GPA), Myzus persicae (Sulzer) from 1949 to 2003 for signs of density-dependent regulation. We found strong evidence of density-dependent regulation, with detection of density dependence being fairly consistent among the different statistical techniques. Direct density dependence was detected for the populations of all three species. There was also evidence of delayed density dependence for PA. The periodicity of population fluctuations for BA and GPA was 6.1 years and 3.9 years, respectively. The periodicity for PA was not explicit, being highly variable throughout the time series. Effects of density-independent weather factors were relatively minor compared to density-dependent regulation. The BA populations experienced a significant reduction in both density and annual oscillations starting in 1995, while GPA populations experienced a similar reduction in 1991. No such change was apparent for PA. The most likely explanation for the observed phenomenon is a change in the composition of the lady beetle community following the establishment of two alien coccinellid species, and/or changes in insecticide use by commercial growers in the area of the study.  相似文献   

濒危植物长柄双花木自然种群生殖构件的时空动态   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据野外观测数据,研究了濒危植物长柄双花木(Disanthus cercidifolius var.longipes)在不同生境条件下自然种群开花物候变异以及生殖构件的时空动态.结果表明,不同群落类型中长柄双花木开花物候存在一定差异,在纯林中个体的平均花期最长,达75d,而个体间开花同步性最低,仅为0.717;竹林中的个体花期最短,只有47d,而同步指数最高,达0.968.生殖枝数量及花序数均随个体年龄增长而增加,在年龄为30~35年时达最高,此后又呈下降趋势;在海拔为810m左右处,个体生殖枝数及着生的花序数均达最大值,且冠层间差异明显.纯林中个体着生的生殖枝数及每生殖枝上着生的花序数均最高,分别为411.39和7.857;竹林中个体每生殖枝着生的花序数显著低于其它群落.年龄小的个体,各时期生殖构件败育率均高于年龄大的个体;另外,生殖构件的败育与海拔高度间无相关性,而与构件发育时间、分布的树冠层次以及所处的群落类型相关.影响生殖构件败育的主要因子是光照条件.  相似文献   

Our study examined the influence of elevated ozone levels on the growth and mycorrhizal colonization of two populations of Elymus glaucus L. (blue wildrye). We hypothesized that ozone would reduce carbon availability to the plants, particularly below ground, and would affect mycorrhizal colonization. Because of the wide geographic range of E. glaucus, two populations of plants were selected from areas of contrasting ozone histories to examine intraspecies variation in response to ozone. Two populations of E. glaucus (southern California versus northern California) exposed in a factorial experiment involving ozone, mycorrhizal inoculation with Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith, and plant source population. Ozone had a subtle effect on leaf area and number of tillers but did not affect overall root:shoot ratio in either population. The impact of ozone on above-ground growth characteristics was most pronounced in the southern population that came from a high-ozone environment, while below-ground responses such as reduced arbuscular colonization was most pronounced in the northern population which originated in a low-ozone environment. Further analysis of soil characteristics from the northern population of plants revealed a significant reduction in active soil bacterial biomass and an increase in total fungi per gram dry weight soil, suggesting a possible role for ozone in altering soil processes. Whether or not population differences in response to ozone were due to genetic shifts resulting from prior ozone remains to be determined. However, these subtle but important differences in population response to ozone above- and below-ground have significant implications in any attempt to generalize plant response, even within a species. Future research efforts need to include better characterization of intraspecific variation in response to ozone as well as possible adaptive strategies that may result from chronic ozone exposure.  相似文献   

陆啸飞  郭洁芸  王斌  乐旭 《生态学报》2024,44(4):1313-1323
大气氮沉降水平持续升高导致的外源氮输入增加,强烈影响了陆地生态系统的碳循环。目前,已有大量报道证实了氮沉降升高对全球陆地植被固碳的积极影响。虽然之前大部分研究将这一结果归因于光合作用增强导致的地上生物量增加,但最近的研究发现长期氮添加对植物地下根系的影响也同样重要。归纳整理了181篇公开发表的我国野外模拟氮沉降试验结果,采用整合分析(Meta-analysis)方法,定量评估了氮添加对我国陆地植被地上-地下生物量分配的影响特征和不同生态系统类型及施氮方式之间的影响差异。通过分析地上-地下生物量分配对氮添加的响应差异来探究植被碳增益对长期大气氮沉降增加的潜在响应机制。结果表明,氮添加显著增强了我国陆地植被的光合作用及碳固存,且植物碳增益在不同生态系统类型及施氮制度间有所差异。植物叶片的氮含量显著增加,使得叶片碳氮比及凋落物碳氮比显著降低,但并未显著影响细根的碳氮比。氮添加总体上显著提高了植物的净光合速率,但降低了光合利用效率。地上生物量,凋落物产量和根生物量平均分别显著增加了38%,17%和18%,总体上植物地上部分对氮添加的响应程度比地下部分更高。然而,不同生态系统类型的地上-地下生物...  相似文献   

采用大样本随机挖取单个无性系的调查和测定方法,分析了长白山区华北翦股颖无性系构件的结构及生长规律.结果表明,在籽实乳熟期,华北翦股颖无性系构件是由营养枝和生殖枝组成,其中,以生殖枝数量和生物量所占比例最大,分别为93.3%和97.1%.华北翦股颖无性系构件的关系中,生殖枝数量和生物量以及分株总数量和总生物量均随着丛径的增加呈幂函数异速生长(R2=0.661~0.712).生殖枝数量与分株总数量之间以及生殖枝生物量与分株总生物量之间均呈极显著线性正相关(R2为0.997和0.965).  相似文献   

King  John S.  Pregitzer  Kurt S.  Zak  Donald R. 《Plant and Soil》1999,217(1-2):119-130
Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) is the most widely distributed tree species in North America making it important to terrestrial carbon and nutrient cycles. Due to anthropogenic climate change high latitude temperatures are expected to increase, making it necessary to assess the feedback between above- and below-ground carbon pools to increased temperature at sites of both high and low N-availability. We grew four clones of aspen at two levels of soil temperature and two levels of soil N-availability for 98 days and quantified photosynthesis, growth, biomass allocation, and root length production and mortality. High soil temperature increased rates of photosynthesis (65%), resulting in greater whole-plant growth (37%) through increases in roots, stems, and foliage; however these increases generally occurred only in soil of high N-availability. Root:shoot biomass allocation varied between clones but was unaffected by the soil temperature or N-availability treatments. Root length production and mortality increased at elevated soil temperature, but this response was modified by soil N-availability. At high soil temperature, soil N-availability had little effect on root dynamics, while at low soil temperature, high soil N-availability increased both the production and mortality (turnover) of roots. We conclude that trembling aspen has the potential for substantially greater growth and root turnover under conditions of warmer soil at sites of both high and low N-availability, but that allometric patterns of growth are under strong genetic, rather than environmental control. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A bacterium consistently isolated from rotting onions in the field and in storage was shown by biochemical and pathogenicity tests to be Pseudomonas cepacia. In experiments to determine the mode of entry of the pathogen only injured bulbs developed a soft rot after a 10 min soak in a suspension of P. cepacia (approx. 108 cfu/ml).  相似文献   

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