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川西米亚罗亚高山云杉林种子雨和土壤种子库研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
 对川西米亚罗亚高山20、30、60年人工云杉(Picea asperata)林及天然林的种子雨和土壤种子库进行了研究。结果表明:该区云杉种子雨一般从每年的10月初开始下落,一直到翌年的1月底结束,但不同林龄的云杉种子雨强度不同,60年人工林种子雨量最大,然后依次为30年人工林、天然林、20年人工林,其大小分别为(1 088.16±52.34)粒•m-2、(973.45±63.12)粒•m-2、(579.99±28.93)粒•m-2、(66.73±5.71)粒•m-2。云杉降雨历程与其林龄大小也有一定的关系,表现在种子雨发生时间和降雨高峰期的不同。30、60年人工云杉林及天然林下土壤种子库存在显著差异,两次取样(2003年3月26日和2003年8月21日)土壤种子库大小分别为(507.2±40.32)粒•m-2和(267.6±25.14)粒•m-2、(1 065.6±88.06)粒•m-2和(872.8±77.12)粒•m-2、(472.8±20.82)粒•m-2和(185.5±22.48)粒•m-2。土壤种子库中云杉种子主要都集中在枯枝落叶层,占66%左右,0~2 cm层占24%左右,2~5 cm层占10%左右。到8月21日,土壤中所有云杉种子都失去活力,腐烂死亡和动物取食是种子库损耗的主要因素。云杉种子库属于Thompson和Grime定义的第Ⅱ类。该区云杉幼苗一般在6月初开始出现,6月中旬左右达到出苗高峰,3种云杉林下幼苗密度差异很大,60年人工林下幼苗最多,其次为30年人工林和天然林。由于生境适合度低,死亡的幼苗数量较多,特别是自然死亡数。综合种子雨、种子库和转换的幼苗数量几个方面来看,在一定龄级范围内,人工林结实能力和更新潜力随林龄增加而增加,且人工林在更新潜力方面比天然林(约150年)要好。虽然该区云杉林下有大量种子下落,但由于种子大量损耗和幼苗死亡,种子萌发为幼苗再通过环境筛作用而最终补充到云杉种群的个体数量非常有限。  相似文献   

川西亚高山森林是我国西南亚高山水源涵养林的重要组成部分.随着20世纪中叶以来农业人口的增加和森林的开发利用,受干扰强度、频度和干扰时间的影响,原始暗针叶林退化为耕地、草地、灌丛、次生阔叶林或人工林.1998年后,该区相继启动天然林保护工程和退耕还林工程.为评价工程效益,确定长江上游水源涵养林的恢复与重建模式,需要进行不同土地利用类型之间生态水文效应的对比分析.通过野外调查与室内实验,对比分析了川西亚高山林区农田、草地、退耕还林地、灌丛、次生桦木林、人工云杉林和老龄针叶林的地被物(苔藓与枯落物)和土壤持水特征,结果表明:不同土地利用与覆盖类型间地被物和土壤持水性能差异显著.随着干扰程度的增加,苔藓、枯落物蓄积量及最大持水量下降,土壤容重增加,土壤持水性能下降.苔藓最大持水量排序是老龄针叶林>人工云杉林>天然次生林>灌丛.枯落物最大持水量排序是老龄针叶林>天然次生林>人工云杉林>灌丛>草地>退耕还林地.人工云杉林与天然次生林之间、草地与退耕还林地之间苔藓和枯落物最大持水量没有显著差异.土壤0~40cm最大持水量排序是天然次生林>老龄针叶林>人工云杉林>灌丛>农田>草地>退耕还林地,其中天然次生林显著高于人工云杉林,草地与退耕还林地之间没有显著差异.对于森林恢复途径和树种的选择,需要考虑未来林分的多种生态系统服务功能.  相似文献   

2010年9月至2013年4月通过设置人工土壤种子库,研究了野生樱桃李土壤种子库的动态及啮齿动物和凋落物覆盖对种子库中种子命运的影响.结果表明: 在有取食动物扰动下,48.3%的种子萌发输出为幼苗,50%的种子被动物搬运或当场取食,4%的种子腐烂.在排除了取食动物干扰的条件下,樱桃李种子形成了短期持久的土壤种子库,3年后依然有部分种子萌发并输出为幼苗.凋落物覆盖和对照处理中,被搬运和当场取食种子的比例均显著低于清除凋落物的裸地.地表凋落物存留能减少动物搬运、取食,但不足以导致新生幼苗的大量出现,而啮齿类动物的搬运或取食是影响野生樱桃李种子命运和种子库动态的主要因素.

王俊  王卓晗  杨龙  任海 《应用生态学报》2008,19(10):2097-2102
黧蒴锥是华南用于人工造林和生态恢复的优良乡土树种.选取浇水频率和凋落物覆盖量两个控制因子,研究在不同的土壤湿度和凋落物覆盖量条件下,黧蒴锥种子萌发及幼苗存活和生长特征.结果表明: 凋落物对黧蒴锥种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响与环境的潮湿程度相关.当浇水频率为每天1次时,凋落物覆盖会抑制黧蒴锥种子萌发和幼苗早期生长,导致种子萌发率降低、幼苗死亡率提高; 在浇水频率为2 d 1次和3 d 1次时,凋落物覆盖可以改善土壤的水分状况,有助于种子萌发和幼苗存活.凋落物覆盖还可以显著地提高幼苗的生物量.在通过播种来实现亚热带灌木林地更新时,可利用凋落物覆盖促进黧蒴锥的种子萌发和幼苗存活.  相似文献   

香果树为我国Ⅱ级野生保护植物,由于原生境中香果树种群的数量迅速减少,目前已濒临灭绝,种群亟待恢复。研究了武夷山不同海拔的香果树种群种子雨、种子库及其幼苗存活现状,目的是阐明不同海拔地区的香果树种群自然更新的动态过程,寻找其更新脆弱的环节及其影响因素,为香果树自然种群的恢复提供理论依据。以分布于不同海拔高度(819、980、1 140及1 301 m)的香果树母树为中心,在其周围(东、南、西、北四个方位)布设种子雨收集框和土壤种子库样方,连续观测种子雨和种子库的动态,并对不同地表覆盖物中种子萌发及幼苗数量进行观测和记录。结果表明,武夷山香果树种群种子雨持续时间近2个月,尤其是11月底至12月中旬为种子雨高峰期;随着海拔的上升,香果树种子总密度以及虫蛀种子密度均显著降低,但千粒重以及饱满种子密度则有所增加;香果树土壤种子库为瞬时种子库,其水平分布以母树南侧和西侧种子密度较大,母树北侧种子密度最小。香果树种子的垂直分布主要集中于枯落物和苔藓层;3月时香果树土壤种子库中存留的饱满种子仅占种子散布后1.80%,而1年实生苗存活率为6.18%,土壤种子库的损耗是其种群自然更新困难的主要原因;不同地表覆盖物对香果树幼苗的存活产生显著影响,枯落物及苔藓层的幼苗死亡率显著高于土壤表面。建议清理林内枯落物及苔藓,增加林内裸露土壤的面积,减小地上草本的盖度,以减少种子霉烂、虫蛀的几率,增加香果树实生苗胚根与土壤接触的几率以及改善光照条件,促进香果树自然更新。  相似文献   

花楸树种子散布、萌发与种群天然更新的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
花楸树是我国东北林区重要的非木质资源树种,其实生天然更新不良.本文通过研究花楸树种子散布、土壤种子库及种子萌发出土过程,分析花楸树实生天然更新的影响因素.结果表明:自然散落的花楸树果实96.1%分布于母株2 m范围内,凋落物层和土壤表层(0~2 cm)的种子数占土壤种子库总数的97.0%;不同季节花楸树土壤种子库种子数量差别很大,当年11月上旬种子数量最多,达(257.7±69.2)粒·m-2;翌年7月下旬种子数量最少,仅为(2.9±2.9)粒·m-2;温度不是花楸树种子萌发出土过程的限制因子,0 ℃~5 ℃时幼苗出苗率达(67.5±6.6)%,但对其出苗速率影响显著.土壤含水量为50%时,花楸树出苗率最高,达(74.7±4.2)%;含水量为60%时,幼苗死亡率最低,为(32.6±0.6)%.花楸树种子的散布格局和土壤种子库的时空分布格局影响种子的萌发出土过程,进而影响其种群的天然更新.  相似文献   

杨欢  尹春英  唐波  郑东辉  赵春章  李丹丹  刘庆 《生态学报》2018,38(14):5017-5026
比较了川西亚高山针叶林主要树种粗枝云杉(Picea asperata)和岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)样地各土层(0—5 cm、5—10cm、10—20 cm)土壤pH值差异,并从两树种养分吸收和养分归还相关累积H~+输入方面探究其差异原因。研究结果表明:云杉样地各土层土壤pH值均显著高于冷杉样地(P0.05);云杉样地地被物累积H~+输入显著低于冷杉样地(P0.05);云杉样地凋落物中P、Mg、N、C平均浓度显著低于冷杉(P0.05),而Ca、C/N、木质素/N、C/P显著高于冷杉样地(P0.05),两树种凋落物中木质素、K平均浓度无显著差异。云杉和冷杉凋落物化学特性主成分分析PC_1、PC_2方差贡献率分别为73.7%和15.6%,累积方差贡献率为89.4%,其中PC_1主要综合Ca、C/P、C/N、木质素/N、P、N、Mg的信息;PC_2主要综合木质素、K、C的信息。各土层土壤pH值均与地被物累积H~+输入显著负相关,与PC_1样本分数显著正相关。研究结论:云杉和冷杉样地土壤pH值存在显著树种差异,且云杉使土壤pH值变大,冷杉使土壤pH值变小,这主要与地被物形成以及凋落物化学特性有关,即与凋落物的量和凋落物分解速率、凋落物养分归还率密切相关。  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰土壤种子库特征及其对幼苗的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)土壤种子库特征及其对紫茎泽兰种子的萌发、幼苗命运的影响, 在综合治理紫茎泽兰入侵危害及防止紫茎泽兰的继续扩散等方面有着重要的意义。该文在攀枝花紫茎泽兰入侵严重的地区, 通过采集果园、放牧灌丛以及禁牧灌丛3种不同生境紫茎泽兰土壤种子库的样本, 以说明不同干扰程度下紫茎泽兰种子在土壤中的分布状况。通过野外调查并结合盆栽实验, 初步研究了紫茎泽兰土壤种子库基本特征以及光照和种子在土壤中的埋藏深度等对紫茎泽兰幼苗的影响。结果表明: 1)果园、放牧灌丛和禁牧灌丛等3种干扰程度不同生境的深层种子量占总种子量的比例分别为56.44%、46.96%和24.86% (p=0.006), 这说明土壤深层种子量大小与干扰成正比, 干扰越大, 深层次紫茎泽兰种子量占总种子量的比重越大。2)播种在0、1和5 cm深度的种子萌发率分别为64.67%、22.67%和13.33%, 即种子埋藏越深, 萌发率越低, 不同层次种子萌发率差异极显著(p=0.00); 幼苗死亡率分别为27.95%、0和0, 表层种子萌发的幼苗有较高的死亡率, 而由埋藏在深层的种子萌发的幼苗没有死亡, 土壤表层发芽的幼苗与不同埋藏深度种子萌发的幼苗之间死亡率差异极显著(p=0.00)。3)在无遮蔽、半遮蔽和全遮蔽3种不同情况下, 紫茎泽兰幼苗的死亡率分别为72.15%、30.38%和4.87%, 定居率分别为6.66%、33.99%和46.67%, 即遮蔽程度越高, 死亡率越低, 定居率越高, 不同处理之间死亡率和定居率差异均极显著(p=0.00)。研究结果暗示, 强光可能是导致紫茎泽兰幼苗死亡的重要原因, 人类活动的干扰可能导致更多的紫茎泽兰种子进入土壤深层, 从而改变了紫茎泽兰土壤种子库的结构。由于土壤深层种子比表层种子具有更强的抵抗强光照射等不良环境因子影响的能力, 所萌发的幼苗成活率高, 表明其具有更高的繁殖效率, 因此人类活动干扰是紫茎泽兰入侵后难以根除的原因之一。  相似文献   

鄂东南低丘地区枫香林下枫香幼苗更新限制因子   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
深入理解幼苗更新的生态过程及其限制因子是植物种群保育和森林管理的基础。在鄂东南的低丘地区, 采用控制试验研究了限制枫香(Liquidambar formosana)幼苗在其自身林下更新的生态因子。由于枫香幼苗在马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林下偶尔更新良好, 在枫香林下几乎没有更新, 以马尾松林为对照, 设计了4个试验来检验: (1)低温和土壤湿度对枫香种子储藏过程中寿命的影响, (2)两种林型的土壤、凋落物对枫香种子越冬及存活的影响, (3)凋落物对枫香种子萌发是否具有化感作用, (4)林下的光强变化是否影响幼苗的存活。结果表明, 枫香种子在很低的温度下仍可以立即萌发, 这表明枫香种子没有休眠特性是影响枫香幼苗更新的重要因子; 土壤、凋落物和凋落物滤液对种子越冬后的存活没有影响, 不能解释“枫香林下没有枫香苗”的问题; 两种林型的主要凋落物滤液对枫香种子萌发没有抑制作用或促进作用; 一年生枫香幼苗遮阴试验的结果表明, 3%透光率下幼苗的死亡率接近90%。因此枫香林下弱的光环境和种子的低温萌发特性是影响枫香幼苗更新的重要因子。  相似文献   

补充限制基于生态位理论, 从种子萌发、幼苗存活和生长、繁殖体扩散等生活史阶段的种群统计特征及环境因素(土壤水分、养分、凋落物等)着手, 探讨种群的更新问题。种源限制和微生境限制是补充限制理论研究的核心内容, 但是哪个更为重要并没有统一的结论。种源限制与种子生产、土壤种子库和地下芽库中的繁殖体数量不足有关。其中, 气候的年际波动、土壤种子库寿命和动物的捕食都会影响种子生产在种群更新中的作用; 土壤种子库常被视为种群更新的保险库, 与地上种子雨共同促进种群更新, 但是, 如果土壤里种子具有较高的死亡率和休眠率, 将会降低种子库的作用; 地下芽库及其产生的无性分株对于种群更新的意义更多地体现在干扰后种群更强的恢复能力上。扩散限制是种群更新中的普遍现象, 与种子产量、散布能力、传播媒介、幼苗密度等因素有关。微生境限制主要表现为水分、养分、凋落物等非生物因素以及竞争、捕食等生物因素对种子的活力、萌发性、幼苗的存活力、物质分配等过程的影响, 其重要性随着植物生活史阶段而发生变化。未来需要进行综合的、长期的实验, 并应着重加强种源限制及相关生态过程的进化与生态相结合的机理性研究, 从而更深刻地认识和理解种群更新问题, 建立更为综合、系统的种群更新理论体系。  相似文献   

Seed dispersal often limits tropical forest regeneration and animals disperse most rainforest tree seeds. This presents two important questions for restoration ecologists: (1) which animals are common seed dispersers? and (2) which restoration techniques attract them? Fourteen restoration sites were planted with four tree species in three designs, (1) controls (no planting, natural regeneration) (2) islands (trees planted in small patches), and (3) plantations (trees planted continuously over a large patch). We sampled birds in November, February, and April 2007–2008 with mist nets, in February and July 2009 with observations, and in July 2008 with both techniques. We documented 30 seed species from fecal samples of captured birds. All identified seed species were early‐successional forms. Four tanager species, three thrushes, two saltators, two flycatchers, and one finch were categorized as common seed dispersers, based on their high likelihood of dispersing seeds. Common dispersers were generalist species with small gape widths (<15 mm). Common dispersers were captured significantly more often in plantations than controls in most seasons and more often in plantations than islands during one season. Common disperser observations were significantly greater in plantations than controls during two periods and in plantations compared with islands in one period. Results indicate that plantation‐style planting is the conservative strategy to maximize attractiveness to common dispersers in tropical restoration sites. Island planting is an alternative when resources are limited although disperser activity may be lower in some seasons than in plantations. Additional research should investigate how to attract large, forest‐associated dispersers.  相似文献   

Plantations of native‐tree species are often recommended for ecological restoration, but the understanding of how these techniques catalyze natural ecological processes is limited. We investigated natural regeneration in five plantations of native trees in the Poço das Antas Biological Reserve (PABR) in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The plantations were 9–11 years old, and contained 8–14 native‐tree species with different compositions and relative density of species. We analyzed floristic composition, structure (density and basal area) of overstory and understory strata, as well as other ecological attributes (dispersal syndromes, fruit or seed size, and the availability of fruit for frugivores). Zoochorous species comprised 77% of the community, with a prevalence of the two smallest size classes of propagules (< 0.6 and 0.6–1.6 cm) in natural regeneration. The density of zoochorous plants in the understory was positively correlated with their density in the overstory, indicating their influence on natural regeneration (r2 = 0.36; p < 0.0002). Fruit availability for frugivores (density and richness of plants fruiting during the year) was also positively correlated with the density of stems in the understory. Therefore, attributes such as dispersal syndrome and fruiting season should be considered in selecting species to be planted. The differences in natural regeneration observed in each of the native‐tree plantations indicated that the performance of plantations as a restoration strategy may differ, depending on initial species composition, planting density, and site conditions.  相似文献   

H.-J. Yin  H. He 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):314-322

Dragon spruce (Picea asperata Mast.) is widely planted on clear-cuts from natural subalpine coniferous forests in western Sichuan. To assess the natural regeneration potential of this species in spruce plantations of different ages, field studies on the seed rain, seed bank, and seedling recruitment were conducted in 20-year, 30-year, and 60-year plantations, and in a retained natural forest ca. 150 years old for comparison. Moreover, a series of temperature and light regimes were also designed in March 2003 to test germination/dormancy responses of the P. asperata seeds to different conditions. In the plantations considered, both the densities of seed rain and soil seed bank increased with increasing stand age, whereas they were both low beneath the natural forest partially due to low adult density of P. asperata adult trees. P. asperata has a transient seed bank, and ca. 60% of seeds were found in the litter layer. Seed decay and seed predation were the two most important factors affecting soil seed bank dynamics, which caused a number of seed losses from the soil. Only a small fraction germinated and produced seedlings, and the indices of the losses from the seed bank via germination in the 30-year plantation, 60-year plantation and natural forest were 4.75, 5.10, and 2.80%, respectively. High seedling mortality was observed after seedling emergence, and most of the germinated seedlings died out within one growing season. The P. asperata seeds showed a high percent germination and no significant differences under most light and temperature regimes except for full sunlight or temperature below 5°C. In conclusion, despite a substantial number of seed produced, the high depletion of soil seed, the low seedling output, and high seedling mortality may obscure the natural regeneration potential of this tree species.  相似文献   

The soil seed bank can be an important source for vegetation regeneration, and data on the similarity between aboveground vegetation and the seed bank can provide information about successional pathways after disturbances or land-use change. We conducted this study in natural grasslands in the subtropical highland region in southern Brazil. We evaluated the effect of silviculture on richness, density, and composition of the seed bank at former grassland sites converted to pine plantations 25 years ago. We worked at six grassland sites and three pine plantation sites and used the seedling emergence method. Seed bank density and richness in grasslands were lower than those reported in similar environments in other regions. Species richness and density varied considerably within each vegetation type; therefore, richness and density were not statistically significant, while composition varied among vegetation types. In terms of species, the pine plantation seed bank was a small subset of the grassland seed bank. Seeds of typical grassland species were missing in the pine plantation, but also had only low abundances in the grassland, and similarity of seed bank and vegetation were low (less than 20%). The low seed density found in this study, including in grasslands areas, indicates that regeneration of species from the soil seed bank likely is of a limited role for the maintenance of plant populations after disturbances in this system. Our data further suggest that natural regeneration after tree planting in grasslands is reduced due to seed limitation.  相似文献   

The 1929 eruption of Mount Koma (1140 m in altitude) completely deforested the vegetation on the summit area of the volcano. An alien species of larch, Larix kaempferi (=L. leptolepis) was planted on the lower slopes of the volcano between 1953 and 1963, but since then has become abundant on the summit. To determine the regeneration patterns of the larch, we measured stem densities on aerial photographs taken in 1963, 1973 and 1994, and in the field during 1996. Larix kaempferi stems with crown diameters > 2 m were mapped on aerial photographs divided into 1083 100 m×100 m grids. Stem densities on the summit increased from 0.8/ha in 1963, to 14.1/ha in 1994. Willows and birches also established there but did not grow as large as the larch. All these species are wind dispersed, and larch densities were higher in areas closer to the plantations, suggesting that wind intensity and direction determined seed migration. Four environmental factors—slope gradient, direction, elevation, and distance from the plantations in each grid—were correlated with larch stem densities. Multiple regression showed that establishment patterns of L. kaempferi in the early stages were mainly related to distance from seed source (the plantations). Later, geographical disturbances and/or physiological stresses became more important. Density effects on tree invasion have been weak until now. We concluded that revegetation primarily depends on the chance of seed immigration, and that the larches may be an earlier successional species than any other native tree species.  相似文献   

We have studied the natural regeneration of spruce (Picea abies L.) under a canopy of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on loamy soils. Spruce survival and growth depend on the duration of the regeneration period from the creation of the plantation and the local conditions formed as a result of uneven thinning of pine and spruce canopy. The formation of spruce population is mainly determined by trees that regenerated upon intensive thinning of 20- to 40-year-old pine trees. Spruce regeneration may be enhanced by timely cleaning cutting in pine plantations. The first one, done at the age of 15–20 years, favors pine growth and spruce regeneration. At the normal reproduction of spruce population under the canopy of 80-year-old pine plantations, the second spruce layer is formed. Trunk reserve in this layer is 20–25% of the reserves of the first layer. After its formation, the light regime in the forest depends greatly on the space volume occupied by spruce crowns. Their percentage is especially high at the relative height equal to 0.4–0.7 of the mean spruce height in the second layer. Smaller spruce trees may exist for a long time period, but their development is slowed down and they die at the undergrowth stage. When the plantation is 150 years old, the reserves of spruce trees regenerated under the canopy of pine comprise one-third of the total reserves of the plantation. If the growing conditions are favorable for spruce (C3), the stability and productivity of pine-spruce plantations exceed those of the pure spruce plantations. The reasonability of natural spruce regeneration for the creation of pine-spruce plantations under C3 conditions should be substantiated with the consideration of their designation, ages of cuttings, and the possibility of plantation creation and sanitary cuttings according to the valid regulations.  相似文献   

1 Larval performance of Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was compared when insects were reared in white spruce, black spruce and Jack pine seed orchards. For each species, half of the insects developed in the presence of cones, while the other half was maintained on branches without cones. 2 Significantly faster development rates were observed on spruce species when compared to Jack pine. Significant differences in survival were also recorded between the different feeding treatments. 3 The presence of seed cones on spruce species significantly increased insect mean weight compared with branches without cones, but no significant differences were noticed between the different tree species with cones. 4 White spruce is the most suitable host tree for fir coneworm feeding and the availability of seed cones plays an important role in determining D. abietivorella larval performance.  相似文献   

杉木人工林种子雨组成和季节动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杉木人工林已成为亚热带森林的重要组成部分,它具有可持续的自然更新能力,是决定杉木林群落演替方向和维持杉木林大面积存在的基础.本文以杉阔混交林和杉木纯林为研究对象,分析其种子雨的物种组成、数量大小和季节动态,以及林分优势物种种子雨数量特征和季节变化,揭示种源条件是否是制约杉木人工林天然更新的主要因素.结果表明:杉阔混交林和杉木纯林分别收集到13科18属21种和12科16属19种的种子.混交林和纯林的所有物种种子雨强度分别为3797和3300粒·m-2.乔木物种种子数量在种子雨中占绝对优势,混交林占89.1%,纯林占86.2%,其中杉木种子数量最多,其完整种子雨强度分别为825和345粒·m-2.两林分种子雨各类型种子所占比例均为完整种子>干瘪或腐烂种子>被取食种子.两林分种子雨均具有明显的季节动态,均在秋季到达高峰,且在落种高峰期种子雨以完整种子为主.无论是杉阔混交林还是杉木纯林都有充足的种源,种源(种子雨)条件不是制约杉木林天然更新的主要因素.  相似文献   

Lack of seed dispersal can be an important obstacle to natural regeneration (NR) of degraded pastures in the humid tropics. Tree plantations can facilitate secondary forest succession by attracting seed dispersal agents from nearby forests. We studied seed rain and seed dispersal agents in 12–13 years old pure and mixed native tree plantations at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica from July to December 2004. Plantations of Balizia elegans (5,522), Dipteryx panamensis (2,263), and Jacaranda copaia (2,091) had the greatest total seed abundance; treatments with the least total seed abundance were Calophyllum brasiliense (56), nonplanted abandoned pasture control 2 (353), Mixed Species 2 (389), and control 1 (836). Plantations of J. copaia and Hyeronima alchorneoides had the greatest seed species richness density, whereas the lowest seed species richness was found in the control treatments. The NR plots had more seeds dispersed by wind, whereas in the plantations, the most important dispersal agents were birds and mammals. The most abundant seeds were those of Miconia spp. (14,492), Psychotria bracheata (2,252), and the Poaceae family (1,346), all species from early successional stages. Plantations of native species are effective in attracting seed dispersal agents and thus facilitating regeneration of degraded pasturelands in the region.  相似文献   

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