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Reactive intermediates derived from nitric oxide ((*)NO) are thought to play a contributing role in disease states associated with inflammation and infection. We show here that glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), principal enzymes responsible for detoxification of endogenous and exogenous electrophiles, are susceptible to inactivation by reactive nitrogen species (RNS). Treatment of isolated GSTs or rat liver homogenates with either peroxynitrite, the myeloperoxidase/hydrogen peroxide/nitrite system, or tetranitromethane, resulted in loss of GST activity with a concomitant increase in the formation of protein-associated 3-nitrotyrosine (NO(2)Tyr). This inactivation was only partially (<25%) reversible by dithiothreitol, and exposure of GSTs to hydrogen peroxide or S-nitrosoglutathione was only partially inhibitory (<25%) and did not result in protein nitration. Thus, irreversible modifications such as tyrosine nitration may have contributed to GST inactivation by RNS. Since all GSTs contain a critical, highly conserved, active-site tyrosine residue, we postulated that this Tyr residue might present a primary target for nitration by RNS, thus leading to enzyme inactivation. To directly investigate this possibility, we analyzed purified mouse liver GST-mu, following nitration by several RNS, by trypsin digestion, HPLC separation, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight analysis, to determine the degree of tyrosine nitration of individual Tyr residues. Indeed, nitration was found to occur preferentially on several tyrosine residues located in and around the GST active site. However, RNS concentrations that resulted in near complete GST inactivation only caused up to 25% nitration of even preferentially targeted tyrosine residues. Hence, nitration of active-site tyrosine residues may contribute to GST inactivation by RNS, but is unlikely to fully account for enzyme inactivation. Overall, our studies illustrate a potential mechanism by which RNS may promote (oxidative) injury by environmental pollutants in association with inflammation.  相似文献   

Nitrite is reduced to nitric oxide (NO) in the oral cavity. The NO generated can react with molecular oxygen producing reactive nitrogen species. In this study, reduction of nitrite to NO was observed in bacterial fractions of saliva and whole saliva. Formation of reactive nitrogen species from NO was detected by measuring the transformation of 4,5-diaminofluorescein (DAF-2) to triazolfluorescein (DAF-2T). The transformation was fast in bacterial fractions but slow in whole saliva. Salivary components such as ascorbate, glutathione, uric acid and thiocyanate inhibited the transformation of DAF-2 to DAF-2T in bacterial fractions without affecting nitrite-dependent NO production. The inhibition was deduced to be due to scavenging of reactive nitrogen species, which were formed from NO, by the above reagents. The transformation of DAF-2 to DAF-2T was faster in bacterial fractions and whole saliva which were prepared 1-4 h after tooth brushing than those prepared immediately after toothbrushing. Increase in the rate as a function of time after toothbrushing seemed to be due to the increase in population of bacteria which could reduce nitrite to NO. The results obtained in this study suggest that reactive nitrogen species derived from NO are continuously formed in the oral cavity and that the reactive nitrogen species are effectively scavenged by salivary redox components in saliva but the scavenging is not complete.  相似文献   

Nitrite is reduced to nitric oxide (NO) in the oral cavity. The NO generated can react with molecular oxygen producing reactive nitrogen species. In this study, reduction of nitrite to NO was observed in bacterial fractions of saliva and whole saliva. Formation of reactive nitrogen species from NO was detected by measuring the transformation of 4,5-diaminofluorescein (DAF-2) to triazolfluorescein (DAF-2T). The transformation was fast in bacterial fractions but slow in whole saliva. Salivary components such as ascorbate, glutathione, uric acid and thiocyanate inhibited the transformation of DAF-2 to DAF-2T in bacterial fractions without affecting nitrite-dependent NO production. The inhibition was deduced to be due to scavenging of reactive nitrogen species, which were formed from NO, by the above reagents. The transformation of DAF-2 to DAF-2T was faster in bacterial fractions and whole saliva which were prepared 1–4?h after tooth brushing than those prepared immediately after toothbrushing. Increase in the rate as a function of time after toothbrushing seemed to be due to the increase in population of bacteria which could reduce nitrite to NO. The results obtained in this study suggest that reactive nitrogen species derived from NO are continuously formed in the oral cavity and that the reactive nitrogen species are effectively scavenged by salivary redox components in saliva but the scavenging is not complete.  相似文献   

Paraquat (PQ(2+)) is a prototypic toxin known to exert injurious effects through oxidative stress and bears a structural similarity to the Parkinson disease toxicant, 1-methyl-4-pheynlpyridinium. The cellular sources of PQ(2+)-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, specifically in neuronal tissue, remain to be identified. The goal of this study was to determine the involvement of brain mitochondria in PQ(2+)-induced ROS production. Highly purified rat brain mitochondria were obtained using a Percoll density gradient method. PQ(2+)-induced hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) production was measured by fluorometric and polarographic methods. The production of H(2)O(2) was evaluated in the presence of inhibitors and modulators of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The results presented here suggest that in the rat brain, (a) mitochondria are a principal cellular site of PQ(2+)-induced H(2)O(2) production, (b) PQ(2+)-induced H(2)O(2) production requires the presence of respiratory substrates, (c) complex III of the electron transport chain is centrally involved in H(2)O(2) production by PQ(2+), and (d) the mechanism by which PQ(2+) generates H(2)O(2) depends on the mitochondrial inner transmembrane potential. These observations were further confirmed by measuring PQ(2+)-induced H(2)O(2) production in primary neuronal cells derived from the midbrain. These findings shed light on the mechanism through which mitochondria may contribute to ROS production by other environmental and endogenous redox cycling agents implicated in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) generation by soybean (Glycine max var. ADM 4800) chloroplasts was studied as an endogenous product assessed by the electron paramagnetic resonance spin-trapping technique. Nitrite and l-arginine (Arg) are substrates for enzymatic activities considered to be the possible sources of NO in plants. Soybean chloroplasts showed a NO production of 3.2 +/- 0.2 nmol min(-1) mg(-1) protein in the presence of 1 mm NaNO(2). Inhibition of photosynthetic electron flow by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea resulted in a lower rate (1.21 +/- 0.04 nmol min(-1) mg(-1) protein) of NO generation. Chloroplasts incubated with 1 mm Arg showed NO production of 0.76 +/- 0.04 nmol min(-1) mg(-1) protein that was not affected either by omission of Ca(2+) or by supplementation with Ca(2+) and calmodulin to the incubation medium. This production was inhibited when chloroplasts were incubated in the presence of NO synthase inhibitors N(omega)-nitro-l-Arg methyl ester hydrochloride and N(omega)-nitro-l-Arg. In vitro exposure of chloroplasts to an NO donor (250 mum S-nitrosoglutathione) decreased lipid radical content in membranes by 29%; however, incubation in the presence of 25 mum peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)) led to an increase in lipid-derived radicals (34%). The effect of ONOO(-) on protein oxidation was determined by western blotting, showing an increase in carbonyl content either in stroma or thylakoid proteins as compared to controls. Moreover, ONOO(-) treatment significantly affected both O(2) evolution and chlorophyll fluorescence in thylakoids. Data reported here suggest that NO is an endogenous metabolite in soybean chloroplasts and that reactive nitrogen species could exert either antioxidant or prooxidant effects on chloroplast macromolecules.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are single membrane-bounded subcellular organelles with an essentially oxidative type of metabolism and are probably the major sites of intracellular H2O2 production. These organelles also generate superoxide radicals () and besides catalase they have a complex battery of antioxidative enzymes. In recent years the existence of l-arginine-dependent nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity and the generation of the reactive nitrogen species (RNS) nitric oxide (NO) have been demonstrated in plant peroxisomes. The inter-cellular and intracellular NO carrier S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) can be generated inside peroxisomes and the presence of this RNS has been demonstrated in peroxisomes from several plant species. This review analyzes the available evidence concerning the properties of the NOS activity and the generation of the RNS messengers NO and GSNO in peroxisomes in the context of the cellular function of these organelles as a source of RNS signaling molecules. The important physiological functions displayed by NO and other RNS in intra- and inter-cellular communication in different organisms indicate that more attention should be payed to the RNS signaling function of peroxisomes in human, animal and fungal cells, where it is very likely that similar mechanisms to those found in plant peroxisomes are also operative.  相似文献   


Bilirubin is the final product of heme metabolism. Until recently, bilirubin was considered as a mere by-product of heme degradation but, in the last 20 years, many papers have appeared in the literature demonstrating that this bile pigment is endowed with a strong antioxidant activity, being able to counteract the cellular damage elicited by reactive oxygen species in many in vitro and in vivo experimental systems. Interestingly, compelling evidence has shown that BR can serve as an endogenous scavenger of both nitric oxide and reactive nitrogen species, thus widening the protective role of bilirubin to other reactive species originating within the cellular milieu. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the interaction between bilirubin and nitric oxide/reactive nitrogen species; furthermore, the possible pathophysiological and clinical relevance of this interaction will be discussed.  相似文献   

Bilirubin is the final product of heme metabolism. Until recently, bilirubin was considered as a mere by-product of heme degradation but, in the last 20 years, many papers have appeared in the literature demonstrating that this bile pigment is endowed with a strong antioxidant activity, being able to counteract the cellular damage elicited by reactive oxygen species in many in vitro and in vivo experimental systems. Interestingly, compelling evidence has shown that BR can serve as an endogenous scavenger of both nitric oxide and reactive nitrogen species, thus widening the protective role of bilirubin to other reactive species originating within the cellular milieu. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the interaction between bilirubin and nitric oxide/reactive nitrogen species; furthermore, the possible pathophysiological and clinical relevance of this interaction will be discussed.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as an important signaling molecule in plants, but little is known about the effects of reactive nitrogen species in plant mitochondria. In this study, the effects of DETA‐NONOate, a pure NO slow generator, and of SIN‐1 (3‐morpholinosydnonimine), a peroxynitrite producer, on the activities of respiratory pathways, enzymatic and non‐enzymatic antioxidants have been investigated in isolated mitochondria from pea leaves. No significant changes in lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation or in ascorbate and glutathione redox state were observed after DETA‐NONOate treatments whereas cytochrome pathway (CP) respiration was reversibly inhibited and alternative pathway (AP) respiration showed little inhibition. On the other hand, NO did not affect neither activities of Mn superoxide dismutase (Mn‐SOD) nor enzymes involved in the ascorbate and glutathione regeneration in mitochondria except for ascorbate peroxidase (APX), which was reversely inhibited depending on ascorbate concentration. Finally, SIN‐1 treatment of mitochondria produced a decrease in CP respiration, an increase in protein oxidation and strongly inhibited APX activity (90%), with glutathione reductase and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) being moderately inhibited (30 and 20%, respectively). This treatment did not affect monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) and Mn‐SOD activities. Results showed that mitochondrial nitrosative stress was not necessarily accompanied by oxidative stress. We suggest that NO‐resistant AP and mitochondrial APX may be important components of the H2O2‐signaling pathways under nitrosative stress induced by NO in this organelle. Also, MDHAR and DHAR, via ascorbate regeneration, could constitute an essential antioxidant defense together with Mn‐SOD, against NO and ONOO? stress in plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

The important role of plant peroxisomes in a variety of metabolic reactions such as photorespiration, fatty acid beta-oxidation, the glyoxylate cycle and generation-degradation of hydrogen peroxide is well known. In recent years, the presence of a novel group of enzymes, mainly involved in the metabolism of oxygen free-radicals, has been shown in peroxisomes. In addition to hydrogen peroxide, peroxisomes can generate superoxide-radicals and nitric oxide, which are known cellular messengers with a variety of physiological roles in intra- and inter-cellular communication. Nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide can permeate the peroxisomal membrane and superoxide radicals can be produced on the cytosolic side of the membrane. The signal molecule-generating capacity of peroxisomes can have important implications for cellular metabolism in plants, particularly under biotic and abiotic stress.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. However, the involvement of NO and RNS in atopic dermatitis (AD), a pruritic inflammatory skin diseases, is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the contribution of NO and RNS to the development of AD-like skin lesions in NC/Nga mice, an animal model for human AD. AD-like skin lesions were observed in NC/Nga mice kept under conventional conditions but not in specific pathogen-free conditions. The expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) and endothelial NOS (eNOS) proteins was upregulated in the dermal lesions, and that of neuronal NOS (nNOS) was downregulated in the epidermal lesions of the skin. Although the concentrations of NO2(-) and NO3(-) were lower, protein-bound nitrotyrosine content was significantly increased in the skin lesions. Immunohistochemical localization of nitrotyrosine was observed in almost all eosinophils. These results suggest that RNS formation in eosinophils and imbalance of NO metabolism are involved in the pathogenesis of AD-like skin lesions in NC/Nga mice.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has diverse biological functions. Numerous studies have documented NO’s biosynthetic pathway in a wide variety of organisms. Little is known, however, about NO production in intraerythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum. Using diaminorhodamine-4-methyl acetoxymethylester (DAR-4M AM), a fluorescent indicator, we obtained direct evidence of NO and NO-derived reactive nitrogen species (RNS) production in intraerythrocytic P. falciparum parasites, as well as in isolated food vacuoles from trophozoite stage parasites. We preliminarily identified two gene sequences that might be implicated in NO synthesis in intraerythrocytic P. falciparum. We showed localization of the protein product of one of these two genes, a molecule that is structurally similar to a plant nitrate reductase, in trophozoite food vacuole membranes. We confirmed previous reports on the antiproliferative effect of NOS (nitric oxide synthase) inhibitors in P. falciparum cultures; however, we did not obtain evidence that NOS inhibitors had the ability to inhibit RNS production or that there is an active NOS in mature forms of the parasite. We concluded that a nitrate reductase activity produce NO and NO-derived RNS in or around the food vacuole in P. falciparum parasites. The food vacuole is a critical parasitic compartment involved in hemoglobin degradation, heme detoxification and a target for antimalarial drug action. Characterization of this relatively unexplored synthetic activity could provide important clues into poorly understood metabolic processes of the malaria parasite.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO*) is a diatomic free radical which has recently been found to have a key role in both normal physiological processes and disease states. The presence of NO in biological systems leads to the formation of reactive nitrogen species (RNS) such as peroxynitrite which reacts avidly with tyrosine residues in proteins to form nitrotyrosine (NTYR). Since peroxynitrite has a very short half-life at neutral pH, the presence of NTYR has been used as a marker of RNS production in various tissues. A number of methods for separation, detection, and quantitation of NTYR in biological samples have been developed. These methods include immunochemical techniques such as immunhistochemistry, ELISA, and Western blotting, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in combination with various detection systems including UV and electrochemical detection (ECD), gas chromatography (GC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and electrospray mass spectrometry. In terms of sensitivity and specificity, it would appear that methods based on combinations of HPLC and various types of ECD are very versatile giving a limit of detection of 20 fmol per injection of protein hydrolysate. They are only limited by the sample quantity and the preparation that is required to achieve acceptable chromatograms. In addition to the detection of NTYR as a marker of RNS, its role in biological systems may be more subtle with nitration of key tyrosine residues likely to profoundly affect cellular function such as signaling cascades. Further advances are likely to be made in the localization of NTYR residues in peptide fragments using mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution immuno-electron microscopy the steady-state subcellular distribution of tyrosine-nitrated proteins in different cells and tissues was evaluated. In quiescent eosinophils and neutrophils in the bone marrow intracellular nitrated proteins were mainly restricted to the peroxidase-containing secretory granules. The inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) was expressed in the same granules. Proteins nitrated on tyrosine residues were also abundant in the cytosol of circulating erythrocytes. In the vasculature, nitrated proteins were mainly located in mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum of the endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells. Endogenous nitrated proteins were also found in chondrocytes in cartilage, where it was typically associated with the cytoplasmic interface of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Nitrated proteins were also prominent in the peroxisomes of liver hepatocytes and of secretory cells in the lacrimal gland. Challenge of mouse dendritic cells with lipopolysaccharide induced iNOS protein expression in cytosol and peroxisomes and was associated with an increased 3-nitrotyrosine formation in cytosol, mitochondria, and peroxisomes. These data indicate that nitric oxide-dependent protein tyrosine nitration is a physiologically relevant process localized within specific subcellular compartments in close proximity to iNOS and to enzymes capable of peroxidative chemistry and reactive oxygen species production.  相似文献   

Ingested Vibrio cholerae pass through the stomach and colonize the small intestines of its host. Here, we show that V. cholerae requires at least two types of DNA repair systems to efficiently compete for colonization of the infant mouse intestine. These results show that V. cholerae experiences increased DNA damage in the murine gastrointestinal tract. Agreeing with this, we show that passage through the murine gut increases the mutation frequency of V. cholerae compared to liquid culture passage. Our genetic analysis identifies known and novel defense enzymes required for detoxifying reactive nitrogen species (but not reactive oxygen species) that are also required for V. cholerae to efficiently colonize the infant mouse intestine, pointing to reactive nitrogen species as the potential cause of DNA damage. We demonstrate that potential reactive nitrogen species deleterious for V. cholerae are not generated by host inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity and instead may be derived from acidified nitrite in the stomach. Agreeing with this hypothesis, we show that strains deficient in DNA repair or reactive nitrogen species defense that are defective in intestinal colonization have decreased growth or increased mutation frequency in acidified nitrite containing media. Moreover, we demonstrate that neutralizing stomach acid rescues the colonization defect of the DNA repair and reactive nitrogen species defense defective mutants suggesting a common defense pathway for these mutants.  相似文献   

The hypothesis, as stated in the title, has arisen from the failure of simpler notions to explain a series of otherwise difficult to understand observations and the mounting evidence, in a broader sense, that inflammatory processes in the CNS are important etiologically in neurodegenerative diseases. Novel aspects include the primacy of inflammatory processes, within the CNS, which leads to increased formation of "proinflammatory" cytokines that lead to increased formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and mediation of the upregulation of genes that produce toxic products such as reactive nitrogen species (RNS). Here I utilize important background reports and synthesize ideas to help account for the noted increases in ROS and RNS and their biological reaction products in neurodegenerative diseases. The uniqueness of the CNS inflammatory processes include minimal damping of amplification processes, such as proinflammatory cytokine-mediated cascades, combined with unique genetic defects, that act in combination with other risk factors to repeatedly "spark" the inflammatory cascades to account for some of the major differences in neurodegenerative diseases. This hypothesis can be experimentally examined by development of definitive methods to quantitate unique products that are formed by processes predicted to occur under neurodegenerative conditions.  相似文献   

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