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Aptorchis glandularis n. sp. is described from the intestine of the northwestern red-faced turtle, Emydura australis (Pleurodira: Chelidae), in the Kimberley, Western Australia. This digenean is morphologically most similar to Aptorchis aequalis but can be differentiated readily from the latter species by the presence of ventral glands arranged in 3 rows. This feature is unique among plagiorhioidean digeneans and resembles the glands observed in some monostome digeneans in Notocotylidae and Microscaphidiidae. Comparison of approximately 2,600 bases of ribosomal DNA (partial 18S, complete ITS1+5.8S+ITS2, partial 28S), obtained from all 5 known Aptorchis species, strongly supports the status of Aptorchis glandularis n. sp. as a new species. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequence data demonstrates 2 strongly supported clades (A. pearsoni + A. megacetabulus) and (A. aequalis + A. glandularis n. sp.), with A. megapharynx representing a separate lineage. This is the first report of an endoparasite from Emydura australis.  相似文献   

Auriculotrema lechneri n. gen., n. sp. is described from the small intestine of Emydura krefftii and Elseya latisternum from northern Queensland, Australia. The new species strongly resembles species of Choanocotyle in body shape, ventral incision of the oral sucker, structure of the cirrus sac, and location of the genital pore. The distinctive taxonomic feature is the presence of 2 winglike projections extending beyond the lateral margins of the oral sucker, in contrast to the extremely large, expanded oral sucker diagnostic of Choanocotyle spp. Auriculotrema n. gen. is the second genus included in the formerly monotypic Choanocotylidae Jue Sue and Platt, 1998.  相似文献   

The helminth fauna of 76 Emydura macquarii from 3 river systems in central and northern Queensland was examined. Eleven species were found, including 2 nematodes, 6 trematodes, 1 aspidogastrean, 1 cestode, and 1 monogenean. Analysis of helminth diversity showed that the Fitzroy and Ross River turtles had communities of comparable diversity, but the helminth communities in Proserpine River turtles were much less diverse. The helminth communities in all localities were dominated by trematodes. Polystomoides australiensis was the most prevalent, being found in 60% of the Ross River turtles, 57% of the Fitzroy River turtles, and 46% of the Proserpine River turtles. Notopronocephalus peekayi was the most abundant species, with mean abundances of 5.9 in the Ross River turtles and 9.8 in the Fitzroy River turtles. Species richness, Simpson's Reciprocal Index, was highest, 4.68, for the Ross River helminth community, Sorensen's Qualitative Index showed 95% similarity between the Ross River and Fitzroy River communities, although Sorensen's Quantitative Index indicated only 35% similarity between the 2 sites. Host feeding patterns are likely the most important factor affecting species richness of the helminth infracommunities, as the majority of helminth species are transmitted by food-web interactions involving intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

Buckarootrema goodmani n. g., n. sp. is described from the small intestine of the Murray turtle, Emydura macquarii (Gray, 1830), from the vicinity of Warwick, Queensland, Australia. The distinctive taxonomic features include the vitellarium, which consists of 2 compact masses directly anterior to and occasionally overlapping the testes; the uterus with extensive pre- and postovarian coils; intestinal ceca with small, medial diverticula that terminate anterior to or at the anterior margin of the testes; a comma-shaped cirrus sac with both internal and external seminal vesicles. Phylogenetic systematic analysis of the genera of the Pronocephalidae including Buckarootrema and Notopronocephalus, the only other genus of pronocephalids reported from Australian freshwater turtles, indicates that Buckarootrema is the sister taxon of Neopronocephalus and Notopronocephalus is the sister group of the rest of the Pronocephalinae.  相似文献   

Neosychnocotyle maggiae, n. gen., n. sp., (Aspidogastrea) is described from the pig-nosed turtle, Carettochelys insculpta, and reported from the Victoria River red-faced turtle, Emydura victoriae, all from the Daly River, Northern Territory, Australia. Neosychnocotyle n. gen. is differentiated from all aspidogastrean genera but one by the absence of a cirrus sac. The similar Sychnocotyle also lacks a cirrus sac, but Neosychnocotyle n. gen. differs from the former genus by possessing a narrow, tapered anterior end, a ventral disk that covers the posterior end of the body, a genital pore that is displaced anteriorly, and a vas deferens that is less convoluted and less robust. Analysis of ribosomal DNA sequences demonstrates substantial sequence variability between representatives of Sychnocotyle and Neosychnocotyle maggiae, n. gen., n. sp. It is possible that this new parasite may reach sexual maturity only in C. insculpta. This is only the second aspidogastrean species reported from Australian freshwater turtles.  相似文献   

Sychnocotyle kholo n. g., n. sp. (Aspidogastrea: Aspidogastridae) is described from the small intestine of the freshwater turtle Emydura macquarii (Pleurodira: Chelidae). The new genus is distinguished from other aspidogastrids by the possession of the following suite of characters: no cirrus-sac; no hermaphroditic duct; four rows of alveoli on the ventral disc but no prominent papillae; Laurer's canal opening to the exterior. Eggs hatched to cotylocidia within 37–41 days at 17–24 °C. The life-cycle is obligate two-host, involving a mollusc and a freshwater turtle. Juvenile forms, almost entirely single worm infections, were found in the molluscs Corbiculina sp. (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae) and Thiara balonnensis (Prosobranchia: Thiaridae). Sychnocotyle is most likely to have evolved in Australia after the separation of Gondwanaland from Laurasia 120–100 mya.  相似文献   

Choanocotyle hobbsi n. sp. and Choanocotyle juesuei n. sp. are described from the small intestine of the oblong turtle Chelodina oblonga from the vicinity of Perth, Western Australia. These are the third and fourth species referred to Choanocotyle. Choanocotyle hobbsi is most similar to Choanocotyle nematoides but differs in the size and shape of the oral sucker and the absence of a median loop in the cirrus sac. Choanocotyle juesuei is most similar to Choanocotyle elegans but differs in the size of the oral sucker and other morphometric criteria. Comparative analysis of the sequences of different nuclear ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid regions of C. nematoides and C. hobbsi has confirmed that they are closely related but distinct species.  相似文献   

Acanthostomum macroclemidis n. sp. is described from specimens found in the intestine of an alligator snapping turtle Macroclemys temmincki from southern Mississippi. The most important diagnostic features of the new species are the general shape and proportions of the body, the position of the pharynx (relative length of the prepharynx and esophagus), the egg size, the relative length and position of the vitelline fields, and the number, shape, and size of the circumoral spines. The new species has a very elongated body (length-width ratio, 8.9-13.0:1), 26 circumoral spines, which are almost oval in shape, a long prepharynx and a very short (shorter than the pharynx) esophagus, a seminal receptacle situated between the ovary and the anterior testis, a uterus not extending posterior to the anterior margin of the ovary, a long-stemmed and short-armed excretory vesicle, and 2 anal openings. Some features of the external morphology, such as the suckers, circumoral spines, sensory papillae, tegumental spines, and morphology of the posterior end, are examined using scanning electron microscopy. A diagnosis differentiating A. macroclemidis n. sp. from some other acanthostomine digeneans is provided. Acanthostomum macroclemidis n. sp. is the first digenean reported from an alligator snapping turtle and represents the northernmost record of an acanthostomine from turtles.  相似文献   

The entire life cycle of the Brazilian Echinostoma luisreyi n. sp., of the 37-collar spine E. revolutum group, has been observed under experimental conditions. The snail Physa marmorata serves as its first natural intermediate host. This species and the planorbid Biomplalaria glabrata act as experimental second intermediate hosts. The worm recovery rate was 51.3 and 0.6% for mice and hamsters, respectively, but the infection did not develop in the quail Coturnix coturnix. The natural vertebrate host is not known. The most important morphological character of the new species separating it from the other Echinostoma species studied is the oral corner spines that increase in size from the latero-oral to the ventro-oral regions. The ratio of the sizes of the smaller oral spines and the larger aboral ones was 1.7:1.0. Also, the excretory pore is radially wrinkled and dorsally subterminal. Images obtained by scanning electron microscopy confirmed the characters that differentiate the new species and the most closely related species.  相似文献   

Zeylanurotrema spearei sp.n. is described from the urinary bladder of the introduced cane toad, Bufo marinus , from North Queensland, Australia. The other species in Zeylanurotrema, Z.lyriocephali , has been recorded only from an agamid lizard from Sri Lanka. The new species has differently arranged gut caeca, vitelline follicles and ovary as compared with Z. lyriocephali. Z. spearei has a Laurer's canal that does not open to the exterior but which forms a glandular Juel's organ. We suggest that Z. spearei is an Australian species that has been acquired by the cane toad from a native host. In juvenile specimens of Z. spearei a persistent microcercous tail is present. From this and the anatomy of the adult we conclude that Zeylanurotrema is a brachylaimid rather than a urotrcmatid as originally proposed. A new subfamily, the Zeylanurotrematinae, is proposed to accommodate Zeylanurotrema .  相似文献   

Pholeohedra overstreeti n. g., n. sp. (Digenea: Haploporidae) is described from Girella zebra (Kyphosidae) in South Australia. The new genus is compared with all genera of Haploporidae sensu lato (including Atractotrematidae, Megasolenidae and Waretrematidae) and has a unique bell-shaped concavity at its posterior end. The genus otherwise resembles Hapladena in the arrangement of the testis, vitellarium and gut but also resembles Megasolena, Metamegasolena and Vitellibaculum except in having a single testis. This is the first haploporid reported from kyphosid fishes in Australia.  相似文献   

Nine microsatellite DNA loci for the Australian broad-shelled freshwater turtle (Chelodina expansa) are presented. Markers were tailed with 20-mer oligonucleotides for use in four-colour fluorescent multiplex PCRs. The markers show high allelic richness (mean NA = 10.9, range 2–38) and expected heretozygosity (mean HE = 0.643; range 0.161–0.963) indicating that they will be valuable for population genetics studies in C. expansa. Cross-species amplification in three Australian freshwater turtle species further highlights the potential utility of these markers, particularly in the side-neck species C. longicollis and C. rugosa.  相似文献   

Strzeleckia major n. g., n. sp. and S. minor n. sp. are described from the dusky antechinus Antechinus swainsonii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) from the Kosciusko National Park in southern New South Wales, Australia. The two species were found together in the same individual host animals but occupy different sites in the intestine. The new genus is placed within the Hasstilesiidae, where it differs from the only other genus, Hasstilesia, by being more elongate and in having larger suckers, tandem testes, the ovary between rather than opposite the testes, and in having the caeca not reaching the posterior end of the body. It is suggested that the life-cycles of these species are similar to those of other hasstilesiids. Pupillid snails may act as sole intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Thrinascotrema brisbanica, is proposed to accommodate a plagiorchiidan trematode parasitic in the stomach of the freshwater turtle Elseya latisternum. The distinctive taxonomic features of the parasite are the shape and extent of the excretory bladder, and the stenostomate arrangement of the excretory collecting ducts in the adult, cercaria and metacercaria together with a cercarial protonephridial formula of 2(12+12+12)+(12+12+12). The life-cycle is three- host and aquatic. The pulmonate snail Glyptophysa gibbosa served as both a first and second intermediate host and tadpoles of Limnodynastes peronii, Adelotus brevis and Bufo marinus, and the snail Austropeplea lessoni also served as second intermediate hosts. Eggs were fully embryonated and infective when laid, but did not hatch until eaten by the snail. Cercariae first emerged 55 days after infection at 24-28 °C. They were sluggish swimmers and survived for about 48 hr. They attached firmly to the skin of snails and tadpoles on contact and began to penetrate the skin after a short exploratory migration. Metacercariae survived in snails and tadpoles for at least 3 months. It is concluded that Thrinascotrema is best placed within a new family, the Thrinascotrematidae (Digenea: Plagiorchiida), based on the unusual morphology of the excretory system.  相似文献   

Scorpidotrema longistipes n. g., n. sp. is described from the intestine of Scorpis georgiana Valenciennes (Scorpididae) from off Point Peron, Western Australia. The new genus is distinguished by the combination of a remarkably long and retractable ventral sucker peduncle, a possible uroproct, well-developed cirrus-sac and a uterine seminal receptacle. The subfamilial relationships of the new genus are troublesome. It incorporates features of the Opecoelinae, Stenakrinae and Plagioporinae. The absence of a canalicular seminal receptacle suggests a relationship with the Opecoelinae and Stenakrinae, whereas the well-developed cirrus-sac suggests a relationship with the Plagioporinae and Stenakrinae. The overall arrangement of the gonads is not similar to that of existing genera of Stenakrinae. It is concluded that the genus is best placed in the Stenakrinae although that subfamily may now be an artificial assemblage. This new genus forms part of a distinctive fauna of trematodes restricted to Australian southern temperate fishes.  相似文献   

Here we describe the first species of sanguinicolid blood fluke (Trematoda: Digenea) from a polynemid fish. Chaulioleptos haywardi n. gen., n. sp. is described from Filimanus heptadactyla Cuvier, 1829 (Perciformes: Polynemidae), the sevenfinger threadfin from Sandgate, Moreton Bay (southeast Queensland, Australia). Chaulioleptos haywardi differs from existing sanguinicolid genera in the combined possession of the following 7 characters: 2 testes, an entirely postovarian uterus, a uterine chamber, separate genital pores, an H-shaped intestine with abbreviated anterior caeca, tegumental spines in incomplete ventro-marginal transverse rows that are continuous along the length of the body, and vitelline follicles that are tightly compacted and subsequently appear to form a solid branching mass occupying the area anterior to intestinal bifurcation and extending posteriorly to the level of the posterior margin of the anterior testis. Chaulioleptos haywardi is most closely related to Paracardicola Martin, 1960 and Adelomyllos Nolan and Cribb, 2004.  相似文献   

Diplobulbus brayi n. sp. is described from the small intestine of Odax acroptilus (Perciformes: Odacidae) from Point Peron in southern Western Australia. One of the five previously described species of Diplobulbus, D. vitellosus Bilqees, 1972 from Tetraodon lunaris (now Lagocephalus lunaris), is synonymised with Alloheterolebes indicus (Gupta, 1968) Hafeezullah, 1971, which is known from the same host in the Indian Ocean. D. brayi n. sp. can be distinguished from the remaining four species of Diplobulbus by the distinct interruption of the vitelline follicles at the ventral sucker, its more elongate form and its long post-testicular space. Diplobulbus is so far restricted to the Indo-Pacific region and appears to be stenoxenic to labroid fishes. This is the first record of a trematode from an odacid fish.  相似文献   

Temnocephala brevicornis Monticelli, 1889 is the only species of the genus Temnocephala Blanchard, 1849 reported from chelonians to date. During a survey of the species of Temnocephala extant in southern Uruguay, two new species were found on the chelonian Hydromedusa tectifera Cope, 1869. They are described here as Temnocephala pereirai n. sp. and Temnocephala cuocoloi n. sp. Both resemble T. brevicornis, but differ in the morphometry of the penial stylet, and in qualitative details of the reproductive complex. Temnocephala pereirai n. sp. differs from T. brevicornis by having a massive, cylindrical sphincter in the distal portion of the vagina, and a seminal vesicle that opens into the subpolar to equatorial portion of the contractile vesicle. In addition, the penial stylet in Temnocephala pereirai n. sp. is large in relation to body size, straight and more slender, having the distal portion of its shaft slightly sinuous, and a smaller introvert equipped with about 16 distal crowns of smaller spines. Temnocephala cuocoloi n. sp. is most similar to T. brevicornis, but differs by having a smaller, curved penial stylet that has a smaller introvert in relation to stylet size, with about 10 distal crowns of smaller spines. A key to the species of the Temnocephala from chelonians is provided. This study supports the validity of the following characters previously proposed for the taxonomy of the genus Temnocephala: the shape of the sphincters in the female reproductive system, the shape of the penial stylet, and the number, size, and position of spines in the introvert.  相似文献   

Cardicola Short, 1953 is a genus of the Aporocotylidae Odhner, 1912 (Digenea), with 25 currently recognised species described from 32 species of Perciformes and Mugiliformes fishes around the world, including eight species from the Great Barrier Reef. Here, we describe two new species from this region, namely Cardicola beveridgei n. sp. from the ventricle and atrium of the mangrove jack, Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål) (Perciformes: Lutjanidae), and Cardicola bullardi n. sp. from the ventricle of the Australian spotted mackerel, Scomberomorus munroi Collette & Russo (Perciformes: Scombridae), from off Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia. These two new species are most easily distinguished from the 25 current members of Cardicola in having the combination of i) a spinous oral sucker, ii) an anteriorly intercaecal ovary, iii) a uterus that extends anteriorly from the oötype, iv) the number of spines per ventrolateral transverse row, and in v) body size and the length/width ratio, vi) the oesophagus and caecal length(s) relative to body total length, vii) the length of the posterior caeca relative to the anterior pair, viii) the testis length/width ratio and its total size relative to that of the body, ix) the postovarian field as a percentage of body length, and x) egg size. In addition, C. beveridgei n. sp. is further differentiated by possessing a female genital pore that opens anterodextral to the male pore while C. bullardi n. sp. differs further in possessing a testis that is almost entirely intercaecal and does not extend anteriorly to the level of the intestinal bifurcation. Employing genetic analysis of ITS2 rDNA sequence data, representing these species and a further 13 recognised and three putative species of Cardicola, we were able to unequivocally confirm these specimens as distinct (9–22% different over 420 nucleotide positions). Distance analysis of ITS2 showed that i) species of Cardicola from the Siganidae formed a monophyletic clade, to the exclusion of other Cardicola species reported from the Scombridae, Sparidae, Lutjanidae and Chaetodontidae, ii) a general phylogenetic isolation exists between the species of Cardicola reported from scombrid fishes, and iii) C. beveridgei n. sp. and Cardicola milleri Nolan & Cribb, 2006 from lutjanids and Cardicola chaetodontis Yamaguti, 1970 from chaetodontids are phylogenetically close, despite the evolutionary remoteness between the host groups and their highly disparate biology. Given the likelihood of many additional species being attributed to Cardicola, we predict that continued molecular analyses will indicate that this genus will prove to incorporate a series of radiations in association with particular fish taxa as well as evidence of host-switching. (Nucleotide sequences reported in this paper are available in the GenBank database under accession no. KF752497).  相似文献   

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