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Abp1p is an actin-binding protein that plays a central role in the organization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae actin cytoskeleton. By a combination of two-hybrid and phage-display approaches, we have identified six new ligands of the Abp1-SH3 domain. None of these SH3-mediated novel interactions was detected in recent all genome high throughput protein interaction projects. Here we show that the SH3-mediated association of Abp1p with the Ser/Thr kinases Prk1p and Ark1p is essential for their localization to actin cortical patches. The Abp1-SH3 domain has a rather unusual binding specificity, because its target peptides contain the tetrapentapeptide +XXXPXXPX+PXXL with positive charges flanking the polyproline core on both sides. Here we present the structure of the Abp1-SH3 domain solved at 1.3-A resolution. The peptide-binding pockets in the SH3 domain are flanked by two acidic residues that are uncommon at those positions in the SH3 domain family. We have shown by site-directed mutagenesis that one of these negatively charged side chains may be the key determinant for the preference for non-classical ligands.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) regulate chromatin status and gene expression, and their inhibition is of significant therapeutic interest. To date, no biological substrate for class IIa HDACs has been identified, and only low activity on acetylated lysines has been demonstrated. Here, we describe inhibitor-bound and inhibitor-free structures of the histone deacetylase-4 catalytic domain (HDAC4cd) and of an HDAC4cd active site mutant with enhanced enzymatic activity toward acetylated lysines. The structures presented, coupled with activity data, provide the molecular basis for the intrinsically low enzymatic activity of class IIa HDACs toward acetylated lysines and reveal active site features that may guide the design of class-specific inhibitors. In addition, these structures reveal a conformationally flexible structural zinc-binding domain conserved in all class IIa enzymes. Importantly, either the mutation of residues coordinating the structural zinc ion or the binding of a class IIa selective inhibitor prevented the association of HDAC4 with the N-CoR.HDAC3 repressor complex. Together, these data suggest a key role of the structural zinc-binding domain in the regulation of class IIa HDAC functions.  相似文献   

Fstl1 is a TGF‐β superfamily binding protein which involved in many pathological processes. The function of Fstl1 has been widely elucidated, but its structural characterization has not been explored. Here we solved the high‐resolution crystal structure of FK domain of murine Fstl1, analyzed its unique characteristics, and investigated its contribution to the function of full‐length Fstl1. We found that Fstl1‐FK forms a stable dimer in both solution and crystal, which suggest that this protein may function as a dimer during its interaction with TGF‐β, a molecule known to form dimer during activation process. We also found this FK domain is indispensable for the proper function of Fstl1 during the transduction of TGF‐β signaling. These observations provide important insights into the understanding of Fstl1 and may facilitate the exploration of this molecule in clinical study.  相似文献   

Alpha-actinin belongs to the spectrin family of actin crosslinking and bundling proteins that function as key regulators of cell motility, morphology and adhesion. The actin-binding domain (ABD) of these proteins consists of two consecutive calponin homology (CH) domains. Electron microscopy studies on ABDs appear to support two competing actin-binding models, extended and compact, whereas the crystal structures typically display a compact conformation. We have determined the 1.7A resolution structure of the ABD of alpha-actinin 1, a ubiquitously expressed isoform. The structure displays the classical compact conformation. We evaluated the two binding models by surface conservation analysis. The results show a conserved surface that spans both domains and corresponds to two previously identified actin-binding sites (ABS2 and ABS3). A third, and probably less important site, ABS1, is mostly buried in the compact conformation. However, a thorough examination of existing structures suggests a weak and semi-polar binding interface between the two CHs, leaving open the possibility of domain reorientation or opening. Our results are consistent with a two-step binding mechanism in which the ABD interacts first in the compact form observed in the structures, and then transitions toward a higher affinity state, possibly through minor rearrangement of the domains.  相似文献   

Bifunctional RNAs that possess both protein-coding and noncoding functional properties were less explored and poorly understood. Here we systematically explored the characteristics and functions of such human bifunctional RNAs by integrating tandem mass spectrometry and RNA-seq data. We first constructed a pipeline to identify and annotate bifunctional RNAs, leading to the characterization of 132 high-confidence bifunctional RNAs. Our analyses indicate that bifunctional RNAs may be involved in human embryonic development and can be functional in diverse tissues. Moreover, bifunctional RNAs could interact with multiple miRNAs and RNA-binding proteins to exert their corresponding roles. Bifunctional RNAs may also function as competing endogenous RNAs to regulate the expression of many genes by competing for common targeting miRNAs. Finally, somatic mutations of diverse carcinomas may generate harmful effect on corresponding bifunctional RNAs. Collectively, our study not only provides the pipeline for identifying and annotating bifunctional RNAs but also reveals their important gene-regulatory functions.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic domain of LRP1 contains two NPXY motifs that have been shown to interact with signaling proteins. In previous work, we showed that Tyr(4507) in the distal NPXY motif is phosphorylated by v-Src, whereas denaturation of the protein was required for phosphorylation of Tyr(4473) in the membraneproximal NPXY motif. Amide H/D exchange studies reveal that the distal NPXY motif is fully solvent-exposed, whereas the proximal one is not. Phosphopeptide mapping combined with in vitro and in vivo kinase experiments show that Tyr(4473) can be phosphorylated, but only if Tyr(4507) is phosphorylated or substituted with glutamic acid. Amide H/D exchange experiments indicate that solvent accessibility increases across the entire LRP1 cytoplasmic region upon phosphorylation at Tyr(4507); in particular the NPXY(4473) motif becomes much more exposed. This differential phosphorylation is functionally relevant: binding of Snx17, which is known to bind at the proximal NPXY motif, is inhibited by phosphorylation at Tyr(4473). Conversely, Shp2 binds most strongly when both of the NPXY motifs in LRP1 are phosphorylated.  相似文献   

Human hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) (EC catalyzes the conversion of hypoxanthine and guanine to their respective nucleoside monophosphates. Human HPRT deficiency as a result of genetic mutations is linked to both Lesch-Nyhan disease and gout. In the present study, we have characterized phosphoribosyltransferase domain containing protein 1 (PRTFDC1), a human HPRT homolog of unknown function. The PRTFDC1 structure has been determined at 1.7 ? resolution with bound GMP. The overall structure and GMP binding mode are very similar to that observed for HPRT. Using a thermal-melt assay, a nucleotide metabolome library was screened against PRTFDC1 and revealed that hypoxanthine and guanine specifically interacted with the enzyme. It was subsequently confirmed that PRTFDC1 could convert these two bases into their corresponding nucleoside monophosphate. However, the catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) of PRTFDC1 towards hypoxanthine and guanine was only 0.26% and 0.09%, respectively, of that of HPRT. This low activity could be explained by the fact that PRTFDC1 has a Gly in the position of the proposed catalytic Asp of HPRT. In PRTFDC1, a water molecule at the position of the aspartic acid side chain position in HPRT might be responsible for the low activity observed by acting as a weak base. The data obtained in the present study indicate that PRTFDC1 does not have a direct catalytic role in the nucleotide salvage pathway.  相似文献   

yFACT (heterodimers of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Spt16-Pob3 combined with Nhp6) binds to and alters the properties of nucleosomes. The essential function of yFACT is not disrupted by deletion of the N-terminal domain (NTD) of Spt16 or by mutation of the middle domain of Pob3, but either alteration makes yeast cells sensitive to DNA replication stress. We have determined the structure of the Spt16 NTD and find evidence for a conserved potential peptide-binding site. Pob3-M also contains a putative binding site, and we show that these two sites perform an overlapping essential function. We find that yFACT can bind the N-terminal tails of some histones and that this interaction is important for yFACT-nucleosome binding. However, neither the Spt16 NTD nor a key residue in the putative Pob3-M-binding site was required for interactions with histone N termini or for yFACT-mediated nucleosome reorganization in vitro. Instead, both potential binding sites interact functionally with the C-terminal docking domain of the histone H2A. yFACT therefore appears to make multiple contacts with different sites within nucleosomes, and these interactions are partially redundant with one another. The docking domain of H2A is identified as an important participant in maintaining stability during yFACT-mediated nucleosome reorganization, suggesting new models for the mechanism of this activity.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific gene expression using the upstream activating sequence (UAS)–GAL4 binary system has facilitated genetic dissection of many biological processes in Drosophila melanogaster. Refining GAL4 expression patterns or independently manipulating multiple cell populations using additional binary systems are common experimental goals. To simplify these processes, we developed a convertible genetic platform, the integrase swappable in vivo targeting element (InSITE) system. This approach allows GAL4 to be replaced with any other sequence, placing different genetic effectors under the control of the same regulatory elements. Using InSITE, GAL4 can be replaced with LexA or QF, allowing an expression pattern to be repurposed. GAL4 can also be replaced with GAL80 or split-GAL4 hemi-drivers, allowing intersectional approaches to refine expression patterns. The exchanges occur through efficient in vivo manipulations, making it possible to generate many swaps in parallel. This system is modular, allowing future genetic tools to be easily incorporated into the existing framework.  相似文献   

Xu J  Peng W  Sun Y  Wang X  Xu Y  Li X  Gao G  Rao Z 《Nucleic acids research》2012,40(14):6957-6965
MCP-1-induced protein 1 (MCPIP1) plays an important role in the downregulation of the LPS-induced immune response by acting as an RNase targeting IL-6 and IL-12b mRNAs. A conserved domain located in the N-terminal part of MCPIP1 is thought to be responsible for its RNase activity, but its catalytic mechanism is not well understood due to the lack of an atomic resolution structure. We determined the 3D crystal structure of this MCPIP1 N-terminal conserved RNase domain at a resolution of 2.0 Å. The overall structure of MCPIP1 N-terminal conserved domain shares high structural homology with PilT N-terminal domain. We show that the RNase catalytic center is composed of several acidic residues, verifying their importance by site-specific mutagenesis. A positively charged arm close to the catalytic center may act as an RNA substrate-binding site, since exchange of critical positively charged residues on this arm with alanine partially abolish the RNase activity of MCPIP1 in vivo. Our structure of the MCPIP1 N-terminal conserved domain reveals the details of the catalytic center and provides a greater understanding of the RNA degradation mechanism.  相似文献   

Utrophin is a large ubiquitously expressed cytoskeletal protein, homologous to dystrophin, the protein disrupted in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The association of both proteins with the actin cytoskeleton is functionally important and is mediated by a domain at their N termini, conserved in members of the spectrin superfamily, including alpha-actinin, beta-spectrin and fimbrin. We present the structure of the actin-binding domain of utrophin in complex with F-actin, determined by cryo-electron microscopy and helical reconstruction, and a pseudo-atomic model of the complex, generated by docking the crystal structures of the utrophin domain and F-actin into the reconstruction. In contrast to the model of actin binding proposed for fimbrin, the utrophin actin-binding domain appears to associate with actin in an extended conformation. This conformation places residues that are highly conserved in utrophin and other members of the spectrin superfamily at the utrophin interface with actin, confirming the likelihood of this binding orientation. This model emphasises the importance of protein flexibility in modeling interactions and presents the fascinating possibility of a diversity of actin-binding mechanisms among related proteins.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone binding protein (BiP) binds exposed hydrophobic regions of misfolded proteins. Cycles of ATP hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange on the ATPase domain were shown to regulate the function of the ligand-binding domain in vitro. Here we show that ATPase mutants of BiP with defective ATP-hydrolysis (T46G) or ATP-binding (G235D) caused permanent association with a model ligand, but also interfered with the production of secretory, but not cytosolic, proteins in vivo. Furthermore, the negative effect of BiP(T46G) on secretory protein synthesis was rescued by increased levels of wild-type BiP, whereas the G235D mutation was dominant. Unexpectedly, expression of a mutant BiP with impaired ligand binding also interfered with secretory protein production. Although mutant BiP lacking its ATPase domain had no detrimental effect on ER function, expression of an isolated ATPase domain interfered with secretory protein synthesis. Interestingly, the inhibitory effect of the isolated ATPase was alleviated by the T46G mutation and aggravated by the G235D mutation. We propose that in addition to its role in ligand release, the ATPase domain can interact with other components of the protein translocation and folding machinery to influence secretory protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae expresses on its surface adhesive pili, involved in bacterial attachment to epithelial cells and virulence. The pneumococcal pilus is composed of three proteins, RrgA, RrgB, and RrgC, each stabilized by intramolecular isopeptide bonds and covalently polymerized by means of intermolecular isopeptide bonds to form an extended fiber. RrgB is the pilus scaffold subunit and is protective in vivo in mouse models of sepsis and pneumonia, thus representing a potential vaccine candidate. The crystal structure of a major RrgB C-terminal portion featured an organization into three independently folded protein domains (D2-D4), whereas the N-terminal D1 domain (D1) remained unsolved. We have tested the four single recombinant RrgB domains in active and passive immunization studies and show that D1 is the most effective, providing a level of protection comparable with that of the full-length protein. To elucidate the structural features of D1, we solved the solution structure of the recombinant domain by NMR spectroscopy. The spectra analysis revealed that D1 has many flexible regions, does not contain any intramolecular isopeptide bond, and shares with the other domains an Ig-like fold. In addition, we demonstrated, by site-directed mutagenesis and complementation in S. pneumoniae, that the D1 domain contains the Lys residue (Lys-183) involved in the formation of the intermolecular isopeptide bonds and pilus polymerization. Finally, we present a model of the RrgB protein architecture along with the mapping of two surface-exposed linear epitopes recognized by protective antisera.  相似文献   

SWIRM is a conserved domain found in several chromatin-associated proteins. Based on their sequences, the SWIRM family members can be classified into three subfamilies, which are represented by Swi3, LSD1, and Ada2. Here we report the SWIRM structure of human MYb-like, Swirm and Mpn domain-containing protein-1 (MYSM1). The MYSM1 SWIRM structure forms a compact HTH-related fold comprising five alpha-helices, which best resembles the Swi3 SWIRM structure, among the known SWIRM structures. The MYSM1 and Swi3 SWIRM structures are more similar to the LSD1 structure than the Ada2alpha structure. The SWIRM domains of MYSM1 and LSD1 lacked DNA binding activity, while those of Ada2alpha and the human Swi3 counterpart, SMARCC2, bound DNA. The dissimilarity in the DNA-binding ability of the MYSM1 and SMARCC2 SWIRM domains might be due to a couple of amino acid differences in the last helix. These results indicate that the SWIRM family has indeed diverged into three structural subfamilies (Swi3/MYSM1, LSD1, and Ada2 types), and that the Swi3/MYSM1-type subfamily has further diverged into two functionally distinct groups. We also solved the structure of the SANT domain of MYSM1, and demonstrated that it bound DNA with a similar mode to that of the c-Myb DNA-binding domain.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli DNA mismatch repair (MMR) protein MutS is essential for the correction of DNA replication errors. In vitro, MutS exists in a dimer/tetramer equilibrium that is converted into a monomer/dimer equilibrium upon deletion of the C-terminal 53 amino acids. In vivo and in vitro data have shown that this C-terminal domain (CTD, residues 801–853) is critical for tetramerization and the function of MutS in MMR and anti-recombination. We report the expression, purification and analysis of the E.coli MutS-CTD. Secondary structure prediction and circular dichroism suggest that the CTD is folded, with an α-helical content of 30%. Based on sedimentation equilibrium and velocity analyses, MutS-CTD forms a tetramer of asymmetric shape. A single point mutation (D835R) abolishes tetramerization but not dimerization of both MutS-CTD and full-length MutS. Interestingly, the in vivo and in vitro MMR activity of MutSCF/D835R is diminished to a similar extent as a truncated MutS variant (MutS800, residues 1–800), which lacks the CTD. Moreover, the dimer-forming MutSCF/D835R has comparable DNA binding affinity with the tetramer-forming MutS, but is impaired in mismatch-dependent activation of MutH. Our data support the hypothesis that tetramerization of MutS is important but not essential for MutS function in MMR.  相似文献   

Mammalian chitinase, a chitinolytic enzyme expressed by macrophages, has been detected in atherosclerotic plaques and is elevated in blood and tissues of guinea pigs infected with Aspergillus. Its normal physiological function is unknown. To understand how the enzyme interacts with its substrate, we have characterized the chitin-binding domain. The C-terminal 49 amino acids make up the minimal sequence required for chitin binding activity. The absence of this domain does not affect the ability of the enzyme to hydrolyze the soluble substrate, triacetylchitotriose, but abolishes hydrolysis of insoluble chitin. Within the minimal chitin-binding domain are six cysteines; mutation of any one of these to serine results in complete loss of chitin binding activity. Analysis of purified recombinant chitin-binding domain revealed the presence of three disulfide linkages. The recombinant domain binds specifically to chitin but does not bind chitosan, cellulose, xylan, beta-1, 3-glucan, beta-1,3-1,4-glucan, or mannan. Fluorescently tagged chitin-binding domain was used to demonstrate chitin-specific binding to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans, Mucor rouxii, and Neurospora crassa. These experiments define structural features of the minimal domain of human chitinase required for both specifically binding to and hydrolyzing insoluble chitin and demonstrate relevant binding within the context of the fungal cell wall.  相似文献   

Chen Y  Jakoncic J  Wang J  Zheng X  Carpino N  Nassar N 《Biochemistry》2008,47(46):12135-12145
Here, we present the crystal structure of the ecdysone phosphate phosphatase (EPPase) phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM) homology domain, the first structure of a steroid phosphate phosphatase. The structure reveals an alpha/beta-fold common to members of the two histidine (2H)-phosphatase superfamily with strong homology to the Suppressor of T-cell receptor signaling-1 (Sts-1 PGM) protein. The putative EPPase PGM active site contains signature residues shared by 2H-phosphatase enzymes, including a conserved histidine (His80) that acts as a nucleophile during catalysis. The physiological substrate ecdysone 22-phosphate was modeled in a hydrophobic cavity close to the phosphate-binding site. EPPase PGM shows limited substrate specificity with an ability to hydrolyze steroid phosphates, the phospho-tyrosine (pTyr) substrate analogue para-nitrophenylphosphate ( pNPP) and pTyr-containing peptides and proteins. Altogether, our data demonstrate a new protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) activity for EPPase. They suggest that EPPase and its closest homologues can be grouped into a distinct subfamily in the large 2H-phosphatase superfamily of proteins.  相似文献   

Plant-pathogenic fungi are causative agents of the majority of plant diseases and can lead to severe crop loss in infected populations. Fungal colonization is achieved by combining different strategies, such as avoiding and counteracting the plant immune system and manipulating the host metabolome. Of major importance are virulence factors secreted by fungi, which fulfil diverse functions to support the infection process. Most of these proteins are highly specialized, with structural and biochemical information often absent. Here, we present the atomic structures of the cerato-platanin-like protein Cpl1 from Ustilago maydis and its homologue Uvi2 from Ustilago hordei. Both proteins adopt a double-Ψβ-barrel architecture reminiscent of cerato-platanin proteins, a class so far not described in smut fungi. Our structure–function analysis shows that Cpl1 binds to soluble chitin fragments via two extended grooves at the dimer interface of the two monomer molecules. This carbohydrate-binding mode has not been observed previously and expands the repertoire of chitin-binding proteins. Cpl1 localizes to the cell wall of U. maydis and might synergize with cell wall-degrading and decorating proteins during maize infection. The architecture of Cpl1 harbouring four surface-exposed loop regions supports the idea that it might play a role in the spatial coordination of these proteins. While deletion of cpl1 has only mild effects on the virulence of U. maydis, a recent study showed that deletion of uvi2 strongly impairs U. hordei virulence. Our structural comparison between Cpl1 and Uvi2 reveals sequence variations in the loop regions that might explain a diverging function.  相似文献   

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