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The structure of the Ca--alginate junction zones was investigated with X-ray scattering on gels prepared with different methods. Fiber diffraction reveals the popular egg-box model may not be the only possible structure for the junction zones. The (001) reflection, which should be extinguished due to 2/1 helical conformation in the egg-box model, was observed. This was further confirmed by the measurements on Ca--alginate gel beads prepared at different pH where large pieces were formed through a relatively slow process, which leads to a higher crystallinity and a more perfect ordering. The results suggest a 3/1 helical conformation is more proper for Ca--alginate gels formed slowly. This does not exclude the possibility for the 2/1 helical conformation in fast gelatinized Ca--alginate in which the 2/1 helix is a metastable form. Comparing the X-ray scattering results of the fresh, dehydrated, and rehydrated gels, a reversible aggregation of junction zones is found during dehydration and rehydration. The different stabilities of initial bonds and bonds formed during drying are speculated to be the contribution of MG block or short G blocks in the junction zones.  相似文献   

The structures of guluronic-acid-rich alginate in the acid and calcium forms were investigated using fiber X-ray diffraction. Data recorded for alginate fibers in the acid form show a repeat along the chain axis of c = 0.87 nm, a value that is in agreement with the one measured by Atkins et al. (Biopolymers 1973, 12, 1865) and contradicts a repeat of 0.78 nm recently suggested by Li et al. (Biomacromolecules 2007, 8, 464). In the Ca2+ form, our observations indicate that the junction zone involves dimerization of polymer chains through Ca2+ coordination according to the egg-box model. For reasons that are not understood at present, coordination of the divalent cations reduces the ability for the lateral crystallographic packing of the dimers. A proposed model for the junction zone involves polymer chains packed on a hexagonal lattice with a lattice constant a = 0.66 nm. Random pairs of chains form dimers through coordination of Ca2+ cations. Further lateral interaction between dimers is mediated by disordered Na+ and Ca2+ cations, water molecules, and hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

The flexibility of alternating dA-dT sequences   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The flexibility of alternating poly (dA-dT) has been investigated by the technique of transient electric dichroism. Rotational relaxation times, which are very sensitive to changes in the end-to-end length of flexible polymers, are determined from the field free dichroism decay curves of four, well defined fragments of poly (dA-dT) ranging in size from 136 to 270 base pairs. Persistence lengths, calculated from the results of Hagerman and Zimm (Biopolymers (1981) 29, 1481-1502), are in the range 200-250 A. This makes alternating dA-dT sequences about twice as flexible as naturally occurring, "random" sequence DNA. Considering a bend around a nucleosome, for example, this difference in persistence length translates to an energy difference between poly (dA-dT) and random sequence DNA of 0.17 kT/base pair or 1 kcal per 10 base pair stretch. This energy difference is sufficiently large to suggest that dA-dT sequences could serve as markers in DNA packaging, for example, at sites where DNA must tightly bend to accommodate structures.  相似文献   

Genomic transposable elements, or transposons, are sequences of DNA that can move to different positions in the genome; in the process, they can cause chromosomal rearrengements and changes in gene expression. Despite their prevalence in the genomes of many species, their function is largely unknown: for this reason, they have been labelled “junk” DNA. “Epigenetic Tracking” is a model of development that, combined with a standard evolutionary algorithm, become an evo-devo method able to generate arbitrary shapes of any kind and complexity (in terms of number of cells, number of colours, etc.). The model of development has been also shown to be able to produce the artificial version of key biological phenomena such as the phenomenon of ageing, and the process of carcinogenesis. In this paper the evo-devo core of the method is explored and the result is a novel hypothesis on the biological role of transposons, according to which transposition in somatic cells during development drives cellular differentiation and transposition in germ cells is an indispensable tool to boost evolution. Thus, transposable elements, far from being “junk”, have one of the most important roles in multicellular biology.  相似文献   

In a previous study, the forward mutation spectrum induced by the chemical carcinogen N-acetoxy-N-2-acetylaminofluorene was determined (Koffel-Schwartz et al. 1984). It was found that 90% of the induced mutations are frameshift mutations located within specific sequences (mutation hot spots). Two classes of mutation hot spots were found: (i) -1 frameshift mutations occurring within runs of guanines (i.e. GGGG----GGG; (ii) -2 frameshift mutations occurring within the NarI recognition sequence (GGCGCC----GGCC). In the present work, we further investigate the genetic requirements of these frameshift events by using specific reversion assays. Like UV-induced mutagenesis, frameshift mutations occurring within runs of G's (also referred to as the "slippage pathway") require the activated form of the RecA protein (RecA*). On the other hand, frameshift mutations occurring at the NarI site (the "NarI mutation pathway") require a LexA-controlled function(s) that is not UmuDC. The LexA-controlled gene(s) that is (are) involved in this pathway remain to be identified. Moreover, this pathway does not require RecA* for the proteolytic processing of a protein other than LexA (like the cleavage of UmuD in UV-induced mutagenesis). An "additional" role of RecA can be defined as follows: (i) The non-activated form of the RecA protein acts as an inhibitor in the NarI mutation pathway. (ii) This inhibition is relieved upon activation of RecA by UV irradiation of the bacteria. (iii) A recA deletion mutant is totally proficient in the NarI mutation pathway provided the SOS system is derepressed [lexA (Def) allele]. Therefore, RecA does not actively participate in the fixation of the mutation. A molecular model for this "additional" role of RecA is proposed.  相似文献   

There are general features of chromosome dynamics, such as homologue recognition in early meiosis, which are expected to involve related sequence motifs in non-coding DNA, with a similar distribution in different species. A search for such motifs is presented here. It has been carried out with the CONREPP programme. It has been found that short alternating AT sequences (10-20 bases) have a similar distribution in most eukaryotic organisms, with some exceptions related to unique meiotic features. All other microsatellite and repeat sequences vary significantly in different organisms. It is concluded that the unique structural features and uniform distribution of alternating AT sequences indicate that they may facilitate homologous chromosome pairing in the early preleptotene stage of meiosis. They may also play a role in the compaction of DNA in mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

We have prepared substantial quantities of the alternating polymers poly(U-G) and poly(C-A) and have used them as templates for the self-condensation of ImpApC, ImpCpA, ImpGpU and ImpG. We find that the condensation of ImpGpU and ImpUpG on poly(C-A) is efficient, the condensation of ImpCpA on poly(U-G) is moderately efficient, while the condensation of ImpApC on poly(U-C) proceeds poorly. In many cases, the product is predominantly 3'-5'-linked. These reactions demonstrate unequivocally, for the first time, that template-directed reactions occur in double-helical structures. Furthermore, they describe for the first time a pair of reactions in which each of two complementary polymers facilitates the synthesis of the other. The prebiotic significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the conduction states of human serotonin transporter (hSERT) using the voltage clamp, cut-open frog oocyte method under different internal and external ionic conditions. Our data indicate discrepancies in the alternating access model of cotransport, which cannot consistently explain substrate transport and electrophysiological data. We are able simultaneously to isolate distinct external and internal binding sites for substrate, which exert different effects upon currents conducted by hSERT, in contradiction to the alternating access model. External binding sites of coupled Na ions are likewise simultaneously accessible from the internal and external face. Although Na and Cl are putatively cotransported, they have opposite effects on the internal face of the transporter. Finally, the internal K ion does not compete with internal 5-hydroxytryptamine for empty transporters. These data can be explained more readily in the language of ion channels, rather than carrier models distinguished by alternating access mechanisms: in a channel model of coupled transport, the currents represent different states of the same permeation path through hSERT and coupling occurs in a common pore.  相似文献   

A hypothesis on the role of Aphanizomenon in translocating phosphorus   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
A mechanism for the upward translocation of phosphorus by flake-forming Aphanizomenon is hypothesized. Aphanizomenon germinates on oxic sediments and rises into the water column, then the flakes diurnally migrate. Observations from Spring Lake, Minnesota, U.S.A., indicate that Aphanizomenon translocates phosphorus to the summertime epilimnion. However, the observations cannot discriminate between which of two mechanisms related to Aphanizomenon flakes, upon germination or with subsequent diurnal migrations, is more important.  相似文献   

An alternating adenine-thymine tract in a relaxed closed circular plasmid was found to become strongly reactive to osmium tetroxide in the presence of actinomycin D. We suggest that this is due to a local overwinding of the alternating tract as a result of positive supercoiling induced by intercalation of the antibiotic at GpC sequences elsewhere in the DNA. We have previously shown that (A.T)n sequences undergo a local underwinding in response to negative supercoiling, and it appears that such sequences are especially torsionally deformable in both directions.  相似文献   

The minor groove ligand distamycin A has been used to probe the relative hydration of the minor groove of eight synthetic polynucleotides of known sequence and composition. A combination of densimetric, calorimetric, and temperature-dependent spectroscopic techniques have been used to obtain complete thermodynamic profiles (delta Gzero, delta Hzero, delta Szero, and delta Vzero) for the association of distamycin A to all polymer duplexes. In 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7, binding of the drug to each of the polymeric duplexes resulted in characteristic negative changes in both the volume and enthalpy. Although the binding constants were found to be identical for pairs of isomer polynucleotides having identical compositions but different sequences, the values of delta Hzero, delta Szero, and delta Vzero of each such pair were remarkably different. The entropy changes were found to roughly parallel the volume changes; no such trend was seen between delta Hzero and delta Vzero. The data support the hypothesis that the volume changes observed for these systems reflect the coulombic-hydration contribution to the entropy. The heteropolymer duplexes generated much larger exothermic contributions, less favorable entropies and larger volume contractions than did the corresponding homopolymer duplexes of identical composition, and strongly suggest that polynucleotides with homopurine sequences are more hydrated than polynucleotides with alternating purine/pyrimidine sequences. In addition, it was found that duplexes containing guanine sharply reduced the affinity for the drug, also lowering the exothermicity but raising the entropy. This may be explained by the presence of an amino group in the minor groove that prevents hydrogen bonding. Substitution of the guanine with inosine reversed this trend in the thermodynamic properties. Furthermore, substitution of poly(dA) for poly(rA) in a duplex produced a similar reduction in the affinity, while raising the exothermic contribution and greatly reducing the favorable entropy effect in agreement with an apparent increase in the hydration state.  相似文献   

A hypothesis on the role of immune RNA in antibody variability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present hypothesis on the mechanism of antibody variability considers immune RNA (IMRNA) as a relatively independent “entity”. After having been transcribed in ontogenesis, as a result of stimulation of primordial multipotent “master cells” by primordial antigens, IMRNA behaves like an RNA virus genome. It controls only the variable part of immunoglobulin chains, proliferates and is transferred from committed to uncommitted cells, directly or using the macrophage as an “intermediate host”. During IMRNA proliferation “mutant” IMRNAs appear and control the synthesis of antibody variable regions of new specificity. The IMRNAs are reverse transcribed and inserted into DNA, chromosomal or extrachromosomal, near the gene controlling the constant part, and a complete CV gene is formed. The selective pressures which assure a relative constancy of IMRNA, so that only changes in the so-called hypervariable region are “tolerated” might be: the recognition by replicase, the insertion device, and the antigen-surface immunoglobulin-membrane receptor interaction. Arguments from immunology and from other fields of biology are brought in support at this hypothesis, and experimental approaches are suggested.  相似文献   

A model of chromatin-dependent DNA replication sequences was developed on the previously reported "decondensation units" hypothesis and its kinetic properties were examined by way of calculating various numerical indices using a Monte Carlo procedure. The model has much in common with the previous one but a fundamental difference is that the unit is assumed to consist of linearly arranged H-, D-, A- and S-zones each containing genes of different functional categories which are called H-, D-, A- and S-genes, respectively. The units are decondensed by the action of D-factors, i.e. decondensation factors, from H-zone to the end of S-zone and the genes in decondensed regions release signals to produce housekeeping enzymes, D-factors, A-factors and S-factors. These products are stored and at the same time degraded. A-factors activate replication origins in the decondensed regions and S-factors induce DNA synthesis at the activated origins. Replicated DNA is recondensed and gene activities are shut down in the recondensed chromatin. The factors are produced under the control of chromosome cycle and in turn affect chromosomes. Thus, dual control mechanism operates as Mazia and Prescott have argued. Biochemical and cytogenetic basis of this model was reviewed briefly and some results of simulation presented which include DNA synthesis rate vs. DNA content relationships. An outstanding characteristic of the model is the constancy of cellular state in A-subphase located in the late G1.  相似文献   

The infrared spectra of the sodium salts of calf-thymus DNA, poly(dA-dC).poly(dG-dT), poly(dA-dT) and poly(dG-dC) were measured for the samples as highly hydrated, nonoriented gels. The bands from the sugar-phosphate vibrational modes show that poly(dG-dC) assumes a B-family structure which is different from the B structures of the other samples. Poly(dG-dC) most likely assumes a wrinkled B structure. The other samples retain a smooth B structure. An alternating purine-pyrimidine sequence is not a sufficient condition for the formation of wrinkled B structure in a polynucleotide.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the molecular clock hypothesis using mammalian DNA sequences   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
A statistical analysis of extensive DNA sequence data from primates, rodents, and artiodactyls clearly indicates that no global molecular clock exists in mammals. Rates of nucleotide substitution in rodents are estimated to be four to eight times higher than those in higher primates and two to four times higher than those in artiodactyls. There is strong evidence for lower substitution rates in apes and humans than in monkeys, supporting the hominoid slowdown hypothesis. There is also evidence for lower rates in humans than in apes, suggesting a further rate slowdown in the human lineage after the separation of humans from apes. By contrast, substitution rates are nearly equal in mouse and rat. These results suggest that differences in generation time or, more precisely, in the number of germline DNA replications per year are the primary cause of rate differences in mammals. Further, these differences are more in line with the neutral mutation hypothesis than if the rates are the same for short- and long-living mammals.  相似文献   

A novel hypothesis on the biochemical role of the Drosophila Yellow protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Drosophila melanogaster, the protein product of the yellow gene is necessary for normal pigmentation and male sexual behavior. Although one of the best characterized loci from a genetic standpoint, the function of the Yellow protein in the development of either phenotype is unknown. Here I propose that Yellow acts as a growth factor- or hormone-like molecule in the development of pigmentation and sexual behavior, and discuss the consistency of this theory with experimental observations in flies and humans.  相似文献   

Recent evidences have shown that macrophages are tightly related to pathological lymphangiogenesis. However, the effects which primitive macrophages take in embryonic lymphatic development remains unclear. Here, we postulate that the primitive macrophages may play an important role in initial embryonic lymphatic development. The possible mechanism: primitive macrophages induce BECs to transdifferentiate into LECs and initiate the budding, moreover, the lymph sacs are not only formed by LECs but also some scattered cells with macrophage characteristics preferentially located in the loose mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Many families of interspersed repetitive DNA elements, including human Alu and LINE (Long Interspersed Element) elements, have been proposed to have accumulated through repeated copying from a single source locus: the "master gene." The extent to which a master gene model is applicable has implications for the origin, evolution, and function of such sequences. One repetitive element family for which a convincing case for a master gene has been made is the rodent ID (identifier) elements. Here we devise a new test of the master gene model and use it to show that mouse ID element sequences are not compatible with a strict master gene model. We suggest that a single master gene is rarely, if ever, likely to be responsible for the accumulation of any repeat family.  相似文献   

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