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Genomic exclusion is an aberrant form of conjugation of Tetrahymena thermophila in which the genome of a defective conjugant is excluded from the genotype of the exconjugant progeny. This paper is concerned with the cytogenetic and nucleocytoplasmic events of genomic exclusion in senescent clones A*III and C*. In crosses between A*III or C* and strain B, functional, haploid gametic nuclei are formed only in the strain B cell. In some instances one of the gametic nuclei divides prior to transfer of the migratory gametic nucleus, and both products then undergo DNA synthesis. Two alternative cytogenetic pathways are followed after transfer of the migratory nucleus. In the first, the conjugants separate without further micronuclear divisions. This pathway was most common in A*III genomic exclusion. In exconjugants the former gametic nuclei undergo both DNA synthesis and (presumably) intranuclear separation of centromeres to restore micronuclear diploidy. The old macronucleus of each exconjugant is retained without autolysis. This class of exconjugant survives and contributes genes to future sexual progeny. In the second cytogenetic pathway the gametic nuclei divide and macronuclear anlagen are formed, as in normal conjugation. This pathway was more common in C* genomic exclusion. The initial DNA content of the anlagen ranges from haploid to diploid. Following two to three rounds of DNA synthesis, further macronuclear development ceases and the anlagen appear to undergo autolysis. The old macronucleus condenses and also undergoes autolysis, as in normal conjugation. Except for rare C* exconjugants, in which macronuclear development is completed, anlagen-bearing genomic exclusion exconjugants die. Death may be caused by aneuploidy, errors in the timing or receptivity to signals for autolysis, or the inability of anlagen-bearing exconjugants to feed. Anlagenbearing conjugants are frequently abnormal with respect to the number of anlagen and micronuclei. Most of the anomalies can be explained by postulating errors in the timing of both developmental signals and nuclear divisions. Rare conjugants in which gametic nuclei divide but do not give rise to macronuclear anlagen are also observed. In these instances, the old macronuclei condense and undergo autolysis. Destruction of the old macronucleus therefore is independent of the presence of macronuclear anlagen and requires cell pairing in order to be initiated.  相似文献   

冠突伪尾柱虫有性生殖期间皮膜发育的核控制   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
金立培  刘小意  金华中 《动物学研究》2001,22(2):99-104,T001,T002
通过显微手术去小核建立多个冠突伪尾柱虫(Pseudourostyla cristata)无小细胞系,并诱导它们与有小核细胞进行接合生殖,以评估小核及其衍生的大核原基在有性生殖期间对皮膜形态发生的影响,当无小核接合体从有小核配偶获得1枚配子核后,接合双方不仅能平行地继续核器演化,而且使第1次皮膜改组能够同步进行和正常发育,说明小核在有性周期中除了生殖功能外仍保留着某些控制皮膜发育的体功能,虽然大部分接合后体的大核原基在DNA贫乏期停止发育,但少数接合后体能够超越这一时期,并启动第2次皮膜改组和顺利完成其后续的有性发育全程,表明指令发动第2次皮膜发育的信号来自DNA贫乏期后以排出一核物质团块为标志的大核原基。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The process of autogamy in unassociated individuals of Paramecium polycaryum was reported by the author in 1954. In May, 1955, conjugation was first seen in this species in cultures collected by me at Annamalainagar, South India, thus removing it from the list of non-conjugating species. This appears to be the first instance in which the process of autogamy was detected prior to observation of conjugation in the same species. Autogamy occurs in singles of the Indian race and appears to be similar, cytologically, to that of American races. The details of the micronuclear behavior in conjugation parallel those of autogamy in singles. In fact, the conjugation process seems to be one of double autogamy (cytogamy), rather than of reciprocal gametic interchange. Paroral cones, often of fair size, are formed but breakdown of the cones to permit micronuclear passage has not been observed. In conjugation there are the usual three pregamic divisions; the first shows four characteristic crescents. The resulting nuclei may all participate in the second division. Fertilization occurs in the paroral cone area. Frequently, separation of the conjugants takes place immediately after the first division of the synkaryon. The old macronucleus undergoes very little change prior to the last postzygotic micronuclear division in the ex-conjugant, when it goes into a skein condition. Four macronuclear and four micronuclear anlagen are formed in the ex-conjugants at the completion of reorganization. On occasion giant individuals of P. polycaryum were observed to have ingested numbers of Tetrahymena pyriformis. The presence of an unidentified rod-like organism in the cytoplasm of the paramecia (non-conjugating) was detected in one collection from Bangalore, India.  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,观察到在一种游仆虫无性生殖周期中,新口围带发育时老口围带的更新、新波动膜原基的发生、棘毛原基发生的最早形态和背触毛发生等在其他种游仆虫中未见报道的现象。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Kinetosomal changes, as indicative of cytoplasmic reorganization in binary fission and during and after conjugation, were followed in a zoochlorellae-bearing species of Euplotes. The preconjugant peristome, designated the first generation peristome, breaks down partially after the conjugants have paired; the basal section, comprising the shorter adoral membranelles and the undulating, membrane, is resorbed. A new peristome, the second generation peristome, arises as a small pit near the left ventral margin, in midline, at the time when the micronuclei are in the first meiotic prophase. By the time of the second meiotic division a single set of new cirri, the second generation cirri, has formed in each conjugant. This second set is not perfect, lacking one of the frontals. Neither the second generation peristome nor cirri develop very far, or migrate, until after separation of the conjugants. Then the new peristome replaces the old one and the new cirri become functional. However, the new peristome lacks an undulating membrane and does not complete its development, bearing only a fraction of the normal number of membranelles. At its posterior termination, at the time of condensation of the macronuclear anlage, another peristome, the third generation peristome, is formed and develops as a granular, and later striated, invagination extending posteriorly. It appears to integrate with its predecessor and, as its constituent membranelles develop, a third generation single set of new cirri arises. These replace the imperfect previous set, all of the cirri being represented. In anticipation of the first postconjugant fission, all of the cirral apparatus is discarded again and two new sets (fourth generation cirri) originate; the old (combination second and third generation) peristome is retained by the proter while a new one is provided for the opisthe. It is evident, therefore, that a rather far-reaching cytoplasmic reorganization accompanies the nuclear changes of conjugation, seeming, for the most part, to follow the nuclear changes. The old macronuclear fragments have been found not to fuse with the macronuclear anlage.  相似文献   

红色角毛虫生理改组过程的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红色角毛虫在生理改组时,随着老纤毛器的瓦解,先后出现新的口器,额、腹、横棘毛,左、右缘棘毛和背触毛四个原基区,并发生原基区的分化、新结构的形成和定位。这种新、老结构的更替过程相似于同种纤毛虫正常形态发生时期纤毛器的演化过程,口围带改组时,新口围带原基在左列中腹棘毛左侧的范围形成,后来,随着老口围带的瓦解,它向前方移动并处于老口围带的右侧,并继续朝老口围带位置移动、替换老口围带。这不同于其他常见的腹毛类纤毛虫,生理改组时新口围带原基在瓦解着的老口围带的位置逐渐移动替换老口围带的情况。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. During conjugation of Kahlia the micronuclei divide 3 times before synkaryon formation and 2 times thereafter. The 1st division is heterotypic, as in other ciliates, in that it is characterized by the parachute stage. Following this stage, 24 to 26 bivalents and 4 to 8 univalents appear in the micronuclear area. When the bivalents move to organize the metaphase plate, the univalents lag behind and fail to reach the equatorial region at the same time. Due to this irregular behavior of the univalents there is no distinct metaphase in the first meiotic division. A few meiotic irregularities including the breakdown of the spindle apparatus have been observed. During the breakdown of the spindle apparatus the chromosomes fuse into irregular bodies which resemble the chromosome aggregates observed during the somatic divisions. Generally 1, and rarely more, of the products of the 1st division enter the 2nd division. The spindles of this division are oriented parallel to the long axis of the cell, and 1 of the daughter nuclei reaches the partition membrane separating the conjugants. This nucleus alone undergoes the 3rd division, resulting in the formation of gametic nuclei. Reciprocal exchange and fusion of the gametic nuclei result in the synkaryon formation. The synkaryon divides twice in rapid succession resulting in 4 daughter nuclei; 1 of them degenerates and 2 condense and become functional micronuclei. The chromosomes of the remaining daughter nucleus resemble in size and number the bivalents of the 1st meiotic division. They become polytenic and then reproduce to give rise to the polyploid macronucleus. The development of the macronucleus has been traced from a single diploid set of chromosomes and no evidence has been found for the formation of genetic “subnuclei.” During the early stages of the development of the macronuclear anlage, somatic pairing forces keep the homologs together, while in the later stages these forces cease to exert influence. While these changes are in progress the old macronucleus; breaks up into small irregular polymorphic bodies which are scattered throughout in the cytoplasm. The exconjugants usually encyst and the cysts are not favorable for detailed cytologic study.  相似文献   

Mass cultures of a stock of Paramecium polycaryum maintained over a period of several years showed abundant and frequent nuclear reorganization stages resembling those of ex-conjugant and ex-autogamous animals of other species of Paramecium. Conjugation has never been reported for P. polycaryum, nor has it been found in these studies. Cytological examination of stained preparations revealed a process of autogamy in P. polycaryum, closely similar to that described previously for P. aurelia. As a rule, all four of the micronuclei, the typical vegetative number in P. polycaryum, engage in the first prezygotic division which is characterized by the formation of prophase crescents. Variable numbers of the eight nuclei continue with the second division. A maximum of sixteen nuclei may result. Apparently, only one of these normally completes the third prezygotic division to form the gametic nuclei, although more than one may initiate it. A fusion nucleus (synkaryon) arises in, or near, a paroral cone, thus paralleling autogamy in P. aurelia. A series of postzygotic divisions produces eight definitive nuclei, four of which become macronuclear anlagen and four remain micronuclei. The first division of the synkaryon results, possibly, in the formation of a viable nucleus and a non-viable one, as in ex-conjugants of P. caudatum. After the last micronuclear division, a skein evolves from the old macronucleus which has become flattened and leaf-like. The skein rapidly segments into "sausages" which transform into spherical fragments, about thirty in number. Two cell divisions restore the normal vegetative nuclear complex.  相似文献   

Amicronucleate cells of Paramecium caudatum, whose micronuclei have been artifically removed by micropipetting, are characterized by the appearance of a deciliated area at the posterior part of the buccal opening. These cells form food vacuoles at a slightly lower rate than micronucleate cells. Their mean interfission time is longer than that in micronucleates. The exconjugants of amicronucleate cells can not form food vacuoles and eventually die witout fission, though conjugation proceeds normally in them as well as in their micronucleate mate. The oral apparatus of amicronucleate exconjugants seems to be shallower than that of micronucleates. The membranellar cilia, therefore, can be seen through the buccal overture by scanning electron microscope. The results obtained from the cross of micronucleate and amicronucleate strains and from the induction of autogamy in amicronucleate strains suggest that the micronucleus has a primary role in developing the normal oral apparatus after nuclear reorganization.  相似文献   

Following conjugation in ciliates, the usual fate of the old pre-conjugant macronucleus is resorption. In some species, however, old macronuclei, or their fragments, have the ability to reform functional vegetative macronuclei when new macronuclear anlagen are defective. The present work on Euplotes shows that if anlagen are allowed to carry out their essential roles in early exconjugant development, including influence on cortical reorganization such that feeding can resume, they can then be permanently damaged by UV-microbeam irradiation and regeneration of old macronuclear fragments can occur. E. aediculatus exconjugants were anlage-irradiated at 40–60 hr of development and the irradiated cells cultured individually and fed. Squashes revealed enlargement and anteriorward migration of the persistent (posterior) macronuclear fragments. The first post-conjugant fission of such cells was delayed (times ranged 6–43 days) and did not seem to involve the damaged anlagen, which remained rudimentary, did not divide along with the cells, and were subsequently resorbed. It appeared that cell fission was supported by the fragments of the old macronuclei, which either divided or partitioned themselves between the two daughter cells. Mating tests performed on early clones derived from irradiated exconjugants revealed ample conjugation competence; intraclonal conjugation in such clones was also apparent. The absence of the immature period seen in normal exconjugants provides further evidence that the clones arose from cells with regenerated macronuclei.  相似文献   

This study shows that development of the new soma during sexual reproduction in ciliates can be conceptualized on the same basis as embryogenesis in multicellular organisms. In conjugating Paramecium, development of a new oral apparatus takes place during fertilization and the first three divisions of the zygotic nucleus and completes well before the postsexual cell undergoes the first cell fission. The control of oral development is analyzed by microsurgical removal of the zygotic nucleus or the postzygotic nuclei from conjugants. The enucleated exconjugants can pass through an early hurdle in oral development (the initiation of oral membranelle assembly) and subsequently develop an oral apparatus. Such oral apparatuses nevertheless exhibit structural and functional abnormalities including fragmentation and misalignment of oral membranelles, absence of the postoral microtubular bundle, reduction in the length of buccal cavity, and impaired phagocytosis. Other stomatogenic aspects, such as the arrangement of basal bodies in the oral membranelles, remain unaffected. The two groups of exconjugants, one derived from cells enucleated at the zygotic stage, and the other at the postzygotic stage, exhibit the same types of oral abnormality. We conclude that (i) the zygotic nucleus is not essential for the initiation of oral membranelle assembly. The existence of zygotic signals for subsequent oral development is not ruled out, but these are insufficient. (ii) Postzygotic nuclei, as well as maternal nuclei (the old somatic nucleus and meiotic derivatives of the germ nucleus), control oral development. This reveals a parallelism between postsexual development in ciliates and the early embryology of multicellular organisms, in their reliance on information provided by maternal, as well as early postzygotic nuclei. (iii) The activity of the old somatic nucleus alone is not sufficient for the later stages of oral development. Probably, some stomatogenic functions of the old somatic nucleus normally utilized for the later stages of oral development in binary fission are inactivated during sexual reproduction. Alternatively, the old somatic nucleus may rely on some critical conditions prescribed by the postzygotic nuclei in order to act.  相似文献   

Diploid cells of Tetrahymena thermophila were crossed to strain A*V, whose micronucleus is defective, to induce the unilateral transfer of gametic nuclei from the diploid cells to the A*V cells (round I of genomic exclusion). These haploid nuclei presumably undergo one endomitotic cycle and then become diploid with a G1 (2C) DNA content. However, further DNA replication from 2C to 4C was transiently arrested until the pairs separated. When endomitosis was blocked by treatment with cycloheximide during 6-8 hours of conjugation, the exconjugants of round I of genomic exclusion remained haploid. Competence for diploidization is apparently limited to some period of time after nuclear transfer. Blocking of diploidization during round I of genomic exclusion can be used as an efficient way to induce haploid strains in Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

红色角毛虫的形态学和形态发生过程的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
观察并描述了上海采集到的红色角毛虫的形态结构和形态发生过程。发现形态发生时虫体分别于前、后两个区域发生前、后两个口围带原基,并且由同一个体分裂而成的前,后两个仔虫内,额、腹、横棘毛和缘棘毛的分化并不完全相同,以至造成两个仔虫上棘毛的数目和缘棘毛的列数有明显差异。根据红色角毛虫的形态结构及其形态发生中的一些不够稳定的特点,推测它可能是一种还处于分化中的腹毛类纤毛虫。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The protargol technic was used in a study of the development of oral, cirral, and dorsal primordia of Urostyla weissei fixed during division, reorganization, and regeneration following transection at different levels. While the course of development is similar in all situations, differences were observed in the way in which some primordia are initiaily formed. The primordium of the new AZM always appears posterior to the old AZM. It develops into an entire new membranellar band in dividing cells and in opimers (posterior fragments from equatorial transections), while it eventually joins with a portion of the old AZM in reorganizers, promers (anterior fragments from equatorial transections) and “large opimers” (cells whose anterior tip has been cut off). The UM-primordium of proters is derived from disaggregation of the kinetosomes of the 2 old UM's, that of opisthes and opimers is formed “de novo” to the right of the AZM-primordium, while the UM-primordium of reorganizers, promers, and “large opimers” is of composite origin, partly “de novo” and partly from the old UM's. The UM primordium differentiates into the new UM's and the 1st frontal cirrus. The primordia of the remaining frontal, ventral, transversal (F-V-T) and marginal cirri originate as “streaks” of cilia, most of which are derived from re-alignment of the constituent cilia of certain pre-existing cirri. New cirri differendiate from the streaks, and replace the remaining old cirri. The streaks are formed similarly in all developmental situations, except for the 1st 3 F-V-T streaks. In proters, reorganizers, and promers, these originate from the posterior 3 frontal cirri, while in opisthes and opimers they are formed “de novo” to the right of the UM-primordium. In the “large opimers” these streaks are formed “de novo” behind the 1st 3 frontal cirri, in spite of the continued presence of these cirri at the anterior tip of the fragments. The site of formation of these streaks thus appears to be determined by an anteriorposterior gradient, rather than by any preformed cortical structure. The new dorsal bristle rows I to III develop from the proliferation of portions of the old rows, while rows IV and V originate from short kineties formed “de novo” on the right margin. New caudal cirri differentiate at the posterior ends of the new rows I to III. The numbers of ventral cirral rows and transversal cirri are variable; these variations are correlated, and related to variations in numbers of developing streaks. A survey of hypotrich developmental patterns revealed extensive parallels, especially in the sites of appearance of primordia. The primordium site appears to be a more constant feature of cortical development than is the “source” of ciliary units. It is concluded that sites of primordia are determined by cellular gradients, with competent preformed structures being utilized if they are appropriately positioned within these gradients.  相似文献   

Pitts RA  Doerder FP 《Genetics》1988,120(1):135-143
Genomic exclusion (GE) is an abnormal form of conjugation which has previously been described in detail for three hypodiploid strains of Tetrahymena thermophila. These strains cannot form gametic nuclei and by failing to participate in normal reciprocal fertilization their genes are excluded from exconjugants. To determine whether GE is a general property of infertile strains, we surveyed genetically and cytogenetically 19 additional strains of T. thermophila to determine why they failed to contribute genes to sexual progeny. Crosses to genetically marked tester strains showed that seventeen of these strains undergo GE. In each case GE appears to be due to the failure of the defective partner to form functional gametic nuclei. The normal conjugant, however, contributes to its defective partner a haploid nucleus identical to its own, and following diploidization of the unfertilized nuclei, the conjugants separate retaining the old macronuclei. Cytofluorimetric measurement of micronuclear DNA content in 18 strains suggests that aneuploidy is the proximate cause of GE; eleven strains were hypodiploid, five were diploid and three were hyperdiploid. Many irregular cytogenetic events were observed in conjugants presumably not undergoing GE, including, in some instances, abnormal meiosis in the normal partner. Since genomic exclusion was found in both wildtype and mutant clones, the results suggest that it should be possible by appropriate crosses to identify genomic exclusion strains of any genotype.  相似文献   

When autogamy was induced in competent cells of Paramecium tetraurelia by depriving them of food, the onset of autogamy was preceded by a critical fission which occurred in the starvation medium. When the cells were fed again immediately after the fission, they did not undergo autogamy. However, they did undergo autogamy when they were fed later than 1 hr after the critical fission. The irreversible differentiation for autogamy seems to be at about 1 hr after the critical fission. This procedure thus provides the opportunity to induce autogamy synchronously. The result of macronuclear transplantation demonstrated that autogamy was under the control of macronucleus. Moreover, the clonal age required for autogamy was found to be shortened by repetitive elimination of a part of the macronucleus. The result can be explained by the hypothesis that clonal age is measured in rounds of chromosome replication or DNA synthesis rather than cell divisions.  相似文献   

Nuclear behavior during reconjugation and the ultimate fate of the ex-reconjugants were followed after induction of reconjugation in Euplotes patella. An exconjugant could reconjugate with a vegetative cell or with another exconjugant. Exconjugants at an early stage of macronuclear development (oval macronuclear anlagen) did not reconjugate frequently whereas exconjugants at a late stage of macronuclear development (rod-like macronuclear anlagen) reconjugated frequently. In all cases, the micronucleus underwent normal meiosis and other nuclear changes. After reconjugation, a new macronuclear anlage and a new micronucleus were formed normally, so that there were two kinds of macronuclear anlagen in the exconjugants, an old and a new. The old rod-shaped anlage did not disappear after the differentiation of a new one, but it was broken up into several fragments. While the survival rate after normal conjugation was 78%, it was 0–20% after reconjugation. These results suggest that the micronuclei of exconjugants can act as germ nuclei even at a very early stage and that reconjugation, unlike conjugation, is harmful to the cell.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The germinal micronucleus divides six times during conjugation of Paramecium caudatum : this includes two meiotic divisions and one mitosis of haploid nuclei during mating, and three mitoses of a fertilization nucleus (synkaryon). Microsurgical removal of the macronucleus showed that micronuclei were able to divide repeatedly in the absence of the macronucleus, after metaphase of meiosis I of the micronucleus and also after synkaryon formation. When the macronucleus was removed after the first division of synkaryon, in an extreme case the synkaryon divided five times and produced 32 nuclei, compared to three divisions and eight nuclei produced in the presence of the macronucleus. Treatment with actinomycin D (100 μ /ml) inhibited the morphological changes of the macronucleus during conjugation and induced a multimicronucleate state in exconjugants. However, in other cells, it induced production of a few giant micronuclei. We conclude that the micronucleus is able to undergo repeated divisions at any stage of conjugation in the absence of the macronucleus once the factor(s) for induction of the micronuclear division has been produced by the macronucleus. The macronucleus may also produce a regulatory factor required to stop micronucler division.  相似文献   

翟楠  郭键  林钦  倪兵 《生物学杂志》2012,29(5):19-21,24
应用激光扫描共聚焦显微术,显示腹毛类纤毛虫阔口尖毛虫(Oxytricha platystoma)无性生殖过程中,新的口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛、左右缘棘毛微管先后分化,老纤毛器微管去分化,细胞分裂产生各含一套纤毛器微管的前、后两仔虫;生理改组过程中,口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛、左右缘棘毛微管发生去分化和再分化,细胞皮层微管胞器更新形成含一套纤毛器微管的新细胞。结果表明阔口尖毛虫在无性生殖和生理改组这两种不同的生理条件下,其纤毛器微管结构的形成或更新可能具有相同的细胞调控机制,形态发生中老纤毛器结构可能对新结构的发生和发育具有诱导定位和物质贡献的作用。  相似文献   

利用蛋白银染色法研究了毛尾刺虫的形态及无性生殖周期中的形态发生,其过程为:(1)后仔虫口原基出现在左缘棘毛内侧深层,其内的毛基体组装成整齐排列的小膜并分化成新AZM1,AZM2和口侧膜,(2)前仔虫口原基出现在老仔虫AZM2之前方深处,其随后发育成前仔虫的AZM2口侧膜及AZM1的一部分,并更新老结构的AZM1中第7-11片小膜,(3)额腹横棘毛原基为5列,分别以3:3:2:2:3方式分化最终产出  相似文献   

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