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Insertion of additional octarepeats into the prion protein gene has been genetically linked to familial Creutzfeldt Jakob disease and hence to de novo generation of infectious prions. The pivotal event during prion formation is the conversion of the normal prion protein (PrPC) into the pathogenic conformer PrPSc, which subsequently induces further conversion in an autocatalytic manner. Apparently, an expanded octarepeat domain directs folding of PrP toward the PrPSc conformation and initiates a self-replicating conversion process. Here, based on three main observations, we have provided a model on how altered molecular interactions between wild-type and mutant PrP set the stage for familial Creutzfeldt Jakob disease with octarepeat insertions. First, we showed that wild-type octarepeat domains interact in a copper-dependent and reversible manner, a "copper switch." This interaction becomes irreversible upon domain expansion, possibly reflecting a loss of function. Second, expanded octarepeat domains of increasing length gradually form homogenous globular multimers of 11-21 nm in the absence of copper ions when expressed as soluble glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins. Third, octarepeat domain expansion causes a gain of function with at least 10 repeats selectively binding PrPSc in a denaturant-resistant complex in the absence of copper ions. Thus, the combination of both a loss and gain of function profoundly influences homomeric interaction behavior of PrP with an expanded octarepeat domain. A multimeric cluster of prion proteins carrying expanded octarepeat domains may therefore capture and incorporate spontaneously arising short-lived PrPSc-like conformers, thereby providing a matrix for their conversion.  相似文献   

Shadoo (Sho) is a neuronally expressed glycoprotein of unknown function. Although there is no overall sequence homology to the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)), both proteins contain a highly conserved internal hydrophobic domain (HD) and are tethered to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane via a C-terminal glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. A previous study revealed that Sho can reduce toxicity of a PrP mutant devoid of the HD (PrPΔHD). We have now studied the stress-protective activity of Sho in detail and identified domains involved in this activity. Like PrP(C), Sho protects cells against physiological stressors such as the excitotoxin glutamate. Moreover, both PrP(C) and Sho required the N-terminal domain for this activity; the stress-protective capacity of PrPΔN as well as ShoΔN was significantly impaired. In both proteins, the HD promoted homodimer formation; however, deletion of the HD had different effects. Although ShoΔHD lost its stress-protective activity, PrPΔHD acquired a neurotoxic potential. Finally, we could show that the N-terminal domain of PrP(C) could be functionally replaced by that of Sho, suggesting a similar function of the N termini of Sho and PrP(C). Our study reveals a conserved physiological activity between PrP(C) and Sho to protect cells from stress-induced toxicity and suggests that Sho and PrP(C) might act on similar signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The prion-like protein Shadoo has been suggested to compensate for the lack of PrP in Prnp-knockout mice, explaining their lack of extreme phenotype. In adult mice, both PrP and Shadoo have shown overlapping expression patterns and shared functions. Their expression in the mouse embryo has also been suggested to be complementary, as invalidation of both genes results in embryonic lethality. The developmental expression profile of PrP has been described from post-implantation stages up until birth. However the spatial expression pattern of Shadoo in the developing mouse embryo is not known. We previously described the expression profile of the prion-like protein Shadoo in adult mice using Sprn reporter mice (Sprn-GFP and Sprn-LacZ). Here we used these mice to describe the developmental expression of Shadoo between 10.5 and 14.5 dpc. The observed pattern in specific embryonic cell lineages and in extra-embryonic tissues is consistent with the previously reported phenotype resulting from its knockdown.  相似文献   

Little is currently known about the biochemical mechanism by which induced prion protein (PrP) conformational change occurs during mammalian prion propagation. In this study, we describe the reconstitution of PrPres amplification in vitro using partially purified and synthetic components. Overnight incubation of purified PrP27-30 and PrPC molecules at a molar ratio of 1:250 yielded approximately 2-fold baseline PrPres amplification. Addition of various polyanionic molecules increased the level of PrPres amplification to approximately 10-fold overall. Polyanionic compounds that stimulated purified PrPres amplification to varying degrees included synthetic, homopolymeric nucleic acids such as poly(A) and poly(dT), as well as non-nucleic acid polyanions, such as heparan sulfate proteoglycan. Size fractionation experiments showed that synthetic poly(A) polymers must be >0.2 kb in length to stimulate purified PrPres amplification. Thus, one possible set of minimal components for efficient conversion of PrP molecules in vitro may be surprisingly simple, consisting of PrP27-30, PrPC, and a stimulatory polyanionic compound.  相似文献   

PrPSc, an abnormal isoform of PrPC, is the only known component of the prion, an agent causing fatal neurodegenerative disorders such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). It has been postulated that prion diseases propagate by the conversion of detergent-soluble and protease-sensitive PrPC molecules into protease-resistant and insoluble PrPSc molecules by a mechanism in which PrPSc serves as a template. We show here that the chemical chaperone dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) can partially inhibit the aggregation of either PrPSc or that of its protease-resistant core PrP27-30. Following Me2SO removal by methanol precipitation, solubilized PrP27-30 molecules aggregated into small and amorphous structures that did not resemble the rod configuration observed when scrapie brain membranes were extracted with Sarkosyl and digested with proteinase K. Interestingly, aggregates derived from Me2SO-solubilized PrP27-30 presented less than 1% of the prion infectivity obtained when the same amount of PrP27-30 in rods was inoculated into hamsters. These results suggest that the conversion of PrPC into protease-resistant and detergent-insoluble PrP molecules is not the only crucial step in prion replication. Whether an additional requirement is the aggregation of newly formed proteinase K-resistant PrP molecules into uniquely structured aggregates remains to be established.  相似文献   

The prion protein PrP has a key role in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies but its biological function remains largely unknown. Recently, a related protein, Shadoo, was discovered. Its biological properties and brain distribution partially overlap that of PrP. We report that the Shadoo-encoding gene knockdown in PrP-knockout mouse embryos results in a lethal phenotype, occurring between E8 and E11, not observed on the wild-type genetic background. It reveals that these two proteins play a shared, crucial role in mammalian embryogenesis, explaining the lack of severe phenotype in PrP-knockout mammals, an appreciable step towards deciphering the biological role of this protein family.  相似文献   

Protein chaperones help proteins adopt and maintain native conformations and play vital roles in cellular processes where proteins are partially folded. They comprise a major part of the cellular protein quality control system that protects the integrity of the proteome. Many disorders are caused when proteins misfold despite this protection. Yeast prions are fibrous amyloid aggregates of misfolded proteins. The normal action of chaperones on yeast prions breaks the fibers into pieces, which results in prion replication. Because this process is necessary for propagation of yeast prions, even small differences in activity of many chaperones noticeably affect prion phenotypes. Several other factors involved in protein processing also influence formation, propagation or elimination of prions in yeast. Thus, in much the same way that the dependency of viruses on cellular functions has allowed us to learn much about cell biology, the dependency of yeast prions on chaperones presents a unique and sensitive way to monitor the functions and interactions of many components of the cell''s protein quality control system. Our recent work illustrates the utility of this system for identifying and defining chaperone machinery interactions.  相似文献   


Protein chaperones help proteins adopt and maintain native conformations and play vital roles in cellular processes where proteins are partially folded. They comprise a major part of the cellular protein quality control system that protects the integrity of the proteome. Many disorders are caused when proteins misfold despite this protection. Yeast prions are fibrous amyloid aggregates of misfolded proteins. The normal action of chaperones on yeast prions breaks the fibers into pieces, which results in prion replication. Because this process is necessary for propagation of yeast prions, even small differences in activity of many chaperones noticeably affect prion phenotypes. Several other factors involved in protein processing also influence formation, propagation or elimination of prions in yeast. Thus, in much the same way that the dependency of viruses on cellular functions has allowed us to learn much about cell biology, the dependency of yeast prions on chaperones presents a unique and sensitive way to monitor the functions and interactions of many components of the cell's protein quality control system. Our recent work illustrates the utility of this system for identifying and defining chaperone machinery interactions.  相似文献   

朊病毒病,即传染性海绵状脑病(transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, TSEs),是一类传染性、致死性神经退行性疾病。在朊病毒病的病理过程中,细胞正常朊蛋白PrP。转化为异常构象的PrP是至关重要的,但是PrP‘的正常生理功能仍不清楚。国外学者利用比较基因组学发现了-个新的朊蛋白相关蛋白-shadoo(Sho)。Sho与PrP。在氨基酸序列和细胞定位的相似性及主要在脑组织表达,使它成为-个非常值得研究的PrP相关蛋白。对Sho可能存在的与PrP。重叠的功能甚至直接相互作用的研究工作,将对今后揭示PrPc正常生理功能以及揭示Pfion病发病机制具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Studies in transgenic mice revealed that neurodegeneration induced by scrapie prion (PrP(Sc)) propagation is dependent on neuronal expression of the cellular prion protein PrP(C). On the other hand, there is evidence that PrP(C) itself has a stress-protective activity. Here, we show that the toxic activity of PrP(Sc) and the protective activity of PrP(C) are interconnected. With a novel co-cultivation assay, we demonstrate that PrP(Sc) can induce apoptotic signalling in PrP(C)-expressing cells. However, cells expressing PrP mutants with an impaired stress-protective activity were resistant to PrP(Sc)-induced toxicity. We also show that the internal hydrophobic domain promotes dimer formation of PrP and that dimerization of PrP is linked to its stress-protective activity. PrP mutants defective in dimer formation did not confer enhanced stress tolerance. Moreover, in chronically scrapie-infected neuroblastoma cells the amount of PrP(C) dimers inversely correlated with the amount of PrP(Sc) and the resistance of the cells to various stress conditions. Our results provide new insight into the mechanism of PrP(C)-mediated neuroprotection and indicate that pathological PrP conformers abuse PrP(C)-dependent pathways for apoptotic signalling.  相似文献   

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are neurodegenerative disorders affecting humans and animals. At present, it is not possible to recognize individuals incubating the disease before the clinical symptoms appear. We investigated the effectiveness of the "Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification" (PMCA) technology to detect the protease-resistance disease-associated prion protein (PrP(res)) in pre-symptomatic stages. PMCA allowed detection of PrP(res) in the brain of pre-symptomatic hamsters, enabling a clear identification of infected animals as early as two weeks after inoculation. Furthermore, PMCA was able to amplify minute quantities of PrP(res) from a variety of experimental and natural TSEs. Finally, PMCA allowed the demonstration of PrP(res) in an experimentally infected cow 32 month post-inoculation, that did not show clinical signs and was negative by standard Western blot analysis. Our findings indicate that PMCA may be useful for the development of an ultra-sensitive diagnostic test to minimize the risk of further propagation of TSEs.  相似文献   

Mammalian prions     
Upon prion infection, abnormal prion protein (PrPSc) self-perpetuate by conformational conversion of α-helix-rich PrPC into β sheet enriched form, leading to formation and deposition of PrPSc aggregates in affected brains. However the process remains poorly understood at the molecular level and the regions of PrP critical for conversion are still debated. Minimal amino acid substitutions can impair prion replication at many places in PrP. Conversely, we recently showed that bona fide prions could be generated after introduction of eight and up to 16 additional amino acids in the H2-H3 inter-helix loop of PrP. Prion replication also accommodated the insertions of an octapeptide at different places in the last turns of H2. This reverse genetic approach reveals an unexpected tolerance of prions to substantial sequence changes in the protease-resistant part which is associated with infectivity. It also demonstrates that conversion does not require the presence of a specific sequence in the middle of the H2-H3 area. We discuss the implications of our findings according to different structural models proposed for PrPSc and questioned the postulated existence of an N- or C-terminal prion domain in the protease-resistant region.  相似文献   

Metallic prions     
Prion diseases, also referred to as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, are characterized by the deposition of an abnormal isoform of the prion protein in the brain. However, this aggregated, fibrillar, amyloid protein, termed PrPSc, is an altered conformer of a normal brain glycoprotein, PrPc. Understanding the nature of the normal cellular isoform of the prion protein is considered essential to understanding the conversion process that generates PrPSc. To this end much work has focused on elucidation of the normal function and activity of PrPc. Substantial evidence supports the notion that PrPc is a copper-binding protein. In conversion to the abnormal isoform, this Cu-binding activity is lost. Instead, there are some suggestions that the protein might bind other metals such as Mn or Zn. PrPc functions currently under investigation include the possibility that the protein is involved in signal transduction, cell adhesion, Cu transport and resistance to oxidative stress. Of these possibilities, only a role in Cu transport and its action as an antioxidant take into consideration PrPc's Cu-binding capacity. There are also more published data supporting these two functions. There is strong evidence that during the course of prion disease, there is a loss of function of the prion protein. This manifests as a change in metal balance in the brain and other organs and substantial oxidative damage throughout the brain. Thus prions and metals have become tightly linked in the quest to understand the nature of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.  相似文献   

The yeast system has provided considerable insight into the biology of amyloid and prions. Here we focus on how alterations in abundance or function of protein chaperones and co-chaperones affect propagation of yeast prions. In spite of a considerable amount of information, a clear understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects remains wanting.Key words: prion, amyloid, chaperone, yeast, Hsp70, Hsp40, Hsp104  相似文献   

Prions are the unconventional infectious agents responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, which appear to be composed mainly or exclusively of the misfolded prion protein (PrPSc). Prion replication involves the conversion of the normal prion protein (PrPC) into the misfolded isoform, catalyzed by tiny quantities of PrPSc present in the infectious material. We have recently developed the protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) technology to sustain the autocatalytic replication of infectious prions in vitro. Here we show that PMCA enables the specific and reproducible amplification of exceptionally minute quantities of PrPSc. Indeed, after seven rounds of PMCA, we were able to generate large amounts of PrPSc starting from a 1x10(-12) dilution of scrapie hamster brain, which contains the equivalent of approximately 26 molecules of protein monomers. According to recent data, this quantity is similar to the minimum number of molecules present in a single particle of infectious PrPSc, indicating that PMCA may enable detection of as little as one oligomeric PrPSc infectious particle. Interestingly, the in vitro generated PrPSc was infectious when injected in wild-type hamsters, producing a disease identical to the one generated by inoculation of the brain infectious material. The unprecedented amplification efficiency of PMCA leads to a several billion-fold increase of sensitivity for PrPSc detection as compared with standard tests used to screen prion-infected cattle and at least 4000 times more sensitivity than the animal bioassay. Therefore, PMCA offers great promise for the development of highly sensitive, specific, and early diagnosis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy and to further understand the molecular basis of prion propagation.  相似文献   

The protein Shadoo (Sho) is a paralogue of prion protein, and encoded by the gene Sprn. Like prion protein it is primarily expressed in central nervous system, and has been shown to have a similar expression pattern in certain regions of the brain. We have generated reporter mice carrying a transgene encompassing the Sprn promoter, exon 1, intron 1 and the 5′-end of exon 2 driving expression of either the LacZ or GFP reporter gene to study the expression profile of Shadoo in mice. Expression of the reporter genes was analysed in brains of these transgenic mice and was shown to mimic that of the endogenous gene expression, previously described by Watts et al. [1]. Consequently, the Sprn-LacZ mice were used to study the spatial expression of Sho in other tissues of the adult mouse. Several tissues were collected and stained for β-gal activity, including the thymus, heart, lung, liver, kidney, spleen, intestine, muscle, and gonads. From this array of tissues, the transgene was consistently expressed only in specific cell types of the testicle and ovary, suggesting a role for Shadoo in fertility and reproduction. These mice may serve as a useful tool in deciphering the regulation of the prion-like gene Sprn and thus, indirectly, of the Shadoo protein.  相似文献   

Li J  Mahal SP  Demczyk CA  Weissmann C 《EMBO reports》2011,12(12):1243-1250
Murine prions transferred from brain to cultured cells gradually adapt to the new environment. Brain-derived 22L prions can infect neuroblastoma-derived PK1 cells in the presence of swainsonine (swa); that is, they are 'swa resistant'. PK1 cell-adapted 22L prions are swa sensitive; however, propagation in swa results in selection of swa-resistant substrains. Cloned, PK1 cell-adapted 22L prions were initially unable to develop swa resistance ('swa incompetent'); however, after serial propagation for 30-90 doublings, four of nine clones became swa competent, showing that swa-resistant 'mutants' arose during replication. Mutations in the case of prions are attributed to heritable changes in PrP(Sc) conformation. One clone remained swa incompetent even after 10(35)-fold expansion; surprisingly, after propagation in brain, it yielded swa-resistant prions, indistinguishable from the original 22L population. Thus, cell-adapted 22L prions assumed either mutable or virtually immutable conformations; however, when passaged through the brain all became mutable. Mutability is thus a substrain-specific attribute.  相似文献   

Misfolded aggregates present in amyloid fibrils are associated with various diseases known as "protein misfolding" disorders. Among them, prion diseases are unique in that the pathology can be transmitted by an infectious process involving an unprecedented agent known as a "prion". Prions are infectious proteins that can transmit biological information by propagating protein misfolding and aggregation. The molecular mechanism of prion conversion has a striking resemblance to the process of amyloid formation, suggesting that misfolded aggregates have an inherent ability to be transmissible. Intriguing recent data suggest that other protein misfolding disorders might also be transmitted by a prion-like infectious process.  相似文献   

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