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Object recognition in the peripheral visual field is limited by crowding: the disruptive influence of nearby clutter. Despite its severity, little is known about the cortical locus of crowding. Here, we examined the neural correlates of crowding by combining event-related fMRI adaptation with a change-detection paradigm. Crowding can change the appearance of objects, such that items become perceptually matched to surrounding objects; we used this change in appearance as a signature of crowding and measured brain activity that correlated with the crowded percept. Observers adapted to a peripheral patch of noise surrounded by four Gabor flankers. When crowded, the noise appears oriented and perceptually indistinguishable from the flankers. Consequently, substitution of the noise for a Gabor identical to the flankers ("change-same") is rarely detected, whereas substitution for an orthogonal Gabor ("change-different") is rarely missed. We predicted that brain areas representing the crowded percept would show repetition suppression in change-same trials but release from adaptation in change-different trials. This predicted pattern was observed throughout cortical visual areas V1-V4, increasing in strength from early to late visual areas. These results depict crowding as a multistage process, involving even the earliest cortical visual areas, with perceptual consequences that are increasingly influenced by later visual areas.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary arms races are a powerful force driving evolution, adaptation, and diversification. They can generate phenotypic polymorphisms that render it harder for a coevolving parasite or predator to exploit any one individual of a given species. In birds, egg polymorphisms should be an effective defense against mimetic brood parasites and are extreme in the African tawny-flanked prinia (Prinia subflava) and its parasite, the cuckoo finch (Anomalospiza imberbis). Here we use models of avian visual perception to analyze the appearance of prinia and cuckoo finch eggs from the same location over 40 years. We show that the two interacting populations have experienced rapid changes in egg traits. Egg colors of both species have diversified over time, expanding into avian color space as expected under negative frequency-dependent selection. Egg pattern showed signatures of both frequency-dependent and directional selection in different traits, which appeared to be evolving independently of one another. Host and parasite appear to be closely tracking one another's evolution, since parasites showed closer color mimicry of contemporaneous hosts. This correlational evidence suggests that hosts and parasites are locked in an ongoing arms race in egg appearance, driven by constant change in the selective advantage of different phenotypes, and that coevolutionary arms races can generate remarkably rapid phenotypic change.  相似文献   

Saliency detection is widely used in many visual applications like image segmentation, object recognition and classification. In this paper, we will introduce a new method to detect salient objects in natural images. The approach is based on a regional principal color contrast modal, which incorporates low-level and medium-level visual cues. The method allows a simple computation of color features and two categories of spatial relationships to a saliency map, achieving higher F-measure rates. At the same time, we present an interpolation approach to evaluate resulting curves, and analyze parameters selection. Our method enables the effective computation of arbitrary resolution images. Experimental results on a saliency database show that our approach produces high quality saliency maps and performs favorably against ten saliency detection algorithms.  相似文献   

肌细胞发育过程中间隙连接的变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The appearance and changes of gap junctions during the development of striated muscle cells of Cynops orientalis have been studied by paraffin section, ultrathin-section and freeze-etching techniques. Gap junctions first appear between the somitic mesoderm cells in the late gastrula. A marked increase of the number of gap junctions occurs at the end of gastrulation. The number of gap junctions remains at a high level from neural plate stage up to nasal pit stage. After the stage of muscle contraction, the number of gap junctions decreases. Gap junctions do not disappear until muscle cells have attained their final differentiation and neuromuscular junctions have fully developed. The changes of size of gap junctions parallel with the changes in number. In addition, the number and size of gap junctions are both at the high level before cell fusion. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that cell communication is closely correlated with the development of striated muscle cells. The role of communications in cell determination and differentiation and in cell fusion of muscle cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Many saliency computational models have been proposed to simulate bottom-up visual attention mechanism of human visual system. However, most of them only deal with certain kinds of images or aim at specific applications. In fact, human beings have the ability to correctly select attentive focuses of objects with arbitrary sizes within any scenes. This paper proposes a new bottom-up computational model from the perspective of frequency domain based on the biological discovery of non-Classical Receptive Field (nCRF) in the retina. A saliency map can be obtained according to the idea of Extended Classical Receptive Field. The model is composed of three major steps: firstly decompose the input image into several feature maps representing different frequency bands that cover the whole frequency domain by utilizing Gabor wavelet. Secondly, whiten the feature maps to highlight the embedded saliency information. Thirdly, select some optimal maps, simulating the response of receptive field especially nCRF, to generate the saliency map. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is able to work with stable effect and outstanding performance in a variety of situations as human beings do and is adaptive to both psychological patterns and natural images. Beyond that, biological plausibility of nCRF and Gabor wavelet transform make this approach reliable.  相似文献   


This article examines the relationship between house form and appearance and social diversity. The metamorphosis of two features of the Qatari house which operate as loci of communication between occupants and non‐occupants, the majlis (guest reception area) and the exterior ornamentation, is described within the context of increasing social diversity between the 1960s and the 1990s. The manner in which each of these features conveys information to the new range of audiences within the diverse population of Qatar is examined. The article supports the view that differences in the use of a house to signify status are related to the character of social networks and demonstrates that in a dual social system where networks coexist but rarely overlap methods and media of communication through the built environment can be similarly bifurcated.  相似文献   

The AA. have carried out researches on the cronological relation between leukocytarian flow and male acceptance. They have used colpocitological tests brought on twice a day on 41 female guinea pigs. On the basis of their results the Authors can state that in this species the period of male acceptance is covered within 14 hours every cycle. In about 50% of subjects the period starts with vaginal opening and probably the mating precedes the leukocytarian flow.  相似文献   

Signals of dominance and fighting ability (i.e. status signals) are found in a wide range of taxa and are used to settle disputes between competitive rivals. Most previous research has considered status-signal phenotype as an attribute of the individual; however, it is more likely that signal expression is an emergent property that also incorporates aspects of the social environment. Furthermore, because an individual''s signal phenotype is likely to influence its social interactions, the relationships between status signals, social environment and individual quality are probably much more complex than previously appreciated. Here, we explore the dynamic relationship between social interactions and signal expression in a previously undescribed status signal, the frontal shield of the pukeko (Porphyrio porphyrio melanotus: Aves). We demonstrate that frontal shield size is a strong predictor of dominance status within social groups, even after controlling for potentially confounding variables. Then, we evaluate the relationship between social interactions and signal expression by testing whether manipulating apparent shield size influences (i) dominance interactions and (ii) future signal expression. By showing that decreasing apparent shield size causes both an increase in the amount of aggression received and a decrease in an individual''s true shield size, we provide the first evidence of dynamic feedback between signal expression and social interactions. Our study provides important insight into the role of receiver-dependent (i.e. social) costs in maintaining signal honesty and demonstrates a unique approach to studying status signalling applicable to future studies on dynamic morphological signals.  相似文献   

Wright MJ 《Spatial Vision》2005,18(4):413-430
It has been proposed that the visual system encodes the salience of objects in the visual field in an explicit two-dimensional map that guides visual selective attention. Experiments were conducted to determine whether salience measurements applied to regions of pictures of outdoor scenes could predict the detection of changes in those regions. To obtain a quantitative measure of change detection, observers located changes in pairs of colour pictures presented across an interstimulus interval (ISI). Salience measurements were then obtained from different observers for image change regions using three independent methods, and all were positively correlated with change detection. Factor analysis extracted a single saliency factor that accounted for 62% of the variance contained in the four measures. Finally, estimates of the magnitude of the image change in each picture pair were obtained, using nine separate visual filters representing low-level vision features (luminance, colour, spatial frequency, orientation, edge density). None of the feature outputs was significantly associated with change detection or saliency. On the other hand it was shown that high-level (structural) properties of the changed region were related to saliency and to change detection: objects were more salient than shadows and more detectable when changed.  相似文献   

The automatic computerized detection of regions of interest (ROI) is an important step in the process of medical image processing and analysis. The reasons are many, and include an increasing amount of available medical imaging data, existence of inter-observer and inter-scanner variability, and to improve the accuracy in automatic detection in order to assist doctors in diagnosing faster and on time. A novel algorithm, based on visual saliency, is developed here for the identification of tumor regions from MR images of the brain. The GBM saliency detection model is designed by taking cue from the concept of visual saliency in natural scenes. A visually salient region is typically rare in an image, and contains highly discriminating information, with attention getting immediately focused upon it. Although color is typically considered as the most important feature in a bottom-up saliency detection model, we circumvent this issue in the inherently gray scale MR framework. We develop a novel pseudo-coloring scheme, based on the three MRI sequences, viz. FLAIR, T2 and T1C (contrast enhanced with Gadolinium). A bottom-up strategy, based on a new pseudo-color distance and spatial distance between image patches, is defined for highlighting the salient regions in the image. This multi-channel representation of the image and saliency detection model help in automatically and quickly isolating the tumor region, for subsequent delineation, as is necessary in medical diagnosis. The effectiveness of the proposed model is evaluated on MRI of 80 subjects from the BRATS database in terms of the saliency map values. Using ground truth of the tumor regions for both high- and low- grade gliomas, the results are compared with four highly referred saliency detection models from literature. In all cases the AUC scores from the ROC analysis are found to be more than 0.999 ± 0.001 over different tumor grades, sizes and positions.  相似文献   

Saliency maps produced by different algorithms are often evaluated by comparing output to fixated image locations appearing in human eye tracking data. There are challenges in evaluation based on fixation data due to bias in the data. Properties of eye movement patterns that are independent of image content may limit the validity of evaluation results, including spatial bias in fixation data. To address this problem, we present modeling and evaluation results for data derived from different perceptual tasks related to the concept of saliency. We also present a novel approach to benchmarking to deal with some of the challenges posed by spatial bias. The results presented establish the value of alternatives to fixation data to drive improvement and development of models. We also demonstrate an approach to approximate the output of alternative perceptual tasks based on computational saliency and/or eye gaze data. As a whole, this work presents novel benchmarking results and methods, establishes a new performance baseline for perceptual tasks that provide an alternative window into visual saliency, and demonstrates the capacity for saliency to serve in approximating human behaviour for one visual task given data from another.  相似文献   

Saliency detection attracted attention of many researchers and had become a very active area of research. Recently, many saliency detection models have been proposed and achieved excellent performance in various fields. However, most of these models only consider low-level features. This paper proposes a novel saliency detection model using both color and texture features and incorporating higher-level priors. The SLIC superpixel algorithm is applied to form an over-segmentation of the image. Color saliency map and texture saliency map are calculated based on the region contrast method and adaptive weight. Higher-level priors including location prior and color prior are incorporated into the model to achieve a better performance and full resolution saliency map is obtained by using the up-sampling method. Experimental results on three datasets demonstrate that the proposed saliency detection model outperforms the state-of-the-art models.  相似文献   

A variety of diagnostic techniques have been applied to address the problem of determining optimal mating time in the bitch, although some have not been objectively investigated. Nine healthy bitches were examined daily using routine clinical methods as part of their normal breeding management with the aim of establishing which method was most useful. Accordingly, measurement of the degree of vulval swelling, endoscopic measurement of the vaginal mucosal color and appearance, and objective evaluation of behavior of the bitch were related to the time of ovulation (calculated when progesterone reached 5 ng/mL; Day 0) and the duration of the fertilization period (Day 2 to Day 5) determined by measurement of plasma progesterone concentration and assessment of vaginal cytology. There was a surprisingly large individual variation in measurements of vulval swelling, such that although trends were apparent this technique was not precise enough to establish the optimal mating time. However, measuring color saturation and vaginal mucosal fold width was successful. A consistent change in the mucosal color saturation was observed that related to the beginning (Day −5) and duration of the fertile period although there was no difference in measurement of color saturation between Day −5 and Day 2 (P = 0.31), and Day 2 and Day 5 (P = 0.43). The vaginal mucosal folds were smaller in width at the beginning of the fertilization period (Day 2) than at the beginning of the fertile period (Day −5) (P = 0.008), and all bitches had a consistent appearance of mucosal contours on Day 3. Assessment of sexual behavior was not considered precise enough to enable determination of the optimal time for mating because of the large amount of individual variation in behavioral scores. There was no difference in female behavior scores between Day −5 and Day 2 (P = 0.29), or between Day 2 and Day 5 (P = 0.06). Using objective techniques this study has quantified changes in the color and fold width of the vaginal mucosa that have previously only been subjectively reported. These changes can be used to identify the fertilization period and it is possible, with future refining of the technique, that endoscopic examination could replace vaginal cytology to be used in conjunction with plasma progesterone concentration when examining bitches to determine the optimal time to breed.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the degree of saliency of texts in natural scenes using visual saliency models. A large scale scene image database with pixel level ground truth is created for this purpose. Using this scene image database and five state-of-the-art models, visual saliency maps that represent the degree of saliency of the objects are calculated. The receiver operating characteristic curve is employed in order to evaluate the saliency of scene texts, which is calculated by visual saliency models. A visualization of the distribution of scene texts and non-texts in the space constructed by three kinds of saliency maps, which are calculated using Itti''s visual saliency model with intensity, color and orientation features, is given. This visualization of distribution indicates that text characters are more salient than their non-text neighbors, and can be captured from the background. Therefore, scene texts can be extracted from the scene images. With this in mind, a new visual saliency architecture, named hierarchical visual saliency model, is proposed. Hierarchical visual saliency model is based on Itti''s model and consists of two stages. In the first stage, Itti''s model is used to calculate the saliency map, and Otsu''s global thresholding algorithm is applied to extract the salient region that we are interested in. In the second stage, Itti''s model is applied to the salient region to calculate the final saliency map. An experimental evaluation demonstrates that the proposed model outperforms Itti''s model in terms of captured scene texts.  相似文献   

Chondrolaryngoplasty for appearance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prominent thyroid cartilage (pomus Adamus) is frequently a constant embarrassment to the male transsexual as well as to the asthenic male. The demand for reduction and contouring of the pomus Adamus continues to increase in our societies today. Since our first presentation of this procedure, we have been able to follow 31 patients over a 17-year period. We present a review of our technique of chondrolaryngoplasty, with anatomic details and a follow-up of 31 patients ranging from 4 months to 17 years. The results are effective and satisfying, with few complications. Those which do occur tend to be transient, with the most frequent being a temporary mild voice weakness. We believe this operation has a place among the techniques of plastic surgeons.  相似文献   

The temporal appearance of seasonal changes in numbers of Leydig, Sertoli, and germ cells was evaluated to determine if seasonally increased daily spermatozoan production might be preceded by changes in numbers of either of two somatic testicular cells. A significant increase in numbers of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells preceded the significant increase in number of Leydig cells in the approaching breeding season. Seasonal changes in parenchymal weight and in numbers of Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and germ cells were maximal in May and June. Numbers of A or B spermatogonia in June were 2.4 to 2.5 times the number present in January. During the same time period, numbers of other germ cells, as well as Leydig cells and Sertoli cells, were increased by 1.5 to 1.9 times. The magnitude of change between January and March (first time period that the change was significant) was greater for A spermatogonia (1.7-fold) than for other cell types (1.3-fold to 1.5-fold). Hence, the need to accommodate more spermatogonial progeny might cause increased testicular size and number of somatic cells, including Sertoli cells. Season did not influence the rate of degeneration between A and B spermatogonia. However, in the breeding season, the conversion of B spermatogonia to primary spermatocytes was reduced. The lack of a seasonal difference in the ratio of primary spermatocytes per Sertoli cell was consistent with a limited capacity of individual Sertoli cells to accommodate primary spermatocytes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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