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Our primary objective was to discover simplified mouse models corresponding to human obesity linkages. We used the B10.UW– H3b we Pax1un at/Sn (B10.UW) congenic strain, a subcongenic strain with a reduced UW strain donor region, and their C57BL/10SnJ background strain. The congenic and subcongenic UW strain donor regions are on mouse Chr 2. We measured body length [anal-nasal (AN) length], summed fat depot weights normalized for body weight (Adiposity Index, AI), and percentage of body weight that is lipid. The B10.UW congenic and subcongenic strains have significantly smaller AN lengths (p < 0.0001) and have a significantly lower AI and percentage of body weight as fat than the background strain (p < 0.0001). In an F2 intercross of the congenic and background strains, AN and AI were both linked to the distal half of the donor region with LOD scores greater than 19 and 5, respectively. F2 haplotypes identified a minimal region for AN linkage of 0.8 megabases (Mb) that is estimated to express four genes in the current Celera mouse genome assembly. We narrowed the most likely location of the obesity gene to 15 Mb whose homologous genes are all located on human Chr 20 in the region surrounding the centromere. Since a previous study identified human obesity linkage peaking near the centromere, then the B10.UW mice may exhibit obesity due to the homologous gene.  相似文献   

PPP2R2B, a protein widely expressed in neurons, regulates the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity for dephosphorylation of tau and other substrates. CAG repeat expansion at the 5′-end of the PPP2R2B gene causes autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia type 12. In the present study, we investigated the roles of CAG repeats and flanking cis elements and the associated proteins in controlling PPP2R2B expression. Deletion/site-directed mutagenesis, in silico searches and cDNA overexpression revealed that CREB1 and SP1 bind to the conserved sequence upstream the CAG repeats to up-regulate PPP2R2B expression, whereas TFAP4 binds to the conserved sequence downstream the CAG repeats to down-regulate PPP2R2B expression. The binding of CREB1, SP1, and TFAP4 to the PPP2R2B promoter was further confirmed by DNA pull-down and ChIP-PCR assays. CAG repeats itself also function as a cis element to up-regulate PPP2R2B expression as AT repeat length has no effect on PPP2R2B expression. Together, our data provide evidence that CREB1, SP1, and TFAP4 play roles in modulating PPP2R2B expression, thus offering a mechanism of regulating PP2A activity as the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases associated with abnormal PP2A activity.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is one of several neurodegenerative disorders caused by expansion of CAG repeats in a coding gene. Somatic CAG expansion rates in HD vary between organs, and the greatest instability is observed in the brain, correlating with neuropathology. The fundamental mechanisms of somatic CAG repeat instability are poorly understood, but locally formed secondary DNA structures generated during replication and/or repair are believed to underlie triplet repeat expansion. Recent studies in HD mice have demonstrated that mismatch repair (MMR) and base excision repair (BER) proteins are expansion inducing components in brain tissues. This study was designed to simultaneously investigate the rates and modes of expansion in different tissues of HD R6/1 mice in order to further understand the expansion mechanisms in vivo. We demonstrate continuous small expansions in most somatic tissues (exemplified by tail), which bear the signature of many short, probably single-repeat expansions and contractions occurring over time. In contrast, striatum and cortex display a dramatic--and apparently irreversible--periodic expansion. Expansion profiles displaying this kind of periodicity in the expansion process have not previously been reported. These in vivo findings imply that mechanistically distinct expansion processes occur in different tissues.  相似文献   

Trinucleotide repeats (TNRs) undergo high frequency mutagenesis to cause at least 15 neurodegenerative diseases. To understand better the molecular mechanisms of TNR instability in cultured cells, a new genetic assay was created using a shuttle vector. The shuttle vector contains a promoter-TNR-reporter gene construct whose expression is dependent on TNR length. The vector harbors the SV40 ori and large T antigen gene, allowing portability between primate cell lines. The shuttle vector is propagated in cultured cells, then recovered and analyzed in yeast using selection for reporter gene expression. We show that (CAG•CTG)25−33 contracts at frequencies as high as 1% in 293T and 293 human cells and in COS-1 monkey cells, provided that the plasmid undergoes replication. Hairpin-forming capacity of the repeat sequence stimulated contractions. Evidence for a threshold was observed between 25 and 33 repeats in COS-1 cells, where contraction frequencies increased sharply (up 720%) over a narrow range of repeat lengths. Expression of the mismatch repair protein Mlh1 does not correlate with repeat instability, suggesting contractions are independent of mismatch repair in our system. Together, these findings recapitulate certain features of human genetics and therefore establish a novel cell culture system to help provide new mechanistic insights into CAG•CTG repeat instability.  相似文献   

Type I diabetes is a complex disease in which multiple susceptibility loci have been implicated by whole genome scans. IDDM8, a susceptibility locus, is located on chromosome 6q27, however the specific susceptibility gene has yet to be identified. We have examined five potential candidate genes using 36 genetic markers, spanning 360kb located near the chromosome 6q27 terminus in 478 families for diabetes association. No associations with type I diabetes susceptibility were detected with the strength previously observed for IDDM1 or IDDM2. However, a novel CAG/CAA polymorphism was detected in exon 3 of the TATA box-binding protein gene, which shows preliminary evidence of association with diabetes susceptibility (p<0.05).  相似文献   

CYP2A6 is known as a major cytochrome P450 (CYP) responsible for the oxidation of nicotine and coumarin in humans. In this study, we explored genetic polymorphisms, which reduce CYP2A6 activity in Japanese. Two novel mutations in exon 9 of the CYP2A6 gene were found. A single nucleotide polymorphism of T1412C and G1454T resulted in Ile471Thr and Arg485Leu substitution, respectively. The frequency of the former variant allele was considerably high (15.7%), while the latter variant appeared to be a rare polymorphism. Heterologous expression of CYP2A6 using a cDNA possessing C instead of T-base at codon 471 in Escherichia coli caused remarkable reduction of the stability of holoenzyme at 37 degrees C. Furthermore, this variant enzyme almost lacked nicotine C-oxidase activity, although coumarin 7-hydroxylase activity was still observed. These data suggest that individuals homozygous for the T1412C variant allele or heterozygous for this and a defect allele such as the CYP2A6*4 may be poor metabolizer of nicotine, but not coumarin.  相似文献   

Trinucleotide repeats (TNRs) undergo frequent mutations in families affected by TNR diseases and in model organisms. Much of the instability is conferred in cis by the sequence and length of the triplet tract. Trans-acting factors also modulate TNR instability risk, on the basis of such evidence as parent-of-origin effects. To help identify trans-acting modifiers, a screen was performed to find yeast mutants with altered CTG.CAG repeat mutation frequencies. The RTG2 gene was identified as one such modifier. In rtg2 mutants, expansions of CTG.CAG repeats show a modest increase in rate, depending on the starting tract length. Surprisingly, contractions were suppressed in an rtg2 background. This creates a situation in a model system where expansions outnumber contractions, as in humans. The rtg2 phenotype was apparently specific for CTG.CAG repeat instability, since no changes in mutation rate were observed for dinucleotide repeats or at the CAN1 reporter gene. This feature sets rtg2 mutants apart from most other mutants that affect genetic stability both for TNRs and at other DNA sequences. It was also found that RTG2 acts independently of its normal partners RTG1 and RTG3, suggesting a novel function of RTG2 that helps modify CTG.CAG repeat mutation risk.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder for which there is no effective disease modifying treatment. Following-on from studies in HD animal models, histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition has emerged as an attractive therapeutic option. In parallel, several reports have demonstrated a role for histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) in the modulation of the toxicity caused by the accumulation of misfolded proteins, including that of expanded polyglutamine in an N-terminal huntingtin fragment. An important role for HDAC6 in kinesin-1 dependent transport of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) from the cortex to the striatum has also been demonstrated. To elucidate the role that HDAC6 plays in HD progression, we evaluated the effects of the genetic depletion of HDAC6 in the R6/2 mouse model of HD. Loss of HDAC6 resulted in a marked increase in tubulin acetylation throughout the brain. Despite this, there was no effect on the onset and progression of a wide range of behavioural, physiological, molecular and pathological HD-related phenotypes. We observed no change in the aggregate load or in the levels of soluble mutant exon 1 transprotein. HDAC6 genetic depletion did not affect the efficiency of BDNF transport from the cortex to the striatum. Therefore, we conclude that HDAC6 inhibition does not modify disease progression in R6/2 mice and HDAC6 should not be prioritized as a therapeutic target for HD.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is caused by an expansion of CAG repeats within the huntingtin gene and is characterized by intraneuronal mutant huntingtin protein aggregates. In order to determine the role of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) in HD aggregate formation and disease progression, we cross-bred the R6/2 HD mouse model with a tTG knockout mouse line. R6/2 mice that were tTG heterozygous knockouts (R6/2 : tTG+/-) and tTG homozygous knockouts (R6/2 : tTG-/-) showed a very similar increase in aggregate number within the striatum compared with R6/2 mice that were wild-type with respect to tTG (R6/2 : tTG+/+). Interestingly, a significant delay in the onset of motor dysfunction and death occurred in R6/2 : tTG-/- mice compared with both R6/2 : tTG+/+ and R6/2 : tTG+/- mice. As aggregate number was similarly increased in the striatum of both R6/2 : tTG+/- and R6/2 : tTG-/- mice, whereas only R6/2 : tTG-/- mice showed delayed disease progression, these data suggest that the contribution of tTG towards motor dysfunction and death in the R6/2 mouse is independent of its ability to negatively regulate aggregate formation. Moreover, the combined results from this study suggest that the formation of striatal huntingtin aggregates does not directly influence motor dysfunction or death in this HD mouse model.  相似文献   

In the analysis of complex traits, congenic strains are powerful tools because they allow characterization of a single locus in the absence of genetic variation throughout the remainder of the genome. Here, we report the construction and initial characterization of a genome-wide panel of congenic strains derived from the donor strain DBA/2J on the background strain C57BL/6J. For many strains, we have carried out high-density SNP genotyping to precisely map the congenic interval and to identify any contaminating regions. Certain strains exhibit striking variation in litter size and in the ratio of females to males. We illustrate the utility of the set by "Mendelizing" the complex trait of myocardial calcification. These 65 strains cover more than 95% of the autosomal genome and should facilitate the analysis of the many genetic trait differences that have been reported between these parental strains.  相似文献   

The Huntington’s disease mutation has been identified as a CAG/polyglutamine repeat expansion in a large gene of unknown function. In order to develop the transgenic systems necessary to uncover the molecular pathology of this disorder, it is necessary to be able to manipulate highly expanded CAG repeats in a cloned form. We have identified a patient with an expanded allele of greater than 170 repeat units and have cloned the mutant allele in the lambda zap vector. The recovery of highly expanded repeats after clone propagation was more efficient when repeats were maintained as lambda phage clones rather than as the plasmid counterparts. Manipulation of the repeats as phage clones has enabled us to generate Huntington’s disease transgenic mice that contain highly expanded (CAG)115–(CAG)150 repeats and that develop a progressive neurological phenotype. Received: 7 October 1996 / Revised: 5 December 1996  相似文献   

Somatic mosaicism of repeat length is prominent in repeat expansion disorders such as Huntington disease and myotonic dystrophy. Somatic mosaicism is age-dependent, tissue-specific and expansion-biased, and likely contributes toward the tissue-specificity and progressive nature of the symptoms. We propose that therapies targeted at somatic repeat expansion may have general utility in these disorders. Specifically, suppression of somatic expansion would be expected to be therapeutic, whilst reversion of the expanded mutant repeat to within the normal range would be predicted to be curative. However, the effects of genotoxic agents on the mutational properties of specific nuclear genes are notoriously difficult to define. Nonetheless, we have determined that chronic exposure over a three month period to a number of genotoxic agents can alter the rate of triplet repeat expansion in whole populations of mammalian cells. Interestingly, high doses of caffeine increased the rate of expansion by ~60%. More importantly, cytosine arabinoside, ethidium bromide, 5-azacytidine and aspirin all significantly reduced the rate of expansion by from 35 to 75%. These data establish that drug induced suppression of somatic expansion is possible. These data also suggest that highly unstable expanded simple sequence repeats may act as sensitive reporters of genotoxic assault in the soma.  相似文献   

Imprint status of M6P/IGF2R and IGF2 in chickens   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Genomic imprinting is a method of gene regulation whereby a gene is expressed in a parent-of-origin-dependent fashion; however, it is hypothesized that imprinting should not occur in oviparous taxa such as birds. Therefore, we examined the allelic expression of two genes in the chicken that are reciprocally imprinted in most mammals, mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor (M6P/IGF2R) and insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2). Single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified in these genes, and cDNA was prepared from several tissues of embryos heterozygous for these polymorphisms. Both alleles of M6P/IGF2R and IGF2 were expressed in all tissues examined by RT-PCR. Since the expression of these genes was independent of the parent from which they were inherited, we conclude that neither M6P/IGF2R nor IGF2 are imprinted in the chicken.  相似文献   

Xylanases form enzymes of considerable interest to a variety of biotechnological industries. Their industrial usage is especially attractive since they can replace some of the environmental pollutants, and are economically viable. Those with higher thermostability and optimal activity at alkaline pH are of particular importance to the paper and pulp industry due to the demands of conditions under which the enzymatic reactions are carried out. We have earlier isolated a xylanase from Bacillus sp. NG-27, which is active both at high temperature as well as at alkaline pH. In order to find out factors responsible for the adaptation of this enzyme to the extreme conditions, three dimensional structure of NG-27 xylanase has now been obtained by homology modelling. The tertiary structure shows TIM barrel fold consisting of 8 parallel beta-strands surrounded by alpha-helices. The active site is located at the carboxy terminal end of the TIM barrel. Factors which contribute to the thermostability of the enzyme are increased number of salt bridges. The salt bridges occur remarkably on one face of alpha-helices, with oppositely charged residues occupying i, i+4, i+7 positions. A solvent shielded salt bridge interaction is also observed, which is absent in the mesophilic homologous xylanases. Solvent shielding may enhance electrostatic interaction through lowering of the dielectric, and contribute to increased stability of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The metabolic syndrome is a group of disorders including obesity, insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension. To date, few animal models have been described to recapitulate the phenotypes of the syndrome. In this study, we generated and characterized two lines of triple-knockout mice that are deficient in either apolipoprotein E (Apoe(-/-)) or low-density lipoprotein receptor (Ldlr(-/-)) and express no leptin (Lep(ob/ob)) or apolipoprotein B-48 but exclusively apolipoprotein B-100 (Apob(100/100)). These two lines are referred to as Apoe triple-knockout-Apoe 3KO (Apoe(-/-)Apob(100/100)Lep(ob/ob)) and Ldlr triple-knockout-Ldlr 3KO (Ldlr(-/-)Apob(100/100)Lep(ob/ob)) mice. Both lines develop obesity, hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. However, only Apoe 3KO mice are hyperglycemic and glucose intolerant and are more obese than Ldlr 3KO mice. To evaluate the utility of these lines as pharmacological models, we treated both with leptin and found that leptin therapy ameliorated most metabolic derangements. Leptin was more effective in improving glucose tolerance in Ldlr 3KO than Apoe 3KO animals. The reduction of plasma cholesterol by leptin in Ldlr 3KO mice can be accounted for by its suppressive effect on food intake. However, in Apoe 3KO mice, leptin further reduced plasma cholesterol independently of its effect on food intake, and this improvement correlated with a smaller plaque lesion area. These effects suggest a direct role of leptin in modulating VLDL levels and, likewise, the lesion areas in VLDL-enriched animals. These two lines of mice represent new models with features of the metabolic syndrome and will be useful in testing therapies targeted for combating the human condition.  相似文献   

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