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We have identified an NiFe-hydrogenase exclusively localized in the cytoplasm of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 (T. kodakaraensis hydrogenase). A gene cluster encoding T. kodakaraensis hydrogenase was composed of four open reading frames (hyhBGSL(Tk)), where the hyhS(Tk) and hyhL(Tk) gene products corresponded to the small and the large subunits of NiFe-hydrogenase, respectively. A putative open reading frame for hydrogenase-specific maturation endopeptidase (hybD(Tk)) was found downstream of the cluster. Polyclonal antibodies raised against recombinant HyhL(Tk) were used for immunoaffinity purification of T. kodakaraensis hydrogenase, leading to a 259-fold concentration of hydrogenase activity. The purified T. kodakaraensis hydrogenase was composed of four subunits (beta, gamma, delta, and alpha), corresponding to the products of hyhBGSL(Tk), respectively. Each alphabetagammadelta unit contained 0.8 mol of Ni, 22.3 mol of Fe, 21.1 mol of acid-labile sulfide, and 1.01 mol of flavin adenine dinucleotide. The optimal temperature for the T. kodakaraensis hydrogenase was 95 degrees C for H(2) uptake and 90 degrees C for H(2) production with methyl viologen as the electron carrier. We found that NADP(+) and NADPH promoted high levels of uptake and evolution of H(2), respectively, suggesting that the molecule is the electron carrier for the T. kodakaraensis hydrogenase.  相似文献   

The hydrogen (H2) production potential of the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 was evaluated at 85 degrees C. In batch cultivation using a complex medium supplemented with elemental sulfur (S0), evolution of H2S and CO2 was observed in the gas phase. When S0 was omitted and pyruvate or starch was added in the medium, the cells produced H2 at high levels instead of H2S. As the level of H2 appeared to correlate with the specific growth rate, analysis in continuous cultures was performed to develop a continuous H2 production system. In a steady-state condition at a dilution rate of 0.2 h-1, a continuous H2 production rate (per gram dry weight, gdw) of 24.9 and 14.0 mmol gdw-1 h-1 was observed in media supplemented with pyruvate and starch, respectively. In both cultivations, a high accumulation of acetate and alanine was found as metabolites. When the dilution rates were elevated in the medium with pyruvate, steady-state growth was observed up to 0.8 h-1, and a maximum H2 production rate of 59.6 mmol gdw-1 h-1 was obtained. Based on the experimental results along with data of the entire genome sequence, the metabolic pathway of the strain relating to starch and pyruvate degradation is discussed.  相似文献   

In contrast to the high accumulation in sequence data for hyperthermophilic archaea, methodology for genetically manipulating these strains is still at an early stage. This study aimed to develop a gene disruption system for the hyperthermophilic euryarchaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. Uracil-auxotrophic mutants with mutations in the orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase gene (pyrF) were isolated by positive selection using 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA) and used as hosts for further transformation experiments. We then attempted targeted disruption of the trpE locus in the host strain by homologous recombination, as disruption of trpE was expected to result in tryptophan auxotrophy, an easily detectable phenotype. A disruption vector harboring the pyrF marker within trpE was constructed for double-crossover recombination. The host cells were transformed with the exogenous DNA using the CaCl(2) method, and several transformants could be selected based on genetic complementation. Genotypic and phenotypic analyses of a transformant revealed the unique occurrence of targeted disruption, as well as a phenotypic change of auxotrophy from uracil to tryptophan caused by integration of the wild-type pyrF into the host chromosome at trpE. As with the circular plasmid, gene disruption with linear DNA was also possible when the homologous regions were relatively long. Shortening these regions led to predominant recombination between the pyrF marker in the exogenous DNA and the mutated allele on the host chromosome. In contrast, we could not obtain trpE disruptants by insertional inactivation using a vector designed for single-crossover recombination. The gene targeting system developed in this study provides a long-needed tool in the research on hyperthermophilic archaea and will open the way to a systematic, genetic approach for the elucidation of unknown gene function in these organisms.  相似文献   

We have performed the first biochemical characterization of a putative archaeal signal peptide peptidase (SppA(Tk)) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. SppA(Tk), comprised of 334 residues, was much smaller than its counterpart from Escherichia coli (618 residues) and harbored a single predicted transmembrane domain near its N terminus. A truncated mutant protein without the N-terminal 54 amino acid residues (deltaN54SppA(Tk)) was found to be stable against autoproteolysis and was examined further. DeltaN54SppA(Tk) exhibited peptidase activity towards fluorogenic peptide substrates and was found to be highly thermostable. Moreover, the enzyme displayed a remarkable stability and preference for alkaline pH, with optimal activity detected at pH 10. DeltaN54SppA(Tk) displayed a K(m) of 240 +/- 18 microM and a V(max) of 27.8 +/- 0.7 micromol min(-1) mg(-1) towards Ala-Ala-Phe-4-methyl-coumaryl-7-amide at 80 degrees C and pH 10. The substrate specificity of the enzyme was examined in detail with a FRETS peptide library. By analyzing the cleavage products with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, deltaN54SppA(Tk) was found to efficiently cleave peptides with a relatively small side chain at the P-1 position and a hydrophobic or aromatic residue at the P-3 position. The positively charged Arg residue was preferred at the P-4 position, while substrates with negatively charged residues at the P-2, P-3, or P-4 position were not cleaved. When predicted signal sequences from the T. kodakaraensis genome sequence were examined, we found that the substrate specificity of deltaN54SppA(Tk) was in good agreement with its presumed role as a signal peptide peptidase in this archaeon.  相似文献   

Branching enzyme (BE) catalyzes formation of the branch points in glycogen and amylopectin by cleavage of the alpha-1,4 linkage and its subsequent transfer to the alpha-1,6 position. We have identified a novel BE encoded by an uncharacterized open reading frame (TK1436) of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. TK1436 encodes a conserved protein showing similarity to members of glycoside hydrolase family 57 (GH-57 family). At the C terminus of the TK1436 protein, two copies of a helix-hairpin-helix (HhH) motif were found. TK1436 orthologs are distributed in archaea of the order Thermococcales, cyanobacteria, some actinobacteria, and a few other bacterial species. When recombinant TK1436 protein was incubated with amylose used as the substrate, a product peak was detected by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography, eluting more slowly than the substrate. Isoamylase treatment of the reaction mixture significantly increased the level of short-chain alpha-glucans, indicating that the reaction product contained many alpha-1,6 branching points. The TK1436 protein showed an optimal pH of 7.0, an optimal temperature of 70 degrees C, and thermostability up to 90 degrees C, as determined by the iodine-staining assay. These properties were the same when a protein devoid of HhH motifs (the TK1436DeltaH protein) was used. The average molecular weight of branched glucan after reaction with the TK1436DeltaH protein was over 100 times larger than that of the starting substrate. These results clearly indicate that TK1436 encodes a structurally novel BE belonging to the GH-57 family. Identification of an overlooked BE species provides new insights into glycogen biosynthesis in microorganisms.  相似文献   

The chitinase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1, Tk-ChiA, has an interesting multidomain structure containing dual catalytic domains and triple chitin-binding domains. To determine the biochemical properties of each domain, we constructed deletion mutant genes corresponding to the individual catalytic domains and purified the recombinant proteins. A synergistic effect was observed when chitin was degraded in the presence of both catalytic domains, suggesting different cleavage specificity of these domains. Analyses of degradation products from N-acetyl-chitooligosaccharides and their chromogenic derivatives with thin layer chromatography indicated that the N-terminal catalytic domain mainly hydrolyzed the second glycosidic bond from the nonreducing end of the oligomers, whereas the C-terminal domain randomly hydrolyzed glycosidic bonds other than the first bond from the nonreducing end. Both catalytic domains formed diacetyl-chitobiose as a major end product and possessed transglycosylation activity. Further analysis of degradation products from colloidal chitin with high performance liquid chromatography showed that the N-terminal catalytic domain exclusively liberated diacetyl-chitobiose, whereas reactions with the C-terminal domain led to N-acetyl-chitooligosaccharides of various lengths. These results demonstrated that the N-terminal and C-terminal catalytic domains functioned as exo- and endochitinases, respectively. The biochemical results provide a physiological explanation for the presence of two catalytic domains with different specificity and suggest a cooperative function between the two on a single polypeptide in the degradation of chitin.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of family B DNA polymerase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 (KOD DNA polymerase) was determined. KOD DNA polymerase exhibits the highest known extension rate, processivity and fidelity. We carried out the structural analysis of KOD DNA polymerase in order to clarify the mechanisms of those enzymatic features. Structural comparison of DNA polymerases from hyperthermophilic archaea highlighted the conformational difference in Thumb domains. The Thumb domain of KOD DNA polymerase shows an "opened" conformation. The fingers subdomain possessed many basic residues at the side of the polymerase active site. The residues are considered to be accessible to the incoming dNTP by electrostatic interaction. A beta-hairpin motif (residues 242-249) extends from the Exonuclease (Exo) domain as seen in the editing complex of the RB69 DNA polymerase from bacteriophage RB69. Many arginine residues are located at the forked-point (the junction of the template-binding and editing clefts) of KOD DNA polymerase, suggesting that the basic environment is suitable for partitioning of the primer and template DNA duplex and for stabilizing the partially melted DNA structure in the high-temperature environments. The stabilization of the melted DNA structure at the forked-point may be correlated with the high PCR performance of KOD DNA polymerase, which is due to low error rate, high elongation rate and processivity.  相似文献   

Deblocking aminopeptidase (DAP) is an exoprotease that can release N-terminal amino acids from blocked peptides. Three DAP homologous (TkDAP1, TkDAP2, and TkDAP3) are annotated in the genome data base of Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1. TkDAP2 and TkDAP3 were identified as proteins that are overexpressed in response to heat and oxidative stress by two-dimensional electrophoresis. In this study, the TkDAP1 and TkDAP2 genes were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The two proteins were purified homogeneity and analyzed by gel filtration chromatography and electron microscopy. TkDAP1 showed two oligomers, which were identified as an octodecimer and a dodecamer. TkDAP2 produced three native forms: octodecimer, dodecamer, and trimer. Dodecamer assembly was the main form in the two proteins. Finally, TkDAP1 was found to have higher deblocking aminopeptidase activity on the substrates of Ac-Leu-pNA and Ac-Ala-Ala-Ala, while TkDAP2 had higher aminopeptidase activity on the substrates of Leu-pNA and Ala-Ala-Ala-pNA.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of RadB from Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1, an archaeal homologue of the RecA/Rad51 family proteins, have been determined in two crystal forms. The structure represents the core ATPase domain of the RecA/Rad51 proteins. Two independent molecules in the type 1 crystal were roughly related by 7-fold screw symmetry whereas non-crystallographic 2-fold symmetry was observed in the type 2 crystal. The dimer structure in the type 1 crystal is extended to construct a helical assembly, which resembles the filamentous structures reported for other RecA/Rad51 proteins. The molecular interface in the type 1 dimer is formed by facing a basic surface patch of one monomer to an acidic one of the other. The empty ATP binding pocket is located at the interface and barely concealed from the outside similarly to that in the active form of the RecA filament. The model assembly has a positively charged belt on one surface bordering the helical groove suitable for facile binding of DNA. Electron microscopy has revealed that, in the absence of ATP and DNA, RadB forms a filament with a similar diameter to that of the hypothetical assembly, although its helical properties were not confirmed.  相似文献   

A hyperthermophilic archaeal strain, KOD1, isolated from a solfatara on Kodakara Island, Japan, has previously been reported as Pyrococcus sp. KOD1. However, a detailed phylogenetic tree, made possible by the recent accumulation of 16S rRNA sequences of various species in the order Thermococcales, indicated that strain KOD1 is a member of the genus Thermococcus. We performed DNA-DNA hybridization tests against species that displayed high similarity in terms of 16S ribosomal DNA sequences, including Thermococcus peptonophilus and Thermococcus stetteri. Hybridization results and differences in growth characteristics and substrate utilization differentiated strain KOD1 from T. peptonophilus and T. stetteri at the species level. Our results indicate that strain KOD1 represents a new species of Thermococcus, which we designate as Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 sp. nov.  相似文献   

Branching enzymes (BEs) catalyze the formation of branch points in glycogen and amylopectin by cleavage of α-1,4 glycosidic bonds and subsequent transfer to a new α-1,6 position. BEs generally belong to glycoside hydrolase family 13 (GH13); however TK1436, isolated from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1, is the first GH57 member, which possesses BE activity. To date, the only BE structure that had been determined is a GH13-type from Escherichia coli. Herein, we have determined the crystal structure of TK1436 in the native state and in complex with glucose and substrate mimetics that permitted mapping of the substrate-binding channel and identification of key residues for glucanotransferase activity. Its structure encompasses a distorted (β/α)(7)-barrel juxtaposed to a C-terminal α-helical domain, which also participates in the formation of the active-site cleft. The active site comprises two acidic catalytic residues (Glu183 and Asp354), the polarizer His10, aromatic gate-keepers (Trp28, Trp270, Trp407, and Trp416) and the residue Tyr233, which is fully conserved among GH13- and GH57-type BEs. Despite TK1436 displaying a completely different fold and domain organization when compared to E. coli BE, they share the same structural determinants for BE activity. Structural comparison with AmyC, a GH57 α-amylase devoid of BE activity, revealed that the catalytic loop involved in substrate recognition and binding, is shortened in AmyC structure and it has been addressed as a key feature for its inability for glucanotransferase activity. The oligomerization has also been pointed out as a possible determinant for functional differentiation among GH57 members.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli 3-ketoacyl-ACP reductase gene (fabGEc) was cloned using a PCR technique to investigate the metabolic link between fatty acid metabolism and polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production. Three plasmids respectively harboring fabGEc and the poly-3-hydroxyalkanoate synthesis genes phaCAc and phaC1Ps from Aeromonas caviae and Pseudomonas sp. 61-3 respectively were constructed and introduced into E. coli HB101 strain. On a two-stage cultivation using dodecanoate as the sole carbon source, recombinant E. coli HB101 strains harboring fabGEc and phaC genes accumulated PHA copolymers (about 8 wt% of dry cell weight) consisting of several (R)-3-hydroxyalkanoate units of C4, C6, C8, and C10. It has been suggested that overexpression of the fabGEc gene leads to the supply of (R)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA for PHA synthesis via fatty acid degradation.  相似文献   

A hyperthermostable family B DNA polymerase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus kodakaraensis strain KOD1, has been crystallized by the hanging-drop vapor diffusion method at 293 K with 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol as the precipitant. The diffraction pattern of a crystal extends to 3.0 A resolution, and two full sets of 3.0 A resolution diffraction data for native crystals were successfully collected at 290 K and 100 K upon exposure to synchrotron radiation at KEK-PF, Japan. The crystals belong to the space group, P212121, with unit-cell dimensions of a = 112.8, b = 115.4, and c = 75.4 A at 290 K, and a = 111.9, b = 112.4, and c = 73.9 at 100 K. Structural analysis by means of the multiple isomorphous replacement method is now in progress.  相似文献   

Extensive biochemical and structural analyses have been performed on the putative DNA repair proteins of hyperthermophilic archaea, in contrast to the few genetic analyses of the genes encoding these proteins. Accordingly, little is known about the repair pathways used by archaeal cells at high temperature. Here, we attempted to disrupt the genes encoding the potential repair proteins in the genome of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis. We succeeded in isolating null mutants of the hjc, hef, hjm, xpb, and xpd genes, but not the radA, rad50, mre11, herA, nurA, and xpg/fen1 genes. Phenotypic analyses of the gene-disrupted strains showed that the xpb and xpd null mutants are only slightly sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and mitomycin C (MMC), as compared with the wild-type strain. The hjm null mutant showed sensitivity specifically to mitomycin C. On the other hand, the null mutants of the hjc gene lacked increasing sensitivity to any type of DNA damage. The Hef protein is particularly important for maintaining genome homeostasis, by functioning in the repair of a wide variety of DNA damage in T. kodakaraensis cells. Deletion of the entire hef gene or of the segments encoding either its nuclease or helicase domain produced similar phenotypes. The high sensitivity of the Δhef mutants to MMC suggests that Hef performs a critical function in the repair process of DNA interstrand cross-links. These damage-sensitivity profiles suggest that the archaeal DNA repair system has processes depending on repair-related proteins different from those of eukaryotic and bacterial DNA repair systems using homologous repair proteins analyzed here.  相似文献   

The Tk-ptp gene encoding a protein tyrosine phosphatase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 was cloned and biochemical characteristics of the recombinant protein (Tk-PTP) were examined. A series of mutants, D63A (replacing Asp-63 with Ala), C93S, C93A, R99K, and R99M, were also constructed and analyzed. Two unique features were found. First, the Tk-PTP showed the phosphatase activity not only toward phosphotyrosine but also toward phosphoserine. Second, the conserved Asp-63, which corresponds to a critical residue among other known PTPs, was not essential for catalysis. Cys-93 and Arg-99 residues played a crucial role in substrate binding and catalysis. To know a specific substrate for Tk-PTP, C93S mutant was used to trap substrate proteins from cell extract of KOD1. Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta-chain, one of the gene products of RNA terminal phosphate cyclase operon and phosphomannomutase, was identified, suggesting that they functioned for phosphate donation.  相似文献   

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