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1临床资料 患者女,35岁,因左膝部反复出现皮损,渐扩大13a就诊。13a前左膝部皮肤曾经发生过碰伤,导致局部红肿,未治疗而自愈。之后每年春、夏季节左膝部皮肤发红、伴瘙痒并逐渐扩大。曾在当地医院按“风湿性关节炎、湿疹”等对症治疗,口服泼尼松、吲哚美辛(商品名“消炎痛”)、特非那定等药,外用复方地塞米松霜(商品名“皮炎平”)、复方酮康唑霜(商品名“皮康王”)等,皮损有好转。  相似文献   

伊曲康唑治愈泛发性体癣1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泛发性体癣临床较少见,在临床中诊治本病患者1例,取得了满意疗效,报告如下: 1 临床资料 患者男53岁。职员。因腹部出现红斑伴瘙痒渐扩大30余天入院就诊。  相似文献   

报道1例由石膏样小孢子菌引起的婴儿额部体癣。患者男性,出生半月,左额部红斑丘疹水疱7 d。经真菌学检查确诊为石膏样小孢子菌导致的体癣。给予硝酸舍他康唑软膏外用,1周后皮损完全愈合。  相似文献   

报道1例由犬小孢子菌感染引起的儿童以面部皮疹为主的体癣。患儿,女,6岁,以面部、胸前起黄豆至花生米大小圆形、类圆形水肿性红斑,上有丘疱疹、水疱、痒半个月来诊。曾被误诊为丘疹性荨麻疹、多形红斑,皮疹增多来诊,真菌学检查阳性,真菌培养为犬小孢子菌,经口服特比萘芬片、外用特比萘芬软膏后治愈。  相似文献   

报道1例由须癣毛癣菌引起面部体癣后继发的癣菌疹。患者女,10岁,因右眶周红斑、鳞屑10 d就诊。鳞屑直接镜检查见菌丝,培养生长的菌落鉴定为须癣毛癣菌。内服特比萘芬、外用萘替芬酮康唑乳膏治疗8 d后面部及颈胸部出现片状红斑,考虑为癣菌疹,加服抗过敏、抗炎药物(左西替利嗪、复方甘草酸苷片)、外用卤米松/三氯生软膏14 d后皮损消退。  相似文献   

报告1例被误诊为环状肉芽肿的由石膏样小孢子菌引起的体癣。患者女,60岁,左腕部红斑2个月。外院曾诊断为"环状肉芽肿"治疗不佳,经真菌学检查确诊为石膏样小孢子菌导致的体癣。给予伊曲康唑200 mg/d,共1周,硝酸舍他康唑软膏外用,治疗1周后皮损痊愈。  相似文献   

报道1例由犬小孢子菌引起的体癣。患者,女,27岁,因前额、颈部多发环状红斑2周就诊。经真菌培养确诊为犬小孢子菌感染所致的体癣。予特比萘芬、灰黄霉素搽剂(商品名“止霉舒搽剂”)外用1周后痊愈。  相似文献   

不典型泛发性体癣误诊银屑病1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道1例由犬小孢子菌感染引起的泛发性体癣。患者,女,44岁,以面、颈、胸、腹部及四肢散在、形态为指甲至钱币大小的不规则红斑。曾被误诊为银屑病,治疗1个月后,皮损增多。再次就诊,真菌学检查阳性,真菌培养为犬小孢子菌。经口服伊曲康唑,外涂兰美抒软膏后治愈。  相似文献   

患者男,57岁。面部红斑、丘疹、唇部脓疱灼痛2个月余。曾口服和外用多种中药治疗无效且呈加重趋势。取皮屑、胡须镜检见大量真菌菌丝,培养见棒状分隔大分生孢子、葡萄串状小分生孢子。尿素酶实验阳性、毛发穿孔实验阳性,鉴定为须癣毛癣菌。经内服伊曲康唑胶囊和外用盐酸布替萘芬乳膏治疗10 d后病情好转,2个月后皮损消退。复查真菌阴性。  相似文献   

饲养遗弃猫致泛发性体癣1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体癣常经密切接触传染而获得,泛发性体癣目前已较少见。作者见到1例由于饲养宠物猫而导致急性泛发性体癣,现报道如下。1临床资料患者女,19岁,因面、腹、臀部及双下肢红斑、丘疹伴瘙痒2周就诊。2周前患者腹部出现红斑、丘疹,呈环状排列,渐向外扩展,中间有愈合趋势。皮疹始于腹部皮肤,渐及胸背部、面颈及四肢皮肤,伴剧烈瘙痒。自行外涂“激素”制剂治疗,未见好转,并出现皮损面积扩大。既往无足癣,发病前2周曾喂养邻居赠送的宠物猫,该猫体表有丘疹,邻居在饲养过程中曾出现皮疹(具体不详)。体格检查:系统检查无异常。皮肤科检查:面部、躯干、四…  相似文献   

Gupta S  Mishra RS 《Acta cytologica》2002,46(4):728-730
BACKGROUND: Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a benign neoplasm of large joints. It may follow a locally aggressive course. The cytologic features of this neoplasm have not been characterized fully. CASE: A 70-year-old male presented with a lump in the left ankle joint. The histopathologic diagnosis was pigmented villonodular synovitis. Review of the cytologic smears revealed clusters of round and ovoid, bland-looking cells along with siderophages and binucleated and multinucleated giant cells. CONCLUSION: When interpreted in the clinical context, fine needle aspiration cytology may render a correct preoperative diagnosis of pigmented villonodular synovitis.  相似文献   

In addition to chromosomes and nucleoli, three structures, i.e., round body, coiled body, and nubecula, are encountered in the nucleus during the meiotic prophase in male rats. These structures have been examined by electron microscopy in random and serial sections. The round body is a finely fibrillar, proteinaceous structure closely associated with the granular component of a nucleolus in rat spermatocytes and young spermatids. A similar structure has been observed in man, the monkey Macaca mulatta, the gastropod Achatina fulica, and the insect Locusta migratoria. Together with evidence from the literature, these results support the view that the round body is of general occurrence in the male meiocytes of eukaryotes and may, therefore, play a role in meiosis. The coiled body is a group of electron-dense elements called "coils", which average 35 nm in width, except after mid-pachytene when their size almost doubles. The coils are composed of 2-nm-wide filaments and 8 to 10-nm-wide granules, both of which are ribonucleoprotein. The coiled bodies are interpreted to be groups of "spliceosomes", that is, structures containing heterogeneous RNA and small nuclear RNA. A remarkable feature of the coiled body is its temporary disappearance at early pachytene and its reappearance at late pachytene, possibly due to drastic changes in the turnover rate of its component RNAs. The nubecula is a newly identified nuclear inclusion, composed of weakly staining threads loosely organized into a 560 nm-wide spheroid. It has been observed only in early pachytene nuclei.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - This study examined the relationship between dissatisfaction with cutaneous body image and facial appearance with symptoms of insomnia whilst incorporating the...  相似文献   

Cyprinid fishes generally replace their teeth alternately and cephalad. The larvae ofCarassius auratus grandoculis also replace their teeth alternately and cephalad, in a pattern of 4-2-3-1-. However, adults ofCarassius species replace their teeth from anterior to posterior, in a pattern of 1-2-3-4-1-. So I analyzed the appearance pattern of tooth germs in larvae and juveniles inCarassius auratus grandoculis. At stage 5 of the post-larval period, developmental difference is made between both sides. In the pharyngeal dentition on one side developing poorly, the anterior tooth on the fifth replacement wave, tooth4[An2] appeared later than the central teeth on following replacement wave, tooth5[Pol]. Moreover, the anterior tooth on the seventh replacement wave, tooth6[An2], appeared later than the central teeth on the following replacement wave, tooth7[Pol], on both sides. The reverse of tooth germ appearance between anterior teeth and central teeth makes a change of replacement pattern from 4-2-3-1-4- to 1-2-3-4-1-. The change of replacement pattern is caused by the confusion of tooth germs of anterior teeth on both sides.Mylopharyngodon piceus andCyprinus carpio make a change of replacement patterns in the early juvenile period, too. This change of replacement pattern may be a specialized character among the subfamily Cyprininae.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) rarely develop outside the digestive tract and in the soft tissues of abdomen and retroperitoneum. Such tumors are designated extra-GISTs (EGISTs). Cytologic and immunocytochemical features of a case of EGIST are reported. CASE: A 54-year-old woman presented with a peritoneal mass, diameter 22 cm, adherent to the omentum and without a connection to the digestive tract. Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of the excised tumor showed high cellularity in two patterns: monotonous spindle cells were intermingled with a mildly atypical epithelioid component. Immunocytochemistry performed on cytospins revealed reactivity for c-kit (CD117), CD34 and smooth muscle actin and negativity for S-100. The findings were concordant with a histologic diagnosis of EGIST. CONCLUSION: EGISTs are infrequent neoplasms and can be diagnosed in FNAB samples. The clinical/radiologic setting must be considered together with the cytologic features. Immunocytochemistry is a clue to the diagnosis when it detects c-kit reactivity.  相似文献   

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