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While urodele amphibians (newts and salamanders) can regenerate limbs as adults, other tetrapods (reptiles, birds and mammals) cannot and just undergo wound healing. In adult mammals such as mice and humans, the wound heals and a scar is formed after injury, while wound healing is completed without scarring in an embryonic mouse. Completion of regeneration and wound healing takes a long time in regenerative and non-regenerative limbs, respectively. However, it is the early steps that are critical for determining the extent of regenerative response after limb amputation, ranging from wound healing with scar formation, scar-free wound healing, hypomorphic limb regeneration to complete limb regeneration. In addition to the accumulation of information on gene expression during limb regeneration, functional analysis of signaling molecules has recently shown important roles of fibroblast growth factor (FGF), Wnt/beta-catenin and bone morphogenic protein (BMP)/Msx signaling. Here, the routine steps of wound healing/limb regeneration and signaling molecules specifically involved in limb regeneration are summarized. Regeneration of embryonic mouse digit tips and anuran amphibian (Xenopus) limbs shows intermediate regenerative responses between the two extremes, those of adult mammals (least regenerative) and urodele amphibians (more regenerative), providing a range of models to study the various abilities of limbs to regenerate.  相似文献   

A young tadpole of an anuran amphibian can completely regenerate an amputated limb, and it exhibits an ontogenetic decline in the ability to regenerate its limbs. However, whether mesenchymal or epidermal tissue is responsible for this decrease of the capacity remains unclear. Moreover, little is known about the molecular interactions between these two tissues during regeneration. The results of this study showed that fgf-10 expression in the limb mesenchymal cells clearly corresponds to the regenerative capacity and that fgf-10 and fgf-8 are synergistically reexpressed in regenerating blastemas. However, neither fgf-10 nor fgf-8 is reexpressed after amputation of a nonregenerative limb. Nevertheless, nonregenerative epidermal tissue can reexpress fgf-8 under the influence of regenerative mesenchyme, as was demonstrated by experiments using a recombinant limb composed of regenerative limb mesenchyme and nonregenerative limb epidermis. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the regenerative capacity depends on mesenchymal tissue and suggest that fgf-10 is likely to be involved in this capacity.  相似文献   

Limb regeneration in amphibians is a representative process of epimorphosis. This type of organ regeneration, in which a mass of undifferentiated cells referred to as the "blastema" proliferate to restore the lost part of the amputated organ, is distinct from morphallaxis as observed, for instance, in Hydra, in which rearrangement of pre-existing cells and tissues mainly contribute to regeneration. In contrast to complete limb regeneration in urodele amphibians, limb regeneration in Xenopus, an anuran amphibian, is restricted. In this review of some aspects regarding adult limb regeneration in Xenopus laevis, we suggest that limb regeneration in adult Xenopus, which is pattern/tissue deficient, also represents epimorphosis.  相似文献   

FGF-10 stimulates limb regeneration ability in Xenopus laevis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
By reciprocal transplantation experiments with regenerative and nonregenerative Xenopus limbs, we recently demonstrated that the regenerative capacity of a Xenopus limb depends on mesenchymal tissue and we suggested that fgf-10 is likely to be involved in this capacity (Yokoyama et al., 2000, Dev. Biol. 219, 18-29). However, the data obtained in that study are not conclusive evidence that FGF-10 is responsible for the regenerative capacity. We therefore investigated the role of FGF-10 in regenerative capacity by directly introducing FGF-10 protein into nonregenerative Xenopus limb stumps. Exogenously applied FGF-10 successfully stimulated the regenerative capacity, resulting in the reinduction of all gene expressions (including shh, msx-1, and fgf-10) that we examined and the regeneration of well-patterned limb structures. We report here for the first time that a certain molecule activates the regenerative capacity of Xenopus limb, and this finding suggests that FGF-10 could be a key molecule in possible regeneration of nonregenerative limbs in higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

The ability to regenerate bone across a critical size defect would be a marked clinical advance over current methods for dealing with such structural gaps. Here, we briefly review the development of limb bones and the mandible, the regeneration of urodele limbs after amputation, and present evidence that urodele and anuran amphibians represent a valuable research model for the study of segment defect regeneration in both limb bones and mandible.  相似文献   

Song F  Li B  Stocum DL 《Organogenesis》2010,6(3):141-150
The ability to regenerate bone across a critical size defect would be a marked clinical advance over current methods for dealing with such structural gaps. Here, we briefly review the development of limb bones and the mandible, the regeneration of urodele limbs after amputation, and present evidence that urodele and anuran amphibians represent a valuable research model for the study of segment defect regeneration in both limb bones and mandible.  相似文献   

Studies on the effects of exogenous vitamin A palminate on limb development and regeneration in anuran tadpoles carried out since late 1960s at the author’s laboratory are reviewed and discussed. Most significant was the initial discovery that vitamin A causes regeneration of complete or nearly complete limbs instead of only the missing distal part, thus altering the P-D pattern of regeneration—a phenomenon now called proximalization. Often more than one such regenerates develop per stump. Vitamin A produces proximalizing effect on regeneration cells during their dedifferentiation and blastema formation but inhibits regeneration if given once redifferentiation begins. Shank-level blastemas from treated tadpoles grafted into orbits of previously treated/untreated host tadpoles formed complete limbs. Proximalizing effect is proportionate to vitamin A concentration, duration of treatment, amputational level and stage of tadpoles. Vitamin A produces this effect also if given only prior to amputation. Its influence persists after cessation of treatment, declining with time. Proximalizing effect is correlated with natural ability in limbs to regenerate. Vitamin A improves regenerative ability and can induce it to some extent in non-regenerating limbs. Vitamin A excess retards limb development and produces stage dependent teratogenic defects. Further development of only that limb region is prevented in which differentiation is beginning when vitamin A is given. Short treatment of tadpoles beginning with limbs at spatula/paddle stage inhibited foot development in the unoperated limbs hut promoted regeneration of complete limbs from the contra-lateral amputated limbs. These dual effects were due to cells of the former differentiating and of the latter dedifferentiating when exposed to vitamin A palmitate.  相似文献   

In some vertebrates, a grave injury to the central nervous system (CNS) results in functional restoration, rather than in permanent incapacitation. Understanding how these animals mount a regenerative response by activating resident CNS stem cell populations is of critical importance in regenerative biology. Amphibians are of a particular interest in the field because the regenerative ability is present throughout life in urodele species, but in anuran species it is lost during development. Studying amphibians, who transition from a regenerative to a nonregenerative state, could give insight into the loss of ability to recover from CNS damage in mammals. Here, we highlight the current knowledge of spinal cord regeneration across vertebrates and identify commonalities and differences in spinal cord regeneration between amphibians.  相似文献   

Some urodele amphibians possess the capacity to regenerate their body parts, including the limbs and the lens of the eye. The molecular pathway(s) involved in urodele regeneration are largely unknown. We have previously suggested that complement may participate in limb regeneration in axolotls. To further define its role in the regenerative process, we have examined the pattern of distribution and spatiotemporal expression of two key components, C3 and C5, during limb and lens regeneration in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. First, we have cloned newt cDNAs encoding C3 and C5 and have generated Abs specifically recognizing these molecules. Using these newt-specific probes, we have found by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analysis that these molecules are expressed during both limb and lens regeneration, but not in the normal limb and lens. The C3 and C5 proteins were expressed in a complementary fashion during limb regeneration, with C3 being expressed mainly in the blastema and C5 exclusively in the wound epithelium. Similarly, during the process of lens regeneration, C3 was detected in the iris and cornea, while C5 was present in the regenerating lens vesicle as well as the cornea. The distinct expression profile of complement proteins in regenerative tissues of the urodele lens and limb supports a nonimmunologic function of complement in tissue regeneration and constitutes the first systematic effort to dissect its involvement in regenerative processes of lower vertebrate species.  相似文献   

We review embryological as well as molecular evidence that emphasizes the idea that both the regenerate and the developing vertebrate limb bud utilize a similar set of signals that regulate pattern formation. Evidence is presented to implicate the Hox-7.1 gene in the developmental regulation of growth, differentiation, and positional assignment during limb outgrowth and the proposal is made that the expression of this gene governs the cellular activities within the progress zone during limb outgrowth. Finally, we review the limited information known about the regenerative capabilities of limb buds in organisms that cannot regenerate as adults. We content that a solution to the problem of regenerative failure among higher vertebrates will come progressively through a stepwise analysis of impaired regeneration associated with increasing developmental age.  相似文献   

Correct selection of an appropriate animal mode to closely mimic human extremity diseases or to exhibit desirable phenotypes of limb regeneration is the first critical step for all scientists in biomedical and regenerative researches. The commonly-used animals in limb regeneration and repairing studies, such as axolotl, mice, and rats, are discussed in the review and other models including cockroaches, dogs, and horses are also mentioned. The review weighs the general advantages, disadvantages, and precedent uses of each model in the context of limb and peripheral injury and subsequent regeneration. We hope that this review can provide the reader an overview of each model, from which to select one for their specific purpose.  相似文献   

Although a number of recent studies describe the facilitation of limb regeneration by electrical and other forms of stimulation, little is known of innate regenerative capacity in the mammalian limb. The present report describes spontaneous regenerative responses following subtotal forelimb amputation in the young white rat. In one group of animals the forelimb was amputated through the lower humerus and the skin sutured closed. In a second group, adjacent muscle tissue still attached to bone at its origin(s) was interposed between the cut surface of the humerus and the skin. Among animals of the first group (skin closure only) bone growth and limb regenerative responses were generally not observed. Animals of the second group displayed significant elaborations of cartilage and bone at the limb terminus. The appearance and subsequent modification of these tissues suggest that some capacity for limb regeneration exists innately in the young rat and can be more readily evoked than has been recognized heretofore. It is concluded that extant and forthcoming reports of electrically stimulated skeletal tissue growth, repair and regeneration among eutherial mammals should be examined to determine whether reported responses to stimulation represent advances beyond what might be expected from innate replacement processes alone.  相似文献   

Little effort has been made to apply the insights gained from studies of amphibian limb regeneration to higher vertebrates. During amphibian limb regeneration, a functional epithelium called the apical ectodermal cap (AEC) triggers a regenerative response. As long as the AEC is induced, limb regeneration will take place. Interestingly, similar responses have been observed in chicken embryos. The AEC is an equivalent structure to the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) in higher vertebrates. When a limb bud is amputated it does not regenerate; however, if the AER is grafted onto the amputation surface, damage to the amputated limb bud can be repaired. Thus, the AER/AEC is able to induce regenerative responses in both amphibians and higher vertebrates. It is difficult, however, to induce limb regeneration in higher vertebrates. One reason for this is that re-induction of the AER after amputation in higher vertebrates is challenging. Here, we evaluated whether AER re-induction was possible in higher vertebrates. First, we assessed the sequence of events following limb amputation in chick embryos and compared the features of limb development and regeneration in amphibians and chicks. Based on our findings, we attempted to re-induce the AER. When wnt-2b/fgf-10-expressing cells were inserted concurrently with wounding, successful re-induction of the AER occurred. These results open up new possibilities for limb regeneration in higher vertebrates since AER re-induction, which is considered a key factor in limb regeneration, is now possible.  相似文献   

The limited regenerative capacity of several organs, such as central nervous system(CNS), heart and limb in mammals makes related major diseases quite difficult to recover. Therefore, dissection of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying organ regeneration is of great scientific and clinical interests. Tremendous progression has already been made after extensive investigations using several model organisms for decades. Unfortunately, distance to the final achievement of the goal still remains. Recently, zebrafish became a popular model organism for the deep understanding of regeneration based on its powerful regenerative capacity, in particular the organs that are limitedly regenerated in mammals. Additionally, zebrafish are endowed with other advantages good for the study of organ regeneration. This review summarizes the recent progress in the study of zebrafish organ regeneration, in particular regeneration of fin, heart, CNS, and liver as the representatives. We also discuss reasons of the reduced regenerative capacity in higher vertebrate, the roles of inflammation during regeneration, and the difference between organogenesis and regeneration.  相似文献   

Regenerated hindlimbs of larval Xenopus laevis were reamputated at critical larval stages and levels, viz when amputation of the control limb at the same larval stage and level is followed by reduced regeneration. Reamputations were performed at the level of (1) the original plane of amputation, (2) the early regenerate (cone/palette stage), (3) the late regenerate (digit stage). Reamputation increased both the percentage rate of regeneration and the morphological complexity of the regenerates in all experimental series. Cell counts in lateral motor columns and spinal ganglia innervating the hindlimb, together with histological observations and mitotic index and labelling index determinations in reamputated and control limbs showed that improved regeneration in the reamputated limb was related to an increase in undifferentiated and proliferating cells in the stump. We did not find any evidence suggesting that renewed regeneration in reamputated anuran limbs results from an increase in innervation, as has previously been hypothesized. We support our conclusions by demonstrating an improvement in regenerationen in the reamputated and denervated hindlimbs.  相似文献   

Urodele amphibians are highly regenerative animals. After partial removal of the brain in urodeles, ependymal cells around the wound surface proliferate, differentiate into neurons and glias and finally regenerate the lost tissue. In contrast to urodeles, this type of brain regeneration is restricted only to the larval stages in anuran amphibians (frogs). In adult frogs, whereas ependymal cells proliferate in response to brain injury, they cannot migrate and close the wound surface, resulting in the failure of regeneration. Therefore frogs, in particular Xenopus, provide us with at least two modes to study brain regeneration. One is to study normal regeneration by using regenerative larvae. In this type of study, the requirement of reconnection between a regenerating brain and sensory neurons was demonstrated. Functional restoration of a regenerated telencephalon was also easily evaluated because Xenopus shows simple responses to the stimulus of a food odor. The other mode is to compare regenerative larvae and non-regenerative adults. By using this mode, it is suggested that there are regeneration-competent cells even in the non-regenerative adult brain, and that immobility of those cells might cause the failure of regeneration. Here we review studies that have led to these conclusions.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis exhibits an ontogenetic decline in the ability to regenerate its limbs: Young tadpoles can completely regenerate an amputated limb, whereas post metamorphic froglets regenerate at most a cartilagenous "spike." We have tested the regenerative competence of normally regenerating limb buds of stage 52-53 Xenopus tadpoles grafted onto limb stumps of postmetamorphic froglets. The limb buds become vascularized and innervated by the host and, when amputated, regenerate limbs with normal or slightly less than normal numbers of tadpole hindlimb digits. Reciprocal grafts of froglet forelimb blastemas onto tadpole hindlimb stumps resulted in either autonomous development of tadpole hindlimb structures and/or formation of a cartilaginous spike typical of froglet forelimb regeneration. Our results suggest that the Xenopus froglet host environment is completely permissive for regeneration and that the ability to regenerate a complete limb pattern is an intrinsic property of young tadpole limb cells, a property that is lost during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

In spite of numerous investigations of regenerating salamander limbs, little attention has been paid to the details of how joints are reformed. An understanding of the process and mechanisms of joint regeneration in this model system for tetrapod limb regeneration would provide insights into developing novel therapies for inducing joint regeneration in humans. To this end, we have used the axolotl (Mexican Salamander) model of limb regeneration to describe the morphology and the expression patterns of marker genes during joint regeneration in response to limb amputation. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the mechanisms of joint formation whether it be development or regeneration are conserved. We also have determined that defects in the epiphyseal region of both forelimbs and hind limbs in the axolotl are regenerated only when the defect is small. As is the case with defects in the diaphysis, there is a critical size above which the endogenous regenerative response is not sufficient to regenerate the joint. This non-regenerative response in an animal that has the ability to regenerate perfectly provides the opportunity to screen for the signaling pathways to induce regeneration of articular cartilage and joints.  相似文献   

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