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A protocol for indirect differentiation of shoots / roots from leaf callus of Asiatic hybrid lily was developed through in vitro methods. The involvement of antioxidant enzymes, like, SOD, POX and CAT, and their isoenzymes during organogenesis in the morphogenetic callus was stud ied.The activity of these enzymes was increased during early development and differentiation of callus. SOD activity increased significantly as compared to POX and CAT during root formation, while it decreased in shoot formation and the decrease was significant in POX and CAT enzymes. The results indicate that the organogenesis is a very complicated biological process involving up and down regulation of a number of antioxidant enzymes, which seem to play an important role during organogenesis of Lilium callus.  相似文献   

Microtubule associated proteins (MAPs) are proteins that physically bind to microtubules in eukaryotes. MAPs play important roles in regulating the polymerization and organization of microtubules and in using the ensuing microtubule arrays to carry out a variety of cellular functions. In plants, MAPs manage the construction, repositioning, and dismantling of four distinct microtubule arrays throughout the cell cycle. Three of these arrays, the cortical array, the preprophase band, and the phragmoplast, are prominent to plants and are responsible for facilitating cell wall deposition and modification, transducing signals, demarcating the plane of cell division, and forming the new cell plate during cytokinesis. This review highlights important aspects of how MAPs in plants establish and maintain microtubule arrays as well as regulate cell growth, cell division, and cellular responses to the environment.  相似文献   

不同浓度NaCl胁迫处理下豇豆幼苗抗氧化酶活性的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究主要探讨不同浓度NaCl胁迫处理下豇豆(Vigna unguiculata Linn.)幼苗叶片抗氧化酶活性的变化情况.研究结果表明,在0~250 mmol/L NaCl胁迫下,随着盐浓度的增加,豇豆幼苗叶片可溶性蛋白质、脯氨酸和丙二醛含量逐渐增加,在150 mmol/L浓度时,3者的含量都达到最大值;而超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性开始逐渐上升,它们的活性分别在100 mmol/L、150 mmol/L和150 mmol/L时达到最大值,然后逐渐下降.同时,对NaCl胁迫下3种抗氧化酶基因的表达进行适时定量PCR分析,分析结果显示3种抗氧化酶基因的转录表达与酶活性的变化一致.说明在不同浓度的NaCl胁迫下,NaCl诱导了sod、pod和cat 3种抗氧化酶基因的表达,3种抗氧化酶活性相应地提高,从而提高了豇豆应对NaCl胁迫的能力.本文结果将为今后豇豆在盐碱栽培生产提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress in compatible virus-host plant interactions was studied in cucumber mosaic virus and zucchini yellow mosaic virus-infected Cucumis sativus and Cucurbita pepo plants. Both cucumber mosaic virus- and zucchini yellow mosaic virus-infected plants showed an enhanced peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids indicating an advanced disintegration of membranes. Radical intermediates formed during lipid peroxidation co-oxidize pigment molecules and might thus account for virus-induced yellowing symptoms. Furthermore in infected plants an induction of superoxide dismutases, catalases, total peroxidases and ascorbate peroxidases was observed. All the peroxidase isoforms detected in Cucumis sativus and Cucurbita pepo , however, not only functioned as radical scavengers but also catalysed the formation of H2O2. Thus it can be presumed that the enhancement of peroxidases contributes to the oxidative stress in systemic plant-virus interactions. By way of oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid upregulated peroxidases might also be responsible for growth reductions and malformations in virus-infected plants.  相似文献   

以荒漠C4草本植物蔷薇猪毛菜(NADP苹果酸酶型,NADP-ME)和粗枝猪毛菜(NAD苹果酸酶型,NAD-ME)为研究对象,采用盆栽控水试验设置正常供水和轻度、中度、重度干旱处理(土壤含水量分别为田间持水量80%、60%、45%和35%),通过测定不同程度干旱胁迫下叶片含水量、C4光合特征酶和抗氧化酶活性等指标,探讨不同类型C4荒漠植物光合特征酶和抗氧化系统对干旱逆境的适应机制。结果显示:(1)2种植物叶片含水量均随干旱胁迫的加剧不同程度降低。(2)叶片磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)活性在中度干旱胁迫下显著增加而在重度干旱胁迫下急剧下降;蔷薇猪毛菜NAD-ME活性和粗枝猪毛菜NADP-ME活性都很低,且它们基本不受干旱胁迫的影响;随干旱胁迫的加剧,蔷薇猪毛菜NADP-ME活性呈下降趋势,而粗枝猪毛菜NAD-ME活性先显著增加而在重度干旱胁迫下显著降低。(3)随着干旱胁迫的加剧,叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性呈下降趋势,过氧化物酶(POD)活性在不同程度干旱胁迫下均有不同程度增加;过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在中度干旱胁迫下均有不同程度的增加,但在重度干旱胁迫下蔷薇猪毛菜CAT活性降低,而粗枝猪毛菜CAT活性显著增加;丙二醛(MDA)含量随干旱胁迫的加剧均有不同程度的增加。研究认为,一定程度干旱胁迫下,2种荒漠植物的PEPC活性均有增加;不同光合类型C4植物叶片脱羧酶(NADP-ME和NAD-ME)对干旱胁迫的响应有明显的差异。POD和CAT是这两种C4植物适应干旱胁迫的主要抗氧化酶,但蔷薇猪毛菜CAT在重度干旱胁迫下没有起到积极保护作用。  相似文献   

Role of superoxide dismutase isozymes and other antioxidant enzymes was studied in relation to leaf age in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. ACC 1508) at pre-flowering and grain filling stages. Relative water content (RWC) did not change much in leaves of different age and at the two stages. Protein content declined continuously from the youngest to the oldest leaf, while chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoids (Car) contents increased down to 7th/9th leaf and declined in subsequent older leaves. Protein, Chl and Car contents were higher at pre-flowering than at seed filling stage. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), its isozymes, and ascorbate peroxidase (APO) and catalase (CAT) activities were highest in the 9th leaf and declined in subsequent older leaves. SOD and APO activities were higher at seed filling, except in oldest senescent (13th, 15th) leaves. Among SOD isozymes, Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD activities accounted for most of the total SOD, and only marginal activity was observed for Fe-SOD. Peroxidase activity increased from youngest to the oldest leaf at pre-flowering stage and down to 13th leaf at seed filling stage. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

生育酚是一种对植物、动物和人类都具有十分重要作用的脂溶性维生素,而植物则是人类生育酚的主要来源。该文在对生育酚的结构和合成途径进行简单介绍的基础上,重点总结了目前已克隆的植物生育酚合成相关酶基因及其功能。  相似文献   

固有无序蛋白质是一类在生理条件下缺乏稳定三维结构而具有正常功能,参与信号转导、转录调控、胁迫应答等多种生物学过程的蛋白质.植物中许多逆境响应蛋白是固有无序蛋白质,通过其结构无序或部分无序区域在蛋白质 蛋白质、蛋白质 膜脂、蛋白质 核酸的互作中发挥重要作用.本文主要对固有无序蛋白质的类别、氨基酸组成和结构特点以及在逆境胁迫下其稳定细胞膜、保护核酸和蛋白质、调控基因表达等分子功能进行综述,以拓展对逆境胁迫下蛋白质作用分子机制的认识.  相似文献   

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood with poorly understood etiology and pathology. This pilot study aims to evaluate the levels of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a marker of lipid peroxidation, in Egyptian autistic children. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood with poorly understood etiology and pathology. The present study included 20 children with autism diagnosed by DSM-IV-TR criteria and Childhood Autism Rating Scale. Controls included 25 age-matched healthy children. Cases were referred to Outpatient Clinic of Children with Special Needs Department, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt. We compared levels of SOD, GSH-Px, and MDA in children with autism and controls. In children less than 6 years of age, levels of SOD, and GSH-Px were significantly lower in autistic children compared with their controls, while MDA was significantly higher among patients than controls. In children older than 6 years, there was no significant difference in any of these values between cases and controls. We concluded that children with autism are more vulnerable to oxidative stress in the form of increased lipid peroxidation and deficient antioxidant defense mechanism especially at younger children. We highlight that autistic children might benefit from antioxidants supplementation coupled with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, early assessment of antioxidant status would have better prognosis as it may decrease the oxidative stress before inducing more irreversible brain damage.  相似文献   

以耐盐性较强的葫芦品种‘超丰抗生王’为砧木,耐盐性较弱的西瓜品种‘秀丽’为接穗,采用营养液水培法,研究了NaCl胁迫对西瓜自根苗和嫁接苗保护酶活性、膜质过氧化及光合特性的影响。结果表明,NaCl胁迫下,嫁接苗和自根苗生物量显著下降,但嫁接苗下降幅度小于自根苗;NaCl胁迫抑制了西瓜自根苗和嫁接苗的气体交换参数,但是嫁接苗的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)及叶绿素含量显著高于自根苗;NaCl胁迫下西瓜嫁接苗叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均显著高于自根苗,丙二醛含量较自根苗低。上述结果表明,NaCl胁迫下嫁接苗通过维持较高的抗氧化酶活性来提高清除活性氧(ROS)的能力,从而降低氧化损伤,并保持较高光合速率,从而增强西瓜幼苗对盐胁迫的耐性。  相似文献   

硫化物是水产养殖过程中常见的水体污染物之一,为探讨抗氧化酶在凡纳滨对虾Litopenaeus vannamei血细胞抗硫化物胁迫中的作用,以不同浓度(0 mg·L~(-1)和2.0 mg·L~(-1))的硫化物对凡纳滨对虾进行胁迫,于胁迫后的0 h、6 h、12 h、24 h和48 h取血淋巴,测定血细胞中铜锌超氧化物歧化酶(Cu,Zn-SOD)、锰超氧化物歧化酶(Mn-SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)和硫氧还蛋白(TRx)基因表达量的变化。结果显示,Cu,Zn-SOD和TRx的表达量在胁迫的6~24 h显著上升,在48 h时恢复至对照组水平;Mn-SOD和GPx的表达量在胁迫的6~48 h均显著上调;CAT表达水平在胁迫的12 h开始有显著提高。这些结果表明凡纳滨对虾血细胞抗氧化相关基因的表达均被诱导上调,以进行防御;Cu,Zn-SOD、Mn-SOD、GPx和TRx均对硫化物胁迫敏感,在胁迫前期发挥作用,CAT主要在胁迫后期发挥作用。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate how the activity and expression of certain paramount antioxidant enzymes respond to grape seed extract (GSE) addition in primary muscle cells of goats. Gluteal primary muscle cells (PMCs) isolated from a 3-week old goat were cultivated as an unstressed cell model, or they were exposed to 100 µM H2O2 to establish a H2O2-stimulated cell model. The activities of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutases (SOD) and glutathione peroxidases (GPx) in combination with other relevant antioxidant indexes [i.e., reduced glutathione (GSH) and total antioxidant capacity (TAOC)] in response to GSE addition were tested in the unstressed and H2O2-stimulated cell models, and the relative mRNA levels of the CAT, GuZu-SOD, and GPx-1 genes were measured by qPCR. In unstressed PMCs, GSE addition at the dose of 10 µg/ml strikingly attenuated the expression levels of CAT and CuZn-SOD as well as the corresponding enzyme activities. By contrast, in cells pretreated with 100 µM H2O2, the expression and activity levels of these two antioxidant enzymes were enhanced by GSE addition at 10 µg/ml. GSE addition promoted GPx activity in both unstressed and stressed PMCs, while the expression of the GPx 1 gene displayed partial divergence with GPx activity, which was mitigated by GSE addition at 10 µg/ml in unstressed PMCs. GSH remained comparatively stable except for GSE addition to H2O2-stimulated PMCs at 60 µg/ml, in which a dramatic depletion of GSH occurred. Moreover, GSE addition enhanced TAOC in unstressed (but not H2O2-stimulated) PMCs. GSE addition exerted a bidirectional modulating effect on the mRNA levels and activities of CAT and SOD in unstressed and stressed PMCs at a moderate dose, and it only exhibited a unidirectional effect on the promotion of GPx activity, reflecting its potential to improve antioxidant protection in ruminants.  相似文献   

Heat stress is a major abiotic stress limiting plant growth and productivity in many areas of the world. Understanding mechanisms of plant adaptation to heat stress would facilitate the development of heat-tolerant cultivars for improving productivity in warm climatic regions. Protein metabolism involving protein synthesis and degradation is one of the most sensitive processes to heat stress. Changes in the level and expression pattern of some proteins may play an important role in plant adaptation to heat stress. The identification of stress-responsive proteins and pathways has been facilitated by an increasing number of tools and resources, including two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, and the rapidly expanding nucleotide and amino acid sequence databases. Heat stress may induce or enhance protein expression or cause protein degradation. The induction of heat-responsive proteins, particularly heat shock proteins (HSPs), plays a key role in plant tolerance to heat stress. Protein degradation involving various proteases is also important in regulating plant responses to heat stress. This review provides an overview of recent research on proteomic profiling for the identification of heat-responsive proteins associated with heat tolerance, heat induction and characteristics of HSPs, and protein degradation in relation to plant responses to heat stress.  相似文献   

Heat stress is a major abiotic stress limiting plant growth and productivity in many areas of the world. Understanding mechanisms of plant adaptation to heat stress would facilitate the development of heat-tolerant cultivars for improving productivity in warm climatic regions. Protein metabolism involving protein synthesis and degradation is one of the most sensitive processes to heat stress. Changes in the level and expression pattern of some proteins may play an important role in plant adaptation to heat stress. The identification of stress-responsive proteins and pathways has been facilitated by an increasing number of tools and resources, including two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, and the rapidly expanding nucleotide and amino acid sequence databases. Heat stress may induce or enhance protein expression or cause protein degradation. The induction of heat-responsive proteins, particularly heat shock proteins (HSPs), plays a key role in plant tolerance to heat stress. Protein degradation involving various proteases is also important in regulating plant responses to heat stress. This review provides an overview of recent research on proteomic profiling for the identification of heat-responsive proteins associated with heat tolerance, heat induction and characteristics of HSPs, and protein degradation in relation to plant responses to heat stress.  相似文献   

铅胁迫对3种藓类植物抗氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用水培实验研究了重金属Pb对3种藓类植物尖叶拟船叶藓(Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis)、湿地匍灯藓(Plagiomnium acutum)和匍枝青藓(Brachythecium procumbens)的抗氧化酶(SOD、POD和CAT)活性的影响.结果表明,(1)在1~200 mg·L-1的铅胁迫浓度范围内,Pb对3种藓类植物的SOD活性均具有显著的促进作用,对Pb胁迫的种间敏感性差异为尖叶拟船叶藓>湿地匍灯藓>匍枝青藓;(2)POD活性对Pb胁迫的反应趋势有一定差别,尖叶拟船叶藓和匍枝青藓的POD活性随Pb浓度的增加先升后降,湿地匍灯藓的POD活性变化较为平缓,种间敏感性差异为匍枝青藓>尖叶拟船叶藓>湿地匍灯藓;(3)在100 mg·L-1时Pb对湿地匍灯藓CAT活性表现为显著促进作用外,其余在低浓度下显示无显著影响,在高浓度下表现为抑制效应,种间敏感性差异为尖叶拟船叶藓>匍枝青藓>湿地匍灯藓.3种藓类植物的抗氧化酶体系中对Pb胁迫的抵抗起关键作用的是SOD,可作为藓类植物受Pb胁迫的敏感生理指标.3种植物中对Pb胁迫的反应较为敏感的是尖叶拟船叶藓.  相似文献   

The glutathione (GSH)/glutathione disulfide (GSSG) redox couple is involved in several physiologic processes in plants under both optimal and stress conditions. It participates in the maintenance of redox homeostasis in the cells. The redox state of the GSH/GSSG couple is defined by its reducing capacity and the half-cell reduction potential, and differs in the various organs, tissues, cells, and compartments, changing during the growth and development of the plants. When characterizing this redox couple, the synthesis, degradation, oxidation, and transport of GSH and its conjugation with the sulfhydryl groups of other compounds should be considered. Under optimal growth conditions, the high GSH/GSSG ratio results in a reducing environment in the cells which maintains the appropriate structure and activity of protein molecules because of the inhibition of the formation of intermolecular disulfide bridges. In response to abiotic stresses, the GSH/GSSG ratio decreases due to the oxidation of GSH during the detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and changes in its metabolism. The lower GSH/GSSG ratio activates various defense mechanisms through a redox signalling pathway, which includes several oxidants, antioxidants, and stress hormones. In addition, GSH may control gene expression and the activity of proteins through glutathionylation and thiol-disulfide conversion. This review discusses the size and redox state of the GSH pool, including their regulation, their role in redox signalling and defense processes, and the changes caused by abiotic stress.  相似文献   

茉莉酸和高温锻炼对葡萄幼苗耐热性及其抗氧化酶的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用50μmol/L的茉莉酸(JA)和38℃高温锻炼(HA)预处理6h后,葡萄幼苗与不经预处理的葡萄幼苗(CK)相比,前者在常温下的SOD、POD、CAT和APX等酶的活性和可溶性蛋白质含量均升高,在遭受42℃高温胁迫(HS)过程中可溶性蛋白质含量、上述酶活性的降低趋势和电解质外渗的增加受到抑制,在一定程度上提高了幼苗高温耐性.通过一系列结果分析,推测JA和HA处理在诱导葡萄抗热性能上具有相似的机理.  相似文献   

When rice seedlings grown for 10 and 20 days were subjected to in vitro drought stress of −0.5 and −2.0 MPa for 24 h, an increase in the concentration of superoxide anion (O2.−), increased level of lipid peroxidation and a decrease in the concentration of total soluble protein and thiols was observed in stressed seedlings compared to controls. The concentration of H2O2 as well as ascorbic acid declined with imposition of drought stress, however glutathione (GSH) concentration declined only under severe drought stress. The activities of total superoxide dismutases (SODs) as well as ascorbate peroxidase (APX) showed consistent increases with increasing levels of drought stress, however catalase activity declined. Mild drought stressed plants had higher guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) and chloroplastic ascorbate peroxidase (c-APX) activity than control grown plants but the activity declined at the higher level of drought stress. The activities of enzymes involved in regeneration of ascorbate i.e. monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR), dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) and glutathione reductase (GR) were higher in drought stressed plants compared to controls. Results suggest that drought stress induces oxidative stress in rice plants and that besides SOD, the enzymes of ascorbate-glutathione cycle, which have not been studied in detail earlier under stressful conditions, appear to function as important component of antioxidative defense system under drought stress.  相似文献   

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