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Waycott W  Taiz L 《Plant physiology》1991,95(4):1162-1168
Four monogenic, recessive dwarf mutants of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), previously isolated from a population induced by ethyl methanesulfonate, were compared with the normal genotype (E-1) for plant height, weight, leaf area, as well as hypocotyl length and root length. These nonallelic dwarfs (dwf1, dwf2, and dwf3) exhibited reduced hypocotyl length, smaller, dark green leaves, and reduced stem length. Another mutant, dwf2, allelic with dwf2, exhibited an intermediate phenotype. Epidermal cells on hypocotyls and mature leaves were counted for both normal E-1 and dwf2 plants. The total number of epidermal cells per unit area for hypocotyls and for leaves from these plants was very similar, implying the dwarf's smaller size was due to an inhibition of cell expansion and not due to decreased cell divisions. Both dwarf and normal hypocotyls elongated normally in response to exogenous gibberellin A3 (GA3). In the rosette stage, only E-1 and dwf2 responded similarly to lower concentrations of GA3, while the other dwarfs required higher concentrations to respond. Hypocotyls of dwf2 and E-1 elongated equally with applied ent-kaurenol, ent-kaurenoic acid, GA53-aldehyde, GA53, GA19, GA20, and GA1 indicating that the biochemical block in dwf2 occurs at a very early step in the GA-biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Gibberellin A1 (GA1), 3-epi-GA1 GA17, GA19, GA20, and GA77 were identified by Kovats retention indices and full-scan mass spectra from gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of a purified extract of mature seeds of photoblastic lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids). Non-13-hydroxylated GAs such as GA4 and GA9 were not detected even by highly sensitive radioimmunoassay. These results show that the major biosynthetic pathway of GAs in lettuce seeds is the early-13-hydroxylation pathway leading to GA1, which is suggested to be physiologically active in lettuce seed germination. Quantification of endogenous GAs in the lettuce seeds by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring using deuterated GAs as internal standards indicated that the endogenous level of GA1 increased to a level about three times that of dark control 6 h after a brief red light irradiation, and that far-red light given after red light suppressed the effect of red light. The contents of GA20 and GA19 were not affected by the red light irradiation. Evidence is also presented that 3-epi-GA1 is a native GA in the lettuce seeds.  相似文献   

Margaret Radley 《Planta》1970,92(4):292-300
Summary A number of dwarf wheat cultivars of the Norin 10 type were compared with several tall forms. Applied gibberellic acid markedly stimulated the growth of seedlings of the tall cultivars but not the growth of dwarf seedlings. Several other gibberellins were also inactive when tested with one dwarf cultivar. De-embryonated grains of all cultivars formed -amylase in response to gibberellic acid. Gibberellic acid caused an increase in soluble carbohydrates in the leaves of the tall cultivars but not in those of the dwarfs.Germinating grains, light-grown seedlings and developing stems of the dwarf cultivars contained more endogenous gibberellin-like activity than those of tall cultivars. It is suggested that the dwarf cultivars have a block to the utilisation of gibberellin in the shoot.  相似文献   

Identification of endogenous gibberellins from sorghum   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Gibberellins (GA) A1, A19, and A20 were identified in shoot cylinders containing the apical meristems from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). Extracts were purified by sequential SiO2 partition chromatography and reversed-phase C18 high performance liquid chromatography and biologically active (dwarf rice cv Tan-ginbozu microdrop assay) fractions were subjected to gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring. Based on the use of [3H]GA and [2H](d2)GA internal standards, amounts of GA1, GA19, and GA20 were estimated to be 0.7, 8.8, and 1.5 namograms per gram dry weight of tissue, respectively.  相似文献   

植物赤霉素矮化突变体研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
赤霉素(GAs)在植物种子萌发、茎的伸长和花的发育等方面起着非常重要的作用。近年来,随着研究手段和技术不断进步,对赤霉素(GA)生物合成和信号传导过程中相关基因的研究取得了惊人的进展。与GA有关的矮化突变体主要有GA缺陷型和不敏感型两类,本文对与GA生物合成和信号传导过程中有关的这两类矮突变体的研究进展进行综述。对这些这些突变体的研究促进了对赤霉素生物合成和信号传导途径的认识,同时为赤霉素更好地利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) are phytohormones controlling major aspects of plant growth and development. Although previous studies suggested the existence of a transport of GAs in plants, the nature and properties associated with this transport were unknown. We recently showed through micrografting and biochemical approaches that the GA12 precursor is the chemical form of GA undergoing long-distance transport across plant organs in Arabidopsis. Endogenous GA12 moves through the plant vascular system from production sites to recipient tissues, in which GA12 can be converted to bioactive forms to support growth via the activation of GA-dependent processes. GAs are also essential to promote seed germination; hence GA biosynthesis mutants do not germinate without exogenous GA treatment. Our results suggest that endogenous GAs are not (or not sufficiently) transmitted to the offspring to successfully complete the germination under permissive conditions.  相似文献   

Summary When shoots of 6-day-old, dark-grown peas were excised 30 mm below the apex and floated on a solution of radioactive gibberellin A 1 (3H-GA1) or radioactive gibberellin A5 (3H-GA5), more radioactivity accumulated in the apical part of the stem which responds to GA than in the basal, unresponsive region. The accumulation of 3H-GA1 was, however, less pronounced than the accumulation of 3H-GA5. GA derivatives of very low biological activity were not taken up preferentially by the apical region of the stem. Light, which lowers the responsiveness of dwarf peas to GA1 and particularly to GA5, also reduced the accumulation of these GAs in the apical part of the stem. Sections from the GA-responsive region were able to retain a higher level of GA5 than sections from the non-responsive, basal region. The accumulation and retention of GA in the hormone-responsive tissue may be due to binding of the hormone to specific GA receptors.This work was supported by the United States Atomic Energy Commission under Contract AT (11-1)-1338.  相似文献   

Identification of endogenous gibberellins from oilseed rape   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Oilseed rape (Brassica napus, canola variety `Westar') plants were grown in greenhouse conditions and shoots were harvested during the final stages of shoot elongation. Leaves and immature pods were removed and the remaining stem tissue was extracted and purified. The extract was chromatographed on sequential, step-eluted silica gel partition and reverse-phase C18 HPLC columns, and gibberellin (GA)-like substances were detected using the `Tan-ginbozu' dwarf rice microdrop assay. Purified fractions showing GA-like activity were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and GC-selected ion monitoring (GC-SIM). Gibberellins A1, A3, and iso-A3 were identified by full spectrum GC-MS with GA1 being the most abundant GA in the stem tissue. Gibberellins A19 and A20 were identified by GC-SIM and are logical precursors of the GA1.  相似文献   

The physiological basis of dwarfism in a single-gene, recessive mutant of Silene armeria L. was investigated through comparison with a normal strain. Exposure of the normal strain to long days led to stem growth and flower formation while similar exposure of the dwarf strain led only to flowering, with very little stem growth. Application of gibberellin A3 or A4+7 in short days promoted stem elongation in the normal strain, but had a much lesser effect in the dwarf strain. Upon extraction and chromatographic fractionation of the endogenous gibberellins (GAs) in the normal strain of S. armeria, three zones of GA activity were found. An increase in one zone of activity was found in both strains after 1 long day. Neither the quality nor the quantity of the extractable GAs differed greatly between the dwarf and the normal strain. Vegetative dwarf scions, grafted onto fully induced, normal stocks formed flowers, but their growth habit was not changed. Thus, the lack of stem growth in response to long days in the dwarf strain appears to result from a lack of GA sensitivity in the stem tissue of these plants. However, during flower formation dwarf plants did exhibit elongation of the peduncles. This response was suppressed by the growth retardant 2-isopropyl-4-dimethylamino-5-methylphenyl-1-piperidine-carboxylate methyl chloride (AMO-1618), and applied GA3 could partially overcome this inhibition. Thus, peduncle elongation in the dwarf strain appears to be regulated by endogenous GAs.Abbreviations AMO-1618 2-isopropyl-4-dimethylamino-5-methylphenyl-1-piperidine-carboxylate methyl chloride - GA(s) gibberellin(s) - LD long day(s) - SD short day(s)  相似文献   

Identification of endogenous gibberellins in navel orange shoots   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Eight gibberellins (GAs) were identified from vegetative shoots of navel orange trees (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck cv Washington) after sequential purification by reverse-phase C18 high performance liquid chromatography, Nucleosil 5N(CH3)2 high performance liquid chromatography, and capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. GA1, GA17, GA19, GA20, GA29, and iso-GA3 were identified based on the full scan mass spectra and Kovats retention indices. GA8 was tentatively identified based on the comparison of the full scan mass spectra with the published spectra. GA44 was tentatively identified from the characteristic masses at the correct Kovats retention index.  相似文献   

The gibberellin content of radish plants doubled in responseto seed or seedling vernalization. Two zones of activity, Iand II, were separated on TLC and detected using the ‘Tan-ginbozu’dwarf rice seedling assay. Activity in zone II increased 6-foldin vernalized plants. Application of CCC after vernalization reduced final stem heightgreatly. No gibberellin activity was detected in such plants. (Received April 6, 1970; )  相似文献   

Identification of six endogenous gibberellins in spinach shoots   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Analysis of highly purified extracts from spinach shoots by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry has demonstrated the presence of six 13-C-hydroxylated gibberellins (GAs): GA53, GA44, GA19, GA17, GA20, and GA29. The major GAs were GA17, GA19, and GA20, whereas the other three GAs occurred in trace amounts. Structural considerations suggest that the six GAs identified in spinach are related in the following metabolic sequence: GA53 → GA44 → GA19 → GA17 → GA20 → GA29.  相似文献   

The gibberellins (GAs) of both vegetative (leaves and stems) and reproductive (pods and seeds) tissue of the G2 strain of peas Pisum sativum L. were characterized in purified extracts by a combination of sequential silicic-acid partition column chromatography, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Gibberellins A19, A20, A29 and an A29 catabolite were identified in both types of tissue. Gibberellins A9, A17 and A44 were also found in pods and seeds.Abbreviations FID Ilame ionization detector - GA(s) gibberellin(s) - GC gas chromatograph(y) - HPLC high performance liquid chromatograph(y) - LD long day - MS mass spectrum(a) or mass spectrometer(ry) - SD short day  相似文献   

The distribution of endogenous gibberellins in Dwarf-1, a single gene dwarf mutant of Mexico 80-R red beans, was studied. Parallel extraction and fractionation of seeds of this mutant and those of a normal homozygous line followed by thin layer chromatography and bioassays using Rumex obtusifolius, wheat seed endosperm and dwarf bean plants revealed that a stem elongation control factor was contained in the non-acidic fraction from normal, but not from Dwarf-1, seeds. It was concluded that the single gene mutation causes a block either in gibberellin precursor formation or in production of a non-acidic fraction gibberellin-like substance.  相似文献   

In the temperate-zone woody species Salix pentandra elongation growth is regulated by the photoperiod. Long days sustain active growth, whereas short days induce cessation of apical growth, which is a prerequisite for winter hardening. It is shown that this is correlated to quantitative changes in levels of endogenous GA19 GA20, and GA1. Within two short days the amount of the active GA1 and its immediate precursor GA20, decreased markedly in young leaves us well as in stem tissue. Also, the amount of GA19, declined, but the decrease was delayed relative to that of GA1 and GA20. The ability of S. pentandra seedlings to respond to exogenous GA19, decreased with increasing numbers of short days. Observations that support the hypothesis that the level of GA1 in S. pentandra is regulated by the photoperiod in a quantitative mode with conversion of GA19, to GA20, being one target for control.
Different distribution of GAs in various plant parts was observed. The level of GA was higher in young leaves than in other plant parts, and the amount of GA19 was 5–10 times higher in stem tissue than in leaves and roots. The ratios of GA8 to GA1 and GA20, were higher in roots as compared with other parts, as rods contained very low levels of GA1 and GA20, but amounts of GA20 comparable with other parts.  相似文献   

Seven dwarf mutants resembling brassinosteroid (BR)-biosynthetic dwarfs were isolated that did not respond significantly to the application of exogenous BRs. Genetic and molecular analyses revealed that these were novel alleles of BRI1 (Brassinosteroid-Insensitive 1), which encodes a receptor kinase that may act as a receptor for BRs or be involved in downstream signaling. The results of morphological and molecular analyses indicated that these represent a range of alleles from weak to null. The endogenous BRs were examined from 5-week-old plants of a null allele (bri1-4) and two weak alleles (bri1-5 and bri1-6). Previous analysis of endogenous BRs in several BR-biosynthetic dwarf mutants revealed that active BRs are deficient in these mutants. However, bri1-4 plants accumulated very high levels of brassinolide, castasterone, and typhasterol (57-, 128-, and 33-fold higher, respectively, than those of wild-type plants). Weaker alleles (bri1-5 and bri1-6) also accumulated considerable levels of brassinolide, castasterone, and typhasterol, but less than the null allele (bri1-4). The levels of 6-deoxoBRs in bri1 mutants were comparable to that of wild type. The accumulation of biologically active BRs may result from the inability to utilize these active BRs, the inability to regulate BR biosynthesis in bri1 mutants, or both. Therefore, BRI1 is required for the homeostasis of endogenous BR levels.  相似文献   

The effect of day/night temperature regimes on stem elongation and on the content of endogenous gibberellins (GAs) in vegetatively propagated plants of Campanula isophylla cv. Hvit have been studied. Compared with a constant temperature regime at 18°C (18/18°C), stem and internode elongation was enhanced significantly by a combination of high day/low night temperature (21/15°C) and inhibited by an opposite regime (15/21°C). Gibberellins A1, A19, A44, A53, and A97 were identified as endogenous components in Campanula. (GA97 was earlier referred to as 2-OH-GA53.) Quantitative analysis of the endogenous GAs indicates that temperature regimes that stimulate elongation growth are accompanied by an increase in the level of GA1, GA19, and GA44. On the other hand, in plants grown under conditions that reduced stem elongation growth, there was an increased level of GA97.Abbreviations DIF difference between day temperature and night temperature - GA gibberellin - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass chromatography - SPE solid phase extraction - TMS trimethylsilyl - MSTFA N-methyl-N-TMS-trifluoroacetamide - KRI Kovats retention index - SIM selected ion monitoring - D2 deuterated  相似文献   

Recognizing the physiological diversity of different plant organs, studies were conducted to investigate the distribution of endogenous gibberellins (GAs) in Brassica (canola or oilseed rape). GA1 and its biosynthetic precursors, GA20 and GA19, were extracted, chromatographically purified, and quantified by gas-chromatography-selected ion monitoring (GC-SIM), using [2H2]GAs as internal standards. In young (vegetative) B. napus cv. Westar plants, GA concentrations were lowest in the roots, increased acropetally along the shoot axis, and were highest in the shoot tips. GA concentrations were high but variable in leaves. GA1 concentrations also increased acropetally along the plant axis in reproductive plants. During early silique filling, GA1 concentrations were highest in siliques and progressively lower in flowers, inflorescence stalks (peduncles plus pedicels), stem, leaves, and roots. Concentrations of GA19 and GA20 showed similar patterns of distribution except in leaves, in which concentrations were higher, but variable. Immature siliques were qualitatively rich in endogenous GAs and GA1, GA3, GA4, GA8, GA9, GA17, GA19, GA20, GA24, GA29, GA34, GA51, and GA53 were identified by GC-SIM. In whole siliques, GA19, GA20, GA1, and GA8 concentrations declined during maturation due to declining levels in the maturing seeds; their concentrations in the silique coats remained relatively constant and low. These studies demonstrate that GAs are differentially distributed in Brassica with a general pattern of acropetally increasing concentration in shoots and high concentration in actively growing and developing organs.  相似文献   

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