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Summary The compound eyes of the mesopelagic euphausiid Thysanopoda tricuspidata were investigated by light-, scanning-, and transmission electron microscopy. The eyes are spherical and have a diameter that corresponds to 1/6 of the carapace length. The hexagonal facets have strongly curved outer surfaces. Although there are four crystalline cone cells, only two participate in the formation of the cone, which is 90–120 m long and appears to have a radial gradient of refractive index. The clear zone, separating dioptric structures and retinula, is only 90–120 m wide. In it lie the very large oval nuclei of the seven retinula cells. Directly in front of the 70 m long and 15 m thick rhabdom a lens-like structure of 12 m diameter is developed. This structure, known in only a very few arthropods, seems to be present in all species of Euphausiacea studied to date. It is believed that the rhabdom lens improves near-field vision and absolute light sensitivity. Rod-shaped pigment grains and mitochondria of the tubular type are found in the plasma of retinula cells. The position of the proximal screening pigment as well as the microvillar organization in the rhadbdom are indicative of light-adapted material. The orthogonal alignment of rhabdovilli suggests polarization sensitivity. Behind each rhabdom there is a cup-shaped homogeneous structure of unknown, but possibly optical function. Finally, the structure and the function of the euphysiid eye are reviewed and the functional implications of individual components are discussed.This study was begun during the 1975 Alpha Helix South East Asia Bioluminescence Expedition to the South Moluccan Islands  相似文献   

Summary The eye of the deep-sea penaeid shrimp Gennadas consists of approximately 700 square ommatidia with a side length of 15 n. It is hemispherical in shape and is located at the end of a 1.5 mm long eye stalk. The cornea is extremely thin, but the crystalline cone is well-developed. A clear zone between dioptric structures and the rhabdom layer is absent. A few pigment granules are found within the basement membrane; otherwise they, too, are absent from the eye of Gennadas. The rhabdom is massive and occupies 50 % of the eye. It consists of orthogonally oriented microvilli (the latter measuring 0.07 m in diameter) and is 75 m long. In cross sections adjacent rhabdoms, all approximately 8 m in diameter, form an almost continuous sheet and leave little space for retinula cell cytoplasm. In spite of a one h exposure to light, rhabdom microvilli show no disintegration or disruption of membranes. Vesicles of various kinds, however, are present in all seven retinula cells near the basement membrane. Bundles of seven axons penetrate the basement membrane. On their way to the lamina they often combine and form larger aggregations.The authors wish to thank the director of the Meat Industry Research Institute in Hamilton and his staff for the use of their electron microscope facilities  相似文献   

Summary The neuronal types and patterns in the visual system of the species Artemia salina and Daphina magna have been studied with the Golgi method and electron microscopy. The lamina contains five classes of neurons: photoreceptor axons, monopolar, centrifugal, tangential and amacrine neurons. The terminals of the receptor axons are distributed in two (A. salina) or three (D. magna) layers. The dilated terminals have an extensive and wide array of fine branches. One axon from each ommatidium bypasses the lamina and terminates in the medulla in A. salina. A. salina has four types of monopolar neurons, two of which are stratified, whereas in D. magna only two types are found, one of which is bistratified. Tangential T-neurons connect the lamina with the protocerebrum. D. magna has in addition one tangential T-neuron connecting both the lamina and the medulla with the protocerebrum. In both species monopolar-type centrifugal neurons connect the medulla and the lamina, whereas that of A. salina has a wide laminar distribution. Both species also have amacrine cells in the lamina. The medulla contains, besides those shared with the lamina, transmedullary neurons (two types in A. salina), amacrine cells and neurons originating in the protocerebrum.Cartridge-type synaptic compartments are lacking in the investigated species, although a periodic arrangement is discernible in the distal portion of the lamina of A. salina. The receptors from three types of specialized contacts in Artemia, one of which involves a dyad. D. magna has only one-to-one synapses. Neurosecretory fibres are absent in A. salina.The investigation was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (Grant No. 2760-009)  相似文献   

Summary In Streetsia challengeri left and right eyes have fused and become a single cylindrical photoreceptor, which occupies the basal half of a forward directed head projection. This unusual compound eye consists of approximately 2500 ommatidia, which are arranged in such a way that the animal has almost circumferential vision, but cannot look ahead or behind. It is thought that the eye operates on light-guide principles, and that the crystalline cones are the major dioptric component. Ommatidia in anterior-posterior rows show a greater overlap of visual fields than dorso-ventrally arranged ommatidia. Cone layer and retinula are separated by a 4 m thick screen-membrane, which contains tiny pigment granules of 0.15 m diameter. Cells of unknown function and origin, containing unusual multitubular organelles, are regularly found near the proximal ends of the crystalline cone threads. The twisted rhabdoms measure 18–20 m in diameter, and consist of microvilli 0.05 m in width, which belong to five retinula cells and which show no trace of disintegration. The position of interommatidial screening pigment, the density of retinula cell vesicles and inclusions, and the narrowness of the perirhabdomal space all suggest that the eyes have been light-adapted at the time of fixation for electron microscopy. The retinula cell nuclei lie on the proximal side of the heavily pigmented basement membrane. A tapetum or basal retinula cells are not developed. It is concluded that the eye optimally combines acuity with sensitivity, and that for distance estimation parallax may be important.Address until January 25th 1978: Scott Base, Ross Dependency, Antarctica (C/-Chief Post Office, Christchurch, New Zealand)  相似文献   

Abstract: Eyes other than those of trilobites are rarely preserved in the fossil record. We describe here a set of six tiny, isolated, three‐dimensionally preserved compound eyes. These secondarily phosphatized eyes were etched from ‘Orsten’ limestone nodules dated to the Agnostus pisiformis Biozone from the Cambrian Alum Shale Formation of Sweden. The ovoid eyes arise from an elongated stalk, their surface being covered by a mosaic of regular and hexagonal‐shaped facets representing the surface of ommatidia. Facet size and pattern change within the same specimen from the posterior to the anterior end. With regard to some morphological criteria, we grouped the material in two different morphotypes, type A and B, the first being represented by specimens of two different developmental stages. From stage to stage, mostly growth in overall size and addition of new ommatidia was noticed. Among the meiobenthic ‘Orsten’ arthropods, only the crustacean Henningsmoenicaris scutula has been described as possessing stalked eyes, but the eyes of the largest specimen with preserved eyes of this species are much smaller than the new eyes and do not display any kind of ommatidia on their visual surface. However, fragments of larger specimens of H. scutula and the co‐occurrence of this species with the new isolated eyes in the sieving residues make it likely that the latter belong to this species but belong to more advanced stages than those described previously of H. scutula. Ontogenetically, the eye stalks of this fossil crustacean elongate progressively, while the regular hexagonal facets, lacking in early stages, appear later on.  相似文献   

Summary Certain neurons in the nervous system of the malacostracan crustaceans give rise to a predominantly green and a sparse yellow fluorophore in the histochemical fluorescence method of Falck-Hillarp. The same applies to the whole of Crustacea. The green fluorophore is probably a catecholamine; the yellow to brown-yellow has not yet been identified.The biogenic amine responsible for the green fluorescence, besides being found in diffusely distributed fibres, also appears in distinct areas of fibre concentrations in the central nervous system. The protocerebrum of the malacostracans contains three areas: the central body and two areas in the top of the brain, one anterior and one posterior. The latter two are not recognized as separate areas in ordinary histological preparations. In addition, the optic neuropiles are fluorescent, some with a distinct stratification of the fluorophore. The deuto and tritocerebrum and the ventral nerve cord also contain monoaminergic neurons. Of the brightly fluorescent areas in the whole of Crustacea, only the central body consistently exists in all species. The other areas of concentrated fluorescent neuropile are restricted to smaller taxonomic units and differ from each other. p The monoaminergic neurons in Crustacea are sensory, motor, and internuncial, and also belong to a fourth type which mimics the neurosecretory neurons in neurohaemal organs. Only one example of a monoaminergic sensory neuron is known (in Anemia, a non-malacostracan, Aramant and Elofsson 1976), a few motor and a few neurosecretory mimics (the latter in malacostracans). Most are internuncials. Acknowledgement. We have enjoyed the laboratory facilities at the Department of Histology, Faculty of Medicine, and express our sincere thanks to Prof. Bengt Falck.-Grants from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (2760-007) and the Swedish Medical Research Council (04X-712) supported the work  相似文献   

Summary A new photoreceptor in the Copepoda is described. The organ, previously called Gicklhorn's organ (Elofsson, 1966a), is paired and is usually situated beneath the cuticle of the front. Each member of the pair consists of two cells. From the anterolateral position, two nerves lead to the lateral part of the brain. No connexion with the nauplius eye is found. Each cell of the organ has microvilli, two nuclei, dictyosomes, and large cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. Except for the binucleated condition, the cells closely resemble the retinula cells of the copepod nauplius eye.It is concluded that, because of its independent position, the new photoreceptor is not a detached part of the nauplius eye. As there are no accessory structures present and no missing links so far known, it is doubtful whether it can be regarded as a vestigial compound eye. The most plausible hypothesis is that the new presumed photoreceptor is an independent structure without connexions either with crustacean compound or nauplius eyes.If the function of the nauplius eye is considered by itself the improvement contributed by the new organ is probably modest because of its low level of organization. Some experimental evidence on light reception in Copepods points to a possible function in response to directed light.This work was supported by a grant from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council 2760-3.  相似文献   

昆虫单眼的结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘红霞  彩万志 《昆虫知识》2007,44(4):603-607
大多数昆虫的视觉器官除了复眼外还有一些简单的小眼,称为单眼。昆虫成虫和半变态类若虫的单眼称为背单眼,位于头顶两复眼之间。背单眼在数目和结构上都有较大变化,但基本结构包括角膜晶体、一层角膜生成细胞(覆盖在角膜晶体上)、视网膜(由大约1000个感光细胞构成,视类群而不同)。背单眼对弱光比较敏感,但在图像感知方面的作用并不显著;它是一种“激发器官”,可以增加复眼的感知能力。全变态昆虫的幼虫既没有复眼也没有背单眼,但在其头部两侧有些类似复眼小眼的侧单眼。侧单眼的结构也与小眼相似,包括角膜,晶体和由一些视网膜细胞组成的视杆。侧单眼是完全变态类昆虫幼虫仅有的感光器官,与复眼一样,它们可以感知颜色、形状、距离等等。  相似文献   

Crustacean embryonic and larval systems offer a unique and valuable tool for furthering our understanding of both developmental processes and physiological regulatory mechanisms. The diverse array of developmental patterns exhibited by crustaceans allows species choice to be based on the specific questions being investigated, where defined larval forms are chosen based on their developmental pattern, degree of maturation or regulatory capabilities. However, this great diversity in developmental patterns, as well as crustacean diversity, can also confound ones ability to define or identify species for investigation. These issues are addressed and suggestions put forth to clarify some of the problems. The complexity and overlapping nature of adult cardio-regulatory systems makes teasing them apart difficult. Embryonic and larval systems exhibit varying degrees of regulatory complexity depending on developmental stage and ontogenetic pattern. This can allow complex adult regulatory systems to be teased apart temporally, as the developing animal builds regulatory pathways. Equally important is the nature of crustacean larvae; many undergo dramatic metamorphoses in cases where the larvae have adaptations to environments different to those of the adult. During environmental transitions physiological adaptations to immediate change should take precedence over long-term adult adaptations. It is therefore possible to look at physiological responses as a function of developmental/environmental adaptation, independent of adult functions.  相似文献   

Summary With the fluorescence method of Falck and Hillarp, the presence and localization of monoaminergic neurons in the optic ganglia of several crustaceans and insects have been investigated. It was found that in both classes the monoaminergic terminals, when present, appeared (especially in the medullae externa and interna of the crustaceans and the medulla of the insects) in strata specific for each species. So far, the only monoamine (visualized by this technique) present in the crustacean optic ganglia is dopamine, whereas in the Insecta, the catecholamines dopamine and noradrenaline, and the indolamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, are found in the optic lobe. But in the Insecta, different species show different content of these amines.This work was supported by grants 2760-3 and 2760-4 from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (R.E.), by a fellowship from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and a grant from the Swedish Medical Research Council B72-14X-712-D7B (N.K.). We are very grateful to the director of the Department of Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Lund, Professor Bengt Falck, who put all his facilities and knowledge at our disposal.  相似文献   

The carapace of Recent crustaceans such as myodocope ostracodes and phyllocarids is pervaded with well-developed anastomosing sinuses conveying hemolymph from the metabolizing organs to the dorsal heart. The inner lamella cuticle, which separates the sinuses from seawater, is thin enough to allow gaseous diffusion (e.g., O2 uptake) over its surface. Comparable radiating and/or anastomosing features, of possible vascular origin, are herein recognized in several possible Crustacea from the Cambrian: cambriid, svealutiid, hipponicharionid and beyrichonid Bradoriida and in Carnarvonia from the middle Cambrian Burgess Shale. The vascular network is basically the same in these groups, consisting of sinuses radiating from supposed adductorial areas or from inferred areas of dorsal attachment of the body. The integumental (carapace sinuses) and branchial (gills) systems of respiration in crustaceans and crustacean-like animals were probably already differentiated by the middle Cambrian. The oldest record of probable integumental circulation is in the bradoriid Petrianna from the early Cambrian of Greenland. Similar circulatory systems may be represented by radiating ridges on the cephalon of other Cambrian arthropod groups such as the arachnomorphs ( Burgessia ) and trilobites ( Naraioa ) and may also be manifest in the carapaces of Ordovician-Devonian leperditicope ostracodes. Organs on the thoracopods of Cambrian supposed crustaceans, such as Canadaspis , resemble the foliaceous thoracic gills of Recent nebaliid phyllocarids and therefore may have served the same (respiratory) function.  相似文献   

Summary The crustacean species Pacifastacus leniusculus and Gammarus pulex were investigated by electron microscopy in a search for possible neuromuscular junctions in the hindgut, which has a rich supply of catecholaminergic fibres. True neuromuscular synapses were found in both species between nerve terminals containing dense-core vesicles (80–110 nm in diam.) and muscle fibres. We suggest that the dense-core vesicle terminals contain a catecholamine, and this is supported by ultrahistochemical tests for monoamines. Two types of junctions are found: one in which the nerve terminal is embedded in the muscle cell (both species) and one in which protrusions from the muscle cell meet nerve terminals (Pacifastacus). Gammarus pulex, which has only circular muscles in the hindgut, has only catecholaminergic innervation, whereas Pacifastacus leniusculus has circular and longitudinal muscles both with at least two types of innervation.The investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (B 2760-009), the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and the Magnus Bergvall Foundation. We are also indebted to Mrs. Lena Sandell for her skilful technical assistance  相似文献   

Among polychaetes, the errant forms are the only group known so far possessing true multicellular eyes in adults which are preceded by bicellular larval eyes in many species. Most likely, two pairs of such eyes showing a specific structure belong to the ground pattern of Errantia = Aciculata. However, these eyes have primarily been investigated in only two subgroups of Errantia, but data on the third main taxon, Eunicida, are available for only two taxa. In the present investigation, the eyes in two additional species of Eunicida, the dorvilleids Protodorvillea kefersteini and Schistomeringos neglecta, were studied. In P. kefersteini, usually described as possessing one pair of small eyes, two pairs could be detected, whereas in S. neglecta only one pair was found. Each eye is made up of rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells, pigment cells and unpigmented supportive cells. Lenses or vitreous bodies are absent. From their structure most likely all eyes represent adult eyes and even the small anterior eyes in P. kefersteini structurally resemble miniaturized adult eyes. Neither persisting larval eyes nor unpigmented rhabdomeric ocelli were found in the two species. The observations in Dorvilleidae confirm the hypothesis of a common origin of adult eyes in Errantia.  相似文献   

The Crustacea contain an amazing, and often (to humans) bizarre, array of visual designs. This diversity includes many different examples of both simple and compound eyes, each with standard or uniquely crustacean features. In this review, we focus on the anatomical variation, optical principles, and molecular diversity of crustacean compound eyes to illustrate how the complicated structures involved in vision are adapted for particular environments. Using this knowledge as a starting point, and considering what is known of crustacean evolution overall, we present the most recent ideas of how crustacean compound eyes have evolved and show how eyes that are based on fundamentally different optical principles can in fact be derived from each other and thus be closely related through common descent.  相似文献   

After more than two centuries of research, more than 65,000 living and fossil ostracod species have been described and studied, yet much remains to be learned about this ancient, widespread and diverse group of bivalved arthropods. Their higher classification and phylogeny are subjects of vigorous debate, as is their position in the broader picture of crustacean phylogeny. At the same time, major advances in our understanding of ostracod lineages and their relationships are resulting from the application of innovative approaches and techniques. This preface provides a contextual overview of the 15 contributions to this volume, which resulted from the 14th International Symposium on Ostracoda (ISO2001) held in 2001at Shizuoka, Japan. As such it provides a cross-section of topics at the forefront of research on the evolution and diversity of Ostracoda, and indicates directions for future work.  相似文献   

Summary The dioptric apparatus of the lateral eyes of the scorpion, Androctonus austrails, consists of a cuticular lens, but lacks a vitreous body. The retina is formed by (1) retinula cells displaying a contiguous network of rhabdoms; (2) arhabdomeric cells bearing a distal dendrite that contacts retinula cells via numerous projections and ends before the rhabdomere of the retinula cells; (3) pigment cells that ensheath retinula and arhabdomeric cells with the exception of the contact regions; and (4) neurosecretory fibres possibly originating in the supraesophageal ganglion. The ratio of the number of retinula to arhabdomeric cells is determined to be close to 2 1 in the three larger anterolateral eyes, in contrast to the median eyes where the ratio is 5 1.The construction of the dioptric apparatus as well as the anatomy of the retina imply that in the lateral eyes of Androctonus australis visual acuity is reduced. A certain degree of spatial discrimination, however, may be retained by the presence of a relatively high number of arhabdomeric cells. It is suggested that the lateral eyes of A. australis mainly function as light detectors, e.g., for Zeitgeber stimuli.Supported by grant no. FL 77/8-10 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Genome size varies tremendously both within and among taxa, and strong correlations between genome size and various physiological and ecological attributes suggest that genome size is a key trait of organisms, yet the causalities remains vague. In the present study, we tested how genome size is related to key physiological and ecological properties in five large orders of crustaceans: Decapoda, Cladocera, Amphipoda, Calanoida, and Cyclopoida. These span a wide range in sizes, habitats and life-history traits. To some extent, genome size reflected phylogenetic footprints but, generally, a very wide range in genome size was found within all orders. Genome size was positively correlated with body size in Amphipoda, Cladocera, and Copepoda, but not for Decapoda in general. This could indicate that the evolution of body size occurs mainly by changing cell size for the three first orders, whereas it is more attributed to cell numbers for Decapoda. Cladocera, with direct development and a high growth rate, have minute genomes compared to copepods that possess a more complex life history, whereas, within Decapoda and Amphipoda, developmental complexity is not related to genome size. The present study suggests that, within the crustaceans, selection for a wide variety of life-history strategies has led to widely different genome sizes.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 393–399.  相似文献   

Diapause, a potent force in the evolution of freshwater crustaceans   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
After a brief historical review of the discovery of diapause in freshwater crustaceans, its dramatic nature in certain cyclopoid copepods, in which diapausing individuals may occur at densities of > 106 per m2, is used to illustrate the enormous ecological significance of the phenomenon. Some of the problems presented by dispause in cyclopoid copepods are noted, including the different behaviour in different lakes of what appears to be a single species. Different physiological cues or different genetic endowments are clearly involved.The wider incidence of diapause in freshwater copepods and ostracods is noted.Among freshwater crustaceans it it the Branchiopoda that have universally adopted diapause, always at the egg stage. Even such an ancient order as the Anostraca, perhaps the most primitive of all crustaceans, produces elaborately constructed resting eggs that are capable of cryptobiosis, can remain viable in a dry state for long periods, and can tolerate extreme conditions. The nature of branchiopod resting eggs is briefly reviewed. Of these, only those of the Anomopoda are protected by containers derived from the parental carapace. These are mechanically complex in the most advanced species but, as shown by fossils, are extremely ancient structures.Factors initiating the onset and termination of diapause in branchiopods are briefly noted, and the process of hatching of resting eggs is outlined.  相似文献   

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