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Two strains of cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, a radiosensitive mutant and the parental wild-type strain, were used to investigate the effects of cosmic radiation on viability and mutation frequency at the spore stage for about 9 days in Space Shuttle of NASA. We measured little effect of space environment on viability and cell growth in the both strains as compared to ground controls. The mutation frequency of the flown spores were similar to that of ground control. These results suggest that there could be no effect of cosmic radiation, containing high linear energy transfer radiation at about 0.9 mSv/day as detected by real-time radiation monitoring device on the induction of mutation at the spore stage.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that amoebae of D. discoideum strain V12 M2 starved at low density in the presence of cyclic AMP fail to form either stalk cells or prespore cells; a low molecular weight factor released by cells at high density promotes stalk formation under these conditions but formation of prespore cells requires 'cell contact'. Here we summarise evidence that:
1. Elevated intracellular cyclic AMP levels are required for all developmental gene expression beyond the preaggregative phase, and ammonia antagonises this expression in some way. However, the action of ammonia is not pathway specific.
2.'Cell contact' is a specific requirement for entry into the prespore pathway of gene expression since isolated cells provided with cyclic AMP synthesise much reduced amounts of the presporespecific enzyme uridine diphosphate (UDP) galactose polysaccharide transferase but normal amounts of the pathway-indifferent enzyme glycogen phosphorylase.
3. The 'cell contact' mechanism is uniquely sensitive to low concentrations of pronase. This protease selectively inhibits transferase synthesis and blocks in vitro spore differentiation (in a spore-forming mutant). It does not prevent chemotactic aggregation, stream formation, or stalk cell formation in the presence of cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Spindle and kinetochore morphology of Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The metaphase spindle of haploid Dictyostelium discoideum (n = 7) is 2 mum long. It consists of some 20 microtubules which seem continuous between the spindle pole bodies and there are about 20 chromosomal microtubules at each end of the spindle. During anaphase the central spindle elongates and the chromosomal microtubules shorten. The spindle length and structure at this stage suggests that lengthening is caused by elongation as well as parallel sliding of the nonchromosomal microtubules. The nuclear envelope remains mostly intact during mitosis, and nuclear separation through medial constriction takes place when the spindle is 6 mum long. Cytokinesis occurs when the spindle is 10 mum long. At that time the kinetochores double in size. During interphase, the spindle pole body separates from the nucleus to a distance of 0.7 mum, and it returns at the onset of the next prophase when it becomes functionally double, thereby starting the formation of a central spindle. When comparing mitosis in the cellular slime molds Polysphondylium violaceum and D. discoideum, several similarities and some differences are apparent.  相似文献   

Cell Volume Determinations of Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The intercellular water present in pellets of centrifuged cell suspensions of the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum was measured at four stages of differentiation.  相似文献   

Francisella bacteria cause severe disease in both vertebrates and invertebrates and include one of the most infectious human pathogens. Mammalian cell lines have mainly been used to study the mechanisms by which Francisella manipulates its host to replicate within a large variety of hosts and cell types, including macrophages. Here, we describe the establishment of a genetically and biochemically tractable infection model: the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum combined with the fish pathogen Francisella noatunensis subsp. noatunensis. Phagocytosed F. noatunensis subsp. noatunensis interacts with the endosomal pathway and escapes further phagosomal maturation by translocating into the host cell cytosol. F. noatunensis subsp. noatunensis lacking IglC, a known virulence determinant required for Francisella intracellular replication, follows the normal phagosomal maturation and does not grow in Dictyostelium. The attenuation of the F. noatunensis subsp. noatunensis ΔiglC mutant was confirmed in a zebrafish embryo model, where growth of F. noatunensis subsp. noatunensis ΔiglC was restricted. In Dictyostelium, F. noatunensis subsp. noatunensis interacts with the autophagic machinery. The intracellular bacteria colocalize with autophagic markers, and when autophagy is impaired (Dictyostelium Δatg1), F. noatunensis subsp. noatunensis accumulates within Dictyostelium cells. Altogether, the Dictyostelium-F. noatunensis subsp. noatunensis infection model recapitulates the course of infection described in other host systems. The genetic and biochemical tractability of the system allows new approaches to elucidate the dynamic interactions between pathogenic Francisella and its host organism.  相似文献   

Growth factors and their binding proteins are important proteins regulating mammalian cell proliferation and differentiation so there is considerable interest in producing them as recombinant proteins, especially in hosts that do not already produce a complex mixture of growth factors. Many growth factors require post-translational modifications making them unsuitable for production in Escherichia coli or other prokaryotes. Since several expression vector systems have been recently developed for foreign protein production in the cellular slime mould, Dictyostelium discoideum, we attempted to use two of these systems to express human insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 (hIGFBP6) and bovine beta-cellulin (bBTC) as secreted proteins. Although both proteins were successfully produced in stably transformed amoebae, no secretion was detected in spite of several attempts to facilitate this occurring.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum, a unicellular organism capable of developing into a multicellular structure, is a powerful model system to study a variety of biological processes. Because it is inexpensive and relatively easy to grow, Dictyostelium is also frequently used in teaching laboratories. Here we describe conditions for successfully growing and developing Dictyostelium cells and methods for long-term storage of Dictyostelium amoebae and spores.  相似文献   

R Gayatri  S Chatterjee 《Microbios》1991,68(275):97-107
Chlorpromazine (5 x 10(-3) M) administered to Dictyostelium discoideum cells inhibited its growth and morphogenesis. Cells treated with chlorpromazine were found to have distorted morphology. At lower doses of chlorpromazine the development was delayed. Early developmental events such as cell streaming, cell aggregations, development of EDTA stable cell contacts, cAMP-chemotaxis etc, were inhibited. Chlorpromazine was also found to inhibit spore formation. Culturing D. discoideum cells on chlorpromazine agar, in supernatant taken from the chlorpromazine treated cells, or co-culturing of chlorpromazine-treated and control cells, inhibited the development of normal Dictyostelium cells. Chlorpromazine-treated cells showed a higher cAMP-dependent extracellular phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   

D. discoideum has two alternative developmental pathways. If cells of two complement mating-type strains, NC4 and HM1, fuse sexually, a giant cell is produced which subsequently develops into a macrocyst, the sexual structure of this organism. However, if fusion fails to occur and cells are starved, a fruiting-body is produced instead of a macrocyst. In this paper, a two-dimensional polypeptide gel electrophoresis study showed that giant cells produce specific polypeptides which may possibly be involved in macrocyst development. Out of total 497 polypeptides which appeared in a giant cell during an incubation period of 13 hr, 92 were the specific for giant cells. Four of these polypeptides were appeared within only 1 hr after the cell fusion. The other 405 were non-specific polypeptides which appeared in both giant cells and NC4 or/and HM1 cells. However, the patterns and the rates of production of each polypeptide during the incubation period were different between these cells.  相似文献   

Role of Cell Sorting in Pattern Formation in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
To examine the relationship between cell sorting and cell differentiation in the development of Dictyostelium discoideum , labeled cells grown in the absence of glucose [G(–) cells] and unlabeled cells grown in its presence [G(+) cells] were mixed and either allowed to undergo normal morphogenesis or cultured under submerged conditions. Changes in the distributions within a cell aggregate of labeled cells and cells stained with the conjugated antispore serum (prespore cells) were followed on the same sections by the methods of autoradiography and immunohistochemistry. In normal morphogenesis, differentiation of prespore cells apparently initiated and proceeded coincident with sorting out between G(+) and G(–) cells, during formation of a standing slug. By contrast, within an aggregate formed under submerged conditions, prespore cells began to differentiate long before G(+) and G(–) cells were sorted out, indicating that the cell sorting is not a prerequisite for the cell differentiation. The sorting out, however, brought about an accumulation of prespore cells in a hemisphere, thus producing a prestalk-prespore pattern within the aggregate.  相似文献   

Codon preference in Dictyostelium discoideum.   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Dictyostelium discoideum is of increasing interest as a model eukaryotic cell because its many attributes have recently been expanded to include improved genetic and biochemical manipulability. The ability to transform Dictyostelium using drug resistance as a selectable marker (1) and to gene target by high frequency homologous integration (2) makes this organism particularly useful for molecular genetic approaches to cell structure and function. Given this background, it becomes important to analyze the codon preference used in this organism. Dictyostelium displays a strong and unique overall codon preference. This preference varies between different coding regions and even varies between coding regions from the same gene family. The degree of codon preference may be correlated with expression levels but not with the developmental time of expression of the gene product. The strong codon preference can be applied to identify coding regions in Dictyostelium DNA and aid in the design of oligonucleotide probes for cloning Dictyostelium genes.  相似文献   

Phosphotyrosine-containing proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum were detected by immunoblot analysis and immunoprecipitation using a monoclonal anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. The iodinated antibody recognized on bots a cluster of 205-220 kDa polypeptides and bands of 107 and 60 kDa. The 107 and 60 kDa polypeptides and, in addition, a 82 kDa one became phosphorylated on tyrosine when the immunoprecipitate was incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP. In preparations from differentiating cells the intensity of the label was increased in the 60 kDa band and decreased in the 107 and 205-220 kDa bands.  相似文献   

The prestalk and prespore cells from the Dictyostelium discoideummulticellular slug stage of development differ in assembly ofglycoconjugates. Prespore cells are 2- to 3-fold more activethan prestalk cells in the assembly of N-linked glycans and20-fold more active in their fucosylation. Only prespore cellssynthesize an O-linked glycan consisting in part of Fuc -linkedto N-acetylglucosamine. Incorporation of fucose, glucosamine,mannose and galactose into large pronase-resistant glycoconjugateswas almost exclusively into prespore cells. Such glucosamine-labelledglycoconjugates resist fragmentation by ß-eliminationand include a glycoantigen dependent on the modB genetic locus.In contrast, large fucose-labelled glycoconjugates consistedof multiple, small, O-linked oligosaccharides on carrier peptides.The spore coat protein SP96 has several fucosylated O-linkedoligosaccharides, one of which correlates with a fucose epitopepreviously shown to localize in prespore vesicles and the outerlayer of the spore coat. Dictyostelium discoideum glycoconjugates glycoproteins prespore prestalk  相似文献   

Developmental decisions in Dictyostelium discoideum.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A few hours after the onset of starvation, amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum start to form multicellular aggregates by chemotaxis to centers that emit periodic cyclic AMP signals. There are two major developmental decisions: first, the aggregates either construct fruiting bodies directly, in a process known as culmination, or they migrate for a period as "slugs." Second, the amoebae differentiate into either prestalk or prespore cells. These are at first randomly distributed within aggregates and then sort out from each other to form polarized structures with the prestalk cells at the apex, before eventually maturing into the stalk cells and spores of fruiting bodies. Developmental gene expression seems to be driven primarily by cyclic AMP signaling between cells, and this review summarizes what is known of the cyclic AMP-based signaling mechanism and of the signal transduction pathways leading from cell surface cyclic AMP receptors to gene expression. Current understanding of the factors controlling the two major developmental choices is emphasized. The weak base ammonia appears to play a key role in preventing culmination by inhibiting activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, whereas the prestalk cell-inducing factor DIF-1 is central to the choice of cell differentiation pathway. The mode of action of DIF-1 and of ammonia in the developmental choices is discussed.  相似文献   

The growth of Dictyostelium discoideum Ax-2 was inhibited completely by cerulenin at a concentration of 5 mug/ml. This inhibition of growth was found to be due to the inhibition of fatty acid synthesis. Acetate incorporation into a long-chain fatty acid was inhibited completely by cerulenin, and the growth inhibition could be reversed by inclusion of certain saturated fatty acids in the medium. Unsaturated fatty acids and sterols failed to reverse the inhibitory effect. The fatty acid and sterol compositions of cerulenin-treated cells were determined to establish whether the drug could be used to manipulate the organism's lipid composition. Only relatively small manipulations were obtained under the conditions employed in this study. Cerulenin inhibited differentiation but only at high concentrations (150 mug/ml). This inhibition could be reversed by palmitic acid, suggesting that the prime cause of the inhibition was an inhibition of fatty acid synthesis. Thus, it appears that continued fatty acid synthesis is required for the cellular process of differentiation in D. discoideum.  相似文献   

Cell sorting within the prestalk zone of Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The prestalk zone of slugs of Dictyostelium discoideum has been shown to contain three subregions in which the extracellular matrix genes ecmA and ecmB are differentially expressed; it is generally thought that these regions are defined by extracellular signals. Using β-galactosidase as a cell marker, we have shown that cells can sort specifically to all three regions. Cells from the posterior-prestalk zone ("prestalk 0 zone") which are injected into the slug tip move within 60 min back to their position of origin. When cells from the anterior prestalk zone (presumably containing a mixture of ecmA and ecmB expressers) are transplanted to the posterior prestalk zone, they move to the tip ("prestalk A zone") within 1 h and about 30 min subsequently are often found in a cone-shaped region within the tip ("prestalk B zone"). Cells transplanted to their own positions do not move significantly within this period. Since the sub-regions of the prestalk zone can be defined by sorting, it is possible that they are normally formed in this way rather than by position-dependent signals. Cells transplanted without a change in anterior-posterior position and cells which have sorted back to their positions of origin eventually spread out throughout the prestalk zone. This suggests that sorting preferences of cells are respecified. When posterior prestalk cells are transplanted to the prespore zone, respecification of sorting preference is suspended until the cells return to the prestalk zone and anterior-prestalk cells acquire posterior-prestalk sorting preferences.  相似文献   

Zymocin and PaT are killer toxins that induce cell cycle arrest of sensitive yeast cells in G1 and S phase, respectively. Recent studies have revealed that these two toxins cleave specific tRNAs, indicating that the cell growth impairment is due to the tRNA cleavage. Additionally, we have previously shown that the active domain of colicin D (D-CRD), which also cleaves specific Escherichia coli tRNAs, statically impairs growth when expressed in yeast cells. To verify that phase-specific cell cycle arrest is also induced by the expression of D-CRD, D-CRD and the subunits of zymocin and PaT that have tRNA cleaving activity were expressed in yeast cells and cell cycle status was analyzed. Our results indicate that phase-specific arrest does not commonly occur by tRNA cleavage, and it saves the cell viability. Furthermore, the extent of protein synthesis impairment may determine the phase specificity of cell cycle arrest.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the molecular mechanism of sexual cell fusion between cells of HM1 and NC4 (opposite mating type strains in Dictyostelium discoideum ), monoclonal antibodies were raised against partially-purified gp 70, a fusion-related protein of HM1 cells. The antibodies were screened for activity to inhibit cell fusion and 9 hybridoma clones were obtained. One of the fusion-blocking monoclonal antibodies, mAb1G7, was used for further analysis. It recognized nearly ten bands in an immunoblot of fusion competent HM1 cells, but no bands when HM1 membrane proteins had been deglycosylated. These results suggest the importance of carbohydrates in the cell fusion process. To confirm this possibility, effects of sugars or lectins on cell fusion were examined. Although inhibition by the sugars was incomplete, Con A, WGA, LCA, strongly inhibited cell fusion. Furthermore, tunicamycin inhibited the acquisition of fusion competence in HM1 cells, indicating the importance of N-linked glycosylation of proteins in cell fusion. All above results suggest that N-linked carbohydrates on HM1 cell surface are involved in the sexual cell fusion of D. discoideum .  相似文献   

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