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Retrograde plastid-to-nucleus signaling tightly controls and coordinates the nuclear and plastid gene expression that is required for plastid biogenesis and chloroplast activity. As chloroplasts act as sensors of environmental changes, plastid-derived signaling also modulates stress responses of plants by transferring stress-related signals and altering nuclear gene expression. Various mutant screens have been undertaken to identify constituents of plastid signaling pathways. Almost all mutations identified in these screens target plastid-specific but not extraplastidic functions. They have been suggested to define either genuine constituents of retrograde signaling pathways or components required for the synthesis of plastid signals. Here we report the characterization of the constitutive activator of AAA-ATPase (caa33) mutant, which reveals another way of how mutations that affect plastid functions may modulate retrograde plastid signaling. caa33 disturbs a plastid-specific function by impeding plastid division, and thereby perturbing plastid homeostasis. This results in preconditioning plants by activating the expression of stress genes, enhancing pathogen resistance and attenuating the capacity of the plant to respond to plastid signals. Our study reveals an intimate link between chloroplast activity and the susceptibility of the plant to stress, and emphasizes the need to consider the possible impact of preconditioning on retrograde plastid-to-nucleus signaling.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis circadian system regulates the expression of up to 36% of the nuclear genome, including many genes that encode photosynthetic proteins. The expression of nuclear-encoded photosynthesis genes is also regulated by signals from the chloroplasts, a process known as retrograde signaling. We have identified CHLOROPLAST RNA BINDING (CRB), a putative RNA-binding protein, and have shown that it is important for the proper functioning of the chloroplast. crb plants are smaller and paler than wild-type plants, and have altered chloroplast morphology and photosynthetic performance. Surprisingly, mutations in CRB also affect the circadian system, altering the expression of both oscillator and output genes. In order to determine whether the changes in circadian gene expression are specific to mutations in the CRB gene, or are more generally caused by the malfunctioning of the chloroplast, we also examined the circadian system in mutations affecting STN7, GUN1, and GUN5, unrelated nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins known to be involved in retrograde signaling. Our results provide evidence that the functional state of the chloroplast may be an important factor that affects the circadian system.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and simple sequence repeat (SSR or microsatellites) analyses were performed to detect chloroplast DNA polymorphisms between two ash species, Fraxinus excelsior and F. angustifolia. Only one SSR locus was found to be polymorphic, confirming the very close relatedness of these species. Inheritance of this marker was studied in hybrids obtained from controlled crosses between the two tree species. Results indicated, for the first time in Oleaceae, that chloroplasts are maternally inherited. This chloroplast SSR marker is now used concomitantly with nuclear markers to analyse ash populations in sympatric areas.  相似文献   

To study the functions of the nuclear genes involved in chloroplast development, we systematically analyzed albino and pale-green Arabidopsis thaliana mutants by using a two-component transposon system based on the Ac/Ds element of maize as a mutagen. One of the pale-green mutants, albino or pale green mutant 1 (designated as apg1), did not survive beyond the seedling stage, when germinated on soil. The chloroplasts of the apg1 plants contained decreased numbers of lamellae with reduced levels of chlorophyll. A gene encoding a 37 kDa polypeptide precursor of the chloroplast inner envelope membrane was disrupted by insertion of the Ds transposon in apg1. The 37 kDa protein had partial sequence similarity to the S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase. The apg1 plants lacked plastoquinone (PQ), suggesting that the APG1 protein is involved in the methylation step of PQ biosynthesis, which is localized at the envelope membrane. Our results demonstrate the importance of the 37 kDa protein of the chloroplast inner envelope membrane for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Chloroplast biogenesis needs to be well coordinated with cell division and cell expansion during plant growth and development to achieve optimal photosynthesis rates. Previous studies showed that gibberellins (GAs) regulate many important plant developmental processes, including cell division and cell expansion. However, the relationship between chloroplast biogenesis with cell division and cell expansion, and how GA coordinately regulates these processes, remains poorly understood. In this study, we showed that chloroplast division was significantly reduced in the GA‐deficient mutants of Arabidopsis (ga1‐3) and Oryza sativa (d18‐AD), accompanied by the reduced expression of several chloroplast division‐related genes. However, the chloroplasts of both mutants exhibited increased grana stacking compared with their respective wild‐type plants, suggesting that there might be a compensation mechanism linking chloroplast division and grana stacking. A time‐course analysis showed that cell expansion‐related genes tended to be upregulated earlier and more significantly than the genes related to chloroplast division and cell division in GA‐treated ga1‐3 leaves, suggesting the possibility that GA may promote chloroplast division indirectly through impacting leaf mesophyll cell expansion. Furthermore, our cellular and molecular analysis of the GA‐response signaling mutants suggest that RGA and GAI are the major repressors regulating GA‐induced chloroplast division, but other DELLA proteins (RGL1, RGL2 and RGL3) also play a role in repressing chloroplast division in Arabidopsis. Taken together, our data show that GA plays a critical role in controlling and coordinating cell division, cell expansion and chloroplast biogenesis through influencing the DELLA protein family in both dicot and monocot plant species.  相似文献   

Leaf chloroplast movement is thought to optimize light capture and to minimize photodamage. To better understand the impact of chloroplast movement on photosynthesis, we developed a technique based on the imaging of reflectance from leaf surfaces that enables continuous, high‐sensitivity, non‐invasive measurements of chloroplast movement in multiple intact plants under white actinic light. We validated the method by measuring photorelocation responses in Arabidopsis chloroplast division mutants with drastically enlarged chloroplasts, and in phototropin mutants with impaired photorelocation but normal chloroplast morphology, under different light regimes. Additionally, we expanded our platform to permit simultaneous image‐based measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast movement. We show that chloroplast division mutants with enlarged, less‐mobile chloroplasts exhibit greater photosystem II photodamage than is observed in the wild type, particularly under fluctuating high levels of light. Comparison between division mutants and the severe photorelocation mutant phot1‐5 phot2‐1 showed that these effects are not entirely attributable to diminished photorelocation responses, as previously hypothesized, implying that altered chloroplast morphology affects other photosynthetic processes. Our dual‐imaging platform also allowed us to develop a straightforward approach to correct non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) calculations for interference from chloroplast movement. This correction method should be generally useful when fluorescence and reflectance are measured in the same experiments. The corrected data indicate that the energy‐dependent (qE) and photoinhibitory (qI) components of NPQ contribute differentially to the NPQ phenotypes of the chloroplast division and photorelocation mutants. This imaging technology thus provides a platform for analyzing the contributions of chloroplast movement, chloroplast morphology and other phenotypic attributes to the overall photosynthetic performance of higher plants.  相似文献   

The galactolipids monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) are the predominant lipids in thylakoid membranes and indispensable for photosynthesis. Among the three isoforms that catalyze MGDG synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, MGD1 is responsible for most galactolipid synthesis in chloroplasts, whereas MGD2 and MGD3 are required for DGDG accumulation during phosphate (Pi) starvation. A null mutant of Arabidopsis MGD1 (mgd12), which lacks both galactolipids and shows a severe defect in chloroplast biogenesis under nutrient‐sufficient conditions, accumulated large amounts of DGDG, with a strong induction of MGD2/3 expression, during Pi starvation. In plastids of Pi‐starved mgd1‐2 leaves, biogenesis of thylakoid‐like internal membranes, occasionally associated with invagination of the inner envelope, was observed, together with chlorophyll accumulation. Moreover, the mutant accumulated photosynthetic membrane proteins upon Pi starvation, indicating a compensation for MGD1 deficiency by Pi stress‐induced galactolipid biosynthesis. However, photosynthetic activity in the mutant was still abolished, and light‐harvesting/photosystem core complexes were improperly formed, suggesting a requirement for MGDG for proper assembly of these complexes. During Pi starvation, distribution of plastid nucleoids changed concomitantly with internal membrane biogenesis in the mgd1‐2 mutant. Moreover, the reduced expression of nuclear‐ and plastid‐encoded photosynthetic genes observed in the mgd1‐2 mutant under Pi‐sufficient conditions was restored after Pi starvation. In contrast, Pi starvation had no such positive effects in mutants lacking chlorophyll biosynthesis. These observations demonstrate that galactolipid biosynthesis and subsequent membrane biogenesis inside the plastid strongly influence nucleoid distribution and the expression of both plastid‐ and nuclear‐encoded photosynthetic genes, independently of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The Spo0B-associated GTP-binding protein (Obg) GTPase, essential for bacterial viability, is also conserved in eukaryotes, but its primary role in eukaryotes remains unknown. Here, our functional characterization of Arabidopsis and rice obgc mutants strongly underlines the evolutionarily conserved role of eukaryotic Obgs in organellar ribosome biogenesis. The mutants exhibited a chlorotic phenotype, caused by retarded chloroplast development. A plastid DNA macroarray revealed a plastid-encoded RNA polymerase (PEP) deficiency in an obgc mutant, caused by incompleteness of the PEP complex, as its western blot exhibited reduced levels of RpoA protein, a component of PEP. Plastid rRNA profiling indicated that plastid rRNA processing is defective in obgc mutants, probably resulting in impaired ribosome biogenesis and, in turn, in reduced levels of RpoA protein. RNA co-immunoprecipitation revealed that ObgC specifically co-precipitates with 23S rRNA in vivo. These findings indicate that ObgC functions primarily in plastid ribosome biogenesis during chloroplast development. Furthermore, complementation analysis can provide new insights into the functional modes of three ObgC domains, including the Obg fold, G domain and OCT.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana L. yellow variegated (var2) mutant is defective in a chloroplast FtsH family metalloprotease, AtFtsH2/VAR2, and displays an intriguing green and white leaf variegation. This unique...  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis arc1 (accumulation and replication of chloroplasts 1) mutant has pale seedlings and smaller, more numerous chloroplasts than the wild type. Previous work has suggested that arc1 affects the timing of chloroplast division but does not function directly in the division process. We isolated ARC1 by map‐based cloning and discovered it encodes FtsHi1 (At4g23940), one of several FtsHi proteins in Arabidopsis. These poorly studied proteins resemble FtsH metalloproteases important for organelle biogenesis and protein quality control but are presumed to be proteolytically inactive. FtsHi1 bears a predicted chloroplast transit peptide and localizes to the chloroplast envelope membrane. Phenotypic studies showed that arc1 (hereafter ftsHi1‐1), which bears a missense mutation, is a weak allele of FtsHi1 that disrupts thylakoid development and reduces de‐etiolation efficiency in seedlings, suggesting that FtsHi1 is important for chloroplast biogenesis. Consistent with this finding, transgenic plants suppressed for accumulation of an FtsHi1 fusion protein were often variegated. A strong T‐DNA insertion allele, ftsHi1‐2, caused embryo‐lethality, indicating that FtsHi1 is an essential gene product. A wild‐type FtsHi1 transgene rescued both the chloroplast division and pale phenotypes of ftsHi1‐1 and the embryo‐lethal phenotype of ftsHi1‐2. FtsHi1 overexpression produced a subtle increase in chloroplast size and decrease in chloroplast number in wild‐type plants while suppression led to increased numbers of small chloroplasts, providing new evidence that FtsHi1 negatively influences chloroplast division. Taken together, our analyses reveal that FtsHi1 functions in an essential, envelope‐associated process that may couple plastid development with division.  相似文献   

Patterns of inheritance of the chloroplast genome in Passiflora were analyzed by examining the progeny from both interspecific and intraspecific crosses. Artificial crosses of field-collected material were performed in greenhouses at The University of Texas at Austin. DNA from fresh leaf material was analyzed by Southern blot techniques to identify the donor of the chloroplast genome. Initially, single progeny were analyzed for 11 crosses; two intraspecific crosses demonstrated maternal inheritance, whereas the nine interspecific crosses had paternal inheritance. Subsequently, the donor of the chloroplast genome was determined for multiple progeny in seven crosses. Passiflora oerstedii × P. retipetala showed strict paternal inheritance in all of 17 progeny. A series of five crosses and backcrosses between P. oerstedii and P. menispermifolia demonstrated strictly paternal inheritance. Finally, when 15 progeny were analyzed for the P. costaricensis × P. costaricensis cross, 12 of the 15 showed maternal inheritance, whereas the remaining three were biparental. Interestingly, all interspecific crosses had primarily paternal inheritance, whereas all intraspecific crosses had primarily maternal inheritance. The implications of heteroplasmy on phylogenetic analyses of chloroplast DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

Yu QB  Li G  Wang G  Sun JC  Wang PC  Wang C  Mi HL  Ma WM  Cui J  Cui YL  Chong K  Li YX  Li YH  Zhao Z  Shi TL  Yang ZN 《Cell research》2008,18(10):1007-1019
Chloroplast is a typical plant cell organelle where photosynthesis takes place. In this study, a total of 1 808 chloroplast core proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana were reliably identified by combining the results of previously published studies and our own predictions. We then constructed a chloroplast protein interaction network primarily based on these core protein interactions. The network had 22 925 protein interaction pairs which involved 2 214 proteins. A total of 160 previously uncharacterized proteins were annotated in this network. The subunits of the photosynthetic complexes were modularized, and the functional relationships among photosystem Ⅰ (PSI), photosystem Ⅱ (PSII), light harvesting complex of photosystem Ⅰ (LHC Ⅰ) and light harvesting complex of photosystem Ⅰ (LHC Ⅱ) could be deduced from the predicted protein interactions in this network. We further confirmed an interaction between an unknown protein AT1G52220 and a photosynthetic subunit PSI-D2 by yeast two-hybrid analysis. Our chloroplast protein interaction network should be useful for functional mining of photosynthetic proteins and investigation of chloroplast-related functions at the systems biology level in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report a novel pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) protein gene in rice. PPR, a characteristic repeat motif consisted of tandem 35 amino acids, has been found in various biological systems including plant. Sequence analysis revealed that the gene designated OsPPR1 consisted of an open reading frame of 2433 nucleotides encoding 810 amino acids that include 11 PPR motifs. Blast search result indicated that the gene did not align with any of the characterized PPR genes in plant. The OsPPR1 gene was found to contain a putative chloroplast transit peptide in the N-terminal region, suggesting that the gene product targets to the chloroplast. Southern blot hybridization indicated that the OsPPR1 is the member of a gene family within the rice genome. Expression analysis and immunoblot analysis suggested that the OsPPR1 was accumulated mainly in rice leaf. Antisense transgenic strategy was used to suppress the expression of OsPPR1 and the resulted transgenic rice showed the typical phenotypes of chlorophyll-deficient mutants; albinism and lethality. Cytological observation using microscopy revealed that the antisense transgenic plant contained a significant defect in the chloroplast development. Taken together, the results suggest that the OsPPR1 is a nuclear gene of rice, encoding the PPR protein that might play a role in the chloroplast biogenesis. This is the first report on the PPR protein required for the chloroplast biogenesis in rice.  相似文献   

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