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The association of serotonin with the alimentary canal of Locusta migratoria was investigated using immunohistochemistry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to electrochemical detection. Serotonin-like immunoreactive processes were differentially distributed between and within three regions of the alimentary canal; the foregut, midgut and hindgut. The midgut possessed the most serotonin-like immunoreactive processes, while the hindgut contained only a few immunoreactive processes. Using HPLC coupled to electrochemical detection the serotonin content was highest in the midgut followed by the foregut and hindgut. The physiological response of the midgut to serotonin as well as to the combination of serotonin and proctolin was also examined. It was found that the application of serotonin to the midgut leads to a dose-dependent reduction in tonus of the circular muscles. Serotonin was also able to inhibit a proctolin-induced contraction of the midgut in a dose-dependent manner. The physiological and pharmacological properties of serotonin agonists and antagonists on the midgut were also investigated. The results indicate that alpha-methyl 5-HT was the most effective agonist leading to a 108% relaxation at 10(-9) M compared to that caused by the same serotonin concentration. Among several serotonin receptor antagonists tested, mianserin was the most potent. The application of mianserin at 10(-5) M in combination with 5x10(-6) M serotonin resulted in a 66% reduction of the serotonin-induced relaxation of midgut muscle. The serotonin antagonist cyproheptadine was less effective leading to a 39% reduction of the 5x10(-6) M serotonin-induced relaxation. Ketanserin was a weak antagonist.  相似文献   

A documentation and review of weevil rostrum growth is made through examination of the developmental life stages in the rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (Linnaeus). Histological and morphological examinations are made utilizing light, fluorescent, and electron microscopy. In S. oryzae, rostral tissue begins proliferating in the late 4th instar larva and continues through to the pupal stage, with the majority of rostrum growth taking place in the prepupa. Adult cranial and rostral morphology is also reviewed, focusing on structures that may be pertinent to phylogeny reconstruction. The weevil rostrum is essentially an extension of various head sclerites that are basal to the mouthparts. Therefore, while the mouthparts are fairly similar to other Coleoptera in basic form, the head is markedly different due to its anterior extension. By understanding the more noticeable details of rostrum growth and structure, this study may serve as a foundation for comparative studies of a similar nature and as a basis for beginning research on the genetic nature of rostrum formation and evolution throughout the weevil clade.  相似文献   

可口革囊星虫消化道的形态及组织学结构   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对可口革囊星虫(Phascolosoma esculenta)消化道各部分结构进行了形态学和组织学观察,表明可口革囊星虫消化道由翻吻、咽、食道、肠、直肠和肛门组成。翻吻收缩性很强;肠道极长,沿纺锤肌螺旋缠绕成肠索。消化道管壁由内向外分为粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和外膜。粘膜上皮主要由柱状细胞组成。除肠外,消化道上皮细胞均有发达的纤毛,肠上皮细胞主要具发达的微绒毛;粘膜下层及肌层的发达程度因消化道的部位不同而异。  相似文献   

Gut microbiota has been recognized to play a beneficial role in honey bees (Apis mellifera). Present study was designed to characterize the gut bacterial flora of honey bees in north-west Pakistan. Total 150 aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria from guts of 45 worker bees were characterized using biochemical assays and 16S rDNA sequencing followed by bioinformatics analysis. The gut isolates were classified into three bacterial phyla of Firmicutes (60%), Proteobacteria (26%) and Actinobacteria (14%). Most of the isolates belonged to genera and families of Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Enterococcus, Ochrobactrum, Sphingomonas, Ralstonia, Enterobacteriaceae, Corynebacterium and Micrococcineae. Many of these bacteria were tolerant to acidic environments and fermented sugars, hence considered beneficial gut inhabitants and involved the maintenance of a healthy microbiota. However, several opportunistic commensals that proliferate in the hive environment including members Staphylococcus haemolyticus group and Sphingomonas paucimobilis were also identified. This is the first report on bee gut microbiota from north-west Pakistan geographically situated at the crossroads of Indian subcontinent and central Asia.  相似文献   

Two methods for estimating digestion rate were evaluated and the digestion rate to disappearance was estimated to be 0·30 h−1 for herring Clupea harengus feeding on capelin Mallotus villosus larvae. Due to high individual variability in feeding rates in schooling fish species, groups should be fed in separate tanks and stomach contents collected from each group at a predetermined time.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on growth, pelagic larval duration (PLD) and maximum swimming speed were compared in the tropical fish marine species Amphiprion melanopus, to determine how temperature change affects these three factors critical to survival in larvae. The effects of rearing temperature (25 and 28 °C) on the length of the larval period and growth were examined in conjunction with the effects of swimming temperature (reared at 25 °C, swum at 25 and 28 °C, reared at 28 °C, swum at 25 and 28 °C) on critical swimming speed (U-crit). Larvae reared at 25 °C had a 25% longer pelagic larval duration (PLD) than larvae reared at 28 °C, 12.3 (±0.3) days compared with 9 (±0.6) days at 25 °C. To offset this effect of reduced developmental rate, growth and U-crit were measured in larvae reared at 28 and 25 °C at the same absolute age (7 days after hatching (dah)) and same developmental age (7 dah at 28 °C cf. 11 dah at 25 °C), corresponding to the day before metamorphosis. Larvae reared at 25 °C were smaller than larvae reared at 28 °C at the same absolute age (7 dah at 25 °C cf. 7 dah at 28 °C), yet larger at similar developmental age (11 dah at 25 °C cf. 7 dah at 28 °C) when weight and standard length were compared. This stage-specific size increase did not result in better performance in larvae at the same developmental age, as there was no difference in U-crit in premetamorphic larvae reared at either temperature (7 dah at 28 °C c.f 11 dah at 25 °C). However, U-crit was considerably slower in 7-day-old larvae reared at 25 °C than larvae of the same absolute age (7 dah) reared at 28 °C. Swimming temperature controls demonstrated that a change in temperature immediately prior to swimming tests did not effect swimming performance for larvae reared at either temperature.A decreased in rearing temperature resulted in longer larval durations, reduced growth rates and slower swimming development in larvae. However, the magnitude of the response of each of these traits varied considerably. As such, larvae reared at the lower temperature were a larger size at metamorphosis but had poorer relative swimming capabilities. This study highlights the importance of measuring a range of ecologically relevant traits in developing larvae to properly characterise their relative condition and performance in response to environmental change.  相似文献   

Lu Liu  Bao-Zhen Hua 《Tissue & cell》2017,49(5):622-631
Bittacidae and Panorpidae are the two largest families in Mecoptera. The larvae of Bittacidae are different from those of Panorpidae in external morphology and habits, and have an interesting habit of spraying the body surface with soil through the anus. However, it remains unknown to date whether the larval midguts are different in structure between the two families. Here the ultrastructure of the larval midguts of the hangingfly Bittacus planus Cheng and the scorpionfly Neopanorpa longiprocessa Hua & Chou were compared using light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. The midguts of both species are simple tubes of single layered epithelia with digestive and regenerative cells but without diverticula. The basal plasma membrane of epithelial cells exhibits infolding in B. planus, but is closely apposed to its basal lamina in N. longiprocessa. Lymph spaces are present between adjacent epithelial cells in B. planus, but are absent in N. longiprocessa. The regenerative cells are scattered among the digestive cells in B. planus, but are aggregated in N. longiprocessa. The longitudinal muscle bands are compact in B. planus, but are sparse in N. longiprocessa. The compact longitudinal muscle bands are likely associated with their soil-spraying habit in Bittacidae.  相似文献   

为研究褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)视觉器官发育与生态习性及摄食行为之间的关系,用组织学方法对人工培育条件下的褐菖鲉仔、稚鱼的视觉器官发育特征进行了详细观察。结果表明,褐菖鲉为卵胎生鱼类,其视觉器官的分化速度较一般鱼类快,从母体产出时,仔鱼视网膜神经细胞层和原始晶状体已形成;1日龄仔鱼的视网膜分化为6层,晶状体出现纤维化,直径约72 μm,仔鱼开始具有一定趋光性;2日龄仔鱼视网膜分化完成,可见10层结构,巩膜出现,与仔鱼开口摄食相适应,游泳能力增强;5 ~ 7日龄晶状体直径达99 μm,晶状囊形成;17日龄,仔鱼角膜结构分化完成,脉络膜趋于完善;37日龄稚鱼的视觉器官各部分已经发育完全。  相似文献   

Summary In order to compare the structure of a teleost sympathetic ganglion with those of other vertebrates, light, fluorescence histochemical and electron microscopy were carried out on the coeliac ganglion of the scorpion fish, Myoxocephalus scorpius. In common with studies on other vertebrates, fluorescence histochemistry distinguished two cell types: a) principal neurones which exhibited low levels of specific catecholamine fluorescence and comprise the majority of neurones in the ganglia, and b) smaller intensely fluorescent cells, some of which had processes tens of micrometers long.With the electron microscope, the principal cells were seen to make axodendritic and axosomatic synapses with axons containing mainly 30 nm agranular vesicles at the synaptic site while in other vertebrates usually only one or other synaptic association is present.Both the somata and the processes of intensely fluorescent cells contain 300–600 nm diameter vesicles many of which have electron dense cores. These cells are also innervated by axons containing 30 nm agranular vesicles.  相似文献   

The alimentary canal of the spittlebug Lepyronia coleopterata (L.) differentiates into esophagus, filter chamber, midgut (conical segment, tubular midgut), and hindgut (ileum, rectum). The filter chamber is composed of the anterior extremity of the midgut, posterior extremity of the midgut, proximal Malpighian tubules, and proximal ileum; it is externally enveloped by a thin cellular sheath and thick muscle layers. The sac-like anterior extremity of the midgut is coiled around by the posterior extremity of the midgut and proximal Malpighian tubules. The tubular midgut is subdivided into an anterior tubular midgut, mid-midgut, posterior tubular midgut, and distal tubular midgut. Four Malpighian tubules run alongside the ileum, and each terminates in a rod closely attached to the rectum. Ultrastructurally, the esophagus is lined with a cuticle and enveloped by circular muscles; its cytoplasm contains virus-like fine granules of high electron-density. The anterior extremity of the midgut consists of two cellular types: (1) thin epithelia with well-developed and regularly arranged microvilli, and (2) large cuboidal cells with short and sparse microvilli. Cells of the posterior extremity of the midgut have regularly arranged microvilli and shallow basal infoldings devoid of mitochondria. Cells of the proximal Malpighian tubule possess concentric granules of different electron-density. The internal proximal ileum lined with a cuticle facing the lumen and contains secretory vesicles in its cytoplasm. Dense and long microvilli at the apical border of the conical segment cells are coated with abundant electron-dense fine granules. Cells of the anterior tubular midgut contain spherical secretory granules, oval secretory vesicles of different size, and autophagic vacuoles. Ferritin-like granules exist in the mid-midgut cells. The posterior tubular midgut consists of two cellular types: 1) cells with shallow and bulb-shaped basal infoldings containing numerous mitochondria, homocentric secretory granules, and fine electron-dense granules, and 2) cells with well-developed basal infoldings and regularly-arranged apical microvilli containing vesicles filled with fine granular materials. Cells of the distal tubular midgut are similar to those of the conical segment, but lack electron-dense fine granules coating the microvilli apex. Filamentous materials coat the microvilli of the conical segment, anterior and posterior extremities of the midgut, which are possibly the perimicrovillar membrane closely related to the nutrient absorption. The lumen of the hindgut is lined with a cuticle, beneath which are cells with poorly-developed infoldings possessing numerous mitochondria. Single-membraned or double-membraned microorganisms exist in the anterior and posterior extremities of the midgut, proximal Malpighian tubule and ileum; these are probably symbiotic.  相似文献   

On the Antarctica continent the wingless midge, Belgica antarctica (Diptera, Chironomidae) occurs further south than any other insect. The digestive tract of the larval stage of Belgica that inhabits this extreme environment and feeds in detritus of penguin rookeries has been described for the first time. Ingested food passes through a foregut lumen and into a stomodeal valve representing an intussusception of the foregut into the midgut. A sharp discontinuity in microvillar length occurs at an interface separating relatively long microvilli of the stomodeal midgut region, the site where peritrophic membrane originates, from the midgut epithelium lying posterior to this stomodeal region. Although shapes of cells along the length of this non-stomodeal midgut epithelium are similar, the lengths of their microvilli increase over two orders of magnitude from anterior midgut to posterior midgut. Infoldings of the basal membranes also account for a greatly expanded interface between midgut cells and the hemocoel. The epithelial cells of the hindgut seem to be specialized for exchange of water with their environment, with the anterior two-thirds of the hindgut showing highly convoluted luminal membranes and the posterior third having a highly convoluted basal surface. The lumen of the middle third of the hindgut has a dense population of resident bacteria. Regenerative cells are scattered throughout the larval midgut epithelium. These presumably represent stem cells for the adult midgut, while a ring of cells, marked by a discontinuity in nuclear size at the midgut-hindgut interface, presumably represents stem cells for the adult hindgut.  相似文献   

唐鱼脑的组织形态学观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用光镜技术观察了唐鱼(Tanichthys albonubes)脑的形态学和组织学结构。结果表明,唐鱼脑基本结构与多数硬骨鱼类相一致,包括端脑、间脑、中脑、小脑及延脑五部分,端脑由嗅囊、嗅叶和大脑构成。脑的组织形态学特点为:嗅叶及嗅囊分化较明显,大脑呈长椭圆状,仍保留鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类脑的原始特征;间脑背面具一松果体,腹面中央有一心形漏斗,前端连接呈鸡心形的脑垂体;中脑视叶膨大,与视觉发达相关;小脑发达,与其活跃的生活习性相适应;延脑前部稍稍隆起。此外,对唐鱼脑保持硬骨鱼类较原始的结构特点及其生态学意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为了解商城肥鲵(Pachyhynobius shangchengensis)肥大细胞(mast cell,MC)的分布和形态特点,丰富有尾两栖类MC的生物学资料,用不同固定和染色方法对商城肥鲵消化系统及其他部分器官的肥大细胞进行了观察,并对消化道和舌的MC数量进行统计.结果表明,除输卵管和肾外,在3种固定方法中,改良甲...  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the snout and tactile hair system of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) and the distribution of cholinesterase and alkaline phosphatase activity were studied. The structure of the vibrissae is exceptional compared with that of other mammals studied. Differences are the attachment system of hair follicle to the capsule, the impossibility of dividing the blood sinus clearly into cavernous sinus and ring sinus, the lack of continuous ring-wulst, clear constriction in the outer root sheath at the neck of hair follicle and some specialized structures connected with this. Alkaline phosphatase was not found in the nervous structures of the vibrissae but cholinesterase activity occurs at least in two different structures upon or in the outer root sheath of the hair follicle. The role of these structures and the significance of vibrissae to the shrew is discussed.  相似文献   

Protein-carbohydrate interactions are supposed to play key roles in the mechanisms of cell adhesion, biosignalling and intracellular routing, warranting the analysis of the developmental course of expression of epitopes of this system. Thus, a panel of carrier-immobilized carbohydrate ligands was used as probes, namely lactose,N-acetylgalactosamine,N-acetylglucosamine, mannose, fucose and maltose. Additionally, an antibody to an endogenous -galactoside-binding lectin (anti-galectin-1), the biotinylated lectin and two further human lectins, namely the macrophage migration inhibitory factor-binding sarcolectin and serum amyloid P component (SAP) that displays selectivity for sulphated sugars and mannose-6-phosphate, were included. They enabled us to assess the extent of the presence of respective binding sites in fixed sections from human lungs (pulmonary epithelial cells), livers (hepatocytes) and hearts (myocard cells) of 10–50 weeks gestation. Invariably, specific binding was detected in the three organ types, at least in certain stages. In most of the cases, the intensity of staining exhibited developmental regulation. The apparent patterns reveal similarities between the different cell types, as seen with immobilizedN-acetylglucosamine as well as with labelled galectin-1 and sarcolectin. However, drastic differences among such patterns with nearly opposite developmental courses do also occur, as detected for carrier-attached mannose and maltose residues. These results point to a potential importance for the detected glycohistochemical features in human development and substantiate the possibility of differential regulation of the presence of binding sites for distinct sugars within a certain organ and between the individual cell types of the monitored organs.  相似文献   

Fifty-four piglets were selected from 12 litters weaned at 17 (Treatment 1), 21 (Treatment 2), 28 (Treatment 3) and 35 (Treatment 4) days old, respectively, to determine the effect of weaning age on small intestinal villus morphology, immunology and histochemistry. From proximal duodenum, proximal jejunum, distal jejunum and middle ileum, intestinal samples with three replicates (piglets) in each treatment were taken at 18, 22, 28 and 36; 22, 28, 36 and 43; 28, 36, 43, and 50; and 18, 22, 28, 36, 43 and 50d of age in Treatment 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. This was equivalent to 12h, 3d, 1 week, 2 week postweaning in Treatment 1; 12h, 1 week, 2 week, 3 week postweaning in Treatment 2 and 3, and all the same age in Treatment 4 as in Treatment 1, 2, 3, respectively. The results showed that villous height of duodenum and proximal jejunum decreased significantly in Treatment 1 and 3. Crypt depth in the duodenum, proximal jejunum and ileum also decreased significantly in Treatment 1. Date had significant effect on villous height of the duodenum, distal jejunum and ileum with the shortest on day 29 and crypt depth of all positions increased with piglet age except the crypt depth in proximal jejunum decreased on day 50. Weaning age and day of age had significant effects on intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) number and goblet cell (GC) number at all positions of small intestinal mucosa in piglets. The number of IEL at all segments of small intestinal mucosa in Treatment 3 increased significantly compared to those in other treatments, but IEL number at all locations of small intestinal mucosa in Treatment 2 decreased significantly compared to those in other treatments. The number of GC in small intestinal mucosa increased significantly in early-weaned (< day 21) piglets. It appears that providing fluid milk replacer for a few days postweaning could dramatically reduce the negative impact of weaning on villous morphology and digestive and absorptive function, especially in pigs weaned prior to 3 week of age. Finally, as weaning age was reduced, GC had a greater role in intestinal duct protection.  相似文献   

范丽卿  赵璐璐  伊剑锋  刘威 《动物学杂志》2023,58(3):419,441-450
中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)是我国重要的特种水产经济动物,也是鳖科动物的代表物种。中华鳖阴茎头为阴茎末端的黑色部分,是进行交配和排精的关键,但其系统性研究还未见报道。本研究以6龄性成熟雄性中华鳖为研究对象,通过解剖学和组织学方法,观察勃起和自然状态下中华鳖阴茎头结构和组织特性。结果显示,中华鳖阴茎体背侧存在两条排精沟,并顺着阴茎体一直延伸到阴茎头两侧的末端。阴茎头背侧的表皮为褶皱状血窦,血窦在阴茎充血后膨大,使得阴茎头的突触状组织充分伸展,形成了独特的“蝴蝶状”结构,并且该结构可以在射精时做开合运动。此外,阴茎头表面还具有丰富的绒毛和黏液。中华鳖阴茎头在勃起状态下形成特殊“蝴蝶状”结构,我们推测这种结构可能直接与交配的稳定和排精相关。  相似文献   

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