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Summary L-3H-fucose was injected intravenously into adult male mice, after which, at different time intervals, the submandibular glands were removed and processed for light-and electron-microscopic radioautography. This radio active hexose was taken up by newly synthesized glycoproteins in the cells lining the granular ducts which were maximally labeled at 4 h after injection. Between 4 and 72 h the amount of labeled glycoproteins decreased moderately indicating that these macromolecules undergo a slow renewal. The main subcellular site of incorporation of 3 H-fucose into glycoproteins was the Golgi apparatus. From this organelle labeled glycoproteins were transferred to small secretory granules (diameter up to 1.0 m) located not only near the Golgi region but also throughout the apical cytoplasm. At 1 h after injection the concentration of label reached a maximum in the small secretory granules and labeling of medium (diameter between 1.1 and 2.0 m) and large (diameter over 2.0 m) granules was very low. At this postinjection interval the secretion product inside the lumen of the duct was already labeled. Between 1 and 72 h after injection the concentration of radioactivity in the small secretory granules decreased intensely while increasing in the medium and in the large ones. The concentration of fucose label reached a maximum in the medium secretory granules at 24 h and in the large ones at 72 h after injection. Additional experiments using mice previously injected with 4 intraperitoneal doses of 3H-fucose given 3 h apart demonstrated that the large granules undergo a very slow renewal. Some were found to be labeled as long as 28 days after administration of 3H-fucose. Recorded in this latter series of experiments was the labeling pattern of dense bodies that were regularly visualized in the cells lining the granular ducts. Their significance in the secretory process is discussed. In conclusion, newly synthesized glycoproteins are transferred from the Golgi apparatus to small secretory granules which carry a readily releasible pool of these macromolecules to the lumen of the duct. The small secretory granules also transfer newly synthesized glycoproteins to medium and large secretion granules which store a pool that is released very slowly. This characterizes the large secretory granules as the intracellular sites of storage of secretion products. The results of this investigation were correlated with the knowledge about the chemical composition of the different macromolecules that are known to be synthesized by the secretory cells of the granular ducts of the submandibular gland of the mouse.  相似文献   

Summary Fucose-3H was injected into the cerebral ventricle of rats that were killed at several time intervals after injection. Semi-thin sections of the supraoptic nucleus and neurohypophysis were processed for radioautography and analysed quantitatively. Silver grains indicating the site of fucose-labeled glycoproteins were first located at the perinuclear region of the secretory neurons. The highest silver-grain density in these cells was observed at 2 h after injection, declining afterwards. Silver grains over the neurohypophysis were observed from 2 h on, reached a peak at 1 day after injection and decreased in the subsequent time intervals. The distributions of the silver grains over the neurohypophysis fitted Poissonian distributions and these were shown to be heterogeneous at the several time intervals. Pituicytes were not labeled. The percentage of silver grains over the Herring bodies increased with time. In rats deprived of water after fucose-3H injection there was a great increase in the release of labeled glycoproteins from the neurohypophysis. These results indicate that the glycoproteins synthesized by the secretory neurons of the hypothalamic nuclei are secreted in the neurohypophysis.  相似文献   

Summary To study the biosynthesis and intracellular migration of glycoproteins in the adrenal gland, adult mice were injected intravenously with L-(3H) fucose and killed from 10 min to 14 days after injection. Semi-thin sections of the adrenal glands were then processed for radioautography. Incorporation of labeled fucose occurred in the steroid-secreting cells of the three zones of the cortex as well as in the adrenalin (A) and noradrenalin (NA) cells of the medulla. At short intervals after injection, the main site of incorporation was the paranuclear region of the cells, suggesting uptake by the Golgi apparatus. Subsequently, labeled glycoproteins migrated from the paranuclear region to other cell sites. The labeling pattern observed in the adrenocortical parenchyme strongly suggests that the glycoproteins are transferred to lysosomes, lipofuscin granules and the cell coat (glycocalyx). Counts of silver grains clearly indicate that these glycoproteins undergo renewal. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the radioautographs also suggest that glycoproteins, acting as intracellular carriers of steroids, may be released to the extracellular environment together with the hormones. Most of the glycoproteins synthesized by the A and NA cells of the adrenal medulla seem to be transferred to secretion granules in which they may play some role in the cytophysiology of these structures. It is likely that glycoproteins are released from the cells during exocytosis of secretory granules.  相似文献   

Summary Glycoprotein secretion in the mouse submandibular gland was investigated by light microscope radioautography of semi-thin sections after the administration of L-3H-fucose. The incorporation of the precursor in the acini was negligible. 3H-fucose was taken up in the paranuclear region of the cells lining the intercalated, secretory, striated and excretory ducts. This labeling pattern was interpreted as addition of the precursor to glycoproteins within the Golgi apparatus. Incorporation in the intercalated duct was restricted to the cells with fine cytoplasmic granules. The glycoproteins synthesized by the intercalated and secretory ducts were transported to the saliva by the secretion granules. It is assumed that the glycoproteins synthesized in the striated and excretory ducts are plasma membrane glycoproteins which seem to renew continuously. Quantitation of the radioautographs supplied data concerning the incorporation of 3H-fucose into newly synthesized glycoproteins as well as the renewal of the labeled macromolecules in each duct.  相似文献   

Summary Structural changes in the gallbladder epithelial cells of the mouse were studied following in vivo and in vitro stimulation of the gallbladder with the gastrointestinal hormone cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (CCK-PZ). Signs of increased secretory activity were observed within the first 2–3 min after hormone administration. At the ultrastructural level, best visualized with the PA-CrA-silver technique, granule discharge was observed, as was an overall increase in size of the granules. After prolonged in vitro incubation or repeated in vivo stimulation, there was an almost total depletion of secretory granules. This phenomenon is accompanied by an enhanced uptake of extracellular thorium dioxide by endocytotic vesicles at the apical cell surface. An exocytosisendocytosis coupling mechanism may be important for membrane conservation in the gallbladder epithelial cells. The findings establish that the hormone CCK-PZ stimulates the secretion of glycoproteins from the mouse gallbladder epithelium.This investigation was supported by grants from the University of Umeå and from the Swedish Medical Research Council (grant No. B76-12X-04758-01). The authors wish to thank Miss K. Karlsson and Miss M. Borg for skilful technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary L-fucose-3H was injected intravenously into mice which were killed at several time intervals after injection and semi-thin sections of their ovaries were processed for radioautography and analysed quantitatively. At the same time the specific activity of serum glycoproteins was determined. Glycoprotein biosynthesis was demonstrated in the oocytes, granulosa and stromal cells. The silver grain density of the follicular fluid in large follicles reached a peak at 4 h, remained high at 8 h after injection and decreased steadily at the subsequent intervals. It was demonstrated that the labeling pattern of the follicular fluid depends on the secretory activity of the granulosa cells and also on the specific activity of serum glycoproteins. The collapsed zonae pellucidae which represent the highest degree of follicular atresia are able to take up glycoprotein macromolecules. Based on this finding and also on the labeling pattern of the large follicles it was shown that there is very little synthesis of specific glycoproteins for the zona pellucida in large follicles. A more specific labeling of the zona pellucida occurred in the medium follicles. Following the growth of these follicles having a previously labeled zona pellucida, it was demonstrated that this extracellular structure is secreted by the oocyte.  相似文献   

Summary Expiants from adult mouse jejunum were cultured for 3 h in a medium which contained both 3H-fucose (10 or 25 Ci/ml) and monensin (100 M) or 3H-fucose only (control). Radiochemical analysis of cell fractions showed that 3H-fucose labelling of the brush border fraction decreased 42% in monensin-treated expiants, suggesting that in absorptive cells the intracellular transport of newly synthesized glycoproteins to the apical plasma membrane had been inhibited. Electron-microscopic examination of treated expiants revealed a variation in response to the drug from region to region. In some areas, both absorptive and goblet cells exhibited little alteration. In others, the Golgi cisternae of both absorptive and goblet cells were entirely replaced by large vacuoles, and in the latter cell type, the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum were greatly distended. Electron-microscopic radioautographic analysis showed that in absorptive and goblet cells exhibiting little morphological change, intracellular transport of newly synthesized glycoproteins was similar to that in controls. In regions where absorptive cells exhibited extensive Golgi modifications, intracellular transport remained normal in some cases; more often-however, there was a marked inhibition (over 70%) of transport of labelled glycoproteins to the apical surface. Transport to the basolateral membrane was never affected. In goblet cells exhibiting modifications of the Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum, no incorporation of 3H-fucose label in the Golgi apparatus occurred, suggesting a block of intracellular transport proximal to the site at which 3H-fucose is added. In absorptive cells, this does not appear to be the case, since the level of 3H-fucose incorporation in all treated cells remained similar to that in controls.  相似文献   

Suspension-cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) secrete a number of acid hydrolases and other proteins that have both highmannose and complex asparagine-linked glycans. We used affinity chromatography with concanavalin A and an antiserum specific for complex glycans in conjunction with in vivo-labeling studies to show that all of the secreted proteins carry glycans. The presence of complex glycans on secretory proteins indicates that they are passing through the Golgi complex on the way to the extracellular compartment. The sodium ionophore, monensin, did not block the transport of proteins to the extracellular medium, even though monensin efficiently inhibited the Golgi-mediated processing of complex glycans. The inhibition of N-glycosylation by tunicamycin reduced by 76% to 84% the accumulation of newly synthesized (i.e. radioactively labeled) protein that was secreted by the sycamore cells, while cytoplasmic protein biosynthesis was not affected by this antibiotic. However, in the presence of glycoprotein-processing inhibitors, such as castanospermine and deoxymannojirimycin, the formation of complex glycans was prevented but glycoprotein secretion was unchanged. These results support the conclusion that N-linked glycan processing is not necessary for sorting, but glycosylation is required for accumulation of secreted proteins in the extracellular compartment.  相似文献   

Changes in the murine thymus during pregnancy were studied using immunocytochemistry with monoclonal antibodies against thymic epithelial, neuroendocrine, and thymulin-producing cells, fibroblasts, blood vessels and connective tissue components. Extensive alterations occur in mid-pregnancy. The medulla was greatly enlarged in the involuted thymus, and there were greater numbers of epithelial cells. These epithelial cells had an altered distribution forming large structures surrounding spherical masses of mononulear cells, lacked epithelial cells and often contained a central blood vessel with fibroblasts and connective tissue. We have called these structures medullary epithelial rings (MERs). To our knowledge these structures have not been described before. Late in pregnancy the loss of the central mononuclear cells leaves collapsed structures in a smaller medulla that nevertheless retains many epithelial cells. In virgins and early-pregnancy, there are cortical channels free of epithelial cells that are very infrequent later in pregnancy. This may reflect the loss of steroid-sensitive thymocytes from the cortex. The influence of sex-steroids neurological impulses and immune activity in causing the changes are discussed, as are the possible consequences in pregnancy of a reduced, thymocyte-depleted cortex and an enlarged medulla that shows great complexity and activity.  相似文献   

Summary [3H] progesterone was injected into the uterine lumen of rabbits toward the end of preimplantation period (162 h post coitum). Light-microscopic autoradiography showed accumulation of label in single cell groups of the uterine epithelium. Fluorographs of thin layer chromatograms of steroid extracts indicated the metabolization of progesterone in the uterine tissue. Incubation of uterine sections with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated progesterone-rabbit serum albumin revealed binding sites for this reagent: 162 h post coitum, staining was also localized in single cell groups of the uterine epithelium. Pretreatment with a monospecific antiserum showed Uteroglobin to be the binding protein.  相似文献   

The neuroepithelial bodies (NEB's) of the lung of 29-day-old fetuses and 1-day-old rabbits, under the conditions of this study, neither take up 3H-thymidine nor undergo mitosis. Also the NEB's are not derived at these times from proliferations of other kinds of epithelial cells in the intrapulmonary airways. It is, therefore, suggested that the difference in numbers of NEB's previously observed by us, between the 29-day fetus and the 1-day-old rabbit, is due either to regranulation or acquisition of argyrophilic material by the NEB's or differentiation of other epithelial types. It is concluded that the NEB's are composed of well differentiated cells, which have a greatly reduced capacity to undergo mitosis.  相似文献   

Summary After gentle trypsinization, the pseudostratified columnar Müllerian epithelium that lines the uterine cervix of newborn mice could be separated from the enclosing stromal tissue. Pure epithelial tubes explanted in vitro and were allowed to grow in a standard medium for 3–4 days forming a confluent colony of rather closely-fitting cells. The cell sheet was studied by a preparatory technique that allows examination of a large number of cells with preserved intercellular spatial orientation. Attempts were made to identify cultured cells according to the morphology of cell types in the cervicovaginal epithelium in vivo.Electron micrographs revealed that, close to the explant, the cultured cell sheet exhibited several features similar to the Müllerian epithelium in vivo. Outside these central areas of the colony was a broad transitional zone consisting of thin platelike cells distinguished by an abundance of microfilaments. At the periphery of the colonies, bulky cells possessing microvilli and a vacuolated cytoplasm tended to overlap adjoining platelike cells. These bulky cells had a morphology resembling that of the superficial cells seen in the upper vagina and common cervical canal of immature and diestrous animals. The epithelial development in the cultures apparently simulated the transformation in vivo from a pseudostratified Müllerian epithelium in the newborn to a stratified epithelium resembling that of the uppermost vagina and common cervical canal of immature animals. Judged by morphological and cytochemical criteria, the Müllerian cells in the outgrowth obviously had many changed features. It thus seems questionable whether the cells grown in vitro are comparable with the corresponding cells in vivo when used for experiments requiring the controlled conditions of the culture environment.Supported by grants from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities and from the Norwegian Cancer Society  相似文献   

Achlya ambisexualis, a water mold, secretes several glycoproteins during exponential growth. Among these is a major protein of 39 000 daltons (protein A-39) which is secreted very rapidly. Protein A-39 is detected among the soluble cellular proteins labeled for 5 min. However, after longer labeling times, an additional 95 000 dalton glycoprotein was immunoprecipitated from among the cytoplasmic proteins by antiserum against protein A-39. This antiserum reacted with a single 37 000 dalton protein from the in vitro translation products of poly(A)-containing RNA in a wheat germ cell-free system which is cleaved to a faster moving component in the presence of dog pancreatic membranes. Immunoprecipitated, chain-completion products of polysomes also show a 37 000 dalton peptide which does not bind to lectins, indicating absence of co-translational cleavage and glycosylation.Tunicamycin inhibits the appearance of the 95 000 dalton protein. Several immunoprecipitable proteins, including protein A-39, having sizes identical to the secretory proteins accumulate in the cytoplasm in the presence of this inhibitor. A short pulse with [3H]glucosamine followed by a chase showed that incorporation in protein A-39 increases while that in 95 000 dalton protein is decreasing. These results suggest that the 95 000 dalton glycoprotein may serve as a glycosyl donor to secretory protein A-39.  相似文献   

Summary Explants from mouse jejunum were cultured for 3–7 h in the absence (control) or presence of colchicine (100 gm/ml) or nocodazole (10 g/ml). In recovery experiments, expiants were cultured in fresh medium for an additional period. To label glycoproteins, 3H-fucose was added during the last 3 or 6 h of the initial culture or recovery period. Subcellular fractionation studies revealed that colchicine and nocodazole inhibited migration of labelled glycoproteins to the brush border (P2) by 40–45%. Radioautographic studies of absorptive cells showed that colchicine and nocodazole inhibited labelling of the microvillous border by 67% and 87%, while labelling of the basolateral plasma membrane increased by 114% and 275%. Immunocytochemical studies revealed that both colchicine and nocodazole caused the virtual disappearance of the microtubular network in the absorptive cells. It is possible that some glycoproteins normally destined for the microvillous border are rerouted to the basolateral membrane. The observed loss of microtubules after drug treatment suggests that microtubules may play a role in the intracellular migration of membrane glycoproteins. Additional support for this concept is provided by the fact that in recovery experiments the distribution of label returned to control values after the microtubular network became re-established.  相似文献   

Summary The transport of 125I-labeled serum lipoproteins through the aortic endothelium was studied by radioautography. Rat aorta and heart was perfused in vitro with a medium containing human very low density (VLDL), low density (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), delipidated HDL apolipoprotein or rat HDL. In all lipoproteins more than 95% of the radioactivity was TCA precipitable and lipid radioactivity was from 2–4% in HDL, 4–6% in LDL, 7–15% in VLDL. After 18–60 min of perfusion and wash with unlabeled medium, most of the aortic radioactivity was TCA precipitable and the percent of lipid counts was similar to that in the original lipoprotein. Following perfusion with VLDL, LDL, or HDL the radioautographic reaction was seen over the endothelium, the subendothelial space and the inner media, and was separated by an unlabeled zone from the reaction present over the adventitia. Uniform labeling of the entire wall was found after perfusion with HDL apolipoprotein. The presence of silver grains over endothelial cells in regions rich in plasmalemmal vesicles suggested that these organelles participate in the transport of the labeled lipoprotein, as was shown for lactoperoxidase (Stein and Stein, 1972). The present data indicate that cholesterol may enter the aortic wall as a constituent of lipoprotein particles. Since an HDL particle carries less than 1/20 of the cholesterol present in a LDL particle, it seems that the lower susceptibility of the female to atheromatosis might be related to the higher ratio of HDL to LDL particles in the female serum.The excellent technical help of Miss R. Ben-Moshe, Mrs. A. Mandeles, Mr. G. Hollander and Mrs. Y. Dabach is gratefully acknowledged. This study was supported in part by grants from National Institute of Health (No. 06-101-1), United States Public Health Service; Delegation Generale a la Recherche Scientifique et Technique of the French Government and from the Ministry of Health, the Government of Israel.  相似文献   

Summary The elaboration and distribution of newly formed proteins in the striated muscle of 21-day-old mice were investigated by quantitative radioautography at intervals between 2 and 240 min after intravenous injection of tritiated leucine. In radioautographs, the localization and the relative label concentration were comparatively estimated for the different components of mitochondria-rich fibres, in particular of red fibres, from the tibialis anterior muscle and of mitochondria-poor fibres from the oesophageal muscle.As early as 2 min after injection, radioactivity was detected over the nucleus, the polysome-rich sarcoplasm, the A and I bands, the Z lines, and the mitochondria in the two fibre types. Label localization did not change with time. The relative label concentration increased similarly in the polysome-rich sarcoplasm and the A and I bands of both fibre types within 30 min after injection, a confirmation that biosynthesis of myofibrillar proteins takes place rapidly. In each case, concentration was higher in the Z lines than in the I bands, and higher in the I bands than in the A bands, thus showing in vivo that the rates of synthesis of sarcomere protein components are not uniform.However, the relative label concentration was found to be higher in the Z lines of mitochondria-poor fibres than of mitochondria-rich fibres: this suggests that a higher synthetic rate of Z line protein, and probably of actinin, is characteristic of the first type. Inversely, the concentration was higher in the mitochondria of mitochondria-rich fibres. This lead to the belief that high rate of protein synthesis in these organelles may account for the high rate of label incorporation into this type of fibre.The authors wish to thank Miss Françoise Ampeau for her technical assistance in biochemical experiments. Radioautographic techniques were carried out in the Centre de Radioautographie de l'U.E.R. Biomédicale des Saints-Pères Paris, France. This work was supported by grants from Inserm (ATP n 73-441921) and from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Française  相似文献   

Summary Muscle precursor replication in Swiss mice, in which muscle regeneration is exceptionally vigorous, was compared with previous data for regeneration in BALBc mice. The tibialis anterior muscles of 23 male and 15 female inbred Swiss SJL/J mice were crush injured, and tritiated thymidine injected into mice at various times after injury to label replicating muscle precursors. Lesion samples were taken 10 days after injury, processed for autoradiography, and grain counts of myotube nuclei analysed. Muscle regeneration was more vigorous in male compared with female Swiss mice, and in both was strikingly greater than that in BALBc mice in which there was extensive fibrous connective tissue throughout the lesions. Autoradiographic analysis showed that muscle precursor replication started at 24 hours in Swiss mice, 6 hours earlier than the onset at 30 hours in BALBc mice. Muscle precursor replication appeared to be more active 96 hours after injury in female Swiss compared with male BALBc and male Swiss mice respectively, although numbers of precursor cells replicating at other times were similar. It is not known whether the slight difference in onset of muscle precursor replication can alone account for the more complete muscle regeneration seen in Swiss mice. Similar studies were carried out in 11 male and 10 female F1 hybrid (SJL/J x BALBc) mice. Analysis of labelled myotube nuclei showed that muscle precursors did not synthesise DNA prior to 30 hours after injury, and regeneration resembled that of the parental BALBc strain.  相似文献   

Friend erythroleukemia cells display transient and permanent changes in the composition of their plasma membrane-bound glycoproteins during dimethyl sulfoxide-induced differentiation. The transient changes, as revealed by metabolic labeling with [14C]glucosamine, are most conspicuous around the time during which most cells become committed to terminal differentiation. Permanent changes are revealed by reductive tritiation after oxidation with NaIO4 or galactose oxidase. In differentiated cells one glycoprotein fraction (Mr 150 000) could not be labeled by any of these methods, although it does contain neuraminic acid. We found no evidence in support of the hypothesis that the anomalous behavior of this fraction is caused by an increased degree of O-acetylated neuraminic acid in the plasma membrane of differentiated cells.  相似文献   

Summary The tracheo-bronchial mucosa of the mouse has been found to contain an extensive system of argyrophilic epithelial cells. In the trachea the cells morphologically resemble enterochromaffin cells. Normally, these enterochromaffin-like cells contain no fluorogenic amine, as revealed by the Falck-Hillarp formaldehyde technique. On the other hand the cells have the capacity to take up and decarboxylate 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) or 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP); the amine formed is stored in the cytoplasm in a reserpine-sensitive store. This capacity to produce and store amines under experimental conditions may reflect the presence in the tracheal enterochromaffin-like cells of an amine which can not be demonstrated with available fluorescence histochemical techniques. In the electron microscope the tracheal enterochromaffin-like cells were identified by a positive argyrophil reaction and by their capacity to accumulate radioactivity after administration of 3H-DOPA or 3H-5-HTP as revealed by autoradiography. The radioactive labelling was associated with cytoplasmic electron-dense granules (800–1000 Å), suggesting that the amine formed was stored in these granules. Accordingly, the granules stained argentaffin after DOPA-pre-treatment of the animal. It is suggested that, like similar cells in the gastric mucosa, these argyrophilic enterochromaffin-like cells constitute an endocrine system in which amines are of cytophysiological importance.  相似文献   

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