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The binding of fluorescently labelled carbohydrates to concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin was studied at equilibrium and by the stopped-flow and temperature jump relaxation methods. Ligand were mainly die 4-methylumbelliferyl glycosides of α (1 → 2)-linked manno-oligosaccharides and of β (1 → 4)-linked chito oligosaccharides as limited homologous series. They offer distinct advantages, parti cularly for kinetic studies.Enthalpie and kinetic considerations suggest that concanavalin A specifically binds a single mannopyranosyl group in α (1 →2)-linked manno-oligosaccharides. This occurs preferentially at the non-reducing end. Glycosylation of a carbohydrate withe.g. an aryl group does not afect die binding kinetics and for all carbohydrates the association rate is comparable but relatively slow, which indicates that a common process is involved in the binding of all carbohydrates to concanavalin A. The affinity of a carbohydrate for concanavalin A is determined by the dissociation-rate parameter, resulting in a longer residence time for a better ligand.Interaction of chito-oligosaccharides with wheat germ agglutinin is complex. With the larger members of the 4-methylumbelliferyl chito-oligosaccharides, binding studies were only possible at low fractional saturation to avoid formation of unsoluble complexes. The binding kinetics of wheat germ agglutinin are faster than with concanavalin A and are consistent with a wheat germ agglutinin binding region composed of two adjacent subsites. For binding of the monoside as well as the bioside, two consistent kinetic models apply. They have common that for each ligand there exist two complexes with comparable population.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (Con A), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA) bound with either 125I, fluorescent dyes, or fluorescent polymeric microspheres were used to quantitate and visualize the distribution of lectin binding sites on mouse neuroblastoma cells. As viewed by fluorescent light and scanning electron microscopy, over 107 binding sites for Con A, WGA, and RCA appeared to be distributed randomly over the surface of differentiated and undifferentiated cells. An energy-dependent redistribution of labeled sites into a central spot occurred when the cells were labeled with a saturating dose of fluorescent lectin and maintained at 37°C for 60 min. Reversible labeling using appropriate saccharide inhibitors indicated that the labeled sites had undergone endocytosis by the cell. A difference in the mode of redistribution of WGA or RCA and Con A binding sites was observed in double labeling experiments. When less than 10% of the WGA or RCA lectin binding sites were labeled, only these labeled sites appeared to be removed from the cell surface. In contrast, when less than 10% of the Con A sites were labeled, both labeled and unlabeled Con A binding sites were removed from the cell surface. Cytochalasin B uncoupled the coordinate redistribution of labeled and unlabeled Con A sites, suggesting the involvement of microfilaments. Finally, double labeling experiments employing fluorescein-tagged Con A and rhodamine-tagged WGA indicate that most Con A and WGA binding sites reside on different membrane components and redistribute independenty of each other.  相似文献   

M DeSantis  J Paul 《Histochemistry》1979,60(2):225-230
Sections through the soleus muscle of the rat were incubated with concanavalin A (Con A) or wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate. Binding of these lectins to structures which comprise the muscle spindle was studied by fluorescence microscopy. The distribution of the lectins was heaviest in the outer capsule of the spindle and at the surface of intrafusal muscle fibres. The periaxial space in the equatorial region of spindles was unlabelled except in the immediate vicinity of the axial bundle. Binding by Con A was more extensive than by WGA, suggesting that more glucopyranoside units are accessible within the muscle spindle than are those of N-acetylglucosamine.  相似文献   

3T3 and SV 3T3 cells, prefixed or precoated with WGA, followed by treatment with ferritin-ConA, have less label than non-pretreated cells. When the same cells were treated with ferritin-WGA, neither prefixation nor precoating with ConA had any influence. Possible explanations are discussed. ConA-ferritin distribution is clustered, and WGA-ferritin is evenly spread on both 3T3 and SV 3T3 cells. We conclude that differences in lectin-induced agglutination between these cells cannot be attributed to a difference in lectin-induced clustering.  相似文献   

Summary Concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin were employed in conjunction with the horseradish peroxidase-diaminobenzidine method for the detection of sugar residues on the surface coat of exudate and resident murine peritoneal macrophages. Electron microscopical and cytophotometric techniques were used for the visualization and quantification of the final reaction product on the surface of cells. After incubation with concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin, both exudate and resident macrophages showed readily detectable final reaction product indicating the presence of numerous, easily accessible, -methyl-d-mannosyl andN-acetyl-d-glucosaminyl residues on their surface. The binding of concanavalin A was higher with resident than with exudate macrophages. With wheat germ agglutinin, a different pattern of lectin binding was observed: more electron-dense product was deposited on exudate than on resident macrophage surfaces. The binding of concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin to macrophages was inhibited by the competing sugars -methyl-d-mannoside andN-acetyl-d-glucosamine, respectively.  相似文献   

Zonaless rabbit ova, exposed to Concanavalin A or Wheat Germ Agglutinin, then to uterine capacitated sperm produce pronuclear, 2 and 4 stage embryos that are indistinguishable from controls. Absence of cortical granules indicates that the ova were fertilized and not merely activated. Survival of lectin-bearing receptors during the period necessary for fertilization was evaluated in ova marked with ferritin-conjugated lectin.  相似文献   

Dietary lectins of gluten origin have been suggested to play an important role in the mechanisms leading to the characteristic morphology of the intestine found in patients with celiac disease. To further explore this issue we have used Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) or Concanavalin A (Con A) to challenge rat small intestine and study the ultrastructural changes of such a treatment. Both lectins affected the enterocytes at the base of the villi more than those at the top. The morphological findings included disarrangement of the cytoskeleton, increased endocytosis and shortening of the microvilli. The interrelationship between the observed changes, and their relevance for similar morphological alterations found in patients with celiac disease are discussed. In conclusion, the morphological findings in our rat model resemble early changes in patients with celiac disease, thus supporting the idea that lectins or lectin-like substances are involved in the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

Wheat germ agglutinin crystallizes in two monoclinic space groups, P21 and C2, under identical crystallization conditions. Unit cell dimensions are a = 73.8 A?, b = 51.2 A?, c = 90.8 A?, γ = 90 ° for P21; a = 51.31 A?, b = 73.35 A?, c = 91.45 A?, β = 97.75 ° for C2, both with eight subunit molecules in the unit cell. The C2 crystals were chosen as suitable for investigating the three-dimensional structure to high resolution, because of their smaller asymmetric unit (containing the dimer), and also because they display better diffraction patterns.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A binds to human circulating lymphocytes in a complex manner suggesting the presence of multiple binding sites. Saturation of one or more of these binding sites is observed at concentrations of concanavalin A which induce blast transformation in lymphocytes. In contrast, only one saturable binding site is observed for wheat germ agglutinin. During in vitro transformation, the amount of concanavalin A which can be bound by lymphocytes increases, whereas the amount of wheat germ agglutinin which can be bound remains unchanged. Since the size increases during transformation, there must be a fall in the density of surface receptors for wheat germ agglutinin whereas the density of concanavalin A receptors remains unchanged.  相似文献   

Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) is synthesized as a proprotein with a glycosylated, 15 amino acid, carboxyl-terminal propeptide. This glycopeptide is cleaved from pro-WGA to produce the mature lectin during the transport of WGA to the protein bodies/vacuoles. To study the posttranslational modification of WGA, it would be useful to be able to differentiate between pro-WGA and mature WGA. Therefore, a peptide corresponding to the propeptide of WGA was synthesized (WGA-B 172-186), and an antiserum was raised in rabbits (anti-WGA-B 172-186). Anti-WGA-B 172-186 reacted with pure WGA-B 172-186 and pro-WGA in ELISA. Anti-WGA-B 172-186 was also specific for and readily differentiated between pro-WGA and mature WGA on Western blots. This provided an assay to monitor pro-WGA on Western blots before and after endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase H digestion. Using this assay, direct evidence was obtained that the oligosaccharide of pro-WGA is of the high-mannose type.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of wheat germ agglutinin in wheat   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Immunocytological techniques were developed to localize the plant lectin, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), in the tissues and cells of wheat plants. In a previous study we demonstrated with a radioimmunoassay that the lectin is present in wheat embryos and adult plants both in the roots and at the base of the stem. We have now found, using rhodamine, peroxidase, and ferritin-labeled secondary antibodies, that WGA is located in cells and tissues that establish direct contact with the soil during germination and growth of the plant In the embryo, WGA is found in the surface layer of the radicle, the first adventitious roots, the coleoptile, and the scutellum. Although found throughout the coleorhiza and epiblast, it is at its highest levels within the cells at the surface of these organs. In adult plants, WGA is located only in the caps and tips of adventitious roots. Reaction product for WGA was not visualized in embryonic or adult leaves or in other tissues of adult plants. At the subcellular level, WGA is located at the periphery of protein bodies, within electron-translucent regions of the cytoplasm, and at the cell wall-protoplast interface. Since WGA is found at potential infection sites and is known to have fungicidal properties, it may function in the defense against fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) is emblematic of proteins that specialize in the recognition of carbohydrates. It was the first lectin reported to have a capacity for discriminating between normal and malignant cells. Since then, it has become a preferred model for basic research and is frequently considered in the development of biomedical and biotechnological applications. However, the molecular basis for the structural stability of this homodimeric lectin remains largely unknown, a situation that limits the rational manipulation and modification of its function. In this work we performed a thermodynamic characterization of WGA folding and self-association processes as a function of pH and temperature by using differential scanning and isothermal dilution calorimetry. WGA is monomeric at pH 2, and one of its four hevein-like domains is unfolded at room temperature. Under such conditions, the agglutinin exhibits a fully reversible thermal unfolding that consists of three two-state transitions. At higher pH values, the protein forms weak, nonobligate dimers. This behavior contrasts with that observed for the other plant lectins studied thus far, which form strong, obligate oligomers, indicating a distinctly different molecular basis for WGA function. For dimer formation, the four domains must be properly folded. Nevertheless, depending on the solution conditions, self-association may be coupled with folding of the labile domain. Therefore, dimerization may proceed as a rigid-body-like association or a folding-by-binding event. This hybrid behavior is not seen in other plant lectins. The emerging molecular picture for the WGA assembly highlights the need for a reexamination of existing ligand-binding data in the literature.  相似文献   

Subunit structure of wheat germ agglutinin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cells isolated by enzymic digestion of embryonic tendon were incubated under N2 so that they synthesized and accumulated the unhydroxylated form of procollagen which is known as protocollagen and which is largely comprised of pro-α chains linked by interchain disulfide bonds. The cells were then exposed to O2 so that the intracellular protocollagen was hydroxylated and secreted as procollagen. When the hydroxylation was allowed to proceed at 31° or 34°, the procollagen secreted into the medium was triple-helical but its hydroxyproline content was less than two-thirds and its hydroxylysine content was less than half the control. Even when the hydroxylation was allowed to occur at 37°, the procollagen secreted by the cells was under-hydroxylated by about 15% in terms of its hydroxyproline content and about 45% in terms of its hydroxylysine content. The results may have consequences for collagen synthesis by tendons and similar tissues in vivo, since temporary anoxia in such tissues may well lead to the synthesis of a less stable procollagen or to fibers of decreased tensile strength.  相似文献   

The effect of the plant lectins concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin on the membrane-bound Mg+2-dependent ATPase of an adrenergic clone of mouse neuroblastoma was examines. When cell membranes were treated with concanavalin A or wheat germ agglutinin, a dose-related increase in ATPase-specific activity was observed. Maximal stimulation was greater with wheat germ agglutinin than with concanavalin A; half-maximal and maximal stimulation occurred at similar lectin concentrations. Concanavalin A-dependent stimulation was blocked by α-methylmannoside but not by N-acetylglucosammine. Conversely, stimulation with wheat germ agglutinin was prevented by N-acetylglucosamine but not by α-methylmannoside. The combined effects of concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin were greater than the individual effects of either, but were not additive. The results suggest that these lectins interact specifically with membrane glycoproteins or glycolipids, resulting in enhancement of Mg+2-dependent ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Effects of wheat germ agglutinin on membrane transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(1) Low concentrations of wheat germ agglutinin are cytotoxic toward several tissue culture lines, including Chinese hamster ovary cells, Swiss 3T3 cells, mouse L cells and baby hamster kidney cells. The LD50 ranged from 1 to 5 microgram wheat germ agglutinin per ml. Similar concentrations of the lectin inhibited the transport of the non-utilizable amino acids alpha-aminoisobutyric acid and cycloleucine and inhibited the uptake of thymidine. In contrast, 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake was not altered and colchicine uptake was enhanced. (2) The inhibition of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid uptake occurred within minutes after lectin addition and was maximal by 1 h. Maximal inhibition ranged from 50 to 70% of control values. Studies of the kinetics of the uptake demonstrated that wheat germ agglutinin decreased the V of the uptake by 70% without affecting the apparent Km. Ovomucoid, a haptene inhibitor of wheat germ agglutinin-binding to cell surface receptors, prevented the wheat germ agglutinin-induced inhibition of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid transport. Three other lectins (Concanavalin A, Phaseolus vulgaris E-phytohemagglutinin and L-phytohemagglutinin) inhibited the uptake by 20% or less at doses up to 50 microgram/ml. (3) We propose that the cytotoxicity of wheat germ agglutinin probably results in part, if not totally, from membrane alterations which impair multiple membrane transport systems.  相似文献   

In order to determine the extent and variations in surface concavanalin A (CON A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) labeling of different varieties of normal blood cells, gluraraldehyde-fixed human blood cells were exposed to CON A-gold labeled horseradish peroxidase (CON A-HRP-G) and WGA-gold labeled ovomucoid (WGA-OVO-G) histochemical methods. The resultant particulate reaction product permitted assessment of binding and number of gold particles per micrometer of cell surface. Particle counts and data were subjected to statistical analysis. Six subjects (three female and three male) were used and compared in this study. In spite of moderate variations in surface labeling of the various types of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets within a given subject, determinations of mean labeling values for similar cell varieties proved quite similar between subjects with the given lectin. WGA and CON A had substantially different labeling densities on the various hemic cells. WGA surface labeling of all types of hemic cells, with the exception of platelets, showed far more labeling than was found with CON A. WGA mean labeling of the grouped subjects was significantly higher for each variety of leukocyte than for either erythrocytes or platelets although this distinction was not always evident in an individual subject. With CON A, mean labeling density for each of hemic cell types showed significant differences between each of the hemic cell varieties. Erythrocytes had only minimal CON A binding while monocyte and platelet populations represented the most reactive of the hemic cells. No difference was noted between corresponding cell varieties in the female vs. male subjects.  相似文献   

Distribution of wheat germ agglutinin in young wheat plants   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A liquid phase, competition-binding radioimmunoassay for wheat germ agglutinin, with a detection limit of 10 nanograms, was developed in order to determine the distribution of this lectin in young wheat plants. Affinity columns for wheat germ agglutinin removed all antigenically detectable activity from crude extracts of wheat tissue; thus, the antigenic cross-reactivity detected by the assay possesses sugar-binding specificity similar to the wheat germ-derived lectin. The amount of lectin per dry grain is approximately 1 microgram, all associated with the embryo. At 34 days of growth, the level of lectin per plant was reduced by about 50%, with approximately one-third in the roots and two-thirds in the shoot. The data also indicate that actively growing regions of the plant (the bases of the leaves and rapidly growing adventitious roots) contain the highest levels of lectin. Half of the lectin associated with the roots could be solubilized by washing intact roots in buffer containing oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine, whereas the remainder is liberated only upon homogenization of the tissue.  相似文献   

This report records for the first time double-label freeze-etch electron microscopy of cells in culture. On L6 rat myoblasts, receptors for wheat germ agglutinin and concanavalin A were found distributed together in irregular granular microclusters of cell surface material up to 60 nm in diameter. Simultaneous localization of two different receptor families to such small regions using colloidal gold and ferritin to differentiate between lectin markers proved difficult in our hands. We were able to achieve the desired result using native concanavalin A and ferritin-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin, whose shadowed diameters are measurably different.  相似文献   

Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) is low mitogenic or nonmitogenic for human T lymphocytes and inhibits phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-induced mitotic response of the lymphocytes. In this study, the effect of WGA was analyzed in terms of interleukin 2 (IL2) production, expression of IL2 receptor, and IL2 responsiveness of the T lymphocytes. WGA as well as PHA could induce IL2 mRNA and IL2 production and also elevate cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration. The IL2 production was reduced by inhibitors of calmodulin and protein kinase C. The IL2 receptor (Tac) expression was induced at about 20% of the lymphocytes by WGA and the expression induced by PHA was not blocked by the addition of WGA. The lymphocytes precultured with WGA for 3 days could proliferate by the addition of IL2 after removal of WGA. The IL2-dependent proliferation of PHA-blasts was blocked by the addition of WGA. These results indicate that WGA inhibits T lymphocyte proliferation by inhibiting the responsiveness of the lymphocytes to IL2 but not by interfering with IL2 production and IL2 receptor expression.  相似文献   

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