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An exogenous chitinase from Streptomyces griseus was introduced into coleoptile epidermal cells of barley (Hordeum vulgare) by microinjection, and the effect of injected chitinase on the growth or development of the powdery mildew pathogen (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei) was examined. Prior to microinjection, an enzymatic degradation of fungal haustorium, the organ taking nutrients from host plant cells, was examined by treating fixed coleoptile epidermis harboring haustoria with this enzyme. The result showed that haustoria were effectively digested by chitinase, suggesting the effectiveness of chitinase treatment for suppressing the fungal development. Microinjection of chitinase was conducted using living coleoptile tissues inoculated with the pathogen. Epidermal cells in which the haustorial primordia had been formed, or in which the haustoria had matured, were selected as targets for injection. The result clearly indicated that injection at the stage of primordium formation was effective in completely digesting haustoria and suppressing the subsequent formation of secondary hyphae of the pathogen. In microinjection after haustorial maturation, hyphal elongation was considerably suppressed though there was no detectable morphological change in the haustoria. Thus, the present study provides the experimental basis for genetically manipulating barley to produce transgenic plants resistant to the powdery mildew disease.  相似文献   

The transport of sugars and amino acids into the mycelium of Erysiphe pisi DC. was investigated using two different systems, intact leaf discs and mycelial suspensions. Of the sugars tested, glucose was preferentially taken up by both uninfected and mildew-infected leaf discs, whereas glutamine was taken up by both tissues at a higher rate than lysine or aspartic acid. Leaf discs from infected tissue had a greater uptake capacity than those from healthy tissue for both sugars and amino acids. The uptake of glucose was inhibited more markedly than that of sucrose and fructose by 10 μ m carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), 1 m m N -ethylmaleimide (NEM), 1 m m diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) and 1 m m phenylglyoxal, whereas 1 m m PCMBS ( p -chloro-mercuribenzenesulphonic acid) inhibited sucrose uptake to the greatest extent. Uptake of glutamine, lysine and aspartic acid was inhibited similarly by CCCP (80%), NEM (20%), DEPC (70%) and PCMBS (60%). Additionally, leaf discs were used to determine which solutes could be taken up from leaf tissue by the fungus. The uptake of sugars into the mycelium was greater than that of amino acids.
Suspensions of powdery mildew mycelium accumulated glucose at about three times the rate of sucrose or fructose, and the amino acid glutamine was taken up at three times the rate of lysine or aspartic acid. Spores separated from the suspension had a low uptake capacity.
When the reducing sugar concentration of leaf apoplastic fluid was estimated, leaves infected by powdery mildew had much higher amounts in the apoplast, whereas the activity of acid invertase also appeared to be higher in apoplastic fluids from infected leaves. When apoplastic fluid samples were run on SDS gels, an invertase antibody detected two bands in samples from infected tissues that were not found in the uninfected samples.  相似文献   

Little is known about the function of host factors involved in disease susceptibility. The barley (Hordeum vulgare) ROP (RHO of plants) G-protein RACB is required for full susceptibility of the leaf epidermis to invasion by the biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp hordei. Stable transgenic knockdown of RACB reduced the ability of barley to accommodate haustoria of B. graminis in intact epidermal leaf cells and to form hairs on the root epidermis, suggesting that RACB is a common element of root hair outgrowth and ingrowth of haustoria in leaf epidermal cells. We further identified a barley MICROTUBULE-ASSOCIATED ROP-GTPASE ACTIVATING PROTEIN (MAGAP1) interacting with RACB in yeast and in planta. Fluorescent MAGAP1 decorated cortical microtubules and was recruited by activated RACB to the cell periphery. Under fungal attack, MAGAP1-labeled microtubules built a polarized network at sites of successful defense. By contrast, microtubules loosened where the fungus succeeded in penetration. Genetic evidence suggests a function of MAGAP1 in limiting susceptibility to penetration by B. graminis. Additionally, MAGAP1 influenced the polar organization of cortical microtubules. These results add to our understanding of how intact plant cells accommodate fungal infection structures and suggest that RACB and MAGAP1 might be antagonistic players in cytoskeleton organization for fungal entry.  相似文献   

大麦抗白粉病基因Mlo的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
野生型Mlo基因是大麦抗白粉病的负调控因子,该基因突变,赋予大麦对白粉菌的广谱抗性。综述了Mlo基因结构、功能及Mlo突变的等位基因(mlo)的抗性特点;讨论了mlo基因可能的抗病机制。为mlo抗性在麦类白粉病抗病育种中的应用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Differential gene expression in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Fung LF  Lo AK  Yuen PW  Liu Y  Wang XH  Tsao SW 《Life sciences》2000,67(8):923-936

Small GTP-binding proteins such as those from the RAC family are cytosolic signal transduction proteins that often are involved in processing of extracellular stimuli. Plant RAC proteins are implicated in regulation of plant cell architecture, secondary wall formation, meristem signaling, and defense against pathogens. We isolated a RacB homolog from barley (Hordeum vulgare) to study its role in resistance to the barley powdery mildew fungus (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei). RacB was constitutively expressed in the barley epidermis and its expression level was not strongly influenced by inoculation with B. graminis. However, after biolistic bombardment of barley leaf segments with RacB-double-stranded RNA, sequence-specific RNA interference with RacB function inhibited fungal haustorium establishment in a cell-autonomous and genotype-specific manner. Mutants compromised in function of the Mlo wild-type gene and the Ror1 gene (genotype mlo5 ror1) that are moderately susceptible to B. graminis showed no alteration in powdery mildew resistance upon RacB-specific RNA interference. Thus, the phenotype, induced by RacB-specific RNA interference, was apparently dependent on the same processes as mlo5-mediated broad resistance, which is suppressed by ror1. We conclude that an RAC small GTP-binding protein is required for successful fungal haustorium establishment and that this function may be linked to MLO-associated functions.  相似文献   

A barley cDNA macroarray comprising 1,440 unique genes was used to analyze the spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression in embryo, scutellum and endosperm tissue during different stages of germination. Among the set of expressed genes, 69 displayed the highest mRNA level in endosperm tissue, 58 were up-regulated in both embryo and scutellum, 11 were specifically expressed in the embryo and 16 in scutellum tissue. Based on Blast X analyses, 70% of the differentially expressed genes could be assigned a putative function. One set of genes, expressed in both embryo and scutellum tissue, included functions in cell division, protein translation, nucleotide metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism and some transporters. The other set of genes expressed in endosperm encodes several metabolic pathways including carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism as well as protease inhibitors and storage proteins. As shown for a storage protein and a trypsin inhibitor, the endosperm of the germinating barley grain contains a considerable amount of residual mRNA which was produced during seed development and which is degraded during early stages of germination. Based on similar expression patterns in the endosperm tissue, we identified 29 genes which may undergo the same degradation process. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The distribution of solutes between epidermal, mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Klaxon) leaves was studied by analysing extracts obtained from single cells with a modified pressure probe. Activity of the cytoplasmic marker enzyme, malate dehydrogenase, revealed that epidermal cell extracts were completely vacuolar in origin, but extracts from mesophyll cells also contained cytoplasmic constituents. The extracts were analysed for osmolality and the concentrations of K, Na, Ca, Cl, P, S, NO 3 , sugars and total amino acids. Epidermal and mesophyll cell extracts had similar osmolalities but these varied between 420 and 565 mosmol, kg 1 depending on the leaf developmental stage; the osmolality of bundle-sheath extracts was approximately 100 mosmol, kg–1 lower. Under the growth conditions used, K and NO 3 were found in all three cell types and their concentrations generally ranged between 180 and 230 mM. In contrast, Ca was almost restricted to epidermal cells, where it increased to 70 mM during leaf ageing. Phosphorus was only detectable ( 5 mM) in extracts from mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells, while Cl concentrations were highest in epidermal and lowest in mesophyll cell extracts. The concentrations of sugars and amino acids were close to the detection limit (approx. 2 mM) in epidermal cells but mesophyll cells contained total sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose) of up to 78 mM and total amino-acid concentrations of up to 13.5 mM. Concentrations in bundle-sheath cells were intermediate between those in the epidermis and mesophyll.Abbreviations EDX analysis energy dispersive X-ray analysis - MDH malate dehydrogenase We wish to thank Paul Richardson, Jeremy Pritchard, Peter Hinde and Andrew Davies (Banger) for their helpfull discussion and technical advice. This work was financed by a grant (LR5/521) from the Agricultural and Food Research Council.  相似文献   

Translocation of carbon in powdery mildewed barley   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
This paper compares translocation in healthy and powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei, race CR3) infected barley (Hordeum vulgare, variety Manchuria). The sink-like properties of the powdery mildew infection were used to determine what effect imposing a sink in the midst of normal source tissue (mature primary leaf) had on the translocation process. The pattern of translocation was determined by monitoring the movement of 14C which was photosynthetically incorporated from 14C either by the primary or second leaf. In the healthy primary leaf of barley, 14C fixed in the tip section of the blade was preferentially translocated to the root, whereas 14C fixed in the basal section was primarily translocated to the shoot. When a sporulating powdery mildew infection was present in the mid-section of the primary leaf, 14C fixed in that section or in the acropetal healthy tip section readily accumulated in the infection area. Labeled carbon fixed in the healthy basal section was translocated into the other parts of the plant with only a small fraction moving acropetally into the infected mid-section. The 14C fixed by the second leaf was translocated to the root and younger shoot with very little entering the primary leaf. The presence of the mildew infection did not alter this pattern.  相似文献   

We analysed pathogenesis-related expression of genes, that are assumed to be involved in ubiquitous plant defence mechanisms like the oxidative burst, the hypersensitive cell death reaction (HR) and formation of localized cell wall appositions (papillae). We carried out comparative northern blot and RT-PCR studies with near-isogenic barley (Hordeum vulgareL. cv. Pallas) lines (NILs) resistant or susceptible to the powdery mildew fungus race A6 (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei, BghA6). The NILs carrying one of the R-genes Mla12, Mlg or the mlo mutant allele mlo5 arrest fungal development by cell wall appositions (mlo5) or a HR (Mla12) or both (Mlg). Expression of an aspartate protease gene, an ascorbate peroxidase gene and a newly identified cysteine protease gene was up-regulated after inoculation with BghA6, whereas the constitutive expression-level of a BAS gene, that encodes an alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, was reduced. Expression of a newly identified barley homologue of a mammalian cell death regulator, Bax inhibitor 1, was enhanced after powdery mildew inoculation. An oxalate oxidase-like protein was stronger expressed in NILS expressing penetration resistance. A so far unknown gene that putatively encodes the large subunit of a superoxide generating NADPH oxidases was constitutively expressed in barley leaves and its expression pattern did not change after inoculation. A newly identified barley Rac1 homologue was expressed constitutively, such as the functionally linked NADPH oxidase gene. Gene expression patterns are discussed with regard to defence mechanisms and signal transduction.  相似文献   

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