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Nitrogen (N) transfer from one species to another is important for the N cycling in low-input grassland. In the present work, estimates obtained by an indirect 15N dilution technique were compared with estimates obtained by a direct 15N leaf feeding technique over two complete growing seasons in red clover-ryegrass and white clover-ryegrass mixtures under field conditions. The direct technique confirmed that N transfer between clovers and ryegrass is a bi-directional process. The transfer of N from both clovers to ryegrass occurred within 25 days upon the first labelling event. A very high N transfer occurred from white clover to the associated ryegrass, 4.5 and 7.5 g m−2 in the 1st and 2nd production year, respectively. The corresponding values for transfer from red clover to the associated ryegrass were 1.7 and 3.6 g m−2. Quantified relatively to the total above-ground N content of white clover- ryegrass and red clover-ryegrass mixtures, the N transfer exceeded 50% and 10%, respectively, in three out of seven harvests. The N transfer from 15N labelled grass to associated clovers constituted a relatively constant proportion of approx. 8% of the above-ground N content of the mixtures. Estimates based on the soil 15N dilution technique generally underestimated the net N transfer by more than 50% compared to the direct 15N labelling technique. Furthermore, the indirect 15N dilution technique estimated only marginal differences between red and white clover in the quantities of N transferred, whereas the direct 15N labelling technique showed the N transfer from white clover to the associated ryegrass to be significantly higher than that involving red clover. It is concluded that N transfer is a much more dynamic and quantitatively important process in grassland than previously recognised. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Dinitrogen fixation in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) grown in pure stand and mixture with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was determined in the field using 15N isotope dilution and harvest of the shoots. The apparent transfer of clover N to perennial ryegrass was simultaneously assessed. The soil was labelled either by immobilizing 15N in organic matter prior to establishment of the sward or by using the conventional labelling procedure in which 15N fertilizer is added after sward establishment. Immobilization of 15N in the soil organic matter has not previously been used in studies of N2 fixation in grass/clover pastures. However, this approach was a successful means of labelling, since the 15N enrichment only declined at a very slow rate during the experiment. After the second production year only 10–16% of the applied 15N was recovered in the harvested herbage. The two labelling methods gave, nonetheless, a similar estimate of the percentage of clover N derived from N2 fixation. In pure stand clover, 75–94% of the N was derived from N2 fixation and in the mixture 85–97%. The dry matter yield of the clover in mixture as percentage of total dry matter yield was relatively high and increased from 59% in the first to 65% in the second production year. The average daily N2 fixation rate in the mixture-grown clover varied from less than 0.5 kg N ha−1 day−1 in autumn to more than 2.6 kg N ha−1 day−1 in June. For clover in pure stand the average N2 fixation rate was greater and varied between 0.5 and 3.3 kg N ha−1 day−1, but with the same seasonal pattern as for clover in mixture. The amount of N fixed in the mixture was 23, 187 and 177 kg N ha−1 in the seeding, first and second production year, respectively, whereas pure stand clover fixed 28, 262 and 211 kg N ha−1 in the three years. The apparent transfer of clover N to grass was negligible in the seeding year, but clover N deposited in the rhizosphere or released by turnover of stolons, roots and nodules, contributed 19 and 28 kg N ha−1 to the grass in the first and second production year, respectively. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using the 15N isotope dilution method and two reference plants, Parkia biglobosa and Tamarindus indica to estimate nitrogen fixed in four Acacia species: A raddiana, A. senegal, A. seyal and Faidherbia albida (synonym Acacia albida). For the reference plants, the 15N enrichments in leaves, stems and roots were similar. With the fixing plants, leaves and stems had similar 15N enrichments; they were higher than the 15N enrichment of roots. The amounts of nitrogen fixed at 5 months after planting were similar using either reference plant. Estimates of the percentage of N derived from fixation (%Ndfa) for the above ground parts, in contrast to %Ndfa in roots, were similar to those for the whole plant. However, none of the individual plant parts estimated accurately total N fixed in the whole plant, and excluding the roots resulted in at least 30% underestimation of the amounts of N fixed. Between species, differences in N2 fixation were observed, both for %Ndfa and total N fixed. For %Ndfa, the best were A. seyal (average, 63%) and A. raddiana (average, 62%), being at least twice the %Ndfa in A. senegal and F. albida. Because of its very high N content, A. seyal was clearly the best in total N fixed, fixing 1.62 g N plant–1 compared to an average of 0.48 g N plant–1 for the other Acacia species. Our results show the wide variability existing between Acacia species in terms of both %Ndfa and total N fixed: A. seyal was classified as having a high N2 fixing potential (NFP) while the other Acacia species had a low NFP.  相似文献   

N2 fixation in lines of Phaseolus vulgaris was measured by 15N-isotope dilution to determine whether a programme of crossing and recurrent selection had resulted in enhanced nitrogen fixation. In field experiments on an isohyperthermic Aquic Hapludoll soil the amount of N2 fixed by the different lines ranged from 18 to 36 kg ha–1 (32 to 47% of plant N) in 56 days. The quantity of N2 fixed and the proportion of plant N derived from fixation was not significantly greater in the lines selected for N2 fixation (RIZ lines) than parental lines. Total shoot N ranged from 53 to 77 kg ha–1 and partitioning of N to pods differed from 28 to 52% among the lines which all had similar growth habit and duration. Nodulation patterns were also distinct. Nodules formed early (10 to 15 plant–1 at 13 days) in many lines, and smallest amounts of fixation were observed in those lines which nodulated slowly and did not form substantial nodule mass until after 40 days. The screening criteria used in the selection of the RIZ lines had been largely indirect with other factors such as disease resistance also being included. Progress for increasing N2 fixation over good-fixing parental lines such as BAT76 was not significant and it is recommended that more attention be paid to early nodulation, to the use of soils with lower available N and to inter-crossing of lines having different good N2 fixation traits in order to further enhance the potential for N2 fixation in beans.  相似文献   

The effects of dairy cow urine and defoliation severity on biological nitrogen fixation and pasture production of a mixed ryegrass-white clover sward were investigated over 12 months using mowing for defoliation. A single application of urine (equivalent to 746 kg N ha–1), was applied in late spring to plots immediately after light and moderately-severe defoliation (35 mm and 85 mm cutting heights, respectively) treatments were imposed. Estimates of percentage clover N derived from N2 fixation (%Ndfa) were compared by labelling the soil with 15N either by applying a low rate of 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate, immobilising 15N in soil organic matter, adding 15N to applied urine, or by utilising the small differences in natural abundance of 15N in soil. Urine application increased annual grass production by 85%, but had little effect on annual clover production. However, urine caused a marked decline in %Ndfa (using an average of all 15N methods) from 84% to a low of 22% by 108 days, with recovery to control levels taking almost a year. As a result, total N fixed (in above ground clover herbage) was reduced from 232 to 145 kg N ha–1 yr–1. Moderately–severe defoliation had no immediate effect on N2 fixation, but after 108 days the %Ndfa was consistently higher than light defoliation during summer and autumn, and increased by up to 18%, coinciding with an increase in growth of weeds and summer-grass species. Annual N2 fixation was 218 kg N ha–1 yr–1 under moderately-severe defoliation compared to 160 kg N ha–1 yr–1 under light defoliation. Estimates of %Ndfa were generally similar when 15N-labelled or immobilised 15N were used to label soil regardless of urine and defoliation severity. The natural abundance technique gave highly variable estimates of %Ndfa (–56 to 24%) during the first 23 days after urine application but, thereafter, estimates of %Ndfa were similar to those using 15N-labelling methods. In contrast, in urine treated plots the use of 15N-labelled urine gave estimates of %Ndfa that were 20–30% below values calculated using conventional 15N-labelling during the first 161 days. These differences were probably due to differences in the rooting depth between ryegrass and white clover in conjunction with treatment differences in 15N distribution with depth. This study shows that urine has a prolonged effect on reducing N2 fixation in pasture. In addition, defoliation severity is a potential pasture management tool for strategically enhancing N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Aiming at estimating the average N2-fixation in a pasture, ap preciating the great variability due to patchy urine and dung deposition, the in fluence of dairy cow excreta on biological N2-fixation in a perennial ryegrass–white clover mixture was studied using natural urine and dung. Application of urine as well as dung affected the N2-fixation by promoting the growth of grass and thereby the proportion of clover was significantly reduced. Also the proportion of clover-N derived from the atmosphere (pNdfa) was significantly reduced. In control plots clover dry matter constituted between 40 and 50% of the total dry matter production and the pNdfa ranged between 0.8 and 0.9. Addition of urine caused a significant increase in the grass growth rates, which was the primary reason for a decrease in proportion of clover. At the same time pNdfa decreased to 0.2–0.4 followed by an increase resulting in a total reduction of 45% in the N2-fixation in urine affected areas over a period of four months. The dung only affected the N2-fixation for a distance of up to 10 cm from the edge of the dung pats. In this border area the pNdfa decreased from 0.85 to 0.75 during one month after application followed by an increase, so that after three months there was no difference between pNdfa at 0–10 and 10–20 cm distance from the dung hill. The proportion of clover was lower in the 0–10 cm than in the 10–20 cm distance, which totally resulted in a total reduction of 20% in the N2-fixation over a period of four months in the 0–10 cm area around the dung pats. Considering the proportion of a pasture which may by affected by excreta at a stocking density of 4–6 cows ha-1, the length of the grazing period, the frequency of excretion and the area covered by individual patches, it was estimated that the N2-fixation in a grass-clover pasture would be reduced by 10–15% compared to the N2-fixation in a grass-clover sward not exposed to animal excreta.  相似文献   

Kucey  R. M. N.  Snitwongse  P.  Chaiwanakupt  P.  Wadisirisuk  P.  Siripaibool  C.  Arayangkool  T.  Boonkerd  N.  Rennie  R. J. 《Plant and Soil》1988,108(1):33-41
Controlled environment and field studies were conducted to determine relationships between various measurements of N2 fixation using soybeans and to use these measures to evaluate a number ofBradyrhizobium japonicum strains for effectiveness in N2 fixation in Thai soils.15N dilution measurements of N2 fixation showed levels of fixation ranging from 32 to 161 kg N ha−1 depending on bacterial strain, host cultivar and location. Midseason measures of N2 fixation were correlated with each other, but not related measures taken at maturity. Ranking ofB. japonicum strains based on performance under controlled conditions in N-free media were highly correlated with rankings based on soybean seed yields and N2 fixation under field conditions. This study showed that inoculation of soybeans with effectiveB. japonicum strains can result in significant increases in yield and uptake of N through fixation. The most effective strains tested for use in Thai conditions were those isolated from Thai soils; however, effective strains from other locations were also of benefit.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is often the most limiting nutrient in organic cropping systems. N2 fixing crops present an important option to improve N supply and to maintain soil fertility. In a field experiment, we investigated whether the lower N fertilization level and higher soil microbial activity in organic than conventional systems affected symbiotic N2 fixation by soybean (Glycine max, var. Maple Arrow) growing in 2004 in plots that were since 1978 under the following systems: bio-dynamic (DYN); bio-organic (ORG); conventional with organic and mineral fertilizers (CON); CON with exclusively mineral fertilizers (MIN); non-fertilized control (NON). We estimated the percentage of legume N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) by the natural abundance (NA) method. For ORG and MIN we additionally applied the enriched 15N isotope dilution method (ID) based on residual mineral and organic 15N labeled fertilizers that were applied in 2003 in microplots installed in ORG and MIN plots. These different enrichment treatments resulted in equal %Ndfa values. The %Ndfa obtained by NA for ORG and MIN was confirmed by the ID method, with similar variation. However, as plant growth was restricted by the microplot frames the NA technique provided more accurate estimates of the quantities of symbiotically fixed N2 (Nfix). At maturity of soybean the %Ndfa ranged from 24 to 54%. It decreased in the order ORG > CON > DYN > NON > MIN, with significantly lowest value for MIN. Corresponding Nfix in above ground plant material ranged from 15 to 26 g N m-2, with a decreasing trend in the order DYN = ORG > CON > MIN > NON. For all treatments, the N withdrawal by harvested grains was greater than Nfix. This shows that at the low to medium %Ndfa, soybeans did not improve the N supply to any system but removed significant amounts of soil N. High-soil N mineralization and/or low-soil P availability may have limited symbiotic N2 fixation.  相似文献   

The 15N methods are potentially accurate for measuring N2 fixation in plants. The only problem with those methods is, how to ensure that the 15N/14N ratio in the plant accurately reflects the integrated 15N/14N ratio (R) in soil which is variable in time and with soil depth. However, the consequences of using an inappropriate reference plant vary with the level of N2 fixation and the conditions under which the study was made. For example, the errors introduced into the values of N2 fixation are higher at low levels of fixation, and decrease with increasing rates of fixation. At very high N2 fixation rates, the errors are often insignificant. Also, the magnitude of error is proportional to the rate of decline of the 15N/14N ratio with time. Since N2 fixation in most plants would be expected to below 60%, the question of how to select a good reference plant is still pertinent. In this paper, we have discussed some of the criteria to adopt in selecting reference plants, e.g. how to ensure that the reference plant is not fixing N2, is absorbing most of its N from the same zone as the fixing plant, and in the same pattern with time, etc. In addition, we have discussed 15N labelling materials and methods that are likely to minimize any errors even when the fixing and reference plants don't match well in certain important criteria. The use of slow release 15N fertilizer or 15N labelled plant materials results in slow changes in the 15N/14N ratio of soil, and is strongly recommended. Where 15N inorganic fertilizers are used, the application of the fertilizer in small splits at various intervals is recommended over a one-time application. The problem with the reference crop, which has sometimes discouraged potential users of the 15N methods, is surmountable, as discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

A mixed pasture comprising of buffel grass and a legume siratro was studied under field condition for a two-year period to know the fodder yield increase, nitrogen fixation and nitrogen balance with and without the inoculation of VA mycorrhiza to grass and Rhizobium to legume component.15N dilution technique was followed using labelled ammonium sulphate. The data showed that during the first year of the above study combined inoculation of VA mycorrhiza and Rhizobium to grass and legume respectively significantly increased the total dry matter (DM) (23,900 kg ha–1 yr–1) and total N content (308 kg ha–1 yr–1) of the mixed pasture over the uninoculated mixture. However, the above increase due to combined inoculation was maximum during second year with respect to DM yield (28,200 kg ha–1 yr–1), but the total N harvested through grass-legume mixture was comparatively lower than the first year (297 kg ha–1 yr–1). The amount of biologically fixed N was highest in the first year (79 kg ha–1 yr–1) and showed a very drastic reduction at the end of second year (39 kg ha–1 yr–1). A positive nitrogen balance was observed in the grass-legume mixture irrespective of inoculation of VA mycorrhiza and/or Rhizobium.  相似文献   

A plant mixture of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was established in the spring of 1991 under a cover-crop of barley. Treatments were two levels of nitrogen (400 and 20 kg N ha-1) and two cutting intensities (3 and 6 cuts per season). Fixation of atmospheric derived nitrogen was estimated by two 15N dilution methods, one based on application of 15N to the soil, the other utilising small differences in natural abundance of 15N.Both methods showed that application of 400 kg N ha-1 significantly reduced dinitrogen fixation, while cutting frequency had no effect. Atmospheric derived nitrogen constituted between 50 and 64% of harvested clover nitrogen in the high-N treatment, while between 73% and 96% of the harvested clover nitrogen was derived from the atmosphere in the low-N treatment. The amounts of fixed dinitrogen varied between 31–72 kg N ha-1 and 118–161 kg N ha-1 in the high-N and low-N treatment, respectively. The highest values for biological dinitrogen fixation were estimated by the enriched 15N dilution method.Estimates of transfer of atmospheric derived nitrogen from clover to grass obtained by the natural 15N abundance method were consistently higher than those obtained by the enriched 15N dilution method. Neither mineral nitrogen application nor defoliation frequency affected transfer of atmospheric derived nitrogen from clover to grass.Isotopic fractionation of 14N and 15N (B value) was estimated by comparing results for nitrogen fixation obtained by the enriched 15N dilution and the natural 15N abundance method, respectively. B was on average +1.20, which was in agreement with a B value determined by growing white clover in a nitrogen free media.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):131-140
Background: Nitrogen fixation has been quantified for a range of crop legumes and actinorhizal plants under different agricultural/agroforestry conditions, but much less is known of legume and actinorhizal plant N2 fixation in natural ecosystems.

Aims: To assess the proportion of total plant N derived from the atmosphere via the process of N2 fixation (%Ndfa) by actinorhizal and legume plants in natural ecosystems and their N input into these ecosystems as indicated by their 15N natural abundance.

Methods: A comprehensive collation of published values of %Ndfa for legumes and actinorhizal plants in natural ecosystems and their N input into these ecosystems as estimated by their 15N natural abundance was carried out by searching the ISI Web of Science database using relevant key words.

Results: The %Ndfa was consistently large for actinorhizal plants but very variable for legumes in natural ecosystems, and the average value for %Ndfa was substantially greater for actinorhizal plants. High soil N, in particular, but also low soil P and water content were correlated with low legume N2 fixation. N input into ecosystems from N2 fixation was very variable for actinorhizal and legume plants and greatly dependent on their biomass within the system.

Conclusions: Measurement of 15N natural abundance has given greater understanding of where legume and actinorhizal plant N2 fixation is important in natural ecosystems. Across studies, the average value for %Ndfa was substantially greater for actinorhizal plants than for legumes, and the relative abilities of the two groups of plants to utilise mineral N requires further study.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out over 12 months to determine the effect of animal treading on N2 fixation in a mixed white clover-ryegrass pasture. The experimental site was defoliated by mowing for the duration of the study. A single treading event of moderate or severe pugging intensity was initiated in plots during wet spring conditions by using dairy cows at varying stocking rates (4.5 cows 100 m−2 for 1.5 or 2.5 h, respectively). Inputs of dung and urine onto the plots was avoided by overnight housing of the cows and interception of excreta during the pugging event. Soil air-filled porosity decreased from 21% in the non-pugged control to 15–16% in pugged treatments by day 3. Bulk density of soil was not significantly affected by pugging. Soil inorganic N concentration increased in pugged treatments, and was 4-fold greater on day 28 in severely pugged plots compared to non-pugged plots. White clover plant density and plant size was markedly lower in pugged treatments (up to 85% and 72% reduction, respectively under severe pugging). White clover growth was most affected during the first 156 days after pugging (up to 90% decrease under severe pugging), leading to an annual clover dry matter production loss of 9% and 52%, respectively. The proportion of clover N derived from atmospheric N2 (%Ndfa; estimated by 15N dilution) was initially reduced (to a lower limit of 43%) by severe pugging (days 28–71) before recovery to control levels (90%) by day 91. Annual N2 fixation in clover herbage decreased significantly from 76 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in the non-pugged control, to 66 and 36 kg N ha−1 yr−1 under moderate and severe pugging, respectively. Most of this difference was evident within the first 156 days after pugging. Our data indicates that the major loss in fixed N2 input under pugging was due to reduced clover growth and production resulting from pugging damage and loss of residual white clover biomass by hoof action.  相似文献   

Hardarson  Gudni  Atkins  Craig 《Plant and Soil》2003,252(1):41-54
Whether grown as pulses for grain, as green manure, as pastures or as the tree components of agro-forestry systems, the value of leguminous crops lies in their ability to fix atmospheric N2, so reducing the use of expensive fertiliser-N and enhancing soil fertility. N2 fixing legumes provide the basis for developing sustainable farming systems that incorporate integrated nutrient management. By exploiting the stable nitrogen isotope 15N, it has been possible to reliably measure rates of N2 fixation in a wide range of agro-ecological field situations involving many leguminous species. The accumulated data demonstrate that there is a wealth of genetic diversity among legumes and their Rhizobium symbionts which can be used to enhance N2 fixation. Practical agronomic and microbiological means to maximise N inputs by legumes have also been identified.  相似文献   

Hood  R.C.  N'Goran  K.  Aigner  M.  Hardarson  G. 《Plant and Soil》1999,208(2):259-270
Experiments were carried out to compare the direct approach for estimating crop N uptake from 15N labelled organic inputs, to two indirect approaches, 15N isotope dilution and A value. In the first experiment soils received 25, 50, 75, or 100 mg N kg soil−1 in the form of Casuarina equisitifolia residues in addition to ammonium sulphate fertiliser, to give a total of 100 mg N kg soil−1 added. This was a cross labelling design, thus two matching sets of treatments, were set up, identical in all but the position of the 15N label. Maize (Zea mays L.) plants were grown in the soils amended with residues for 11 weeks and N derived from residues (Ndfr) estimated using the A-value or the direct approach. The A-value approach appeared to significantly overestimate %Ndfr compared to the direct method. In the second experiment contrasting residues were added to soil, fababean (Vicia faba L. var. minor), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), soyabean fixing, (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), soyabean non-fixing, barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and maize. This was also cross-labelling design, labelled and unlabelled residues were used. Maize plants were grown in these soils for 11 weeks and %Ndfr in the maize plants estimated using 15 N isotope dilution and the direct approach. The 15 N isotope dilution approach also overestimated %Ndfr compared to the direct method in this experiment. Pool substitution appeared to be responsible for the discrepancy between the direct and indirect techniques. It was concluded that 15N isotope dilution and A-value approaches as used in these experiments (i.e where residues and 15N label are added simultaneously) were not appropriate techniques for estimating N derived from organic residues in soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A new technique is proposed for measuring 15N isotope fractionation during N fixation that obviates some of the possible disadvantages of existing methods. Accurate calculation of N fixation by legumes using the 15N natural abundance technique requires a value for the isotopic composition of fixed N as an input. Isotopic fractionation in fixed N in legumes has usually been measured using N- free solution culture but results can vary with Rhizobium strain and growth conditions. The proposed method avoids these problems and can be used as an integral part of a field experiment for evaluating N fixation.The technique is essentially a process of adjusting values of 15 N for fixed N until % N fixation calculated by the 15N natural abundance method best matches % N fixation estimated by the 15N enrichment method. The use of high % N fixation values improves the sensitivity and reliability of the method.A field evaluation of this comparison technique using chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) provided a 15N isotope fractionation factor (–2.37) for fixed N close to that obtained by N-free solution culture methods (–2.10). The availability of these two independent techniques allowed mutual corroboration of estimates of 15N isotope fractionation during N fixation.

Two experiments were carried out from 1981 to 1983 in Vertisol field at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India to measure N2-fixation of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] using the15N isotope dilution technique. One experiment examined the effect of control of a nodule-eating insect on fixation while another in vestigated the effect of intercroping with cereals on fixation and the residual effect of pigeonpea on a succeeding cereal crop. Although both experiments indicated that at least 88% of the N in pigeonpea was fixed from the atmosphere, one result is considered fortuitous in view of the differential rates of growth of the legume and the control, sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. The difference method of calculation in dieated negative fixation and the results emphasized the problem of finding a suitable nonfixing control. In a second experiment, when all plants were confined to a known volume of soil to which15N fertilizer was added in the field, these problems were overcome, and isotope dilution and difference methods gave similar results of N2-fixation of about 90%. In intercropped pigeonpea 96% of the total N was derived from the atmosphere. This estimate might be an artifact. There was no evidence of benefit from N fixed by pigeonpea to intercropped sorghum plants. Plant tissue15N enrichments of cereal crops grown after pigeonpea indicated that the cereal derived some N fixed by the previous pigeonpea. Thus residual benefits to cereals are not only an effect of ‘sparing’ of soil N.  相似文献   

Summary The15N natural abundance values of various Amazon floodplain (várzea) plants was investigated. Samples of young leaf tissues were collected during three different periods of the river hydrography (low water, mid rising water and high water) and during one period in the Madeira River (high water). A large variation of15N abundance was observed, both among the different plant types and between the different flood stages. This variation probably, reflected, in part, the highly variable nature of the floodplain, sometimes dry and oxygenated and at other times inundated and anaerobic and, in part, changes in plant nitrogen metabolism. Comparison of the nitrogen isotopic composition of leguminous plants with that of non-leguminous plants showed that, on average, the15N abundance was lower in the legumes than non-legumes, suggesting active N-fixation. Also, the15N natural abundance in aquatic grasses of the generaPaspalum, was in general, lower than the15N abundance of aquatic grasses of the generaEchinochloa. As both of these grasses grow in the same general habitat, it appears thatPaspalum grasses may also be nitrogen fixers.  相似文献   

Aims Mycorrhizas (fungal roots) play vital roles in plant nutrient acquisition, performance and productivity in terrestrial ecosystems. Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) and ectomycorrhizas (EM) are mostly important since soil nutrients, including NH4+, NO3? and phosphorus, are translocated from mycorrhizal fungi to plants. Individual species, genera and even families of plants could be interconnected by mycorrhizal mycelia to form common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs). The function of CMNs is to provide pathways for movement or transfer of nutrients from one plant to another. In the past four decades, both 15N external labeling or enrichment (usually expressed as atom%) and 15N naturally occurring abundance (δ15N, ‰) techniques have been employed to trace the direction and magnitude of N transfer between plants, with their own advantages and limitations.  相似文献   

In 1985, 1986 and 1988, maize (Zea mays L.) was monocropped or intercropped with nodulating or nonnodulating soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.). In addition, nodulating soybean and nonnodulating soybean were each monocropped and grown as a mixture. In 1985 and 1986, treatments were grown at 0 and 60 kg N ha–1 and in 1988, the treatments were grown without N fertilizer, on N-depeted soil and on non-N-depleted soil. 15N enriched N was applied to soil in all the aforementioned treatments to test for N transfer from nodulating soybean to non-N2-fixing crops by the 15N dilution method.The 15N dilution method did not show the occurrence of N transfer in 1985 and 1986, but the N sparing effect was evident from the total N uptake of nonnodulating soybean, dwarf maize and tall maize, in 1986. In 1988, maize and nonnodulating soybean seed yields and seed N yields were higher on non-N-depleted soil than on N-depleted soil. On N-depleted soil, the 15N dilution method indicated N transfer from nodulating soybean to maize and to nonndulating soybean. At a population ratio of 67% nodulating soybean to 33% nonnodulating soybean, N transfer was also seen on non-N-depleted soil in 1988.  相似文献   

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