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Nicola Nadeau 《Molecular ecology》2014,23(18):4441-4443
How common is hybridization between species and what effect does it have on the evolutionary process? Can hybridization generate new species and what indeed is a species? In this issue, Gompert et al. (2014) show how massive, genome‐scale data sets can be used to shed light on these questions. They focus on the Lycaeides butterflies, and in particular, several populations from the western USA, which have characteristics suggesting that they may contain hybrids of two or more different species (Gompert et al. 2006). They demonstrate that these populations do contain mosaic genomes made up of components from different parental species. However, this appears to have been largely driven by historical admixture, with more recent processes appearing to be isolating the populations from each other. Therefore, these populations are on their way to becoming distinct species (if they are not already) but have arisen following extensive hybridization between other distinct populations or species (Fig.  1 ).
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint There has been extensive historical admixture between Lycaeides species with some new species arising from hybrid populations. (Photo credits: Lauren Lucas, Chris Nice, and James Fordyce).
Their data set must be one of the largest outside of humans, with over one and half thousand butterflies genotyped at over 45 thousand variable nucleotide positions. It is this sheer amount of data that has allowed the researchers to distinguish between historical and more recent evolutionary and demographic processes. This is because it has allowed them to partition the data into common and rare genetic variants and perform separate analyses on these. Common genetic variants are likely to be older while rare variants are more likely to be due to recent mutations. Therefore, by splitting the genetic variation into these components, the researchers were able to show more admixture among common variants, while rare variants showed less admixture and clear separation of the populations. The extensive geographic sampling of individuals, including overlapping distributions of several of the putative species, also allowed the authors to rule out the possibility that the separation of the populations was simply due to geographical distance. The authors have developed a new programme for detecting population structure and admixture, which does the same job as STRUCTURE (Pritchard et al. 2000 ), identifying genetically distinct populations and admixture between these populations, but is designed to be used with next generation sequence data. They use the output of this model for another promising new method to distinguish between contemporary and historical admixtures. They fixed the number of source populations in the model at two and estimated the proportion of each individual's genome coming from these two populations. Therefore, an individual can either be purely population 1, or population 2 or some mixture of the two (they call this value q, the same parameter exists in STRUCTURE). They then compared this to the level of heterozygosity coming from the two source populations in the individual's genome. If an individual is an F1 hybrid of two source populations, then it would have a q of 0.5 and also be heterozygous at all loci that distinguish the parental populations. On the other hand, if it is a member of a stable hybrid lineage, it might also have a q of 0.5 but would not be expected to be heterozygous at these loci, because over time the population would become fixed for one or other of the source population states either by drift or selection (Fig.  2 ). This is indeed what they find in the hybrid populations. They tend to have intermediate q values, but the level of heterozygosity coming from the source populations (which they call Q12) was consistently lower than expected.
Figure 2 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint The Q‐matrix analysis used by Gompert et al. ( 2014 ) to distinguish between contemporary (hybrid swarm) and historical (stable hybrid lineage) admixture.
Overall, the results support several of the populations as being stable hybrid lineages. Nevertheless, the strictest definitions of hybrid species specify that the process of hybridization between the parental species must be instrumental in driving the reproductive isolation of the new species from both parental populations (Abbott et al. 2013 ). This is extremely hard to demonstrate conclusively because it requires us to first of all identify the isolating mechanisms that operated in the early evolution of the species and then to show that these were caused by the hybridization event itself. One advantage of the Lycaeides system is that the species appear to be in the early stages of divergence, so barriers to gene flow that are operating currently are likely to be those that are driving the species divergence. While there is some evidence that hybridization gave rise to traits that allowed the new populations to colonize new environments (Gompert et al. 2006 ; Lucas et al. 2008 ), there is clearly further work to be carried out in this direction. One of the rare examples of homoploid hybrid speciation (hybrid speciation without a change in chromosome number) where the reproductive isolation criterion has been demonstrated, comes from the Heliconius butterflies. In this case, hybridization of two species has been shown to give rise to a new colour pattern that instantly becomes reproductively isolated from the parental species due to mate preference for that pattern (Mavárez et al. 2006 ). However, while this has become a widely accepted example (Abbott et al. 2013 ), the naturally occurring ‘hybrid species’ in fact has derived most of its genome from one of the parental species, with largely just the colour pattern controlling locus coming from the other parent, a process that has been termed ‘hybrid trait speciation’ (Salazar et al. 2010 ). This distinction is an important one in terms of our understanding of the organization of biological diversity. While hybrid trait speciation will still largely fit the model of a neatly branching evolutionary tree, with perhaps only the region surrounding the single introgressed gene deviating from this model, hybrid species that end up with mosaic genomes, like Lycaeides, will not fit this model when considering the genome as a whole. This distinction also more broadly applies when comparing the patterns of divergence between Heliconius and Lycaeides. These two butterfly genera have been driving forward our understanding of the prevalence and importance of hybridization at the genomic level, but they reveal different ways in which hybridization can influence the organization of biological diversity. Recent work in Heliconius has shown that admixture is extensive and has been ongoing over a large portion of the evolutionary history of species (Martin et al. 2013 ; Nadeau et al. 2013 ). Nevertheless, this has not obscured the clear and robust pattern of a bifurcating evolutionary tree when considering the genome as a whole (Nadeau et al. 2013 ). In contrast in Lycaeides, the genome‐wide phylogeny clearly does not fit a bifurcating tree, resembling more of a messy shrub, with hybrid taxa falling at intermediate positions on the phylogeny (Gompert et al. 2014 ). The extent to which we need to rethink the way we describe and organize biological diversity will depend on the relative prevalence of these different outcomes of hybridization. We are likely to see many more of these types of large sequence data sets for ecologically interesting organisms. Gompert et al. ( 2014 ) show that these data need not only be a quantitative advance, but can also qualitatively change our understanding of the evolutionary history of these organisms. In particular, analysing common and rare genetic variants separately may provide information that would otherwise be missed. The emerging field of ‘speciation genomics’ (Seehausen et al. 2014 ) should follow this lead in developing new ways of making the most of the flood of genomic data that is being generated, but also improve methods for integrating this with field observations and experiments to identify the sources and targets of selection and divergence.


  • Abbott R , Albach D , Ansell S et al. (2013 ) Hybridization and speciation . Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26 , 229 – 246 . Wiley Online Library CAS PubMed Web of Science® Google Scholar
  • Gompert Z , Fordyce JA , Forister ML , Shapiro AM , Nice CC (2006 ) Homoploid hybrid speciation in an extreme habitat . Science, 314 , 1923 – 1925 . Crossref CAS PubMed Web of Science® Google Scholar
  • Gompert Z , Lucas LK , Buerkle CA et al. (2014 ) Admixture and the organization of genetic diversity in a butterfly species complex revealed through common and rare genetic variants . Molecular Ecology, 23 , 4555 – 4573 . Wiley Online Library CAS PubMed Web of Science® Google Scholar
  • Lucas LK , Fordyce JA , Nice CC (2008 ) Patterns of genitalic morphology around suture zones in North American Lycaeides (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): implications for taxonomy and historical biogeography . Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 101 , 172 – 180 . Crossref Web of Science® Google Scholar
  • Martin SH , Dasmahapatra KK , Nadeau NJ et al. (2013 ) Genome‐wide evidence for speciation with gene flow in Heliconius butterflies . Genome Research, 23 , 1817 – 1828 . Crossref CAS PubMed Web of Science® Google Scholar
  • Mavárez J , Salazar CA , Bermingham E et al. (2006 ) Speciation by hybridization in Heliconius butterflies . Nature, 441 , 868 – 871 . Crossref CAS PubMed Web of Science® Google Scholar
  • Nadeau NJ , Martin SH , Kozak KM et al. (2013 ) Genome‐wide patterns of divergence and gene flow across a butterfly radiation . Molecular Ecology, 22 , 814 – 826 . Wiley Online Library CAS PubMed Web of Science® Google Scholar
  • Pritchard JK , Stephens M , Donnelly P (2000 ) Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data . Genetics, 155 , 945 – 959 . Wiley Online Library CAS PubMed Web of Science® Google Scholar
  • Salazar C , Baxter SW , Pardo‐Diaz C et al. (2010 ) Genetic evidence for hybrid trait speciation in Heliconius butterflies . PLoS Genetics, 6 , e1000930 . Crossref CAS PubMed Web of Science® Google Scholar
  • Seehausen O , Butlin RK , Keller I et al. (2014 ) Genomics and the origin of species . Nature Reviews Genetics, 15 , 176 – 192 . Crossref CAS PubMed Web of Science® Google Scholar
This article was written and figures prepared by N.N. except as specified in the text (photo credits).

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    Volume 23 , Issue 18 September 2014

    Pages 4441-4443  相似文献   

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    Canarian Black (CB) pigs belong to an autochthonous and endangered breed, which is spread throughout the Canarian archipelago. It is commonly accepted that they represent a relic of the pig populations that were bred by the Berbers in North Africa over millennia. It is important to note that the geographic isolation of the Canary Islands has preserved this genetic legacy intact from foreign introgressions until the Spanish conquest of the archipelago in the 15th century. Ten years ago, it was demonstrated that, in CB pigs, the frequency of the Asian A2 cytochrome-b haplogroup reached 73%. The current work aimed at investigating whether this observation is explained by either a recent or an ancient introgression of CB pigs with Far Eastern pigs.


    Genetic analyses of 23 ancient samples from pre-hispanic Canarian pigs (420 to 2500 years before present) showed that Near Eastern and Far Eastern genetic signatures were totally absent in the primitive Canarian pre-hispanic pigs. Indeed, the haplotypes detected in these pigs were closely related to those of North African and European wild boars.


    Our results demonstrate that the high frequency of the Far Eastern mitochondrial cytochrome B A2 haplotype in modern Canarian Black pigs probably corresponds to a relatively recent introgression with British breeds.

    Electronic supplementary material

    The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12711-015-0115-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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    The divalent cation Zn2+ has been shown to regulate inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian CNS by affecting the activation of the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (GlyR). In spinal neurons and cells expressing recombinant GlyRs, low micromolar (<10 microM) concentrations of Zn2+ enhance glycine currents, whereas higher concentrations (>10 microM) have an inhibitory effect. Mutational studies have localized the Zn2+ binding sites mediating allosteric potentiation and inhibition of GlyRs in distinct regions of the N-terminal extracellular domain of the GlyR alpha-subunits. Here, we examined the Zn2+ sensitivity of different mutations within the agonist binding site of the homomeric alpha(1)-subunit GlyR upon heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes. This revealed that six substitutions within the ligand-binding pocket result in a total loss of Zn2+ inhibition. Furthermore, substitution of the positively charged residues arginine 65 and arginine 131 by alanine (alpha(1)(R65A), alpha(1)(R131A), or of the aromatic residue phenylalanine 207 by histidine (alpha(1)(F207H)), converted the alpha(1) GlyR into a chloride channel that was activated by Zn2+ alone. Dose-response analysis of the alpha(1)(F207H) GlyR disclosed an EC(50) value of 1.2 microM for Zn2+ activation; concomitantly the apparent glycine affinity was 1000-fold reduced. Thus, single point mutations within the agonist-binding site of the alpha(1) subunit convert the inhibitory GlyR from a glycine-gated into a selectively Zn2+-activated chloride channel. This might be exploited for the design of metal-specific biosensors by modeling-assisted mutagenesis.  相似文献   

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