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To test if an increased sperm competition risk affects malebehavior and mating decisions of both sexes, we performed twoexperiments using the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, a nest-buildingfish with exclusive paternal care. In our first experiment,a nest-holding male, with a confined female, was sequentiallyexposed to a vial with a sneaker male or an empty vial. Whilemale courtship, nest building, displacement fanning, and timeoutside the nest were unaffected, individual males showed ahigher mucus preparation effort inside the nest in the presenceof a sneaker male than when alone. We found such mucus to containsperm, thus clearly suggesting an importance in sperm competition.In our second experiment, a female was free to spawn with twodifferent males, one of which was exposed to a confined sneakermale. Male mating success was not affected by the presence ofa sneaker male. However, the volume of sand the male had puton his nest was positively associated with female spawning decision,while nest-opening width was not. In a partial correlation offive traits thought to attract females (nest-opening width,sand volume, male courtship display, displacement fanning, andmale size), males that fanned well were found to also buildlarge nests or display intensely, but not both. This indicatesthat rather than being jacks-of-all-trades, individual malesfocus on a subset of traits for attracting females.  相似文献   

Intersexual conflict and intrasexual competition are widelyrecognized as playing critical roles in determining mating systems.Although they occur simultaneously in populations, these processesare usually treated independently. In reality, the fitness ofreproductive strategies will depend on the outcome of both within-and between-sex conflicts. Using a modeling approach based onmultiple, linked, dynamic state variable models, we examined thereproductive behavior of a Mediterranean wrasse, Symphodus ocellatus.We compared the predictions of models that examine only a singleconflict interaction with those that consider multiple within-and between-sex conflicts simultaneously. The observed distributionof sneaker males and females among nests was compared with thosepredicted by the models. We found that the closest fit withempirical observations and experiments is given by the modelthat examines conflict between females, sneakers, and nestingmales simultaneously. Removal of successful nests indicatedthat females join nests with few or no sneakers present, whereassneakers join these nests only later, even though this leadsto lower sneaker mating success. This behavior can be explainedby observing that although sneakers would have higher fitnessat nests where the spawning rate is greater, females would notbe willing to spawn at these nests in the presence of sneakers. Presumably,once the nests have achieved high past success, females are willingto spawn in the presence of sneakers because of the associated decreasedchance of nesting male desertion.  相似文献   

Sneaking is common in nest-building fish with paternal care,but the role of nest-opening size in protecting against entryby sneaker males has never been tested before. Using the sandgoby (Pomatoschistus minutus), a fish with exclusive paternalcare, experimental manipulations of nest openings provided nosupport for the hypothesis that nest openings serve as physicalor visual defense or that sneaker males prefer to parasitizenests with wide openings. Female mating preference was alsonot influenced by nest-opening size. However, female courtshipbehavior and visibility were important cues for sneaker males.Most sneak entries occurred when the nest holder was occupiedwith courtship, chasing another sneaker male or nest building.In half the cases of observed sneak entry, the sneaker malefertilized eggs, also when sneaking only occurred before spawning.Sneak entry and its duration were good estimates of stolen paternity,but neither sneak entries nor degree of fertilizations werecorrelated with filial cannibalistic behavior. Testes size didnot explain parasitic spawning success in replicates with geneticallydetermined sneaking. However, all sneaker males without breedingcoloration had huge testes and small sperm duct glands, whereasnest-holding males had small testes and large sperm duct glands,and sneaker males with breeding coloration were intermediate.  相似文献   

Males often fight with rival males for access to females. However, some males display nonfighting tactics such as sneaking, satellite behavior, or female mimicking. When these mating tactics comprise a conditional strategy, they are often thought to be explained by resource holding potential (RHP), that is, nonfighting tactics are displayed by less competitive males who are more likely to lose a fight. The alternative mating tactics, however, can also be explained by life‐history theory, which predicts that young males avoid fighting, regardless of their RHP, if it pays off to wait for future reproduction. Here, we test whether the sneaking tactic displayed by young males of the two‐spotted spider mite can be explained by life‐history theory. We tested whether young sneaker males survive longer than young fighter males after a bout of mild or strong competition with old fighter males. We also investigated whether old males have a more protective outer skin—a possible proxy for RHP—by measuring cuticle hardness and elasticity using nanoindentation. We found that young sneaker males survived longer than young fighter males after mild male competition. This difference was not found after strong male competition, which suggests that induction of sneaking tactic is affected by male density. Hardness and elasticity of the skin did not vary with male age. Given that earlier work could also not detect morphometric differences between fighter and sneaker males, we conclude that there is no apparent increase in RHP with age in the mite and age‐dependent male mating tactics in the mite can be explained only by life‐history theory. Because it is likely that fighting incurs a survival cost, age‐dependent alternative mating tactics may be explained by life‐history theory in many species when reproduction of old males is a significant factor in fitness.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence for plasticity in the mating patterns of nest-holding animals in relation to the changes in nest abundance, the effects of aggressive interaction by dominant males on nest availability for conspecific rivals remains unclear. To quantify the effects of male–male competition on nest-site choice and mating success of the male Japanese fluvial sculpin Cottus pollux, we conducted experiments on 5 males from different 5 size classes under both sufficient and shortage nest-abundance conditions. Nest-choice experiments showed that both male size class and nest-abundance condition had significant effects on the nesting rates of males. Following the nest-choice experiments, 10 gravid females were added in the experimental tanks. Mating experiments revealed that male size, nesting rate before addition of females, and the number of courtship attempts on females were valid variables of male mating success, regardless of nest-abundance conditions. After achieving initial mating success, the largest nesting male exhibited more frequent aggressive interaction with other conspecific males than he did before obtaining eggs in his nest. Our results suggest that size-mediated dominance and aggressive behavior of males may disrupt nest acquisition of other conspecific males, and may consequently result in extreme variation in mating success among males even under sufficient nest-abundance conditions.  相似文献   

Female choice and male competition in longear sunfish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mating systems with spatial clumping of nests or display sitestheoretically can result from female preference for clumpedmales or from competitive interactions among males. We testedpredictions derived from these two types of models against observationsof nest dispersion, mating success, and alternative male matingtactics in a naturally occurring population of central longearsunfish (Lepomis megalotis megalotis). The data were consistentwith models for male-initiated spatial clumping of nest sites;no evidence of female preference for clumped nests was found.We observed that large males had greater mating success thansmall males and that solitarily nesting males were larger thancolonial males; the most successful males were solitary nesters.Mating success of large males did not increase with colony size.Furthermore, colonial males were often cuckolded by neighbors,whereas solitary males were not cuckolded. We propose that colonialnesting is maintained in longear sunfish because group nestingallows subordinate males to obtain access to females.  相似文献   

Nest building relates to reproductive effort, sexual selection, intersexual conflict and cooperation and may be linked to individual phenotype and interindividual interactions. In particular, larger individuals having more energy reserves are expected to build more, larger nests, without having to trade intrasexual competition for cooperative nest building. Capture–mark–recapture and nest survey of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus L. 1758) were combined to assess the relationship between individuals and nesting activity on a spawning ground, throughout a breeding season, during which 202 nests were observed and 114 individuals were captured. On average, males and females stayed 8.33 ± 1.02 and 3.57 ± 1.04 days on the spawning ground, visited 2.26 ± 1.72 and 1.67 ± 1.17 nests and encountered 2.33 ± 2.13 mates for males and 2.29 ± 1.32 mates for females, respectively, and the number of mates encountered increased with the number of nests visited. Body size had no effect on the duration of presence on spawning ground, number of nests visited, number of individuals per nest and sex ratio on nest or nest volume. Bigger nests were found at the end of the season and were not necessarily built by more individuals. This work brings insights on the mating system and cooperative nest building in sea lamprey and may inform managers who want to estimate sea lamprey populations via nest surveys.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were conducted to examine the effects of nest availability and body size on changes in male mating tactics from sneaking to nest‐holding in the dusky frillgoby Bathygobius fuscus. In the field, the body size of nest‐holding males decreased from early to mid‐breeding season, suggesting the possibility of a change in the tactics of sneaker males to nest‐holding. Many sneaker males did not use vacant spawning nests even when size‐matched nests were available, but they continued to reproduce as sneakers. Similarly, in aquarium experiments with available vacant nests, some sneaker males became nest‐holders irrespective of their body size, but some did not. These results showed that nest availability is not a limiting factor for changes in tactics by sneaker males in this species. Because tactic‐unchanged sneaker males were co‐housed with larger nest‐holding males in the tanks, the body size of nearby nest‐holding males may have affected the decision to change tactics for sneaker males. Moreover, smaller individuals among tactic‐changed males tended to spend more time until spawning, probably because they had relatively larger costs and smaller benefits of reproduction as nest‐holding males compared to larger males.  相似文献   

Individuals should defend sites when the expected benefits ofthe territory exceed the cost of defense. However, if territoryqulaity is unpredictable or difficult to assess, the expectedpattern of territorial behavior is less clear. In a Mediterraneanwrasse, Symphodus ocellatus, mating success is skewed with 2%of nesting males getting more than 20% of the spawning success.Yet, variation in mating success is not explained by any knownphysical characteristic of males or their territories. Instead,females prefer nests with a recent history of mating successbecause males are less likely to desert the offspring she leavesbehind. Thus, territory quality is transient and determinedby interactions between the sexes. I measured the frequencyof territorial takeovers and the uncertainty in mating successamong days at a nest. Observations indicated that S. ocellatusmales usurped their neighbor's successful nests when males wereunsuccessful and larger than their successful neighbor. Sitesthat achieved mating success had a significantly higher probability(0.84) of remaining sucessful between consecutive days thanunsuccessful territories had of becoming successful (0.30).Unsuccessful males obtained higher and more certain fitnessreturns if they usurped a successful neighbor's territory. Interactionswithin and between the sexes drive uncertainty in success, whichinfluences territorial behavior in this species.  相似文献   

Males of the stream goby Rhinogobius sp. DA (dark type) court females in deep pools and care for the eggs under stones in shallow riffles. We studied male–male competition for access to females and nest sites to understand how male size influences the mating success of this species. In field observations, larger males won in fighting with other males. However, large males did not tend to monopolize courtship opportunities, and the frequency of successful courtships, after which males led the females to the nests, was not related to male body size. The fact that courted females always escaped from the fighting sites once males began fighting likely explains why male size was not positively related to courtship success. Large males occupied large nest stones, and the number of eggs received in the nest was correlated positively with nest size. In aquarium experiments with two tiles of different sizes provided as nesting materials, males always chose the larger nest and, when two males were introduced simultaneously, the larger one occupied the larger nest. These results suggested that male mating success of this goby is determined by male–male competition for large nests rather than for access to females. Received: June 9, 2000 / Revised: September 2, 2000 / Accepted: October 4, 2000  相似文献   

Reproductive behaviour of sneaker males of the peacock blenny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the peacock blenny Salaria pavo small sneaker males tried to steal 'fertilizations' at most in two different nests of large nesting males throughout the breeding season and spent most of their time associated with a particular nest. Sneakers did not associate with ripe females. As nesting males were the limiting reproductive resource in this population due to the scarcity of appropriate nest sites, sneakers were likely to maximize their chances of achieving parasitic fertilization of eggs by associating with successful nests.  相似文献   

We investigated male parasitic spawning in a protected natural population of Mediterranean damselfish. Chromis chromis nested in colonies, inside which males showed a high variability in mating success. Our field observations indicate that the egg batches obtained by the most successful fish were five times bigger than the ones obtained by the less successful fish and many males never received ovipositions. On the other hand, reproductive parasitism was a common tactic within the colony. Successful nesting males sneaked into their neighbours' nests depending on the amount of eggs in their nest, with small clutch size inducing the males to parasitic reproduction. Males failing to receive egg depositions on their nests showed a significantly higher parasitism rate than successful males. Non-territorial males occupied stations in the water column above the breeding grounds and whenever the opportunity arose, they disrupted spawning in progress, stealing copulation with females. We observed that the likelihood of males being parasitized by sneakers was not correlated with the size of their own clutch; on the contrary, it depended both on the number of neighbouring nests and on the number of neighbouring males with barren nests (i.e. unsuccessful males). No correlation was found between parasitic behaviour and male size, suggesting males may switch between spawning in their own and in their neighbour's nests depending on mating opportunity. The hypothesis that colonial nesting facilitates parasitic reproduction is here discussed.  相似文献   

Many bird species demonstrate a variable mating system, with some males being monogamously mated and other males able to attract more than one mate. This variation in avian mating systems is often explained in terms of potential costs of sharing breeding partners and compensation for such costs. However, whenever there is a difference in the optimal mating system for males and females, a sexual conflict over the number of partners is expected. This paper contains a verbal model of how a conflict between male and female European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris),resulting from the fitness consequences of different mating systems for males and females differing over time, determines the mating system. We demonstrate that males and females have contrasting fitness interests regarding mating system, such that males gain from attracting additional mates whereas already mated females pay a cost in terms of reduced reproductive success if males are successful in attracting more mates. We demonstrate how this can be traced to the rules by which males allocate non-sharable care between different broods. Furthermore, we demonstrate that there exist male and female conflict behaviours with the potential to affect the mating system. For example, aggression from already mated females towards prospecting females can limit male mating success and males can circumvent this by spacing the nest-sites they defend. The realised mating system will emerge as a consequence of both the fitness value of the different mating systems for males and females, and the costs for males and females of intersexual competition. We discuss how this model can be developed and critically evaluated in the future.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that mating success of large malesmay improve under increasing levels of mating competition. Thisoutcome is explained 1) if male mating competition is overridingfemale preferences for male traits that are unrelated to, ornegatively correlated with, male size and dominance and, inso doing, dictates the distribution of matings or 2) if femalesalter their preferences with respect to large males when male–malecompetition is intense. Under both hypotheses, one could expectlarge, dominant males to be more successful under intense competitionthan under weak competition. However, only the first explanationpredicts that male mating success under intense competitionshould be determined by dominance; traits that are unrelatedto male dominance should be uncorrelated to mating success.In contrast, if females change their preferences (explanation2), males with traits beneficial to females independent of thecompetitive environment can maintain a high mating success underall levels of male–male competition. We tested these alternativesusing a small marine fish, the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus.The mating success of large males increased under conditionsallowing intense male competition, whereas females showed apreference for good nest building independent of the level ofcompetition. These findings suggest that females are in controlof their choice by altering their preference for male size inresponse to the intensity of male–male competition ratherthan female preference being overshadowed by male dominance.This plasticity of preferences implies that the strength ofsexual selection is not constant at the population level.  相似文献   

Why do females increase parental effort when caring for theoffspring of attractive males? First, attractive males may bepoor fathers so that their females are compelled to increasetheir own contribution in order to fledge some young (the partner-compensationhypothesis). Second, females mated to attractive males may bewilling to increase their parental effort to reap high indirectbenefits for their offspring, and in turn males can decreasetheir own contribution (the differential allocation hypothesis[DAH]). We investigated these hypotheses in the penduline titRemiz pendulinus, a small passerine bird that has sequentialpolygamy by both sexes and strict uniparental care either bythe male or the female. We focused on two sexually selectedmale traits: nest size and nest-building behavior. We show thatmale care is unrelated to nest-building behavior, whereas femalesare more likely to care for the offspring of those males thatspend more time nest building. Females also more likely carefor the offspring of males that build large nests. Consequently,the reproductive success of males increases with nest size andnest-building behavior. Our results are consistent with theDAH and suggest that nest-building behavior and nest size areunder postmating sexual selection in penduline tits.  相似文献   

In sexual reproduction one sex can increase its reproductive success at the cost of the other, a situation known as intersexual conflict. In the marine isopod Idotea baltica, males guard females before copulation. The guarding phase is preceded by struggles as females resist males’ attempts to initiate guarding. We determined whether the struggle and/or mate‐guarding result in fitness costs in the form of decreasing fecundity and lower levels of the energy storage compounds, glycogen and lipids. Females that underwent the period of struggles with males had decreased glycogen levels compared with females maintained alone. No such cost was found for males. Females guarded by a male also had smaller eggs than females that were not guarded. Thus the intersexual conflict, imposed by the fitness maximization strategy of the males, gave rise to both a fecundity cost and an energetic cost for females. The fecundity cost confirms the existence of intersexual conflict in I. baltica. This cost is shared by males, suggesting that the intersexual conflict restrains the reproductive output of both sexes.  相似文献   

In fish species with alternative male mating tactics, sperm competition typically occurs when small males that are unsuccessful in direct contests steal fertilization opportunities from large dominant males. In the grass goby Zosterisessor ophiocephalus, large territorial males defend and court females from nest sites, while small sneaker males obtain matings by sneaking into nests. Parentage assignment of 688 eggs from 8 different nests sampled in the 2003–2004 breeding season revealed a high level of sperm competition. Fertilization success of territorial males was very high but in all nests sneakers also contributed to the progeny. In territorial males, fertilization success correlated positively with male body size. Gonadal investment was explored in a sample of 126 grass gobies collected during the period 1995–1996 in the same area (61 territorial males and 65 sneakers). Correlation between body weight and testis weight was positive and significant for sneaker males, while correlation was virtually equal to zero in territorial males. That body size in territorial males is correlated with fertilization success but not gonad size suggests that males allocate much more energy into growth and relatively little into sperm production once the needed size to become territorial is attained. The increased paternity of larger territorial males might be due to a more effective defense of the nest in comparison with smaller territorial males.  相似文献   

In polygynandrous animals, post‐copulatory processes likely interfere with precopulatory sexual selection. In water striders, sexual conflict over mating rate and post‐copulatory processes are well documented, but their combined effect on reproductive success has seldom been investigated. We combine genetic parentage analyses and behavioural observations conducted in a competitive reproductive environment to investigate how pre‐ and post‐copulatory processes influence reproductive success in Gerris buenoi Kirkaldy. Precopulatory struggles had antagonistic effects on male and female reproductive success: efficiently gaining copulations was beneficial for males, whereas efficiently avoiding copulations was profitable for females. Also, high mating rates and an intermediate optimal resistance level of females supported the hypothesis of convenience polyandry. Contrary to formal predictions, high mating rates (i.e. the number of copulations) did not increase reproductive success in males or decrease reproductive success in females. Instead, the reproductive success of both sexes was higher when offspring were produced with several partners and when there were few unnecessary matings. Thus, male and female G. buenoi displayed different interests in reproduction, but post‐copulatory processes were masking the effects of copulatory mating success on reproductive success. Given the high mating rates observed, sperm competition could easily counter the effect of mating rates, perhaps in interaction with cryptic female choice and/or fecundity selection. Our study presents a complex but realistic overview of sexual selection forces at work in a model organism for the study of sexual conflict, confirming that insights are gained from investigating all episodes in the reproduction cycle of polygynandrous animals.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted by varying the undersurface area of nesting substratum and the number of females in an experimental tank to elucidate the determinants of the mating pattern in the stream goby, Rhinogobius sp. cross‐band type. Males with larger nests tended to attract two or more females to their nest in a tank. Moreover, males spawned simultaneously with multiple females and entire brood cannibalism by males was rarely observed under a female‐biased sex ratio. When males spawned with a single female with low fecundity, however, entire brood cannibalism occurred at a high frequency, suggesting that a male guarding a nest with fewer eggs consumes the brood. Therefore, spawning behaviour of females that leads to a large egg mass would decrease the risk of entire brood cannibalism. In this species, simultaneous spawning by multiple females in a nest serves as a female counter‐measure against entire brood cannibalism. These results suggest that a conflict of interest between the sexes through brood cannibalism is a major determinant of simultaneous spawning.  相似文献   

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