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Lee D  Won JH  Auh CK  Park YM 《Molecules and cells》2003,16(3):361-367
A cytosolic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) was purified 640-fold from rat liver by sequential anion-exchange chromatography, Ca2+-precipitation/KCl-solubilization, gel filtration chromatography, and affinity chromatography. A single peak of PLA2 activity was eluted at an apparent molecular mass of 197 kDa from a Superdex 200HR gel filtration column. In the presence of Ca2+, the purified enzyme catalyzed the hydrolysis of 81.8 nmol of phosphatidylethanolamine per hour per mg of protein. The apparent Km was 1.83 nM. The enzyme was inhibited by arachidonyl trifluoromethyl ketone (AACOCF3), an inhibitor of cPLA2. However, it was not inhibited by bromoenol lactone (BEL), an inhibitor of iPLA2, and p-bromophenacyl bromide (p-BPB), an inhibitor of sPLA2. These data suggest that the purified enzyme is a novel Ca2+-dependent cytosolic PLA2.  相似文献   

Research findings are increasingly reporting evidence of physiological abnormalities in dyslexia and sites for dyslexia have been identified on three chromosomes. It has been suggested that genetic inheritance may cause phospholipid abnormalities in dyslexia somewhat similar to those found in schizophrenia. A key enzyme in phospholipid metabolism, Type IV, or cytosolic, phospholipase A2 (cPLA2), releases arachidonic acid (AA), a 20-carbon fatty acid, which is the major source of production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. An entirely new assay, which for the first time has enabled determination of the amount of the enzyme rather than its activity, was used to measure cPLA2 in dyslexic-type adults and controls and the two groups were found to differ significantly, the dyslexic-types having more of the enzyme. A report elsewhere of schizophrenics having even greater amounts of the enzyme suggests that dyslexia may be on a continuum with schizophrenia, as may be other neurodevelopmental disorders - which have also been described as phospholipid spectrum disorders.  相似文献   

Cytosolic phospholipase A(2)-alpha (cPLA(2)-alpha) cleaves its preferred substrate, arachidonic acid, at the sn-2 position of membrane glycerophospholipids. Stimulation of cells with agents that mobilize intracellular calcium and/or promote the phosphorylation of cPLA(2)-alpha leads to (i) translocation of the enzyme from cytosol to endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and perinuclear membranes-where it associates with the arachidonic acid in close proximity to downstream eicosanoid-producing enzymes; and (ii) the change in configuration induced by phosphorylation increases the phospholipid binding affinity and arachidonic acid release. As a mediator of growth factors, cytokines, chemokines, and hormones that modulate survival and growth in various cell types, cPLA(2)-alpha has attracted considerable attention as a potential therapeutic target in control of inflammation and cancer. The importance of the enzyme may have been underestimated by the relatively normal phenotype in the enzyme knockout animals. A clear phenotype has emerged when these knockout animals are used as models of various diseases.  相似文献   

A membrane-associated phospholipase A2 was purified from rat spleen. The phospholipase A2 was solubilized from the 108,000 x g pellet fraction with 0.3% lithium dodecyl sulfate and then purified to homogeneity by successive DEAE-Cellulofine AM, octyl-Sepharose, Cellulofine GCL 300-m, S-Sepharose, and Bio-Gel P-30 chromatographies in the presence of 0.5% 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propane-sulfonate. The apparent Mr of the enzyme, estimated on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was about 13,600. The purified enzyme had a pH optimum in the range of pH 8.0-9.5 and required the presence of Ca2+ (4 mM) for its maximal activity. The enzyme preferentially hydrolyzed the 2-acyl ester bonds of phosphatidylglycerol in the presence and absence of sodium cholate or sodium deoxycholate. Unlike the phospholipase A2 of rat spleen supernatant, no immunocross-reactivity was observed between the purified enzyme and anti-rat pancreatic phospholipase A2 antibody. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme was determined and found to be homologous to that of viperid and crotalid venom phospholipases A2. The results in this and the preceding report (Tojo, H., Ono, T., Kuramitsu, S., Kagamiyama, H., and Okamoto, M. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 5724-5731) demonstrate that rat spleen contains two genetically distinct phospholipase A2 isoenzymes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to define the role of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2), calcium-independent PLA2, and cytosolic PLA2 (cPLA2) in arachidonic acid (AA) release from fMLP-stimulated human neutrophils. While fMLP induced the release of extracellular sPLA2 activity and AA, 70% of sPLA2 activity remained associated with the cell. Treatment with the cell-impermeable sPLA2 inhibitors DTT or LY311-727, or the anti-sPLA2 Ab 3F10 all inactivated extracellular sPLA2 activity, but had minimal effect on neutrophil AA mass release. In contrast, coincubation of streptolysin-O toxin-permeabilized neutrophils with DTT, LY311-727, or 3F10 all decreased [3H8]AA release from [3H8]AA-labeled, fMLP-stimulated cells. Exposure to fMLP resulted in a decrease in the electrophoretic mobility of cPLA2, a finding consistent with cPLA2 phosphorylation, and stimulated the translocation of cPLA2 from cytosolic to microsomal and nuclear compartments. The role of cPLA2 was further evaluated with the cPLA2 inhibitor methyl arachidonyl fluorophosphonate, which attenuated cPLA2 activity in vitro and decreased fMLP-stimulated AA mass release by intact neutrophils, but had no effect on neutrophil sPLA2 activity. Inhibition of calcium-independent PLA2 with haloenol lactone suicide substrate had no effect on neutrophil cPLA2 activity or AA mass release. These results indicate a role for cPLA2 and an intracellular or cell-associated sPLA2 in the release of AA from fMLP-stimulated human neutrophils.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that in human heart, beta2-adrenergic receptors (beta2-ARs) are biochemically coupled not only to the classical adenylyl cyclase (AC) pathway but also to the cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) pathway (Pavoine, C., Behforouz, N., Gauthier, C., Le Gouvello, S., Roudot-Thoraval, F., Martin, C. R., Pawlak, A., Feral, C., Defer, N., Houel, R., Magne, S., Amadou, A., Loisance, D., Duvaldestin, P., and Pecker, F. (2003) Mol. Pharmacol. 64, 1117-1125). In this study, using Fura-2-loaded cardiomyocytes isolated from adult rats, we showed that stimulation of beta2-ARs triggered an increase in the amplitude of electrically stimulated [Ca2+]i transients and contractions. This effect was abolished with the PKA inhibitor, H89, but greatly enhanced upon addition of the selective cPLA2 inhibitor, AACOCF3. The beta2-AR/cPLA2 inhibitory pathway involved G(i) and MSK1. Potentiation of beta2-AR/AC/PKA-induced Ca2+ responses by AACOCF3 did not rely on the enhancement of AC activity but was associated with eNOS phosphorylation (Ser1177) and L-NAME-sensitive NO production. This was correlated with PKA-dependent phosphorylation of PLB (Ser16). The constraint exerted by the beta2-AR/cPLA2 pathway on the beta2-AR/AC/PKA-induced Ca2+ responses required integrity of caveolar structures and was impaired by Filipin III treatment. Immunoblot analyses demonstrated zinterol-induced translocation of cPLA and its cosedimentation with MSK1, eNOS, PLB, and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump (SERCA) 2a in a low density caveolin-3-enriched membrane fraction. This inferred the gathering of beta2-AR signaling effectors around caveolae/sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) functional platforms. Taken together, these data highlight cPLA as a cardiac beta2-AR signaling pathway that limits beta2-AR/AC/PKA-induced Ca2+ responses in adult rat cardiomyocytes through the impairment of eNOS activation and PLB phosphorylation.  相似文献   

We showed in an earlier study (Arita, H., Hanasaki, K., Nakano, T., Oka, S., Teraoka, H., and Matsumoto, K. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 19139-19141) that there is a high affinity and specific binding site for mammalian group I phospholipase A2 (PLA2-I) in Swiss 3T3 fibroblast cells. Analysis of the cellular distribution in rat using 125I-PLA2-I as a radioligand indicated the presence of this site in various cells, including vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), vascular endothelial cells, synovial cells, chondrocytes, and gastric mucosal cells. Scatchard analysis of rat VSMC revealed the existence of a single class of binding site with a Kd value of 1.60 nM and a Bmax value of 51.0 fmol/10(6) cells. The mammalian mature type of PLA2s-I derived from several animal species specifically recognized the same site in cells and stimulated DNA synthesis, whereas its inactive zymogen, mammalian group II PLA2s, and snake and bee venom PLA2s showed much lesser activities. 125I-PLA2-I bound to VSMC was rapidly internalized and subsequently released from the cells as trichloroacetic acid-soluble radioactivity. Down-regulation of the PLA2-I site was observed in the treatment of VSMC with cAMP-elevating agents, as well as glucocorticoids. Affinity labeling experiments indicated that PLA2-I binds to a single polypeptide with a mass of approximately 200,000 daltons. These results suggest a novel PLA2-I action on the cellular function via its specific binding site.  相似文献   

Liberation of arachidonic acid by cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) upon cell activation is often the initial and rate-limiting step in leukotriene and prostaglandin biosynthesis. This review discusses the essential features of cPLA(2) isoforms and addresses intriguing insights into the catalytic and regulatory mechanisms. Gene expression, posttranslational modification and subcellular localization can regulate these isoforms. Translocation of cPLA(2)alpha from the cytosol to the perinuclear region in response to calcium transients is critical for the immediate arachidonic acid release. Therefore, particular emphasis is placed on the mechanism of the translocation and the role of the proteins and lipids implicated in this process. The regional distribution and cellular localization of cPLA(2) may help to better understand its function as an arachidonic acid supplier to downstream enzymes and as a regulator of specific cellular processes.  相似文献   

Cytosolic phospholipase A(2)(cPLA(2)), an enzyme responsible for the generation of arachidonic acid, is located in the cytosolic compartment in most tissues and it translocates to membrane compartments when activated. We found that cPLA(2) distribution in pancreatic beta-cells is different from that of most other mammalian cells: it is evenly distributed throughout the beta-cell, in both cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments. Agents that increased intracellular Ca(2+) in the MIN6 beta-cell line also stimulated a redistribution of cPLA(2) immunoreactivity such that the majority of the enzyme moved from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The time course of events was compatible with the elevation in Ca(2+) being responsible for translocation of cPLA(2). These observations suggest that cPLA(2) may be compartmentalised in unstimulated beta-cells, perhaps to limit its access to substrate prior to elevations in intracellular Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Neutrophils (PMN) contain two types of phospholipase A2 (PLA2), a 14 kDa ‘secretory’ Type II PLA2 (sPLA2) and an 85 kDa ‘cytosolic’ PLA2 (cPLA2), that differ in a number of key characteristics: (1) cPLA2 prefers arachidonate (AA) as a substrate but hydrolyzes all phospholipids; sPLA2 is not AA specific but prefers ethanolamine containing phosphoacylglycerols. (2) cPLA2 is active at nM calcium (Ca2+) concentrations; sPLA2 requires μM Ca2+ levels. (3) cPLA2 activity is regulated by phosphorylation; sPLA2 lacks phosphorylation sites. (4) cPLA2 is insensitive to reduction; sPLA2 is inactivated by agents that reduce disulfide bonds. We utilized PMN permeabilized with Staphylococcus aureus α-toxin to determine whether one or both forms of PLA2 were activated in porated cells under conditions designed to differentiate between the two enzymes. PMN were labeled with [3H]AA to measure release from phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was utilized to determine total AA release (mainly from phosphatidylethanolamine) and to asses oleate and linoleate mass. A combination of 500 nM Ca2+, a guanine nucleotide, and stimulation with n-formyl-met-leu-phe (FMLP) were necessary to induce maximal AA release in permeabilized PMN measured by either method; AA was preferentially released. [3H]AA and AA mass release occurred in parallel over time. A hydrolyzable form of ATP was necessary for maximum AA release and staurosporin inhibited PLA2 activation. Dithiothreitol treatment had little affect on [3H]AA release and metabolism but inhibited AA mass release. Assay of cell supernatants after cofactor addition did not detect sPLA2 activity and the cytosolic buffer utilized did not support activity of recombinant sPLA2. These results strongly suggested that cPLA2 was the enzyme activated in the permeabilized cell model and this is the first report which unambiguously demonstrates AA release in response to activation of a specific type of PLA2 in PMN.  相似文献   

The current study examined the signal transduction steps involved in the selective release of arachidonic acid (AA) induced by the addition of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) isotypes to bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC). Overexpression of sPLA2 receptors caused a marked increase in AA and PGD2 release after stimulation of BMMC, implicating sPLA2 receptors in this process. The hypothesis that the release of AA by sPLA2 involved activation of cytosolic PLA2 (cPLA2) was next tested. Addition of group IB PLA2 to BMMC caused a transient increase in cPLA2 activity and translocation of this activity to membrane fractions. Western analyses revealed that these changes in cPLA2 were accompanied by a time-dependent gel shift of cPLA2 induced by phosphorylation of cPLA2 at various sites. A noncatalytic ligand of the sPLA2 receptor, p-amino-phenyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside BSA, also induced an increase in cPLA2 activity in BMMC. sPLA2 receptor ligands induced the phosphorylation of p44/p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Additionally, an inhibitor of p44/p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (PD98059) significantly inhibited sPLA2-induced cPLA2 activation and AA release. sPLA2 receptor ligands also increased Ras activation while an inhibitor of tyrosine phosphorylation (herbimycin) inhibited the increase in cPLA2 activation and AA release. Addition of partially purified sPLA2 from BMMC enhanced cPLA2 activity and AA release. Similarly, overexpression of mouse groups IIA or V PLA2 in BMMC induced an increase in AA release. These data suggest that sPLA2 mediate the selective release of AA by binding to cell surface receptors and then inducing signal transduction events that lead to cPLA2 activation.  相似文献   

A phospholipase A2 was purified from rabbit platelet cytosolic fraction to near homogeneity by sequential column chromatographies on heparin-Sepharose, DEAE-Sephacel, butyl-Toyopearl, DEAE-5PW ion-exchange HPLC, and TSK gel G3000SW gel-filtration HPLC. The final preparation with an estimated specific activity of 8630 nmol/min per mg protein, showed a single band with a molecular mass of about 88 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining. The 88-kDa phospholipase A2 exhibited a fatty acid preference; it hydrolyzed phospholipid bearing an arachidonoyl residue at the sn-2 position more effectively than that with a linoleoyl residue. The catalytic activity of the purified enzyme with phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine increased sharply in the presence of between 10(-7) and 10(-6) M calcium ion, indicating that it could be regulated by less than micromolar concentration of calcium. These characteristics differ from those of platelet secretory 14-kDa phospholipase A2 reported previously. Therefore, this 88-kDa enzyme is a novel phospholipase A2 and may participate in the stimulus-dependent release of arachidonoyl residues in rabbit platelets.  相似文献   

The three known human Group IV phospholipase A2 (PLA2) paralogs, Group IVA, IVB and IVC, were overexpressed in Sf9 insect cells using the baculovirus expression system. An endogenous, calcium-independent PLA2 activity was identified in the insect cell lysates, which can be inhibited by bromoenol lactone (BEL). The Group IV PLA2 enzymes were characterized in overexpressing insect cell lysates in the presence of BEL, enabling their differentiation from the endogenous PLA2 activity. Group IVC PLA2 was found to have significant lysophospholipase activity, while Group IVB PLA2 did not. Of the three paralogs, only the Group IVA PLA2 shows enhanced activity in the presence of PIP2, which enables its differential detection in cell homogenates. RT-PCR was used to demonstrate the presence of all three enzymes in human U937 and human WISH cells, while only Group IVA and Group IVB PLA2 were detected in murine P388D1 cells and human astrocytes at the mRNA level.  相似文献   

Two studies of the behaviour of cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) in the red blood cell (RBC), as measured by ELISA, are described. In the first study we show a significant increase in cPLA(2) in patients with schizophrenia compared to controls and suggest that this measure, if corroborated, could be used as a diagnostic marker. In a second study we found that washing the RBC introduced an unknown confounding variable which led us to reject this study. A subsequent investigation of washing red cells showed that the washing effect may be due to a plasma factor likely to be more than 5kDa MW which can be removed from red cells by washing with buffers. When the cells are washed, the concentration of cPLA(2) in the red cell, as measured by ELISA, significantly increases. We advise against washing the red cell in any study that involves measuring cPLA(2) by ELISA.  相似文献   

Cytosolic phospholipase A2 alpha (cPLA2α, type IVA phospholipase) acts at the membrane surface to release free arachidonic acid, which is metabolized into inflammatory mediators, including leukotrienes and prostaglandins. Thus, specific cPLA2α inhibitors are predicted to have antiinflammatory properties. However, a key criterion in the identification and development of such inhibitors is to distinguish between compounds that bind stoichiometrically to cPLA2α and nonspecific membrane perturbants. In the current study, we developed a method employing isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) to characterize the binding of several distinct classes of cPLA2α inhibitors. Thermodynamic parameters and the binding constants were obtained following titration of the inhibitor to the protein at 30 °C and pH 7.4. The compounds tested bound cPLA2α with a 1:1 stoichiometry, and the dissociation constant Kd of the inhibitors calculated from the ITC experiments correlated well with the IC50 values obtained from enzymatic assays. Interestingly, binding was observed only in the presence of a micellar surface, even for soluble compounds. The site of binding of these inhibitors within cPLA2α was analyzed by testing for binding in the presence of methyl arachidonyl fluorophosphonate (MAFP), an irreversible active site inhibitor of cPLA2α. Lack of binding of inhibitors in the presence of MAFP suggested that the compounds tested bound specifically at or near the active site of the protein. Furthermore, the effect of various detergents on the binding of certain inhibitors to cPLA2α was also tested. The results are discussed with reference to thermodynamic parameters such as changes in enthalpy (ΔH), entropy (ΔS), and free energy (ΔG). The data obtained from these studies provide not only structure-activity relationships for compounds but also important information regarding mechanism of binding. This is the first example of ITC used for studying inhibitors of enzymes with interfacial kinetics.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha and interleukin (IL)-1beta are responsible for the healing of gastric lesions through, in part, prostaglandin (PG) generation. We examined the contribution of cytosolic and secretory phospholipase A(2)s (cPLA(2) and sPLA(2)) to the PG generation by rat gastric epithelial cells in response to both stimuli. Stimulation with TGF-alpha for 24 h increased cPLA(2) and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 markedly, PGE(2) slightly, and type IIA sPLA(2) and COX-1 not at all, whereas IL-1beta increased sPLA(2) only. Both stimuli synergistically increased PGE(2), sPLA(2), and the two COXs but not cPLA(2). The onset of the PGE(2) generation paralleled the sPLA(2) release but was apparently preceded by increases in cPLA(2) and the two COXs. The increase in PGE(2) was impaired by inhibitors for sPLA(2) and COX-2 but not COX-1. cPLA(2) inhibitors suppressed PGE(2) generation by TGF-alpha alone but not augmentation of PGE(2) generation or sPLA(2) release by IL-1beta in combination with TGF-alpha. Furthermore, despite an increase in cPLA(2) including its phosphorylated form (phosphoserine), -induced arachidonic acid liberation was impaired in the TGF-alpha/IL-1beta-stimulated cells, in which p11, a putative cPLA(2) inhibitory molecule, was also increased and co-immunoprecipitated with cPLA(2). These results suggest that synergistic stimulation of sPLA(2) and COX-2 expression by TGF-alpha and IL-1beta results in an increase in PGE(2). Presumably, the preceding cPLA(2) expression is not involved in the PGE(2) generation, because of impairment of its hydrolytic activity in the stimulated cells.  相似文献   

The effect of epidermal growth factor on the levels of cytosolic phospholipase A2 mRNA and protein in cultured rat endometrial stromal cells isolated from uteri sensitized for the decidual cell reaction was examined. Treatment with epidermal growth factor increased the steady-state cytosolic phospholipase A2 mRNA and protein levels as demonstrated by Northern and Western blot analyses, respectively. Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated an increase of cytosolic phospholipase A2 protein in most cells, as opposed to a small subpopulation of cells in culture. These results show that epidermal growth factor causes an increase in steady-state cytosolic phospholipase A2 mRNA and protein levels in rat endometrial stromal cells from uteri sensitized for the decidual cell reaction. Epidermal growth factor receptor ligands may regulate cytosolic phospholipase A2 and thus prostaglandin production in the endometrial stromal cells during implantation.  相似文献   

Cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) alpha plays critical roles in lipid mediator synthesis. We performed far-Western analysis and identified a 60-kDa protein (P60) that interacted with cPLA(2)alpha in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Peptide microsequencing revealed that purified P60 was identical to vimentin, a major component of the intermediate filament. The interaction occurred between the C2 domain of cPLA(2)alpha and the head domain of vimentin. Immunofluorescence microscopic analysis demonstrated that cPLA(2)alpha and vimentin colocalized around the perinuclear area in cPLA(2)alpha-overexpressing human embryonic kidney 293 cells following A23187 stimulation. Forcible expression of vimentin in vimentin-deficient SW13 cells augmented A23187-induced arachidonate release. Moreover, overexpression of the vimentin head domain in rat fibroblastic 3Y1 cells exerted a dominant inhibitory effect on arachidonate metabolism, significantly reducing A23187-induced arachidonate release and attendant prostanoid generation. These results suggest that vimentin is an adaptor for cPLA(2)alpha to function properly during the eicosanoid-biosynthetic process.  相似文献   

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