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Utilization of arginine by Klebsiella aerogenes.   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Klebsiella aerogenes utilized arginine as the sole source of carbon or nitrogen for growth. Arginine was degraded to 2-ketoglutarate and not to succinate, since a citrate synthaseless mutant grows on arginine as the only nitrogen source. When glucose was the energy source, all four nitrogen atoms of arginine were utilized. Three of them apparently did not pass through ammonia but were transferred by transamination, since a mutant unable to produce glutamate by glutamate synthase or glutamate dehydrogenase utilized three of four nitrogen atoms of arginine. Urea was not involved as intermediate, since a unreaseless mutant did not accumulate urea and grew on arginine as efficiently as the wild-type strain. Ornithine appeared to be an intermediate, because cells grown either on glucose and arginine or arginine alone could convert arginine in the presence of hydroxylamine to ornithine. This indicates that an amidinotransferase is the initiating enzyme of arginine breakdown. In addition, the cells contained a transaminase specific for ornithine. In contrast to the hydroxylamine-dependent reaction, this activity could be demonstrated in extracts. The arginine-utilizing system (aut) is apparently controlled like the enzymes responsible for the degradation of histidine (hut) through induction, catabolite repression, and activation by glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

Methods for Growing Tintinnida in Continuous Culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A continuous—flow culturing apparatus was developed forrearing Tintinnida. Control over the yield of protozoa is throughadjustment of both the food input and the flow rate. The maximumsustained output of Tintinnopsis beroidea approached 103 cells/ml,and higher yields are believed possible. The advantages of theapparatus for ecological investigations, and the required modificationsfor analysis of tintinnid trophodynamics, are discussed.  相似文献   

When Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, an obligate anaerobe from the human colonic flora, was grown in continuous culture with the mucopolysaccharide chondroitin sulfate as the limiting source of carbohydrate, growth yields ranged from 48 g of cell dry weight per mol of equivalent monosaccharide at a growth rate of 3.5 h per generation to 32 g per mol at a growth rate of 24 h per generation. The theoretical maximum growth yield (61 g of cell dry weight per mol of equivalent monosaccharide) was comparable to that of 54 g per mol, which was obtained previously when glucuronic acid, a component of chondroitin sulfate, was the limiting carbohydrate (S. F. Kotarski and A. A. Salyers, J. Bacteriol. 146:853-860, 1981). However, the maintenance coefficient was three times higher when chondroitin sulfate was the substrate than when glucuronic acid was the substrate. The specific activity of chondroitin lyase (EC, an enzyme which cleaves chondroitin sulfate into disaccharides, declined by nearly 50% as growth rates decreased from 3.5 to 24 h per generation. By contrast, the specific activities of several glycolytic enzymes and disaccharidases remained constant over this range of growth rates. Although chondroitin sulfate was growth limiting, some carbohydrate was detectable in the extracellular fluid at all growth rates. At rapid growth rates (1 to 2 h per generation), this residual carbohydrate included fragments of chondroitin sulfate having a wide range of molecular weights. At slower growth rates (2 to 24 h per generation), the residual carbohydrate consisted mainly of a small fragment which migrated on paper chromatograms more slowly than the disaccharides produced by chondroitin lyase but faster than a tetrasaccharide. This small fragment may represent the reducing end of the chondroitin sulfate molecule.  相似文献   

Regulation of Glycerol Catabolism in Klebsiella aerogenes   总被引:18,自引:17,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The utilization of glycerol as a carbon source for growth by Klebsiella aerogenes, strain 2103, involves separate aerobic (sn-glycerol-3-phosphate or G3P) and anaerobic (dihydroxyacetone or DHA) pathways of catabolism. Enzyme and transport activities of the aerobic pathway are elevated in cells grown under oxygenated conditions on glycerol or G3P. Anaerobic growth on G3P as carbon source requires the presence of an exogenous hydrogen acceptor such as fumarate; cells thus grown also are highly induced in the G3P pathway. Anaerobic growth on glycerol requires no exogenous hydrogen acceptors; cells thus grown are highly induced in the DHA pathway but almost uninduced in the G3P pathway and the addition of fumarate electron acceptors has no effect on the relative levels of the two pathways. When both glycerol and G3P are provided anaerobically with fumarate, the DHA pathway is still preferentially induced, which probably accounts for the exclusive utilization of glycerol until its exhaustion. These observations suggest the presence of a regulatory control of G3P pathway imposed by the operation of the DHA pathway.  相似文献   

Klebsiella aerogenes ATCC 9621 was able to utilize phosphonates (Pn), including aminoethylphosphonate, ethylphosphonate, methylphosphonate (MPn), and phosphonoacetate, and inorganic phosphite (Pt) as sole sources of phosphorus (P). The products of the phn gene cluster were absolutely required for Pn breakdown and Pt oxidation to inorganic phosphate (Pi) in this organism. To determine if K. aerogenes ATCC 9621 could be engineered to enhance the utilization of Pn and Pt, a multicopy plasmid, pBI05, which carried the entire phn gene cluster, was introduced into this strain. Despite the increased dosage of the phn genes, K. aerogenes ATCC 9621(pBI05) could utilize only up to 1.1-fold more Pn and Pt than did the control strain with the parent vector alone. These results suggested that Pi, which was generated from Pn and Pt, might limit further utilization of these P compounds. Consequently, to convert the resulting Pi to polyphosphate (polyP), the plasmid pKP28, which carried the K. aerogenes ppk gene (which encodes polyP kinase), was introduced into K. aerogenes ATCC 9621(pBI05). Overexpression of the ppk gene in K. aerogenes ATCC 9621(pBI05, pKP28) resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in Pt utilization over that of the control strain. This recombinant strain also accumulated approximately sixfold more P than did the control strain when the cells were grown with MPn as a sole source of P.  相似文献   

Urease from Klebsiella aerogenes is composed of three subunits (UreA-UreB-UreC) that assemble into a (UreABC)(3) quaternary structure. UreC harbors the dinuclear nickel active site, whereas the functions of UreA and UreB remain unknown. UreD and UreF accessory proteins previously were suggested to reposition UreB and increase the level of exposure of the nascent urease active site, thus facilitating metallocenter assembly. In this study, cells were engineered to separately produce (UreAC)(3) or UreB, and the purified proteins were characterized. Monomeric UreB spontaneously binds to the trimeric heterodimer of UreA and UreC to form (UreABC*)(3) apoprotein, as shown by gel filtration chromatography, integration of electrophoretic gel band intensities, and mass spectrometry. Similar to the authentic urease apoprotein, the active enzyme is produced by incubation of (UreABC*)(3) with Ni(2+) and bicarbonate. Conversely, UreBΔ1-19, lacking the 19-residue potential hinge and tether to UreC, does not form a complex with (UreAC)(3) and yields negligible levels of the active enzyme when incubated under activation conditions with (UreAC)(3). Comparison of activities and nickel contents for (UreAC)(3), (UreABC*)(3), and (UreABC)(3) samples treated with Ni(2+) and bicarbonate and then desalted indicates that UreB facilitates efficient incorporation of the metal into the active site and protects the bound metal from chelation. Amylose resin pull-down studies reveal that MBP-UreD (a fusion of maltose binding protein with UreD) forms complexes with (UreABC)(3), (UreAC)(3), and UreB in vivo, but not in vitro. By contrast, MBP-UreD does not form an in vivo complex with UreBΔ1-19. The soluble MBP-UreD-UreF-UreG complex binds in vitro to (UreABC)(3), but not to (UreAC)(3) or UreB. Together, these data demonstrate that UreB facilitates the interaction of urease with accessory proteins during metallocenter assembly, with the N-terminal hinge and tether region being specifically required for this process. In addition to its role in urease activation, UreB enhances the stability of UreC against proteolytic cleavage.  相似文献   

The respiration and the ATP content of Klebsiella aerogenes in the presence of various inhibitors were compared to the transport of scyllo-inositol. The ATPase was found to be inhibited by dicyclohexyl carbodiimide. The transport has been tested in anaerobiosis and aerobiosis. From the results obtained it is concluded that either ATP or respiration can sustain the transport activity in independent manner. 2. The energy derived from the respiratory chain reactions or the ATP hydrolysis results in electrogenic extrusion of protons. The electrochemical potential created drives the accumulation of scyllo-inositol, as shown by an increase of pH of the medium on addition of the substrate to cells in anaerobiosis. With non-induced cells no change in pH occurs, which demonstrates that proton flow is really linked to the transport. No H+/Na+ or K+ exchange is observed and the proton conductor carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone abolishes the pH shift caused by substrate addition. The stoichiometry of the symport H+/cyclitol is 1 and the half-maximum value of the pH variation as a function of the amount of scyllo-inositol added corresponds to a concentration of scyllo-inositol very close to the KT of influx.  相似文献   

In Klebsiella aerogenes, arylsulfatase synthesis was repressed by inorganic sulfate, sulfite, sulfide, thiosulfate, and cysteine, but not by methionine under normal growth conditions. We isolated cysteine-requiring mutants (Cys minus), and mutants (AtsS minus, AtsR minus) in which the regulation of arylsulfatase synthesis was altered. In the cysteine auxotroph, enzyme synthesis was also repressed by inorganic sulfate or cysteine. Kinetic studies on mutants of the cysteine auxotroph showed that inorganic sulfate repressed arylsulfatase synthesis and that this was not due to cysteine formed by reduction of sulfate. Arylsulfatase synthesis in the AtsS minus mutant was not repressed by inorganic sulfate but was repressed by cysteine. This mutant strain had a normal level of inorganic sulfate transport. Another mutant strain, defective in the inorganic sulfate transport system, synthesized arylsulfatase in the presence of inorganic sulfate but not in the presence of cysteine. The AtsS minus mutant could synthesize the enzyme in the presence of inorganic sulfate but not cysteine. The AtsR minus mutant could synthesize the enzyme in the presence of either inorganic sulfate or cysteine. These results suggest that there are two independent functional corepressors of arylsulfatase synthesis in K. aerogenes.  相似文献   

While studying the interaction of Cryptococcus neoformans with Dictyostelium discoideum, we noticed that yeast colonies in agar with a feeder lawn of Klebsiella aerogenes were brown. This finding was intriguing because C. neoformans colonies are not pigmented unless they are provided with precursors for melanization. Strains of all C. neoformans serotypes produced brown pigment in response to K. aerogenes at 22, 30, and 37°C. Pigment production required fungal laccase and was suppressed by high concentrations of glucose. Treatment of brown cells with guanidinium isothiocyanate and hot concentrated HCl yielded particulate material that had the physical and chemical characteristics of melanins. No pigment formation was observed when C. neoformans was exposed to live Escherichia coli or heat-killed K. aerogenes. Analysis of K. aerogenes supernatants revealed the presence of dopamine, which can be a substrate for melanin synthesis by C. neoformans. Our findings illustrate a remarkable interaction between a pathogenic fungus and a gram-negative bacterium, in which the bacterium produces a substrate that promotes fungal melanization. This observation provides a precedent that could explain the source of a substrate for C. neoformans melanization in the environment.  相似文献   

While studying the interaction of Cryptococcus neoformans with Dictyostelium discoideum, we noticed that yeast colonies in agar with a feeder lawn of Klebsiella aerogenes were brown. This finding was intriguing because C. neoformans colonies are not pigmented unless they are provided with precursors for melanization. Strains of all C. neoformans serotypes produced brown pigment in response to K. aerogenes at 22, 30, and 37 degrees C. Pigment production required fungal laccase and was suppressed by high concentrations of glucose. Treatment of brown cells with guanidinium isothiocyanate and hot concentrated HCl yielded particulate material that had the physical and chemical characteristics of melanins. No pigment formation was observed when C. neoformans was exposed to live Escherichia coli or heat-killed K. aerogenes. Analysis of K. aerogenes supernatants revealed the presence of dopamine, which can be a substrate for melanin synthesis by C. neoformans. Our findings illustrate a remarkable interaction between a pathogenic fungus and a gram-negative bacterium, in which the bacterium produces a substrate that promotes fungal melanization. This observation provides a precedent that could explain the source of a substrate for C. neoformans melanization in the environment.  相似文献   

Deletion-mapping of resistance against chlorate in Klebsiella aerogenes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Chlorate-resistant mutants with deletions have been isolated from Klebsiella aerogenes. Mutants with deletions in the gal-bio region of the genetic map can be divided into 9 groups. From the properties of the various groups of mutants the gene order nic A-aro G-gal-chl D-hut-bio-uvr B-chl A is deduced. Furthermore deletions have been observed in a segment of the chromosome containing nic B, thi B, inl B, and chl G. Thi B and chl G are adjacent but no more information about the gene order in this segment can be given. In both segments a great homology is observed with the corresponding regions of the genetic maps of E. coli and S. typhimurium. Deletions of chl A, chl D or chl G have a pleiotropic effect. Mutants with a deletion of one of these genes do not produce nitrite from nitrate or gas from glucose.  相似文献   

Selective inhibition of growth by pentitols was observed when Klebsiella aerogenes M-7 which could not utilize pentitols was grown on pentoses. D-Arabitol inhibited the growth on D-arabinose as a sole carbon source, but had no effect on the growth on L-arabinose, D-xylose, and D-ribose. Similarly, L-arabitol inhibited the growth on D-arabinose and L-arabinose, ribitol inhibited the growth on D-arabinose and L-arabinose, and xylitol inhibited the growth on D-xylose. From the following reasons, we postulated that the selective growth inhibition by pentitols was due to the competitive inhibition of pentose isomerase reaction by the cell by pentitols. (i) D-Arabinose transport activity was not inhibited by pentitols. (ii) Induction of D-arabinose and L-arabinose isomerases was not inhibited by D- and L-arabitol, respectively. (iii) The specificity of growth inhibition by pentitols was the same as that of competitive inhibition of pentose isomerases by pentitols.  相似文献   

A Basu  S Subramanian  C SivaRaman 《Biochemistry》1982,21(18):4434-4437
p-Azidobenzoyl coenzyme A functions as a linear competitive inhibitor for (3S)-citryl-CoA in the citryl-CoA oxaloacetate-lyase reaction catalyzed by the Klebsiella aerogenes deacetylcitrate lyase complex (Ki = 80 microM; (3S)-citryl-CoA Km = 67 microM). Inactivation is irreversible on photolysis of p-azidobenzoyl-CoA in the presence of the deacetylcitrate lyase complex. Mg2+ is not required for the inactivation. Inactivation is blocked by (3S)-citryl-CoA in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. p-Azidobenzoyl-CoA has no effect on the acetyl-CoA:citrate CoA transferase activity of both the deacetylcitrate lyase complex and its isolated transferase subunit. The stoichiometry of the CoA ester binding has been investigated by the use of p-azido[14C]benzoyl-CoA as a photoaffinity reagent. The labeling is exclusively on the lyase beta subunit of the citrate lyase complex.  相似文献   

The spike G protein of bacteriophage φX174 was prepared as a hexa histidine-tagged G protein (HisG). In the enzyme-linked plate assay, HisG bound specifically to lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) of the φX174-sensitive strains, and did not bind to LPSs of the φX174-insensitive strains. The truncated G protein obtained after trypsin digestion of HisG had the similar affinity to the LPSs to HisG, indicating that eight amino acid residues from the N-terminus are not essential to the binding with the LPSs.  相似文献   

Bitton  Gabriel  Lahav  N.  Henis  Y. 《Plant and Soil》1974,40(2):373-380
Plant and Soil - The movement and retention of two strains of Klebsiella aerogenes into saturated soil columns was found to depend on soil type, pH, and bacterial size. The movement of the cells...  相似文献   

Regulation of tyramine oxidase synthesis in Klebsiella aerogenes.   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Tyramine oxidase in Klebsiella aerogenes is highly specific for tyramine, dopamine, octopamine, and norepinephrine, and its synthesis is induced specifically by these compounds. The enzyme is present in a membrane-bound form. The Km value for tyramine is 9 X 10(-4) M. Tyramine oxidase synthesis was subjected to catabolite repression by glucose in the presence of ammonium salts. Addition of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) overcame the catabolite repression. A mutant strain, K711, which can produce a high level of beta-galactosidase in the presence of glucose and ammonium chloride, can also synthesize tyramine oxidase and histidase in the presence of inducer in glucose ammonium medium. Catabolite repression of tyramine oxidase synthesis was relieved when the cells were grown under conditions of nitrogen limitation, whereas beta-galactosidase was strongly repressed under these conditions. A cAMP-requiring mutant, MK54, synthesized tyramine oxidase rapidly when tyramine was used as the sole source of nitrogen in the absence of cAMP. However, a glutamine synthetase-constitutive mutant, MK94, failed to synthesize tyramine oxidase in the presence of glucose and ammonium chloride, although it synthesized histidase rapidly under these conditions. These results suggest that catabolite repression of tyramine oxidase synthesis in K. aerogenes is regulated by the intracellular level of cAMP and an unknown cytoplasmic factor that acts independently of cAMP and is formed under conditions of nitrogen limitation.  相似文献   

Citrate uptake in membrane vesicles of Klebsiella aerogenes.   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In whole cells of Klebsiella aerogenes grown anaerobically on citrate as sole carbon source, citrate uptake is followed by rapid catabolism of the substrate via the inducible citrate fermentation pathway. Membrane vesicles prepared from such cells take up citrate but do not catabolize it. Vesicles process d-lactate dehydrogenase and the Na+-requiring oxalacetate decarboxylase. Citrate is taken up in the presence of Na+, and other monovalent cations, such as NH4+, Rb+, Cs+, or K+, do not substitute for Na+. Li+ appears to act synergistically with Na+. Citrate uptake is inhibited by N-2, cyanide, azide, sulfhydryl reagents, dinitrophenol, fluorcitrate, and hydroxycitrate.  相似文献   

In order to assess the functional significance of the quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase recently found to be present in K+-limited Klebsiella aerogenes, a broad study was made of the influence of specific environmental conditions on the cellular content of this enzyme. Whereas high activities were manifest in cells from glucose containing chemostat cultures that were either potassium- or phosphate-limited, only low activities were apparent in cells from similar cultures that were either glucose-, sulphate- or ammonia-limited. With these latter two cultures, a marked increase in glucose dehydrogenase activity was observed when 2,4-dinitrophenol (1 mM end concentration) was added to the growth medium. These results suggested that the synthesis of glucose dehydrogenase is not regulated by the level of glucose in the growth medium, but possibly by conditions that imposed an energetic stress upon the cells. This conclusion was further supported by a subsequent finding that K+-limited cells that were growing on glycerol also synthesized substantial amounts of glucose dehydrogenase.The enzyme was found to be membrane associated, and preliminary evidence has been obtained that it is located on the periplasmic side of the cytoplasmic membrane and functionally linked to the respiratory chain. This structural and functional orientation is consistent with glucose dehydrogenase serving as a low impedance energy generating system.Abbreviations D dilution rate - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - PQQ 2,7,9-tricarboxy-1H-pyrrolo(2,3-f)quinoline-4,5-dione - PTS phosphoenolpyruvate: glucose phosphotransferase - WB Wurster's Blue  相似文献   

Genetic control of arylsulfatase synthesis in Klebsiella aerogenes.   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
It was shown that at least four genes are specifically responsible for arylsulfatase synthesis in Klebsiella aerogenes. Mutations at chromosome site atsA result in enzymatically inactive arylsulfatase. Mutants showing constitutive synthesis of arylsulfatase (atsR) were isolated by using inorganic sulfate or cysteine as the sulfur source. Another mutation in which repression of arylsulfatase by inorganic sulfate or cysteine could not be relieved by tyramine was determined by genetic analysis to be on the tyramine oxidase gene (tyn). This site was distinguished from the atsC mutation site, which is probably concerned with the action or synthesis of corepressors of arylsulfatase synthesis. Genetic analysis with transducing phage PW52 showed that the order of mutation sites was atsC-atsR-atsA-tynA-tynB. On the basis of these results and previous physiological findings, we propose a new model for regulation of arylsulfatase synthesis.  相似文献   

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