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One technique employed by competitive breath-hold divers to increase diving depth is to hyperinflate the lungs with glossopharyngeal breathing (GPB). Our aim was to assess the relationship between measured volume and pressure changes due to GPB. Seven healthy male breath-hold divers, age 33 (8) [mean (SD)] years were recruited. Subjects performed baseline body plethysmography (TLC(PRE)). Plethysmography and mouth relaxation pressure were recorded immediately following a maximal GPB maneuver at total lung capacity (TLC) (TLC(GPB)) and within 5 min after the final GPB maneuver (TLC(POST)). Mean TLC increased from TLC(PRE) to TLC(GPB) by 1.95 (0.66) liters and vital capacity (VC) by 1.92 (0.56) liters (P < 0.0001), with no change in residual volume. There was an increase in TLC(POST) compared with TLC(PRE) of 0.16 liters (0.14) (P < 0.02). Mean mouth relaxation pressure at TLC(GPB) was 65 (19) cmH(2)O and was highly correlated with the percent increase in TLC (R = 0.96). Breath-hold divers achieve substantial increases in measured lung volumes using GPB primarily from increasing VC. Approximately one-third of the additional air was accommodated by air compression.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the contribution of ventilation to arterial O2 desaturation during maximal exercise. Nine untrained subjects and 22 trained long-distance runners [age 18-36 yr, maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) 48-74 ml.min-1 x kg-1] volunteered to participate in the study. The subjects performed an incremental exhaustive cycle ergometry test at 70 rpm of pedaling frequency, during which arterial O2 saturation (SaO2) and ventilatory data were collected every minute. SaO2 was estimated with a pulse oximeter. A significant positive correlation was found between SaO2 and end-tidal PO2 (PETO2; r = 0.72, r2 = 0.52, P < 0.001) during maximal exercise. These statistical results suggest that approximately 50% of the variability of SaO2 can be accounted for by differences in PETO2, which reflects alveolar PO2. Furthermore, PETO2 was highly correlated with the ventilatory equivalent for O2 (VE/VO2; r = 0.91, P < 0.001), which indicates that PETO2 could be the result of ventilation stimulated by maximal exercise. Finally, SaO2 was positively related to VE/VO2 during maximal exercise (r = 0.74, r2 = 0.55, P < 0.001). Therefore, one-half of the arterial O2 desaturation occurring during maximal exercise may be explained by less hyperventilation, specifically for our subjects, who demonstrated a wide range of trained states. Furthermore, we found an indirect positive correlation between SaO2 and ventilatory response to CO2 at rest (r = 0.45, P < 0.05), which was mediated by ventilation during maximal exercise. These data also suggest that ventilation is an important factor for arterial O2 desaturation during maximal exercise.  相似文献   

Limited information exists concerning arterial blood pressure (BP) changes in underwater breath-hold diving. Simulated chamber dives to 50 m of freshwater (mfw) reported very high levels of invasive BP in two divers during static apnea (SA), whereas a recent study using a noninvasive subaquatic sphygmomanometer reported unchanged or mildly increased values at 10 m SA dive. In this study we investigated underwater BP changes during not only SA but, for the first time, dynamic apnea (DA) and shortened (SHT) DA in 16 trained breath-hold divers. Measurements included BP (subaquatic sphygmomanometer), ECG, and pulse oxymetry (arterial oxygen saturation, SpO?, and heart rate). BP was measured during dry conditions, at surface fully immersed (SA), and at 2 mfw (DA and SHT DA), whereas ECG and pulse oxymetry were measured continuously. We have found significantly higher mean arterial pressure (MAP) values in SA (~40%) vs. SHT DA (~30%). Postapneic recovery of BP was slightly slower after SHT DA. Significantly higher BP gain (mmHg/duration of apnea in s) was found in SHT DA vs. SA. Furthermore, DA attempts resulted in faster desaturation vs. SA. In conclusion, we have found moderate increases in BP during SA, DA, and SHT DA. These cardiovascular changes during immersed SA and DA are in agreement with those reported for dry SA and DA.  相似文献   

The objectives of these experiments were 1) to describe the effect of maximum treadmill exercise on gas exchange, arterial blood gases, and arterial blood oxygenation in rats acclimated for 3 wk to simulated altitude (SA, barometric pressure 370-380 Torr) and 2) to determine the contribution of acid-base changes to the changes in arterial blood oxygenation of hypoxic exercise. Maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) was measured in four groups of rats: 1) normoxic controls run in normoxia (Nx), 2) normoxic controls run in acute hypoxia [AHx inspiratory PO2 (PIO2) approximately 70 Torr], 3) SA rats run in hypoxia (3WHx, PIO2 approximately 70 Torr), and 4) SA rats run in normoxia (ANx). VO2max (ml STPD.min-1.kg-1) was 70.8 +/- 0.9 in Nx, 46.4 +/- 1.9 in AHx, 52.6 +/- 1.1 in 3WHx, and 70.0 +/- 2.4 in ANx. Exercise resulted in acidosis, hypocapnia, and elevated blood lactate in all groups. Although blood lactate increased less in 3WHx and ANx, pH was the same or lower than in Nx and AHx, reflecting the low buffer capacity of SA. In AHx and 3WHx, arterial PO2 increased with exercise; however, O2 saturation of hemoglobin in arterial blood (SaO2) decreased. In vitro measurements of the Bohr shift suggest that SaO2 decreased as a result of a decrease in hemoglobin O2 affinity. The data indicate that several features of hypoxic exercise in this model are similar to those seen in humans, with the exception of the mechanism of decrease in SaO2, which, in humans, appears to be due to incomplete alveolar-capillary equilibration.  相似文献   

We examined the rate of fall of arterial O2 saturation (dSao2/dt) after apnea onset in four spontaneously breathing adult male baboons. We postulated that a lower mixed venous O2 saturation (Svo2) would steepen dSao2/dt by more rapid depletion of alveolar O2. Single isolated (NREP) and five or more sequential repetitive apneas (REP) were created by clamping an indwelling cuffed endotracheal tube at end expiration. Fiberoptic catheters were used for continuous monitoring of Sao2, Svo2, and cardiac output. The mean dSao2/dt for all duration NREP apneas was 0.60%/s. Mean dSao2/dt increased above base line for each consecutive REP apnea and was higher in 60 s than in 45 and 30 s REP apnea series. The increase in dSao2/dt corresponded closely with the fall in preapneic Svo2. Preapneic arterial O2 content fell during successive REP apneas but the maximal decrement from base line (1.3 ml/dl) was much less than the maximal decrement in preapneic mixed venous O2 content of 5.1 ml/dl. Preapneic cardiac output for NREP apneas and nadir cardiac output for REP apneas remained constant. Nadir cardiac output for NREP apneas showed higher values for longer duration apneas. We concluded that dSao2/dt is inversely related to preapneic Svo2.  相似文献   

1. Breath-hold divers are widely assumed to descend and ascend at the speed that minimizes energy expenditure per distance travelled (the cost of transport (COT)) to maximize foraging duration at depth. However, measuring COT with captive animals is difficult, and empirical support for this hypothesis is sparse. 2. We examined the scaling relationship of swim speed in free-ranging diving birds, mammals and turtles (37 species; mass range, 0·5-90,000 kg) with phylogenetically informed statistical methods and derived the theoretical prediction for the allometric exponent under the COT hypothesis by constructing a biomechanical model. 3. Swim speed significantly increased with mass, despite considerable variations around the scaling line. The allometric exponent (0·09) was statistically consistent with the theoretical prediction (0·05) of the COT hypothesis. 4. Our finding suggests a previously unrecognized advantage of size in divers: larger animals swim faster and thus could travel longer distance, search larger volume of water for prey and exploit a greater range of depths during a given dive duration. 5. Furthermore, as predicted from the model, endotherms (birds and mammals) swam faster than ectotherms (turtles) for their size, suggesting that metabolic power production limits swim speed. Among endotherms, birds swam faster than mammals, which cannot be explained by the model. Reynolds numbers of small birds (<2 kg) were close to the lower limit of turbulent flow (~ 3 × 10(5) ), and they swam fast possibly to avoid the increased drag associated with flow transition.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether oxygen supply to non-exercised muscle during recovery following fatiguing exercise is influenced by accumulated metabolites within exercised muscle. Twelve healthy male subjects performed 2-min isometric handgrip exercise at 40% maximal voluntary contraction with their right hand and the exercise was followed by a 3-min recovery period. Muscle oxygen saturation (SmO(2)) determined by near-infrared spatially resolved spectroscopy was used as an index of oxygen supply to non-exercised muscle and was measured in biceps brachii and tibialis anterior muscles on the left side. Compared to the pre-exercise baseline level, SmO(2) in the biceps brachii muscle (SmO(2BB)) increased significantly from 30 sec to 1 min after the start of exercise, while SmO(2) in the tibialis anterior muscle (SmO(2TA)) remained stable during the initial 1 min of exercise. Both SmO(2BB) and SmO(2TA) began to decrease at about 1 min and continued to decrease thereafter. Due to the initial increase in SmO(2BB), only SmO(2TA) showed a significant decrease during exercise. During recovery, SmO(2BB) did not differ significantly from the pre-exercise baseline level, whereas SmO(2TA) remained significantly lower until about 1.5 min of recovery and then it did not differ significantly from the baseline level. In another bout, subjects performed handgrip exercise of the same intensity, but post-exercise arterial occlusion (PEAO) of the exercised muscle was imposed for 2 min immediately after the end of exercise. During PEAO, SmO(2BB) decreased significantly compared to the baseline level, whereas SmO(2TA) remained significantly lower until the end of PEAO. The significant decrease in SmO(2BB) and the prolongation of decrease in SmO(2TA) by PEAO suggests that the recovery of SmO(2) in the non-exercised arm and leg is mediated by muscle metaboreceptors.  相似文献   

Repeated hypoxemia in obstructive sleep apnea patients increases sympathetic activity, thereby promoting arterial hypertension. Elite breath-holding divers are exposed to similar apneic episodes and hypoxemia. We hypothesized that trained divers would have increased resting sympathetic activity and blood pressure, as well as an excessive sympathetic nervous system response to hypercapnia. We recruited 11 experienced divers and 9 control subjects. During the diving season preceding the study, divers participated in 7.3 +/- 1.2 diving fish-catching competitions and 76.4 +/- 14.6 apnea training sessions with the last apnea 3-5 days before testing. We monitored beat-by-beat blood pressure, heart rate, femoral artery blood flow, respiration, end-tidal CO(2), and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA). After a baseline period, subjects began to rebreathe a hyperoxic gas mixture to raise end-tidal CO(2) to 60 Torr. Baseline MSNA frequency was 31 +/- 11 bursts/min in divers and 33 +/- 13 bursts/min in control subjects. Total MSNA activity was 1.8 +/- 1.5 AU/min in divers and 1.8 +/- 1.3 AU/min in control subjects. Arterial oxygen saturation did not change during rebreathing, whereas end-tidal CO(2) increased continuously. The slope of the hypercapnic ventilatory and MSNA response was similar in both groups. We conclude that repeated bouts of hypoxemia in elite, healthy breath-holding divers do not lead to sustained sympathetic activation or arterial hypertension. Repeated episodes of hypoxemia may not be sufficient to drive an increase in resting sympathetic activity in the absence of additional comorbidities.  相似文献   

Arterial oxygen saturation (SaO(2)) was measured at 3,600-3,850 m by pulse oximetry at rest and during submaximal exercise in three study groups: 1) highland Aymara natives of the Bolivian altiplano (n = 25); 2) lowland European/North American sojourners to the highlands with at least 2 months of acclimatization time to 3,600 m (n = 27); and 3) subjects of European ancestry born and raised at 3,600 m (n = 22). Aymara subjects maintained approximately 1 percentage point higher SaO(2) during submaximal work up to 70% of their maximal work capacity, and showed a smaller rate of decline in SaO(2) with increasing work compared to both European study groups. The higher-exercise SaO(2) of Aymara compared to Europeans born and raised at 3,600 m suggests genetic adaptation. The two European study groups, who differed by exposure to high altitude during their growth and development period, did not show any significant difference in either resting or exercise SaO(2). This suggests that the developmental mode of adaptation is less important than the genetic mode of adaptation in determining exercise SaO(2). A weak correlation was detected (across study groups only) between the residual forced vital capacity (FVC) and the residual SaO(2) measured at the highest level of submaximal work output (P = 0.024, R = 0.26). While firm conclusions based on this correlation are problematic, it is suggested that a part of the higher SaO(2) observed in Aymara natives is due to a larger lung volume and pulmonary diffusion capacity for oxygen. Results from this study are compared to similar studies conducted with Tibetan natives, and are interpreted in light of recent quantitative genetic analyses conducted in both the Andes and Himalayas.  相似文献   

End tidal O2 and CO2 (PETCO2) pressures, expired volume, blood lactate concentration ([Lab]), and arterial blood O2 saturation [dry breath holds (BHs) only] were assessed in three elite breath-hold divers (ED) before and after deep dives and BH and in nine control subjects (C; BH only). After the dives (depth 40-70 m, duration 88-151 s), end-tidal O2 pressure decreased from approximately 140 Torr to a minimum of 30.6 Torr, PETCO2 increased from approximately 25 Torr to a maximum of 47.0 Torr, and expired volume (BTPS) ranged from 1.32 to 2.86 liters. Pulmonary O2 exchange was 455-1,006 ml. CO2 output approached zero. [Lab] increased from approximately 1.2 mM to at most 6.46 mM. Estimated power output during dives was 513-929 ml O2/min, i.e. approximately 20-30% of maximal O2 consumption. During BH, alveolar PO2 decreased from approximately 130 to less than 30 Torr in ED and from 125 to 45 Torr in C. PETCO2 increased from approximately 30 to approximately 50 Torr in both ED and C. Contrary to C, pulmonary O2 exchange in ED was less than resting O2 consumption, whereas CO2 output approached zero in both groups. [Lab] was unchanged. Arterial blood O2 saturation decreased more in ED than in C. ED are characterized by increased anaerobic metabolism likely due to the existence of a diving reflex.  相似文献   

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