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The rapid turnover of actin filaments and the tertiary meshwork formation are regulated by a variety of actin-binding proteins. Protein phosphorylation of cofilin, an actin-binding protein that depolymerizes actin filaments, suppresses its function. Thus, cofilin is a terminal effector of signaling cascades that evokes actin cytoskeletal rearrangement. When wild-type LIMK2 and kinase-dead LIMK2 (LIMK2/KD) were respectively expressed in cells, LIMK2, but not LIMK2/KD, phosphorylated cofilin and induced formation of stress fibers and focal complexes. LIMK2 activity toward cofilin phosphorylation was stimulated by coexpression of activated Rho and Cdc42, but not Rac. Importantly, expression of activated Rho and Cdc42, respectively, induced stress fibers and filopodia, whereas both Rho- induced stress fibers and Cdc42-induced filopodia were abrogated by the coexpression of LIMK2/KD. In contrast, the coexpression of LIMK2/KD with the activated Rac did not affect Rac-induced lamellipodia formation. These results indicate that LIMK2 plays a crucial role both in Rho- and Cdc42-induced actin cytoskeletal reorganization, at least in part by inhibiting the functions of cofilin. Together with recent findings that LIMK1 participates in Rac-induced lamellipodia formation, LIMK1 and LIMK2 function under control of distinct Rho subfamily GTPases and are essential regulators in the Rho subfamilies-induced actin cytoskeletal reorganization.  相似文献   

The morphology and subcellular positioning of the Golgi complex depend on both microtubule and actin cytoskeletons. In contrast to microtubules, the role of actin cytoskeleton in the secretory pathway in mammalian cells has not been clearly established. Using cytochalasin D, we have previously shown that microfilaments are not involved in the endoplasmic reticulum–Golgi membrane dynamics. However, it has been reported that, unlike botulinum C2 toxin and latrunculins, cytochalasin D does not produce net depolymerization of actin filaments. Therefore, we have reassessed the functional role of actin microfilaments in the early steps of the biosynthetic pathway using C2 toxin and latrunculin B. The anterograde endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi transport monitored with the vesicular stomatitis virus-G protein remained unaltered in cells treated with cytochalasin D, latrunculin B or C2 toxin. Conversely, the brefeldin A-induced Golgi membrane fusion into the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum transport of a Shiga toxin mutant form, and the subcellular distribution of the KDEL receptor were all impaired when actin microfilaments were depolymerized by latrunculin B or C2 toxin. These findings, together with the fact that COPI-coated and uncoated vesicles contain β/γ-actin isoforms, indicate that actin microfilaments are involved in the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi interface, facilitating the retrograde Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum membrane transport, which could be mediated by the orchestrated movement of transport intermediates along microtubule and microfilament tracks.  相似文献   

N-WASP and Arp2/3, the components of the actin nucleation/polymerization signaling pathway governed by Cdc42, are located in Golgi membranes and regulate ER/Golgi interface protein transport. In the present study, we examined whether RhoA and Rac1, like Cdc42, are also involved in this early secretory pathway. Unlike Cdc42, RhoA and Rac1 were not observed in the Golgi complex of different clonal cell lines nor were they present in isolated Golgi membranes. Expression of constitutively active or inactive mutants of RhoA or Rac1 proteins in HeLa cells did not alter either the disassembly or the assembly of the Golgi complex following the addition or withdrawal of BFA, respectively, the ER-to-Golgi VSV-G transport or the Sar1(dn)-induced ER accumulation of Golgi proteins. Moreover, unlike Cdc42-expressing cells, the 15 degrees C-induced subcellular redistribution of the KDEL receptor remained unaltered. Only cells that constitutively express the activated Cdc42 mutant (Cdc42Q61L), or that were microinjected with activated Cdc42Q61L protein, exhibited a significant change in Golgi complex morphology. Collectively, our results demonstrate that RhoA and Rac1 are not located in the Golgi complex, nor do they directly or indirectly regulate membrane trafficking at the ER/Golgi interface. This finding, in turn, confirms that Cdc42 is the only Rho GTPase to have a specific function on the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Rho GTPases regulate a wide range of cellular functions affecting both cell proliferation and cytoskeletal dynamics. They cycle between inactive GDP- and active GTP-bound states. This cycle is tightly regulated by GEFs (guanine nucleotide-exchange factors) and GAPs (GTPase-activating proteins). Mouse CdGAP (mCdc42 GTPase-activating protein) has been previously identified and characterized as a specific GAP for Rac1 and Cdc42, but not for RhoA. It consists of an N-terminal RhoGAP domain and a C-terminal proline-rich region. In addition, CdGAP-related genes are present in both vertebrates and invertebrates. We have recently reported that two predominant isoforms of CdGAP (250 and 90 kDa) exist in specific mouse tissues. RESULTS: In the present study, we have identified and characterized human CdGAP (KIAA1204) which shares 76% sequence identity to the long isoform of mCdGAP (mCdGAP-l). Similar to mCdGAP, it is active in vitro and in vivo on both Cdc42 and Rac1, but not RhoA, and is phosphorylated in vivo on serine and threonine residues. In contrast with mCdGAP-l, human CdGAP interacts with ERK1/2 (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2) through a region that does not involve a DEF (docking site for ERK Phe-Xaa-Phe-Pro) domain. Also, the tissue distribution of CdGAP proteins appears to be different between human and mouse species. Interestingly, we found that CdGAP proteins cause membrane blebbing in COS-7 cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that CdGAP properties are well conserved between human and mouse species, and that CdGAP may play an unexpected role in apoptosis.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy) is the process by which cytosolic material destined for degradation is enclosed inside a double-membrane cisterna known as the autophagosome and processed for secretion and/or recycling. This process requires a large collection of proteins that converge on certain sites of the ER membrane to generate the autophagosome membrane. Recently, it was shown that actin accumulates around autophagosome precursors and could play a role in this process, but the mechanism and role of actin polymerization in autophagy were unknown. Here, we discuss our recent finding that the nucleation-promoting factor (NPF) WHAMM recruits and activates the Arp2/3 complex for actin assembly at sites of autophagosome formation on the ER. Using high-resolution, live-cell imaging, we showed that WHAMM forms dynamic puncta on the ER that comigrate with several autophagy markers, and propels the spiral movement of these puncta by an Arp2/3 complex-dependent actin comet tail mechanism. In starved cells, WHAMM accumulates at the interface between neighboring autophagosomes, whose number and size increases with WHAMM expression. Conversely, knocking down WHAMM, inhibiting the Arp2/3 complex or interfering with actin polymerization reduces the size and number of autophagosomes. These findings establish a link between Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin assembly and autophagy.  相似文献   

To determine whether the Arp2/3 complex activated by N-WASP (VCA) branches actin filaments at the side (side branching), or at the barbed (B-)end (end branching) of the mother filaments, we have directly observed the branching process of actin filaments and examined single-molecule unbinding under optical microscope. We found that side branching was predominant, though not exclusive. At the initial stage of polymerization, the branching at the B-end occurred and subsequently the side branching started to occur. In either type of branching, the mother and daughter filaments elongated at nearly the same rate (growing type). Independently of the stage of polymerization, branching due to the direct coupling of filaments with an acute angle to the mother filaments (a coupling type) occurred. Phalloidin suppressed the growing type of branching but not the coupling type, implying that actin monomers are required for the former but not the latter. We found, by single molecule measurements using optical tweezers, that the Arp2/3 complex attaches to the side of actin filaments and the N-WASP appears to detach from the actin-Arp2/3 complex at 6-7 pN.  相似文献   

Although small GTP-binding proteins of the Rho family have been implicated in signaling to the actin cytoskeleton, the exact nature of the linkage has remained obscure. We describe a novel mechanism that links one Rho family member, Cdc42, to actin polymerization. N-WASP, a ubiquitously expressed Cdc42-interacting protein, is required for Cdc42-stimulated actin polymerization in Xenopus egg extracts. The C terminus of N-WASP binds to the Arp2/3 complex and dramatically stimulates its ability to nucleate actin polymerization. Although full-length N-WASP is less effective, its activity can be greatly enhanced by Cdc42 and phosphatidylinositol (4,5) bisphosphate. Therefore, N-WASP and the Arp2/3 complex comprise a core mechanism that directly connects signal transduction pathways to the stimulation of actin polymerization.  相似文献   

The establishment of cell polarity in budding yeast involves assembly of actin filaments at specified cortical domains. Elucidation of the underlying mechanism requires an understanding of the machinery that controls actin polymerization and how this machinery is in turn controlled by signaling proteins that respond to polarity cues. We showed previously that the yeast orthologue of the Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein, Bee1/Las17p, and the type I myosins are key regulators of cortical actin polymerization. Here, we demonstrate further that these proteins together with Vrp1p form a multivalent Arp2/3-activating complex. During cell polarization, a bifurcated signaling pathway downstream of the Rho-type GTPase Cdc42p recruits and activates this complex, leading to local assembly of actin filaments. One branch, which requires formin homologues, mediates the recruitment of the Bee1p complex to the cortical site where the activated Cdc42p resides. The other is mediated by the p21-activated kinases, which activate the motor activity of myosin-I through phosphorylation. Together, these findings provide insights into the essential processes leading to polarization of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Arp2/3 complex initiates the growth of branched actin-filament networks by inducing actin polymerization from the sides of pre-existing filaments. Nucleation promoting factors (NPFs) are essential for the branching reaction through interactions with the Arp2/3 complex prior to branch formation. The modes by which NPFs bind Arp2/3 complex and associated conformational changes have remained elusive. Here, we used electron microscopy to determine three-dimensional structures at ~2 nm resolution of Arp2/3 complex with three different bound NPFs: N-WASp, Scar-VCA and cortactin. All of these structures adopt a conformation with the two actin-related proteins in an actin-filament-like dimer and the NPF bound to the pointed end. Distance constraints derived by fluorescence resonance energy transfer independently verified the NPF location. Furthermore, all bound NPFs partially occlude the actin-filament binding site, suggesting that additional local structural rearrangements are required in the pathway of Arp2/3 complex activation to allow branch formation.  相似文献   

Syndecan-4 (SDC4) is a transmembrane heparin sulfate proteoglycan that regulates inflammatory responses, cell motility, cell adhesion and intracellular signaling. In this study, we found that overexpression of SDC4 promoted the infection efficiency of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), whereas knockdown of SDC4 reduced the infection efficiency, suggesting that SDC4 assisted Mtb infection of epithelial cells. We also observed that Mtb infection affected the F-actin/G-actin ratio, which was also correlated with SDC4 expression levels. Analysis of the Cdc42, N-WASP, and Arp2/3 signaling pathways during Mtb infection revealed that knockdown of Cdc42 and N-WASP or the addition of ZCL278, Wiskostatin or CK636 (blockers of Cdc42, N-WASP, and Arp2/3, respectively) significantly exacerbated Mtb infection in lung epithelial cells. Taken together, our data indicate that SDC4 assists Mtb infection of epithelial cells by regulating the Cdc42, N-WASP, and Arp2/3 signaling pathways, which regulate the polymerization of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

To propel itself in infected cells, the pathogen Shigella flexneri subverts the Cdc42-controlled machinery responsible for actin assembly during filopodia formation. Using a combination of bacterial motility assays in platelet extracts with Escherichia coli expressing the Shigella IcsA protein and in vitro analysis of reconstituted systems from purified proteins, we show here that the bacterial protein IcsA binds N-WASP and activates it in a Cdc42-like fashion. Dramatic stimulation of actin assembly is linked to the formation of a ternary IcsA-N-WASP-Arp2/3 complex, which nucleates actin polymerization. The Arp2/3 complex is essential in initiation of actin assembly and Shigella movement, as previously observed for Listeria monocytogenes. Activation of N-WASP by IcsA unmasks two domains acting together in insertional actin polymerization. The isolated COOH-terminal domain of N-WASP containing a verprolin-homology region, a cofilin-homology sequence, and an acidic terminal segment (VCA) interacts with G-actin in a unique profilin-like functional fashion. Hence, when N-WASP is activated, its COOH-terminal domain feeds barbed end growth of filaments and lowers the critical concentration at the bacterial surface. On the other hand, the NH(2)-terminal domain of N-WASP interacts with F-actin, mediating the attachment of the actin tail to the bacterium surface. VASP is not involved in Shigella movement, and the function of profilin does not require its binding to proline-rich regions.  相似文献   

Membrane fractions of pig cerebellum show Ca2+-ATPase activity and Ca2+ transport due to the presence of the secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPase (SPCA). The SPCA1 isoform shows a wide distribution in the neurons of pig cerebellum, where it is found in the Golgi complex of the soma of Purkinje, stellate, basket and granule cells, and also in more distal components of the secretory pathway associated with a synaptic localization such as in cerebellar glomeruli. The SPCA1 may be involved in loading the Golgi complex and the secretory vesicles of these specific neuronal cell types with Ca2+ and also Mn2+. This study of the cellular and subcellular localization of SPCA1 pumps relative to the sarco(endo) plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase pumps hints to a possible specific role of SPCA1 in controlling the luminal secretory pathway Ca2+ (or Mn2+) levels as well as the local cytosolic Ca2+ levels. In addition, it helps to specify the zones that are most vulnerable to Ca2+ and/or Mn2+ dyshomeostasis, a condition that is held responsible of an increasing number of neurological disorders.  相似文献   

At 39.5 °C in the temperature-sensitive, conditional-lethal mutant ldlG, glycoprotein processing is disrupted and secretion is blocked. The ultrastructure of the Golgi apparatus in ldlG cells was examined using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. At 34 °C the structure of the Golgi apparatus was normal, whereas after incubation at 39.5 °C for 12 h it disassembled into dispersed vesicles. These reassembled into stacks when cells were returned to 34 °C for 6 h. At both 34 and 39.5 °C, all Golgi markers examined were present at wild-type levels except GM130, which was undetectable (<5% of control). Transfection with GM130 corrected the mutant phenotypes. Although the endogenous gene encoding NSF is apparently normal in ldlG cells, all mutant phenotypes were corrected by transfection with NSF, suggesting that NSF functioned as an extragenic suppressor. These findings provide additional support for a role of GM130 in determining the properties of the Golgi apparatus and for NSF in influencing GM130 stability and function. They also suggest that, at 34 °C, detectable levels of GM130 are not required for normal Golgi morphology and function, but that GM130 – or a GM130-dependent protein(s) – does play a role in protecting the Golgi, and thus the cells, from stress at higher temperatures .  相似文献   

Activity-dependent remodelling of dendritic spines is essential for neural circuit development and synaptic plasticity, but the precise molecular mechanisms that regulate this process are unclear. Activators of Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerisation are required for spine enlargement; however, during long-term depression (LTD), spines shrink via actin depolymerisation and Arp2/3 inhibitors in this process have not yet been identified. Here, we show that PICK1 regulates spine size in hippocampal neurons via inhibition of the Arp2/3 complex. PICK1 knockdown increases spine size, whereas PICK1 overexpression reduces spine size. NMDA receptor activation results in spine shrinkage, which is blocked by PICK1 knockdown or overexpression of a PICK1 mutant that cannot bind Arp2/3. Furthermore, we show that PICK1-Arp2/3 interactions are required for functional hippocampal LTD. This work demonstrates that PICK1 is a novel regulator of spine dynamics. Via Arp2/3 inhibition, PICK1 has complementary yet distinct roles during LTD to regulate AMPA receptor trafficking and spine size, and therefore functions as a crucial factor in both structural and functional plasticity.  相似文献   

The cytosolic phosphoprotein p115 is required for ER to Golgi traffic and for Golgi reassembly after mitosis. In cells, p115 is localized to ER exit sites, ER-Golgi Intermediate Compartment (ERGIC) and the Golgi, and cycles between these compartments. P115 is phosphorylated on serine 942, and this modification appears to control p115 association with membranes. P115 is likely to function by reversibly interacting with effector proteins, and in the Golgi, two proteins, GM130 and giantin, have been shown to bind p115. The GM130-p115 and the giantin-p115 interactions are enhanced by p115 phosphorylation. Phosphorylation appears to be essential for p115 function, since substitutions of serine 942 abolish p115 ability to sustain cisternal reformation in an in vitro assay reconstituting Golgi reassembly after mitosis. Here, we explored how phosphorylation of p115 affects its intracellular targeting to distinct cellular compartments, and its function in secretory traffic. We generated phosphorylation mutants of p115 and tested their ability to target to ER exit sites, ERGIC and the Golgi. In addition, we explored whether expression of the mutants causes disruption of Golgi structure and perturbs ER-Golgi traffic of a VSV-G cargo protein.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases regulate a diverse range of processes that are dependent on their proper cellular localization. The membrane localization of these GTPases is due in large part to their carboxyl-terminal geranylgeranyl moiety. In addition, most of the Rho family members contain a cluster of positively charged residues (i.e. a "polybasic domain"), directly preceding their geranylgeranyl moiety, and it has been suggested that this domain serves to fine-tune their localization among different cellular membrane sites. Here, we have taken a closer look at the role of the polybasic domain of Cdc42 in its ability to bind to membranes and induce the transformation of fibroblasts. A FRET assay for the binding of Cdc42 to liposomes of defined composition showed that Cdc42 associates more strongly with liposomes containing phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)) when compared either with uncharged control membranes or with liposomes containing a charge-equivalent amount of phosphatidylserine. The carboxyl-terminal di-arginine motif (Arg-186 and Arg-187) was shown to play an essential role in the binding of Cdc42 to PIP(2)-containing membranes. We further showed that substitutions for the di-arginine motif, when introduced within a constitutively active ("fast cycling") Cdc42(F28L) background, had little effect on the ability of the activated Cdc42 mutant to induce microspikes/filopodia in NIH 3T3 cells, whereas they eliminated its ability to transform fibroblasts. Taken together, these findings suggest that the di-arginine motif within the carboxyl terminus of Cdc42 is necessary for this GTPase to bind at membrane sites containing PIP(2), where it can initiate signaling activities that are essential for the oncogenic transformation of cells.  相似文献   

Recruitment of intracellular glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane of fat and muscle cells in response to insulin requires phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase as well as a proposed PI 3-kinase-independent pathway leading to activation of the small GTPase TC10. Here we show that in cultured adipocytes insulin causes acute cortical localization of the actin-regulatory neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) and actin-related protein-3 (Arp3) as well as cortical F-actin polymerization by a mechanism that is insensitive to the PI 3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin. Expression of the dominant inhibitory N-WASP-DeltaWA protein lacking the Arp and actin binding regions attenuates the cortical F-actin rearrangements by insulin in these cells. Remarkably, the N-WASP-DeltaWA protein also inhibits insulin action on GLUT4 translocation, indicating dependence of GLUT4 recycling on N-WASP-directed cortical F-actin assembly. TC10 exhibits sequence similarity to Cdc42 and has been reported to bind N-WASP. We show the inhibitory TC10 (T31N) mutant, which abrogates insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation and glucose transport, also inhibits both cortical localization of N-WASP and F-actin formation in response to insulin. These findings reveal that N-WASP likely functions downstream of TC10 in a PI 3-kinase-independent insulin signaling pathway to mobilize cortical F-actin, which in turn promotes GLUT4 responsiveness to insulin.  相似文献   

The actin‐related protein 2/3 complex (Arp2/3 complex), a key regulator of actin cytoskeletal dynamics, has been linked to multiple cellular processes, including those associated with response to stress. Herein, the Solanum habrochaites ARPC3 gene, encoding a subunit protein of the Arp2/3 complex, was identified and characterized. ShARPC3 encodes a 174‐amino acid protein possessing a conserved P21‐Arc domain. Silencing of ShARPC3 resulted in enhanced susceptibility to the powdery mildew pathogen Oidium neolycopersici (On‐Lz), demonstrating a role for ShARPC3 in defence signalling. Interestingly, a loss of ShARPC3 coincided with enhanced susceptibility to On‐Lz, a process that we hypothesize is the result of a block in the activity of SA‐mediated defence signalling. Conversely, overexpression of ShARPC3 in Arabidopsis thaliana, followed by inoculation with On‐Lz, showed enhanced resistance, including the rapid induction of hypersensitive cell death and the generation of reactive oxygen. Heterologous expression of ShARPC3 in the arc18 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (i.e., ?arc18) resulted in complementation of stress‐induced phenotypes, including high‐temperature tolerance. Taken together, these data support a role for ShARPC3 in tomato through positive regulation of plant immunity in response to Oneolycopersici pathogenesis.  相似文献   

We identified a novel adaptor protein that contains a Src homology (SH)3 domain, SH3 binding proline-rich sequences, and a leucine zipper-like motif and termed this protein WASP interacting SH3 protein (WISH). WISH is expressed predominantly in neural tissues and testis. It bound Ash/Grb2 through its proline-rich regions and neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) through its SH3 domain. WISH strongly enhanced N-WASP-induced Arp2/3 complex activation independent of Cdc42 in vitro, resulting in rapid actin polymerization. Furthermore, coexpression of WISH and N-WASP induced marked formation of microspikes in Cos7 cells, even in the absence of stimuli. An N-WASP mutant (H208D) that cannot bind Cdc42 still induced microspike formation when coexpressed with WISH. We also examined the contribution of WISH to a rapid actin polymerization induced by brain extract in vitro. Arp2/3 complex was essential for brain extract-induced rapid actin polymerization. Addition of WISH to extracts increased actin polymerization as Cdc42 did. However, WISH unexpectedly could activate actin polymerization even in N-WASP-depleted extracts. These findings suggest that WISH activates Arp2/3 complex through N-WASP-dependent and -independent pathways without Cdc42, resulting in the rapid actin polymerization required for microspike formation.  相似文献   

Gangliosides are known to be important in many biological processes. However, details concerning the exact function of these glycosphingolipids in cell physiology are poorly understood. In this study, the role of gangliosides present on the surface of rodent mast cells in maintaining cell structure was examined using RBL-2H3 mast cells and two mutant cell lines (E5 and D1) deficient in the gangliosides, GM1 and the α-galactosyl derivatives of the ganglioside GD1b. The two deficient cell lines were morphologically different from each other as well as from the parental RBL-2H3 cells. Actin filaments in RBL-2H3 and E5 cells were under the plasma membrane following the spindle shape of the cells, whereas in D1 cells, they were concentrated in large membrane ruffles. Microtubules in RBL-2H3 and E5 cells radiated from the centrosome and were organized into long, straight bundles. The bundles in D1 cells were thicker and organized circumferentially under the plasma membrane. The endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, and the secretory granule matrix were also altered in the mutant cell lines. These results suggest that the mast cell–specific α-galactosyl derivatives of ganglioside GD1b and GM1 are important in maintaining normal cell morphology. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:83–93, 2010)  相似文献   

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