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Using hirudin as a model, a novel class of bivalent thrombin inhibitors has been designed and characterized (Maraganore et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 7095-7101). These peptides, designated 'hirulogs', interact with both thrombin's catalytic center and its anion-binding exosite for fibrinogen recognition. In order to investigate structure-activity relationships in hirulog peptides, a number of peptide and peptidomimetic derivatives with alterations in catalytic-site binding and anion-binding exosite binding moieties were prepared. Replacements or modifications in the catalytic site and exosite binding moieties were achieved with the consequences of maintaining or improving antithrombin activity. In addition to showing improved affinity for thrombin, some derivatives with Ki's in the sub-nanomolar range showed increased anticoagulant activities. These findings highlight the versatility of hirulog peptides in their bivalent interactions with thrombin.  相似文献   

Thrombin appears to activate platelets by a novel mechanism that involves the cleavage of its receptor, and it has been proposed that the newly generated N-terminal region of the receptor then acts as a tethered ligand [Vu, T. H., Hung, D. T., Wheaton, V. I., & Coughlin, S. R. (1991) Cell 64, 1057-1068]. Peptides with sequences corresponding to those of the tethered ligand are capable of activating the receptor. In the present study, groups within this tethered ligand peptide that are important for activation of the receptor have been identified by synthesizing a series of peptides. A 14-residue peptide based on the tethered ligand stimulated the aggregation of gel-filtered platelets with an EC50 of 7 microM, and a concentration of 10 microM was the minimum concentration necessary to yield a full aggregation response in platelet-rich plasma. Truncation of the peptide from the C-terminus to nine residues did not markedly affect the response to the peptide. Shorter peptides of five, six, and eight amino acids retained their agonist activity, but the minimal concentration necessary to achieve a full aggregation response in platelet-rich plasma was 2-5-fold higher. Side chains within the tethered ligand peptide that are important for receptor activation were identified by synthesizing a series of peptides in which residues were sequentially replaced by alanine. The results indicated that the side chains of phenylalanine, leucine, and arginine in positions 2, 4, and 5, respectively, are essential for full activity. Most notably, substitution of phenylalanine in the second position resulted in complete loss of agonist activity at concentrations up to 800 microM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two recently identified structural elements important for glycosaminoglycan-mediated activation of human leuserpin-2 (hLS2) were investigated in detail by functional analysis of variants secreted by transiently transfected COS cells. Highly specific requirements with respect to the nature of the involved amino acids as well as to their spatial arrangements were found to be crucial for efficient activation of hLS2 by dermatan sulfate. In contrast, binding and activation of hLS2 by heparin seem to be determined mainly by the positive charge density of the involved inhibitor segment. A dimeric repeat enriched in acidic amino acids turned out to exert a dual role with respect to structure and function of hLS2. First, in the absence of functional activators the negatively charged dimer interacts intramolecularly with the glycosaminoglycan-binding site. Second, the acidic dimer is instrumental in glycosaminoglycan-mediated activation of hLS2. The monomers constituting the acidic dimer are functionally not equivalent.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. A combination of molecular, biochemical, electrophysiological and immunological approaches has begun to resolve some of the questions about structure-function relationships of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AchRs). 2. Current structural studies suggest that models of the subunits which propose four transmembrane domains are correct. 3. It is also probable that the carboxy termini of the subunits are extracellular, while the putative amphpathic helix is intracellular. 4. Electrophysiological and ligand-binding experiments suggest that the M2 region forms the wall of the ion channel. 5. We have isolated clones from PC12 and rat brain cDNA libraries which we have shown, by functional expression, code for members of a gene family of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits. 6. In situ hybridization studies have shown that the neuronal receptor subunit mRNAs are expressed in the mammalian central nervous system. 7. The muscle and neuronal nicotinic AchR subtypes we have expressed show differences in their pharmacological properties. 8. The isolation and identification of clones which code for receptors and voltage-activated ion channels will help in the understanding of a variety of disease states and assist in the design of drugs which are specific for unique molecular targets.  相似文献   

Platelet activation by thrombin plays a major role in the development of haemostasis and thrombosis. Thrombin activates human platelets by cleaving the N-terminal region of G-protein-coupled protease-activated receptors (PARs). On the other hand, the platelet membrane glycoprotein GPIb acts as a thrombin-binding site and promotes platelet activation by low thrombin concentrations. We present here new evidence in favour of a thrombin receptor function for GPIb. We have selected conditions in which thrombin-GPIb interactions were enhanced by thrombin immobilization. Activation was studied independently of PAR cleavage by using active-site-blocked thrombin. We show that immobilized, proteolytically inactive thrombin induces platelet adhesion and spreading, dense granule secretion and integrin alphaIIbbeta3-dependent platelet-platelet interactions. The pathway must be dependent on GPIb because it is deficient in platelets from a patient with Bernard Soulier syndrome and inhibited by a monoclonal antibody to GPIb (SZ2) or by an excess of glycocalicin. Secreted ADP plays a major role in GPIb-dependent thrombin-induced platelet activation which is, in addition, regulated by cAMP concentration. Thrombin-induced GPIb-dependent platelet activation leads to tyrosyl phosphorylation of several proteins. Inhibition of platelet-platelet interactions and protein tyrosine phosphorylations by inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases and protein kinase C implies that activation of the latter are important steps of the GPIb-coupled signalling pathway triggered by thrombin.  相似文献   

Temporins, antimicrobial peptides of 10-13 residues, were isolated from secretions of Rana temporaria [Simmaco, M., Mignogna, G., Canofeni, S., Miele, R., Mangoni, M.L. & Barra, D. (1996) Eur. J. Biochem. 242, 788-792]. These molecules are specific to this amphibian species, which is also able to secrete on its skin other antimicrobial peptides similar to those found in different Rana species. The effect of temporins A, B and D (13 residues, net charge +2), and H (10 residues, net charge +1 and +2, respectively) against both artificial membranes of differing lipid composition and bacteria has been investigated in order to gain insight into their mechanisms of action. The results indicate that: the lytic activity of temporins is not greatly affected by the membrane composition; temporins A and B allow the leakage of large-size molecules from the bacterial cells; temporin H renders both the outer and inner membrane of bacteria permeable to hydrophobic substances of low molecular mass; and temporin D, although devoid of antibacterial activity, has a cytotoxic effect on erythrocytes. The results allow important conclusions to be drawn about the minimal structural requirements for lytic efficiency and specificity of temporins.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships in eukaryotic nuclei.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
It may be that eukaryotic nuclei contain a collection of operationally independent units (genes), each controlled through its interactions with soluble protein factors which diffuse at random throughout the nucleoplasmic space. Alternatively, nuclei might be organized in such a sophisticated fashion that specific genes occupy distinct sites and that spatially ordered RNA synthesis, processing and transport delivers mature RNAs to predestined sites in the cytoplasm. Different fields of research support each of these extreme views. Molecular biologists inspecting the precise details of specific interactions, usually in vitro, inevitably favour the former, while cell biologists working with far more complicated systems generally assume that more elaborate arrangements exist. In considering the importance of nuclear architecture, I have attempted to relate a collection of experiments each of which intimates some close relationship between structural aspects of chromatin organization and the precise mechanisms underlying nuclear function. I will argue that higher-order structures are crucial for achieving the observed efficiency and coordination of many nuclear processes.  相似文献   

The chemical properties of the functional groups of insulin were determined at a concentration (0.5 microM) where the predominant species of insulin is the free (unassociated) monomeric unit. The glycine N-terminus and the four tyrosine phenolic groups had the same properties as in the associated forms of insulin. On the other hand the lysine epsilon-amino group and the two histidine imidazole groups had substantially altered properties. Some alteration in the properties of the phenylalanine N-terminus was also observed. The reactivity-pH profile for the imidazole groups showed a second ionization with a pKa of 10.1 in addition to an ionization with a pKa of 6.8. On the basis of the X-ray-crystallographic structure of hexameric insulin the observed changes can be accounted for by disruption of monomer-monomer or dimer-dimer interactions in the associated states of insulin. It is concluded that the conformation of the monomeric unit of insulin is essentially the same in its free and associated states in solution.  相似文献   

We previously showed that the deleterious effects from introducing abasic nucleotides in the hammerhead ribozyme core can, in some instances, be relieved by exogenous addition of the ablated base and that the relative ability of different bases to rescue catalysis can be used to probe functional aspects of the ribozyme structure [Peracchi et al., Proc NatAcad Sci USA 93:11522]. Here we examine rescue at four additional positions, 3, 9, 12 and 13, to probe transition state interactions and to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of base rescue as a tool for structure-function studies. The results confirm functional roles for groups previously probed by mutagenesis, provide evidence that specific interactions observed in the ground-state X-ray structure are maintained in the transition state, and suggest formation in the transition state of other interactions that are absent in the ground state. In addition, the results suggest transition state roles for some groups that did not emerge as important in previous mutagenesis studies, presumably because base rescue has the ability to reveal interactions that are obscured by local structural redundancy in traditional mutagenesis. The base rescue results are complemented by comparing the effects of the abasic and phenyl nucleotide substitutions. The results together suggest that stacking of the bases at positions 9, 13 and 14 observed in the ground state is important for orienting other groups in the transition state. These findings add to our understanding of structure-function relationships in the hammerhead ribozyme and help delineate positions that may undergo rearrangements in the active hammerhead structure relative to the ground-state structure. Finally, the particularly efficient rescue by 2-methyladenine at position 13 relative to adenine and other bases suggests that natural base modifications may, in some instance, provide additional stability by taking advantage of hydrophobic interactions in folded RNAs.  相似文献   

Skin secretions of amphibia of the Bombina genus contain two families of antimicrobial peptides, the bombinins (bombinin-like peptides) and the bombinins H (H for hydrophobic and hemolytic). The latter family includes a number of peptides containing a D-amino acid in the second position, in addition to their corresponding all L-isomers. The antimicrobial activity of three pairs of bombinin H isomers, H2/H4, H6/H7 and GH-1D/GH-1L, has been investigated. The first two pairs of peptides were actually isolated from the secretion, whereas the third was synthesized according to the sequence deduced from a gene coding for a bombinin-like peptide in Bombina orientalis.  相似文献   

The enzymology of the heterodimeric (NiFe) and (NiFeSe) hydrogenases, the monomeric nickel-containing hydrogenases plus the multimeric F420-(NiFe) and NAD(+)-(NiFe) hydrogenases are summarized and discussed in terms of subunit localization of the redox-active nickel and non-heme iron clusters. It is proposed that nickel is ligated solely by amino acid residues of the large subunit and that the non-heme iron clusters are ligated by other cysteine-rich polypeptides encoded in the hydrogenase operons which are not necessarily homologous in either structure or function. Comparison of the hydrogenase operons or putative operons and their hydrogenase genes indicate that the arrangement, number and types of genes in these operons are not conserved among the various types of hydrogenases except for the gene encoding the large subunit. Thus, the presence of the gene for the large subunit is the sole feature common to all known nickel-containing hydrogenases and unites these hydrogenases into a large but diverse gene family. Although the different genes for the large subunits may possess only nominal general derived amino acid homology, all large subunit genes sequenced to date have the sequence R-X-C-X-X-C fully conserved in the amino terminal region of the polypeptide chain and the sequence of D-P-C-X-X-C fully conserved in the carboxyl terminal region. It is proposed that these conserved motifs of amino acids provide the ligands required for the binding of the redox-active nickel. The existing EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) information is summarized and discussed in terms of the numbers and types of ligands to the nickel and the various redox species of nickel defined by EPR spectroscopy. New information concerning the ligands to nickel is presented based on site-directed mutagenesis of the gene encoding the large subunit of the (NiFe) hydrogenase-1 of Escherichia coli. Based on considerations of the biochemical, molecular and biophysical information, ligand environments of the nickel in different redox states of the (NiFe) hydrogenase are proposed.  相似文献   

Research into the structure-function relationships of lipases and esterases has increased significantly during the past decade. Of particular importance has been the deduction of several crystal structures, providing a new basis for understanding these enzymes. The generated insights have, together with cloning and expression, aided studies on structure-function relationships of hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL). Novel phosphorylation sites have been identified in HSL, which are probably important for activation of HSL and lipolysis. Functional and structural analyses have revealed features in HSL common to lipases and esterases. In particular, the catalytic core with a catalytic triad has been unveiled. Furthermore, the investigations have given clear suggestions with regard to the identity of functional and structural domains of HSL. In the present paper, these studies on HSL structure-function relationships and short-term regulation are reviewed, and the results presented in relation to other discoveries in regulated lipolysis.  相似文献   

Platelets are enucleated cells derived from bone marrow megakaryocytes and defects in platelet functions could be involved in many cardiovascular diseases. Proteomics can be used to provide a new insight in the study of these platelet functions and can help to identify the biochemical events underlying platelet activation. In this study, we have obtained a reference 2-DE map of porcine platelet proteins. A large number of cytoskeletal and metabolic proteins were found as well as some proteins related to cell mobility and immunological functions. Other proteins implicated in the cell signalling process, transport or apoptosis were also identified. Moreover, we have analysed, by 2D-DIGE methodology, quantitative modifications of platelet proteins following their activation by thrombin. 26 spots exhibited statistically significant differences, and a total of 16 spots corresponding to 13 different proteins were successfully identified. Using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, the association of the deregulated proteins with canonical pathways highlighted two major pathways; coagulation system and integrin signalling. These results confirm that this proteomic approach (based on 2D-DIGE, mass spectrometry and bioinformatic and pathway databases) has proved to be a powerful tool when applied to studying signalling pathways that could play a relevant role in the activation of platelets.  相似文献   

Conjugates formed by reaction of monoclonal antibody B72.3 with benzyl isothiocyanate derivatives of four amino polycarboxylate chelators (NTA, EGTA, EDTA, DTPA) were labeled with indium-111 and administered iv to athymic mice bearing antigen-positive (LS174T) and antigen-negative (A375) human tumor xenografts. Conjugate immunoreactivities, antibody dose, and xenograft size were controlled, so that the effects of varying chelate structure could be evaluated under conditions where immunological and physiological factors were effectively held constant. Tissue distribution and excretion of the radiometal at 24 and 48 h postinjection were shown to correlate directly with chelate thermodynamic stability (NTA less than EGTA less than EDTA less than DPTA). Radioactivity levels in the blood and the LS174T xenograft increased, while kidney levels and excretion levels decreased, with increasing chelate stability. The kidney was the only normal organ that accumulated non-antibody-bound 111In, uptake of radioactivity into all other tissues, and in particular the liver, being unaffected by changes in chelate structure. Mean transferrin saturation in the tumor-bearing athymic mice was found to be 65%. It is proposed that uptake of free 111In by serum transferrin is precluded in this model, leading to the observed renal localization of unbound label. Kidney:blood and kidney:LS174T activity ratios at 48 h postinjection provided the most sensitive indices of conjugate instability in vivo, spanning 50- and 20-fold ranges, respectively, between the least stable and the most stable conjugate. It is concluded that this antigen/antibody system and mouse model are well-suited to structure-function studies of immunoglobulin labels.  相似文献   

Recently a thrombin receptor with a unique mechanism of activation was cloned from a megakaryocyte-like cell line (Vu et al., Cell 64:1057-1068, 1991). Thrombin cleaves a portion of this receptor creating a new N-terminus that acts as a "tethered-ligand" to activate the receptor. A thrombin receptor activating peptide (SFLLRNPNDKYEPF) homologous to the new N-terminus was shown to activate platelets. We synthesized this peptide and demonstrated that it desensitized platelets to activation by low concentrations of alpha-thrombin but not gamma-thrombin. We also synthesized a thrombin exosite inhibitor (BMS 180742) that inhibited platelet aggregation induced by low, but not high, concentrations of alpha-thrombin. In contrast, a thrombin active site inhibitor, N alpha-(2-naphthylsulfonyl-glycyl)-D,L-amidinophenylalanylpiperi dide, competitively inhibited thrombin-induced platelet aggregation. We conclude that thrombin-induced platelet activation is mediated by at least two pathways: one activated by low concentrations of alpha-thrombin and blocked by a thrombin exosite inhibitor that appears to be coupled to the "tethered-ligand" thrombin receptor, and another that is stimulated by higher concentrations of alpha-thrombin and by gamma-thrombin and does not require the thrombin exosite for activation. Both pathways are blocked by a thrombin active site inhibitor.  相似文献   

Factor XI binds to high affinity sites on the surface of stimulated platelets where it is efficiently activated by thrombin. Here, we provide evidence that the factor XI binding site on platelets is in the glycoprotein (GP) Ibalpha subunit of the GP Ib-IX-V complex as follows. 1) Bernard-Soulier platelets, lacking the complex, are deficient in factor XI binding; 2) two GP Ibalpha ligands, SZ-2 (a monoclonal antibody) and bovine von Willebrand factor, inhibit factor XI binding to platelets; 3) by surface plasmon resonance, factor XI bound specifically to glycocalicin (the extracellular domain of GP Ibalpha) in Zn(2+)-dependent fashion (K(d)( app) approximately 52 nm). We then investigated whether glycocalicin could promote factor XI activation by thrombin, another GP Ibalpha ligand. In the presence of high molecular weight kininogen (45 nm), Zn(2+) and Ca(2+) ions, thrombin activated factor XI in the presence of glycocalicin at rates comparable with those seen in the presence of dextran sulfate (1 microg/ml). With higher high molecular weight kininogen concentrations (360 nm), the rate of thrombin-catalyzed factor XI activation in the presence of glycocalicin was comparable with that on activated platelets. Thus, factor XI binds to the GP Ib-IX-V complex, promoting its activation by thrombin.  相似文献   

A new interpretation of structure-function relationships in the insulin molecule is presented. Negative cooperativity is postulated to arise from a dimerization event occurring between two receptor-bound molecules. The receptor-binding surface of insulin can necessarily not involve residues involved in dimerization as has been generally accepted. Support for this interpretation is based on published data.  相似文献   

Biological systems rely on heme-proteins to carry out a number of basic functions essential for their survival. Hemes, or iron-porphyrin complexes, are the versatile and ubiquitous active centers of these proteins. In the past decade, discovery of new heme-proteins, together with functional and structural research, provided a wealth of information on these diverse and biologically important molecules. Structure determination work has shown that nature has used a variety of different scaffolds and architectures to bind heme and modulate functions such as redox properties. Structural data have also provided insights into the heme-linked protein conformational changes required in many regulatory heme-proteins. Remarkable efforts have been made towards the understanding of factors governing redox potentials. Site-directed mutagenesis studies and theoretical calculations on heme environments investigated the roles of hydrophobic and electrostatic residues, and analyzed the effect of heme solvent accessibility. This review focuses on the structure-function relationships underlying the association of heme in signaling and iron metabolism proteins. In addition, an account is given about molecular features affecting heme's redox properties; this briefly revisits previous conclusions in the light of some more recent reports.  相似文献   

Focal thrombus formation and vasoconstriction serve to defend vessels when vascular damage occurs, but may be detrimental when an atherosclerotic plaque is disrupted. Recently, the identification of the platelet thrombin receptor opened a new area in the development of agents that may selectively inhibit the effects of thrombin on cells, without affecting fibrin formation. In this regard, we have synthesized a number of 1,4-disubstituted piperazines which are designed to be analogues of thrombin receptor activating peptides (TRAP) and carry the pharmacophoric features of Phe and Arg residues present in the active pentapeptide SFLLR. These compounds were tested in the rat aorta relaxation assay and in platelet aggregation studies and their biological activity was consistent with a direct action on thrombin receptor. Furthermore, the structure activity relationships confirmed the importance of Phe and Arg for receptor activation and the molecular modeling revealed an intriguing relationship between their amphipathic similarity with SFLLR and their biological activity.  相似文献   

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