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Quantifying circulating nutrient concentrations in sera of free-ranging subjects will help to establish a basis from which we can evaluate the nutritional status and needs of the captive population. We collected serum samples from 26 free-ranging black-and-gold howlers (Alouatta caraya) in San Cayetano forest in northern Argentina. We analyzed them for concentrations of lipoproteins; amino acids; vitamins A, D, and E; carotenoids; and minerals. There are a few significant differences between sexes in concentrations of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, certain amino acids, vitamin E, lutein + zeaxanthin, and copper. Most nutritional parameters are similar to the ones measured in free-ranging Mexican mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata mexicana) and in captive New World primates (NWPs). Carotenoid, vitamin D, and phosphorus concentrations are the exceptions. Carotenoid concentrations are higher in free-ranging Alouatta caraya than reported for other free-ranging and captive species. Vitamin D concentrations are 14 times greater in the free-ranging black-and-gold howlers than in captive NWPs. Phosphorus concentrations are also higher than expected and higher than typically occur in captive primates, leading to a 1:1.6 calcium:phosphorus ratio. Because we based our study on a small number of free-ranging howlers, additional samples from different regions and throughout the year would better define desirable nutritional parameters for captive howlers.  相似文献   

During the wet season, two sympatric species of primates,Alouatta palliata (mantled howlers) andCebus capucinus (white-faced capuchins), were assayed for feeding niche differences through behavioral and habitat use patterns at Refugio de Fauna Silvestre Curu in Costa Rica. Differences in the use of relative diameter and thickness of branches and five different modes of feeding were compared between the species. White-faced capuchins used more manipulative modes of obtaining food, a wider range of arboreal habitat, and had a more diverse diet than mantled howlers. Mantled howlers may be more restricted than white-faced capuchins in arboreal microhabitat use due to their possible need for large support branches during feeding bouts and resting periods. We report that differences in feeding behaviors, diet, and arboreal habitat use seem to play a large role in separating these species niches.  相似文献   

Predation is an important selective pressure in natural ecosystems. Among non-human primates, relatively little is known about how predators hunt primate prey and how primates acquire adaptive responses to counteract predation. In this study we took advantage of the recent reintroduction of radio-tagged harpy eagles (Harpia harpyja) to Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama to explore how mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata), one of their primary prey, acquire anti-predator defences. Based on the observation that harpies follow their prey prior to attack, and often call during this pursuit period, we broadcast harpy eagle calls to howlers on BCI as well as to a nearby control population with no harpy predation. Although harpies have been extinct from this area for 50-100 years, results indicate that BCI howlers rapidly acquired an adaptive anti-predator response to harpy calls, while showing no response to other avian vocalizations; howlers maintained this response several months after the removal of the eagles. These results not only show that non-human primates can rapidly acquire an alarm response to a newly introduced predator, but that they can detect and identify predators on the basis of acoustic cues alone. These findings have significant implications both for the role of learning mechanisms in the evolution of prey defence and for conservation strategies, suggesting that the use of 'probing' approaches, such as auditory playbacks, may highly enhance an a priori assessment of the impact of species reintroduction.  相似文献   

Studies of social affiliation and social spacing offer important insight into the dynamics of subgroup formation and social strategies in living primates. Among the 11 species in the genus Alouatta, mantled howlers (A. palliata) are the only species to consistently form large, stable social groups composed of several adult males and several adult females. In this study, we examine patterns of subgrouping, activity, and partner preferences in a troop of 26-29 wild mantled howling monkeys (including 12-13 marked individuals) inhabiting Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua. During two study seasons in 2000 and 2001, we simultaneously monitored the size, composition, and activities of individuals in two to three different subgroups. A half-weight association index was used to calculate partner preferences and patterns of spatial association. Results indicate that our howler study troop fragmented into subgroups of 1-20 with subgroups averaging five and six individuals. Subgroup size and membership reflected individual patterns of social affiliation and social tolerance, and in general remained consistent across activities and from year to year. We also found evidence of cliques or social networks of three to four individuals embedded within larger subgroups. A small number of adult males appeared to play an important social role as the nucleus of clique formation. We argue that the persistence of strong male-male and male-female partner preferences in mantled howlers helps to explain the stability of relatively large multimale-multifemale groups.  相似文献   

We lack a general understanding of how primates perform physiologically during feeding to cope with the challenges of their natural environments. We here discuss several methods for studying the ecological physiology of feeding in mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) at La Pacifica, Costa Rica. Our initial physiological effort focuses on recording electromyographic activity (EMG) from the jaw muscles in free-ranging howlers while they feed in their natural forest habitat. We integrate these EMG data with measurements of food material properties, dental wear rates, as well as spatial analyses of resource use and food distribution. Future work will focus on incorporating physiological measures of bone deformation, i.e., bone strain; temperatures; food nutritional data; and hormonal analyses. Collectively, these efforts will help us to better understand the challenges that howlers face in their environment and the physiological mechanisms they employ during feeding. Our initial efforts provide a proof of concept demonstrating the methodological feasibility of studying the physiology of feeding in free-ranging primates. Although howlers offer certain advantages to in vivo field research, many of the approaches described here can be applied to other primates in natural habitats. By collecting physiological data simultaneously with ecological and behavioral data, we will promote a more synthetic understanding of primate feeding and its evolutionary history.  相似文献   

I conducted a 15- month ecological study of habitat preferences and activity and foraging patterns of two troops of mantled howling monkeys, Alouatta palliata,in a lowland rain forest at La Selva Biological Reserve in northeastern Costa Rica. The two troops specialized on different habitats in spite of the fact that both of them had all habitats available and were not constrained by neighboring troops since the population density of howlers is low (7- 15 howlers/km 2 ).Troop 1 spent the majority of time in primary forest (80%) followed by secondary forest (10%), while troop 2 spent the majority of time in undisturbed riparian habitat (60%) followed by primary forest (30%). Habitat sampling indicates that neither the total number of stems, species, or families nor the diversity (Shannon index) or evenness is a good indicator for howler habitat selection. Instead the density of trees from the 12 species most commonly consumed by each troop is the most important factor. Activity and foraging patterns were not dependent upon the season as has been described for howling monkeys in forests with a more pronounced dry season at Barro Colorado Island, Panama, and La Pacifica in northwestern Costa Rica. This is likely a result of the more constant food supply at La Selva, combined with less intraspecific competition due to the low howler density. The intraspecific variability of foraging patterns and troop- specific habitat specialization observed in Alouatta palliatashould be considered in the conservation biology of primates. Primate relocation programs should include not only an ecological assessment of the release site but also a comparison of the release site with the habitat that the groups currently occupy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to measure important nutritional status parameters for a group of free‐ranging Mexican mantled howler monkeys (A. palliata mexicana) and compare those data to published data for primates. The nutritional status of six free‐ranging Mexican mantled howler monkeys was examined using biochemical analysis. Blood samples were analyzed for serum chemistry; lipids; vitamins D, A, and E; carotenoids; and minerals. Serum chemistries were somewhat different from published values, but did not indicate clear abnormalities. Circulating lipids were not different from those in captive primates. Circulating vitamin D metabolites (83±16.3 for 25(OH)D ng/mL; 563±53.8 for 1,25(OH)2D pg/mL) were similar to those in wild‐caught tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), lower than some published data for captive Cebidae and Callitrichidae, and higher than for Old World primates. Serum concentrations of retinol (16.5±1.64 μg/dl) were similar to those in captive spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Retinyl palmitate and retinyl stearate was present in howler samples and may have reflected recent dietary intake. Circulating α‐tocopherol (997±97.6 μg/dl) was similar to published values for other primates. Carotenoid levels in howlers were within the ranges reported for many primates. A significant finding was the presence of cadmium in samples that should be further studied. The number of individuals sampled was limited, and further investigation into the effects of seasonality is needed. However, this information provides new data for howler monkeys and for free‐ranging primates in general. Zoo Biol 22:239–251, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Telemetry System for Assessing Jaw-Muscle Function in Free-ranging Primates   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In vivo laboratory-based studies describing jaw-muscle activity and mandibular bone strain during mastication provide the empirical basis for most evolutionary hypotheses linking primate masticatory apparatus form to diet. However, the laboratory data pose a potential problem for testing predictions of these hypotheses because estimates of masticatory function and performance recorded in the laboratory may lack the appropriate ecological context for understanding adaptation and evolution. For example, in laboratory studies researchers elicit rhythmic chewing using foods that may differ significantly from the diets of wild primates. Because the textural and mechanical properties of foods influence jaw-muscle activity and the resulting strains, chewing behaviors studied in the laboratory may not adequately reflect chewing behaviors of primates feeding in their natural habitats. To circumvent this limitation of laboratory-based studies of primate mastication, we developed a system for recording jaw-muscle electromyograms (EMGs) from free-ranging primates so that researchers can conduct studies of primate jaw-muscle function in vivo in the field. We used the system to record jaw-muscle EMGs from mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) at Hacienda La Pacifica, Costa Rica. These are the first EMGs recorded from a noncaptive primate feeding in its natural habitat. Further refinements of the system will allow long-term EMG data collection so that researchers can correlate jaw-muscle function with food mechanical properties and behavioral observations. In addition to furthering understanding of primate feeding biology, our work will foster improved adaptive hypotheses explaining the evolution of primate jaw form.  相似文献   

实验动物饲养管理和福利保障的问题已越来越被国际社会所关注.与发达国家相比,中国对实验动物福利的研究及大众化意识则相对滞后.中国作为世界上最大的实验灵长类动物的饲养与出口国,每年遭受的国际贸易损失始终位居全球首位.为此,本文引入了实验灵长类福利的"5个自由"理论:1)动物有避免干渴、饥饿和营养不良等不利因素影响的自由;2)动物有获得舒适生活条件的自由;3)动物有脱离痛苦、受伤和疾病骚扰的自由;4)动物有表达自然行为的自由;5)动物有脱离恐惧和心理压力的自由.在上述理论的基础上,提高实验动物福利应具体从饲养的物理环境、营养供给、饲养管理、繁殖管理及饲养环境的多样性等几方面着手.通过总结国际与此相关的研究进展,旨为中国相关研究提供素材和为完善国内现行的法规及标准提出一些思路.  相似文献   

Ecotourism shows great potential for primate conservation, but further investigation through an ethnoprimatological lens is vital to understanding species-specific variation in human–nonhuman primate interactions at ecotourism sites. This study measured the rates and types of human–monkey interactions, the participants in these encounters, and the association between tourist numbers and interaction rates with white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus imitator) and mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) at the Curú Wildlife Refuge in western Costa Rica. I collected data through 15-min all-occurrence samples for human–monkey interactions between January 2006 and December 2007. I recorded and analyzed a total of 1949 discrete interactions, representing one tourist group and one non-tourist group for each species. For both species, tourist groups showed more varied and more intense—but not more frequent—human–monkey interactions than the non-tourist groups. White-faced capuchins differed from mantled howlers in their greater frequency and more variable forms of human–monkey interactions. White-faced capuchins also showed a more gregarious pattern of interactions than mantled howlers, with most capuchin interactions being initiated by the monkeys and involving multiple actors. Although mantled howler human interaction rates correlated positively with levels of human traffic, white-faced capuchins did not show this relationship. These findings demonstrate that the differences in human–monkey interactions across species are an important consideration for the management of primate tourism sites. This study suggests that species-specific guidelines for ecotourism would reduce visitor impact on nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

需求的理解。  相似文献   

Nonhuman primates use greeting behaviors as nonaggressive communicatory signals in multiple social contexts. Adult male mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) perform a ritual greeting that has been associated with bond-strengthening functions. The aim of this study is to explore the greeting patterns of male howlers living on Agaltepec Island, Mexico. Specifically, we analyzed the relationships between greetings and several individual, relational, and contextual variables, such as the expression of affiliation and agonism, dominance rank, age, kinship relationships, spatial organization, activity patterns, and subgrouping patterns. Greetings were more frequent between males with closer dominance ranks. Among those dyads that greeted at least once, dominant males initiated greetings more frequently than less-dominant males. On the other hand, more greetings were observed when one of the participants had recently returned to a subgroup and during locomotion. On the basis of these results, we propose that on Agaltepec greetings are a conflict management mechanism used between males of similar ranks. The fission-fusion social system of this group of howlers allows males with conflicting interests to remain separated, and greetings may reduce tension during fusion events.  相似文献   

It is essential to document habitat occupancy patterns and population structure to facilitate the survival of primates in areas of anthropogenic disturbance. The overlapping of the Nearctic and Neotropical regions in the Olmec region of Mexico make this area particularly important as part of a natural biological corridor that harbors a high number of endemic species and connects the Atlantic and Pacific coastal plains. We surveyed Alouatta palliata mexicana (Mexican mantled howlers) in a 300-km2 area to determine if fragment occupation and subpopulation structure were related to the spatial attributes of the fragments. We measured the fragment size and shape as well as the distances to the nearest road, human settlement, agricultural field, and nearest neighboring fragment. During 1 year (ca. 4500 fieldwork hours) we surveyed 48 fragments, 17 of which were occupied, and counted 198 howlers. Larger fragments that were farther from agricultural activities were more likely to be occupied. Subpopulation size and number of individuals in all age–sex classes increased in larger fragments that were closer to other fragments. We found more females and juveniles, as well as more females per male in fragments that were farther from roads and we found fewer immatures per female, females per male, and individuals per area in more irregular fragments. In addition, more males and immatures per female occurred in fragments that were farther from agricultural fields. The Olmec Region is located at the center of the geographic distribution of mantled howlers in Mexico, and could therefore play a fundamental role in maintaining the contact between different populations. However, our study suggests that mantled howlers are highly threatened by anthropogenic habitat disturbance in this area, mainly through the loss of their habitat and contact with humans.  相似文献   

A growing amount of data shows that a preference for passive-nonaggressive over active-aggressive problem solving is associated with higher levels of glucocorticoids (GC). For mantled howlers, the arrival of an adult male in a new group is a potential source of psychological stress for both resident males and females. Resident mantled howler males take an active stand and aggressively repel the entrance of solitary males, while females take a passive-nonaggressive stand. In order to study whether the relationship between coping strategies and the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis observed in other species applies to the response of resident mantled howlers to the presence of solitary males, we examine the relationship between different group and subpopulation variables and the GC levels measured in feces collected from 10 groups living in six forest fragments, in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. The results of our study suggest that the resident mantled howler females' passive response to the presence of solitary males is accompanied by the activation of the HPA axis, whereas resident males' aggressive response is not accompanied by any changes in the HPA axis. In contrast, a previous study suggests that resident male howlers respond by increasing their testosterone levels to the presence of solitary males (Cristobal-Azkarate et al., Hormones and Behavior 2006;49 261-267).These different behavioral and hormonal responses coincide with the active and passive coping styles described for other species. The conditions in which howlers live in our study area may be favoring the interaction between solitary and resident howlers, and inducing chronically high GC levels, which in turn could negatively affect the fitness of these subpopulations.  相似文献   

Although howlers have been traditionally considered to be pacific, showing one of the lowest rates of aggression among primates, new evidence is emerging to question this image. We present data on injuries in Mexican mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata mexicana) in relation to different sociecological parameters. We censused howler populations in 19 forest fragments over a 17-mo period in the Los Tuxtlas Region, southern Veracruz, Mexico. We conducted detailed observations of scars, torn lips, broken fingers, mutilated tails and other visible injuries. We also collected data on the demography, biogeography and vegetation of each fragment in order to relate injury data to them. We censused 333 howlers, of which we exhaustively observed 254 for injuries. Four resident adult females (n = 108) and 29 adult resident males (n = 76) had injuries, while none of the solitary males (n=16), solitary females (n=1), juveniles (n=23) and infants (n=30) had them. We discuss possible interpretative scenarios for the distribution of injuries. Although some results suggest that food resource concentration may determine intergroup agonistic encounters, we propose that physical injury is primarily associated with male-male agonistic encounters during takeovers, and consequently it could indicate migration among troops.  相似文献   

Researchers consider predation rates by terrestrial animals to be lower in the case of arboreal primates, particularly among large-bodied species. We recorded the consumption of black-and-gold howlers (Alouatta caraya) by cougars (Puma concolor) as evidence of predation on an island of the upper Paraná River. We collected and processed fecal samples of the felid in 2004 and 2005. We identified items in the laboratory by comparison with museum specimens. We considered each species in a fecal sample as a single occurrence. Based on analysis of the cuticle scale pattern, we identified the felid as cougar. Howlers occurred in 4 out of the 8 fecal samples (40% of the occurrences). In addition to howlers, we also recorded 5 occurrences of agouti (Dasyprocta azarae; 50%) and a small unidentified sigmodontine rodent (10%). The abundance of howlers and the low forest canopy in a successional vegetation might have facilitated the predation of the large primates by a primarily terrestrial predator. The versatility of cougars is corroborated by the consumption of prey species that were abundant in the region and that were available in different forest strata, such as howlers and agoutis.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis is one of the most economically devastating, zoonotic infections of captive non-human primates. The limitations of the tuberculin skin test, which is currently used to diagnose tuberculosis in living non-human primates, make it necessary to find new, simple, and economical diagnostic methods. We describe use of an enzyme-linked immunoassay to detect IgG antibodies against early secretory antigenic target (ESAT)-6, a small protein secreted by virulent tubercle bacilli, in paired (pre- and post-outbreak) sera from 57 non-human primates involved in an outbreak of Mycobacterium bovis infection in a research colony. Of 25 animals with tuberculosis lesions at necropsy, 22 (88%) had high serum levels of the ESAT-6 antibody. The ESAT-6 antibody was found in 16% (5/32) of post-outbreak sera from animals in which tuberculosis could not be confirmed at necropsy. The strong association between the ESAT-6 antibody and tuberculosis in non-human primates documented in this study, together with the robustness of the serologic assay, make the ESAT-6 ELISA a valuable tool for diagnosis of tuberculosis in captive non-human primates.  相似文献   

During 3 years of continuous field observations on mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata Gray) in Costa Rica we observed five infants without mothers in the main study group. Four of these infants solicited care and two were adopted (one permanently, one temporarily) by lactating females. The other two were carried but not adopted. The fifth neither solicited nor received care. An infant must solicit care to receive care, and female howlers apparently can suckle more than one infant at a time.  相似文献   

Accelerated deforestation is causing the rapid loss and fragmentation of primary habitat for primates. Although the genus Alouatta is one of the most studied primate taxa under these circumstances, some results are contradictory and responses of howlers to habitat fragmentation are not yet clear. In this paper, we conduct a cross-study of the available researches on mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) in forest fragments in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, to (1) describe the diet and activity pattern of howlers; (2) analyze the similarity in the diet across studies; and (3) relate both fragment size and howler population density with different characteristics of their diet, home range size, and activity pattern. Howlers consumed 181 plant species belonging to 54 families. Ficus was the most important taxa in the howlers' diet, followed by primary species such as Pterocarpus rohrii, Nectandra ambigens, Poulsenia armata, and Brosimum alicastrum. Secondary and non-secondary light-demanding plant species, which are representatives of disturbed habitat, contributed with a high percentage of their feeding time. Only 23% of the species consumed were the same across all the studies, suggesting that howlers adapt their diet to the food availability of their respective habitats. Population density is the best predictor of howlers' ecological and behavioral changes in response to forest fragmentation, probably owing to its relationship with food availability. Howlers respond to the increase in population densities by increasing the (1) diversity of food species in the diet; (2) consumption of non-tree growth forms; and (3) consumption of new plant items. Home range size is also predicted by population density, but fragment size is a better predictor, probably owing to the fact that howler groups can overlap their home ranges. Our results emphasize the importance of conserving the larger fragments and increasing the size of small and medium-sized ones.  相似文献   

Identifying the sources of behavioral diversity in non-human primates is vital to understanding the evolution of human behavior. Stone handling (SH, hereafter) is a form of object play consisting of the manipulation of stones by performing various behavioral patterns. This behavior is socially transmitted from generation to generation in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), as a behavioral tradition. SH behavior in particular may reflect on the origin and evolution of stone-tool material culture. The objective of this study was to assess how group size, age structure, and age- and sex-related differences may account for the substantial intra- and inter-troop variations in SH reported in ten troops of Japanese macaques. Our results supported the hypothesis that patterns of variation in SH across troops reflected variability in group size and composition in age classes. We found that troop size was correlated with the proportion of troop members exhibiting SH simultaneously. The effect of troop size on the synchronized performance of SH may reveal the contagious nature of play. Our results suggest that the age structure of the group may affect the diffusion of SH. As predicted by the surplus energy hypothesis, a major functional hypothesis about play, intra-group variation in SH reflected more age- than sex-related differences. SH mainly occurred and was more frequent in younger than in older individuals, whereas no significant sex differences were found. SH episodes were shorter, more vigorous, and SH patterns were more diverse and less complex in immature than in mature individuals. The present findings reveal that age-related factors and group size may constrain the performance, diffusion, and maintenance of SH within a troop. Contrary to most other socially transmitted stone-tool using behaviors in non-human primates and early hominids, there is no optimal SH pattern. Provided some form of social learning, the non-adaptive nature of SH may allow particular SH pattern preferences to emerge at the group level. Our findings urge the use of an inter-populational comparative approach based on multivariate analyses when addressing the question of the evolution of behavioral traditions in primate and human populations.  相似文献   

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