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利用扫描和透射电子显微镜,观察了番荔枝科(Annonaceae)4属4种植物的花粉形态与结构.刺果番荔枝(Annona muricata)和金钩花(Pseuduvaria trimera)为四合花粉,有四角形、偏菱形、T-型、十字形和四面体形.前者花粉表面具小穿孔,后者为皱波状纹饰.蕉木(Oncodostigma hainanense)和那大紫玉盘(Uvaria macclurei)为单花粉,前者表面为皱波状纹饰,后者为粗褶皱状纹饰.透射电子显微镜下,蕉木和那大紫玉盘覆盖层较厚、连续.蕉木覆盖下层较薄,偶尔可见颗粒状物质或不规则小柱,为过渡型覆盖下层;那大紫玉盘覆盖下层颗粒状.基层分为内外两层,外层较厚,平或呈波浪状,内层具有2~4片层结构.在不同属或同属不同种之间,花粉特征差异较大,多样性非常丰富.金钩花具有四合花粉、覆盖下层小柱状等进化特征,同时又具有花粉粒小、覆盖层无穿孔等较原始特征.  相似文献   

亚洲番荔枝科植物新资料   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李秉滔   《广西植物》1993,13(4):311-315
本文根据国内外模式标本和文献资料,将亚洲番荔枝科植物进行了整理和研究,对6属26种及变种或亚种作了订正,其中有2个新名称,3个新组合,9个新异名,2个分布新记录。现整理成文,给予报道。  相似文献   

3种番荔枝科植物花粉形态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电子显微镜对番荔枝科2属3种植物的干花粉形态进行了观察,旨在为番荔枝科植物花粉多样性及其演化关系提供形态学证据。观察结果显示,Asimina longifolia var.spatulata Kral、Asimina reticulate Shuttlew.ex Chapm.和Disepalum plagioneurum(Diels)D.M.Johnson 3种植物的花粉多为四合体,在Asimina reticulata内偶见二合体、三合体,Disepalum plagioneurum偶见多合体;四合体类型大多为偏菱形,A.reticulata和D.plagioneurum中偶见四角形;3种植物花粉表面纹饰分别为皱波状(rugulate)、微网状(microreticulate)和网状(reticulate)。花粉通过形成外壁短链接(short exine connections)或花粉联丝(pollen-connecting threads)的方式将四合体凝集成花粉块(pollinium),提高了单一传粉过程中卵细胞的受精几率。Asimina和Disepalum两属植物花粉在表面纹饰、四合体类型等方面都十分相似,支持两者在系统发育中亲缘关系较近的观点。  相似文献   

滇产刺果番荔枝种子中的acetogenin类化合物   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
滇产刺果番荔枝种子中的acetogenin类化合物李朝明1穆青1孙汉董1郑惠兰2陶国达2(1中国科学院昆明植物研究所植物化学开放实验室,昆明650204)(2中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,云南勐腊666303)ACETOGENINSFROMSEED...  相似文献   

刺果番荔枝种子中的新环肽—刺果番荔枝环肽A   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从刺果番荔枝种子中得到1个新环肽,命名为刺果番荔枝环肽A(annomuricatinA)通过多种2D-NMR技术、pos.FAB-MS和氨基酸分析,其结构确定为坏(脯-苯丙-缬-丝-丙-甘),是1个环六肽。  相似文献   

中国番荔枝科囊瓣木族植物叶片脉序比较观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈健辉  李秉滔   《广西植物》1993,13(1):26-31+99
中路番荔枝科囊辦木族植物共有5属10种,其中有囊辦木属Saccopetalum Benn.,野独活屈Miliusa Lesch.ex A.DC.,蚁花届Mezzettiopsis Ridl.,澄广花属Orophea B1.等属的分类位置仍存在着一些争议。本文对它们有争议的4个屈进行了叶片脉序比较观察,提供分类一个辅佐证据。  相似文献   

报道了中国番荔枝科瓜馥木属(Annonaceae:Fissistigma)一新记录种——瘤果瓜馥木[F.thorelii(Pierre ex FinetGagnep.)Merr.]。该种在中国产于云南省红河县,凭证标本保存在西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。该种的主要特征是幼枝、花、果均被褐色粗短硬毛,且果实表面布满瘤状突起。  相似文献   

报道了3个新异名,即西藏暗罗Polyalthia chinensis S.K.Wu & P.T.Li、Enicosanthellum plagioneurum var.oblanceolatum Ban和桂南瓜馥木Fissistigma guinanense Y.Wan,分别并入疣叶暗罗P.verrucipes C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li、云桂暗罗P.petelotii Merr.和凹叶瓜馥木Fissistigma retusum(Lev1.)Rehd.。  相似文献   

番荔枝科的抗癌植物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
番荔枝科的抗癌植物宋万志马林番荔枝科植物是热带区系中主要的植物类群之一,喜生于气温较高而潮湿的林中。我国有24属,约103种,资源较丰富。多年来人们仅知该科番荔枝为热带著名的水果,瓜馥木的花可提取精油,以及不多的民间药。许多种类尚未充分研究。近10多...  相似文献   

The androecial and gynoecial initiation in Aquilegia ecalcarata Maxim. and A. caerulea James. were observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Also the microspore developmental sequence of different whorls of stamens in the same androecium was examined under the light microscope (LM). It was shown that the androecial initiation was centripetal, whereas the microsporogenesis and anther maturation were centrifugal. Thus, the centrifugal development of androecium in this genus was a secondary phenomenon. The authors considered that as has been reported centrifugal development of androecium appeared in different groups could be parallel to centripetal development in the course of evolution, of which the phylogenetic significance merits further approach.  相似文献   

中国番荔枝科省级分布新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了11种番荔枝科植物在我国6个省区的新分布,其中福建分布新记录是喙果皂帽花(Dasymaschalon rostratum);广东分布新记录是海南鹰爪(Artabotrys hainanensis);海南分布新记录是上思瓜馥木(Fissistigmas,Shangtzeense)和天堂瓜馥木(F.tientangense):广西分布新记录是海南鹰爪、喙果鹰爪(A.rhynchocarpus)、云南澄广花(Orophea yunnanensis)、陵水暗罗(Polyalthia nemoralis)和腺叶暗罗(P.simiarum);云南分布新记录是天堂瓜馥木、澄广花(O.hainanensis)和瘤果紫玉盘(Uvara kweichowensis);西藏分布新记录是云南野独活(Miliusa tenttistipitata)。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Annonaceae are one of the largest families of Magnoliales. This study investigates the comparative floral development of 15 species to understand the basis for evolutionary changes in the perianth, androecium and carpels and to provide additional characters for phylogenetic investigation.


Floral ontogeny of 15 species from 12 genera is examined and described using scanning electron microscopy.

Key Results

Initiation of the three perianth whorls is either helical or unidirectional. Merism is mostly trimerous, occasionally tetramerous and the members of the inner perianth whorl may be missing or are in double position. The androecium and the gynoecium were found to be variable in organ numbers (from highly polymerous to a fixed number, six in the androecium and one or two in the gynoecium). Initiation of the androecium starts invariably with three pairs of stamen primordia along the sides of the hexagonal floral apex. Although inner staminodes were not observed, they were reported in other genera and other families of Magnoliales, except Magnoliaceae and Myristicaceae. Initiation of further organs is centripetal. Androecia with relatively low stamen numbers have a whorled phyllotaxis throughout, while phyllotaxis becomes irregular with higher stamen numbers. The limits between stamens and carpels are unstable and carpels continue the sequence of stamens with a similar variability.


It was found that merism of flowers is often variable in some species with fluctuations between trimery and tetramery. Doubling of inner perianth parts is caused by (unequal) splitting of primordia, contrary to the androecium, and is independent of changes of merism. Derived features, such as a variable merism, absence of the inner perianth and inner staminodes, fixed numbers of stamen and carpels, and capitate or elongate styles are distributed in different clades and evolved independently. The evolution of the androecium is discussed in the context of basal angiosperms: paired outer stamens are the consequence of the transition between the larger perianth parts and much smaller stamens, and not the result of splitting. An increase in stamen number is correlated with their smaller size at initiation, while limits between stamens and carpels are unclear with easy transitions of one organ type into another in some genera, or the complete replacement of carpels by stamens in unisexual flowers.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Anaxagorea is the phylogenetically basalmost genus in the large tropical Annonaceae (custard apple family) of Magnoliales, but its floral structure is unknown in many respects. The aim of this study is to analyse evolutionarily interesting floral features in comparison with other genera of the Annonaceae and the sister family Eupomatiaceae. Methods Live flowers of Anaxagorea crassipetala were examined in the field with vital staining, liquid-fixed material was studied with scanning electron microscopy, and microtome section series were studied with light microscopy. In addition, herbarium material of two other Anaxagorea species was cursorily studied with the dissecting microscope. Key Results Floral phyllotaxis in Anaxagorea is regularly whorled (with complex whorls) as in all other Annonaceae with a low or medium number of floral organs studied so far (in those with numerous stamens and carpels, phyllotaxis becoming irregular in the androecium and gynoecium). The carpels are completely plicate as in almost all other Annonaceae. In these features Anaxagorea differs sharply from the sister family Eupomatiaceae, which has spiral floral phyllotaxis and ascidiate carpels. Flat stamens and the presence of inner staminodes differ from most other Annonaceae and may be plesiomorphic in Anaxagorea. However, the inner staminodes appear to be non-secretory in most Anaxagorea species, which differs from inner staminodes in other families of Magnoliales (Eupomatiaceae, Degeneriacae, Himantandraceae), which are secretory. Conclusions Floral phyllotaxis in Anaxagorea shows that there is no signature of a basal spiral pattern in Annonaceae and that complex whorls are an apomorphy not just for a part of the family but for the family in its entirety, and irregular phyllotaxis is derived. This and the presence of completely plicate carpels in Anaxagorea makes the family homogeneous and distinguishes it from the closest relatives in Magnoliales.  相似文献   

The recent publication of hypotheses explaining the homeotic control of floral organ identity together with the availability of increasingly comprehensive and well‐resolved molecular phylogenies presents an ideal opportunity for reassessing current knowledge of floral diversity and evolution in the Annonaceae. This review summarizes currently available information on selected aspects of floral structure and function, including: changes in the number of perianth whorls and the number of perianth parts per whorl; the evolution of sympetaly; the diversity and evolution of pollination chambers (with a novel classification of seven main structural forms of floral chamber based on the different arrangement, size and shape of petals); the evolution of perianth glands; floral unisexuality and hypotheses explaining the unexpectedly high frequency of occurrence of androdioecy; the origin and possible function of inner and outer staminodes; the evolution of stamen connective diversity and theca septation; and the origin of ‘true’ syncarpy and functionally equivalent extragynoecial compita. In each case, current ideas on the origin, evolution and function are discussed. The information presented in this review enables two main conclusions to be drawn. The first is that changes in the homeotic control of floral organ identity may have had a profound impact on floral structure in several disparate lineages in the family. This is most obvious in Fenerivia, in which a centrifugal shift of floral organ identity has occurred, and in Dasymaschalon, in which a reverse (centripetal) shift has occurred. Other genera that have gained or lost entire perianth whorls are likely to have undergone similar homeotic changes. Attention is also drawn to the extensive functional convergence in Annonaceae flowers, with widespread homoplasy in many characters that have previously been emphasized in higher‐level classifications.  相似文献   

Annona cherimola is a woody perennial species in the Annonaceae family that produces edible fruits and has economic importance in several regions of the world with subtropical climates. Together with other 10‐12 species, A. cherimola belongs to the section Atta of the Annona genus with a center of origin in Central America and the Caribbean. Species of the section Atta produce soft skin ripe fruits with raised areoles bounded by recessed furrows. Annona cherimola is the only species of the section naturally found in the Andean region of South America. Currently, no information is available at the molecular level on the phylogenetic relationships of most of the species of Atta and closely related sections in Annona. In order to fill this gap, in this work a phylogenetic approach was performed using five coding and non‐coding plastid DNA regions, to determine the phylogenetic relationships between A. cherimola and other related species included in Atta and other sections of the genus. The results obtained support recent studies that demonstrated the likely Mesoamerican origin of A. cherimola based on biogeographical analysis with SSR markers, rather than the previously considered South American origin hypothesis. In addition, the species belonging to the Atta section did not show monophyly. Finally, A. cherimola and A. pruinosa seem to be phylogenetically close species and additional studies are needed to discern the relations between them.  相似文献   

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