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Pluripotent human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines are a promising model system in developmental and tissue regeneration research. Differentiation of hESCs towards the three germ layers and finally tissue specific cell types is often performed through the formation of embryoid bodies (EBs) in suspension or hanging droplet culture systems. However, these systems are inefficient regarding embryoid body (EB) formation, structural support to the EB and long term differentiation capacity. The present study investigates if agarose, as a semi solid matrix, can facilitate EB formation and support differentiation of hESC lines. The results showed that agarose culture is able to enhance EB formation efficiency with 10% and increase EB growth by 300%. The agarose culture system was able to maintain expression of the three germ layers over 8 weeks of culture. All of the four hESC lines tested developed EBs in the agarose system although with a histological heterogeneity between cell lines as well as within cell lines. In conclusion, a 3-D agarose culture of spherical hESC colonies improves EB formation and growth in a cost effective, stable and non-laborious technique.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the secretory epithelial cells of rat's ventral prostate has been studied following organ culture. Culturing with either testosterone or insulin alone, and with the two hormones combined, were carried out to investigate how insulin modifies the action of testosterone on the maintenance of cellular integrity. After 4 days in hormone-free culture, the secretory epithelial cells showed signs of cellular atrophy and regression, involving loss of the apical microvilli, absence of the apical secretory vacuoles, atrophy of the Golgi apparatus, decrease in rough endoplasmic reticulum and the appearance of autophagic vacuoles. The presence in the medium of either testosterone or insulin alone, or combined, prevented cellular atrophy and regression. The best maintenance of cellular integrity was obtained in a culture containing both hormones. The effects of insulin was approximately equivalent to those of testosterone in the maintenance of cellular integrity.  相似文献   

The development of cultured rabbit preimplantation embryos grown in standard media (Ham's F-10 or BSM II supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA) or homologous serum) or in Ham's medium supplemented with uterine flushings was compared. The uterine flushings derived from donors of 0.5-6 years of age. Uterine flushing supplemented media were used natively or after treatments like sterilization by filtration, lyophilization, three times freezing/thawing, heat denaturation, dialysis, or ultrafiltration. Compared with in vivo controls, embryonic growth was substantially reduced during in vitro culture, demonstrably by smaller diameters and impaired cell proliferation (measured by thymidine incorporation). The growth retardation was more pronounced in blastocysts (recovered at day 4 post coitum [p.c.]) than in morulae (recovered at day 3 p.c.). Development in uterine flushing media was notably better than in standard media but did not comply with in vivo development. Highest thymidine incorporation was observed in media with increased concentrations of uterine secretions and after sequential supplementation of flushings from subsequent progestational stages. Advanced donor ages, heating up to 80 degrees C, freezing, and lyophilizing did not affect incorporation data statistically significantly, whereas sterilization by filtration, ultrafiltration, and dialysis led to a significantly reduced thymidine incorporation in the cultured embryos. The positive effects of uterine flushing supplementation are attributed to the supply of components more adjusted to the needs of the cultured embryos and/or to a reduction of pathological effects in vitro like washing out of nutritive and regulatory components from the embryo into the surrounding culture medium.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue is an easily accessible and abundant source of stem cells. Adipose stem cells (ASCs) are currently being researched as treatment options for repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. The standard culture conditions used for expansion of ASCs contain fetal bovine serum (FBS) which is undefined, could transmit known and unknown adventitious agents, and may cause adverse immune reactions. We have described a novel culture condition which excludes the use of FBS and characterised the resulting culture. Human ASCs were cultured in the novel culture medium, which included complement protein C3. These cultures, called C-ASCs, were compared with ASCs cultured in medium supplemented with FBS. Analysis of ASCs for surface marker profile, proliferation characteristics and differentiation potential indicated that the C-ASCs were similar to ASCs cultured in medium containing FBS. Using a specific inhibitor, we show that C3 is required for the survival of C-ASCs. This novel composition lends itself to being developed into a defined condition for the routine culture of ASCs for basic and clinical applications.  相似文献   

Summary A novel serum-free medium for the cultivation of Vero cells on microcarriers was developed,which composed of the 1:1 mixture of Dubecco's Modified Eagle Medium: Nutrient Mixture F12, bovine serum albumin(BSA) or human serum albumin(HSA), epidermal growth factor(EGF), gelatin and Dbiotin. Both BSA and EGF were effective on cell growth, adhesion and spreading. Further addition of gelatin and biotin led to the enhanced cell adhesion and spreading without growth promoting activity. The serum-free medium was suitable for the cultivation of vero cells on several different microcarriers with cell density reached over 3×l06cells/ml.  相似文献   

The culture of early embryos in the surrogate xeno-oviduct was first developed in the early 1950s to allow transport of embryos at long distances. Later, it was applied to the study of culture requirements of the early embryo especially that of bovine origin. In this article, we review the data available on the culture of in vitro-matured and in vitro-fertilized embryos of Bos taurus, Sus scrofa, Equus caballus and Ovis aries in the surrogate sheep oviduct compared with data on in vitro culture in different media. Short-term and long-term cellular and molecular effects are described mainly for the bovine species where more extensive use of this technique has been made. A comparison with in vitro culture in various conditions and species indicate that embryos cultured in the sheep oviduct have close similarities to totally in vivo-derived embryos. The data provided demonstrate that the technique of in vivo culture in the surrogate sheep oviduct is versatile and allows a high rate of embryonic development in all species examined.  相似文献   

Understanding prostate stem cells may provide insight into the origin of prostate cancer. Primary cells have been cultured from human prostate tissue but they usually survive only 15-20 population doublings before undergoing senescence. We report here that RC-170N/h/clone 7 cells, a clonal cell line from hTERT-immortalized primary non-malignant tissue-derived human prostate epithelial cell line (RC170N/h), retain multipotent stem cell properties. The RC-170N/h/clone 7 cells expressed a human embryonic stem cell marker, Oct-4, and potential prostate epithelial stem cell markers, CD133, integrin alpha2beta1(hi) and CD44. The RC-170N/h/clone 7 cells proliferated in KGM and Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium with 10% fetal bovine serum and 5 microg/ml insulin (DMEM+10% FBS+Ins.) medium, and differentiated into epithelial stem cells that expressed epithelial cell markers, including CK5/14, CD44, p63 and cytokeratin 18 (CK18); as well as the mesenchymal cell markers, vimentin, desmin; the neuron and neuroendocrine cell marker, chromogranin A. Furthermore the RC170 N/h/clone 7 cells differentiated into multi tissues when transplanted into the sub-renal capsule and subcutaneously of NOD-SCID mice. The results indicate that RC170N/h/clone 7 cells retain the properties of multipotent stem cells and will be useful as a novel cell model for studying the mechanisms of human prostate stem cell differentiation and transformation.  相似文献   

Melanoma cell lines are useful tools for the analysis of tumor-specific lymphocytes which are injected to patients treated by adoptive immunotherapy. So they have been established previously (with an efficacy of 47%) in Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) medium enriched with fetal calf serum (FCS). In order to improve the probability of establishing melanoma cell lines, we compared two FCS-free media with the original FCS medium. Ten melanoma-invaded lymph nodes were tested for their ability to grow in three different culture media: RPMI with FCS; RPMI with human serum (HS); serum-free X-vivo 15 (X15). For each medium, we compared the following criteria: percentage of lines obtained; period of establishment; cell morphology; expression of melanoma-associated antigens and surface molecules. More cell lines were obtained with HS and X15 media compared to FCS medium (7/10, 5/10 and 4/10, respectively). The time period to establish a stable line was similar for the three media. No morphological differences were observed in cells derived from the same tumor sample in the different media. With the X15 medium, cells generally expressed lower levels of melanocytic differentiation antigens and surface molecules. The growth of melanoma cell lines in FCS-free culture media appears possible and advantageous, with an increased probability of obtaining autologous tumor cell lines. Furthermore the cells obtained could be used as multiple antigenic sources in active or adoptive immunotherapy protocols.  相似文献   

Summary A new culture medium, NCTC 168, has been designed for human skin epithelial cells. This medium formulation was developed, by combining and testing at various concentrations, components of media NCTC 135 and 163, since a 1∶1 mixture of these two media with 10% horse serum supplement was found to promote epithelial cell outgrowth from human skin explants. The buffer system in NCTC 168 maintains the pH of the medium between 7.0 and 7.2. In contrast to other media tested, NCTC 168 with 10% horse serum is capable of initiating and sustaining larger epithelial cell outgrowths. Explants in serum-supplemented NCTC 168 in the absence of feeder cells reproducibly yield confluent epithelial cell sheets apparently free of fibroblasts after only 19 to 28 days as compared with 5 weeks or longer for the other media tested. NCTC 168 also supports passage of human epithelial cells to the sixth subculture generation without feeder cells. Electron microscopy has shown the presence of desmosomes and tonofilaments in the passaged cells indicating the epithelial nature of the cells. The addition of epithelial growth factor, hydrocortisone and insulin at 5 ng per ml, 4 μg per ml and 5 μg per ml, respectively did not appreciably enhance the growth of the epithelial cells.  相似文献   

In this study, we sought to establish a defined experimental system for fibroblast growth similar to that of the living dermis. To this end, we evaluated the growth and biochemical characteristics of fibroblasts cultured with serum-free HFDM-1, a finely tuned synthetic medium for human fibroblast culture. Three culture conditions were used to grow fibroblasts obtained from primary culture: (1) culture with Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) plus 10 % fetal bovine serum (serum-supplemented DMEM), (2) culture with DMEM (serum-free DMEM), and (3) culture with HFDM-1 (HFDM-1), and fibroblast morphology, growth, collagen type I production, and lipid composition were analyzed. Fibroblasts grown in HFDM-1 maintained cell numbers at nearly 100 % from days 14 to 21 and produced more collagen type I than cells grown in serum-supplemented and serum-free DMEM. Arachidonic acid (20:4) and total polyunsaturated fatty acids were lower in cells grown in serum-free DMEM and HFDM-1 than in serum-supplemented DMEM. These results suggested that HFDM-1 recapitulated growth conditions in the dermis better than traditional, serum-supplemented DMEM. In addition, the controlled chemical composition of HFDM-1 eliminated a potential source of variability in cell culture conditions.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated mouse prostate epithelial cells regenerate fully differentiated prostate tissue when combined with embryonic urogenital sinus mesenchyme and grafted in vivo. We show here that this regenerative capacity, which has been attributed to a small population of pleuripotential progenitor epithelial cells, is rapidly lost when the cells are placed in monolayer culture but can be maintained by culture in anchorage-independent conditions. Epithelial cells placed in anchorage-independent culture formed proliferating spheres that could be serially passaged and exhibited increased expression of putative stem cell markers as compared to cells grown in monolayer culture. Epithelial cells isolated from the fetal urogenital sinus, the newborn, and adult prostate formed spheres with similar efficiency, while cells isolated from the post-castration prostate exhibited significantly higher sphere-forming abilities. When passaged spheres were recombined with E17 rat urogenital sinus mesenchyme and grafted in vivo, they generated fully differentiated mouse prostate glandular epithelium containing both p63+ basal cells and p63− luminal cells and expressing a variety of prostate-specific and terminal differentiation markers.  相似文献   

A serum-free medium supplemented with growth factor(s) was devised to grow human lymphocytic cell lines. The medium was developed using human lymphocytic cell line, Bri 7 cells. In the process of constructing the medium, human lactoferrin was found to be an essential growth factor for the cell line. Human lactoferrin has higher growth stimulatory activity than human transferrin, and was sensitive to heat. Long-term cultivation of the cells was achieved in the defined medium supplemented with human lactoferrin only. The defined medium specifically supported the growth of various other human B- and T-lymphocytic cell lines but not the growth of various mouse lymphocytic cell lines. In lactoferrin-supplemented medium, the growth of some human cell lines were further stimulated by the addition of a combination of insulin, ethanolamine and selenium, or another combination of 2-mercaptoethanol and the above three factors. Bovine lactoferrin could be substituted for human lactoferrin.  相似文献   

越橘属植物克隆的体外繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以美国引进的越橘属植物为材料,取其成龄植株的茎段或茎尖为外植体,培养在添加各种激素配比的改良WPM的培养基上,研究了影响克隆体外繁殖的因素,筛选离体最佳增殖和生根培养基及培养条件.结果表明:在改良WPM添加Zt 1.0 mg/L的增殖培养基上,增殖系数最大达50,在1/2WPM IBA 0.3 mg/L的生根培养基上生根率因外植体的基因型不同而有差异,可达到30%~70%.通过实验室的半无菌炼苗后,试管苗移栽到温室的成活率达60%.  相似文献   

The design of serum-free media for suspension culture of genetically engineered Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using general commercial media as a basis was investigated. Subcultivation using a commercial serum-free medium containing insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 with or without FCS necessitated additives other than IGF-1 to compensate for the lack of FCS and improve cell growth. Suspension culture with media containing several combinations of growth factors suggested the effectiveness of addition of both IGF-1 and the lipid signaling molecule lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) for promoting cell growth. Subcultivation of CHO cells in suspension culture using the commercial serum-free medium EX-CELL™302, which contained an IGF-1 analog, supplemented with LPA resulted in gradually increasing specific growth rate comparable to the serum-containing medium and in almost the same high antibody production regardless of the number of generations. The culture with EX-CELL™302 supplemented with LPA in a jar fermentor with pH control at 6.9 showed an apparently higher cell growth rate than the cultures without pH control and with pH control at 6.8. The cell growth in the medium supplemented with aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA), which was much cheaper than IGF-1, in combination with LPA was synergistically promoted similarly to that in the medium supplemented with IGF-1 and LPA. In conclusion, the serum-free medium designed on the basis of general commercial media could support the growth of CHO cells and antibody production comparable to serum-containing medium in suspension culture. Moreover, the possibility of cost reduction by the substitution of IGF-1 with ATA was also shown.  相似文献   

Chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal cells is generally thought to be initiated by the inductive action of specific growth factors and depends on intimate cell-cell interactions. The aim of our investigation was to characterize the influences of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and ferroussulfate (FeSO4) on proliferation and differentiation of human articular chondrocytes (HAC). This is the first report of the effects of FeSO4 on chondrogenesis of HAC. Multiplied chondrocytes of hip and shoulder joints were cultured in chondrocyte growth medium supplemented with bFGF, FeSO4, or both bFGF + FeSO4 for4weeks. A 20 μl aliquot of a cell suspension containing2 × 107 cells ml−1 was delivered onto each well of 24-well tissue culture plates. Cells cultured with the growth medium only was used as a control. Alamar blue and alcian blue staining were done to determine the chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation, respectively, after 4 weeks. The samples exposed to bFGF, FeSO4, and combination of both indicated sufficient cell proliferation similar to the control level. Differentiations of the HAC exposed to bFGF, FeSO4,and bFGF + FeSO4 were 1.2-, 2.0-, and 2.2-fold of the control, respectively. Therefore, chondrocyte differentiation was significantly enhanced by the addition of FeSO4 andbFGF + FeSO4. The combined effects of bFGF and FeSO4 were additive, rather than synergistic. These results suggest that treatment with ferrous sulfate alone or in combination with basic fibroblast growth factor etc, is a powerful tool to promote the differentiation of HAC for the clinical application. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer continues to be a major cause of death in men. Surgical and medical treatments of the disease have improved, but metastasic disease remains a significant clinical problem. Novel therapies such as whole cell vaccination offer the potential of treating disease by stimulating the immune system. To study the efficacy of a whole cell vaccine in prostate cancer two strains of mice were used: C57BL/6 (H-2Kb) and C3H/HeJ (H-2Kk) in combination with four different cell lines. Thus, a model was constructed of allogeneic and syngeneic vaccine, as well as a challenge tumour for each strain. Two novel cell lines were developed during this study. Firstly, the non tumourigeneic PMC-1 was derived from a normal mouse prostate and immortalized with HPV16. Secondly, the tumourigeneic PMC-1 C6ras1p1 was transformed with human ras gene which formed tumours in both SCID and C3H/HeJ mice. Protection, and the nature of the immune response to syngeneic and allogeneic vaccine, in males and females was examined in both strains. Vaccination with both syngeneic and allogeneic irradiated whole cell vaccines induced protection from syngeneic challenge in females. However, no protection was observed when allogeneic vaccine was given to male mice. This correlated with the immune response. Two types of cellular immune responses were generated in females. A NK-mediated response was observed in C57BL/6 mice, whilst C3H/HeJ mice developed a CTL response. Little or no cellular immune response was observed in males. The cytokine profile in C3H/HeJ females was a mixture of Th1 and Th2 whilst a mainly Th1 profile was observed in C57BL/6 mice. Male mice showed a diminished cytokine secretion compared to females which was further depressed after challenge. The difference in immunity was largely as expected, since tolerance to prostate antigens should not normally develop in female mice. However, this makes this model particularly relevant clinically since it directly mimics the human situation and thus may accelerate the development of whole cell vaccines for clinical use.  相似文献   

Summary We have devised techniques to culture whole, dissected embryos of Drosophila melanogaster. We examine multiple aspects of the morphological and physiological development of the epidermis, musculature, nervous system, and internal organs in this cultured preparation, and show that in vitro development closely parallels normal embryogenesis. These techniques permit a wide range of experimental manipulations during embryogenesis and allow us to extend observations through late embryonic stages, after cuticle deposition. Applications of this technique are presented.  相似文献   

Summary A new method was developed for rabbit skin organ culture. In a two-compartment model, skin discs were cultured on a Millicell-HA insert unit with a microporous membrane which allows transport of culture medium via the dermis into the epidermis, whereas the epidermal side remains free of direct contact with culture medium. In this relatively simple two-compartment organ culture model, rabbit skin could be cultured for 7 d in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum, or for 2 d in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with cofactors. The histomorphology and ultrastructure of 7-d cultured rabbit skin discs was essentially similar to that of freshly isolated rabbit skin. Keratinocytes in the stratum basale continued to divide during organ culture. The terminal differentiation of the epidermis continued in vitro as was found by the presence of keratohyalin granules, the intact stratum corneum, and keratin expression. Furthermore, glucose consumption continued until culture Day 7, but thereafter it declined rapidly. Concomitantly, degenerative changes were found. At the end of the 7-d culture period the distance between single dermal collagen fibrils had increased as compared to noncultured skin. This model of skin organ cultures can be used to study biological processes, dermal toxicity, and penetration and metabolism of xenobiotics in intact skin. Furthermore, within certain limits, processes responsible for repair and regeneration of damaged skin can also be studied in this model because the rabbit skin can be cultured for 7 d. The present study was financially supported by grants of Duphar B. V. (Weesp, Netherlands), the European Community, and the Dutch animal welfare organizations Samenwerkingsverband van de Nederlandse Vereniging tot Bescherming van Dieren en de Nederlandse Bond tot Bestrijding van de Vivisectie, Anti-Vivisectie Stichting en Stichting Schoonheid Zonder Wreedheid.  相似文献   

Summary A technique for cultivating isolated flowers of Brassica napus has been developed. Flowers were harvested at anthesis, the surface of their peduncles was then sterilized and they were cultivated in a hormonefree medium. We used an MS medium supplemented with 3% sucrose as a source of organic carbon. From our experiments, it was concluded that no exogenous growth regulator is required to ensure normal growth and development in vitro. The flowers, and thereafter the pods, can be kept in culture until seed maturity. After 30 days, seed development resulted in three types of seeds: (1) normal, (2) milky and (3) aborted. The results show that the number of seeds per pod was not dependent on the order of flowers on the raceme (except the first 10 flowers and flowers above row 50). Our study supports the validity of this model as an easy tool for studying pollination and early seed development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tumor targeting and imaging properties of a novel (111)In-labeled gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) peptide {1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA)-Ahx-(D-Lys(6)-GnRH1)} for human prostate cancer. The biodistribution and tumor imaging properties of (111)In-DOTA-Ahx-(D-Lys(6)-GnRH1) were determined in DU145 human prostate cancer-xenografted nude mice. (111)In-DOTA-Ahx-(d-Lys(6)-GnRH1) exhibited rapid tumor uptake (1.27 ± 0.40% ID/g at 0.5h post-injection) coupled with fast whole-body clearance through the urinary system. The DU145 human prostate cancer-xenografted tumor lesions were clearly visualized by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/CT at 0.5h post-injection of (111)In-DOTA-Ahx-(D-Lys(6)-GnRH1). The successful imaging of DU145 human prostate cancer-xenografted tumor lesions using (111)In-DOTA-Ahx-(d-Lys(6)-GnRH1) highlighted its potential as a novel imaging probe for human prostate cancer imaging.  相似文献   

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