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The introduction of American shad from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast of North America in the late 1800’s and the subsequent population expansion in the 1980’s resulted in the amplification of Ichthyophonus sp., a Mesomycetozoean parasite of wild marine fishes. Sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA gene complex (small subunit and internal transcribed spacer regions) and Ichthyophonus epidemiological characteristics indicate a low probability that Ichthyophonus was co-introduced with American shad from the Atlantic; rather, Ichthyophonus was likely endemic to marine areas of the Pacific region and amplified by the expanding population of a highly susceptible host species. The migratory life history of shad resulted in the transport of amplified Ichthyophonus from its endemic region in the NE Pacific to the Columbia River watershed. An Ichthyophonus epizootic occurred among American shad in the Columbia River during 2007, when infection prevalence was 72%, and 57% of the infections were scored as moderate or heavy intensities. The epizootic occurred near the record peak of shad biomass in the Columbia River, and corresponded to an influx of 1,595 mt of infected shad tissues into the Columbia River. A high potential for parasite spillback and the establishment of a freshwater Ichthyophonus life cycle in the Columbia River results from currently elevated infection pressures, broad host range, plasticity in Ichthyophonus life history stages, and precedents for establishment of the parasite in other freshwater systems. The results raise questions regarding the risk for sympatric salmonids and the role of Ichthyophonus as a population-limiting factor affecting American shad in the Columbia River.  相似文献   

Seasonal distribution of adult Atlantic sturgeon was examined using pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) and ultrasonic transmitters deployed in the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada. Seven MK10 PSATs programmed for release in June 2012 and seven MiniPAT PSATs programmed for release in February and April 2013 were deployed in August 2011 and 2012, respectively. Eleven of 14 PSATs surfaced and transmitted depth and temperature data archived for the duration of their deployment (121–302 days). Among these eleven PSATs, five were recovered and 15-sec archival data was downloaded. Following exit from the Saint John River in the fall, tagged fish occupied a mean monthly depth of 76.3–81.6 m at temperatures as low as 4.9˚C throughout the winter before returning to shallower areas in the spring. The majority of ultrasonic detections occurred in the Bay of Fundy, but fish were detected as far as Riviere Saint-Jean, Quebec, approximately 1500 km from the Bay of Fundy (representing long-distance migratory rates of up to 44 km/day). All PSATs were first detected in the Bay of Fundy. Tags that released in February and April were found 5–21 km offshore of the Saint John Harbour, while tags that released in June were first detected in near shore areas throughout the Bay of Fundy. The substrate at winter tag release locations (estimated from backward numerical particle-tracking experiments) consisted primarily of moraines and postglacial mud substrate with low backscatter strength, indicative of soft or smooth seabed. Based on the proximity of winter tag release locations, the consistent depths observed between fish, and previous research, it is suspected that a winter aggregation exists in the Bay of Fundy. This study expands the understanding of the marine distribution and range of Atlantic sturgeon on the east coast of Canada.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of fish estuary association guilds was undertaken on some 190 South African estuaries. This pioneering study spanned three zoogeographic regions and included three broad estuarine types. The guild compositions of the estuaries were compared based on an importance value, incorporating taxonomic composition, numerical abundance and relative biomass. Multivariate analyses included both inter‐regional (zoogeographic) and intra‐regional (estuarine typology) comparisons. The major estuary‐associated guilds (estuarine species and marine migrant species) were important in all estuary types within all biogeographic regions. Significant differences both between regions and between estuary types within regions, however, were recorded. Cool–temperate estuaries were generally dominated by migratory species (estuarine migrants and marine migrant opportunists) while the importance of species dependent on estuaries (estuarine residents and estuarine‐dependent marine migrants) was higher in warm–temperate and subtropical regions. The significance of estuarine nursery areas, particularly in regions where estuaries are few in number, is highlighted. In terms of typology, migratory species assumed a greater importance in predominantly open systems, while freshwater and estuarine‐resident species were more important in predominantly closed systems. Predominantly closed estuaries, however, were also important for marine migrant species, which further highlights the significance of these systems as nursery areas for fishes.  相似文献   

Many benthic marine invertebrates show striking range disjunctions across broad spatial scales. Without direct evidence for endemism or introduction, these species remain cryptogenic. The common ragworm Hediste diversicolor plays a pivotal role in sedimentary littoral ecosystems of the North Atlantic as an abundant prey item and ecosystem engineer, but exhibits a restricted dispersal capacity that may limit connectivity at both evolutionary and ecological time scales. In Europe, H. diversicolor is subdivided into cryptic taxa and genetic lineages whose distributions have been modified by recent invasions. Its origin in the northwest Atlantic has not been adequately addressed. To trace the age and origin of North American ragworm populations, we analyzed mtDNA sequence data (COI) from the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy (n=73 individuals) and compared our findings with published data from the northeast Atlantic. Our results together with previous data indicate that two species of the H. diversicolor complex have independently colonized the northwest Atlantic at least three different times, resulting in two distinct conspecific assemblages in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine (respectively) that are different from the species found in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. North American populations had significantly lower genetic diversity compared with populations in the northeast Atlantic, and based on patterns of shared identity, populations in the Bay of Fundy originated from the Baltic Sea and North Sea. Populations from the Gulf of Maine were phylogenetically distinct and most likely originated from unsampled European populations. Analyses of the North American populations revealed patterns of post‐colonization gene flow among populations within the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy. However, we failed to detect shared haplotypes between the two regions, and this pattern of complete isolation corroborates a strong phylogeographic break observed in other species.  相似文献   

A variety of hydrokinetic turbines are currently under development for power generation in rivers, tidal straits and ocean currents. Because some of these turbines are large, with rapidly moving rotor blades, the risk of collision with aquatic animals has been brought to attention. The behavior and fate of animals that approach such large hydrokinetic turbines have not yet been monitored at any detail. In this paper, we conduct a synthesis of the current knowledge and understanding of hydrokinetic turbine collision risks. The outcome is a generic fault tree based probabilistic model suitable for estimating population-level ecological risks. New video-based data on fish behavior in strong currents are provided and models describing fish avoidance behaviors are presented. The findings indicate low risk for small-sized fish. However, at large turbines (≥5 m), bigger fish seem to have high probability of collision, mostly because rotor detection and avoidance is difficult in low visibility. Risks can therefore be substantial for vulnerable populations of large-sized fish, which thrive in strong currents. The suggested collision risk model can be applied to different turbine designs and at a variety of locations as basis for case-specific risk assessments. The structure of the model facilitates successive model validation, refinement and application to other organism groups such as marine mammals.  相似文献   

Synopsis Sampling in six estuaries of the east coast of James and Hudson Bays between 1973 and 1977 has revealed latitudinal differences in the composition of fish communities. Arctic and subarctic marine species are more prominent in estuaries of Hudson Bay. Fewer species are found northwards with 35 species in lower rivers and estuaries of James Bay and only 24 in those of Hudson Bay, for a total of 38 species. Climate, postglacial dispersion and restricted space are proposed as causes of the observed distribution of fishes. Send reprint request to this address  相似文献   

Heart mass of American shad Alosa sapidissima did not change during migration in the Connecticut River. Spleen mass decreased and there was an increase in available blood haemoglobin (+22%) and haematocrit (+9%). The decreases in spleen somatic index (-29%) and spleen haemoglobin content (-15%) were dependent upon distance travelled upriver and not seasonal migration timing or short-term exercise events such as passage up a fish ladder. There was no effect of migration timing on any of the blood parameters measured, suggesting that any physiological responses during migration were based on distance travelled rather than seasonally variable conditions such as temperature, although blood haemoglobin (+24%) and haematocrit (+21%) increased after passage up a fish ladder. These changes in haematological physiology occurring during upstream migration may increase swimming performance and migratory success in American shad.  相似文献   

The early marine migratory behaviour of two populations of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar was compared in a common-garden experiment. Post-smolts from a river in a long fjord (Laerdal River, 144 km from the open coastline, n = 79) and a short fjord (Flekke River, 20 km from the open coastline, n = 80) in western Norway were tagged with acoustic transmitters and released during the spring of 2005 and 2006 in the inner part of the Hardangerfjord system (Opo River mouth, 179 km from the open coastline). The migratory behaviour of the tagged fish was monitored by acoustic listening stations in the fjord system up to 167 km from the release site. The Laerdal fish began migrating before the Flekke fish and had higher progression rates in the middle part of the fjord system. A greater number of Laerdal fish was detected along the most direct migratory route and in the outermost part of the Hardangerfjord system, which is indicative of a higher survival. The results from this study demonstrate differences in early marine migratory behaviour between S. salar from two different stocks and suggest that the distance a S. salar population travels to reach the open coastline may influence its early marine migratory behaviour and performance. The selective pressures of marine predation and arrival time at feeding areas in the ocean may be stronger for stocks with a longer inshore migration, creating more efficient migrants over time.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to quantify the spatial and temporal distribution of the occurrence of anadromous fishes (alewife Alosa pseudoharengus, blueback herring Alosa aestivalis and American shad Alosa sapidissima) in the stomachs of demersal fishes in coastal waters of the north‐west Atlantic Ocean. Results show that anadromous fishes were detectable and quantifiable in the diets of common marine piscivores for every season sampled. Even though anadromous fishes were not the most abundant prey, they accounted for c. 5–10% of the diet by mass for several marine piscivores. Statistical comparisons of these data with fish diet data from a broad‐scale survey of the north‐west Atlantic Ocean indicate that the frequency of this trophic interaction was significantly higher within spatially and temporally focused sampling areas of this study than in the broad‐scale survey. Odds ratios of anadromous predation were as much as 460 times higher in the targeted sampling as compared with the broad‐scale sampling. Analyses indicate that anadromous prey consumption was more concentrated in the near‐coastal waters compared with consumption of a similar, but more widely distributed species, the Atlantic herring Clupea harengus. In the context of ecosystem‐based fisheries management, the results suggest that even low‐frequency feeding events may be locally important, and should be incorporated into ecosystem models.  相似文献   

Synopsis The extent to which data concerning the population genetics of a parasite — namely larvalAnisakis simplex, may be used as an auxilliary source of information on various aspects of the marine migrations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is examined.Frequencies of the various acid phosphatase alleles could not be used in distinguishing between or estimating the proportions of North American and European salmon occurring off west Greenland. The genetic structure of larvae from salmon taken in Scotland was different from that taken in Ireland and England confirming an earlier conclusion that the feeding habits of the fish from Scotland were significantly different. In the western Atlantic, salmon from northern Newfoundland and also salmon from the Bay of Fundy had apparently ingested different populations (or different proportions of the same nematode population) than salmon from Miramachi and Chaleur Bay areas. Samples from northern Newfoundland and Labrador were also genetically different. These findings are discussed in relation to the available literature concerning salmon migrations, explanations are put forward and areas of future research suggested.  相似文献   

River flow can impact which sources of particulate organic matter (POM) fuel estuarine food webs. Here, we used stable carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotope analyses to compare how contributions of different POM sources (terrestrial, estuarine, and marine) to the diets of zooplankton and juvenile fishes differed between low and high river flow conditions, as well as spatially across a tropical estuary, Hilo Bay, Hawaii, USA. Diets of zooplankton and juvenile fishes were affected by river flow conditions, but the magnitude and the change in the basal resources depended on the location of the station in the estuary relative to the ocean and the river mouths. Consumers from the station most isolated from the ocean and with groundwater and overland flow inputs, utilized a combination of estuarine and terrestrial POM during both low and high river flow conditions and exhibited less variability in their basal resources than stations with direct ocean exchange. Consumers from stations in the Bay most affected by ocean exchange and river inputs utilized a combination of estuarine, terrestrial, and marine POM during low flow conditions, but shifted to marine and terrestrial POM during high river flow conditions. This shift to using terrestrial POM during high river flow conditions was substantial and up to 40% higher than values measured in other estuaries. Factors suspected to be affecting which POM source(s) consumers use in Hilo Bay are gross primary production, biological availability of exported terrestrial OM, and estuarine bacteria biomass, all of which are affected by river flow. Overall, our results suggest that Hilo Bay's food web and possibly those from other tropical estuaries are vulnerable to changes in hydrology, which may be further enhanced by global climate change.  相似文献   

Historic human-imposed tidal flow restrictions at many New England estuaries have resulted in dramatic alteration of estuarine community structure and function. East Harbor, a 291-ha coastal lagoon and salt marsh in Truro, Massachusetts, was artificially isolated from Cape Cod Bay in 1868. After the isolation, salinity decreased to near freshwater levels, and estuarine fish and invertebrate populations declined precipitously. Partial tidal flow was restored to East Harbor in 2002; since then, East Harbor has experienced substantial increases in salinity, and native fauna has begun to return to the system. The objective of this study was to obtain information on marine molluscan populations recolonizing East Harbor. Using a combination of benthic cores and direct searching, we surveyed 50 plots throughout the estuary in July and August 2005. We detected 16 molluscan species in East Harbor as a whole; the four most abundant species were Mya arenaria , Littorina spp., Mytilus edulis , and Mercenaria mercenaria . We found significant differences in species richness and abundance of these species among three regions of East Harbor that varied markedly in salinity and distance to Cape Cod Bay; diversity and abundance were both highest in Moon Pond, which has a direct connection with sources of seawater and marine biota, and lowest in the northwest cove, which receives high freshwater discharge. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of Cape Cod National Seashore's preliminary tidal restoration efforts while underscoring the continued need for full tidal restoration at East Harbor and other tide-restricted estuaries.  相似文献   

One model for marine migration of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar proposes that North American and southern European stocks (<62° N) move directly to feeding grounds off west Greenland, then overwinter in the Labrador Sea, whereas northern European stocks (>62° N) utilize the Norwegian Sea. An alternate model proposes that both North American and European stocks migrate in the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre (NASpG) where S. salar enter the NASpG on their respective sides of the Atlantic, and travel counterclockwise within the NASpG until returning to natal rivers. A review of data accumulated during the last 50 years suggests a gyre model is most probable. Freshwater parr metamorphose into smolts which have morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations of epipelagic, marine fishes. Former high‐seas fisheries were seasonally sequential and moved in the direction of NASpG currents, and catches were highest along the main axis of the NASpG. Marking and discrimination studies indicate mixed continental origin feeding aggregations on both sides of the Atlantic. Marked North American smolts were captured off Norway, the Faroe Islands, east and west Greenland, and adults tagged at the Faroes were recovered in Canadian rivers. Marked European smolts were recovered off Newfoundland and Labrador, west and east Greenland, and adults tagged in the Labrador Sea were captured in European rivers. High Caesium‐137 (137Cs) levels in S. salar returning to a Quebec river suggested 62·3% had fed at or east of Iceland, whereas levels in 1 sea‐winter (SW) Atlantic Canada returnees indicated 24·7% had fed east of the Faroes. Lower levels of 137 Cs in returning 1SW Irish fish suggest much of their growth occurred in the western Atlantic. These data suggest marine migration of S. salar follows a gyre model and is similar to other open‐ocean migrations of epipelagic fishes.  相似文献   

Novel strains of Brucella recently have been discovered in marine mammals. To investigate Brucella exposure and infection in a general population of cetaceans, blood and tissue samples were collected and analyzed from wild harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) incidentally caught in fishing gear in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Two of 170 (1.2%) animals had detectable antibodies against Brucella, but no organisms were isolated from genital swabs or tissues from 22 and 8 porpoises, respectively. Genetic analysis of inflamed testes from 20 animals yielded no amplification of Brucella DNA. This is the first evidence of exposure to Brucella in porpoises from the western North Atlantic, and the prevalence is much lower than documented for conspecifics from the eastern North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Among highly migratory fish species, nursery areas occupied by juveniles often differ from adult habitats. To better understand the spatial dynamics of Canada's Northern cod stock, juveniles caught off the east coast of Newfoundland and Labrador were compared to adults from the same region as well as individuals from other areas in Atlantic Canada using double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing–derived single nucleotide polymorphisms. A reduced proportion of homozygotes with a chromosomal inversion located in linkage group 1 (LG1) was detected between juvenile and adult samples in the Northern cod stock region, potentially indicating age-dependent habitat use or ontogenetic selection for attributes associated with the many genes located in LG1. No selectively neutral genetic differences were found between samples from the Northern cod stock; nevertheless, significant differences were found between some of these samples and cod collected from St. Pierre Bank, Bay of Fundy, Browns Bank and the southern Scotian Shelf. Clustering analysis of variants at neutral loci provided evidence for three major genetic units: (a) the Newfoundland Atlantic Coast, (b) eastern and southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and Burgeo Bank and (c) the Bay of Fundy, Browns Bank and southern Scotian Shelf. Both adaptive and neutral population structure within the Northern cod stock should be considered by managers to promote demographic rebuilding of the stock.  相似文献   

High levels of hydrological connectivity during seasonal flooding provide significant opportunities for movements of fish between rivers and their floodplains, estuaries and the sea, possibly mediating food web subsidies among habitats. To determine the degree of utilisation of food sources from different habitats in a tropical river with a short floodplain inundation duration (~2 months), stable isotope ratios in fishes and their available food were measured from three habitats (inundated floodplain, dry season freshwater, coastal marine) in the lower reaches of the Mitchell River, Queensland (Australia). Floodplain food sources constituted the majority of the diet of large-bodied fishes (barramundi Lates calcarifer, catfish Neoarius graeffei) captured on the floodplain in the wet season and for gonadal tissues of a common herbivorous fish (gizzard shad Nematalosa come), the latter suggesting that critical reproductive phases are fuelled by floodplain production. Floodplain food sources also subsidised barramundi from the recreational fishery in adjacent coastal and estuarine areas, and the broader fish community from a freshwater lagoon. These findings highlight the importance of the floodplain in supporting the production of large fishes in spite of the episodic nature and relatively short duration of inundation compared to large river floodplains of humid tropical regions. They also illustrate the high degree of food web connectivity mediated by mobile fish in this system in the absence of human modification, and point to the potential consequences of water resource development that may reduce or eliminate hydrological connectivity between the river and its floodplain.  相似文献   

All anadromous fishes, including juvenile salmon, encounter estuarine habitats as they transition from riverine to marine environments. We compare the estuarine use between juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Penobscot River estuary and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Columbia River estuary. Both estuaries have been degraded by anthropogenic activities. Atlantic and Pacific salmon populations in both basins rely heavily on hatchery inputs for persistence. Pacific salmon, as a group, represent a continuum of estuarine use, from species that move through rapidly to those that make extensive use of estuarine habitats. While Atlantic salmon estuarine use is predominantly similar to rapidly moving Pacific salmon, they can exhibit nearly the entire range of Pacific salmon estuarine use. Both slow and rapidly migrating Atlantic and Pacific salmon actively feed in estuarine environments, consuming insect and invertebrate prey. Interactions between juvenile salmon and estuarine fish communities are poorly understood in both estuaries, although they experience similar avian and marine mammal predators. Estuaries are clearly important for Atlantic and Pacific salmon, yet our understanding of this use is currently insufficient to make informed judgments about habitat quality or overall estuary health. This review of salmonid migration through and residency within estuaries identifies actions that could hasten restoration of both Atlantic and Pacific salmon populations.  相似文献   

Tidal hydroelectric power has been proposed as one potential solution for sustainable energy sources. The first tidal turbine in North America began continuous operation in the Annapolis River estuary (44 °45′N; 65° 29′W) in June, 1985. The machine is an axial‐flow, hydraulic‐lift propeller turbine, a type known to cause fish mortality. Anadromous populations of American shad Alosa sapidissima, striped bass Morone saxatilis and Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus utilize the Annapolis River for spawning and other life history phases. After power generation commenced obvious turbine mortalities of these fishes began appearing downstream of the turbine. Assessments of the A. sapidissima adult spawning runs during 1981–1982 (pre‐operation) and 1989–1996 (operational) indicated significant changes in population characteristics after power generation began. Adult length, mass, age and per cent repeat spawners declined and total instantaneous mortality (Z) increased from 0.30 to 0.55. The pre‐turbine spawning runs had older fish with numerous adult cohorts whereas by 12 years after operation began runs consisted of younger fish with fewer adult cohorts. During 1972–1987 numerous studies indicated the Annapolis River had an important angling fishery for M. saxatilis, but detailed annual records kept by a fishing contest during 1983–1987 and an elite angler family during the period 1976–2008 demonstrated a rapid decline in the number of fish >4.0 kg after turbine operation began. Pre‐turbine catch by the angling family of fish >4.0 kg accounted for 84.1% of total catch, but declined significantly to 39.6% of total catch from 1986–1999, and to none from 2000–2008. The existence of an A. oxyrinchus stock in the Annapolis River was unknown before turbine operation, but during 1985–2017, 21 mortalities were recovered by chance seaward of the turbine. Mechanical strike and cavitation mortalities consisted of juveniles, mature males and gravid and spent females of ages 10 to 53 years found during June to October, the period when this anadromous species returns to its natal river to spawn. The results of the long‐term studies at Annapolis indicate managers should realize substantial risks exist for the fish resources of the world's oceans from deployment of instream propeller turbines.  相似文献   

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