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The definitive endoderm is the embryonic germ layer that gives rise to the budding endodermal organs including the thyroid, lung, liver and pancreas as well as the remainder of the gut tube. DiI fate mapping and whole embryo culture were used to determine the endodermal origin of the 9.5 days post coitum (dpc) dorsal and ventral pancreas buds. Our results demonstrate that the progenitors of each bud occupy distinct endodermal territories. Dorsal bud progenitors are located in the medial endoderm overlying somites 2-4 between the 2 and 11 somite stage (SS). The endoderm forming the ventral pancreas bud is found in 2 distinct regions. One territory originates from the left and right lateral endoderm caudal to the anterior intestinal portal by the 6 SS and the second domain is derived from the ventral midline of the endoderm lip (VMEL). Unlike the laterally located ventral foregut progenitors, the VMEL population harbors a multipotent progenitor that contributes to the thyroid bud, the rostral cap of the liver bud, ventral midline of the liver bud and the midline of the ventral pancreas bud in a temporally restricted manner. This data suggests that the midline of the 9.5 dpc thyroid, liver and ventral pancreas buds originates from the same progenitor population, demonstrating a developmental link between all three ventral foregut buds. Taken together, these data define the location of the dorsal and ventral pancreas progenitors in the prespecified endodermal sheet and should lead to insights into the inductive events required for pancreas specification.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mouse anterior visceral endoderm, an extraembryonic tissue, expresses several genes essential for normal development of structures rostral to the anterior limit of the notochord and has been termed the head organizer. This tissue also has heart-inducing activity and expresses mCer1 which, like its Xenopus homolog cerberus, can induce markers of cardiac specification and anterior neural tissue when ectopically expressed. We investigated the relationship between head and heart induction in Xenopus embryos, which lack extraembryonic tissues. RESULTS: We found three regions of gene expression in the Xenopus organizer: deep endoderm, which expressed cerberus; prechordal mesoderm, which showed overlapping but non-identical expression of genes characteristic of the murine head organizer, such as XHex and XANF-1; and leading-edge dorsoanterior endoderm, which expressed both cerberus and a subset of the genes expressed by the prechordal mesoderm. Microsurgical ablation of the cerberus-expressing endoderm decreased the incidence of heart, but not head, formation. Removal of prechordal mesoderm, in contrast, caused deficits of anterior head structures. Finally, although misexpression of cerberus induced ectopic heads, it was unable to induce genes thought to participate in head induction. CONCLUSIONS: In Xenopus, the cerberus-expressing endoderm is required for heart, but not head, inducing activity. Therefore, this tissue is not the topological equivalent of the murine anterior visceral endoderm. We propose that, in Xenopus, cerberus is redundant to other bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Wnt antagonists located in prechordal mesoderm for head induction, but may be necessary for heart induction.  相似文献   

Retinoids, and in particular retinoic acid (RA), are known to induce posterior fates in neural tissue. However, alterations in retinoid signalling dramatically affect anterior development. Previous reports have demonstrated a late role for retinoids in patterning craniofacial and forebrain structures, but an earlier role in anterior patterning is not well understood. We show that enzymes involved in synthesizing retinoids are expressed in the avian hypoblast and in tissues directly involved in head patterning, such as anterior definitive endoderm and prechordal mesendoderm. We found that in the vitamin A-deficient (VAD) quail model, which lacks biologically active RA from the first stages of development, anterior endodermal markers such as Bmp2, Bmp7, Hex and the Wnt antagonist crescent are affected during early gastrulation. Furthermore, prechordal mesendodermal and prospective ventral telencephalic markers are expanded posteriorly, Shh expression in the axial mesoderm is reduced, and Bmp2 and Bmp7 are abnormally expressed in the ventral midline of the neural tube. At early somite stages, VAD embryos have increased cell death in ventral neuroectoderm and foregut endoderm, but normal cranial neural crest production, whereas at later stages extensive apoptosis occurs in head mesenchyme and ventral neuroectoderm. As a result, VAD embryos end up with a single and reduced telencephalic vesicle and an abnormally patterned diencephalon. Therefore, we propose that retinoids have a dual role in patterning the anterior forebrain during development. During early gastrulation, RA acts in anterior endodermal cells to modulate the anteroposterior (AP) positional identity of prechordal mesendodermal inductive signals to the overlying neuroectoderm. Later on, at neural pore closure, RA is required for patterning of the mesenchyme of the frontonasal process and the forebrain by modulating signalling molecules involved in craniofacial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

An organizer population has been identified in the anterior end of the primitive streak of the mid-streak stage embryo, by the expression of Hnf3beta, Gsc(lacZ) and Chrd, and the ability of these cells to induce a second neural axis in the host embryo. This cell population can therefore be regarded as the mid-gastrula organizer and, together with the early-gastrula organizer and the node, constitute the organizer of the mouse embryo at successive stages of development. The profile of genetic activity and the tissue contribution by cells in the organizer change during gastrulation, suggesting that the organizer may be populated by a succession of cell populations with different fates. Fine mapping of the epiblast in the posterior region of the early-streak stage embryo reveals that although the early-gastrula organizer contains cells that give rise to the axial mesoderm, the bulk of the progenitors of the head process and the notochord are localized outside the early gastrula organizer. In the mid-gastrula organizer, early gastrula organizer derived cells that are fated for the prechordal mesoderm are joined by the progenitors of the head process that are recruited from the epiblast previously anterior to the early gastrula organizer. Cells that are fated for the head process move anteriorly from the mid-gastrula organizer in a tight column along the midline of the embryo. Other mid-gastrula organizer cells join the expanding mesodermal layer and colonize the cranial and heart mesoderm. Progenitors of the trunk notochord that are localized in the anterior primitive streak of the mid-streak stage embryo are later incorporated into the node. The gastrula organizer is therefore composed of a constantly changing population of cells that are allocated to different parts of the axial mesoderm.  相似文献   

Two populations of axial mesoderm cells can be recognised in the chick embryo, posterior notochord and anterior prechordal mesoderm. We have examined the cellular and molecular events that govern the specification of prechordal mesoderm. We report that notochord and prechordal mesoderm cells are intermingled and share expression of many markers as they initially extend out of Hensen's node. In vitro culture studies, together with in vivo grafting experiments, reveal that early extending axial mesoderm cells are labile and that their character may be defined subsequently through signals that derive from anterior endodermal tissues. Anterior endoderm elicits aspects of prechordal mesoderm identity in extending axial mesoderm by repressing notochord characteristics, briefly maintaining gsc expression and inducing BMP7 expression. Together these experiments suggest that, in vivo, signalling by anterior endoderm may determine the extent of prechordal mesoderm. The transforming growth factor (beta) (TGFbeta) superfamily members BMP2, BMP4, BMP7 and activin, all of which are transiently expressed in anterior endoderm mimic distinct aspects of its patterning actions. Together our results suggest that anterior endoderm-derived TGFbetas may specify prechordal mesoderm character in chick axial mesoderm.  相似文献   

The embryonic organizer represents the major regulatory centre for the establishment of the body axes during gastrulation. Here, we discuss the endodermal contributions to the organizer of amphibia, birds and mammals. We differentiate between the definitive, prospective liver endoderm, and the primitive, prospective extraembryonic endoderm, the latter addressed as the hypoblast in birds and the visceral endoderm in mammals. We further discuss the role of the prechordal plate, a mesendodermal tissue underlying the prospective forebrain. Our conclusion points out the similarity of the amphibian and the avian organizer, with a concentration of inductive potentials in time and space. On the other hand, we discuss the unique feature of mammals, that have shifted certain aspects of the head organizer into the anterior visceral endoderm.  相似文献   

The fate of the embryonic endoderm (generally called visceral embryonic endoderm) of midstreak to neural plate stages of the mouse embryo was studied by microinjecting horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into single axial endoderm cells in situ, and tracing the labeled descendants to early somite stages in vitro. Axial endoderm cells along the anterior fifth of the late streak/neural plate stage embryo contributed descendants either to the yolk sac endoderm or to the anterior intestinal portal. Cells of the exposed head process contributed to the trunk endoderm and notochord; neighboring endoderm cells contributed to the dorsal foregut. Contributions to the ventral foregut came from endoderm at, and anterior to, the distal tip of the younger, midstreak embryo (in which the head process was not yet exposed). Endoderm over the primitive streak contributed to the postsomite endoderm. We argue from these results and those in the literature that during gastrulation the axial embryonic endoderm is of mixed lineage: (1) an anterior population of cells is derived from primitive endoderm and contributes to the yolk sac endoderm; (2) a population at, and anterior to, the distal tip of the midstreak embryo, extending more anteriorly at late streak/neural plate stages, is presumed to emerge from primitive ectoderm at the beginning of gastrulation and contributes to the foregut and anterior intestinal portal; (3) the axial portion of the head process that begins to incorporate into the ventral surface at the late streak stage contributes to notochord and trunk endoderm. Cells or their descendants that were destined to die within 24 hr were evident at the midstreak stage. There was a linear trend in the incidence of cell death among labeled cells at the late streak/neural plate stages, ranging from 27% caudal to the node to 57% in the anterior fifth of the embryo. The surviving axial endoderm cells divided sufficiently fast to double the population in 24 hr.  相似文献   

The development of the anterior foregut of the mammalian embryo involves changes in the behavior of both the epithelial endoderm and the adjacent mesoderm. Morphogenetic processes that occur include the extrusion of midline notochord cells from the epithelial definitive endoderm, the folding of the endoderm into a foregut tube, and the subsequent separation of the foregut tube into trachea and esophagus. Defects in foregut morphogenesis underlie the constellation of human birth defects known as esophageal atresia (EA) and tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). Here, we review what is known about the cellular events in foregut morphogenesis and the gene mutations associated with EA and TEF in mice and humans. We present new evidence that about 70% of mouse embryos homozygous null for Nog, the gene encoding noggin, a bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) antagonist, have EA/TEF as well as defects in lung branching. This phenotype appears to correlate with abnormal morphogenesis of the notochord and defects in its separation from the definitive endoderm. The abnormalities in foregut and lung morphogenesis of Nog null mutant can be rescued by reducing the gene dose of Bmp4 by 50%. This suggests that normal foregut morphogenesis requires that the level of Bmp4 activity is carefully controlled by means of antagonists such as noggin. Several mechanisms are suggested for how Bmps normally function, including by regulating the intercellular adhesion and behavior of notochord and foregut endoderm cells. Future research must determine how Noggin/Bmp antagonism fits into the network of other factors known to regulate tracheal and esophagus development, both in mouse or humans.  相似文献   

Nodal signaling patterns the organizer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Spemann's organizer plays an essential role in patterning the vertebrate embryo. During gastrulation, organizer cells involute and form the prechordal plate anteriorly and the notochord more posteriorly. The fate mapping and gene expression analyses in zebrafish presented in this study reveal that this anteroposterior polarity is already initiated in the organizer before gastrulation. Prechordal plate progenitors reside close to the blastoderm margin and express the homeobox gene goosecoid, whereas notochord precursors are located further from the margin and express the homeobox gene floating head. The nodal-related genes cyclops and squint are expressed at the blastoderm margin and are required for prechordal plate and notochord formation. We show that differential activation of the Nodal signaling pathway is essential in establishing anteroposterior pattern in the organizer. First, overexpression of cyclops and squint at different doses leads to the induction of floating head at low doses and the induction of both goosecoid and floating head at higher doses. Second, decreasing Nodal signaling using different concentrations of the antagonist Antivin inhibits goosecoid expression at low doses and blocks expression of both goosecoid and floating head at higher doses. Third, attenuation of Nodal signaling in zygotic mutants for the EGF-CFC gene one-eyed pinhead, an essential cofactor for Nodal signaling, leads to the loss of goosecoid expression and expansion of floating head expression in the organizer. Concomitantly, cells normally fated to become prechordal plate are transformed into notochord progenitors. Finally, activation of Nodal signaling at different times suggests that prechordal plate specification requires sustained Nodal signaling, whereas transient signaling is sufficient for notochord development. Together, these results indicate that differential Nodal signaling patterns the organizer before gastrulation, with the highest level of activity required for anterior fates and lower activity essential for posterior fates.  相似文献   

In early-organogenesis-stage mouse embryos, the posteroventral foregut endoderm adjacent to the heart tube gives rise to liver, ventral pancreas and gallbladder. Hepatic and pancreatic primordia become specified in the posterior segment of the ventral foregut endoderm at early somite stages. The mechanisms for demarcating gallbladder and bile duct primordium, however, are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the gallbladder and bile duct progenitors are specified in the paired lateral endoderm domains outside the heart field at almost the same timing as hepatic and pancreatic induction. In the anterior definitive endoderm, Sox17 reactivation occurs in a certain population within the most lateral domains posterolateral to the anterior intestinal portal (AIP) lip on both the left and right sides. During foregut formation, the paired Sox17-positive domains expand ventromedially to merge in the midline of the AIP lip and become localized between the liver and pancreatic primordia. In Sox17-null embryos, these lateral domains are missing, resulting in a complete loss of the gallbladder/bile-duct structure. Chimera analyses revealed that Sox17-null endoderm cells in the posteroventral foregut do not display any gallbladder/bile-duct molecular characters. Our findings show that Sox17 functions cell-autonomously to specify gallbladder/bile-duct in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

The differentiation and organizer activity of newt ectoderm treated with activin A was studied in explantation and transplantation experiments. In the explantation experiments, ectoderm dissected from late morulae–early gastrulae stage embryos treated with a high concentration of activin A (100 ng/mL) formed only yolk-rich endodermal cells. Mesodermal tissues, such as notochord and muscle, were seldom found in these explants. When they were transplanted into the blastocoele of other early gastrulae, they formed part of the endoderm of the host embryo and induced a secondary axis with only posterior characters (including axial mesoderm and neural tissues). In contrast, whole secondary axes were induced when activin-treated ectoderm was transplanted into the ventral marginal zone (VMZ) of early blastulae. The transplanted pieces invaginated by themselves and differentiated into foregut structures including pharynx, stomach, and liver. These phenomena were also observed in experiments in which presumptive foregut was used instead of activin-treated ectoderm. These findings show that activin-treated ectoderm can act as the complete organizing center in Cynops .  相似文献   

For testing the autonomic differentiation abilities of dorsal equatorial blastomeres of 32-cell Xenopus embryos, their roles in head formation in normal development and the organizer-inducing capabilities of the dorsal-most vegetal cells, interspecific transplantations were made using Xenopus borealis and X. laevis . When transplanted into the ventral region, the dorsal blastomeres produced descendants that differentiated into prechordal mesoderm, notochord and somites in the recipient according to their fates. They induced formation of the secondary embryo with the head and tail. The prechordal mesoderm and notochord in the secondary structure consisted of progeny of the graft, whereas somites and the CNS were chimeric and the pronephros was composed of host cells. Replacement of the dorsal blastomeres by ventral equatorial cells caused complete arrest of head formation in the recipient. Without exception, the notochord was completely absent or very thin. These results confirm the assumption that the presumptive head organizer in the Xenopus embryo is localized in the dorsal equatorial region at the 32-cell stage and comes into existence not under the inductive influence of the dorsal-most vegetal cells, but owing to allocation of morphogenetic determinants residing in the fertilized egg to the dorsal equatorial blastomeres of the 32-cell embryo.  相似文献   

Ligands of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily are involved in numerous developmental and disease processes. TGF-beta, activins, and nodal ligands operate through the highly homologous Smad2 and Smad3 intracellular mediators. Smad2 mutants exhibit early embryonic lethality, while Smad3 mutants are viable, but show a plethora of postnatal phenotypes, including immune dysfunction and skeletal abnormalities. Previously, we have shown that the Smad2 and Smad3 genes function cooperatively during liver morphogenesis. Here we show that Smad2 and Smad3 are required at a full dosage for normal embryonic development. Animals lacking one allele of each gene exhibit a variably penetrant phenotype in which structures in the anterior and ventral midline are reduced or lost; additionally, we demonstrate that this craniofacial defect and the previously reported hepatic phenotypes are both due to defects in the definitive endoderm. A reduction of endodermal gene expression as well as a failure to displace the visceral endoderm occurs despite the formation of a normal foregut pocket. This precedes any defects in anterior patterning and likely causes the abnormalities observed in craniofacial and midline development, as well as hepatogenesis.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the endoderm is established during gastrulation and gradually becomes regionalized into domains destined for different organs. Here, we present precise fate maps of the gastrulation stage chick endoderm, using a method designed to label cells specifically in the lower layer. We show that the first population of endodermal cells to enter the lower layer contributes only to the midgut and hindgut; the next cells to ingress contribute to the dorsal foregut and followed finally by the presumptive ventral foregut endoderm. Grafting experiments show that some migrating endodermal cells, including the presumptive ventral foregut, ingress from Hensen's node, not directly into the lower layer but rather after migrating some distance within the middle layer. Cell transplantation reveals that cells in the middle layer are already committed to mesoderm or endoderm, whereas cells in the primitive streak are plastic. Based on these results, we present a revised fate map of the locations and movements of prospective definitive endoderm cells during gastrulation.  相似文献   

Summary One important step in understanding early development is to define the cell interactions involved in establishing tissue types. In amphibian embryos, one such interaction is the induction by the organizer region after the late blastula stage of lateral and ventral regions of the marginal zone (MZ) to form dorsal tissue types such as muscle. It is not known whether the organizer can also induce lateral MZ to form notochord after the late blastula stage. We find that this induction occurs under experimental conditions and plays a role in normalXenopus development. The ability to induce notochord is strongest at the center of the organizer along the dorsal midline and weaker at the lateral edges of the organizer. Organizer tissue along the dorsal midline, which would differentiate as notochord in normal development, can exhibit organizer functions such as the induction of the dorsolateral MZ to form notochord without later differentiating as notochord itself. Thus organizer activity can be dissociated from subsequent notochord formation.  相似文献   

Growth and Differentiation Factor 1 (GDF-1) has been implicated in left-right patterning of the mouse embryo but has no other known function. Here, we demonstrate a genetic interaction between Gdf1 and Nodal during anterior axis development. Gdf1-/-;Nodal+/- mutants displayed several abnormalities that were not present in either Gdf1-/- or Nodal+/- single mutants, including absence of notochord and prechordal plate, and malformation of the foregut; organizing centers implicated in the development of the anterior head and branchial arches, respectively. Consistent with these deficits, Gdf1-/-;Nodal+/- mutant embryos displayed a number of axial midline abnormalities, including holoprosencephaly, anterior head truncation, cleft lip, fused nasal cavity, and lack of jaws and tongue. The absence of these defects in single mutants indicated a synergistic interaction between Nodal and GDF-1 in the node, from which the axial mesendoderm that gives rise to the notochord, prechordal plate, and foregut endoderm originates, and where the two factors are co-expressed. This notion was supported by a severe downregulation of FoxA2 and goosecoid in the anterior primitive streak of double mutant embryos. Unlike that in the lateral plate mesoderm, Nodal expression in the node was independent of GDF-1, indicating that both factors act in parallel to control the development of mesendodermal precursors. Receptor reconstitution experiments indicated that GDF-1, like Nodal, can signal through the type I receptors ALK4 and ALK7. However, analysis of compound mutants indicated that ALK4, but not ALK7, was responsible for the effects of GDF-1 and Nodal during anterior axis development. These results indicate that GDF-1 and Nodal converge on ALK4 in the anterior primitive streak to control the formation of organizing centers that are necessary for normal forebrain and branchial arch development.  相似文献   

In this review I summarize recent findings on the contributions of different cell groups to the formation of the basic plan of the nervous system of vertebrate embryos. Midline cells of the mesoderm—the organizer, notochord, and prechordal plate—and midline cells of the neural ectoderm—the notoplate and floor plate—appear to have a fundamental role in the induction and patterning of the neural plate. Vertical signals acting across tissue layers and planar signals acting through the neural epithelium have distinct roles and cooperate in induction and pattern formation. Whereas the prechordal plate and notochord have distinct vertical signaling properties, the initial anteroposterior (A-P) pattern of the neural plate may be induced by planar signals originating from the organizer region. Planar signals from the notoplate may also contribute to the mediolateral (M-L) patterning of the neural plate. These and other findings suggest a general view of neural induction and axial patterning. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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