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A mass fragmentographic method for the simultaneous quantification of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamic acid is described. In a convenient one-step reaction, the two amino acids were derivatized with pentafluoropropionic anhydride and pentafluoropropanol. The derivatization products were stable for several days. The technique has been applied to the assay of GABA and Glu in five amygdaloid nuclei of the rat brain. The GABA level was high in the central and medial nuclei, whereas the Glu level was high in the lateral and basal nuclei. The regional distribution of GABA was different from that of Glu within the amygdaloid nuclei.  相似文献   

Presence of γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Rat Ovary   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Abstract: As γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was first discovered as the free acid in the mammalian central nervous system, it has been assumed that GABA is generally to be found in significant amounts only in the brain, in spite of reports of its presence in a number of non-neuronal tissues. In this study, GABA was detected amongst the free amino acids in most rat tissues that were examined. The highest concentration outside the brain was in the ovary (0.59 μmol/g fresh tissue). It is concluded that the synthesis of the GABA is intragonadal and probably of metabolic importance.  相似文献   

A large amount of [3H]GABA was bound to crude synaptic membrane fractions of rat. by sodium-independent process in a medium that contained 100 μM [3H]GABA used for assaying GABA uptake site. This [3H]-GABA binding was different from receptor binding of GABA. It was confirmed that this sodium-independent [2H]GABA binding scarcely occurred in the presence of a physiological concentration of sodium chloride, and that sodium-independent GABA binding had a negligible influence on sodium-dependent GABA binding.  相似文献   

The presence of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) in synaptosome-enriched fractions of rat brain was ascertained using a GLC technique. The stability of GHB in synaptosomes was evaluated by addition of various gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transaminase (GABA-T) inhibitors, GHB, or ethosuximide to the homogenizing medium. Furthermore, changes in whole brain GHB levels were compared with those in the synaptosomal fraction in animals treated with GABA-T inhibitors, GABA, or ethosuximide. GHB was present in synaptosome-enriched fractions in concentrations ranging from 40 to 70 pmol/mg of protein. There was no evidence for redistribution, leakage, or metabolism of GHB during the preparation of synaptosomes. The elevations of whole brain GHB level associated with GABA-T or ethosuximide treatment were reflected by a parallel increase in synaptosomal GHB content. These data add to the growing evidence that GHB may have neurotransmitter or neuromodulator function.  相似文献   

Abstract: A consequence of the metabolism of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) via the "GABA shunt" should be a decreased rate of substrate-level phos- phorylation of GDP to GTP. 32P1 labeling of nucleotides was, therefore, studied in uncoupled brain mitochondria with α-ketoglutarate or a-ketoglutarate + GABA as substrates. The addition of an equimolar amount of GABA resulted in an approximately 50% reduction of the final specific activity of all mitochondrial nucleotides. This effect was completely reversed by aminooxyacetic acid. GABA did not affect the time course of nucleotide labeling. Although delineation of the mechanism involved requires further study, these preliminary results suggest an important modulatory role of GABA in the intermediary metabolism of brain mitochondria.  相似文献   

Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) was taken up by a MgATP-dependent mechanism into synaptic vesicles isolated by hypoosmotic shock and density gradient centrifugation. The properties of the vesicular uptake differed clearly from those of synaptosomal and glial uptake, both with respect to Na+, Mg2+, and ATP dependence and with respect to response to general GABA uptake inhibitors such as nipecotic acid, diaminobutyric acid, and beta-alanine. The uptake showed a Km of 5.6 mM and a net uptake rate of 1,500 pmol/min/mg of protein. It is suggested that the vesicular uptake of GABA is driven by an electrochemical proton gradient generated by a Mg2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

The expression of c-fos mRNA in rat brain was induced by intraperitoneal administration of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and picrotoxin, which act on the picrotoxin binding site of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-benzodiazepine (GABA-BZ) receptor complex, by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and kainic acid, agonists of different classes of glutamate receptors and by caffeine, an antagonist of adenosine receptors. The actions of PTZ and picrotoxin but not that of NMDA were blocked by ethanol and the NMDA-receptor antagonist, MK-801. Ro 15-4513 partially reversed the inhibitory effect of ethanol on PTZ-induced c-fos mRNA synthesis. Acute ethanol administration blocked the actions of PTZ and NMDA without affecting the response to kainic acid or caffeine. Taken together, these data suggest that ethanol blocks c-fos gene activation by noncompetitive antagonists of the GABA-BZ receptor via actions on both the NMDA and GABA receptors.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of activity of 4-aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase (ABAL-DH) was studied in mouse brain. ABAL-DH was localized mainly in the crude mitochondrial fraction; most of the activity in this fraction was found in the subfraction containing synaptosomes, and the remainder was in the mitochondrial fraction. After osmotic disruption of synaptosomes, most of the activity was located in the synaptic cytosol, and the remainder was in the synaptic mitochondria. Sucrose density subfractionation of synaptosomes revealed that gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamic acid decarboxylase, and ABAL-DH localized in a denser region of gradient fraction than the region containing acetylcholinesterase and choline acetyltransferase.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of inhibitors of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) metabolism or uptake on GABA output from the cerebral cortex was studied by means of a collecting cup placed on the exposed cortex of rats anaesthetized with urethane. GABA was identified and quantified by a mass-fragmentographic method. Ethanolamine-O-sulphate (10−2 M ) applied directly on the cerebral cortex caused a long-lasting twofold increase in GABA output, whereas dl -2, 4-diaminobutyric acid (5 × 10−3 M ) caused a sevenfold increase and β -alanine was inactive. The results indicate that glial uptake has little effect on GABA inactivation in the cerebral cortex. The inhibition of neuronal uptake seems a more effective tool to increase GABA concentration in the synaptic cleft, and consequently also in GABA output, than the inhibition of GABA metabolism.  相似文献   

The intracerebroventricular injection of pyridoxal phosphate (PLP, 0.125-1.25 μmol/rat) causes epileptic seizures (4 min → 1 min) that are preventable or reversible by GABA (1 μmol/rat), by muscimol (O.025 μmol/rat), or by diazepam (1.75 μmol/rat). At the peak of PLP-induced convulsions, the activities of GAD and GABA-T in 14 regions of rat brain remained unaltered, whereas the concentrations of PLP remained elevated. The PLP-induced convulsion was blocked by DABA (10 μmol/rat) but was not altered by β-alanine (50 μmol/rat). The previous in vitro studies have shown that PLP increases the uptake of [3H]GABA into synaptosomes and inhibits the binding of [3H]GABA to synaptic membranes. These data suggest that PLP-induced convulsion is due to reduced availability of GABA to its recognition sites, rather than to alteration in the activity of GABA metabolizing enzymes, or unavailability of PLP as a coenzyme for GAD and GABA-T. Since the duration of PLP-induced epileptic seizures is short and can be prevented by GABA agonists, PLP may be used as a tool to study the nature of GABA-mediated neuroinhibition and the properties of GABA receptor sites.  相似文献   

Abstract: γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is synthesized in brain in at least two compartments, commonly called the transmitter and metabolic compartments, and because reglatory processes must serve the physiologic function of each compartment, the regulation of GABA synthesis presents a complex problem. Brain contains at least two molecular forms of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), the principal synthetic enzyme for GABA. Two forms, termed GAD65 and GAD67, are the products of two genes and differ in sequence, molecular weight, interaction with the cofactor, pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (pyridoxal-P), and level of expression among brain regions. GAD65 appears to be localized in nerve terminals to a greater degree than GAD67, which appears to be more uniformly distributed throughout the cell. The interaction of GAD with pyridoxal-P is a major factor in the short-term regulation of GAD activity. At least 50% of GAD is present in brain as apoenzyme (GAD without bound cofactor; apoGAD), which serves as a reservoir of inactive GAD that can be drawn on when additional GABA synthesis is needed. A substantial majority of apoGAD in brain is accounted for by GAD65, but GAD67 also contributes to the pool of apoGAD. The apparent localization of GAD65 in nerve terminals and the large reserve of apo-GAD65 suggest that GAD65 is specialized to respond to short-term changes in demand for transmitter GABA. The levels of apoGAD and the holoenzyme of GAD (holoGAD) are controlled by a cycle of reactions that is regulated by physiologically relevant concentrations of ATP and other polyanions and by inorganic phosphate, and it appears possible that GAD activity is linked to neuronal activity through energy metabolism. GAD is not saturated by glutamate in synaptosomes or cortical slices, but there is no evidence that GABA synthesis in vivo is regulated physiologically by the availability of glutamate. GABA competitively inhibits GAD and converts holo- to apoGAD, but it is not clear if intracellular GABA levels are high enough to regulate GAD. There is no evidence of short-term regulation by second messengers. The syntheses of GAD65 and GAD67 proteins are regulated separately. GAD67 regulation is complex; it not only is present as apoGAD67, but the expression of GAD67 protein is regulated by two mechanisms: (a) by control of mRNA levels and (b) at the level of translation or protein stability. The latter mechanism appears to be mediated by intracellular GABA levels.  相似文献   

Neuronal growth cones isolated in bulk from neonatal rat forebrain have uptake and K(+)-stimulated release mechanisms for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Up to and including postnatal day 5, the K(+)-stimulated release of [3H]GABA and endogenous GABA is Ca2+ independent. At these ages, isolated growth cones neither contain synaptic vesicles nor stain for synaptic vesicle antigens. Here we examined the possibility that the release mechanism underlying Ca2(+)-independent GABA release from isolated growth cones is by reversal of the plasma membrane GABA transporter. The effects of two GABA transporter inhibitors, nipecotic acid and an analogue of nipecotic acid, SKF 89976-A, on K(+)-stimulated release of [3H]GABA from superfused growth cones were examined. Nipecotic acid both stimulated basal [3H]GABA release and enhanced K(+)-stimulated release of [3H]GABA, which indicates that this agent can stimulate GABA release and is, therefore, not a useful inhibitor with which to test the role of the GABA transporter in K(+)-stimulated GABA release from growth cones. In contrast, SKF 89976-A profoundly depressed both basal and K(+)-stimulated [3H]GABA release. This occurred at similar concentrations at which uptake was blocked. These observations provide evidence for a major role of the GABA transporter in GABA release from neuronal growth cones.  相似文献   

The effects of muscimol and/or incubation temperature on the inhibition of [3H]flunitrazepam receptor binding by benzodiazepine receptor ligands were investigated. At 0 degree C muscimol decreased the Ki values for some ligands as displacers of [3H]flunitrazepam binding to brain-specific sites while increasing or having no effect on the Ki values for other ligands. The Ki values for some ligands are higher at 37 degrees C than at 0 degree C but are reduced by muscimol at both 0 degrees and 37 degrees C. In contrast, the ligands whose Ki values are increased by muscimol either decreased or did not alter the Ki values at 37 degrees C as compared to those at 0 degree C. Incubation of membranes at 37 degrees C for 30 min accelerated gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release by 221% over that at 0 degree C. These results indicate that changes in incubation temperature alter benzodiazepine receptor affinity for ligands via GABA.  相似文献   

Abstract Using a radioreceptor assay, the concentration of γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA) in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was found to be elevated significantly following a single deep-freeze to –70°C and thaw. Mean CSF GABA (± SD) in unfrozen CSF was 173 ± 73 pmol/ml ( n = 24). After a single deep-freeze, the mean level was 243 ± 106 pmol/ml ( p < 0.02). Subsequent freeze-thaw cycles resulted in further irregular and unpredictable elevations in CSF GABA. Mean level after two freezes was 379 ± 125 pmol/ml and after three freezes 654 ± 411 pmol/ml. These changes could result in the incorrect interpretation of results in patients suffering from neurological diseases.  相似文献   

Freeze-dried sections (14 microns thick) of retinal layers were prepared from mice with retinal degeneration (C3H strain) and control mice (C57BL strain). The weighed sections (2-30 ng dry weight) were analyzed using our microassay methods. In the control retina, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) concentration and glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) activity, on a dry weight basis, increased from birth to 9 weeks of age and decreased slightly at 20 weeks. In the degenerated retina, the levels of GABA and GAD activity were higher at birth than in the control retina, and continued to increase until 20 weeks of age, at which time the GAD activity reached a markedly high level. This increase was found when the total GABA and GAD levels per retina were determined. In the normal retinal layers, GABA and GAD were confined primarily to the inner plexiform layer. In the degenerated retina, GAD activity gradually increased in the inner layers during postnatal development, but by 20 weeks the increase was most prominent in the inner part of inner nuclear layer and in the outer part of inner plexiform layer. GABA transaminase activity and its distribution were not much different in both normal and degenerated retinas during development.  相似文献   

Uptake of γ-Aminobutyric Acid by Brain Tissue Preparations: A Reevaluation   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The kinetic constants Km and Vmax for the uptake of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) by various preparations from rat cerebral cortex were determined by means of Eadie-Hofstee plots and computer analysis. The Km values were much greater in 0.1-mm slices than in synaptosomal preparations, and the Km value increased further with the thickness of the slices. The apparent high Km values in slices were probably due to depletion of the GABA concentration in the extracellular fluid as the exogenous GABA ran the gauntlet of competing uptake sites on its way to sites deep within the slice, thereby bringing about a requirement for higher GABA concentrations in the incubation medium in order to maintain the internal GABA levels at the "Km level." Evidence was obtained for three GABA uptake systems with Km values (in synaptosomes) of 1.1 microM, 43 microM, and 3.9 mM, respectively. In contrast, only two uptake systems for D-aspartate were detected, with Km values of 1.8 microM and 1.8 mM, respectively. The implications of the findings in the study with respect to previous data in the literature are discussed.  相似文献   

γ-Aminobutyric Acid Concentration in Cerebrospinal Fluid in Schizophrenia   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Abstract: γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) concentration was determined in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of acute and chronic schizophrenic patients, in persons with psycho-organic or personality disorders, and in nonpsychiatric controls. The mean CSF GABA level in the chronic schizophrenic patients was found to be significantly higher than in any of the other groups. No other statistically significant differences were found. Statistical analysis revealed that the elevated CSF GABA concentration in the chronic schizophrenic patients was unlikely to be caused by medication. These results are interpreted as evidence for possible primary or secondary GABAergic overactivity in the brain in chronic schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Triethyllead (TEL), the active metabolite of tetraethyllead, was shown previously to inhibit selectively high-affinity Na+-dependent uptake of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) into cerebrocortical synaptosomes. Such inhibition was not related to the Na+ gradient, Na+,K+-ATPase activity, [Cl-], or energy charge. We report here that TEL inhibits GABA binding to the presynaptic transporter involved in Na+-dependent uptake. Scatchard plot analysis of Na+-dependent [3H]GABA binding to a highly purified synaptic plasma membrane preparation revealed that 25 microM TEL reduced the Bmax by 44%, leaving the KD unchanged. This binding was reversible and predominantly involved membrane uptake sites, as characterized by pharmacological specificity to GABA ligands. Approximately 85% of specific GABA binding was considered membrane uptake site binding, as indicated by sensitivity to nipecotic acid and diaminobutyric acid, with relative insensitivity to muscimol, bicuculline methiodide, baclofen, and beta-alanine. With respect to previous data, these finding suggest that TEL inhibits Na+-sensitive high-affinity GABA uptake by interfering with GABA binding to its presynaptic transporter.  相似文献   

The rate of transamination of gamma-aminobutryic acid (GABA) catalyzed by hog brain gamma-aminobutyrate aminotransferase was substantially reduced when the hydrogen at the gamma-carbon position was replaced by deuterium. The deuterium isotope effect of this reaction has been substantiated by fluorometric, radiometric, and mass spectrometric procedures and assessed kinetically. The ratios of Vmax of the nonlabeled substrate/Vmax of the deuterated substrate obtained under different conditions ranged from 6 to 7. This indicates that the cleavage of the hydrogen from the gamma-carbon is the rate-determining step in GABA transamination. Similar isotope effects have also been shown to occur in the peripheral system in vivo.  相似文献   

Benzodiazepine agonists such as Ro 11-6896 [B10(+)], diazepam, clonazepam, and flurazepam were found to enhance muscimol-stimulated 36Cl- uptake into rat cerebral cortical synaptoneurosomes. The rank order of potentiation was B10(+) greater than diazepam greater than clonazepam greater than flurazepam. These benzodiazepines had no effect on 36Cl-uptake in the absence of muscimol. Further, the inactive enantiomer, Ro 11-6893 [B10(-)], and the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor ligand Ro 5-4864 did not potentiate muscimol-stimulated 36Cl- uptake at concentrations up to 10 microM. In contrast, the benzodiazepine receptor inverse agonists ethyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate and 6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl-beta- carboline-3-carboxylic acid methyl ester inhibited muscimol stimulated 36Cl- uptake. Benzodiazepines and beta-carbolines altered the apparent K0.5 of muscimol-stimulated 36Cl- uptake, without affecting the Vmax. The effects of both benzodiazepine receptor agonists and inverse agonists were reversed by the benzodiazepine antagonists Ro 15-1788 and CGS-8216. These data further confirm that central benzodiazepine receptors modulate the capacity of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor agonists to enhance chloride transport and provide a biochemical technique for studying benzodiazepine receptor function in vitro.  相似文献   

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