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A tendency has emerged for some years to replace the challenge infection of cattle for the assessment of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccine potency. This can be actually evaluated by means of antibody assays on cattle sera, at about 3/4 weeks after the vaccination. Serological results can be worked out as single titres (to be compared with a pre-determined threshold level) or as mean antibody titres induced by different vaccine dilutions. However, the assessment of FMDV-specific antibody titres would not fully depict the extent and the efficacy of the immune response of cattle; moreover, the antibody response would not be proportional if potent vaccines are used (greater than or equal to 10-12 PD50). Thus, a particular approach is suggested for the serological procedures, which enable credible estimates of potent FMD vaccines to be formulated.  相似文献   

Cell-based beta-lactamase reporter gene assays designed to measure the functional responses of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) were miniaturized to less than 2 microL total assay volume in a 3456-well microplate. Studies were done to evaluate both receptor agonists and antagonists. The pharmacology of agonists and antagonists for target GPCRs originally developed in a 96-well format was recapitulated in a 3456-well microplate format without compromising data quality or EC(50)/IC(50) precision. These assays were employed in high-throughput screening campaigns, allowing the testing of more than 150,000 compounds in 8 h. The instrumentation used and practical aspects of the assay development are discussed.  相似文献   

A general methodology is presented for the validation of assays used for testing combination vaccines. The presentation is detailed and technical as our intention is to address challenges that we have encountered in the design and statistical analysis of assay validation studies. There are several noteworthy features which render the approach particularly useful in practice. It employs a statistical experimental design approach to the investigation of assay ruggedness with respect to manufacturing variability; it makes use of the assay variability results to determine the level of test-run replication necessary to achieve precision compatible with the product specifications; and, it provides a generic approach to assay validation.With combination vaccines, as with other pharmaceuticals, the analytical methods for release and stability must be validated early in the development programme Several things, though, distinguish this task with combination vaccines: (1) assays are typically pre-existing and often have been validated for use with an established sample matrix, e.g. a monovalent formulation; (2) sample matrices are complex and therefore more subject to manufacturing variability and more likely to cause assay interferences; and (3) the analytical workload is considerable due to the number of antigens.The methodology presented here was developed jointly by Merck Research Laboratories (West Point, PA) and Pasteur Mérieux Connaught, Inc. (Swiftwater, PA). Many of the issues discussed here have application outside of combination vaccines and are common features of all assay validations.  相似文献   

Mouse studies have shown that the immune system can reject tumours, and the identification of tumour antigens that can be recognized by human T cells has facilitated the development of immunotherapy protocols. Vaccines against cancer aim to induce tumour-specific effector T cells that can reduce the tumour mass, as well as tumour-specific memory T cells that can control tumour relapse. Owing to their capacity to regulate T-cell immunity, dendritic cells are increasingly used as adjuvants for vaccination, and the immunogenicity of antigens delivered by dendritic cells has now been shown in patients with cancer. A better understanding of how dendritic cells regulate immune responses will allow us to better exploit these cells to induce effective antitumour immunity.  相似文献   

The development of an effective HIV vaccine is both a pressing and a formidable problem. The most encouraging results to date have been achieved using live-attenuated immunodeficiency viruses. However, the frequency of pathogenic breakthroughs has been a deterrent to their development. We suggest that expression libraries generated from viral DNA can produce the immunologic advantages of live vaccines without risk of reversion to pathogenic viruses. The plasmid libraries could be deconvoluted into useful components or administered as complex mixtures. To explore this approach, we designed and tested several of these genetic live vaccines (GLVs) for HIV. We constructed libraries by cloning overlapping fragments of the proviral genome into mammalian expression plasmids, then used them to immunize mice. We found that inserting library fragments into a vector downstream of a secretory gene sequence led to augmented antibody responses, and insertion downstream of a ubiquitin sequence enhanced cytotoxic lymphocyte responses. Also, fragmentation of gag into subgenes broadened T-cell epitope recognition. We have fragmented the genome by sequence-directed and random methods to create libraries with different features. We propose that the characteristics of GLVs support their further investigation as an approach to protection against HIV and other viral pathogens.  相似文献   

Clerocidin, a diterpenoid natural product, has been shown in vitro to inhibit DNA religation following cleavage by topoisomerase II. Herein, we characterize the efficacy and specificity of clerocidin in HeLa cells. Our results suggest that clerocidin recognizes topoisomerase II as its main intracellular target and binds to this enzyme prior to formation of the 'cleavable complex' with DNA. These pharmacological features attest to the promising chemotherapeutic potential of this natural product.  相似文献   

Attenuated Mengo virus: a new vector for live recombinant vaccines.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Several features make Mengo virus an excellent candidate for use as a vaccine vector. The virus has a wide host range, including rodents, pigs, monkeys, and most likely humans, and expresses its genome exclusively in the cytoplasm of the infected cell. Stable attenuated strains exist which are deleted for part of the 5' noncoding region of the genome. Here we report an attenuated Mengo virus recombinant, vLCMG4, that encodes an immunodominant cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitope of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) nucleo-protein. vLCMG4 induced protective immunity against lethal LCMV infection after a single, low-dose immunization in BALB/c mice and elicited an LCMV-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte response. This demonstrates the potential of recombinant Mengo virus vaccines to confer protection against infectious diseases by the induction of cellular immune responses.  相似文献   



Rapid identification of bacteria can play an important role at the point of care, evaluating the health of the ecosystem, and discovering spatiotemporal distributions of a bacterial community. We introduce a method for rapid identification of bacteria in live cell assays based on cargo delivery of a nucleic acid sequence and demonstrate how a mixed culture can be differentiated using a simple microfluidic system.


C60 Buckyballs are functionalized with nucleic acid sequences and a fluorescent reporter to show that a diversity of microorganisms can be detected and identified in live cell assays. The nucleic acid complexes include an RNA detector, targeting a species-specific sequence in the 16S rRNA, and a complementary DNA with an attached fluorescent reporter. As a result, each bacterium can be detected and visualized at a specific emission frequency through fluorescence microscopy.


The C60 probe complexes can detect and identify a diversity of microorganisms that include gram-position and negative bacteria, yeast, and fungi. More specifically, nucleic-acid probes are designed to identify mixed cultures of Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus sanguinis, or Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The efficiency, cross talk, and accuracy for the C60 probe complexes are reported. Finally, to demonstrate that mixed cultures can be separated, a microfluidic system is designed that connects a single source-well to multiple sinks wells, where chemo-attractants are placed in the sink wells. The microfluidic system allows for differentiating a mixed culture.


The technology allows profiling of bacteria composition, at a very low cost, for field studies and point of care.

研制链球菌病类活疫苗活菌计数参考品,可以更加科学地评价活菌计数结果的准确性和有效性.首先,制备了 一批链球菌病类活疫苗活菌计数参考品,对其物理性状、纯粹性、真空度、剩余水分进行检验,并对其均一性、运输稳定性、热稳定性进行测定,另组织3家单位通过协作标定的方式对参考品活菌数进行赋值,用协作标定法统计参考品在12个月内的保...  相似文献   

In preclinical studies, tumor cells genetically engineered to secrete cytokines, hereafter referred to as tumor cell vaccines, can often generate systemic antitumor immunity. This study investigated the therapeutic effects of live or irradiated tumor cell vaccines that secrete granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) on established orthotopic liver tumors. Experimental results indicated that two doses (3 × 107 cells per dose) of irradiated tumor cell vaccines were therapeutically ineffective, whereas one dose (3 × 106 cells) of live tumor cell vaccines caused complete tumor regression. In vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells, but not natural killer cells, restored tumor formation in the live vaccine-treated animals. Additionally, the treatment of cells with live vaccine induced markedly higher levels of cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity than the irradiated vaccines in the draining lymph nodes. The higher levels of cytokine and antigen loads could partly explain the superior antitumor activity of live tumor cell vaccines, but other unidentified mechanisms could also play a role in the early T cell activation in the lymph nodes. A protocol using multiple and higher dosages of irradiated tumor cell vaccines also caused significant regression of liver tumors. These results suggest that the GM-CSF-secreting tumor cell vaccines are highly promising for orthotopic liver tumors if higher levels of immune responses are elicited during early tumor development.  相似文献   

Autologous whole cell vaccines use a patient's own tumor cells as a source of antigen to elicit an anti-tumor immune response in vivo. Recently, the authors conducted a systematic review of clinical trials employing these products in hematological cancers that showed a favorable safety profile and trend toward efficacy. However, it was noted that manufacturing challenges limit both the efficacy and clinical implementation of these vaccine products. In the current literature review, the authors sought to define the issues surrounding the manufacture of autologous whole cell products for hematological cancers. The authors describe key factors, including the acquisition, culture, cryopreservation and transduction of malignant cells, that require optimization for further advancement of the field. Furthermore, the authors provide a summary of pre-clinical work that informs how the identified challenges may be overcome. The authors also highlight areas in which future basic research would be of benefit to the field. The goal of this review is to provide a roadmap for investigators seeking to advance the field of autologous cell vaccines as it applies to hematological malignancies.  相似文献   

Papillomavirus-like particle vaccines for cervical cancer.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Most cervical cancers are now known to be caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. This provides an opportunity to prevent a major cause of cancer deaths in women through vaccination. Subunit vaccines based upon non-infectious papillomavirus-like particles (VLPs) are attractive candidates to prevent infection by oncogenic HPVs, and clinical trials are now underway. In addition, the strongly immunogenic characteristics of VLPs raise the possibility that they could also serve as vehicles for inducing therapeutic responses against HPV-induced neoplasia and other diseases.  相似文献   

Tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens (TACAs) are useful targets for the development of cancer vaccines or immunotherapies. However, a major obstacle in this application of TACAs is their poor immunogenicity. To overcome the problem, a new immunotherapeutic strategy combining synthetic vaccines made of artificial TACA derivatives and metabolic glycoengineering of cancer cells to express the artificial TACA derivatives was explored. Using a murine leukemia model FBL3 with GM3 antigen as the target, it was shown that artificial GM3?N-phenylacetyl derivative (GM3NPhAc) elicited robust antigen-specific T cell-dependent immunity and that N-phenylacetyl-d-mannosamine (ManNPhAc) as the biosynthetic precursor of GM3NPhAc selectively glycoengineered cancer cells to express GM3NPhAc both in vitro and in vivo. It was also demonstrated that GM3NPhAc-specific antisera and antibodies mediated strong cytotoxicity to ManNPhAc-treated FBL3 cell. Furthermore, vaccination with a conjugate vaccine made of GM3NPhAc followed by ManNPhAc treatment could significantly suppress tumor growth and prolong the survival of tumor-bearing mouse. These results have proved the feasibility of the new cancer immunotherapeutic strategy, as well as its efficacy to cure cancer, which is of general significance.  相似文献   

Rationally attenuated live Salmonella vaccines provide good protection against homologous challenge and can act as carriers of heterologous antigens. However, the optimum expression system for each heterologous antigen will need to be established individually. This will ensure that the antigen in question is produced at appropriate levels, in the correctly folded conformation, within or at the surface of the carrier cell, and can therefore elicit the optimal immune response.  相似文献   

History of cancer immunotherapy lasts for more than 120 years. In 1891 William B. Coley injected bacteria into inoperable cancer (bone sarcoma) and observed tumor shrinkage. He is recognized as the "'"Father of Immunotherapy"'". Cancer immunotherapy is based on the ability of the immune system to recognize cancer cells and to affect their growth and expansion. Beside the fact that, tumor cells are genetically distinct from their normal counterparts, and should be recognized and eliminated by immune system, the tumor associated antigens (TAAs) are often poorly immunogenic due to immunoediting. This process allows tumor to evolve during continuous interactions with the host immune system, and eventually escape from immune surveillance. Furthermore, tumor microenvironment consists of immunosuppressive cells that release immunosuppressive factors including IL-6, IL-10, IDO, TGFβ or VEGF. Interactions between cancer and stroma cells create network of immunosuppressive pathways, while activation of immune defense is inhibited. A key to successful immunotherapy is to overcome the local immunosuppression within tumor microenvironment and activate mechanisms that lead to tumor eradication. There are two clinical approaches of immunotherapy: active and passive. Active immunotherapy involves stimulation of immune response to tumor associated antigens (TAAs), either non-specifically via immunomodulating agents or specifically employing cancer vaccines. This review presents the progress and breakthroughs in design, development and clinical application of selected cell-based tumor vaccines achieved due to the generation and development of gene transfer technologies.  相似文献   

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