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Electron microscopic immunostaining of rat duodenum and incisor tooth was used to examine the location of four known components of the basement-membrane region: type IV collagen, laminin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and fibronectin. Antibodies or antisera against these substances were localized by direct or indirect peroxidase methods on 60-microns thick slices of formaldehyde-fixed tissues. In the basement- membrane region of the duodenal epithelium, enamel-organ epithelium, and blood-vessel endothelium, immunostaining for all four components was observed in the basal lamina (also called lamina densa). The bulk of the lamina lucida (rara) was unstained, but it was traversed by narrow projections of the basal lamina that were immunostained for all four components. In the subbasement-membrane fibrous elements or reticular lamina, immunostaining was confined to occasional "bridges" extending from the epithelial basal-lamina to that of adjacent capillaries. The joint presence of type IV collagen, laminin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and fibronectin in the basal lamina indicates that these substances do not occur in separate layers but are integrated into a common structure.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen, laminin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and fibronectin were localized in the basement membrane (BM) of chick retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) during various stages of eye development. At different times over a 4-17 day period after fertilization, chick embryo eyes were dissected, fixed in periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde, and 6 micron frozen sections through the central regions of the eye were prepared. Sections were postfixed in -20 degrees C methanol and stained immediately by indirect immunofluorescence using sheep anti-mouse laminin, sheep antimouse type IV collagen, rabbit anti-mouse heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and mouse monoclonal anti-porcine plasma fibronectin. Fluorescein-labeled F(ab')2 fragments of the appropriate immunoglobulins (IgGs) were used as secondary antibodies. Laminin could be readily demonstrated in the BM of the RPE during all stages of development. The staining for type IV collagen, fibronectin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan HSPG) was less intense than that for laminin, but was also localized in the BM along the basal side of the RPE. In addition to staining the BM, antiserum to HSPG, gave a diffuse labeling from day 9 onward, above the RPE extending into the region of the photoreceptors. Whereas the intensity of staining generally increased between day 4 and day 17 of development, the distribution of the different BM components did not change. Hence the presence of type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, and HSPG in the BM of RPE in vivo during all the stages of development investigated supports the concept that these macromolecules are important basic components of this, and other, BMs. Furthermore, these results indicate that the composition of the BM of RPE cells in vivo is similar to the BM material deposited by RPE cells in vitro (Turksen K, Aubin JE, Sodek JE, Kalnins VI: Collagen Rel Res, 4:413-426, 1984) and that the in vitro cultures can therefore serve as a useful model for studying BM formation.  相似文献   

A series of basement membranes was immunolabeled for laminin, type IV collagen, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan in the hope of comparing the content of these substances. The basement membranes, including thin ones (less than 0.3 micron) from kidney, colon, enamel organ, and vas deferens, and thick ones (greater than 2 micron), i.e., Reichert's membrane, Descemet's membrane, and EHS tumor matrix, were fixed in formaldehyde, embedded in Lowicryl, and treated with specific antisera or antibodies followed by anti-rabbit immunoglobulin bound to gold. The density of gold particles, expressed per micron2, was negligible in controls (less than or equal to 1.1), but averaged 307, 146, and 23, respectively, for laminin, collagen IV, and proteoglycan over the thick basement membranes (except for Descemet's membranes, over which the density was 16, 5, and 34, respectively) and 117, 72, and 64, respectively, over the lamina densa of the thin basement membranes. Lower but significant reactions were observed over the lamina lucida. Interpretation of the gold particle densities was based on (a) the similarity between the ultrastructure of most thick basement membranes and of the lamina densa of most thin basement membranes, and (b) the biochemical content of the three substances under study in the EHS tumor matrix (Eur J Biochem 143:145, 1984). It was proposed that thick basement membranes (except Descemet's) contained more laminin and collagen IV but less heparan sulfate proteoglycan than the lamina densa of thin basement membranes. In the latter, there was a fair variation from tissue to tissue, but a tendency towards a similar molar content of the three substances.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical methods were used to determine whether type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan were present in diverse basement membranes. Antisera or antibodies against each substance were prepared, tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and exposed to frozen sections of duodenum, trachea, kidney, spinal cord, cerebrum, and incisor tooth from rats aged 20 days to 34 months. Bound antibodies were then localized by indirect or direct peroxidase methods for examination in the light microscope. Immunostaining for type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan was observed in all of the basement membranes encountered. Fibronectin was also found in connective tissue. In general, the intensity of immunostaining was strong for type IV collagen and laminin, moderate for heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and weak for fibronectin. The pattern was similar in the age groups under study. Very recently the sulfated glycoprotein, entactin, was also detected in the basement membranes of the listed tissues in 20-day-old rats. It is accordingly proposed that, at least in the organs examined, type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and entactin are present together in basement membranes.  相似文献   

Antibodies to type IV collagen, laminin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and fibronectin were used to study the regression of the rat Mullerian duct. All four of these matrix constituents are located at the perimeter of the Mullerian duct within the ductal basement membrane. As the Mullerian duct regresses, the staining of all of these basement membrane constituents becomes irregular and discontinuous. Fibronectin, which is also present in the interstitium, becomes undetectable in the mesenchyme which condenses around the regressing Mullerian duct. These data indicate that degradation of the extracellular matrix around the male Mullerian duct is a central event in the regression of this structure.  相似文献   

Three basement membrane components, laminin, collagen IV, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan, were mixed and incubated at 35 degrees C for 1 h, during which a precipitate formed. Centrifugation yielded a pellet which was fixed in either potassium permanganate for ultrastructural studies, or in formaldehyde for Lowicryl embedding and immunolabeling with protein A-gold or anti-rabbit immunoglobulin-gold. Three types of structures were observed and called types A, B, and C. Type B consisted of 30-50-nm-wide strips that were dispersed or associated into a honeycomb-like pattern, but showed no similarity with basement membranes. Immunolabeling revealed that type B strips only contained heparan sulfate proteoglycan. The structure was attributed to self-assembly of this proteoglycan. Type A consisted of irregular strands of material that usually accumulated into semisolid groups. Like basement membrane, the strands contained laminin, collagen IV, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and, at high magnification, they appeared as a three-dimensional network of cord-like elements whose thickness averaged approximately 3 nm. But, unlike the neatly layered basement membranes, the type A strands were arranged in a random, disorderly manner. Type C structures were convoluted sheets composed of a uniform, dense, central layer which exhibited a few extensions on both surfaces and was similar in appearance and thickness to the lamina densa of basement membranes. Immunolabeling showed that laminin, collagen IV, and proteoglycan were colocalized in the type C sheets. At high magnification, the sheets appeared as a three-dimensional network of cords averaging approximately 3 nm. Hence, the organization, composition, and ultrastructure of type C sheets made them similar to the lamina densa of authentic basement membranes.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen, entactin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and laminin antigenic sites were revealed on various rat renal basement membranes by use of protein A-gold immunocytochemistry. The basement membranes of the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, those of Bowman's capsule and glomerulus, and the mesangial matrix were labeled for all the antigens but to differing extents. Control experiments confirmed the specificity of these labelings. Quantitative evaluation revealed an important heterogeneity for each antigen among the various basement membranes. This heterogeneity suggests that the basement membrane components must arrange themselves in different ways, possibly to account for differences in functional properties of the various renal structures.  相似文献   



Lipoprotein lipase (Lpl) acts on triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in the peripheral circulation, liberating free fatty acids for energy metabolism or storage. This essential enzyme is synthesized in parenchymal cells of adipose tissue, heart, and skeletal muscle and migrates to the luminal side of the vascular endothelium where it acts upon circulating lipoproteins. Prior studies suggested that Lpl is immobilized by way of heparan sulfate proteoglycans on the endothelium, but genetically altering endothelial cell heparan sulfate had no effect on Lpl localization or lipolysis. The objective of this study was to determine if extracellular matrix proteoglycans affect Lpl distribution and triglyceride metabolism.

Methods and Findings

We examined mutant mice defective in collagen XVIII (Col18), a heparan sulfate proteoglycan present in vascular basement membranes. Loss of Col18 reduces plasma levels of Lpl enzyme and activity, which results in mild fasting hypertriglyceridemia and diet-induced hyperchylomicronemia. Humans with Knobloch Syndrome caused by a null mutation in the vascular form of Col18 also present lower than normal plasma Lpl mass and activity and exhibit fasting hypertriglyceridemia.


This is the first report demonstrating that Lpl presentation on the lumenal side of the endothelium depends on a basement membrane proteoglycan and demonstrates a previously unrecognized phenotype in patients lacking Col18.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of various extracellular matrix components was studied in frozen sections of embryonic (14–18 days) and early postnatal (birth and 4 days post parturn) dorsal mouse skin using monospecific antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence. Basement membrane zone components — type IV collagen, laminin and heparan sulphate proteoglycan — were found to be uniformly and unchangingly distributed along the dermal-epidermal junction. In contrast, the distribution of interstitial matrix components — types I and III collagen, and fibronectin — was heterogeneous and varied with the stages of hair development. Collagens became sparse and were eventually completely removed from the prospective dermal papilla and from a one-cell-thick sheath of dermal cells around hair buds. They remained absent from the dermal papilla throughout hair organogenesis. Fibronectin was always present around dermal papilla cells and was particularly abundant along the dermal-epidermal junction of hair rudiments, as well as underneath hair buds. In contrast, in interfollicular skin, collagens accumulated in increasing density, while fibronectin became progressively sparser. It thus appears that interstitial collagens and fibronectin are distributed in a manner which is related to hair morphogenesis. In morphogenetically active regions, collagen density is low, while that of fibronectin is high. Conversely, in histologically stabilized zones, collagen is abundant and fibronectin is sparse. This microheterogeneous distribution of interstitial collagens and of fibronectin might thus constitute part of the morphogenetic message that the dermis is known to transmit to the epidermis during the development of skin and of cutaneous appendages.  相似文献   

Domain structure of the basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have used proteolytic digestions and immunological reactivity to map regional domains of the 400-kilodalton (kDa) core protein of the heparan sulfate containing basement membrane proteoglycan from the Englebreth-Holm-Swarm tumor. Digestion with V8 protease caused the rapid release of numerous large peptides ranging in size from 80 to 200 kDa and a 44-kDa peptide. The 44-kDa peptide (P44) was stable to further digestion, but the larger peptides were eventually degraded to a 46-kDa peptide (P46). Both the P44 and P46 fragments migrate slower in the presence of a reducing agent, indicating intrachain disulfide bonding, and do not have heparan sulfate side chains. Antisera to the P46 fragment, however, did not react with P44 fragment, and the amino acid compositions of P46 and P44 fragments were different. This suggests that these two fragments were unrelated. Trypsin digestion of the proteoglycan immediately released a 200-kDa peptide (P200) that also lacked heparan sulfate side chains. Digestion of the P200 fragment with V8 protease produced the P44 and P46 fragments in the same temporal sequence seen with V8 protease digestion of the proteoglycan. Antisera to the P200 fragment reacted strongly with the P44 and P46 fragments. These results show that the P44 and P46 domains are contained within the P200 domain. The rapid release of the P44 domain indicates that it is located at one end of the core protein. The large size of these proteolytic fragments suggests the core protein contains considerable conformational structure, and the absence of heparan sulfate on the P200 domain indicates that the side chains are asymmetrically located on the core.  相似文献   

We have studied the extractability of type IV collagen, laminin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan from EHS tumor tissue growth in normal and lathyritic animals. Laminin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan were readily extracted with chaotropic solvents from both normal and lathyritic tissue. The collagenous component was only solubilized from lathyritic tissue in the presence of a reducing agent. These results indicate that lysine-derived cross-links and disulfide bonds stabilize the collagenous component in the matrix but not the laminin or the heparan sulfate proteoglycan. The majority of the collagen present in the extracts had a native triple helix based upon the pattern of peptides resistant to pepsin digestion and visualization in the electron microscope by the rotary shadow technique. This protein was composed of chains (Mr 185000 and 170000) identical in migration to the chains of newly synthesized type IV procollagen. This finding confirms earlier work that indicates that the biosynthetic form, type IV procollagen, is incorporated as such in the basement membrane matrix. Material with smaller chains (Mr 160000 and 140000) appeared on storage in acetic acid solutions. These results indicate that the lower molecular weight collagen in acid extracts of basement membrane arises artifactually due to an endogenous acid-active protease.  相似文献   

Basement membrane protein BM-40, prepared from the mouse Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm tumor, was used in native, denatured and proteolytically processed form for binding to various extracellular matrix proteins. BM-40 and its derivatives were also characterized by CD spectroscopy, calcium binding and epitope analysis. Of several basement membrane proteins tested only collagen IV showed a distinct and calcium-dependent binding of BM-40 in an immobilized ligand assay. This interaction was specific as shown by a low activity of other collagen types (I, III, V, VI) in direct binding and competition assays. The binding was reduced or abolished by metal-ion-chelating or chaotropic agents, high salt and reduction of disulfide bonds in BM-40. Fragment studies indicated that domains III (alpha-helix) and/or IV (EF hand) of BM-40 possess the binding site(s) for collagen IV, while the N-terminal domains I and II provide the major antigenic determinants. A major BM-40-binding site on collagen IV was dependent on a triple-helical conformation and could be localized to a pepsin fragment from the central portion of the triple-helical domain, in agreement with electron microscopic visualization of BM-40--collagen-IV complexes.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised against a small high-density and a large low-density form of heparan sulfate proteoglycan from a basement membrane-producing mouse tumor and were characterized by radioimmunoassays, immunoprecipitation and immunohistological methods. Antigenicity was due to the protein cores and included epitopes unique to the low density form as well as some shared by both proteoglycans. The antibodies did not cross-react with other basement membrane proteins or with chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans from interstitial connective tissues. The heparan sulfate proteoglycans occurred ubiquitously in embryonic and adult basement membranes and could be initially detected at the 2-4 cell stage of mouse embryonic development. Low levels were also found in serum. Biosynthetic studies demonstrated identical or similar proteoglycans in cultures of normal and carcinoembryonic cells and in organ cultures of fetal tissues. They could be distinguished from liver cell membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan, indicating that the basement membrane types of proteoglycans represent a unique class of extracellular matrix proteins.  相似文献   

Kleinschmidt spreading, negative staining, and rotary shadowing were used to examine the large form of (basement membrane) heparan sulfate proteoglycan in the electron microscope. Heparan sulfate proteoglycan was visualized as consisting of two parts: the core protein and, emerging from one end of the core protein, the glycosaminoglycan side chains. The core protein usually appeared as an S-shaped rod with about six globules along its length. Similar characteristics were observed in preparations of core protein in which the side chains had been removed by heparitinase treatment ("400-kDa core") as well as in a 200-kDa trypsin fragment ("P200") derived from one end of the core protein. The core protein was sensitive to lyophilization and apparently also to the method of examination, being condensed following Kleinschmidt spreading (length means = 52 nm) and extended following negative staining (length means = 83 nm) or rotary shadowing (length means = 87 nm; 400-kDa core length means = 80 nm; P200 length means = 44 nm). Two or three glycosaminoglycan side chains (length means = 146 +/- 53 nm) were attached to one end of the core protein. The side chains often appeared tangled or to merge together as one. Thus, the large heparan sulfate proteoglycan from basement membrane is an asymmetrical molecule with a core protein containing globular domains and terminally attached side chains. This structure is in keeping with that previously predicted by enzymatic digestions and with the proposed orientation in basement membranes, i.e., the core protein bound in the lamina densa and the heparan sulfate side chains in the lamina lucida arranged along the surface of the basement membranes.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rat hepatocytes maintained as monolayer in a serum-free medium synthesise and secrete sulphated proteoglycans. Nearly 5% of the total 35(S)-sulphated material was obtained in a soluble form from beneath the cell layer. A shift in gel filtration pattern on beta-elimination with alkali suggested that it is a sulphated proteoglycan. On ion exchange chromatography over Dowex AG 1 x 2, the major fraction was eluted with 1.25 M NaCl. Further, nearly 80% of the 35(S)-labeled material was susceptible to nitrous acid degradation and more than 90% of the material was resistant to chondroitinase ABC digestion suggesting that it is predominantly a heparan sulphate proteoglycan (HSPG). Since HSPG is a major component of basement membrane, its binding with collagen was studied by a solid phase binding assay. About 75% of the 35(S) HSPG bound to wells coated with type IV collagen whereas only about 20% bound to type I collagen at physiological pH. Binding to collagen IV was reduced by about 50% when free GAG chains were used indicating that the protein core is also involved in interaction with the collagen. These results indicate the possible role of this basal extracellular heparan sulphate proteoglycan in the basal lamina formation.  相似文献   

The distribution of certain basement membrane (BM) components including type IV collagen, laminin, BM proteoglycan, and fibronectin was studied in developing mouse molar teeth, using antibodies or antisera specific for these substances in indirect immunofluorescence. At the onset of cuspal morphogenesis, type IV collagen, laminin, and BM proteoglycan were found to be present throughout the basement membranes of the tooth. Fibronectin was abundant under the inner enamel epithelium at the region of differentiating odontoblasts and also in the mesenchymal tissues. After the first layer of predentin had been secreted by the odontoblasts at the epithelial-mesenchymal interface, laminin remained in close association with the epithelial cells whereas type IV collagen, BM proteoglycan, and fibronectin were distributed uniformly throughout this area. Later when dentin had been produced and the epithelial cells had differentiated into ameloblasts, basement membrane components disappeared from the cuspal area. These matrix components were not detected in dentin while BM proteoglycan and fibronectin were present in predentin. The observed changes in the collagenous and noncollagenous glycoproteins and the proteoglycan appear to be closely associated with cell differentiation and matrix secretion in the developing tooth.  相似文献   

The effects on mouse liver cells of laminin, fibronectin and type IV collagen, all of which are the main matrix of the basement membrane, were studied. Laminin, a glycoprotein isolated from cultures of rat yolk sac carcinoma cells, promoted the attachment of mouse fetal liver cells to laminin-coated dishes, but did not have a strong influence upon the attachment of normal adult liver cells. On the other hand, fibronectin which was purified from mouse plasma promoted the attachment of adult liver cells but not that of fetal liver cells. The number of neonatal liver cells attached to the surfaces coated was intermediate between those of fetal and adult liver cells in each matrix. DNA synthesis and cell proliferation during the culture of full-term fetal liver cells in laminin-coated dishes were higher than those in fibronectin- or type IV collagen-coated dishes. The amount of alpha-fetoprotein secreted in the laminin-coated dishes was more than in other groups. No differences in secretion of albumin into media, however, were observed in either group. These results suggest that laminin may be necessary for cell growth, tissue organization and cell differentiation during the normal development of liver in vivo.  相似文献   

In diabetes, certain basement membranes become thicker yet more porous than normal. To identify possible changes in the basement membrane, we have grown the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm tumor, a tissue that produces quantities of basement membrane in normal mice and in streptozotocin-treated, insulin-deficient, diabetic mice. The level of laminin, a basement membrane-specific glycoprotein, and the level of total protein were slightly elevated in the diabetic tissue. In contrast, the level of the basement membrane specific heparan sulfate proteoglycan was only 20% of control. The synthesis of this proteoglycan was also reduced in the diabetic animals, while the synthesis of other proteoglycans by tissues such as cartilage was normal. The synthesis of the heparan sulfate proteoglycan in diabetic animals was inversely related to plasma glucose levels showing an abrupt decrease above the normal range of plasma glucose. Insulin restored synthesis to normal but this required doses of insulin that maintained plasma glucose at normal levels for several hours. Since the heparan sulfate proteoglycan in the basement membrane restricts passage of proteins, its absence could account for the increased porosity of basement membrane in diabetes. A compensatory synthesis of other components could lead to their increased deposition and the accumulation of basement membrane in diabetes.  相似文献   

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