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In this article the regulatory factors of the epizootic process are considered and the spatial-temporal prognostication of rabies infection in the region is proposed on the basis of data on rabies morbidity among animals, the purchase of skins of carnivorous animals for 20-25 years, virological experiments on wild animals, calculation of the number of carnivores and small mammals, as meteorological observations. The study has shown that a variety of animal species serving as hosts for the virus and its population differences contribute to the stable existence of the infection. Rabies morbidity has been found to be positively linked with its preceding level, the number of wild animals, the height and hardness of the snow cover and negatively with the number of small mammals.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis registered avian flu epizootia are submitted. Diseases were registered as among wild birds, and poultry. From a biological material from a poultry and wild bird of some villages of Novosibirsk region the influenza virus type A (H5N1) is allocated. Carrying out sanitary and antiepidemic measures is organized. It is established, that disease and a mass destruction of poultry have taken place after contact to a wild bird on lakes. It is revealed, that the degree of distribution of a mass destruction of poultry on farmsteads in the struck territories depends on terms of carrying out of necessary measures on localization of the foci. Occurrence of new cases of disease among wild birds and poultry in 2006 as lakes in this territory are a place of nesting of the wild birds being the reservoir of the influenza virus is predicted.  相似文献   

Detection of DNA of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato was performed by PCR in taiga ticks Ixodes persulcatus, in blood samples and skin bioptates of small forest mammals, and in blood and urine samples of humans after attaching of ticks events. In Novosibirsk region both in natural reservoir and in patients with Ixodes ticks-borne borreliosis DNA of Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii are detected. DNA of these borrelia were detected in 8 from 72 of taiga ticks, in 36 from 298 of blood and skin samples of small forest mammals, and in 32 from 102 of human blood and urine samples. In all studied samples DNA of B. garinii from NT29 subgroup was predominated. Borrelia DNA in which sequence of intergenic spacer region was homologous to sequence Chy13p first detected in China has been detected in one blood sample from red-backed vole (Clethrionomys rutilus).  相似文献   

The epidemiology of rabies in Central Europe with particular reference to Austria is described. Fox represents the vector of the infection while other animals are involved in the epidemiological picture only incidentally. Oral immunization of foxes has been successfully achieved.  相似文献   

The analysis of the dynamics of the epidemic process for 10 years made it possible to find out the presence of two separate epidemic waves of HIV infection. The first wave (1987-1994) was manifested as the slow type of the development of the epidemic, characterized mainly by sexual transmission. During this period 398 persons with HIV infection were detected, 24 persons were found to have AIDS; of these, 13 persons died. The second epidemic wave began in 1995 and was due to the spread of HIV among users of drugs introduced by injection. By the end of 1995 the number of HIV carriers was 34 times greater than that of 1994, reaching 1490 persons. In 1996-1997 this figure increased 8 times (annually). The number of AIDS patients rose to 420 persons. The most unfavorable regions with respect to HIV infection and AIDS morbidity were determined. The western regions of the Ukraine were noted to be in a more favorable situation in this respect with infection indices being lower more than 30 times. Up to 80% of all infected persons were found to be addicts introducing drugs intravenously. Growing morbidity in sexually transmitted disease, particularly in syphilis, contributed to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation. The conclusion was made on the necessity of introducing new prophylactic programs and expanding current ones. The signs of stabilization in Odessa and Nikolayev were observed; in these cities pilot programs aimed at the strategy of the "decrease of harm" have been introduced (in collaboration with UNAIDS) since 1996.  相似文献   

The operational experience on liquidation of the centers of the avian flu in separate region of Novosibirsk is considered. From 32 settlements in 7 (22%) have been registered the centers of a case of a bird. Despite of undertaken measures under the prevention of distribution of an infection and occurrence of the new centers, during first time the case of a bird proceeded because of proceeding free ride out of poultry on lakes. Carrying out quarantine and actions on mass depopulation of birds appeared effectual measures on liquidation of the foci. Taking into account features of this area (a plenty of lakes) with nesting a wild waterfowl and accepted free ride out for poultry, the conclusion about an opportunity of occurrence and development new epizootia of bird's flu is made during spring-autumn of 2006.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the eastern Novosibirsk region appeared as a margin between the Western and the Eastern Palaearctic zones in regard to the faunas of stream communities of rheophilic invertebrates. The western (European) elements of the fauna prevail in the lowland areas; but both faunas, eastern and western, combine at Salairsky Ridge. In addition, some differences between these two faunas are observed, when the species of the western origin dominate in the soft-bottom and phytophylic communities and refer to the European fauna. On the other hand, the eastern Siberian species are the key elements in the rhithral (hard-bottom) communities and somehow in krenal communities. Seventeen regional types of rheophilic communities are described.  相似文献   

Work is devoted to studying of circulation of avian flu influenza A (H5N1) virus at poultry in territory of Novosibirsk region in preepizootic period. 1901 sample from clinically healthy poultry is collected and investigated. On chicken embryos it has been isolated 28 virions, including from poultry of the industrial maintenance--16, from the poultry contained in private farmsteads--12. At the analysis of isolates it has been shown, that among poultry in preepizootic period circulated various serovars of influenza viruses namely, HI, H4 and H3 serogroups. The percent of isolates from geese of the industrial maintenance increased to 0.6% depending on area. The percent of isolates from a bird contained in private farmsteads, increased to 7.5%. The greatest percent of isolates was observed from the samples taken from hens--77. Thus, it is shown, that among poultry circulation of not pathogenic influenza viruses of type A is the usual phenomenon, and asymptomatic carriers 7.5% of a livestock. Also it has been established, that in preepizootic period 2005 (January-June) at poultry it is not revealed influenza viruses of H5 serotype, caused epizootia at Summer of 2005 in territory of Western Siberia.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the spread of individual subtypes of type 1 HIV (HIV-1), circulating in the Novosibirsk region during the epidemic rise of HIV infection was under study. The epidemic of HIV-1 in Novosibirsk has a pattern similar to that in Russia as a whole. At the initial stage of epidemics multiple sources of virus determine the heterogeneity of the isolated subtypes of HIV-1. Then the parenteral route of HIV transmission, connected with the intravenous use of narcotic drugs, becomes dominant. Recently the spread of HIV-1 from the group of intravenous drug users to other groups of the population has been observed. In the circulation of HIV-1 among drug users the leading role was shown to belong to subtype A, which ensures its rapid spread and dominating role in the epidemic process. Further spread of the HIV-1 epidemic is expected to proceed in parallel to the spread of viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and drug addiction. Thus, HIV-1, subtype A, may be assumed to be dominant in the Novosibirsk region in the nearest future.  相似文献   

Arthropod-borne bacterial pathogen Bartonella DNA was detected in human blood cells after tick bites in summer 2003 and 2004 in Novosibirsk region by nested PCR with primers specific to groEL gene of HSP60 protein. Comparative assay of 190 p.b. of long PCR fragment revealed that the nucleotide sequences might belong to Bartonella henselae and Bartonella quintana.  相似文献   

This review presents a critical and comprehensive documentation and analysis of the developments in agricultural, environmental, molecular, and physiological studies related to Azospirillum cells, and to Azospirillum interactions with plants, based solely on information published between 1997 and 2003. It was designed as an update of previous reviews (Bashan and Levanony 1990; Bashan and Holguin 1997a), with a similar scope of interest. Apart from an update and critical analysis of the current knowledge, this review focuses on the central issues of Azospirillum research today, such as, (i) physiological and molecular studies as a general model for rhizosphere bacteria; (ii) co-inoculation with other microorganisms; (iii) hormonal studies and re-consideration of the nitrogen contribution by the bacteria under specific environmental conditions; (iv) proposed Azospirillum as a non-specific plant-growth-promoting bacterium; (v) re-introduction of the "Additive Hypothesis," which suggests involvement of multiple mechanisms employed by the bacteria to affect plant growth; (vi) comment on the less researched areas, such as inoculant and pesticide research; and (vii) proposes possible avenues for the exploitation of this bacterium in environmental areas other than agriculture.  相似文献   

Examination of 1898 patients with acute enteric infection from March 2005 to February 2007 showed that group A rotaviruses were the most frequent cause (35%) of acute gastroenteritis among children under 3 years of age. Majority of cases of rotavirus infection was detected in infants under 1 year of age (71.8%). The peak of sporadic incidence was observed between February and May. High rate of mixed infection (45.6%) was observed - associations of rotaviruses with other viruses (noroviruses, astroviruses) and bacteria (Salmonella, Shigella, enteroinvasive Escherichia coli, Campylobacter, and opportunistic species) were detected. P- and G-genotypes of 337(50.8%) isolates of group A rotaviruses were determined by RT-PCR. The most prevalent strain was P[8]G1 (54.6%) followed by P[8]G3 (10.7%), P[8]G9 (8.6%), P[4]G2 (8.3%), and P[8]G4 (4.5%) genotypes.  相似文献   

The occurrence of markers, the genotypic variety of isolates and the profile of risk factors with respect to viral hepatitis C among 629 employees of the Regional Clinical Hospital (RCH) in Novosibirsk and 1,020 employees of the Central District Hospital (CDH) in Iskitim were studied in a cross-sectional investigation. The occurrence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) markers was 5.1% in RCH and 2.2% in CDH. Among the risk factors in the population under study were: the medical history of blood transfusions (TF) with 0 TF, anti-HCV = 2.3%; 1 TF, = 5.7% > 1 TF, = 13.5% (p < 0.001); general anesthesia (GA) with < or = 2 GA, anti-HCV = 2.8%; > 2 GA, = 7.8% (p = 0.002); surgical interventions (SU) with 0 SU, = 1.9%; > 0 SU, = 4.3% (p = 0.012); the intravenous use of drugs (OR = 31.8); age (< or = 25 years, anti-HCV IgG = 8.6% > 25 years, = 4.5%); the number of partners of the opposite sex < or = 4 partners, = 2.4%; > 4 partners, = 6.9%; p < 0.001). The probable risk factors at a working place (pricks and cuts, contamination of mucous membranes with blood and other biological fluids, etc.) proved to be faintly related with the status of HBV infection. HBV isolates detected in the examined persons (35 examinees) were distributed by genotypes as follows: 60% of subtype 1b, 28.6% of subtype 2a/2c, 11.4% of subtype 3a. HBV of genotype 1a was not detected in the examined specimens, while the detection rate of genotype 2a/2c was considerably greater than in specimens obtained in the European and Asian parts of Russia (according to the data reported earlier).  相似文献   

The epizootia on avian flu and a measure on its liquidation are stated. The increase in number of a wild waterfowl in 2005 is marked in comparison with 2002. It is determined, that disease among poultry arose in the facilities which are taking place near of reservoirs at ride out of its contents. The complex of sanitary-and-hygienic measures are carried out with the purpose of the prevention of disease among people. Cases of disease caused by an avian influenza among people it is not revealed.  相似文献   

Data on the species composition of the fish population inhabiting the tributaries of the Novosibirsk reservoir are given in the article. The structure of fish communities and possible environmental factors determining it have been revealed. The relation between the heterogeneity of fish communities and the river depth and length, relief, current velocity, floodplain, and estuarial areas, presence of sand-pebble shallow waters and channel order, has been studied.  相似文献   

Materials characterizing the epidemiologic situation on most significant infectious diseases in Sverdlovsk region are presented. Experience on providing the epidemiologic welfare based on systematic surveillance for activity of various factors influencing the epidemic process is described.  相似文献   



Nothing is currently known about microbial composition of saline lakes of the Novosibirsk region and its dependence on physical-chemical parameters of waters. We studied the structure of microbial communities of saline lakes of the Novosibirsk region and the effect of physical-chemical parameters of waters on microbial communities of these lakes.


According to the ion content, the lakes were classified either as chloride or chloride-sulfate types. Water salinity ranges from 4.3 to 290 g L?1. Many diverse microbial communities were found. Filamentous and colonial Cyanobacteria of the genera Scytonema, Aphanocapsa, and/or filamentous Algae dominated in littoral communities. Spatial and temporal organization of planktonic microbial communities and the quantities of Archaea and Bacteria were investigated using fluorescent in situ hybridization. We have found that the dominant planktonic component is represented by Archaea, or, less frequently, by Bacteria. Various phylogenetic groups (Bacteria, Archaea, Algae, and Cyanobacteria) are nonuniformly distributed. The principal component analysis was used to detect environmental factors that affect microorganism abundance. We found the principal components responsible for 71.1 % of the observed variation. It was demonstrated that two-block partial least squares was a better method than principal component analysis for analysis of the data. We observed general relationships between microbial abundance and water salinity.


We have performed the first-ever study of the structure of the microbial communities of eleven saline lakes in the Novosibirsk region along with their physical-chemical parameters of waters. Our study demonstrates that saline lakes in the Novosibirsk region contain a unique microbial communities that may become a prolific source of microorganisms for fundamental and applied studies in various fields of ecology, microbiology, geochemistry, and biotechnology, and deserve further metagenomic investigation.

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