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Summary Pancreatic islet B cells depolarize and display trains of action potentials in response to stimulatory concentrations of glucose. Based on data from rodent islets these action potentials are considered to be predominantly Ca2+ dependent. Here we describe Na+-dependent action potentials and Na+ currents recorded from canine and human pancreatic islet B cells. Current-clamp recording using the nystatin perforated-patch technique demonstrates that B cells from both species display tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ action potentials in response to modest glucose-induced depolarization. In companion whole-cell voltage-clamp experiments on canine B cells, the underlying Na+ current displays steep voltage-dependent activation and inactivation over the range of –50 to –40 mV. The Na+ current is sensitive to tetrodotoxin block with aK 1=3.2nm and has a reversal potential which changes with [Na+] o as predicted by the Nernst equation. These results suggest that a voltage-dependent Na+ current may contribute significantly to action potential generation in some species outside the rodent family.  相似文献   

Summary The Ca2+-activated K+ channel in rat pancreatic islet cells has been studied using patch-clamp single-channel current recording in excised inside-out and outside-out membrane patches. In membrane patches exposed to quasi-physiological cation gradients (Na+ outside, K+ inside) large outward current steps were observed when the membrane was depolarized. The single-channel current voltage (I/V) relationship showed outward rectification and the null potential was more negative than –40 mV. In symmetrical K+-rich solutions the single-channelI/V relationship was linear, the null potential was 0 mV and the singlechannel conductance was about 250 pS. Membrane depolarization evoked channel opening also when the inside of the membrane was exposed to a Ca2+-free solution containing 2mm EGTA, but large positive membrane potentials (70 to 80 mV) were required in order to obtain open-state probabilities (P) above 0.1. Raising the free Ca2+ concentration in contact with the membrane inside ([Ca2+]i) to 1.5×10–7 m had little effect on the relationship between membrane potential andP. When [Ca2+]i was increased to 3×10–7 m and 6×10–7 m smaller potential changes were required to open the channels. Increasing [Ca2+]i further to 8×10–7 m again activated the channels, but the relationship between membrane potential andP was complex. Changing the membrane potential from –50 mV to +20 mV increasedP from near 0 to 0.6 but further polarization to +50 mV decreasedP to about 0.2. The pattern of voltage activation and inactivation was even more pronounced at [Ca2+]i=1 and 2 m. In this situation a membrane potential change from –70 to +20 mV increasedP from near 0 to about 0.7 but further polarization to +80 mV reducedP to less than 0.1. The high-conductance K+ channel in rat pancreatic islet cells is remarkably sensitive to changes in [Ca2+]i within the range 0.1 to 1 m which suggests a physiological role for this channel in regulating the membrane potential and Ca2+ influx through voltage-activated Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

Summary K+ channels in cultured rat pancreatic islet cells have been studied using patch-clamp single-channel recording techniques in cell-attached and excised inside-out and outside-out membrane patches. Three different K+-selective channels have been found. Two inward rectifier K+ channels with slope conductances of about 4 and 17 pS recorded under quasi-physiological cation gradients (Na+ outside, K+ inside) and maximal conductances recorded in symmetrical K+-rich solutions of about 30 and 75 pS, respectively. A voltage- and calcium-activated K channel was recorded with a slope conductance of about 90 pS under the same conditions and a maximal conductance recorded in symmetrical K+-rich solutions of about 250 pS. Single-channel current recording in the cell-attached conformation revealed a continuous low level of activity in an apparently small number of both the inward rectifier K+ channels. But when membrane patches were excised from the intact cell a much larger number of inward rectifier K+ channels became transiently activated before showing an irreversible decline. In excised patches opening and closing of both the inward rectifier K+ channels were unaffected by voltage, internal Ca2+ or externally applied tetraethyl-ammonium (TEA) but the probability of opening of both inward rectifier K+ channels was reduced by internally applied 1–5mm adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP). The large K+ channel was not operational in cell-attached membrane patches, but in excised patches it could be activated at negative membrane potentials by 10–7 to 10–6 m internal Ca2+ and blocked by 5–10mm external TEA.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of a coupled Na+/Ca2+ exchange system has been demonstrated in plasma membrane vesicles from rat pancreatic acinar cells. Na+/Ca2+ exchange was investigated by measuring45Ca2+ uptake and45Ca2+ efflux in the presence of sodium gradients and at different electrical potential differences across the membrane (=) in the presence of sodium. Plasma membranes were prepared by a MgCl2 precipitation method and characterized by marker enzyme distribution. When compared to the total homogenate, the typical marker for the plasma membrane, (Na++K+)-ATPase was enriched by 23-fold. Markers for the endoplasmic reticulum, such as RNA and NADPH cytochromec reductase, as well as for mitochondria, the cytochromec oxidase, were reduced by twofold, threefold and 10-fold, respectively. For the Na+/Ca2+ countertransport system, the Ca2+ uptake after 1 min of incubation was half-maximal at 0.62 mol/liter Ca2+ and at 20 mmol/liter Na+ concentration and maximal at 10 mol/liter Ca2+ and 150 mmol/liter Na+ concentration, respecitively. When Na+ was replaced by Li+, maximal Ca2+ uptake was 75% as compared to that in the presence of Na+. Amiloride (10–3 mol/liter) at 200 mmol/liter Na+ did not inhibit Na+/Ca2+ countertransport, whereas at low Na+ concentration (25 mmol/liter) amiloride exhibited dose-dependent inhibition to be 62% at 10–2 mol/liter. CFCCP (10–5 mol/liter) did not influence Na+/Ca2+ countertransport. Monensin inhibited dose dependently; at a concentration of 5×10–6 mol/liter inhibition was 80%. A SCN or K+ diffusion potential (=), being positive at the vesicle inside, stimulated calcium uptake in the presence of sodium suggesting that Na+/Ca2+ countertransport operates electrogenically, i.e. with a stoichiometry higher than 2 Na+ for 1 Ca2+. In the absence of Na+, did not promote Ca2+ uptake. We conclude that in addition to ATP-dependent Ca2+ outward transport as characterized previously (E. Bayerdörffer, L. Eckhardt, W. Haase & 1. Schulz, 1985,J. Membrane Biol. 84:45–60) the Na+/Ca2+ countertransport system, as characterized in this study, represents a second transport system for the extrusion of calcium from the cell. Furthermore, the high affinity for calcium suggests that this system might participate in the regulation of the cytosolic free Ca2+ level.  相似文献   

Isolated canine islets of Langerhans differ from isolated islets of other species (including rodents and man) in that elevated glucose concentrations are unable to stimulate insulin secretion. Here we demonstrate that addition to the perifusate of isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX), forskolin or 8-CPT-cAMP, all of which enhance cytosolic cAMP, permits insulin secretion in response to glucose, leucine or tolbutamide. These cAMP enhancers increase secretogogue-induced electrical activity in β-cells and restore depolarization-induced, Ca2+-dependent granule exocytosis measured as stepwise increases in membrane capacitance. We propose that the primary permissive action of cAMP is to tightly link Ca2+ entry to insulin granule release, while a secondary action is to tighten the link between glucose metabolism and cell depolarization.  相似文献   

We analyzed the noise of the inward currents induced by stimulation of rat peritoneal mast cells with compound 48/80 (48/80), a secretagogue, and examined the role of extracellular Ca2+ in generation of the large noise. In the presence of 2 mM Ca2+ in the external solution, the power density spectra of the 48/80-induced inward currents in most cells were fitted with the sum of two Lorentzian functions. The cut-off frequencies (fc) at -50 mV for the low and high frequency components were 16.3 +/- 7.3 (n = 10) and 180 +/- 95 (n = 9) Hz. Involvement of a cation-selective channel in the large noise was identified in some cells, but the single channel current amplitude estimated from parameters of the noise varied among cells (0.20-2.47 pA at -50 mV), thereby indicating that the currents were mediated by more than two classes of channel. The low frequency component of the 48/80-induced currents was suppressed by lowering the extracellular Ca2+ concentration to 1 microM with the addition of EGTA, without appreciable changes in the high frequency component. When the extracellular Ca2+ was reduced to 1 microM by EGTA 1 min prior to stimulation, 48/80 induced little or no currents in most cells and small currents in some cells. The power density spectra of the small currents were fitted mainly by a single Lorentzian curve with an fc of 150 +/- 5.8 Hz (n = 3). Re-admission of 1.3 mM Ca2+ produced a low frequency part of current noise with an fc of 18.8 (n = 2) Hz.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We show that the voltage-gated K+ and Ca2+ currents of rat osteoblastic cells are strongly modulated by arachidonic acid (AA), and that these modulations are very sensitive to the AA concentration. At 2 or 3 μm, AA reduces the amplitude and accelerates the inactivation of the K+ current activated by depolarization; at higher concentrations (≥5 μm), AA still blocks this K+ current, but also induces a very large noninactivating K+ current. At 2 or 3 μm, AA enhances the T-type Ca2+ current, close to its threshold of activation, whereas at 10 μm, it blocks that current. AA (1–10 μm) also blocks the dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type Ca2+ current. Thus, the effect of AA on Ca2+ entry through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels can change qualitatively with the AA concentration: at 2 or 3 μm, AA will favor Ca2+ entry through T channels, both by lowering the voltage-gated K+ conductance and by increasing the T current, whereas at 10 μm, AA will prevent Ca2+ entry through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, both by inducing a K+ conductance and by blocking Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

The octapeptide neurohormone D (NHD), a member of the family of adipokinetic hormones (AKH-peptides), increases the frequency of spontaneous activity in dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurones isolated from the terminal ganglion of the cockroach Periplaneta americana. The increase in spike frequency is accompanied by changes in the shape and the amplitude of the single action potentials, e.g. a more pronounced afterhyperpolarization. Effects of NHD on membrane currents were investigated in these DUM cells with whole-cell voltage-clamp measurements. A voltage-independent Ca2+ current flowing at the resting potential (ICa,R) was found. NHD, at nanomolar concentrations, enhanced this ICa,R in a concentration-dependent manner. 0.1 mM Cd2+markedly reduced ICa,R and in this case ICa,R was hardly potentiated by NHD.In the presence of NHD a fast activating Ca2+-dependent K+current sensitive to charybdotoxin and to low concentrations of tetraethylammonium was augmented. The enhanced afterhyperpolarization of action potentials can be accounted for by the increase in the Ca2+-dependent K+ current.The changes of the membrane currents induced by NHD are discussed with respect to further effects on the spike pattern and in relation to the previously described mode of action of AKH-peptides in other preparations.Abbreviations NHD neurohormone D - AKH adipokinetic hormone  相似文献   

Summary Hyperpolarization of voltage-clampedParamecium tetraurelia in K+ solutions elicits a complex of Ca2+ and K+ currents. The tail current that accompanies a return to holding potential (–40 mV) contains two K+ components. The tail current elicited by a step to –110 mV of 50-msec duration contains fast-decaying (3.5 msec) and slow-decaying (20 msec) components. The reversal potential of both components shifts by 55–57 mV/10-fold change in external [K+], suggesting that they represent pure K+ currents. The dependence of the relative amplitudes of the two tail currents on duration of hyperpolarization suggests that the slow K+ current activates slowly and is sustained, whereas the fast current activates rapidly during hyperpolarization and then rapidly inactivates. Iontophoretic injection of a Ca2+ chelator, EGTA, specifically reduces slow tail-current amplitude without affecting the fast tail component. Both K+ currents are inhibited by extracellular TEA+ in a concentration-dependent, noncooperative manner, whereas the fast K+ current alone is inhibited by 0.7mm quinidine.  相似文献   

Activation of large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels is controlled by both cytoplasmic Ca(2+) and membrane potential. To study the mechanism of voltage-dependent gating, we examined mSlo Ca(2+)-activated K(+) currents in excised macropatches from Xenopus oocytes in the virtual absence of Ca(2+) (<1 nM). In response to a voltage step, I(K) activates with an exponential time course, following a brief delay. The delay suggests that rapid transitions precede channel opening. The later exponential time course suggests that activation also involves a slower rate-limiting step. However, the time constant of I(K) relaxation [tau(I(K))] exhibits a complex voltage dependence that is inconsistent with models that contain a single rate limiting step. tau(I(K)) increases weakly with voltage from -500 to -20 mV, with an equivalent charge (z) of only 0.14 e, and displays a stronger voltage dependence from +30 to +140 mV (z = 0.49 e), which then decreases from +180 to +240 mV (z = -0.29 e). Similarly, the steady state G(K)-V relationship exhibits a maximum voltage dependence (z = 2 e) from 0 to +100 mV, and is weakly voltage dependent (z congruent with 0.4 e) at more negative voltages, where P(o) = 10(-5)-10(-6). These results can be understood in terms of a gating scheme where a central transition between a closed and an open conformation is allosterically regulated by the state of four independent and identical voltage sensors. In the absence of Ca(2+), this allosteric mechanism results in a gating scheme with five closed (C) and five open (O) states, where the majority of the channel's voltage dependence results from rapid C-C and O-O transitions, whereas the C-O transitions are rate limiting and weakly voltage dependent. These conclusions not only provide a framework for interpreting studies of large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel voltage gating, but also have important implications for understanding the mechanism of Ca(2+) sensitivity.  相似文献   

During perifusion with medium deprived of Ca2+, addition of glucose or omission of Na+ resulted in prompt and quantitatively similar inhibitions of 45Ca efflux from β-cell rich pancreatic islets microdissected from ob / ob mice. Glucose had no additional inhibitory effect when Na+ was isoosmotically replaced by sucrose or choline+. When K+ was used as a substitute for Na+, the inhibitory effect of Na+ removal on 45Ca efflux became additive to that of glucose. The observation that glucose can be equally effective in inhibiting 45Ca efflux in the presence or absence of Na+ is difficult to reconcile with the postulate that the Na+-Ca2+ countertransport mechanism is a primary site of action for glucose.  相似文献   

Summary Human red cells were prepared with various cellular Na+ and K+ concentrations at a constant sum of 156mm. At maximal activation of the K+ conductance,g K(Ca), the net efflux of K+ was determined as a function of the cellular Na+ and K+ concentrations and the membrane potential,V m , at a fixed [K+]ex of 3.5mm.V m was only varied from (V m E K)25 mV and upwards, that is, outside the range of potentials with a steep inward rectifying voltage dependence (Stampe & Vestergaard-Bogind, 1988).g K(Ca) as a function of cellular Na+ and K+ concentrations atV m =–40, 0 and 40 mV indicated a competitive, voltage-dependent block of the outward current conductance by cellular Na+. Since the present Ca2+-activated K+ channels have been shown to be of the multi-ion type, the experimental data from each set of Na+ and K+ concentrations were fitted separately to a Boltzmann-type equation, assuming that the outward current conductance in the absence of cellular Na+ is independent of voltage. The equivalent valence determined in this way was a function of the cellular Na+ concentration increasing from 0.5 to 1.5 as this concentration increased from 11 to 101mm. Data from a previous study of voltage dependence as a function of the degree of Ca2+ activation of the channel could be accounted for in this way as well. It is therefore suggested that the voltage dependence ofg K(Ca) for outward currents at (V m E K)>25 25 mV reflects a voltage-dependent Na+ block of the Ca2+-activated K+ channels.  相似文献   

Summary The whole-cell voltage clamp technique was used to study the slow inward currents and K+ outward currents in single heart cells of embryonic chick and in rabbit aortic cells. In single heart cells of 3-day-old chick embryo three types of slow inward Na+ currents were found. The kinetics and the pharmacology of the slow INa, were different from those of the slow Ica in older embryos. Two types of slow inward currents were found in aortic single cells of rabbit; angiotensin 11 increased the sustained type and d-cAMP and d-cGMP decreased the slow transient component. Two types of outward K+ currents were found in both aortic and heart cells. Single channel analysis demonstrated the presence of a high single K+ channel conductance in aortic cells. In cardiac and vascular smooth muscles, slow inward currents do share some pharmacological properties, although the regulation of these channels by cyclic nucleotides and several drugs seems to be different.  相似文献   

The removal of extracellular HCO3 together with a decrease in pCO2, in order to maintain a normal extracellular pH, caused a sustained increase of intracellular pH in rat pancreatic islets. This increase was more marked in glucose-deprived than in glucose-stimulated islets, and was associated with a facilitation of 45Ca efflux from the glucose-deprived islets. Such a facilitation was slightly reduced in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ and abolished at low extracellular Na+ concentration. It failed to occur in glucose-stimulated islets, whether in the presence or absence of extracellular Ca2+. The removal of HCO3 and decrease in the pCO2 also reduced the magnitude of both the secondary rise in 45Ca efflux and stimulation of insulin release normally evoked by an increase in glucose concentration. These findings suggest that changes in intracellular pH affect both the outflow of Ca2+ from islet cells as mediated by Na+-Ca2+ countertransport and the inflow of Ca2+ by gated Ca2+ channels. The experimental data are also compatible with the view that islet cells are equipped with an active process of bicarbonate-chloride exchange involved in the regulation of intracellular pH.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of tetraethylammonium ions on currents through high-conductance voltage- and Ca2+-activated K+ channels have been studied with the help of patch-clamp single-channel and whole-cell current recording on pig pancreatic acinar cells. In excised outside-out membrane patches TEA (1 to 2 mM) added to the bath solution virtually abolishes unitary current activity except at very positive membrane potentials when unitary currents corresponding to a markedly reduced conductance are observed. TEA in a lower concentration (0.2 mM) markedly reduces the open-state probability and causes some reduction of the single-channel conductance. In inside-out membrane patches bath application of TEA in concentrations up to 2 mM has no effect on single-channel currents. At a higher concentration (10 mM) slight reductions in single-channel conductance occur. In whole-cell current recording experiments TEA (1 to 2 mM) added to the bath solution completely suppresses the outward currents associated with depolarizing voltage jumps to membrane potentials of 0 mV and blocks the major part (70 to 90%) of the outward currents even at very positive membrane potentials (30 to 40 mV). In contrast TEA (2 mM) added to the cell interior (pipette solution) has no effect on the outward K+ current. Our results demonstrate that TEA in low concentrations (1 to 2 mM) acts specifically on the outside of the plasma membrane to block current through the high-conductance Ca2+- and voltage-activated K+ channels  相似文献   

Summary The relative contributions of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange and the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump to active Ca2+ efflux from stimulated rat pancreatic acini were studied. Na+ gradients across the plasma membrane were manipulated by loading the cells with Na+ or suspending the cells in Na+-free media. The rates of Ca2+ efflux were estimated from measurements of [Ca2+] i using the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye Fura 2 and45Ca efflux. During the first 3 min of cell stimulation, the pattern of Ca2+ efflux is described by a single exponential function under control, Na+-loaded, and Na+-depleted conditions. Manipulation of Na+ gradients had no effect on the hormone-induced increase in [Ca2+] i . The results indicate that Ca2+ efflux from stimulated pancreatic acinar cells is mediated by the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. The effects of several cations, which were used to substitute for Na+, on cellular activity were also studied. Choline+ and tetramethylammonium+ (TMA+) released Ca2+ from intracellular stores of pancreatic acinar, gastric parietal and peptic cells. These cations also stimulated enzyme and acid secretion from the cells. All effects of these cations were blocked by atropine. Measurements of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-OP)-stimulated amylase release from pancreatic acini, suspended in Na+, TMA+, choline+, or N-methyl-d-glucamine+ (NMG+) media containing atropine, were used to evaluate the effect of the cations on cellular function. NMG+, choline+, and TMA+ inhibited amylase release by 55, 40 and 14%, respectively. NMG+ also increased the Ca2+ permeability of the plasma membrane. Thus, to study Na+ dependency of cellular function, TMA+ is the preferred cation to substitute for Na+. The stimulatory effect of TMA+ can be blocked by atropine.  相似文献   

Wang W  Hu GY  Wang YP 《Life sciences》2006,78(26):2989-2997
Magnesium lithospermate B (MLB) is the main water-soluble principle of Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix (also called as 'Danshen' in the traditional Chinese medicine) for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. MLB was found to possess a variety of pharmacological actions. However, it is unclear whether and how MLB affects the cardiac ion channels. In the present study, the effects of MLB on the voltage-activated ionic currents were investigated in single ventricular myocytes of adult guinea pigs. MLB reversibly inhibited L-type Ca(2+) current (I(Ca,L)). The inhibition was use-dependent and voltage-dependent (the IC(50) value of MLB was 30 microM and 393 microM, respectively, at the holding potential of -50 mV and -100 mV). In the presence of 100 microM MLB, both the activation and steady-state inactivation curves of I(Ca,L) were markedly shifted to hyperpolarizing membrane potentials, whereas the time course of recovery of I(Ca,L) from inactivation was not altered. MLB up to 300 microM had no significant effect on the fast-inactivating Na(+) current (I(Na)), delayed rectifier K(+) current (I(K)) and inward rectifier K(+) current (I(K1)). The results suggest that the voltage-dependent Ca(2+) antagonistic effect of MLB work in concert with its antioxidant action for attenuating heart ischemic injury.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane (PM) Na+, K+-ATPase, plays crucial roles in numerous physiological processes. Cardiac steroids (CS), such as ouabain and bufalin, specifically bind to the Na+, K+-ATPase and affect ionic homeostasis, signal transduction, and endocytosed membrane traffic. CS-like compounds, synthesized in and released from the adrenal gland, are considered a new family of steroid hormones. Previous studies showed that ouabain induces slow Ca2+ oscillations in COS-7 cells by enhancing the interactions between Na+, K+-ATPase, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) and Ankyrin B (Ank-B) to form a Ca2+ signaling micro-domain. The activation of this micro-domain, however, is independent of InsP3 generation. Thus, the mechanism underlying the induction of these slow Ca2+ oscillations remained largely unclear. We now show that other CS, such as bufalin, can also induce Ca2+ oscillations. These oscillations depend on extracellular Ca2+ concentrations [Ca2+]out and are inhibited by Ni2+. Furthermore, we found that these slow oscillations are Na+out dependent, abolished by Na+/Ca2+ exchanger1 (NCX1)-specific inhibitors and markedly attenuated by NCX1 siRNA knockdown. Based on these results, a model is presented for the CS-induced slow Ca2+ oscillations in COS-7 cells.  相似文献   

Summary Using the patch-clamp technique, we recorded whole-cell calcium current from isolated cardiac myocytes dissociated from the apical ventricles of 7-day and 14-day chick embryos. In 70% of 14-day cells after 24 hr in culture, two component currents could be separated from totalI Ca activated from a holding potential (V h) of –80 mV. L-type current (I L) was activated by depolarizing steps fromV h –30 or –40 mV. The difference current (I T) was obtained by subtractingI L, fromI Ca.I T could also be distinguished pharmacologically fromI L in these cells.I T was selectively blocked by 40–160 m Ni2+, whereasI L was suppressed by 1 m D600 or 2 m nifedipine. The Ni2+-resistant and D600-resistant currents had activation thresholds and peak voltages that were near those ofI T andI L defined by voltage threshold, and resembled those in adult mammalian heart. In 7-day cells,I T andI L could be distinguished by voltage threshold in 45% (S cells), while an additional 45% of 7-day cells were nonseparable (NS) by activation voltage threshold. Nonetheless, in mostNS cells,I Ca was partly blocked by Ni2+ and by D600 given separately, and the effects were additive when these agents were given together. Differences among the cells in the ability to separateI T andI L by voltage threshold resulted largely from differences in the position of the steady-state inactivation and activation curves along the voltage axis. In all cells at both ages in which the steady-state inactivation relation was determined with a double-pulse protocol, the half-inactivation potential (V 1/2) of the Ni2+-resistant currentI L averaged –18 mV. In contrast,V 1/2 of the Ni2+-sensitiveI T was –60 mV in 14-day cells, –52 mV in 7-dayS cells, and –43 mV in 7-day NS cells. The half-activation potential was near –2 mV forI L at both ages, but that ofI T was –38 mV in 14-day and –29 mV in 7-day cells. Maximal current density was highly variable from cell to cell, but showed no systematic differences between 7-day and 14-day cells. These results indicate that the main developmental change that occurs in the components ofI Ca is a negative shift with, embryonic age in the activation and inactivation relationships ofI T along the voltage axis.  相似文献   

Using the two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique in Xenopus laevis oocytes, we estimated Na+-K+-ATPase activity from the dihydroouabain-sensitive current (I DHO) in the presence of increasing concentrations of tetraethylammonium (TEA+; 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 mm), a well-known blocker of K+ channels. The effects of TEA+ on the total oocyte currents could be separated into two distinct parts: generation of a nonsaturating inward current increasing with negative membrane potentials (V M) and a saturable inhibitory component affecting an outward current easily detectable at positive V M. The nonsaturating component appears to be a barium-sensitive electrodiffusion of TEA+ which can be described by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation, while the saturating component is consistent with the expected blocking effect of TEA+ on K+ channels. Interestingly, this latter component disappears when the Na+-K+-ATPase is inhibited by 10 m DHO. Conversely, TEA+ inhibits a component of I DHO with a k d of 25±4 mm at +50 mV. As the TEA+-sensitive current present in I DHO reversed at –75 mV, we hypothesized that it could come from an inhibition of K+ channels whose activity varies in parallel with the Na+-K+-ATPase activity. Supporting this hypothesis, the inward portion of this TEA+-sensitive current can be completely abolished by the addition of 1 mm Ba2+ to the bath. This study suggests that, in X. laevis oocytes, a close link exists between the Na-K-ATPase activity and TEA+-sensitive K+ currents and indicates that, in the absence of effective K+ channel inhibitors, I DHO does not exclusively represent the Na+-K+-ATPase-generated current.  相似文献   

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