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The production of -glucosidase by Aspergillus terreus was investigated in liquid shake cultures. Enzyme production was maximum on the 7th day of growth (2.18 U/ml) with the initial pH of the medium in the range of 4.0–5.5. Cellulose (Sigmacell Type 100) at 1.0% (wt/vol) gave maximum -glucosidase activity among the various soluble and insoluble carbon sources tested. Potassium nitrate was a suitable nitrogen source for enzyme production. Triton X-100 at 0.15% (vol/vol) increased the enzyme levels of A. terreus. The test fungal strain showed an ability to ferment glucose to ethanol.  相似文献   

The technique of interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer, in which interspecies cloned embryos can be reconstructed by using domestic animal oocytes as nuclear recipients and endangered animal or human somatic cells as nuclear donors, can afford more opportunities in endangered animal rescue and human tissue transplantation, but the application of this technique is limited by extremely low efficiency which may be attributed to donor nucleus not fully reprogrammed by xenogenic cytoplasm. In this study, goat fetal fibroblasts (GFFs) were used as nuclear donors, in vitro-matured sheep oocytes were used as nuclear recipients, and a two-stage nuclear transfer procedure was performed to improve the developmental ability of goat-sheep interspecies clone embryos. In the first stage nuclear transfer (FSNT), GFFs were injected into the ooplasm of enucleated sheep metaphase-II oocytes, then non-activated reconstructed embryos were cultured in vitro, so that the donor nucleus could be exposed to the ooplasm for a period of time. Subsequently, in the second stage nuclear transfer, FSNT-derived non-activated reconstructed embryo was centrifuged, and the donor nucleus was then transferred into another freshly enucleated sheep oocyte. Compared with the one-stage nuclear transfer, two-stage nuclear transfer could significantly enhance the blastocyst rate of goat-sheep interspecies clone embryos, and this result indicated that longtime exposure to xenogenic ooplasm benefits the donor nucleus to be reprogrammed. The two-stage nuclear transfer procedure has two advantages, one is that the donor nucleus can be exposed to the ooplasm for a long time, the other is that the problem of oocyte aging can be solved.  相似文献   

Summary Cladosporium resinae QM 7998 produced high activities of extracellular and constitutive -glucosidase when grown on a variety of sugars or cellulose. Starch and ribose induced enzyme synthesis several fold.Cladosporium resinae could utilize agricultural waste residues for growth and -glucosidase production. The initial pH of the medium had a marked effect on enzyme prowduction and optimum pH was between 4.0 and 5.0 depending on the assay method. Mixed culturing ofC. resinae with yeasts, viz.Saccharomyces cerevisiae andCandida utilis, increased the -glucosidase production while that with other fungi decreased the enzyme yield. The- glucosidase preparation fromC. resinae significantly increased the saccharification of rice and wheat straw (untreated or delignified) withTrichoderma reesei QM 9414 cellulase preparation.
Résumé Cladosporium resinae QM 7998 produit des concentrations élevées de -glucosidase tant extracellulaire que constitutive lorsqu'elle croît sur une variété de sucres ou sur la cellulose. On a trouvé que l'amidon et le ribose augmentent de plusieurs fois la quantité d'enzyme synthétisée.Cladosporium resinae peut utiliser des résidus agricoles pour sa croissance et pour la production de -glucosidase. Le pH initial du milieu exerce un effet marqué sur la production d'enzyme et le pH optimum est compris entre 4.0 et 5.0 selon les conditions de l'essai. La croissance mixte deCladosporium resinae avec diverses levures, notammentSaccharomyces cerevisiae etCandida utilis, augmente la production de -glucosidase tandis que celle avec d'autres moisissures diminue le rendement en enzyme. La -glucosidase deCladosporium resinae augmente de manière significative la saccharification des pailles de riz et de froment (non-traitées ou délignifiées) traités par la cellulase deTrichoderma reesei QM 9414.


The current study evaluated the production and characterization of β-glucosidase by the thermophilic fungus Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae in solid-state fermentation of wheat bran. Isolated fungi have significant amounts of β-glucosidase, an enzyme that may be applied to different industrial processes, such as the production of fuels, food, and other chemical compounds. Maximal enzyme activity occurred in pH 3.5–4.5 and at 70?°C. The enzyme exhibited high thermostability, for 1?h, up to 60?°C, and good tolerance to glucose (10?mM) and ethanol (10%). The optimization of fermentative parameters on the production of β-glucosidase was carried out by evaluating the best supplementary nutrient source, pH of nutrient solution, initial substrate moisture and fermentation temperature. The optimization of the above fermentation parameters increased enzyme activity by 120.0%. The highest enzymatic activity (164.0?U/g) occurred with wheat bran containing 70% initial moisture, supplemented with 1.0% (NH4)2SO4 solution at pH 5.5–6.0 and fungus incubated at 40?°C. A more detailed study of β-glucosidase suggested that Sulfur is an important component of the main amino acid present in this enzyme. The enhancer of the enzyme activity occurred when the fungus was grown on wheat bran supplemented with a sulfur-containing solution. In fact, increasing the concentration of sulfur in the solution increased its activity.  相似文献   

Quercetin was the best inducer for the production of a highly glucose-tolerant, extracellular -glucosidase in Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae. The enzyme was separated from the major and common -glucosidase by gel filtration and that from Aspergillus oryzae further purified by ion-exchange chromatography. It was highly resistant to glucose inhibition (Ki= 953 mM), had a pI of 4.2, optimum pH of 4.5–6.0 and a molecular mass of 30 kDa according to gel filtration. The enzyme was active against cellobiose and alkyl glucosides.  相似文献   

Summary Candida wickerhamii growing on cellobiose produced -glucosidase with high activity against -nitrophenyl glucoside (PNPG) but low activity against cellobiose. -glucosidase production was constitutive, and was repressed by -glucosides and glucose. -glucosides containing an aromatic moiety in the aglycon were the best substrates for -glucosidase indicating that the enzyme is an aryl--glucosidase. A -glucosidase from C. wickerhamii cells was purified by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, dialysis, ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The purified enzyme was homogeneous as shown by sodium-dodecyl-sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and discontinuous gel electrophoresis. The purified enzyme hydrolysed PNPG but not cellobiose. The Km of the enzyme was 0.185 mM. Glucose inhibited the enzyme competitively and the Ki was 7.5 mM. The apparent molecular mass was 97,000. The optimum pH and temperature for enzyme activity were between pH 7 and 7.4 and 40°C respectively. At temperatures of 45°C and greater the enzyme was inactivated. The activation energy of the enzyme was 29.4 kJ · mol-1.  相似文献   

Gaucher disease is caused by mutations in the enzyme acid β-glucosidase (GCase), the most common of which is the substitution of serine for asparagine at residue 370 (N370S). To characterize the nature of this mutation, we expressed human N370S GCase in insect cells and compared the x-ray structure and biochemical properties of the purified protein with that of the recombinant human GCase (imiglucerase, Cerezyme®). The x-ray structure of N370S mutant acid β-glucosidase at acidic and neutral pH values indicates that the overall folding of the N370S mutant is identical to that of recombinant GCase. Subtle differences were observed in the conformation of a flexible loop at the active site and in the hydrogen bonding ability of aromatic residues on this loop with residue 370 and the catalytic residues Glu-235 and Glu-340. Circular dichroism spectroscopy showed a pH-dependent change in the environment of tryptophan residues in imiglucerase that is absent in N370S GCase. The mutant protein was catalytically deficient with reduced Vmax and increased Km values for the substrate p-nitrophenyl-β-d-glucopyranoside and reduced sensitivity to competitive inhibitors. N370S GCase was more stable to thermal denaturation and had an increased lysosomal half-life compared with imiglucerase following uptake into macrophages. The competitive inhibitor N-(n-nonyl)deoxynojirimycin increased lysosomal levels of both N370S and imiglucerase 2–3-fold by reducing lysosomal degradation. Overall, these data indicate that the N370S mutation results in a normally folded but less flexible protein with reduced catalytic activity compared with imiglucerase.  相似文献   

Engineering proteins for selective tissue targeting can improve therapeutic efficacy and reduce undesired side effects. The relatively high dose of recombinant human acid α-glucosidase (rhGAA) required for enzyme replacement therapy of Pompe disease may be attributed to less than optimal muscle uptake via the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR). To improve muscle targeting, Zhu et al. (1) conjugated periodate oxidized rhGAA with bis mannose 6-phosphate bearing synthetic glycans and achieved 5-fold greater potency in a murine Pompe efficacy model. In the current study, we systematically evaluated multiple strategies for conjugation based on a structural homology model of GAA. Glycan derivatives containing succinimide, hydrazide, and aminooxy linkers targeting free cysteine, lysines, and N-linked glycosylation sites on rhGAA were prepared and evaluated in vitro and in vivo. A novel conjugation method using enzymatic oxidation was developed to eliminate side oxidation of methionine. Conjugates derived from periodate oxidized rhGAA still displayed the greatest potency in the murine Pompe model. The efficiency of conjugation and its effect on catalytic activity were consistent with predictions based on the structural model and supported its use in guiding selection of appropriate chemistries.  相似文献   

Thermal stability of β-glucosidase in Thermomonospora curvata lysed cell extracts, culture solids and lyophilized cells was increased 9–16-fold by polyhydric alcohols. Sorbitol, the most soluble of these alcohols, doubled the recovery of β-glucosidase during preliminary purification procedures.  相似文献   

-Glucosidase released by the phytoflagellate Ochromonas danica was the result of secretion; this was adduced from the following: (1) The enzyme was released during growth, including early log phase. (2) The amount released was calculated to be much more than could be attributed to cell lysis. (3) -Glucosidase was released by cells during short term incubation in a dilute salt solution; this release was nearly linear for at least 24 h. (4) Release occurred while cell counts remained nearly constant and cells remained viable. (5) Control experiments excluded cell damage resulting from incubation and cell manipulation as a source of the exoenzyme. (6) No alkaline phosphatase was released and 5 times less phosphoglucose isomerase than glucosidase was released while the cells contained 7 times more phosphoglucose isomerase. (7) The kinetics of release of nonspecific protein and UV absorbing material was markedly different from glucosidase release. (8) Glucosidase release was temperature and energy dependent; anaerobiosis decreased enzyme release. (9) Release was inhibited by cycloheximide. (10) Cells incubated with 3H-leucine synthesized labeled protein which was secreted linearly for at least 24h. Cycloheximide inhibited incorporation of 3H-leucine into protein and the secretion of the labeled protein.Non-Standard Abbreviations CHI cycloheximide - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - IAA iodoacetic acid - PGI phosphoglucose isomerase - SIS salt incubation solution  相似文献   

Summary The production of -carotene by the biomass ofRhodotorula strain var.glutinis, during the stationary phase of growth and in non-proliferating conditions was assayed. When the cells were transferred to distilled water, the fraction of -carotene produced increased from 130 to 630 g per gram of dried cells.  相似文献   

Lin J  Shi L  Zhang M  Yang H  Qin Y  Zhang J  Gong D  Zhang X  Li D  Li J 《Cell Stem Cell》2011,8(4):371-375
The low success rate of somatic nuclear transfer (NT) is hypothesized to be mainly due to functional defects in the trophoblast cell lineage rather than the inner cell mass (ICM); this hypothesis, however, remains to be tested directly. Here we separated the ICMs from cloned blastocysts and aggregated the cloned ICM with two fertilization-derived (FD) tetraploid (4N) embryos. We found that the full-term development of cloned ICMs was dramatically improved after the trophoblast cells in the cloned blastocysts were replaced by cells from tetraploid embryos, thus providing direct evidence that defects in trophoblast cell lineage underlie the low success rate of somatic NT.  相似文献   

Summary Preliminary data for production of -malic acid from calcium acetate byPaecilomyces varioti is presented. Shake flask cultures with free cells and with cells immobilised in calcium alginate beads gave comparable results, acid concentrations of approximately 8 g/l being produced after 5 days from a medium containing 4% w/w of calcium acetate. A packed bed reactor, operated as an extended batch with product recycle, produced maximum acid concentrations of 32.6 g/l, equivalent to 73% of the maximum theoretical yield, after 3 days. Evidence obtained indicated that spores were more active than mycelia in the production of malic acid.  相似文献   

1. The behaviour of rat liver α-glucosidases on dextran gel (Sephadex G-100) columns was studied. A `retardation' of an acid α-glucosidase activity was observed. This activity was identified as lysosome α-(1→4)-glucosidase. A single gel-filtration step resulted in a 700-fold purification of the enzyme. The same technique was also used to purify the acid α-glucosidase of human kidney. 2. The acid α-glucosidases of both tissues show very similar pH optima when tested with maltose or glycogen as substrate.  相似文献   

Summary A transformation system that allows regeneration of transgenic pea plants from calli selected for antibiotic resistance was developed. Explants from axenic shoot cultures and seedling epicotyls were cocultivated with nononcogenic Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains, and transformed callus could be selected on callus-inducing media containing either 15 mg/l hygromycin or 75 mg/l kanamycin. After several passages on regeneration medium, shoot organogenesis could be reproducibly induced on hygromycin-resistant calli, but not on the calli selected for kanamycin resistance. Regenerated shoots could subsequently be rooted and transferred into the greenhouse. In addition, the effects of different callus-inducing and growth media on organogenesis were investigated. The transformation of the calli and regenerated plants was confirmed by DNA analysis.  相似文献   

Fcγ receptor (FcγR) engagement is pivotal for many effector functions of macrophages, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN), and natural killer (NK) cells. Mice transgenic for the A and B isoforms of human (h) FcγRIII on macrophages, PMN, and NK cells were constructed to permit the study of mechanisms and potential in vivo strategies to utilize the cytotoxic effector and antigen-presenting functions of cells expressing the hFcγR. The present report characterizes the phenotypic and functional expression of hFcγRIII in transgenic mice derived by crossing hFcγRIIIA and hFcγRIIIB transgenic mice. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) induces hFcγRIII expression by myeloid cells and their precursors, and these transgenic receptors promote in vitro cytotoxicity and anti-hFcγRIII antibody internalization. Splenocytes from untreated and IL-2-treated hFcγRIIIA, hFcγRIIIB, and hFcγRIIIA/B mice exhibited enhanced in vitro cytotoxicity toward HER-2/neu-overexpressing SK-OV-3 human ovarian carcinoma cells when incubated with the murine bispecific mAb 2B1, which has specificity for HER-2/neu and hFcγRIII. These results indicate that hFcγRIII transgenes are expressed on relevant murine cellular subsets, exhibit inducible up-regulation patterns similar to those seen in humans, and code for functional proteins. hFcγRIII transgenic mice exhibiting specific cellular subset expression will permit the examination of strategies designed to enhance hFcγRIII-dependent immunological effector functions and will provide a model system in which to evaluate preclinically potential candidate molecules that recognize hFcγRIII for the immunotherapy of cancer. Received: 5 December 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1999  相似文献   

Moss and lichen samples from the region of the Bulgarian base on Livingston Island, Antarctica were examined for the presence of yeasts. Six pure cultures were obtained. They were screened for -glucosidase production and two of them were selected. These were identified as Cryptococcus albidus AL2 and C. albidus AL3, according to their morphology, reproductive behaviour, and growth at different temperatures, salt concentrations, nutritional characteristics and various biochemical tests. These strains were examined for biosynthesis of -glucosidase on different carbon sources under aerobic conditions. High exocellular and endocellular activities were obtained when they were grown on cellobiose, methyl--D-glucopyranoside and salicin. The time course of growth and -glucosidase production of the yeast was examined by cultivation in a medium with cellobiose under aerobic conditions at temperatures 18 and 24 °C for 96 h. Cryptococcus albidus AL2 and C. albidus AL3 synthesized exocellular enzyme, respectively 58.33 and 55.83 U/ml and endocellular enzyme 137.75 and 205.34 U/ml at 24 °C for 72 h of the cultivation.  相似文献   

An emerging strategy in biomanufacturing involves using transgenic plants to express recombinant pharmaceutical and industrial proteins in large quantities. β-Site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (β-secretase 1, BACE1) is an enzyme involved in the abnormal production of Aβ42, the major component of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Thus, BACE1 represents a key target protein in the development of new potential drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease. We aimed to develop a tomato-derived recombinant BACE1 (rBACE1) protein to serve as a vaccine antigen that would promote an immune response. We utilized a plant expression cassette, pE8BACE, to optimize BACE1 expression in tomato fruits. Polyemerase chain reaction and Southern blot analyses verified integration of the BACE1 gene into the plant genome. Northern and Western blot analyses demonstrated successful mRNA and protein expression of rBACE1, respectively; the Sensizyme assay kit estimated the expression level of rBACE1 protein at 136 ± 7 ng mg?1 total soluble protein. The tomato-derived rBACE1 retains its activity for a long storage period at cool or room temperature, and is highly resistant to degradation in conditions such as low acidity. Tomato-derived rBACE1 was severely degraded by heat or boiling. The proteolytic activity of tomato-derived rBACE1, confirmed by fluorescence resonance transfer assay, was similar to that of a commercial sample of Escherichia coli-derived BACE1.  相似文献   

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