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In most insects, sperm transferred by the male to the female during mating are stored within the female reproductive tract for subsequent use in fertilization. In Drosophila melanogaster, male accessory gland proteins (Acps) within the seminal fluid are required for efficient accumulation of sperm in the female's sperm storage organs. To determine the events within the female reproductive tract that occur during sperm storage, and the role that Acps and sperm play in these events, we identified morphological changes that take place during sperm storage in females mated to wild-type, Acp-deficient or sperm-deficient males. A reproducible set of morphological changes occurs in a wild-type mating. These were categorized into 10 stereotypic stages. Sperm are not needed for progression through these stages in females, but receipt of Acps is essential for progression beyond the first few stages of morphological change. Furthermore, females that received small quantities of Acps reached slightly later stages than females that received no Acps. Our results suggest that timely morphological changes in the female reproductive tract, possibly muscular in nature, may be needed for successful sperm storage, and that Acps from the male are needed in order for these changes to occur.  相似文献   

The cuticular genitalia of the terrestrial isopod, Armadillidium vulgare, have two distinct states during the reproductive cycle of the females. The structural differences between the reproductive and non-reproductive states, and the structure of the sperm storage sites were investigated employing electron and light microscopy. In both states the genitalia consist of a distal segment that connects to the gonopore, and a cuticular tube-like structure lining the lumen of the oviduct in the middle region of the oviduct. Sheath-like projections, apparently consisting of cuticular material, extend laterally along two sides of the cuticular tube. In the proximal region of the oviduct cuticular structures are lacking. In the non-reproductive state the distal segment consists of endo-, exo- and epicuticle. The exocuticle is three layered with unusual spongy and dense layers at the distal side. On one side the endocuticle doubles in thickness to form a cuticular bulge that fills the lumen of the distal segment leaving just a narrow U-shaped space. The cuticular tube consists of endo- and epicuticle only. In the reproductive state the distal segment is funnel-shaped and forms branched cuticular folds that increase in complexity from distal to proximal. In the cuticular tube these folds tightly fill the lumen of the oviduct. At the confluence of the oviduct with the ovary spermatozoa are stored in a seminal receptacle.  相似文献   

The processes by which individual sperm cells navigate the length and complexity of the female reproductive tract and then reach and fertilize the oocyte is fascinating. Numerous complex processes potentially influence the transport of spermatozoa within the tract, resulting in a regulated supply of spermatozoa to the oocytes at the site of fertilization. Despite significant differences between species, breeds, and individuals, these processes converge to ensure that a sufficient number of high quality spermatozoa reach the oocytes, resulting in successful fertilization without a significant risk of polyspermy. Different factors, such as the physical complexity of the oviductal environment, changing swimming patterns, capacitation, chemotactic and thermotactic attraction, attachment and detachment from the oviductal epithelium, interactions with local oviductal secretions, individual variations in spermatozoa and subpopulations, peristaltic contractions, and the movement of fluid have all been theorized to influence the transport of spermatozoa to the site of fertilization. However, the predominance of each factor is not fully understood. Computational modeling provides a useful method for combining knowledge about the individual processes in complex systems to help understand the relative significance of each factor. The process of constructing and validating an agent-based computational model of sperm movement and transport within the oviductal environment is described in this report. Spermatozoa are modeled as individual cells with a set of behavioral rules defining how they interact with their local environment and regulate their internal state. The inclusion or potential exclusion of each factor is discussed, along with problems identifying parameters and defining behavioral rules from available literature. Finally, the benefits and limitations of the model are described.  相似文献   

While sperm competition risk favours males transferring many sperm to secure fertilizations, females of a variety of species actively reduce sperm numbers reaching their reproductive tract, e.g. by extrusion or killing. Potential benefits of spermicide to females include nutritional gains, influence over sperm storage and paternity, and the elimination of sperm bearing somatic mutations that would lower zygote fitness.We investigated changes in sperm viability after in vivo and in vitro exposure to the female tract in the polyandrous fly, Scathophaga stercoraria. Sperm viability was significantly lower in the females' spermathecae immediately after mating than in the experimental males' testes. Males also varied significantly in the proportion of live sperm found in storage in vivo. However, the exact mechanism of sperm degradation remains to be clarified. In vitro exposure to extracts of the female reproductive tract, including female accessory glands, failed to significantly lower sperm viability compared to controls. These results are consistent either with postcopulatory sperm mortality in vivo depending entirely on the male (with individual differences in sperm viability, motility or longevity) or with postcopulatory sperm mortality being subtly affected by female effects which were not detected by the in vitro experimental conditions. Importantly, we found no evidence in support of the hypothesis that female accessory glands contribute to sexual conflict via spermicide. Therefore, female muscular control remains to date the only ascertained mechanism of female influence on sperm storage in this species.  相似文献   

Among many species of insects, females gain fitness benefits by producing numerous offspring. Yet actions related to producing numerous offspring such as mating with multiple males, producing oocytes and placing offspring in sub-optimal environments incur costs. Females can decrease the magnitude of these costs by retaining gametes when suitable oviposition sites are absent. We used the pomace fly, Drosophila melanogaster, to explore how the availability of fresh feeding/oviposition medium influenced female fitness via changes in offspring survivorship and the modulation of gamete release. Availability of fresh medium affected the absolute number and temporal production of offspring. This outcome was attributable to both decreased larval survival under crowded conditions and to female modulation of gamete release. Direct examination of the number of sperm retained among the different female storage organs revealed that females ‘hold on’ to sperm, retaining more sperm in storage, disproportionately within the spermathecae, when exposed infrequently to fresh medium. Despite this retention, females with lower rates of storage depletion exhibited decreased sperm use efficiency shortly after mating. This study provides direct evidence that females influence the rate of sperm depletion from specific storage sites in a way that can affect both female and male fitness. The possible adaptive significance of selective gamete utilization by female Drosophila includes lowering costs associated with frequent remating and larval overcrowding when oviposition sites are limiting, as well as potentially influencing paternity when females store sperm from multiple males.  相似文献   

The male reproductive tracts of Drosophila display considerable variation in the relative size of their components, notably of the testes, but there are few structural differences between species. Here we report a remarkable coiled structure separating the testes from the seminal vesicles in the giant sperm species Drosophila bifurca. This evolutionary novelty, known as the 'sperm roller', seems to be an exaggeration in the size of the testicular duct as revealed by light and electron microscopic observations. It consists of a tubular monocellular epithelium lying on the basal laminae and muscle and conjunctive cells. The lumen of the roller contains crypts. The apical membrane of the epithelial cells presents numerous long microvilli protruding into the lumen. The sperm roller structure is probably involved in managing sperm during their transit through the male genital tract, because sperm are seen in bundles at the base of the testis, whereas they are singly rolled up by the time they enter the seminal vesicles. The hypercoiling of the individual spermatozoon within the roller probably occurs as the result of an osmotic process produced by features of the epithelial wall and the dramatically increased exchange surface. This is the first report of a specialized device of this type in Drosophila or, more generally, in insects.  相似文献   

We studied the structural and cellular organisation of the oviduct of Erythrolamprus miliaris including its morphological variation during the reproductive cycle using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Four anatomically distinct regions compose the oviduct of E. miliaris including the anterior and posterior infundibulum, glandular uterus, non-glandular uterus and pouch. The cells of the oviductal epithelium secrete material by apocrine and merocrine processes, which vary between the anatomical regions and according to each phase of the reproductive cycle. The infundibular epithelium secretes electron dense vacuoles, which suggests the production of lipids, whereas the epithelial secretion of the glandular uterus, non-glandular uterus and pouch creates lucent and slightly electron dense vacuoles, indicating the production of glycoproteins. The timing of mating, vitellogenesis and sperm storage directly influences the morphofunctional alterations in the oviducts of E. miliaris. Sperm storage occurs only in the infundibular receptacles with increased production of the neutral carbohydrates in the presence of male gametes. Sperm storage happens in vitellogenic, non-vitellogenic and pregnant females of E. miliaris. Thus, females may be able to produce multiple clutches at different seasons of the year regardless of mating during autumn.  相似文献   

Damage to spermatozoa during cryopreservation is regarded as a major obstacle to the expansion of sperm storage technology. The authors used two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and matrix-associated laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry to explore whether the protein profile of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) spermatozoa is affected by cryopreservation. Fourteen protein spots were significantly altered following cryopreservation. Eleven of these were identified: three as specific membrane proteins (N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein alpha, cofilin 2, and annexin A4) involved in membrane trafficking, organization, and cell movement; six as cytoplasmic enzymes (S-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase, Si:dkey-180p18.9 protein, lactate dehydrogenase B, phosphoglycerate kinase 1, transaldolase 1, and esterase D/formylglutathione hydrolase) involved in cell metabolism, oxidoreductase activity, and signal transduction; and two as transferrin variant C and F. Based on these findings, the authors hypothesize that transferrin in cryopreserved sperm may protect spermatozoa against oxidative damage during the freeze-thaw process. Cryopreservation caused changes in spermatozoa protein profiles that may lead to decreased spermatozoa velocity, motility, and fertilization success, and to subsequent ova hatching rate.  相似文献   

Xiphophorus fishes are well-established models for biomedical research of spontaneous or induced tumors, and their use in research dates back to the 1930s. Currently, 58 well-pedigreed lines exist among 24 Xiphophorus species housed as live animals at the Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center. The technique of sperm cryopreservation has been applied to preserve these valuable genetic resources, and production of offspring has been reported with cryopreserved sperm in two species (X. helleri and X. couchianus). The goal of this research was to establish protocols for sperm cryopreservation and artificial insemination that yield live young in X. maculatus, a widely used research species. The objectives were to: 1) collect basic biological characteristics of males, and quantify the sperm production yield after crushing of dissected testis; 2) cryopreserve sperm from X. maculatus by adapting as necessary the protocols for sperm cryopreservation of X. helleri and X. couchianus; 3) use cryopreserved sperm to inseminate virgin females of X maculatus and other species (X. helleri and X. couchianus), and 4) compare experimental trials over a 3-year period to identify opportunities for improving female fecundity. In total, 117 males were used in this study with a standard length of 2.5 ± 0.3 cm (mean ± SD), body weight of 0.474 ± 0.149 g, and dissected testis weight of 7.1 ± 3.7 mg. Calculation of sperm availability showed 5.9 ± 2.8 × 10(6) sperm cells per mg of testis weight. Offspring were produced from cryopreserved sperm. Male-to-male variation (1-70%) was observed in post-thaw motility despite little variation in motility before freezing (60-90%) or genetic variation (~100 generations of sib-mating). Comparisons of biological factors of males did not have significant correlations with the production of live young, and the influence of females on production of young was identified from the comparison of artificial insemination over 3 years. Overall, this study describes offspring production from cryopreserved sperm in a third species of Xiphophorus fishes, and identifies the opportunities for improving female fecundity which is essential for establishment of germplasm repositories for Xiphophorus fishes.  相似文献   

Located at the anterior end of the turkey hen's vagina are numerous discrete tubular invaginations of the surface epithelium, collectively referred to as the sperm storage tubules (SSTs). After mating or artificial insemination, sperm ascend the vagina, enter the SSTs, and over the ensuing days and weeks, gradually exit the SSTs and are transported to the anterior end of the oviduct to fertilize a daily succession of ova. Little is known regarding the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for sperm subsistence in the lumen of the SST. In this study, the origin of microvillus blebs (MvBs) on the apical tips of SST epithelial cells was examined, and their possible role in sperm survival was discussed. Regardless, if sperm are present or not, transmission electron microscopy revealed two types of microvilli differentiated by the presence or absence of pleomorphic unilaminar MvBs localized to their apical tips. Although some MvBs appeared to be discharging their contents into the SST lumen, others appeared to have pinched off the microvillus stem. When SSTs contained clusters of densely packed sperm, the sperm heads of those sperm adjacent to the SST epithelial cell surface were surrounded by the microvilli. Associated with the plasmalemma of sperm throughout the SST lumina were membrane fragments and small vesicles (30–130 nm in diameter), some of which appeared to have fused with sperm. It is concluded that the MvBs are a form of shedding vesicle released from the SST epithelial cell microvilli by apocrine secretion. On the basis of observations described herein and those of other authors, it is suggested that the MvBs contribute to sustained sperm storage in the SSTs by (1) supplying metabolic substrates used by resident sperm, (2) serving as fusogenic vehicles providing exogenous macromolecules that reversibly suppress sperm functions associated with fertilization (decapacitation?) and stabilize the sperm plasmalemma, and (3) acting as transport vesicles actively transporting fluid from the SST epithelial cells to the SST lumen.  相似文献   

In the present studies atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) was characterized immunocytochemically in the reproductive tract of immature female rats, and changes of ANF levels in response to different hormonal conditions were demonstrated. Administration of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) to immature animals has shown to be a useful method to synchronize growth, differentiation and atresia of ovarian follicles. ANF immunoreactivity was investigated in rat uterus and oviduct during follicular growth and estrogenic dominance (48 h after PMSG treatment) and during follicular atresia and progesterone dominance (96 h after PMSG treatment). Our immunocytochemical results showed that in rat uterus ANF was localized in endometrial mucosal and glandular epithelium and smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. In the oviduct ANF immunoreactivity was observed in mucosal cells and muscle layers. Immunocytochemical staining patterns and Western blot analysis revealed that ANF levels in rat uterus and oviduct are modulated by the hormonal status. ANF immunoreactivity was elevated during estrogenic dominance (48 h after PMSG) in uterus and oviduct. However, during progesterone dominance (96 h after PMSG) elevation of ANF immunoreactivity was observed in the uterus only. These results raise the possibility that ANF expression in rat oviduct is positively controlled by estrogen and negatively by progesterone. ANF staining in uterus during progesterone phase provides evidence that both estrogen and progesterone regulate ANF levels in uterus. The observed staining patterns indicate that ANF may have intracellular functions as well as a role in priming the extracellular environment. Accordingly, the possibility that ANF might be an important regulatory molecule for autocrine/paracrine communication within the female reproductive tract should be considered.  相似文献   

Recently, we established a protocol for the cultivation of primary porcine oviduct epithelial cells (POEC), which promoted tissue-like morphology for a prolonged culture period. The present study focuses on developing this model into a comprehensive, standardized culture system, as a candidate tool for reproductive toxicity testing and basic research. We cultivated POEC isolated from 25 animals in our culture system for both 3 and 6 weeks and systematically analyzed effects of medium conditioning, supplementation with standardized sera, and culture duration in both freshly isolated and cryopreserved cells. The differentiation status was evaluated via histomorphometry, transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurement, and expression analyses. The culture system possessed high reproducibility, more than 95% of cultures achieved a fully differentiated phenotype. Cells recapitulated in vivo–like morphology and ultrastructure from 3 to 6 weeks. Cryopreservation of the cells prior to cultivation did not affect culture quality of POEC. Employment of conditioned medium ensured optimal promotion of POEC differentiation, and different standardized sera induced fully differentiated phenotypes. Consistent TEER establishment indicated the presence and maintenance of cell type–specific intercellular junctions. The functionality of POEC was proven by consistent mucin secretion and stable expression of selected markers over the whole culture duration. We conclude that POEC are suitable for experiments from 3 weeks up to at least 6 weeks of culture. Therefore, this culture system could be used for in vitro estrous cycle simulation and long-term investigation of toxic effects on oviduct epithelium.  相似文献   

The mating strategy of Halicarcinus cookii was investigated to ascertain how males maximised their fitness through mate choice. An intertidal population at Kaikoura, New Zealand, was dominated by mature crabs of both sexes in summer and by immature crabs in the colder months. More than 95% of mature females were ovigerous with early stage and late stage broods found in almost every month, indicating that egg production and larval release is continuous. The operational sex ratio was less than 1 male/female in summer, but often more than 1.0 in the colder months. The gonosomatic index increased along with brood development so that as soon as zoeae were released, the next clutch of eggs was ready to be fertilised. Males searched for receptive females and began pre-copulatory mate guarding without any courtship display. They mated preferentially with late stage or non-ovigerous females: copulation duration was longest for stage 5 females as was post-copulatory guarding (mean 18.3 h). Late stage females were up to 14% of the female population. Mate attraction seems to be the result of an ovarian signal rather than from the developing brood. Manipulation of the sex ratio had effects upon copulation duration and post-copulatory guarding: presence of a rival male increased duration of guarding. Females showed precocious mating in the penultimate instar and were able to lay fertilised eggs after their pubertal moult in the absence of males. H. cookii females have many mates, but males attempt to ensure paternity by preferentially pursuing mature females close to egg laying and by guarding these females after copulation. These behaviours are all elements of a competitive strategy to ensure that a male loses (not wins) the race to copulate because females have a ventral seminal receptacle, giving sperm precedence to the last male to mate. Male mating behaviour is a consequence and evolutionary response to female morphology.  相似文献   

The structure of the reproductive organs of males and females of four species of Astroblepus were studied by light microscopy and TEM. In females, the gonadal and urinary orifices are separated. The urinary pore opens at the tip of a urinary papilla. In males, the testes conform to the anastomosing tubular type. Spermatogenesis is partially cystic, with most spermatid stages taking place within the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. The sperm ducts pass through seminal vesicles. The main sperm ducts fuse and join the urinary duct to form a urogenital duct that passes through to the tip of an long urogenital papilla. A circularly arranged skeletal muscle at the base of the urogenital papilla probably serves as a sphincter. The spermatozoon is an anacrosomal introsperm with an elongate, conical nucleus and an elongate midpiece. The midpiece contains numerous fused mitochondria that form rings within the cytoplasmic collar, but no vesicles were observed. The flagellum has a classic 9 + 2 axoneme with the A-tubules of the peripheral doublets being electron-dense. Two lateral fins on the posterior part of the flagellum have electron-dense termini. Nuclear chromatin is highly condensed, and the two centrioles are oriented perpendicularly to one another and are contained within a nuclear fossa.  相似文献   

The survival of hundreds of threatened amphibian species is increasingly dependent on conservation breeding programs (CBPs). However, there is an ongoing loss of genetic variation in CBPs for most amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Low genetic variation results in the failure of CBPs to provide genetically competent individuals for release in supplementation or rehabitation programs. In contrast, in the aquaculture of fish the perpetuation of genetic variation and the production of large numbers of genetically competent individuals for release is accomplished through the cryopreservation of sperm. Successful protocols for the cryopreservation of amphibian sperm from excised testes, and the use of motile frozen then thawed sperm for fertilisation, have been adapted from those used with fish. However, there have been no protocols published for the cryopreservation of amphibian hormonally induced sperm (HIS) that have achieved fertility. We investigated protocols for the cryopreservation of amphibian HIS with the European common frog (Rana temporaria) as a model research species. We induced spermiation in R. temporaria through the intraperitoneal administration of 50 μg LHRHa and sampled HIS through expression in spermic urine. Highly motile HIS at a concentration of 200 × 106/mL was then mixed 1:1 with cryodiluents to form cryosuspensions. Initial studies showed that; 1) concentrations of ∼15 × 106/mL of HIS achieve maximum fertilisation, 2) TRIS buffer in cryodiluents did not improve the recovery of sperm after cryopreservation, and 3) high concentrations of DMSO (dimethylsulphoxide) cryoprotectant reduce egg and larval survival. We then compared four optimised cryopreservation protocols for HIS with the final concentrations of cryodiluents in cryosuspensions of; 1) DMSO, (½ Ringer Solution (RS), 10% sucrose, 12% DMSO); 2) DMSO/egg yolk, (½ RS, 10% sucrose, 12% DMSO, 10% egg yolk), 3) DMFA, (½ RS, 10% sucrose, 12% dimethylformamide (DMFA)), and 4) MIS/glycerol, (Motility Inhibiting Saline (MIS), 5% glycerol, 2.5% sucrose, 5% egg yolk). Cryosuspensions were frozen in LN2 vapour, stored in LN2, thawed in 40° C water bath, and activated by slow equilibration with 1:3 dilutions of cryosuspensions with 20 mM/L NaCl. Protocol efficacies were assessed through the post-thaw percentage of; 1) sperm motility, 2) sperm membrane integrity, 3) fertilisation, 4) fertilised eggs hatching, and 5) larval survival from fertilised eggs to 7 d. The DMFA cryodiluent proved superior to the DMSO based cryodiluents in recovery of sperm motility and fertility after cryopreservation. MIS/glycerol cryodiluent provided low sperm viability and no fertility. Considering the ease of obtaining HIS from many Rana species, the success of our protocols offer the potential for the perpetuation of the genetic variation of the 42 threatened Rana species and the 193 threatened Ranid species in total.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify new compounds from venoms able to modulate sperm physiology and more particularly sperm motility. For this purpose, we screened the effects of 16 snake venoms cleared of molecules higher than 15 kDa on sperm motility. Venoms rich in neurotoxins like those from Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus or Daboia russelii, were highly potent inhibitors of sperm motility. In contrast, venoms rich in myotoxins like those from Echis carinatus, Bothrops alternatus and Macrovipera lebetina, were inactive. From the main pharmacologically-active fraction of the Taipan snake O. scutellatus s., a proteomic approach allowed us to identify 16 different proteins, among which OS1 and OS2, two secreted phospholipases A2 (sPLA2). Purified OS1 and OS2 mimicked the inhibitory effect on sperm motility and were likely responsible for the inhibitory effect of the active fraction. OS1 and OS2 triggered sperm acrosome reaction and induced lipid rearrangements of the plasma membrane. The catalytic activity of OS2 was required to modulate sperm physiology since catalytically inactive mutants had no effect. Finally, sperm treated with OS2 were less competent than control sperm to initiate in vitro normal embryo development. This is the first report characterizing sPLA2 toxins that modulate in vitro sperm physiology.  相似文献   

刘胡林  徐兴然  凌开建  邹祥 《微生物学报》2022,62(11):4141-4154
【目的】分离筛选人阴道环境中具有益生特性的乳酸杆菌,探索外阴阴道假丝酵母病的益生菌疗法。【方法】利用含1%碳酸钙的de Man,Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS)培养基从无症状育龄女性阴道分泌物中分离乳酸杆菌,采用共培养方法评价其对白色念珠菌(Candida albicans)的抑制作用,通过对乳酸杆菌的耐酸性能、体外聚集特性和黏附能力测试考察其益生特性,并进行乳酸杆菌株功能化组合。通过构建小鼠外阴阴道假丝酵母病模型,初步探索乳酸杆菌株组合对C. albicans的抑制作用。【结果】从53个样品中分离得到19株乳酸杆菌,筛选获得4株乳酸杆菌(Lactobacillus crispatus ZH08、L. fermentumZH09、L. fermentum ZH11和L. crispatus ZH17)具有较强抑制C. albicans生长的能力。4株乳酸杆菌均能耐受低pH环境,能快速降低培养液pH。其中2株L. fermentum具有更强的抑制活性,能在24 h内快速抑制C. albicans生长,抑制率可达到95%以上;另2株L. crispatus具有更强的聚集特性和...  相似文献   

Generation of NO by nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is implicated in gamete interaction and fertilisation. Exposure of human spermatozoa to NO donors caused mobilisation of stored Ca(2+) by a mechanism that did not require activation of guanylate cyclase but was mimicked by S-nitroso-glutathione (GSNO; an S-nitrosylating agent). Application of dithiothreitol, to reduce protein -SNO groups, rapidly reversed the actions of NO and GSNO on [Ca(2+)](i). The effects of NO, GSNO and dithiothreitol on sperm protein S-nitrosylation, assessed using the biotin switch method, closely paralleled their actions on [Ca(2+)](i). Immunofluorescent staining revealed constitutive and inducible NOS in human oviduct and cumulus (the cellular layer investing the oocyte). 4,5-diaminofluorescein (DAF) staining demonstrated production of NO by these tissues. Incubation of human sperm with oviduct explants induced sperm protein S-nitrosylation resembling that induced by NO donors and GSNO. Progesterone (a product of cumulus cells) also mobilises stored Ca(2+) in human sperm. Pre-treatment of sperm with NO greatly enhanced the effect of progesterone on [Ca(2+)](i), resulting in a prolonged increase in flagellar excursion. We conclude that NO regulates mobilisation of stored Ca(2+) in human sperm by protein S-nitrosylation, that this action is synergistic with that of progesterone and that this synergism is potentially highly significant in gamete interactions leading to fertilisation.  相似文献   

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