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Myocardium and diaphragm samples of cattle (n?=?521) from HeNan Province (China) were screened for Sarcocystis sarcocysts by histological examination, pepsin digestion, and molecular assays. Morphology and molecular assays were used for identification. The prevalence of Sarcocystis infection in cattle was 41.5% (216/521). Histological examination identified sarcocysts in the myocardium (49.4%, 200/405) and diaphragm (13.8%, 16/116) of cattle. Two species were identified, namely S. cruzi (41.3%, 215/521) and S. hominis (0.2%, 1/521). The findings of the present study indicate a high prevalence of S. cruzi infection in cattle from central China.  相似文献   

The postthaw motility and fertility of buffalo and cattle semen is reduced when they are cryopreserved for artificial insemination. In the present study, an attempt was made to characterize the cryogenic changes in proteases and antiprotease activities (APA) of buffalo and cattle semen because these proteolysis regulators have been reported to be associated with sperm motility and fertility. Buffalo sperm demonstrated at least two major proteases of 45 and 42 kDa and three minor proteases of 95, 52, and 33 kDa. Similarly, cattle sperm demonstrated three major proteases of 62, 45, and 42 kDa and two minor proteases of 85 and 78 kDa. Buffalo seminal plasma demonstrated at least three major proteases of 78, 68, and 62 kDa and one minor protease of 98 kDa and cattle seminal plasma demonstrated one major protease of 68 kDa and two minor proteases of 78 and 75 kDa. Except for the 45 kDa protease, most of the previously mentioned proteases were found to be metalloproteinases. Compared with fresh sperm, cryopreserved buffalo and cattle sperm demonstrated a major protease band of 52/49 kDa and the activity of this protease reduced progressively with the duration of cryopreservation. On the contrary, compared with the fresh seminal plasma, cryopreserved buffalo and cattle semen extenders displayed the presence of a new protease band of 45 kDa and demonstrated that this protease activity was leaked from buffalo and cattle cryopreserved spermatozoa. Buffalo and cattle seminal plasmas displayed at least two major APA of 86 and 26 kDa. Compared with buffalo, cattle seminal plasma demonstrated significantly greater APA. Thus, the present study demonstrated the presence of an array of proteases and APA in buffalo and cattle semen and the activities of which changed during cryopreservation. The leakage of the specific protease activity and changes in the proteases and APA might be attributed to reduced motility and fertility of cryopreserved semen in these species.  相似文献   

Bos taurus indicus cattle are less susceptible to infestation with Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus than Bos taurus taurus cattle but the immunological basis of this difference is not understood. We compared the dynamics of leukocyte infiltrations (T cell subsets, B cells, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-expressing cells, granulocytes) in the skin near the mouthparts of larvae of R. microplus in B. t. indicus and B. t. taurus cattle. Previously naïve cattle were infested with 50,000 larvae (B. t. indicus) or 10,000 larvae (B. t. taurus) weekly for 6 weeks. One week after the last infestation all of the animals were infested with 20,000 larvae of R. microplus. Skin punch biopsies were taken from all animals on the day before the primary infestation and from sites of larval attachment on the day after the first, second, fourth and final infestations. Infiltrations with CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ and γδ T cells followed the same pattern in both breeds, showing relatively little change during the first four weekly infestations, followed by substantial increases at 7 weeks post-primary infestation. There was a tendency for more of all cell types except granulocytes to be observed in the skin of B. t. indicus cattle but the differences between the two breeds were consistently significant only for γδ T cells. Granulocyte infiltrations increased more rapidly from the day after infestation and were higher in B. t. taurus cattle than in B. t. indicus. Granulocytes and MHC class II-expressing cells infiltrated the areas closest to the mouthparts of larvae. A large volume of granulocyte antigens was seen in the gut of attached, feeding larvae.  相似文献   

The gradual decline in the genetic diversity of farm animals has threatened their survival and risk of their extinction has increased many fold in the recent past. Endangered species could be rescued using interspecies embryo production. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of three different culture media on the development of Handmade cloned intraspecies (goat-goat) and interspecies (goat-sheep) embryo reconstructs. Research vitro cleave media (RVCL) yielded higher cleavage and morula-blastocyst development in intraspecies and interspecies nuclear transfer groups compared with G1.G2 and modified synthetic oviductal fluid (mSOFaaci). Cleavage frequency of intraspecies cloned embryos in RVCL, mSOFaaci, and G1.G2 did not differ significantly (87.12%, 82.45%, and 92.52%, respectively). However, the morula/blastocyst frequency in RVCL was greater in mSOFaaci and G1.G2 (51.18% vs. 38.28% vs. 36.50%, respectively). Cleavage and morula/blastocyst frequency in interspecies cloned embryos was greater in RVCL than in mSOFaaci and G1.G2 (76.14% and 42.3% vs. 65.9% and 38.3% vs. 58.56% and 33.1%, respectively). Goat oocytes were parthenogenetically activated and cultured in RVCL, mSOFaaci, and G1.G2 and kept as control. Cleavage and morula/blastocyst frequency in this group was greater in RVCL than in mSOFaaci and G1.G2 (89.66% and 65.26% vs. 85.44% and 48.05% vs. 86.58% and 42.06%, respectively). Conclusively, the results suggest that not only can the interspecies embryos of goat be produced using sheep oocytes as donor cytoplast but also the percentages can be improved by using RVCL media for culturing of the embryos.  相似文献   

The current study was undertaken to investigate the aneuploidy rates in in vitro-matured meiosis II (MII) oocytes and corresponding first polar bodies in two dairy cattle (Bos taurus) breeds by using dual-color fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). A total of 159 and 144 in vitro-matured MII oocytes of the Italian Friesian and Italian Brown breeds, respectively, were obtained according to the standard methods and analyzed by FISH using “Xcen” and “5” chromosome-specific painting probes, produced by chromosome microdissection and Degenerate Oligonucleotide Primer- Polymerase Chain Reaction (DOP-PCR). Oocytes with unreduced chromosome number were 10.1% and 16.7% in the two breeds, respectively. To avoid bias due to possible artifacts, the aneuploidy rates were determined by analyzing only oocytes with the corresponding polar bodies. In the Italian Friesian, 100 of 143 (69.9%) secondary MII oocytes showed clear MII plates with corresponding first polar bodies and were scored for aneuploidy detection; one oocyte was “nullisomic” for chromosome X (1.0%) and one “disomic” for chromosome 5 (1.0%). In the Italian Brown, 100 of 120 (83.3%) MII oocytes with corresponding first polar bodies were analyzed; one oocyte was nullisomic (1.0%) and one was disomic (1.0%), both for chromosome 5. Totally, 303 oocytes were analyzed, 40 of which showed an unreduced chromosome complement (13.2%); of 200 MII oocytes with the corresponding first polar bodies, the aneuploidy rate (nullisomy + disomy) for the two chromosomes scored was 2%. Assuming that each chromosome is equally involved in aneuploidy, it results that in cattle oocytes matured in vitro, at least 30% of the oocytes (1 × 30 haploid chromosomes) should be aneuploid. Premature separation of sister chromatids (PSSC) was also observed in 2% of the oocytes in the Italian Friesian breed involving chromosome 5 and in 1% of the Italian Brown breed involving the X chromosome. Estimation of the “baseline” level of aneuploidy in the in vitro-matured oocytes of the various domestic animal species and breeds is, to our opinion, a useful reference for improving the in vitro production of embryos as well as for monitoring future trends of the reproductive health of the species/breeds engaged in zootechnical productions, especially in relation to management errors and environmental hazards.  相似文献   

Introduction and aimsAlthough, it has been success in the generation of animal clones from somatic cells in various animal species, the information related to nuclear reprogramming of cloned embryos is found to be limited. This study aims to compares the effect of both Scriptaid (SCR) and Trichostatin (A) treatments in improving cloning efficiency, and embryos developmental rate of cloned sheep embryos in vitro. Three groups were formed, i.e., one SCR group, second TSA group, with both treatment concentrations of 5 nM, 50 nM, and 500 nM, respectively, and third were control group with 0 nM. Methods: Ovaries of slaughtered sheep were collected and oocytes were recovered from antral follicles using aspiration method and in vitro maturation of oocytes were done. Then zona dissecting with micropipettes and oocyte enucleation were carried out under the micromanipulator. Later nuclear transfer, cell fusion and activation were done via cell fusion machine. Finally the embryo cultured in incubating chamber at the CO2 incubator up to 9 days. The result: In general the results showed that when the concentration increases the cleavage rate increased. The cleavage rates of the SCNT embryos treated with SCR at different concentrations are closely related to cleavage rate of embryos treated with TSA at same concentration; such as 39.47% for 500 nM TSA, 38.09% for 500 nM SCR; 18.6% for 50 nM TSA, 19.17% for 50 nM SCR, and 22.64% for 5 nM TSA, 17.18% for 5 nM SCR. As for the control group, the cleavage rate of the SCNT embryos cleavage ratewere27.47%., 30% and 30.85% respectively for bothtreatments. While there is a significant difference in TSA treatments at an eight-cell stage at the concentration (5 and 50 nM TSA) compared to the all other cleavage cell stages of (500 nM TSA and control). Also their were a differences between (50 nM of TSA) compared to the (50 nM SCR). Also there were a significant differences between the 16 cell stage at the (500 nM TSA) compared to other treatment (5 nM, 50 nM TSA and control). Regarding the SCR there were a significant difference at 8 cell stage between (5 nM SCR), compared to the other treatment (50 nM, 500 nM SCR and control). Also there were a significant difference at 16 cell stage between (50 nM, and 500 nM SCR), compared to the other treatment (5 nM SCR and control). While in the development of the embryos reach to blastocyst stage the SCR and the control group show a higher rate, in compered to TSA that did not show any development to blastocyst stage. The total SCR treatment showed (3/41 = 7.31%), and the total control showed (4/89 = 4.49%) blastula stage. It concludes that SCR improve the final development blastula stage compared to the TSA treatments that did not improved embryos reach to final developmental blastula stages may be due to spices differences or to the toxicity of TSA, especially at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Matrilineal kin-relations among wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) were studied by DNA analysis. Subject individuals were the members of E1 group, living at Wamba, Zaire, which has been studied since 1974. DNA samples were extracted from wadges that bonobos spat out when feeding on sugar cane. The D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA was amplified by the PCR method, and a nucleotide sequence of 350 base pairs was determined for 17 individuals. Nucleotide variations were found at 44 positions of the sequence. Based on these variations, 13 matrilineal units were divided into seven groups, and the mother of an orphan male was determined among several females. These genetic analyses, together with behavioral observation to date, revealed the following facts. High sequence variation in the target region indicated that females transfer between groups of bonobos, which is in agreement with supposition from long-term field studies. For females, there was no relationship between genetic closeness and social closeness that is represented by frequencies of proximity or grooming. After immigration into a new group, females form social associations with senior females without regard to kin relationship.  相似文献   

To investigate effects of Zn supplementation on performance, mineral balance and immune response, 15 male crossbred cattle (Bos indicus×Bos taurus) bulls of about 14 ± 0.4 months of age and weighing 226.0 ± 9.1 kg were divided in to three groups of five. Bulls in the control group were fed wheat straw and a concentrate mixture (basal diet with 32.5 mg Zn/kg dry matter (DM)), and in ZnSO4 and ZnProp groups 35 mg Zn/kg DM was added through Zn sulphate and Zn propionate, respectively. All bulls were fed their respective treatment diets for 180 days. Daily feed intake was recorded and bulls were weighed at every 15 days to determine change in body weight (BW). After 120 days of feeding, bulls were vaccinated with Brucella abortus strain 19, and cell mediated and humoral immune responses were assessed between 120 and 148 days of experimental feeding. After 150 days of feeding, a metabolism study of 6 days duration was completed to determine nutrient digestibility and mineral balances (i.e., Ca, P, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn). Intake of total DM, digestibility of DM, crude protein, ether extract, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre, N balance, average daily gain, feed: gain did not differ between the groups. Intake, excretion and balance of Ca, P, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn also did not differ between the groups. However, retention of Zn was higher (P<0.001) in the ZnProp group. Bulls supplemented with Zn propionate had higher cell mediated (P<0.01) and humoral (P<0.05) immune response, while there was no alteration in immune response due to Zn sulphate supplementation. Results indicate that a diet containing about 32.5 mg Zn/kg DM was adequate to support normal growth and digestibility, but a better immune response occurred when Zn propionate was added to the diet at 35 mg/kg DM versus Zn sulphate.  相似文献   

Continuous body temperature records from dairy cows for 46 days of summer and contemporary data for climate temperature humidity index (THI) were analysed.  相似文献   

Despite recent efforts to improve in vitro maturation (IVM) systems for porcine oocytes, developmental competence of in vitro-matured oocytes is still suboptimal compared with those matured in vivo. In this study, we compared oocytes obtained from large (≥8 mm; LF) and medium (3–7 mm; MF) sized follicles in terms of nuclear maturation, intracellular glutathione and reactive oxygen species levels, gene expression, and embryo developmental competence after IVM. In the control group, cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were aspirated from MF and matured for 22 hours with hormones and subsequently matured for 18 to 20 hours without hormones at 39 °C, 5% CO2in vitro. In the LF group, COCs were obtained from follicles larger than 8 mm and were subjected to IVM for only 18 hours. The ovaries have LF were averagely obtained with 1.7% per day during 2012 and it was significantly higher in the winter season. The results of the nuclear stage assessment of the COCs from the LFs are as follows: before IVM (0 hours); germinal vesicle stage (15.2%), metaphase I (MI) stage (55.4%), anaphase and telophase I stages (15.8%), and metaphase II (MII) stage (13.6%). After 6 hours IVM; germinal vesicle (4.2%), MI (43.6%), anaphase and telophase I (9.4%), and MII (42.8%). After 18-hour IVM; MI (9.7%) and MII (90.3%). Oocytes from LF showed a significant (P < 0.001) increase in intracellular glutathione (1.41 vs. 1.00) and decrease in reactive oxygen species (0.8 vs. 1.0) levels compared with the control. The cumulus cells derived from LFs showed lower (P < 0.1) mRNA expression of COX-2 and TNFAIP6, and higher (P < 0.1) mRNA expression of PCNA and Nrf2 compared with the control group-derived cumulus cells. After parthenogenetic activation, in vitro fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) using matured oocytes from LFs, the embryo development was significantly improved (greater blastocyst formation rates and total cell numbers in blastocysts) compared with the control group. In conclusion, oocytes from LFs require only 18 hours to complete oocyte maturation in vitro and their developmental competence is significantly greater than those obtained from MFs. Although their numbers are limited, oocytes from LFs might offer an alternative source for the efficient production of transgenic pigs using SCNT.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of CUDC-101, a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, on the in vitro development and expression of the epigenetic marker histone H3 at lysine 9 (AcH3K9) in pig SCNT embryos. We found that treatment with 1 μmol/L CUDC-101 for 24 hours significantly improved the development of pig SCNT embryos. Compared with the control group, the blastocyst rate was higher (18.5% vs. 10.3%; P < 0.05). To assess in vivo developmental potency, CUDC-101–treated SCNT embryos were transferred into two surrogate mothers, resulting in one pregnancy with six fetuses. We then investigated the acetylation level of histone H3K9 in SCNT embryos treated with CUDC-101 and compared them only against untreated embryos. The acetylation level of control SCNT embryos was lower than that of CUDC-101–treated embryos at pseudo-pronuclear stages, and immunofluorescent signal for H3K9ac in CUDC-101–treated embryos in a pattern similar to that of control group. In conclusion, we demonstrated that CUDC-101 can significantly improve in vitro and in vivo developmental competence and enhance the nuclear reprogramming of pig SCNT embryos.  相似文献   

Intrasexual copulation and mate discrimination by Nodilittorina radiata (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) were studied on a concrete breakwater at Hakodate Bay, southern Hokkaido, Japan. Intrasexual (male–male) copulations were observed in 4.7–21.1% of copulating pairs on the shore. As females were relatively larger than males and males copulated with females larger than themselves, we hypothesized that males choose potential mates larger than themselves. However, two male mates showed no significant size preference in intrasexual copulations, suggesting that males do not choose relatively larger individuals as mates. In a laboratory mate-choice experiment, male N. radiata preferred to mate with females, indicating precopulatory sex identification. They copulated with males, however, at the frequency of 37%, perhaps because of sex misidentification.  相似文献   

Analysis of social relations between adult males and immatures of known paternity in a captive group of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) revealed that fathers and offspring associated significantly more than other male-immature dyads. This association was highly variable, however, and there was no evidence of active preference for or investment in offspring by fathers. The tendency of offspring to approach fathers more often than other males appeared to account for the pattern of selective association. Preferential father-offspring association occurred whether or not mothers were in proximity to fathers, but mothers' associations with males did predict their offspring's, especially for the younger juveniles and the infants. It is possible that long-term social relationships between mothers and fathers lead to father-offspring association, but a year-to-year pattern of shifting mating preferences in the group weakens this hypothesis.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the parasite load of an individual could be predicted by its position in a social network. Specifically, we derived social networks in a solitary, territorial reptile (the tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus), with links based on the sharing of space, not necessarily synchronously, in overlapping territories. Tuatara are infected by ectoparasitic ticks (Amblyomma sphenodonti), mites (Neotrombicula spp.) and a blood parasite (Hepatozoon tuatarae) which is transmitted by the tick. We recorded the location of individual tuatara in two study plots twice daily during the mating season (March) in 2 years (2006 and 2007) on Stephens Island, New Zealand. We constructed weighted, directed networks to represent pathways for parasite transmission, where nodes represented individual tuatara and edges connecting the nodes represented the extent of territory overlap among each pair of individuals. We considered a network-based hypothesis which predicted that the in-strength of individuals (the sum of edge weights directed towards a node) in the derived network would be positively related to their parasite load. Alternatively, if the derived social network did not reflect actual parasite transmission, we predicted other factors such as host sex, size or territory size may better explain variation in parasite infection patterns. We found clear positive relationships between the in-strength of tuatara and their tick loads, and infection patterns with tick-borne blood parasites. In particular, the extent that individuals were connected to males in the network consistently predicted tick loads of tuatara. However, mite loads of tuatara were significantly related to host sex, body size and territory size, and showed little association with network measures. The results suggest that the pathway of transmission of parasites through a population will depend on the transmission mechanism of the parasite, but that social networks provide a powerful predictive tool for some parasites.  相似文献   

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