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In the captive Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), two disease complexes with a high incidence—chronic foot problems and uterine leiomyomas—may be linked to excess body weight (BW). In this study, intake and digestion trials were conducted (by means of 7‐day weigh‐backs, and 5‐day total fecal collections, respectively) with 11 Indian rhinoceroses at four zoological institutions in Europe and the United States to quantify energy and mineral nutrition on conventional or roughage‐only diets. Diets comprising a variety of forages (grass hay only, a combination of grass hay and grass silage, straw, or a mixture of grass and legume hay) were offered as the roughage source, along with various concentrates, produce, and supplements. Water intake was quantified, and urine samples were obtained opportunistically. The animals consumed 0.5–1.1% of their BW in dry matter (DM) daily, with calculated digestible energy (DE, in megajoules MJ) values ranging from 0.27 to 0.99 MJ DE/kg BW0.75/day compared to an estimated requirement of 0.49–0.66 MJ DE/kg BW0.75/day. Seven of 11 rhinos (64%) fed restricted levels of concentrate plus forage consumed DE in excess of this estimate. Even on roughage‐only diets, some individuals consumed energy well above the presumed metabolic requirements. Hence, restriction of both concentrates and roughage may be important for weight management in this species. Water intake ranged from 30 to 49 mL/kg BW daily (3.4–5.2 L/kg ingested DM), similar to values that have been reported for domestic equids. Excretion amounts and patterns also resembled those found in horses. Endogenous fecal losses measured for Ca, P, Cu, Fe, and Zn indicate that the maintenance requirements of these minerals should be met in Indian rhinoceroses by diets that meet recommendations for domestic horses. It is particularly important to evaluate dietary adequacy in mineral nutrition in this species in concert with the need for restricted energy intake, especially with regard to the hypothetical involvement of a low Zn supply in chronic foot problems. Zoo Biol 24:1–14, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to identify urinary estrogen and progesterone metabolites in the female Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). Measurements of these metabolites were then used to monitor ovarian function and establish normal levels and patterns of steroid excretion during the estrous cycle and pregnancy. Urine samples were analyzed for estrone sulfate and pregnanediol-3-glucuronide (PDG) by direct radioimmunoassays. Both hormones produced discrete profiles reflecting ovarian activity in nonconceptive cycles. The estrous cycle was observed to be 48 days (range 39–64) with a mean follicular phase of 14.8 days (range 13–19), followed by a mean luteal phase of 19 days (range 17–21). Of the single gestation monitored, PDG levels rose above luteal phase levels by the third month after breeding and remained elevated throughout gestation. The combined estrogen and progesterone metabolite profiles present a complete evaluation of ovarian steriod production in the mature female Indian rhinoceros.  相似文献   

Eleven novel polymorphic microsatellite loci are presented for the highly endangered Indian (or greater one horned) rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis (Mammalia: Rhinocerotidae). These will be used to analyse the genetic variability within and between the two remaining large populations of the Indian rhinoceros and to manage captive breeding.  相似文献   

Illegal poaching and reduced habitats have led to the endangered status of rhinoceroses. Collection of semen for preservation and future artificial insemination would therefore increase the reproductive potential of the rhinoceros. Although various collection methods have been attemped with individual rhinos, comparison between methods on a single animal have not been reported. This report details the application of six semen collection techniques on an unsedated and unrestrained greater one-horned rhino. The methods included different types of penile and/or rectal stimulation. Artificial vaginas and an inflatible probe for electroejaculation were specially constructed for semen collection. Of the various methods employed, penile massage consistently resulted in sperm-poor seminal fluid, but when preceded by either rectal massage or electroejaculation, seminal fluid with high sperm concentration was obtained.  相似文献   

Andrew  Laurie 《Journal of Zoology》1982,196(3):307-341
In the Chitawan Valley of Nepal there were estimated to be between 270 and 310 Greater one-horned or Indian rhinoceroses (Rhinoceros unicornis L.). Population densities reached 4.85 rhinos/km2 in the favoured areas of high diversity of early successional vegetation types on the valley floor. The overall population composition was 32.3% adult females, 19.9% adult males, 21.2% sub-adults and 26.6% calves. Females first calved at a mean age of 7.1 years and the median intercalving interval was 2.8 years. Causes of death included poaching, tiger predation on calves and fighting among males. The population was increasing.
Rhinos fed from 183 species of plants belonging to 57 botanical families but grass (50 species) made up between 70 and 89% of their diet according to the season. Considerable seasonal variations in food availability resulted in movements of rhinos between vegetation types. Rhinos' ranges were smallest in the areas of greatest vegetational diversity.
Rhinos rarely formed groups. The most common type consisted of sub-adults–mainly males. Ten auditory displays were distinguished and visual displays, although less striking, included baring the lower incisor tusks. Scents were carried in the dung, the urine and the pedal scent glands. Squirt urination and foot-dragging displays were performed by breeding males only.
There was some degree of range exclusivity among breeding males but no true territoriality. Poor visibility and the relatively unpredictable distribution of resources in time and space have perhaps selected against a territorial mating system. Relationships between ecology and social organization are discussed with reference to other rhino species.
Threats to the continued survival of the Indian rhino include poaching, agricultural encroachment and erosion. In order to spread the risk of a catastrophe, reintroductions of rhinos to other protected areas are proposed.  相似文献   

With a total population of less than 60 individuals limited to two locations, the Javan rhinoceros is perhaps the most endangered large mammal on earth. Although species specific information is crucial to its conservation, its precarious status, habitat inaccessibility, and behavioral adaptations pose major obstacles to its study. Here we report on the first genetic analysis of the two extant populations, in Ujung Kulon, Indonesia, and Cat Tien, Vietnam, and discuss their conservation. As its critically endangered status precluded invasive sampling, we extracted DNA from dung, amplifying and sequencing segments of the mtDNA 12S rRNA gene and the non-coding D-loop. Divergence between Javan rhinos from Ujung Kulon and Cat Tien was similar to that between recognized subspecies of African rhinos, and exceeded that between Sumatran rhinos. The Ujung Kulon and Cat Tien populations represent separate Evolutionary Significant Units, advocating independent management. However, given the precariousness of the Cat Tien population, demographic considerations may override genetic issues in the short term. Genetic diversity of Javan rhinos was low and population expansion in the immediate future will be critical for its survival.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of sperm is common procedures in aquaculture, particularly used for routine in artificial insemination. However, these application cause damages and adversely affected sperm motility, viability and consequently lower hatching rates. The objective of this study is to determine whether propolis has an effect on cryopreservation and fertilization ability and to investigate the potential protective effect of propolis on spermatozoa of Cyprinus carpio. Many studies have been done in cryopreservation offish spermatozoa, but none of them contain propolis in extender composition. The extenders were prepared by using modified Kurokura Solution to which 10% Me2SO added with different levels of propolis (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mg ml−1) and 10% egg yolk (as a control without propolis). The pooled semen samples diluted at the ratio of 1:9 by the extenders were subjected to cryopreservation. The percentage and duration of motility and fertilization tests of cryopreserved sperm samples have been done immediately after thawing and compared with control and fresh semen. The extenders containing propolis exhibited higher percentage motility and motility duration than control group (P < 0.05). Especially the group IV (0.8 mg ml−1 propolis) and the group V (1 mg ml−1 propolis) showed significant positive effects on both post thaw motility and hatching ability. The propolis maintained the integrity of the spermatozoa during the cryopreservation process. Evaluating with its contents, it has been shown that propolis is an appropriate cryoprotective agent in fish semen.  相似文献   

Whole seminal plasma (SP) enhances the function and fertility of frozen/thawed ram sperm. The objective of the current study was to investigate whether SP proteins capable of binding to molecules from the sperm plasma membrane were conserved among ram breeds, and whether these proteins were sufficient to overcome cryopreservation-induced reductions in sperm quality. Whole ram SP, obtained from rams of various breeds, improved progressive motility of frozen/thawed sperm at all times evaluated (P < 0.05); however, it did not improve total motility (15 min, P = 0.480; 30 min, P = 0.764; and 45 min, P = 0.795). To identify SP proteins responsible for this effect, a new method was developed to retain SP proteins that bound specifically to the sperm membrane by immobilization of sperm membrane proteins. These proteins specifically bound to the sperm surface, especially the acrosomal region. Lactotransferrin, epididymal secretory protein E1, Synaptosomal-associated protein 29, and RSVP-20 were identified (mass spectrometry) in this fraction. The retained SP proteins fraction repaired ultrastructural damage of frozen/thawed sperm and, with the addition of fructose, significantly improved motility of frozen/thawed sperm. We concluded that SP proteins that bound to the sperm membrane were conserved among ram breeds, and that when added to frozen/thawed semen (along with an energy source), they repaired ram sperm damage and enhanced sperm motility.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of two commercially available semen extenders on the motility of cryopreserved goat sperm and to simplify the cryopreservation protocol. Individual goat ejaculates were split and processed in parallel for freezing in either commercially available soy-based extender (Bioxcell®) or egg yolk-based extender (Irvine TYB). Sperm quality was assessed using total and progressive sperm motility, measured by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA). Total motility was higher for samples processed in soy-based extender, both at pre-freeze (P = 0.002) and at post-thaw (P < 0.0001). Progressive motility was higher for semen processed in soy extender at post-thaw (P < 0.0001). Approximately 10% of samples processed in egg yolk-based extender had a large (> 50%) reduction in total motility prior to freezing. However, this type of extreme reduction in pre-freeze motility did not occur in semen samples processed in soy extender. In addition, the use of soy-based extender eliminated the need for a time-consuming sperm washing protocol. We concluded that a commercially available soy-based extender was superior to an egg yolk-based extender in preserving motility of cryopreserved goat sperm, using a two-step method.  相似文献   

Currently, more than 16,000 plant and animal species are imminently threatened by extinction, often as a direct consequence of anthropogenic influences. One of the measures to halt that process is genetic resource banking. This short review focuses on mammal sperm cryopreservation in combination with assisted reproduction techniques. It summarizes general problems, recent developments, and currently applied protocols and gives an overview of hitherto existing successes of assisted reproduction measures in wild animals in the light of conservation efforts.  相似文献   

OptiXcell (OP) was tested as an animal protein-free alternative to an egg yolk-based extender for rhinoceros semen cryopreservation and shorter chilling/equilibration periods were evaluated. Semen was collected from three rhinoceros species: black (Diceros bicornis; n = 2), white (Ceratotherium simum; n = 2), and greater one-horned (GOH; Rhinoceros unicornis; n = 3). Controls were diluted with equine extender (EQ) or OP and equilibrated for 1 h. Treatments were diluted with extender and cooled for 15 min (fast: FEQ; FOP) or not cooled (immediate: IEQ; IOP), prior to cryopreservation. Motility decreased post-thaw (EQ: 50.7 ± 5.2%; OP: 52.9 ± 3.4%) from fresh (82.9 ± 2.9%), was higher in OP than IOP (38.6 ± 4.9%; P ≤ 0.05) and decreased over time (P ≤ 0.05). Post-thaw acrosomal integrity was lower in EQ, FEQ, and IEQ (56.9 ± 0.7; 56.6 ± 4.5; 54.9 ± 2.9%) than OP, FOP, IOP (71.8 ± 4.7; 71.9 ± 3.8; 69.9 ± 4.5%) and fresh (72.6 ± 1.4%; P ≤ 0.05). Progression and viability were lower in EQ (2.8 ± 0.2; 61.9 ± 7.4%) and OP (3.1 ± 0.2; 53.4 ± 6.9%) than fresh (3.7 ± 0.2; 87.2 ± 1.3%), decreased over time (P ≤ 0.05) but not different among treatments (P > 0.05). Morphology did not differ between fresh (75.0 ± 4.9% normal) and any treatment group (70.0–77.8%) or over time (P > 0.05). OptiXcell is comparable to egg yolk-based EQ when used for rhinoceros semen cryopreservation. Furthermore, chilling/equilibration can be reduced with little impact on sperm characteristics.  相似文献   

There is limited information on bobcat ejaculate traits and sperm cryopreservation and fertilizing ability. Bobcats were electroejaculated under general anesthesia in November (autumn) and April (spring), and endocrine and sperm traits were characterized. Testosterone (mean ± SEM: 0.90 ± 0.15 ng/mL) was not different between sampling times, but cortisol (average: 13.95 ± 1.73 μg/dL) was significantly higher in April. Average number of spermatozoa was 10.0 ± 3.4 × 106 sperm/ejaculate, with values being significantly higher in April. Sperm motility (average 55.7 ± 5.8% motile sperm) was not different between sampling times. The proportion of normal spermatozoa in the ejaculate (average: 14.7 ± 2.1%) was significantly higher in April, but the percentage of spermatozoa with intact acrosomes (average: 43.7 ± 3.8%) was significantly higher in autumn. Spermatozoa were cryopreserved in a Tes-Tris-based diluent (TEST) or Biladyl, both containing 20% egg yolk and 4% glycerol. Diluted sperm were loaded into straws, refrigerated using a programmable thermoblock with a dry chamber, frozen in nitrogen vapors, thawed, and incubated in F-10 medium with 5% fetal bovine serum for up to 3 h. After cryopreservation in TEST, there were about 50% motile sperm upon thawing, and survival was high during incubation post-thaw. Cryopreservation in Biladyl led to similar results, but motility decreased substantially during incubation post-thaw. Bobcat spermatozoa fertilized domestic cat oocytes matured in vitro. Fertilization rates were higher for sperm collected in April and cryopreserved in TEST (46%) than for those cryopreserved using Biladyl (<3%). Fertilized oocytes cleaved in culture, and some (27%) reached the morula stage. This study has allowed us to gain further baseline information on bobcat reproduction, explore sperm cryopreservation conditions, and show that fertilizing capacity can be tested using in vitro-matured cat oocytes. These results will be important for future conservation efforts.  相似文献   

This study is the first attempt at sperm cryopreservation, as well as a further examination of frozen sperm fertility by the hamster test, applied to the maintenance of an Indian gerbil (Tatera indica) colony, which is a newly developing experimental animal.The osmotic tolerance of the spermatozoa was initially investigated by subjection to hypertonicity, up to 620 mOsm/kg, for 5 min at room temperature prior to freezing. Although the percentage of total motile sperm was not affected, that of progressive motile spermatozoa began to drop at 400 mOsm/kg, and a significant decrease was observed at 620 mOsm/kg (p < 0.01). According to these results, the osmolality of the solutions for the freezing experiment, in which 6–22% raffinose was present, was fixed at approximately 400 mOsm/kg. Sperm, suspended in a plastic straw, were frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor for 5 min, followed by immersion in liquid nitrogen. Motile sperm were recovered from all freezing conditions, and high survival was obtained when sperm were frozen in the presence of 14% and 18% raffinose, with a normalized motility higher than 40%. Fertility of cryopreserved Indian gerbil sperm was examined by the zona-free hamster test. Thawed sperm adhered to 88% of the zona-free hamster oocyte surface, and some oocytes were penetrated and exhibited swollen sperm heads or male pronuclei, which we used to define fertilization. Although the fertilization rate of cryopreserved sperm to zona-free hamster eggs was significantly lower than that of fresh sperm (6% vs. 30%, p < 0.01), we demonstrated that thawed Indian gerbil spermatozoa have the ability to maintain their fertility.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the two hemoglobin components of the Great Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) is presented. The ratio for the two components B(alpha 2 beta I2): A(alpha 2 beta II2) is 6:4. Polypeptide subunits were separated by chromatography on CM-cellulose in a buffer containing 8M urea. The sequence was studied by degradation of the tryptic and hydrolytic cleavage products in a liquid phase sequencer. At position beta NA2 component B has Asp, whereas component A has Glu, an ATP-binding site in fish and reptilian hemoglobins. The other phosphate binding sites i.e. beta NA1 Val, beta EF6 Lys and beta H21 His are identical with 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-(DPG)binding sites in mammalian hemoglobins, whereby rhinoceros hemoglobin resembles both ATP-sensitive poikilotherm hemoglobin and DPG-sensitive mammalian hemoglobin. The two components (beta I/beta II) additionally differ by exchange of Glu----Gly at position beta A3 and Gln----Lys at position beta GH3. The significance of these changes is discussed. Oxygenation properties of the two hemoglobins components and their dependence on ATP and DPG are given. The structure and function of Rhinoceros hemoglobin may give an insight into the evolution of the organic phosphate binding in vertebrate hemoglobins.  相似文献   

We investigated the sperm characteristics of four cloned male cats (Felis catus) to assess their reproductive potential. Fresh and frozen-thawed sperm were assessed for motility, viability, and morphology, and their functional competence was evaluated by in vitro fertilization (IVF) of domestic cat oocytes. All fresh semen characteristics varied among cats and collection times. Sperm concentration (× 106/mL) of Cat A (512 ± 140, range 368 to 685) was significantly higher, whereas that of Cat C (335 ± 92, range 274 to 469) was significantly lower than that of Cloned B (459 ± 159, range 336 to 510) and control cats (680 ± 452, range 360 to 479). After thawing, motility and progressive motility of sperm from Cat B were significantly lower than that of the other cloned and control cats. The curvilinear, straight line, and average path velocities of sperm from Cat B were significantly higher, whereas the straightness was lower, than that of the other cloned and control cats. Frozen sperm from Cats A, B, and C successfully fertilized oocytes (cleavage = 74.4%, 71.4%, and 86.2%, respectively) and produced embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage after IVF/In vitro culture (IVC) (34.4%, 26.7%, and 48.0%) at frequencies similar to the cleavage rate (82.0%) and blastocyst rate (43.9%) obtained with sperm from the control male. In conclusion, seminal characteristics of cloned male cats did not differ markedly from those of our noncloned, control male cats.  相似文献   

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