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In order to develop weather-based forecasting model of bacterial leaf spot (BLS) disease of mulberry caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. mori, weekly disease severity data were recorded for three years on the ruling cultivar S-1. Daily meteorological data viz. maximum temperature, minimum temperature, maximum relative humidity, minimum relative humidity, rainfall and number of rainy days were also recorded. It was observed that BLS appeared in April/May and continued up to November with maximum severity in July. The correlation coefficient between disease severity and meteorological parameters revealed that the BLS disease severity has significant positive correlation with minimum temperatures, maximum and minimum relative humidity, rainfall and number of rainy days and negative correlation with maximum temperature. Multiple regressions analysis revealed that average of maximum temperature, minimum temperature and rainfall of preceding seven days and maximum relative humidity, minimum relative humidity of previous 9–15 days was found to maximally influence BLS disease severity. The contribution of the meteorological factors was found to be highest of minimum temperature (40.65%) followed by maximum temperature (24.20%), maximum relative humidity (16.41%), minimum relative humidity (8.07%), rainfall (5.29%) and number of rainy days (5.38%).  相似文献   

调查了取食不同品种桑树(M-5, S-36和V-1)叶片的家蚕(多化性品种Pure Mysore、 二化性品种NB4D2和CSR2)5龄幼虫血淋巴中阳离子的变化。结果表明: 家蚕幼虫血淋巴中Na+浓度低, K+和Mg2+浓度很高, Ca2+浓度较高。在幼虫活跃取食期间, 血淋巴中阳离子水平显著提高。血淋巴中阳离子水平与排泄物的量呈负相关。血淋巴中阳离子水平受阳离子外泌的控制。与非取食阶段相比, 取食阶段的阳离子清除速率低。家蚕二化性品种的血淋巴阳离子水平比多化性品种PM高出30%。结果说明家蚕品种对家蚕血淋巴阳离子变化的影响显著大于桑树品种或家蚕个体发育的影响。  相似文献   

桑叶提取物抑菌作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了桑叶水煎剂对常见微生物的抑菌作用,以及在不同pH值条件下的抑菌效果.结果表明:提取液对霉菌的生长没有明显的抑制作用;对供试细菌有效,其中对微球菌的抑制最强,其次为沙门氏菌和大肠杆菌,对枯草芽孢杆菌的作用较弱.抑菌效果随着桑叶水煎剂浓度的增加而加强.在酸性条件下,桑叶水煎剂的抑菌作用都有不同程度的增加,但效果均不如0.05%苯甲酸钠.  相似文献   

The number of genes controlling slow rusting resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) was estimated in five spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars using quantitative formulae. Parents and F6 families were evaluated in replicated field trials under epidemics initiated by artificial inoculation. The F6 families resulted from a diallel cross involving the fast-rusting cultivar Yecora 70 and five slow-rusting wheat cultivars: Sonoita 81, Tanager ‘S’, Galvez 87, Ures 81, and Moncho ‘S’. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was used to measure leaf rust severity over time. Results indicate that cultivar Sonoita 81 has three or four genes, Tanager ‘S’ has two or three genes, Galvez 87 has three genes, and both Ures 81 and Moncho ‘S’ have two genes for slow rusting resistance to leaf rust. Based on this result and previously reported moderate to high narrow-sense heritability estimates for slow rusting resistance in these materials, early-generation selection for slow leaf rusting would be effective.  相似文献   

通过银染法对家蚕整体染色,结果表明:家蚕消化管内的桑叶由叶表皮、叶肉和叶脉组成。叶表皮包括上表皮和下表皮。上表皮细胞可分为三种:钟乳体细胞、绿色表皮细胞和黄色表皮细胞;下表皮内含有气孔;叶肉组织内含有晶体,其中海绵组织内的最多。家蚕消化管由前向后可分为前肠、中肠和后肠,由外向内依次为肌层、底膜、上皮细胞层、内膜。中肠最为发达,其发达的上皮细胞向内表面突起形成许多大的指突形皱褶;上皮细胞层内有圆筒形细胞、杯形细胞两种细胞,两者在形状、功能以及嗜银性等方面有所差异。家蚕消化管对桑叶不同组织的消化吸收效率有差异,上表皮吸收效率最高,下表皮和栅栏组织次之,最低的是海绵组织。采用动物细胞染色方法对植物细胞进行染色,并与常规植物学染色方法进行了比较;依据细胞嗜银性的不同,可将桑叶的上表皮细胞分为两种亚型。  相似文献   

单季晚稻褐飞虱发生程度综合客观预报模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以上海地区单季晚稻褐飞虱Nilaparvatalugens(St l)发生程度为研究对象 ,用地面气象因子、5 0 0hPa高空环流因子和北太平洋海温场因子 ,在挑选了相关系数较高且稳定性又好的预报因子后 ,在逐步回归和逐步判别分析方法基础上 ,集成建立了单季晚稻褐飞虱发生程度的长、中、短期客观预报模式。长期、中期和短期预报模式的起报时间分别为当年的 1月、3月和 8月中旬。这 3种预报模式对 1 985~1 998年的历史拟合和 1 999~ 2 0 0 2年的预报误差均在 1级以内。  相似文献   

研究了取食不同水分含量桑叶对二化性家蚕(CSR3×CSR6)5龄幼虫的影响。实验设嫩叶(水分含量80%~85%)、半成熟叶(水分含量65%~70%)和成熟叶(水分含量55%~60%)3个不同处理。采用标准重量分析法分析和计算各种生长、营养和营养效率指数。结果表明,在取食较高水分含量桑叶的处理中,营养指数(包括取食量、消化量和近似消化率等)和营养效率指数(包括食物利用率和转化率等)均显著较高,但不同处理中消化食物向茧壳的转化率及产生每克茧壳所需食物消化量差异不明显。结论是取食水分含量高的桑树嫩叶有助于提高家蚕的取食和营养。  相似文献   

Hisashi Hirano 《Phytochemistry》1982,21(7):1513-1518
Varietal differences in the leaf protein profiles of 17 diploid (2n = 28) varieties of mulberry (Morus spp.) were demonstrated by 2D-gel electrophoresis and silver staining; similarity was statistically evaluated by means of principal component analysis. A close correlation was found between inter-varietal similarity, as estimated by the electrophoretic banding patterns of certain enzymes, and the leaf protein profiles obtained by 2D-gel electrophoresis. Little apparent varietal difference in the amount of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase was detected immunoelectrophoretically in the leaves. Varietal differences in crude protein content were obtained with leaves and this was discussed in relation to the observed 2D-gel electrophoretic patterns.  相似文献   

Puccinia triticina (Pt), the causal agent of leaf rust evolves through forming new pathotypes that adversely affect the growth and yield of wheat cultivars. Therefore, continued production of resistant varieties through exploring novel sources of resistance in wild relatives which are abundantly found in Iran and the neighbouring regions is a major task in wheat breeding programs. The aim of the present study was to explore 60 wild wheat genotypes selected from the species Triticum monococcum, Aegilops tauschii, Ae. neglecta, Ae. cylindrica, Ae. triuncialis, Ae. umbellulata, Ae. speltoides, Ae. columnaris, Ae. crassa and Ae. ventricosa for resistance to leaf rust. The cultivar ‘Boolani’ and Thatcher near-isogenic lines were used as controls. Two-week-old seedlings were inoculated using 10 Pt pathotypes, and the infection types were recorded. The genotypes were also analysed for polymorphism using six sequence-tagged sites (STS) and sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. Forty-eight genotypes produced high infection types (3+) for two pathotypes, but the remaining genotypes produced low infection types of ‘0; =’ to ‘1+CN’ to all pathotypes. The latter included three accessions of Ae. tauschii, two accessions of each Ae. umbellulata, Ae. columnaris and Triticum monococcum, and one accession from each Ae. triuncialis, Ae. ventricosa and Ae. neglecta. Analysis for STS and SCAR markers suggested several genotypes could carry the genes Lr9, Lr10, Lr19, Lr24, Lr26 and Lr37 or their potential orthologs in addition to unknown resistance genes. In conclusion, the identified resistant genotypes could be further characterized and used in wheat breeding programs for leaf rust resistance.  相似文献   

In wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Soissons) plants grown under three different fertilisation treatments, we quantified the effect of leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) on flag leaf photosynthesis during the whole sporulation period. Bastiaans' model: Y = (1 - x)beta was used to characterize the relationship between relative leaf photosynthesis (Y) and disease severity (x). The evolution of the different types of symptoms induced by the pathogen (sporulating, chlorotic and necrosed tissues) was evaluated using image analysis. The beta-values varied from 2 to 11, 1.4-2, and 0.8-1 during the sporulation period, when considering the proportion of sporulating, sporulating + necrotic, and total diseased area, respectively. Leaf nitrogen (N) content did not change the effect of the disease on host photosynthesis. We concluded that leaf rust has no global effect on the photosynthesis of the symptomless parts of the leaves and that the large range in the quantification of leaf rust effect on the host, which is found in the literature, can be accounted for by considering the different symptom types. We discuss how our results could improve disease assessments and damage prediction in a wheat crop.  相似文献   

为了研究家蚕富集1-脱氧野尻霉素(DNJ)的机制,采用柱前衍生化高效液相色谱法分析不同生长阶段家蚕及其代谢产物和所食桑叶中DNJ的含量,研究家蚕幼虫体1-脱氧野尻霉素富集与食桑量的相关性。结果显示不同生长期家蚕及其副产物中DNJ的累积量有较大差异,且呈一定规律性变化,先上升后下降,于四龄时最高。家蚕幼虫期蚕体及其副产物中DNJ总累积量与其在该阶段所食桑叶中DNJ总量相当,且家蚕的任一成长发育阶段(蚁蚕和熟蚕不吃桑叶除外),其蚕体DNJ含量均大大高于桑叶中的DNJ含量,表明家蚕具有累积或富集DNJ的机能,本研究结果为进一步研究家蚕富集DNJ的机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

小麦叶锈病抗性基因在山西的有效性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采自山西省各地的小麦叶锈菌菌株分别接种在含有已知抗叶锈病基因的小麦近等基因系(或单基因系)上,测定其毒性频率,根据已知抗病基因对叶锈菌群体的抗性程度,对其进行抗性效能的评价。结果表明:抗性基因Lr9、Lr19、Lr24、Lr38的毒性频率较低,分别为23.08%、16.03%、12.82%和1.92%,为山西省小麦叶锈菌的有效抗病基因。在发现的诸多毒性类型中,THT、THK、PHT、TRT的出现频率居前四位,分别为19.23%、8.97%、7.05%、5.77%,为山西省目前小麦叶锈菌群体中的优势毒性类型。  相似文献   

小麦叶锈病是影响小麦产量的最主要病害之一,CIMMYT品系19HRWSN-76高抗小麦叶锈病,以该品系与感病品系郑州5389杂交得到F2群体,利用叶锈菌生理小种FHJP对F2群体接菌鉴定,结果显示群体的抗感比例符合3∶1的理论比值,推测19HR WSN-76的抗叶锈性由一对显型基因控制,暂命名为Lr HR76。利用分子标记技术和分离群体分组分析法对F2群体进行分子标记检测,位于3DL的SSR标记barc71与该抗病基因连锁,遗传距离为3.0 c M。  相似文献   

MeOH and water extracts were obtained from 16 species of infected leaves with rust fungi belonging to 18 species in 6 families: Pucciniaceae, Melampsoraceae, Coleosporiaceae, Pileolariaceae, Phragmidiaceae, and Phakopsoraceae. All the extracts of rust-infected plants with telia showed the teliospore-inducing activity for wheat leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici).  相似文献   

刘思睿  宋莉莎  任静  李忠 《菌物学报》2019,38(6):768-777
为明确发生在贵州省施秉县的黄精叶斑类病害的病原菌,通过形态学和分子生物学方法对病原菌进行了鉴定,并对其生物学特性进行了初步研究。形态特征及rDNA-ITS、β-tubulin和tef1多基因序列分析表明,该病原菌为棕榈拟盘多毛孢Pestalotiopsis trachicarpicola。生物学特性研究结果表明,该菌菌丝体适宜生长温度为15-30℃,最适温度为28℃;最适pH值为5;以葡萄糖为碳源、酵母浸膏为氮源比较适合菌丝体的生长;菌丝体生长的最佳培养基为PDA;光照对菌丝体生长无明显影响;菌丝体致死温度为45℃。  相似文献   

Near-isogenic lines (NILs) differing with regard to disease QTLs provide valuable material for a more detailed study into the genetic basis of quantitative resistance. Previously obtained information on QTLs that show an effect on leaf rust (Puccinia hordei) in barley was used in a marker-assisted backcross programme. The genome origin in backcross plants was controlled through AFLP marker analysis and graphical genotyping. Plants obtained after the third generation of backcrossing sufficiently resembled the recurrent parent. For one QTL, BC3S1 plants were evaluated in a disease test and genotyped. NILs containing the desired QTL in homozygous condition in a recipient background were finally obtained. A disease test and verification of the marker genotype confirmed the identity of the NILs. Simultaneous with the backcross programme a simulation study on efficiency of marker-assisted backcrossing was performed.  相似文献   

为了明确河南省小麦品种的抗叶锈性及抗叶锈基因的分布,为小麦品种推广与合理布局、叶锈病防治及抗病育种提供依据,本研究利用2015年采自河南省的5个小麦叶锈菌流行小种混合菌株,对近几年河南省16个主栽小麦品种进行了苗期抗性鉴定,然后选用12个小麦叶锈菌生理小种对这些品种进行苗期基因推导,同时利用与24个小麦抗叶锈基因紧密连锁(或共分离)的30个分子标记对该16个品种进行了抗叶锈基因分子检测。结果显示,供试品种苗期对小麦叶锈菌混合流行小种均表现高度感病;基因推导与分子检测结果表明,供试品种可能含有Lr1、Lr16、Lr26和Lr30这4个抗叶锈基因,其中先麦8号含有Lr1和Lr26;郑麦366和郑麦9023含有Lr1;西农979和怀川916含有Lr16;中麦895、偃展4110、郑麦7698、平安8号、众麦1号、周麦16、衡观35和矮抗58含有Lr26;周麦22中含有Lr26,还可能含有Lr1和Lr30;豫麦49-198和洛麦23可能含有本研究中检测以外的其他抗叶锈基因。因此,河南省主栽小麦品种的抗叶锈基因丰富度较低,今后育种工作应注重引入其他抗叶锈性基因,提高抗叶锈性,有效控制小麦叶锈病。  相似文献   

锈寄生菌的分布及其林间发生规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
锈寄生菌主要分布于辽宁省的本溪、抚顺和丹东地区,对其在林间发生规律的研究结果表明,锈寄生菌孢子飞散高峰时出现在零点和12点;一年内孢子飞散时期为6月中旬至9月下旬,8月下旬为飞散高峰期。孢子飞散量受控于气象因子,特别与降雨量关系密切,锈寄生菌的潜育期为1个月左右。落叶松褐锈病的发生程度随着锈寄生菌寄生率的逐年增加而减轻,表明锈寄生菌对落叶松褐锈病有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   

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