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Abstract: Tetranychus urticae is a serious pest of several crops worldwide. It performs differentially on diverse host‐plant species. Because dispersion is mainly passive, the process of host‐plant selection should be viewed in terms of host‐plant acceptance and not in terms of host finding. The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) the acceptance of strawberry (S) in comparison with onion (O), leek (L) and parsley (P) by T. urticae; and (2) the suitability of these host plants for the performance of T. urticae, in terms of fecundity and survival. Host‐plant acceptance was measured through females that settled on a test plant or females that left for another host plant. In another experiment, for a duration of 5 days, individual newly mated females were assigned to discs of each host plant and the fecundity, the maximum number of offspring obtained from one female that settled on the disc, the survival and the percentage of females that oviposited at least one egg were analysed. A choice test to measure the preference of females for different host plants was performed. Movements took place towards (S) from the three plants: (O), (L) and (P). Mites significantly moved to other places in the Petri dishes from leek‐origin discs. Dispersal of T. urticae from (S) to other host‐plant discs was similar for all plants. Mean fecundity was higher on (S) than on the other plants. The maximum number of offspring per female was highest on (S), lowest on (L) and (O), and intermediate on (P). Survival of females and percentage of females that laid at least one egg were independent of the host plant. The choice test showed that oviposition was higher on (S) and (P) and very poor on (L) and (O) and that more females settled on (S) and (P). Although mites migrated from parsley to strawberry, the first host plant has a higher acceptance of T. urticae in terms of maximum number of offspring per female than onion and leek, and a lower performance in terms of fecundity than strawberry. Parsley could be a good candidate for an associate plant in a strawberry crop; however, it needs more research under field conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract The life table parameters of two‐spotted spider mite (TSSM), Tetranychus urticae Koch, on 14 soybean genotypes (Sari, Sahar, Tellar, Zane, Ks3494, L17, Dpx, 032, 033, Clark, Hill, I27, Tms and Williams) were evaluated at 28 ± 1°C, 65%± 5% RH and a photoperiod of 16 : 8 h L : D. The survivorship data (lx) of adult females were fitted to the Weibull frequency distribution model in all genotypes tested. Based on the Weibull parameters, the survival curve was type I on all genotypes, which indicated that the mortality mostly occurred in old individuals. Furthermore, two mathematical models (Analytis and Enkegaard) were fitted to age‐specific fecundity data (mx). The highest intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was recorded on L17 (0.392) and the lowest values of this parameter were obtained on Tms (0.233), Hill (0.236), 032 (0.236), I27 (0.237) and Clark (0.240). In addition, net reproductive rate (R0) and finite rate of increase (λ) of the TSSM had the highest value on L17 as 45.521 and 1.475, respectively. The lowest values of these parameters were recorded on Tms as 12.149 and 1.258, respectively. Doubling time (DT) varied significantly on different genotypes and the shortest and longest values of this period were obtained on L17 and 032, respectively. Our findings revealed that Tms, Hill, 032, I27 and Clark were less suitable genotypes, suggesting that they are more resistant to the TSSM than the other genotypes.  相似文献   

Spin down in response to pesticides is a known phenomenon. This study aimed at investigating the effects of varying acaricide concentrations and acaricidal combinations on the rate of spin down and thread length, the fate of mites after spinning down and, thus, the implications of spin down in the context of mite control and the relationship between webbing and the efficacy of ovicides. In response to cyhexatin at a concentration of up to 100 mg dm-3 the rate of spin down did not change, but in response to higher concentrations it occurred earlier and ceased before the end of the experiment. The mean thread length did not vary with the concentration of acaricide and, whilst the proportion of mites spinning down increased with a cyhexatin concentration of up to 10 mg dm-3, it did not increase further with higher concentrations thereafter. It is therefore postulated that at any given time only a certain proportion of mites have a propensity to spin down. In combination with cyhexatin, only amitraz (at low concentrations) increased the proportion of mites spinning down, but amitraz (at higher concentrations), flubenzimine and permethrin all inhibited spin down, which may be a useful attribute in pesticide formulations. With regard to the fate of mites after spinning down, they were able to climb back up threads, but the proportion doing so was too small to be of practical importance. Mites which spin down and remain at the end of a thread die, but those which reached another leaf were able to spin down again and were more likely to do so if the leaf bore a cyhexatin residue. Mites reaching another leaf are also able to lay eggs, the number being greater if the leaf which they reach is untreated. Spin down is therefore likely to be of significant advantage to Tetranychus urticae in avoidance of the effects of acaricides. Finally, some eggs were observed to be laid on webbing and not to come into direct contact with clofentezine residues. The use of a fine water spray to simulate dew increased the ovitoxicity of clofentezine, probably by resuspension of the pesticide, but not of amitraz, which inhibits webbing production. The avoidance of acaricides should be added to the several known advantages of webbing production for spider mites. It is concluded that, all other factors being equal, pesticide formulations which inhibit spin down and webbing production are likely to be more effective in control programmes than those which stimulate such behaviour.  相似文献   

The relative toxicity (LC50 values based on µg oil/cm2) is evaluated of aqueous n C24 agricultural mineral oil (AMO) emulsions to the egg, six-legged nymph (larva), eight-legged protonymph and adult stages of two-spotted mite ( Tetranychus urticae ) and its predator, Phytoseiulus persimilis , on French bean leaf discs, using a Potter spray tower to apply of the oil. The egg of P. persimilis was the least susceptible stage (LC50 444.84) and its LC50 was significantly higher than all other stages tested of either P. persimilis or T. urticae . The LC50 for adult female T. urticae (LC50 63.89) was significantly lower than the larva (LC50 93.86); however, there was no significant difference in response between the protonymph (LC50 70.44) and the larva, which were both higher than T. urticae eggs (LC50 17.55). LC50s for P. persimilis larva (LC50 43.87), protonymph (LC50 41.55) and adult female (LC50 53.34) were similar. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the egg surface of T. urticae is usually well covered with fine silk that may trap more oil and increase AMO efficacy. Other possible differences in AMO efficacy between T. urticae and P. persimilis may be due to differences in egg size, egg incubation period, egg surface structure and the presence of vulnerable respiratory cones in T. urticae eggs. Dose of 0.2–0.3% (w/w) is considered to be the most appropriate for n C24 AMOs use against T. urticae in combination with P. persimilis in integrated pest management programs.  相似文献   

The effect of residues of esfenvalerate on oviposition of the resistant strain of the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri and its main prey, European red mite Panonychus ulmi and two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, were investigated. T. pyri showed a significant linear reduction in oviposition after 24h in the presence of increasing levels of esfenvalerate residue applied at the field rate. Furthermore, when given a choice, T. pyri preferred to lay eggs on residue-free surfaces. Of the two prey species, only P. ulmi showed significant avoidance of increasing levels of residues of the field rate concentration of esfenvalerate, as measured by runoff mortality, however both P. ulmi and T. urticae, when given a choice, showed a preference for esfenvalerate-free surfaces. As with the predatory mite T. pyri, both prey species showed a significant linear reduction of oviposition with increasing esfenvalerate residues and a preference to lay eggs on esfenvalerate-free surfaces. Esfenvalerate residues as high as 15X field rate were not repellent to pyrethroid-resistant T. pyri. The possible effects of these sublethal effects on predator-prey dynamics and implications for integrated mite control programmes in apple orchards are discussed.  相似文献   

Possible stimulatory or acaricidal effects of thiodicarb, dimethoate and endosulfan on the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, were tested in a glasshouse. Population development of T . urticae was monitored, with the expectation that any stimulatory or acaricidal effects would be reflected in different population growth relative to untreated plants. Acaricidal activity of the three insecticides was also investigated using a standard bioassay technique. Population growth on thiodicarb- or dimethoate-treated plants was no different to that on untreated plants but was slower on plants treated with endosulfan. Bioassays showed that endosulfan was moderately acaricidal, that T . urticae was highly resistant to dimethoate and that thiodicarb was of very low acaricidal activity. No evidence of stimulatory effects of dimethoate or thiodicarb was found. The data suggest that stimulation is an unlikely explanation for outbreaks of T . urticae in cotton and that endosulfan sprayed for control of Helicoverpa spp. may delay the development of mite outbreaks.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on life-table parameters, fecundity and survivorship of the predatory ladybird, Stethorus gilvifrons , fed on Tetranychus urticae was determined at seven constant temperatures of 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 28°C, 30°C, 35°C and 40°C. No development was observed at 40°C, thus being regarded as the threshold for the development of S. gilvifrons . The results indicate a significant decrease in male and female longevity with increasing temperature from 15°C to 35°C. The longest and shortest longevity were 18.40 and 12.75 days for males and 17.40 and 8.80 days for females, respectively. The intrinsic rate of natural increase ( r m ) and the net reproductive rate ( R 0) of S. gilvifrons linearly increased with increasing temperatures from 15°C to 35°C, while the mean generation time ( T ) and doubling time (DT) decreased linearly within this temperature range. The highest values of r m (0.240 females/female/day) and R 0 (59.27 females/female) and the lowest mean generation time (17.01 days) and DT (2.88 days) were recorded at 35°C. The maximum (185.50 eggs) and minimum (25.50 eggs) measurement of total fecundity was also recorded at 35°C and 15°C, respectively. The results indicate that temperature greatly affected fecundity, survivorship and life-table parameters of S. gilvifrons , and that 35°C is a suitable temperature for population growth of this predator.  相似文献   

Two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, is one of the most important pests of agricultural products that have a global distribution. Now, the control is dependent on the use of chemical pesticides. The effects of the sublethal concentrations (LC10 and LC25) of the essential oil of Cinnamomum zeylanicum were evaluated on some parameters of the life table of the pest, at the constant temperature of 30?°C, relative humidity of 40?±?5% and photoperiod of 16L: 8D. Our results showed that the essential oil of cinnamon is effective on female adult stage. Lethal concentration at which 50% mortality (LC50) for the essential oils is from C. zeylanicum on female adult mite was 23.39?μl/L air. Sublethal concentrations of the essential oil of C. zeylanicum also impair the natural biology of the mite. Concentrations of sublethal of essential oil decreased age-specific fertility (mx) of T. urticae compared with the control. Sublethal concentrations (LC10 and LC25) have reduced the life expectancy (ex) in egg stage. Sublethal effects of the essential oil of C. zeylanicum and its impact on T. urticae management are discussed.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal characteristics of host plants can influence the population biology of the herbivores feeding on them. In this study, I examined the effect of variation in host plant characteristics on the development of acaricide resistance in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, a widely distributed agricultural pest. This investigation examined the geographic variation in the degree of resistance to two new types of acaricide, pyridaben and fenpyroximate. From mortality tests at field-level concentrations of the acaricides, many populations collected from fruit trees and roses had a high frequency of resistant individuals for acaricides while almost all populations collected from herbaceous crops had low frequencies of resistant individuals. These results, combined with those from a previous allozyme study, indicate that patch size and persistence of host plants regulate the population structure of the mites including gene flow between populations and, by extension, the development of acaricide resistance.  相似文献   

Forty isolates of entomopathogenic fungi from six genera were assessed against the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, in a single dose, direct application laboratory bioassay on tomato leaflets. Only three isolates caused greater mortality than the control: these were Metarhizium anisopliae 442.99, Hirsutella spp. 457.99, and Verticillium lecanii 450.99. These isolates were assessed in a multiple dose bioassay, together with three isolates cultured from commercial biopesticides as follows: Beauveria bassiana 432.99 (cultured from 'Naturalis-L', Troy Biosciences, Phoenix, TX, USA); Hirsutella thompsonii 463.99 (cultured from 'Mycar', Abbott Laboratories USA); and V. lecanii 19.79 (used in 'Mycotal' Koppert BV, The Netherlands). Beauveria bassiana 432.99, H. thompsonii 463.99, M. anisopliae 442.99, and V. lecanii 450.99 were all pathogenic to T. urticae in this bioassay. In addition, it was found that the mortality caused by B. bassiana 432.99 and Naturalis-L was increased when the mites were exposed to tomato leaflets sprayed previously with conidia suspensions, compared to spraying the mites directly. In a glasshouse experiment, sprays of B. bassiana 432.99, H. thompsonii 463.99, M. anisopliae 442.99, V. lecanii 450.99 and Naturalis-L reduced T. urticae populations in a tomato crop grown according to commercial practice. Naturalis-L reduced T. urticae numbers by up to 97%. In a second glasshouse experiment, single sprays of Naturalis-L and the acaricide fenbutatin oxide (Torq) were compared as supplementary treatments to release of the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis. Supplementary sprays of fenbutatin oxide reduced the numbers of T. urticae nymphs (80% reduction), while Naturalis-L reduced numbers of T. urticae adults, nymphs and eggs (98% reduction in all three cases). It is concluded that Naturalis-L has the potential to be used against T. urticae on glasshouse tomato crops.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions between Tetranychus urticae and Eotetranychus carpini borealis were investigated under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. When placed first to colonize red raspberry leaves, T. urticae caused extinction of E. carpini borealis populations. E. carpini borealis had detrimental effects on T. urticae but did not cause T. urticae population extinction. The area used by E. carpini borealis for egg deposition decreased with an increase in the number of T. urticae eggs. Red raspberry showed an induced response to T. urticae and E. carpini borealis feeding after two weeks of infestation. Population growth of each species was reduced on plants that were previously infested by conspecifics but inducible response by one species had no effects on the other species.  相似文献   

Primary sex ratio of arrhenotokous tetranychid mites depends on the age-specific schedule of ratios of progeny produced by individual females. Since primary sex ratio is conditional upon female age and since the proportion of females of a given age in a population is influenced by the rate of increase, both the agespecific ratio of males to females and the overall ratio of males to females depends on the rate of increase. We given an expression for this dependence and compare it to experimental results for the two-spotted spiter mite. These results imply that there is no standard sex ratio of spider mites because of interpopulation variation in rates of increase.
Résumé Le taux sexuel des acariens tétranychidés arrhénotoques est défini comme le rapport de la somme des nombres de mâles sur la somme des nombres de femelles pour chaque âge de la distribution en âges. Comme le taux sexuel primaire dépend de l'âge de la femelle et comme la proportion de femelles d'un âge donné dans la population est influencée par le taux d'accroissement, alors le rapport mâle/femelle spécifique d'un âge déterminé et le rapport global mâle/femelle dépendent du taux d'accroissement. Nous avons cherché à exprimer cette dépendance et à la comparer aux résultats expérimentaux pour Tetranychus urticae. Ces résultats signifient qu'il n'y a pas de taux sexuel caractéristique de Tétranyques par suite des variations du taux d'accroissement suivant les populations.

Feeding by spider mites can cause severe injury to a host plant and lead to a decreasing per capita growth rate and an increasing per capita emigration rate. Such density-dependent responses to local conditions are important in a metapopulation context because they allow the herbivores to colonize new host plants and thereby prolong the time until regional (metapopulation) extinction. In order to include density-dependent responses of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) in a realistic metapopulation model, a series of greenhouse experiments was conducted with the purpose to quantify how the condition of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) influences the demographic parameters of T. urticae. Plant age per se reduced the growth rate of the spider mites only slightly, whereas the growth rate declined significantly as the plants were injured by the mites. The relationships between plant condition (expressed by the plant injury index D) and the birth and loss (death + emigration) rates of the mites were quantified so as to predict population growth as a function of D. Maximum per capita growth rate (r) was estimated to be c. 0.21 day−1. The growth rate is expected to be negative when D exceeds 0.8. When mites were allowed to emigrate to neighbouring plants via bridges, the per capita emigration rate increased almost exponentially with D. The proportion of eggs in the population decreased with D while the numerical ratio between immatures to adults and the sex ratio did not change with D. Overall, immatures and adults constituted 74% and 26%, respectively, of the active mites and c. 46% of the adults were males. The bridges that connected a donor plant with the surrounding recipient plants were responsible for the majority of the emigrations from donor plants. Most mites stopped after having crossed a single bridge, but a few crossed two bridges while none crossed three bridges within 24 h. The significance of the results for biological control is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tetranychus urticae is an important pest of citrus, especially lemon and mandarin, under Mediterranean climate. Factors leading to this problem are poorly understood, but saline stress is suspected to contribute to spider mite outbreaks. In this study, the effect of NaCl concentration in nutritive solutions used to water potted young mandarin trees on population growth of T. urticae reared on leaf discs obtained from these plants was investigated. Although the differences observed between treated (5, 10, 30 and 60 mM NaCl) and control groups were in most cases not significant, when all biological parameters calculated were combined to obtain Ro, T and r(m), remarkable differences appeared, and a concentration-dependent effect was detected. Although high salt concentrations negatively affected T. urticae, at the lowest concentration tested the r(m) value was significantly higher than at the water control and this may contribute to the observed field explosions of T. urticae.  相似文献   

The spider mite Tetranychus urticae shows variation in its dispersal capacity (i.e., the leaf quality at which a female decides to disperse). We were able to artificially select mites that had either a high or a low dispersal capacity, indicating that this trait was genetically controlled. We then compared correlated responses to this selection. Mites with a genetically high dispersal capacity (‘HD’ strains) had a higher diapause incidence and a lower performance compared to mites with a low dispersal capacity (‘LD’ strains). A possible effect of random genetic drift during the selection was negligible. Our results suggest that differential dispersal capacity is associated with contrasting life history patterns as a result of natural selection. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Spider mites are serious pests on many economically important plant species, because they may reduce plant productivity and, at high mite densities, overexploit and even kill the host plants. We have conducted a series of greenhouse experiments to quantify the effects of two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) on host plants (Phaseolusvulgaris). The average amount of chlorophyll per cm2 leaf area was used as a measure of plant condition. It was shown that chlorophyll concentration decreases with plant age and intensity of spider mite feeding. Damage caused by spider mites was assessed visually, using the Leaf Damage Index (LDI) defined by, and a mathematical relationship between the visual measurements and the amount of chlorophyll/cm2 was fitted to data. The relationship may serve as a short-cut to estimate overall plant injury, expressed as the relative loss of chlorophyll/cm2 leaf area caused by spider mites (D). D takes values between 0 (no injury) and 1 (all leaves dead). A highly significant positive relationship between the instantaneous spider mite density and D was found, even though D is expected to reflect the cumulated density of mites (mite-days). A model of plant growth incorporating information about plant age and D predicts that plant area has a maximum when plant age is about 60 days, and that plant area decreases exponentially with an increase in D. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We studied the prey stage preference and feeding behaviour of the first to third instar larvae and adult females of Oligota kashmirica benefica Naomi (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), a predator of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (red form) (Acari: Tetranychidae), on leaves of the kudzu vine (Pueraria lobata (Wild.) Ohwi (Leguminosae)) under laboratory conditions. The number of mites eaten increased with the growth of predator larvae. Third instar larvae preyed on all stages of spider mite, whereas first instar larvae preyed mainly on immobile stages (eggs and quiescent stages). The predator larvae showed two types of foraging behaviour (active searching and ambush behaviour) when targeting the mobile stages (larval, nymph and adult stages of prey). Although no difference was found in the number of prey consumed by adult females and third instar larvae of the predator, the adult females mainly attacked and consumed the immobile stages.  相似文献   


The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch is one of the most common pests of agricultural crops. The use of sublethal doses can reduce the need of pesticides and prevent pests’ resistance, which is an important step in integrated pest management and safely controlling this pest. The sublethal effects (LC5, LC15 and LC35) of spirodiclofen on demographic parameters of T. urticae based on the age-stage, two-sex life table theory were investigated under laboratory conditions [25?±?2?°C, 60?±?5% RH and 16:8 (L:D) h]. The longevity, total life span, oviposition period and total fecundity reduced after exposure to LC15 and LC35. Oviposition period ranged from 5.64 to 10.92?days. The gross reproduction rate (GRR), net reproductive rate (R0) and the finite rate of increase (λ) of the mites treated with LC15 and LC35 were inferior to the results when treated with LC5, and control. The values of intrinsic rate of increase (r) was 0.2209?day?1 in the control and this was reduced to 0.1714?day?1 in LC35. Based on these results, considering the negative impact of spirodiclofen on the population growth of T. urticae, this acaricide can be helpful to achieve an efficient control for T. urticae in frame of integrated pest management.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of four enzymatic loci has been examined in 27 populations of Tetranychus urticae in relation to their geographical distribution and to two ecological parameters: open field vs. greenhouse habitats, and species of the colonized host plant. Genetic differentiation was significantly correlated to geographical distance in both types of habitat. Mite density and distribution of infested plants appear to be important factors for the population structure of T. urticae . In open field, T. urticae specimens from citrus trees were genetically more similar to other 'citrus' samples collected in different localities than they were from mites collected in the same locality on other plant species.  相似文献   

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