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The cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) prefers the common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus L.) to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) for oviposition in the field in Australia. Using the common sowthistle and cotton as host plants, we carried out this study to evaluate genetic variation in both oviposition preference and larval growth and genetic correlation between maternal preference and larval performance. There was a significant genetic component of phenotypic variation in both characters, and the heritability of oviposition preference was estimated as 0.602. Helicoverpa armigera larvae survived slightly better and grew significantly faster on common sowthistle than on cotton, but genetic correlation between maternal preference and larval growth performance was not detectable. Instead, larval growth performance on the two hosts changed with families, which renders the interaction between family and host plant significant. As a result, the genetic correlation between mean values of larval growth across the two host species was not different from zero. These results are discussed in the context of the relationship between H. armigera and the common sowthistle and the polyphagous behaviour of this insect in general. 相似文献
The cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) is the most destructive pest of cotton, tomato and chickpea in Iran. In this study, the lethal and sublethal effects of thiacloprid were evaluated against cotton bollworm under laboratory condition at 26?±?1?°C, 70?±?5% RH and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D). Bioassay experiments were conducted on first larval instars by mixing the insecticide dilutions with artificial diet. The LC50 value of thiacloprid was 329?mg a.i./l. Sublethal effects of LC30 concentration of thiacloprid was studied on biological parameters. In the study of sublethal effects, thiacloprid at LC30 concentration significantly increased larval and pupal developmental times and reduced adults longevity compared with control but showed no significant effects on fecundity of cotton bollworm. Sublethal effects of thiacloprid also significantly reduced pupal weight compared with control. In general, sublethal effects studies showed that thiacloprid had adverse effects on biological parameters of the pest. Thus, our data suggest that thiacloprid had moderate potential against cotton bollworm. 相似文献
温度与发育速率关系模拟是昆虫学研究的一个重要内容, 传统基于经验风险最小的非线性参数模型(Logan模型、Lactin模型和王氏模型)存在诸多弊端。本文基于结构风险最小的改进支持向量回归(SVR)研究温度与棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera蛹发育历期关系。结果表明: 与传统非线性模型相比, SVR模型性能优异; 基于全部92个样本, SVR模型拟合和留一法预测的决定系数R2分别为0.998和0.996, 估测的蛹期三基点温度更可信。从全部样本中依温度均匀选取部分样本实施独立预测, 当训练集为20个样本时, SVR模型独立预测的R2为0.981, 优于传统非线性模型中独立预测最佳的Lactin模型(R2=0.958); 当训练集进一步减少到12个样本时, SVR模型的R2仅降低到0.964, 而传统非线性模型均已不适用。结果提示SVR模型在小样本情况下较传统非线性模型优势明显, 在昆虫发育历期估测建模中有应用前景。 相似文献
【目的】为明确茉莉酸甲酯(methyl jasmonate, MeJA)的不同处理方式对昆虫生长和解毒代谢能力的影响,以及MeJA熏蒸处理昆虫对植物防御和昆虫解毒代谢之间关系的影响。【方法】本文比较了取食MeJA和MeJA熏蒸等两种处理对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera 3龄末幼虫生长和解毒代谢酶活性的影响,并系统研究了经MeJA熏蒸处理的棉铃虫3龄末幼虫,再取食经MeJA喷雾处理的棉叶,其中肠解毒酶活性的变化。【结果】取食MeJA和MeJA熏蒸两种不同处理,对棉铃虫幼虫的生长及解毒能力的影响有所不同。取食含2.9 μg/g MeJA的人工饲料显著抑制了棉铃虫的生长,同时诱导棉铃虫幼虫P450活性增加了1.92倍,而MeJA熏蒸虽然没有影响棉铃虫幼虫的生长,但MeJA熏蒸处理使棉铃虫幼虫P450活性和羧酸酯酶活性分别增加了2.94倍和1.16倍。经MeJA熏蒸处理后的棉铃虫幼虫,再取食正常的或经MeJA喷雾处理的棉叶,其幼虫P450活性显著增加,其中经MeJA熏蒸处理的棉铃虫,再取食经MeJA喷雾处理的棉叶,其P450酶显示了最高活性。【结论】MeJA熏蒸处理棉铃虫,不仅使棉铃虫中与P450酶相关的解毒能力显著增加,而且增加了棉铃虫对于MeJA所诱导的棉花防御反应的解毒能力。 相似文献
【目的】 昆虫自相残杀行为可以促进特定病原体的传播,这在利用昆虫病原体防治害虫方面有潜在的应用价值。本研究旨在探究棉铃虫 Helicoverpa armigera 幼虫自相残杀习性与其龄期及食物营养之间的相关性。【方法】 分别饲喂室内品系和野外品系的棉铃虫幼虫含不同Na+浓度的人工饲料,并在饲养至3龄、4龄、5龄和6龄时,将取食相同饲料的10头幼虫为一群组移入同一培养皿中,通过测定各处理幼虫存活率,评估幼虫龄期和饲料中的Na+含量对自相残杀行为的影响。【结果】 当以3龄和4龄为群组的起始龄期时,棉铃虫幼虫存活率显著低于起始龄期为5龄和6龄的群组。此外,取食正常人工饲料的幼虫存活率最高,取食缺钠饲料时,幼虫存活率明显下降。最后,幼虫群组起始龄期和食物Na+含量对幼虫化蛹率无明显影响。【结论】结果说明,棉铃虫4和5龄幼虫与3和6龄幼虫相比,自相残杀行为发生的概率更大,而Na+含量较低的食物在一定程度上促进自相残杀行为发生的可能性。本研究为在这一领域的进一步工作提供了基础。 相似文献
飞行过程中棉铃虫对温度的主动选择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了探讨温度对迁飞性昆虫空中群体聚集成层等行为的作用机制,在室内利用自行设计的连续温度梯度发生装置对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera在飞行过程中的温度选择行为进行了研究.结果表明:在存在明显温差的连续温度梯度中,所有棉铃虫飞行个体均对温度具有显著的选择行为.棉铃虫试虫群体表现出对空间最优飞行温度共同的主动选择,选择的温度范围是20~22℃之间;在这一温度范围内棉铃虫的振翅频率最高,持续振翅时间最长.对不同温度梯度条件下各温度区间内试虫的飞行时间进行定量比较发现,在16~22℃温度梯度场中的棉铃虫群体对最适温度的选择比在19~30℃的温度梯度场中的群体更显著,表明在温度较低的迁飞季节中温度对迁飞棉铃虫空中虫群聚集成层的影响要比在高温季节更明显.持续飞行时间对棉铃虫振翅频率的影响明显,表明昆虫迁飞高度与昆虫自身能量的消耗存在联系. 相似文献
Waqas WAKIL M. Usman GHAZANFAR Shahbaz Talib SAHI Yong Jung KWON M. Abdul QAYYUM 《Entomological Research》2011,41(3):88-94
The efficacy of one new modified and two old meridic diets on Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) for rearing six successive generations was studied. Duration of larval development for insects fed on the modified diet was considerably shortened as most of them went through only five stadia before pupation, while the per cent pupation and per cent eclosion were relatively higher than on other diets. The lowest pupal mortality (6.33 ± 0.13%) was recorded in the F1 generation reared on the modified diet, whereas the highest pupal mortality (19.49 ± 0.15%) was observed in insects reared on a natural diet in the F6 generation. Blending of chickpea Cicer arietinum L. and red kidney bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. flours with tomato paste proved highly favorable for adult reproduction. These results suggest that the vitality of the tomato fruitworm did not decline obviously after rearing on a modified diet for several generations. 相似文献
Elevated CO2 may alter pheromonal communication in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) 下载免费PDF全文
Su Bin Kim Jeong Joon Ahn Bong Nam Jung Sang Wook Go Dong‐Soon Kim 《Physiological Entomology》2018,43(3):169-179
Carbon dioxide (CO2) as a greenhouse gas has been increasing in recent decades. Because an elevated atmospheric CO2 influences insect physiology and behaviour, we hypothesize that pheromone–mediated communication in the moth is affected by an increased CO2 level. We test the behavioural responses of male Helicoverpa armigera to sex pheromone in a wind tunnel, demonstrating a significant reduction of approaching behaviour to the odour source at a high CO2 level (1000 ppm). Electroantennogram (EAG) responses of male to the pheromone component are also significantly suppressed in high CO2 environments (600 and 1000 ppm), indicating that a high CO2 level inhibits both behavioural and electrophysiological responses of male to the sex pheromone. Interestingly, the EAG response of the whole head preparation of males is influenced more by the elevated CO2 level than that of the antenna‐cut preparation. A sequential increase of CO2 levels from an ambient CO2 level also decreases the EAG response of the whole head but not of the labial palp‐removed head, implying a potential mediation of labial palp in the head where the CO2 receptor is located. By contrast, sex pheromone production in females reared under or shifted to an elevated CO2 condition is increased, and the putative underlying mechanism for this is discussed. The present study provides an insight into the adaptive strategy of moth pheromone communication in a changing environment. 相似文献
【目的】围食膜(peritrophic membrane, PM)是昆虫抵御随食物摄入的病原微生物入侵的第一道天然屏障。本研究旨在鉴定出农业重大害虫棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera围食膜的总蛋白成分,为进一步揭示昆虫围食膜的形成机制及研发新颖的害虫控制策略奠定基础。【方法】剥离棉铃虫5龄幼虫PM,用三氟甲磺酸(trifluoromethane sulfonic acid, TFMS)处理,采用液质联用技术(LC-MS/MS)鉴定围食膜蛋白质组,然后对鉴定结果进行生物信息学分析。【结果】本研究共鉴定出棉铃虫幼虫围食膜蛋白质169个,是目前鉴定最多的棉铃虫围食膜蛋白。通过GO分析,可以将这些鉴定的蛋白分为细胞组分、分子功能和生物学过程三大类;KEGG富集结果显示,鉴定蛋白可以富集在12条代谢通路中;蛋白互作分析(protein protein interaction, PPI)结果表明,以ACC和CG3011等蛋白为核心可以形成蛋白互作网络。【结论】本研究鉴定了169个棉铃虫幼虫围食膜蛋白质,并对其进行了GO, KEGG和PPI分析,结果有助于人们全面理解昆虫围食膜的分子结构和功能。 相似文献
Johnson STANLEY Subramanian CHANDRASEKARAN Ayyappan REGUPATHY 《Entomological Research》2009,39(5):321-325
Acute toxicity studies of emamectin and spinosad against Helicoverpa armigera revealed that the pest is highly susceptible to both the insecticides. The median lethal dose (LD50 ) of emamectin is 3.86 × 10−3 µg per larva. The median lethal concentrations (LC50 ) of emamectin and spinosad were found to be 0.09 and 2.94 ppm, respectively. The discriminating doses were fixed based on the LC95 of the susceptible population of H. armigera as 0.80 ppm for emamectin and 10 ppm for spinosad. Resistance was not observed when the discriminating doses of emamectin and spinosad were applied on field-collected populations of H. armigera from two intensive cotton growing areas, Coimbatore and Madurai, India. 相似文献
棉铃虫酪氨酸羟化酶基因的分子特性及功能分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
【目的】酪氨酸羟化酶(tyrosine hydroxylase, TH)是黑色素形成的关键酶,在昆虫表皮骨化过程中扮演重要角色。本研究旨在获得棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera TH基因序列,并研究其分子特性、表达模式和功能,为更深入探析该基因作用机理奠定基础。【方法】通过生物信息学和分子生物学技术获得了棉铃虫TH基因序列,利用qRT-PCR分析该基因在棉铃虫不同生长发育阶段的表达模式;利用qRT-PCR技术,分别测定了蜕皮激素20E(400 ng/头)处理不同时间和RNAi成功干扰蜕皮激素受体基因(EcR)前提下再用20E(400 ng/头)处理后,棉铃虫5龄幼虫TH表达量变化;采用生物化学方法检测鞣化激素(30 μg/mg组织)和环腺苷酸(cAMP, 200 ng/mg 组织)处理后棉铃虫幼虫脂肪体中TH活性。【结果】获得了棉铃虫酪氨酸羟化酶基因TH (GenBank登录号: MF440319) cDNA片段,长2 270 bp,开放阅读框1 686 bp,编码561个氨基酸残基。该基因在棉铃虫整个发育期均表达,其中在卵期第3天、2龄幼虫第1天、3-5龄蜕皮期、预蛹期和成虫羽化第1天表达量相对较高。研究还发现,400 ng/头 20E注射能够促进TH的转录;在成功干扰并调低幼虫EcR转录水平的前提条件下(对照仅注射dsGFP)再注射20E,对TH表达量无明显影响;而鞣化激素(30 μg/mg组织)和cAMP(200 ng/mg组织)均显著提高了TH的酶活性。【结论】20E在转录水平参与了TH的表达;鞣化激素和cAMP均能够提高TH活性,在蛋白水平上对TH进行调控。 相似文献
Adaptation of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to a proteinase inhibitor expressed in transgenic tobacco 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Wu Yingru Llewellyn Danny Mathews Anne Dennis Elizabeth S. 《Molecular breeding : new strategies in plant improvement》1997,3(5):371-380
A giant taro proteinase inhibitor (GTPI) cDNA was expressed in transgenic tobacco using three different gene constructs. The highest expression level obtained was ca. 0.3% of total soluble protein when the cDNA was driven by the Arabidopsis rbcS ats1 promoter. Repeated feeding trials with Helicoverpa armigera larvae fed on clonally derived T0 and T1 plants expressing GTPI demonstrated that, relative to those fed on control plants, some growth inhibition (22–40%) occurs, but there was no increase in larval mortality. Proteinase activities of larvae fed on GTPI-expressing tobacco or GTPI-containing diet were examined to monitor the spectrum of digestive proteinases in the midgut. Total proteinase activity was reduced by 13%, but GTPI-insensitive proteinase activity was increased by up to 17%. Trypsin was inhibited by 58%, but chymotrypsin and elastase were increased by 26% and 16% respectively. These results point to an adaptive mechanism in this insect that elevates the levels of other classes of proteinases to compensate for the trypsin activity inhibited by dietary proteinase inhibitors. 相似文献
A method for increasing tolerance to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in a strain of nucleopolyhedrovirus of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (HearNPV) using a solar simulator is described. The Coimbatore isolate (CBE I) of HearNPV was subjected to a five-step sequence of selection to increase its UV tolerance. Each step consisted of irradiation of wet deposits of the virus to near UV (at energy level of 300W/m2), bioassay against second instar H. armigera larvae and propagation in early fifth instar larvae. Selection steps carried out at 15, 30, 60 and 90 minutes of exposure revealed that the continuous exposure of HearNPV-CBE I at low doses of UV irradiation (270–540 KJ/m2) did not significantly affect the virus activity as measured by its biological activity against second instar larvae. Selection at higher doses (1620 KJ/m2) led to loss of viral activity in the first two exposure cycles; however, there was retention of virulence coupled with increased tolerance to UV doses from third cycle onwards. Further, studies on the persistence of UV tolerant strain of HearNPV-CBE I in comparison with original strain showed that the tolerant strain had more persistence even after 7 days of weathering both under exposed (18% original activity remaining) and shaded (26% original activity remaining) condition on potted cotton plant. 相似文献
Davood Shayegan Jalal Jalali Sendi Ahad Sahragard Arash Zibaee 《Physiological Entomology》2019,44(2):169-176
The present study investigates the effect of gibberellic acid (GA3), a terpenoid and phytohormone, on the digestive physiology and intermediary metabolism of the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Incorporation of GA3 (800 μg g?1 diet) in an artificial diet results in significant reductions in the rates of diet consumption and the efficiency of conversion of food consumption by by H. armigera larvae. The relative growth rate decreases as the concentration increases. The relative α‐amylase activity in sixth‐instar larvae of H. armigera decreases significantly after ingestion of four concentrations of GA3. Histological studies of the midgut in GA3‐treated larvae (800 μg g?1 diet) show degeneration of the epithelial cells. The alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activity decreases at the highest concentration. However, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, γ‐glutamyl transferase and lactate dehydrogenase activity increase significantly compared with the control. The results clearly demonstrate the adverse effects of GA3 on H. armigera via interruption of nutritional physiology and metabolism. 相似文献
Novel polymorphic microsatellite markers developed in the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
YA-JIE JI YU-CHUN WU DE-XING ZHANG 《Insect Science》2005,12(5):331-334
A novel set of five polymorphic di- or trinucleofide microsatellite loci suitable for population genetic study were developed from an enriched genomic library for the pest insect cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, and cross-amplifiability of these and other published loci was tested in a closely related species, the tobacco budworm, H.assulta. The expected heterozygosity at these loci ranges from 0.62 to 0.91 in the cotton bollworm. The observed allele numbers varies from 4 to 12 in the limited number of individuals tested. Although a large proportion of cloned microsatellite sequences are present in multi-copy in the cotton bollworm genome, the overwhelming majority of the finalized polymorphic diallelic loci are tri-nucleotide microsatellites - an unexpected outcome, which should facilitate subsequent genotyping analysis. 相似文献
Randomness of mating between susceptible and resistant individuals is a major factor that closely relates to the refuge strategy of resistance management for Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) to Bacillus thuringiensis cotton. The mating behaviour of Cry1Ac‐susceptible and Cry1Ac‐resistant strains of H. armigera was compared to investigate the randomness of their mating. The percentage of mating was lower for Cry1Ac‐resistant H. armigera compared with that of the susceptible strain under both no‐choice and multiple‐choice conditions. The low percentage of mating in the resistant strain indicates a reduced incidence of successful mating. The percentage of spermatophore‐containing mated female H. armigera in the crossing of susceptible females × resistant males was significantly lower than in the crossing of resistant females × susceptible males, but the observed mating frequencies of these two types of cross were similar to each other. This indicates that resistant males reduce the incidence of mating paternity more than they do their mating frequency. The percentages of heterogametic matings (susceptible females × resistant males, resistant females × susceptible males) in the multiple‐choice experiment were lower than those of homogametic matings (susceptible × susceptible, resistant × resistant) on peak mating nights. However, the difference between heterogametic and homogametic mating was not significant, indicating that there was a random mating between susceptible and resistant strains. The results presented here do not reflect reality in mating associated with Cry1Ac resistance but can provide insight into variable expression. 相似文献