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为了发掘红树林内生放线菌资源和进行新型海洋药物研究,该文选择海南西海岸14种真红树的根、茎、叶、花、胚轴为研究对象,采用9种不同分离培养基[改良的高氏培养基(AGG)、海藻糖-天冬酰胺培养基(M4)、海藻糖-脯氨酸培养基(M5)、改良ISP5培养基(M7)、精氨酸-天冬酰胺培养基(M9)、改良淀粉-水解酪素培养基(M10)、酪氨酸-天冬酰胺培养基(P7)、燕麦培养基(P3)、棉籽糖-组氨酸培养基(M11)],结合稀释涂布法和三线划线法从真红树组织中分离菌株,基于菌株16S rRNA基因序列信息等分子生物学鉴定方法对获得的海洋放线菌进行多样性分析,并使用模式生物秀丽隐杆线虫对所得内生放线菌的延缓衰老活性进行研究。结果表明:(1)从46份真红树组织中共获得24株放线菌,隶属于7科11属,其中9株菌株为链霉菌属(Streptomyces),且IMDGX 6270、IMDGX 6137和IMDGX 6173为3株疑似潜在新菌株。(2)秀丽隐杆线虫模型筛选发现4株放线菌(IMDGX 6157、IMDGX 6182、IMDGX 6248、IMDGX 6360)具有延缓衰老的活性,与空白组比较,生存时间分别延长17.16%、28.11%、29.05%、27.10%。综上结果说明海南西海岸区域真红树植物中可能含有较丰富的放线菌资源,能够为延缓衰老药物的研发提供新来源。  相似文献   

为寻找新型抗衰老药物,该文以海南西海岸红树林伴生植物为研究对象,采用9种不同培养基从7种伴生植物21份样品中分离纯化放线菌,通过PCR扩增,16S rRNA基因序列分析已纯化放线菌的多样性,利用秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)模型筛选菌株来进行延缓衰老活性研究。结果表明:(1)从7种伴生植物21份样品中共分离到26株海洋放线菌,隶属于9科15属,分别为拟诺卡菌属、短状杆菌属、短小杆菌属、Demequina、戈登氏菌属、类诺卡氏菌属、Lysinimicrobium、细杆菌属、假诺卡氏菌属、微球菌属、原小单孢菌属、拟无枝酸菌属、Yimella、北里孢菌属和链霉菌属,其中链霉菌属为优势菌属。(2)经秀丽隐杆线虫模型筛选,发现有2株海洋放线菌的发酵粗提物具有延缓秀丽隐杆线虫衰老的作用。综上结果说明海南西海岸红树林伴生植物中含有丰富多样的药用放线菌资源,为海洋放线菌抗衰老研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为更好地开发利用海洋微生物资源积累丰富的放线菌菌种,该文以海南西海岸潮间带区域四种真红树根系土壤为研究对象,分析了红树林根系放线菌物种多样性组成及其代谢产物活性。该研究以9种不同培养基为分离介质,采用纯培养方法和三区划线法分离纯化菌株,结合放线菌形态学特征及其16S rRNA基因序列结果开展多样性分析。放线菌发酵液经乙酸乙酯萃取,利用秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)测试其延缓衰老活性。结果表明:(1)共分离获得22株放线菌,隶属于4目7科9属,其中链霉菌属(Streptomyces)为优势菌群,并初步确认IMDGX 6012、IMDGX 6028、IMDGX 6118、IMDGX 6326、IMDGX 6119 5株放线菌可能为潜在的新物种。(2)发酵产物延缓衰老研究结果表明,8株放线菌的代谢产物可显著延长线虫寿命(P0.05);其中,IMDGX 6028和IMDGX 6118作为拟无枝酸菌属(Amycolatopsis)和短小杆菌属(Curtobacterium)的潜在新物种,具有极显著延缓衰老活性(P 0. 01),与空白组比较,可分别延长线虫寿命的22.2%和26.6%。综上结果表明海南西海岸真红树根系土壤具有丰富的可培养放线菌资源,具有发现放线菌新物种和延缓衰老活性菌株的潜力。  相似文献   

Vertical and horizontal distribution of meiofauna was studied off Goa coast. Bottom deposit included mainly fine sand and silt. Total number of animals ranged from 250 to 2925/10 cm2. Highest faunal density was in the top 6 cm layer. The fauna consisted of two main groups, nematodes and foraminiferans which together formed 60 to 80% of the total meiofauna. Fine sand supported a rich fauna. Interstitial water and organic content of the sediment was found to be the limiting factor in the distribution of meiobenthos.  相似文献   

Denitrification is a microbial process during which nitrate or nitrite is reduced under anaerobic condition to gaseous nitrogen. The Arabian Sea contains one of the major pelagic denitrification zones and in addition to this, denitrification also takes places along the continental shelf. Prokaryotic microorganisms were considered to be the only players in this process. However recent studies have shown that higher microeukaryotes such as fungi can also adapt to anaerobic mode of respiration and reduce nitrate to harmful green house gases such as NO and N2O. In this study we examined the distribution and biomass of fungi in the sediments of the seasonal anoxic region off Goa from two stations. The sampling was carried out in five different periods from October 2005, when dissolved oxygen levels were near zero in bottom waters to March 2006. We isolated mycelial fungi, thraustochytrids and yeasts. Species of Aspergillus and thraustochytrids were dominant. Fungi were isolated under aerobic, as well as anaerobic conditions from different seasons. Four isolates were examined for their denitrification activity. Two cultures obtained from the anoxic sediments showed better growth under anaerobic condition than the other two cultures that were isolated from oxic sediments. Our preliminary results suggest that several species of fungi can grow under oxygen deficient conditions and participate in denitrification processes.  相似文献   

为了掌握海南岛西海岸红树林软体动物多样性状况, 本文于2015-2016年对海南岛西海岸6个主要红树林分布区软体动物的种类组成、物种多样性和群落结构的时空变化进行了研究。共采集到软体动物57科201种, 主要优势种有珠带拟蟹守螺(Cerithidea cingulata)、绯拟沼螺(Assiminea latericea)、圆胖樱蛤(Pinguitellina cycladiformis)和斜肋齿蜷(Sermyla riqueti)等。年平均密度与平均生物量分别为324.13 ind./m²和142.88 g/m², 物种数、密度和生物量均高于北部湾沿岸的其他红树林。海南岛西海岸各红树林软体动物的密度和生物量均未呈现明显的季节变化, 软体动物密度存在空间上的显著差异。聚类分析结果显示, 在盐度、土壤结构和红树林群落存在差异的不同红树林, 软体动物种类组成相似度低。多因子AZTI海洋生物指数(M-AMBI)结果表明海南岛西海岸红树林软体动物群落未受明显扰动, 生态环境质量介于一般和优良之间, 但仍受到人类活动与外来植物入侵威胁, 因其在候鸟迁徙中的重要作用, 亟需加强管理与保护。  相似文献   

The present study was focused on screening and characterization of tyrosinase enzyme produced by marine actinobacteria and its application in phenolic compounds removal from aqueous solution. A total of 20 strains were isolated from marine sediment sample and screened for tyrosinase production by using skimmed milk agar medium. Among 20 isolates, two isolates LK-4 and LK-20 showed zone of hydrolysis and these were taken for secondary screening by using tyrosiue agar medium. Based on the result of secondary screening LK-4 was selected for further analysis, such as tyrosinase assay, protein content and specific activity of the enzyme. The tyrosinase enzyme was produced in a SS medium and was partially purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, dialysis and SDS PAGE. The isolate (LK-4) was identified as Streptomyces espinosus using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and named as "Streptomyces espinosus strain LK4 (KF806735)". The tyrosinase enzyme was immobilized in sodium alginate which was applied to remove phenolic compounds from water. The enzyme efficiently removed the phenolic compounds from aqueous solution within few hours which indicated that tyrosinasc enzyme produced by Streptomyces espinosus strain LK-4 can be potently used for the removal of phenol and phenolic compounds from wastewater in industries.  相似文献   

This study deals with the length-weight relationships (LWRs) of three commercially important marine fishes belonging to the family Clupeidae from the major landing centers in Tuticorin, Mandapam, Thondi, Nagapattinam and Chennai in southeast coast of India. Monthly sampling were done at the respected landing centers from June, 2018 to April, 2019 from the commercial trawlers (with cod-end mesh size of 25–35 mm) and gill netters (with different mesh size vary from 20 to 170 mm). The estimated ‘b’ values ranged from 3.1215 (Sardinella albella) to 3.1819 (Amblygaster clupeoides) and ‘a’ values varied from 0.0059 (A. clupeoides) to 0.0074 (S. albella). The study also provides a new maximum total length (TLmax) for two species A. clupeoides and Sardinella fimbriata.  相似文献   

该文设计9种分离培养基,采用稀释涂布法从14份真红树植物的46份组织样品中分离纯化内生细菌。并基于菌株形态学特征和16S rRNA基因序列确定分离菌株的种属及分析其物种多样性,采用秀丽隐杆线虫模型筛选菌株延缓衰老活性。结果表明:(1)通过基因序列去重复后从46份真红树植物组织样品中获得32株海洋细菌,基于菌株16S rRNA基因序列信息分析,覆盖12科17属,其中芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)为优势菌属,并获得1株疑似橙单胞菌属(Aurantimonas)新种,16S rRNA基因序列相似性低于97%;(2)经过秀丽隐杆线虫粗筛发现3株海洋细菌具有显著延缓线虫衰老的活性(P<0.05)。以上结果表明海南西海岸真红树内生细菌具有物种多样性,部分菌株具有延缓线虫衰老活性。  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were estimated for five deep sea fishes viz. Astronesthes martensii, Glyptophidium macropus, Neobythites multistriatus, Physiculus roseus, Synagrops japonicus from Kerala, south west coast of India. Fishes were collected from commercial trawlers monthly from February 2018 to March 2019 operating at depth ranged from 270 m (Lat. 9°29.35′ N, Long. 75°44.74′ E) to 350 m (Lat. 9°26. 49′ N, Long. 75°42.36′ E) in the south east Arabian Sea. Correlation coefficients (r2) were found high for all species, with b value ranged from 2.923 to 3.404.  相似文献   

硝尔库勒湖可培养放线菌多样性及其功能酶和抗细菌活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】认识和了解硝尔库勒湖可培养放线菌的多样性、功能酶和抗细菌活性特点,为今后的开发和利用奠定基础。【方法】应用可培养技术和基于16S r RNA基因序列的系统发育分析硝尔库勒盐湖沉积物中放线菌的多样性。常规方法检测样品成分因子,并筛选了嗜盐放线菌的蛋白酶、淀粉酶和酯酶活性;抑菌圈法检测放线菌新种的抗细菌活性。【结果】分离获得了51个OTUs,分属于24个不同的属,其中15个OTUs代表了放线菌新种;链霉菌属是优势菌属,占全部分离菌株数量的16.25%。硝尔库勒湖放线菌类群数量一定程度上受样品成分因子的协同影响。代表新种的菌株展示了良好的功能酶活性和抗细菌活性,其中代表链霉菌新种的菌株XHU5011不仅具有多种酶活性,而且具有强大的抗金黄葡萄球菌、耻垢分枝杆菌和荧光假单胞菌的能力,具有很好的开发潜能。【结论】硝尔库勒盐湖中存在丰富的可培养放线菌多样性,潜藏着大量的放线菌新资源,并且具有很好的功能酶和天然产物挖掘潜力。  相似文献   

Seventy-five marine bacterial strains associated with four species of sponges (Echinodictyum sp., Spongia sp., Sigmadocia fibulatus and Mycale mannarensis) were isolated from the Tuticorin coast, Gulf of Mannar region. The agar-overlay method was used to screen for antibiotic production by these strains against four bacteria, viz., Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio harveyi and one fungal pathogen, viz., Candida albicans. Twenty-one per cent of the bacterial strains were found to be antibiotic producers and their activities ranged from broad spectral to species specific. A strain coded SC3 was found to be highly potent and was mass cultured. The ethyl acetate extract of the culture broth was further fractionated by reverse phase HPLC and the active fraction identified. In addition, SC3 was subjected to morphological and physiological characterization. The results of the tests showed SC3 to be a Gram-positive rod, sporulating, motile, catalase and oxidase positive. Phylogenetic analysis based on comparative analysis of sequenced 16s rRNA of the active strains indicated a preponderance of bacteria belonging to Vibrio and Bacillus genera with 95-99% sequence similarities. To our knowledge this is the first report on phylogenetic identification of antibiotic producing bacteria associated with sponges from Indian waters.  相似文献   

【目的】发掘具有开发前景的放线菌资源,对分离自新疆胀果甘草的内生放线菌的多样性、抗菌活性和次级代谢产物合成相关基因进行研究。【方法】采用5种培养基和3种前处理方法,从胀果甘草中分离获得80株放线菌。基于菌株形态学特征,对36株代表菌株进行抗菌活性检测,通过特异性引物扩增方法,检测了PKS I、PKS II、NPRS和卤化酶基因,探究其合成天然产物的潜在能力。结合筛选结果,选取其中20株代表菌,经16S r RNA基因测序,对其进行系统发育分析。【结果】培养基E2和E3结合热处理的分离效果较好;86.1%的代表菌株对供试的细菌、病原真菌表现出了不同程度的抗菌活性,PKS I、PKS II、NRPS基因和卤化酶基因阳性检出率分别为16.7%、72.2%、25.0%和11.1%。具有活性功能的代表菌株经16S r RNA基因测序分析,分别属于链霉菌属(Streptomyces)、小单胞菌属(Micromonospora)、红球菌属(Rhodococcus)和游动放线菌属(Actinoplanes)4个属,其中链霉菌属(Streptomyces)为优势菌属,占60%以上。【结论】胀果甘草是我国传统的药用植物,其植株内部蕴藏着丰富的放线菌资源,并在次生代谢产物合成方面拥有巨大潜力,具有进一步开发的价值。  相似文献   

A new gnathostomulid genus and species, Chirognathia dracula gen. et spec. nov., is described from intertidal surf grass (Phyllospadix) rhizomes on high-energy coasts of Vancouver Island (Canada) and Bodega Bay (California). The characteristics of the reproductive system place the new genus in Bursovaginoidea-Scleroperalia and features of the mouth parts (except for the absence of a jugum) assign it to the family Gnathostomulidae. Chirognathia nov. gen. is characterized by a delicate, transverse shield-shaped basal plate and by jaws with three tooth rows, of which the median appears as a bundle.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of subtidal meiofauna in Mandovi estuary of Goa were studied from June 1983 to June 1984. Monthly faunal abundance ranged from 491 to 2791/10 cm2 and dry weight biomass from 0.16 to 2.80 mg 10 cm2. Free living nematodes were the dominant group contributing over 75% of the total density and 30 to 42% of the total biomass. Among nematodes the deposit feeders were more abundant in fine muddy substratum while epigrowth feeders dominated in sandy substratum.Harpacticoids were next, comprising 6.9 to 8.7% of the total meiofauna number, followed by turbellaria (3.8–4.5%), polychaeta (2.8–3.2%) and ostracods (1.6–4.5%) The contribution of other groups to faunal density was 4.5–6.2%. In the biomass the ostracods contributed most (29.8–54.7%), followed by nematodes (23.8–34.6%). Over 60% of the fauna occurred in the top 2 cm of the sediment and the faunal density reduced significantly with increasing depth in the sediment. The vertical distribution of meiofauna was positively correlated to the vertical distribution of Eh, chlorophyll a and interstitial water. Seasonality was greatly influenced by the south-west monsoon and the fauna quickly repopulated after the monsoon. Salinity, temperature and food influenced the faunal abundance.  相似文献   

Length‐weight relationships (LWRs) were estimated for five needlefish species such as Ablennes hians (Valenciennes, 1846), Tylosurus crocodilus (Péron & Lesueur, 1821), Tylosurus acus melanotus (Bleeker, 1850), Strongylura leiura (Bleeker, 1850), and Strongylura strongylura (van Hasselt, 1823). Specimens were collected on weekly basis from Cochin Fisheries Harbour (Lat. 09056′327″N, Long. 76015′764″E), Munambam Fisheries Harbour (Lat. 10010′965″N, Long. 76010′258″E), Kalamukku (Lat. 09059′924″N, Long. 76014′564″E) and Chellanam (Lat. 09047′950″N, Long. 76016′551″E), between October 2015 to August 2017. Fish were captured by traditional long liner (hook no. IX‐XIV) and ring seiner (mesh size 8–24 mm). The estimated allometric co‐efficient b values ranged from 3.063 (Tylosurus acus melanotus) to 3.962 (Strongylura leiura) and r2 values ranged from 0.850 (Tylosurus acus melanotus) to 0.992 (Tylosurus crocodilus). All the LWRs were highly significant, with p < .001. In addition, the study provides the first estimate of LWR for Tylosurus acus melanotus and new estimate for other four species of needlefish.  相似文献   

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