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Field data collected during the rainy season of two years, 2010 and 2011, were used to determine the per cent plant infestation and stem borer abundance on cultivated cereal crops grown by farmers' in Jere or the Sudan-Sahelian savanna ecological region of Nigeria. Stem borers were recovered using destructive sampling. Mean total per cent plant infestation and stem borer abundance per farmers' field were significantly higher on millet (40% and 25 individuals, respectively) and sorghum (30% and 21 individuals, respectively) than on maize (19% and 13 individuals, respectively). Of the five stem borer species found in this study, Coniesta ignefusalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (3.5)/Chilo sp. nr. aleniellus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) (2), Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (3.1)/Sesamia calamistis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (2.4) and S. calamistis (2.9), with significantly higher number of individuals per plant, tended to be more important pests on millet, sorghum and maize crops, respectively. Although, mean total per cent plant infestation and abundance of stem borers in this study were generally moderate, further studies on the effects of different types of cereals intercropping (locally practiced) on stem borer infestation and abundance should ascertain the true importance of these pest species in the Sudan-Sahelian savanna ecological region of Nigeria.  相似文献   

Many weeds interfere with the productivity of wheat and other winter annual crops; however, one common weed Medicago denticulata, appears to have a beneficial effect. An experiment was conducted at Agricultural Experimental Farm of the Indian Statistical Institute, Giridih, Jharkhand to observe the effect of M. denticulata (a legume) on different crops yield of barley (Hordeum vulgare Sensu lato), linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.), Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj. & Cosson] and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The commensalisms interaction was studied, in which one species benefits, while the other is unaffected, between the crops, M. denticulata and other weeds, to observe the role of medicago as biological control agent of other weeds for enhancement of crop productivity. Further, a statistical test was performed to establish the effect of M. denticulata and weed infestations based on one-step Markov structure of the covariance matrix of the biomass. This permitted development of a mathematical model of a crop–M. denticulata–other weeds system and their interactions through direct and indirect competition for resources. Crops yield decreased considerably due to the presence of other weeds, while it increased due to introduction of medicago and hence medicago acted as a controlling agent in a crop–M. denticulata–other weeds system. Our mathematical analysis supported the experimental findings. The model parameters are estimated through a nonlinear least square and stochastic differential equations. Moreover, some thresholds for the growth of medicago population came out from our analysis that may be used as a biological control threshold for the enhancement of crop productivity.  相似文献   

Seedbanks and seedling emergence, resulting from seeds shed in wheat crops and ploughed in, were monitored in two experiments for 3–4 years in successive autumn sown crops, in which herbicides were used to prevent re-seeding. Populations of Galium aparine, Papaver rhoeas, Lamium purpureum, Myosotis arvensis, Veronica persica, Viola arvensis and Veronica hederifolia were studied in separate plots. The numbers of viable seeds in the soil declined exponentially; G. aparine and V. hederifolia declined most, and P. rhoeas and V. arvensis least rapidly. Total weeds (all species) over the 3–4 years, (obtained by adding successive numbers of seedlings recorded in each autumn or winter), represented 3–4% of the first year seedbank for the combined species. Few seedlings emerged in the first year after seeding due to effective burial by the initial ploughing. The species showing the greatest emergence in the first year, relative to seedbank size, were G. aparine and V. hederifolia. Other, smaller seeded, species produced their main seedling flushes in the second and third years after seeding. It is concluded that poor weed control in one year is likely to result in large weed infestations for up to four years and probably longer for some species.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the allelopathic effect of weeds (Avena fatua, Melilotus officinalis and Polypogon hissaricus) on germination, growth, dry biomass and chlorophyll concentration of three cultivars of wheat (Ata Habib, Pirsabaq and Serin). In germination test, different concentrations of aqueous extracts (5, 10 and 15?g/l) of the three weeds significantly reduced percent germination; however, 15?g/l extract of M. officinalis resulted in complete failure of germination of cultivar Pirsabaq. In pot culture, root and shoot length, chlorophyll concentration and seedling dry biomass of the three wheat varieties showed differential responses to different weeds. Aqueous extract at 15?g/l of A. fatua increased root and shoot length and dry biomass of cultivar Pirsabaq; however, these parameters were significantly retarded in other two wheat cultivars by extract of weeds. Moisture content of the cultivars did not show any response to allelopathic stress of the weeds. In contrast, chlorophyll concentration in Pirsabaq and Serin was significantly increased by aqueous extract of all the weeds but reduced it in cultivar Ata Habib by 50%. In general, Ata Habib was found to be the most sensitive cultivar to the imposed allelopathic stress. The phytotoxic potential of three weeds was found in the order of A. fatua?>?M. officinalis?>?P. hissaricus.  相似文献   

中国主要农作物种植农药施用温室气体排放估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈舜  逯非  王效科 《生态学报》2016,36(9):2560-2569
过去30年来我国农作物的播种面积并未产生太大变化,但病虫害的发生和防治次数却不断增加。根据6种中国主要农作物的病虫害发生情况,收集了相应的农药用量及其制造的温室气体排放量数据,估算了中国主要农作物在种植过程中,因对病虫害使用杀虫剂和杀菌剂而产生的温室气体排放量现状。结果表明,我国主要农作物小麦、水稻、玉米、马铃薯、油菜和棉花的每公顷病虫害防治时使用农药所产生的温室气体排放量分别是9.19(1.86—23.24)、20.54(2.03—50.95)、10.38(3.45—19.32)、5.91(2.15—18.34)、10.84(8.10—13.62)、19.51(5.11—49.01)kg CE hm~(-2)a~(-1),即水稻和棉花最高;但论单产农药温室气体排放量,则油菜和棉花远高于其余4种粮食作物。每年小麦、水稻、玉米、马铃薯、油菜和棉花的病虫害防治使用农药所产生的总温室气体排放量分别是220.8(44.7—558.4)、606.7(60.0—1505.1)、336.4(112.0—606.3)、30.9(11.2—96.0)、79.5(59.4—99.8)、96.4(25.2—242.2)Gg CE,总计1.37(0.31—3.13)Tg CE。将以上6种作物的病虫害防治情况外推到全国农作物,则我国一年因为农作物病虫害防治而产生的温室气体排放量为2.13(0.48—4.85)Tg CE。另外由于缺乏草害面次数据而没有包括除草剂本分,所以以上数字仍是低估。病虫害防治由于作物本身、防治对象、防治方法以及药剂用量的固有差异,导致农作物病虫害防治的温室气体排放量计算结果存在着较大的不确定性,目前基于自下而上农户调查的估算方法无法克服这些问题,更精确的估算需要自上而下的企业级调查数据。  相似文献   

The phytosociological researches which intent for studying the performance of weeds and the structure of weed assemblages associated with different crops derives their importance mainly from the adverse effect of weeds on crop productivity. Consequently, it is worth questioning about the ecological preferences of the weed growth in response to three main drivers for weed community structure associated with agronomic, and horticultural crops: crop diversification, crop seasonality, and soil type. A study area was selected comprising farmland of Nile Delta and its adjoining east and west territories, Egypt. A total of 555 species were recorded in 30 agroecosystems monitored and depending on species frequency/abundance values, 150 species were designated as the most influential weeds in weed community structure associated with agronomic and horticultural crops. The ecological preference of species for crop seasonality was evident through the results of Agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Three weed assemblage groups (WAG) identified: WAG A associated with winter agronomic crops, WAG B associated with summer agronomic crops, and WAG C associated with perennial agronomic crops and horticultural crops (orchards). Their diversity evaluated at different levels. The growth preference of the 150 species which were assigned as most influential weeds was gauged in response to the three environmental variables. 61 species were faithful to WAG A, 45 to WAG B, and 44 to WAG C. Concerning crop diversification, 34-species were significantly affected and scored coefficient of variation ≥ 100%. As for soil type, indicator species analysis revealed that 66-species show growth preference in fine grained soil while 84-species prefer coarse grained soil. In the three vegetation units (WAG A – C), 12 within-group associations (alliances) were specified of less-common (differential) species. The record of these alliances match to a specific environmental condition (ecological niche) and in them 29 strong indicators are identified. Redundancy analysis was used to extract and summarize the variation in species records in the response matrix (species vs. sites) that can be explained by the three different types of growth preference (explanatory variables), and the partial linear effect of them was evaluated by variation partitioning.  相似文献   

水稻强化栽培条件下,稻田杂草以节节菜、陌上菜、异型莎草和千金子为主,其中与水稻有较强竞争力的为异型莎草和千金子。两优培九与杂草的竞争力较E52强。相同密度下,随行距扩大,水稻对杂草的抑制能力下降。当稀植时,与杂草竞争能力较差的E52对杂草抑制在不同行距问没有差异。就水稻强化栽培条件下杂草防治方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Sub-Saharan Africa could have a shortfall of nearly 90Mt of cereals by the year 2025 if current agricultural practices are maintained. Biotechnology is one of the ways to improve agricultural production. Insect-resistant varieties of maize and cotton suitable for the subcontinent have been identified as already having a significant impact. Virus-resistant crops are under development. These include maize resistant to the African endemic maize streak virus and cassava resistant to African cassava mosaic virus. Parasitic weeds such as Striga attack the roots of crops such as maize, millet, sorghum and upland rice. Field trials in Kenya using a variety of maize resistant to a herbicide have proven very successful. Drought-tolerant crops are also under development as are improved varieties of local African crops such as bananas, cassava, sorghum and sweet potatoes.  相似文献   

农田生物多样性是生态系统生物多样性的重要组成部分,但较少受到关注.近50年来,由于农业活动引起的环境污染、生境破碎和单一化种植等严重威胁着农田生物多样性.为了了解各因素对农田生物多样性的影响程度,优化农田管理措施,以提高农作物产量并降低环境影响,本文综述了种植方式、地膜覆盖、农药和化肥使用等农业活动及转基因作物对我国农田生物多样性的影响.农药和化肥的过度使用对农田生物多样性的影响最大;而转基因作物对农田生物多样性的影响受诸多因素影响,如携带的转基因性状等.需要加强转基因作物生态环境影响评价研究,特别是对农田生物多样性的潜在影响.农业生产活动应当与农田生物多样性保护密切结合,不仅有利于提高农作物产量,同时也可减少对环境的负面影响.  相似文献   

Crop weeds develop in highly modified environments and are one of the most severe threats to agriculture worldwide, because their invasive nature determines competition for resources with crops and at the same time they can be hosts for pests and diseases. The information provided in this work is relevant both in scientific and technical terms, contributing to the design of effective strategies for the control of Datura ferox (Solanaceae). The aims of this work were to: (a) evaluate the reproductive strategies of D. ferox relative to fruit and seed production, (b) analyze the relationship between reproductive traits and persistence of these populations in agro-ecosystems of central Argentina, and (c) discuss different strategies to control crop weeds based on the knowledge of their reproductive ecology. D. ferox presented a great reproductive capacity that would not be constrained by limited pollen availability or pollinators in the populations studied. Flowers were pollinated by sphingids, coleopterans and Apis mellifera. The populations were self-compatible and autogamous; however, they exhibited higher fruiting percentages by natural pollination. Fruits produced by autogamy and geitonogamy had larger size and lower seed number and mass than those derived from natural pollination and xenogamy. D. ferox has combinations of traits (i.e., two flowering peaks, interactions with different pollinators, seed production after autogamy or xenogamy) that provide ecological advantages for establishment and survival processes in agro-ecosystems, hindering the species’ control. Control strategies might be improved if D. ferox abundance would be reduced before flowering to avoid fruit and seed production. This management strategy should be consistent over several years because the soil seed bank would allow population recovery in subsequent years.  相似文献   

对厦门地区农林作物的白蚁为害情况进行调查,将采集的白蚁标本作了鉴定和整理,得出厦门地区农林作物白蚁名录;并通过林地防治试验,选定了3种效果较好的防治方法。  相似文献   

Theory and empirical data suggest the areas of origin of a crop to be the general area of origin of its coevolved weeds. These longer evolved weeds would have an advantage over species with a shorter evolutionary time and migrate more successfully. We seek to identify patterns by comparing two regions with a shared crop, similar physiographic traits, but little direct contact, one of which is the area of origin of the crop. We compared the diversity of the maize weed flora and its edible components between two rural villages each of Oaxaca, Mexico, and Honde Valley, Zimbabwe, using vegetation sampling, interviews and participatory observation. The Mexican fields had higher species richness and diversity than the Zimbabwean ones. Species richness and densities were higher in the villages that receive more rainfall. Mexican fields had a mainly native weed flora with almost 80% American species and very few of African origin, whereas Zimbabwe had 32% of American and 50% of African origin. The regions shared seven American species and one of African origin. American/Mesoamerican agrestal weeds appear to be more successful in maize. Subsistence farmers in both study areas consumed about 19 edible weed species of which four were common to all villages. Our results also suggest that the presence of 3–4 species of edible weeds per field may be a general pattern in the maize-based systems, and that people not necessarily want or need more, so usefulness—at least as an edible plant—would have a limited influence on migration success.  相似文献   

Agricultural weeds are a major cost to economies throughout the world, and have evolved from numerous plant species in many different plant families. Despite their ubiquity, we do not yet know how easily or often weeds evolve from their wild ancestors or the kinds of genes underlying their evolution. Here we report on the evolution of weedy populations of the common sunflower Helianthus annuus. We analysed 106 microsatellites in 48 individuals from each of six wild and four weed populations of the species. The statistical tests lnRV and lnRH were used to test for significant reductions in genetic variability at each locus in weedy populations compared to nearby wild populations. Between 1% and 6% of genes were significant outliers with reduced variation in weedy populations, implying that a small but not insignificant fraction of the genome may be under selection and involved in adaptation of weedy sunflowers. However, there did not appear to be a substantial reduction in variation across the genome, suggesting that effective population sizes have remained very large during the recent evolution of these weedy populations. Additional analyses showed that weedy populations are more closely related to nearby wild populations than to each other, implying that weediness likely evolved multiple times within the species, although a single origin followed by gene flow with local populations cannot be ruled out. Together, our results point to the relative ease with which weedy forms of this species can evolve and persist despite the potentially high levels of geneflow with nearby wild populations.  相似文献   

Advances in development of transgenic pulse crops   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is three decades since the first transgenic pulse crop has been developed. Todate, genetic transformation has been reported in all the major pulse crops like Vigna species, Cicer arietinum, Cajanus cajan, Phaseolus spp, Lupinus spp, Vicia spp and Pisum sativum, but transgenic pulse crops have not yet been commercially released. Despite the crucial role played by pulse crops in tropical agriculture, transgenic pulse crops have not moved out from laboratories to large farm lands compared to their counterparts - 'cereals' and the closely related leguminous oil crop - 'soybean'. The reason for lack of commercialization of transgenic pulse crops can be attributed to the difficulty in developing transgenics with reproducibility, which in turn is due to lack of competent totipotent cells for transformation, long periods required for developing transgenics and lack of coordinated research efforts by the scientific community and long term funding. With optimization of various factors which influence genetic transformation of pulse crops, it will be possible to develop transgenic plants in this important group of crop species with more precision and reproducibility. A translation of knowledge from information available in genomics and functional genomics in model legumes like Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus relating to factors which contribute to enhancing crop yield and ameliorate the negative consequences of biotic and abiotic stress factors may provide novel insights for genetic manipulation to improve the productivity of pulse crops.  相似文献   

从上海外来杂草区系剖析植物入侵的一般特征   总被引:125,自引:6,他引:125  
全球化不仅改变了世界的政治和经济格局,而且也改变了生物分布的格局,导致生物种群的重新分布,由此而产生的生物入侵已成了各国政府,国际社会和学术界所共同关心的问题,本文从上海市杂草植物区系的构成入手,揭示了该区植物入侵的特点,产生的原因以及将来的发展趋势,同时还从一般意义上探讨了入侵杂草和入侵生境的特征,植物入侵的环境和经济后果以及入侵生态学领域中重要的研究方向。  相似文献   

A key challenge for countries like Ireland up to 2030 is to produce sufficient supplies of food, feed and fuel, without compromising on public health or negatively impacting the environment. As we progress through the technology era, certain agricultural technologies [e.g. genetically modified (GM) crops] have been championed to maximise production while minimising environmental impact. Yet, multiple arguments have been made to counter such a claim, which has led to a polarisation of opinions and a plethora of generic commentaries being made in regard to the impact of this technology. Yet, few studies within the European Union (EU) have conducted a critical needs analysis to assess the potential of specific GM traits in light of issues, such as climate change, increased environmental legislation (e.g. EU Water Framework, Nitrates Directive, proposed reform to the Pesticide Directive and Common Agricultural Policy reform), mitigating biodiversity loss and sustainable biofuel production. The goal of this study is to collate a register of GM traits such that a list of potential GM crops could be prioritised against the backdrop of the challenges facing the tillage sector. Clearly, the crops with the most significant potential for genetic modification are those that are grown widely and/or receive high applications of pesticides and fertilisers (e.g. potato, wheat, barley and maize). GM traits with significant agronomic potential include late blight resistant potato, Fusarium head blight resistant wheat and Septoria resistant wheat and herbicide‐tolerant winter oilseed rape and maize. Following on from these, crops with enhanced nitrogen‐use efficiency could provide significant input to the tillage sector in light of EU‐based restrictions on nitrogen usage, crops with elevated protein content could offset the costs of imported animal feed and crops with modified oil content/lignocellulose composition could assist in biodiesel/bioenergy production at a regional level. This study is relevant to other European countries that cultivate similar crops and like Ireland, are facing multiple challenges to their tillage sector in the near future.  相似文献   

在全球性能源紧缺和我国能源植物大规模种植困难等大背景下,优质、充足的原料供应已成为制约生物质能源产业发展的主要限制因素。在确保能源植物高效生产和克服"与粮争地、与人争粮"现实的同时,挖掘我国边际土壤高产高效生产能源植物的土地优势和增产潜力。通过筛选评价适宜西北干旱地区高抗逆的新型能源植物种类,开发应用能源植物与粮经作物间套作栽培技术,实现新型能源植物对逆境资源的高效利用和可持续规模化种植,提高能源植物的生产力和优化能源物种的区域配置,增加土地产值和农民收入,缓解能源紧缺,达到经济、生态和社会效益多赢,为我国能源和粮食安全提供技术支撑。  相似文献   


Two root crops: carrot (Daucus carota) and spring onion (Allium fistulosum) and soil samples were selected from the agricultural fields located near Islamabad, Pakistan to determine their elemental content. Field soil speciation of the two crops was also carried out to analyse the correlation of the elements in field crop and soil. Concentrations of selected elements were evaluated in the leaf, stem, root and flowering part of the crops using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results showed that elements are mostly concentrated in soil rather than crop parts following the sequence Zn>Cu>Pb>Ni>Cr>Cd. Furthermore, soil speciation showed that Ni and Cr are more prevalent in the Fe–Mn oxide fraction, Zn and Cd as the carbonate bound fraction and Cu is found in the organic bound form. However, concentrations of Pb are similar across the carbonate, Fe–Mn oxide and organic bound fractions. The highest average concentration of Zn is found as the carbonate bound fraction (2.09 ± 0.005 mg kg?1) and Cu as the organic bound (1.51 ± 0.029 mg kg?1) in soil samples taken from the agricultural field of Daucus carota.  相似文献   

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