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A study was carried out using simple laboratory techniques to examine the influence of the antagonistic isolates of Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride, Bacillius subtilis and Pseudomons flourescence and their culture filtrates on selected soil-borne root rot pathogens Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium solani. Testing procedures were standardised using two different methods. The experiments were based on the principle of dual culture and agar diffusion techniques. The experiment involved the recording of the percentage of reduction in growth and inhibition zones formed by various filtrates of antagonistic culture growth. The results showed that the antagonists tested had the ability to reduce the linear growth of fungal pathogens. Also, the cultures filtrates of antagonists had antifungal activities by forming inhibition zones. Culture filtrates have shown a strong clear inhibition zone which increases in diameter as the incubation period of antagonists increases. This observation was related to the increase in the activity of chitinolytic enzymes as secondary metabolic compounds produced in growth media by prolonging the period of incubation. The study has proved that such enzymes can be effectively used for suppression of soil-borne pathogens and that it can evolve as a potential biocide.  相似文献   

The effect of four bio-inoculants namely, Glomus aggregatum, Streptomyces sp., Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma harzianum and a fungicide, Ridomil-mancozeb was evaluated on the biomass production and control of root rot and wilt disease under glasshouse conditions. Results showed that 21-day- prior inoculation with G. aggregatum was most effective where none of the treated plants produced disease symptoms and interestingly their growth was increased by 39.4%. The colonisation by G. aggregatum (>80%) also increased P concentration in shoot. While, similar treatment with Streptomyces sp., B. subtilis, T. harzianum and Ridomil-mancozeb individually failed to produce any significant effect over Rhizoctonia solani inoculated control, where all inoculated plant died, prematurely. The simultaneous and 3-day-post treatments of G. aggregatum were non-effective but simultaneous treatment with Streptomyces sp. produced 70% disease control, while B. subtilis and T. harzianum individually provided 50% control. Their effects were either better or at par when compared with the simultaneous treatment of Ridomil-mancozeb. In 3-day-post treatment, Streptomyces, B. subtilis and Ridomil-mancozeb individually provided 50% disease control, whereas T. harzianum was least effective as it could protect only 25% plants against infection. The results reveals that 15 days prior treatment of G. aggregatum can significantly controls the root rot and wilt disease of pyrethrum. Further, treatment of Streptomyces can also serve the next effective post infection control method.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Studies of the plasticity of functional root traits involved in resource acquisition have focused mainly on root length without considering such 'morphological components' as biomass allocation, specific root length, root fineness, and tissue density that affect root length. The plasticity of the above components in response to nitrate supply was studied in each root order of two co-generic citrus rootstocks, namely the fast-growing Citrus jambhiri 'Rough Lemon' (RL) and the slow-growing Citrus reshni 'Cleopatra Mandarin' (CM). METHODS: Morphological traits of individual root orders of CM and RL, grown at different nitrate levels (NO(3)-N at 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 10 mm) were examined by using an image-specific analysis system. KEY RESULTS: At high nitrate levels, the root length ratio, root mass ratio and, to a lesser degree, specific root length, root fineness and tissue density of tap and 1st-order laterals in both CM and RL were reduced. In 2nd-order laterals, however, the same treatment led to increased values of each morphological trait in CM but decreased values of the same traits in RL. At low nitrate supply, CM exhibited longer tap roots whereas RL developed longer 2nd-order laterals. These effects were due to root mass ratio and, to a lesser extent, specific root length. CONCLUSIONS: Biomass allocation was the main component of nitrate-induced changes in root length ratio. The 2nd-order laterals were more sensitive to nitrate availability than the tap root and 1st-order laterals. At low nitrate availability, RL displayed longer 2nd-order lateral roots and lower root plasticity than CM. This suggests a different root growth strategy among citrus rootstocks for adapting to nitrate availability: RL invests in 2nd-order laterals, the preferred zone for acquiring the nutrient, whereas CM responds with longer tap roots.  相似文献   


Phytophthora root rot is one of the most important diseases in almost all hydrangeas of nursery production. In this study, the efficacy of fungicides and biocontrol products against Phytophthora root rot of hydrangea was assessed in greenhouse and field experiments. Treatments used in field or greenhouse experiments were RootShield PLUS+, MBI110, IT-5103, Grotab, OxiPhos, TerraClean 5.0?+?TerraGrow program, Segovis, Pageant Intrinsic, Empress Intrinsic and Subdue Maxx. Pots/plots were inoculated with Phytophthora nicotianae grown on rice grains, sterilised rice grains were used for negative controls. After the trials, plant growth data (total plant weight, root weight, plant height, plant width) were recorded, and roots were assessed for disease severity using a scale of 0–100%. The treatments most effective in reducing Phytophthora root rot severity were Segovis, Empress Intrinsic, Subdue Maxx, TerraClean 5.0?+?TerraGrow program in both greenhouse and field experiments. This study will help nursery producers make proper management decisions by using recommended fungicides and biocontrol products of this study in a rotation or alone to manage Phytophthora root rot of hydrangea.  相似文献   

Faba bean crops worldwide are often attacked by different diseases, particularly chocolate spot caused by Botrytis fabae Sard. Fungal and bacterial isolates collected from faba bean and barley leaves in Tunisia were evaluated for their antagonistic potential against B. fabae. In a test on detached leaves, the highest rate of decrease in disease severity was scored by Trichoderma viride, followed by T. harzianum, the fungicide Carbendazim then Bacillus subtilis. Under glasshouse conditions, all tested fungi resulted in significant disease severity reduction. T. viride reduced the rate of chocolate spot infestation on leaves and stems by 35% and 31.5%, respectively, when the rate on the control was 100%. For T. harzianum, Carbendazim and B. Subtilis, the rates of infestation on the leaves were 41.7%, 43.1% and 59.7%, respectively. On the stems, T. harzianum scored the lowest rate of 54.2% followed by B. subtilis with 79.2% then Carbendazim with 87.5%. Two consecutive seasons of field trials using the Trichoderma species, B. subtilis and Carbendazim showed significant and consistent reduction in the severity of chocolate spot infestation rates. The highest protection against the disease was obtained from T. viride. Based on these results, Tunisian isolates of Trichoderma spp. can be recommended for developing commercial bio-fungicides for integrated management of chocolate spot.  相似文献   

Seven microorganisms were evaluated for their biocontrol potential against Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi which causes mummy berry disease through gynoecial (stigma-style-ovary) infection of blueberry flowers: the bacteria Bacillus subtilis QRD137, B. mojavensis RRC101, B. mycoides 7IIC4, and Pantoea agglomerans C9-1S; the yeast Wickerhamiella australiensis Y-27360; and the filamentous fungi Trichoderma harzianum KRL-AG2 and Gliocladium roseum H47. The epiphytic fitness of each organism was investigated by evaluating population dynamics or fungal growth on the stigmas of detached blueberry flowers, and such flowers, co-inoculated with M. vaccinii-corymbosi, were used to determine efficacy in reducing pathogen infection of the style. In addition, all organisms were tested in vitro for antibiosis using dual cultures and for nutrient competition (niche overlap) using Biolog microplates. The most promising antagonists were P. agglomerans, which exhibited high epiphytic fitness on the stigma and consistently reduced stylar infection by the pathogen; B. subtilis, which showed strong antibiotic activity in vitro and considerably reduced pathogen ingress into styles, but whose limited epiphytic fitness decreases its potential for field-use; and G. roseum, which exhibited complete niche overlap with the pathogen in vitro but produced more variable results in reducing stylar infection. Future work should evaluate combinations of these antagonists to determine whether there are additive effects and whether the variability inherent in biocontrol can be reduced.  相似文献   

Interactions between Fusarium solani and Phytophthora parasitica or F. solani and P. citrophthora influenced the development of root rot of citrus but depended on the temporal order of inoculation with F. solani or the two Phytophthora spp. Inoculation of citrus with either Fusarium solani and Phytophthora parasitica or Phytophthora citrophthora increased root rot compared to inoculation with P. parasitica or P. citrophthora alone when plants were inoculated with Phytophthora by dipping their roots in zoospore suspensions and subsequently transplanted into soil infested with F. solani. However, root rot was not increased by simultaneous co-inoculation of P. parasitica and F. solani or when plants were inoculated with F. solani first. Root rot was not increased when heat-stressed or non-stressed plants were inoculated with P. parasitica 30 days after transplanting into soil infested with F. solani. In most but not all experiments, F. solani alone reduced growth of tops or roots a small but significant amount.Co-inoculation of citrus by root-dipping into zoospore suspensions of P. parasitica and transplanting into soil infested with F. solani reduced feeder root length by 62% and root weight by 61% but did not significantly reduce the percentage of living roots when compared to inoculation with P. parasitica alone. When citrus roots were immersed in zoospore suspensions of P. citrophthora and transplanted into soil infested with F. solani, feeder root length was reduced by 68%, but feeder root weight and the percentage of living roots were not significantly reduced when compared to plants inoculated with P. citrophthora alone.Propagule densities of both P. parasitica and P. citrophthora in the rhizosphere of plants inoculated by root-immersion and then transplanting into soil infested with F. solani were not significantly different than propagule densities from plants transplanted into non-infested soil. Propagule densities of P. parasitica were suppressed an average of 41% when citrus was inoculated with P. parasitica 30 days after transplanting into soil infested with F. solani and by 41% when citrus was co-inoculated by transplanting into soil infested with both F. solani and P. parasitica.  相似文献   

Fusarium root rot in row crops is typically managed by cultural practices and fungicide seed treatments. Biological control using microbial agents is another option but needs further development for improved disease management. Screening to identify biocontrol agents are crucial. However, relationships among the steps and how to improve the screening process are unresolved questions. Strains of Burkholderia (4), Bacillus (5) and Trichoderma (26) were studied in vitro against six Fusarium pathogens. All the bacteria and five selected Trichoderma strains were tested in planta in the greenhouse against diseases of Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium oxysporum. Burkholderia ambifaria C628, Bacillus simplex R180, and all Trichoderma isolates showed high reduction in disease levels in corn, soybean and wheat, ranging from 16 to 63%. Responses of the biocontrol agents during in vitro and in planta screening did not always correlate. In vitro and in planta tests should be considered independently in selecting biocontrol candidates.  相似文献   

Fourteen citrus species were screened for their resistance against dry root rot under artificial inoculation conditions and classified as resistant (RHRL-122, RHRL-124, Australian sour, Sour dig, Balaji, Rangpurlime), moderately resistant (PKM-1, AL-Srirampur, Rough lemon), Susceptible (TAL 95/1, TAL 95/2, TAL 95/3, Nalgonda selection) and highly susceptible (TAL 94/13). The higher polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity was observed in all infected leaves and roots of citrus species when compared to healthy leaves and roots at 15 and 30 days after inoculation (DAI). Higher PPO activity was observed in Balaji, Australian sour and Rangpurlime whereas lowest PPO activity was observed in TAL 94/13. In the case of leaf Peroxidase (PEO) isozyme profile an additional band which was darker and thicker was observed at an Em value of 0.24 in the case of Australia sour, Balaji and AL-Srirampur. In roots the PEO isozyme profile has the induction of single thick and darker additional band with an Em value of 0.47 was observed in Australian sour and Balaji. The banding profiles of estarase in leaves showed the induction of an extra band in the ase of Australian sour at Em 0.1, and at Em 0.53 in the case of Rangpurlime and Sourdig when compared to other species. The banding profile of esterase in roots was well expressed in Australian sour, PKM-1, Rough lemon, TAL-95/3, Rangpurlime and Sour dig. However, a minor band at Em 0.27 in Australian sour, TAL 95/1 and at Em 0.33 in Balaji was observed.  相似文献   

Sixteen endophytic actinobacteria isolated from roots of native plants were evaluated for their antagonistic potential against soil-borne phytopathogenic fungi. Among them, three strong antagonistic isolates were selected and characterised for in vitro plant-growth-promoting and biocontrol traits, including production of hydrogen cyanide, indole-3-acetic acid and siderophores, chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase activities, and inorganic phosphate solubilisation. In all trials, the strain Streptomyces sp. SNL2 revealed promising features. The selected actinobacteria were investigated for the biocontrol of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis lycopersici and for growth promotion of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Aïcha) seedlings in autoclaved and non-autoclaved soils. All seed-bacterisation treatments significantly reduced the root rot incidence compared to a positive control (with infested soil), and the isolate SNL2 exhibiting the highest protective activity. It reduced the disease incidence from 88.5% to 13.2%, whereas chemical seed treatment with Thiram® provided 14.6% disease incidence. Furthermore, isolate SNL2 resulted in significant increases in the dry weight, shoot and root length of seedlings. 16S rDNA sequence analysis showed that isolate SNL2 was related to Streptomyces asterosporus NRRL B-24328T (99.52% of similarity). Its interesting biocontrol potential and growth enhancement of tomato seedlings open up attractive uses of the strain SNL2 in crop improvement.  相似文献   

Several antioxidants namely ascorbic acid, salicylic acid, sodium benzoates, thiouria and catechol were used as seed treatment and foliar spraying to reduce the incidence of root and pod rot diseases of peanut caused by (Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani and Fusarium moniliforme) as well as to determine of phenolic compounds and oxidative enzymes in the treated plants. Each antioxidant was used at different concentrations (2, 4, 6 and 8 mM) against tested pathogenic fungi in vitro. All antioxidants at 8 mM showed the greatest reduction of mycelial growth of the pathogens. In greenhouse experiments, treated seeds (Giza 5 cv.) or foliar spraying of peanut plants after 30 and 60 days from planting date with each antioxidant at 8 mM reduced severity of both diseases. The treated plants with antioxidants increased accumulation of phenolic compounds and activity levels of oxidative enzymes (catalase, peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase) in infected plants compared to healthy plants.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:AF539C90-4B38-4BFE-B77B-5F2A5D764D7A  相似文献   

The water relations responses to salt of several important citrus rootstocks such as Swingle citrumelo, sour orange, and Milam lemon have not been studied in detail before. Studies were set up to compare growth and root hydraulic properties of these rootstocks to other citrus rootstocks by exposing them to NaCl and polyethylene glycol (PEG) stresses. Seedlings of 7 citrus rootstocks were irrigated for 5 months with nutrient solutions containing NaCl or PEG that had been adjusted to osmotic potentials of -0.10, -0.20 or -0.35 MPa. The 7 rootstocks studied were sour orange (Citrus aurantium), Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco), Swingle citrumelo (C. paradisi x P. trifoliata), Carrizo citrange (C. sinensis x P. trifoliata), rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush), Milam lemon (C. jambhiri hybrid), and trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata [L.] Raf.). In both shoot and root growth, Cleopatra mandarin and sour orange were the least sensitive to salt, Milam and trifoliate orange were the most sensitive, and rough lemon, Swingle, and Carrizo were intermediate in sensitivity. Even though the roots were exposed to solutions of equal osmotic potentials, plant growth and root conductivity were reduced more by the PEG treatments than the corresponding NaCl treatments. At -0.10 and -0.20 MPa, shoot and root dry weights were reduced 16 to 55% by NaCl and 24 to 68% by PEG. Shoot root ratio was lowered at the higher concentrations, particularly by PEG. There was a major decrease in root conductivity caused by NaCl at -0.10 MPa (19 to 30% in sour orange and Cleopatra mandarin and 78 to 85% in trifoliate orange and Milam). Conductivity decreased more at -0.20 and -0.35 MPa, but not proportionally as much as at -0.10 MPa. Root weight per unit length increased at the higher salt levels, particularly in trifoliate orange. Water flow rate through root systems followed the same trend as root conductivity; salt affected sour orange and Cleopatra mandarin the least and trifoliate orange and Milam the most. However, reductions in fibrous root length by salt treatment differed. Root lengths of Swingle and Carrizo were least affected by salt while sour orange. Milam, and rough lemon were the most affected. Hence, even though sour orange and Cleopatra mandarin were more tolerant than the other rootstocks in terms of water flow rate or root conductivity, these 2 rootstocks showed a proportionally greater decrease in root length than Carrizo, Swingle, or trifoliate orange.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate the potentiality of three rhizosphere microorganisms in suppression of Sclerotinia rot in pea in consortia mode and their impact on host defence responses. Methods and Results: Pseudomonas aeruginosa PJHU15, Trichoderma harzianum TNHU27 and Bacillus subtilis BHHU100 from rhizospheric soils were selected based on compatibility, antagonistic and plant growth promotion activities. The microbes were used as consortia to assess their ability to trigger the phenylpropanoid and antioxidant activities and accumulation of proline, total phenol and pathogenesis‐related (PR) proteins in pea under the challenge of the soft‐rot pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The triple‐microbe consortium and single‐microbe treatments showed 1·4–2·3 and 1·1–1·7‐fold increment in defence parameters, respectively, when compared to untreated challenged control. Activation of the phenylpropanoid pathway and accumulation of total phenolics were highest at 48 h, whereas accumulation of proline and PR proteins along with activities of the antioxidant enzymes was highest at 72 h. Conclusions: The compatible microbial consortia triggered defence responses in an enhanced level in pea than the microbes alone and provided better protection against Sclerotinia rot. Significance and Impact of the Study: Rhizosphere microbes in consortium can enhance protection in pea against the soft‐rot pathogen through augmented elicitation of host defence responses.  相似文献   

Corn stalk rot, caused by Fusarium graminearum, is one of the most destructive diseases of maize in many regions of the world. A bacterial strain BV23 was isolated from corn rhizosphere that reduced corn stalk rot significantly in greenhouse studies in 2016 and 2017. BV23 was identified as Bacillus vallismortis, which showed antagonistic effects against a number of fungal pathogens, including F. graminearum, Rhizoctonia solani, Athelia rolfsii, and Thanatephorus cucumeris. BV23 had the greatest fungistatic effect on F. graminearum, inhibiting mycelial growth by 66.2%, conidial germination by 90.1%, and conidial production by 86.7%. The probable antifungal mechanism was assessed by examining the morphology and ultrastructure of F. graminearum hyphae. Treatment by BV23 culture supernatant resulted in coarser hyphae, induced cytoplasmic granulation, and increased cell membrane permeability of F. graminearum, causing cytoplasm leakage. These effects became increasingly obvious with increasing concentration (1%, 5% and 10%). Furthermore, the antifungal active substances were sensitive to heat.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity tests of twenty-six fungal isolates were tested on peanut plants (Giza 5 cv.) and the results revealed that, Fusarium oxysporum isolate (No. I) followed by F. solani (No. II) then F. moniliforme (No III) significantly caused highest incidence of root rot disease. Also, F. moniliforme (No III) followed by F. solani (No II) then F. oxysporum (No I) gave the highest incidence of pod rot disease. The effectiveness of vescular arbuscular-mycorrhiza (VAM) at different application rates on the incidence of root rot, pod rot diseases and plant growth parameters of peanut was studied. All soil treatments with each rate of VAM significantly reduced root and pod rot diseases compared with control (rate 0%). The best reduction in the severity of both diseases with VAM was found at the rate of 3%. Application of rhizobacterin, microbin and cerialin biofertilisers at the different concentrations decreased the severity of both root rot and pod rot severity diseases compared with non-treated seeds. The greatest reduction in both diseases was achieved at a concentration of 8/100?g seeds. The highest number of pods and fresh weight (g) was achieved in seed supplemented with each biofertiliser at concentration of 8/100?g seed.  相似文献   

【背景】由燕麦镰孢(Fusarium avenaceum)和麦根腐平脐蠕孢(Bipolaris sorokiniana)等病原真菌引起的青稞(Hordeum vulgare L. var. nudum Hook. f.)根腐病普遍发生,对藏区农业生产和发展产生了极大威胁。【目的】从青稞健康植株根际土壤中筛选具优良防病促生能力的菌株,通过研究菌株间的互作效应以筛选优良菌剂配伍,制作防效优良的防病促生菌剂,以期为青稞根腐病的防治及青稞增产提供优质的菌剂资源。【方法】采用选择性培养基筛选促生菌株,采用平板对峙法筛选拮抗菌株;采用灌根法和叶面接种法测定菌株致病性;采用乙炔还原法测定固氮能力,钼蓝比色法测定溶磷能力,采用高效液相色谱法测定分泌吲哚乙酸能力;采用16S rRNA基因序列分析鉴定菌种;田间测定菌剂防效,并采用TOPSIS综合分析法进行综合评价。【结果】共分离出具固氮、溶磷能力菌株23株,并从中筛选得到6株拮抗能力良好的菌株,其中5株溶有机磷、3株溶无机磷、3株固氮菌,而且均分泌吲哚乙酸;测定其致病性发现对青稞、燕麦、油菜、豌豆等采样区常见作物均无致病性;经鉴定分别为枯草芽孢杆菌(Ba...  相似文献   

The discovery of novel biocontrol agents requires the continuous scrutiny of native microorganisms to ensure that they will be useful on a regional scale. The goal of the present work was to discover novel antagonistic bacteria against Fusarium oxysporum ff. spp. lycopersici race 3 (Fol R3) and radicis-lycopersici (Forl) causing Fusarium wilt disease and Fusarium crown and root rot of tomatoes, respectively. High-throughput liquid antagonism screening of 1,875 rhizospheric bacterial strains followed by dual confrontation assays in 96-well plates was used to select bacteria exhibiting > 50% fungal growth inhibition. In a second dual confrontation assay in 10-cm Petri dishes, bacteria showing > 20% Fol R3 or Forl growth inhibition were further screened using a blood hemolysis test. After discarding β-hemolytic bacteria, a seedling antagonistic assay was performed to select five potential antagonists. A phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA identified one strain as Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (AcDB3) and four strains as members of the genus Bacillus (B. amyloliquefaciens BaMA26, Bacillus siamensis BsiDA2, B. subtilis BsTA16 and B. thuringiensis BtMB9). Greenhouse assays demonstrated that BsTA16 and AcDB3 were the most promising antagonists against Fol R3 and Forl, respectively. Pathogen biocontrol and growth promotion mechanisms used by these bacteria include the production of siderophores, biofilm, proteases, endoglucanases and indole acetic acid, and phosphate solubilization. These five bacteria exerted differential responses on pathogen control depending on the tomato hybrid, and on the growth stage of tomatoes. We report for the first time the use of an Acinetobacter calcoaceticus isolate (AcDB3) to control Forl in tomato under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of soil solarisation, residue incorporation, summer irrigation and biocontrol agents singly or in combination on survival of Macrophomina phaseolina and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cumini were ascertained in the 2000 and 2001 summer seasons. In amended plots, temperature increased by 2.5°C over non‐amended plots (42–51°C) at various soil depths. Combining amendments and soil solarisation elevated the soil temperatures by 0.5–5°C and 2.5–13.0°C compared to non‐amended solarised and non‐solarised plots, respectively. These treatment combinations significantly reduced M. phaseolina and Fusarium propagules compared to control. Of these, combining mustard pod residues with soil solarisation almost eliminated viable propagules of both the pathogens at 0–30 cm soil depth. However, a combination of mustard pod residue and oil‐cake (2.5 + 0.5 ton ha?1) with only one summer irrigation also caused pronounced reduction in pathogenic propagules, which was equal to that recorded in non‐amended solarised plots. The effect of surviving propagules of M. phaseolina and Fusarium on incidence of dry root rot on clusterbean and wilt on cumin was studied in subsequent rainy and winter seasons, respectively. Significant reductions in both diseases were recorded in residue and biocontrol amended plots with or without polyethylene mulching compared to non‐amended control. The lowest plant mortality in both the crops was recorded in mustard residue amended solarised plots in a two year field experiment. However, the disease indices in the plots having a combination of mustard residues and oil‐cake amendment with one summer irrigation was equal to that achieved in the treatment having polyethylene mulching. These results suggest that in hot arid regions use of Brassica residues can be a practical and feasible substitute for polyethylene mulching in managing soil‐borne diseases.  相似文献   

Panama wilt of banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (race 1) is a serious disease devastating the important cultivar Neypoovan (syn Elakki Bale AB) in southern India. Chemical control methods are not very effective in controlling the disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate biocontrol agents (BCAs) under controlled and field conditions for their efficacy against the pathogen and to detect and quantify the reduction in FOC population. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens were inoculated at the time of planting in single, dual and tripartite combinations allowing colonization up to 0, 45 and 90 days. Plants were challenged thereafter with 50 g of FOC inoculum multiplied on sorghum grains containing 1.5×106 cfu g?1. Uninoculated plants and those inoculated with pathogen only were controls. Plant growth parameters were measured and structural modifications in the roots were studied. FOC populations in the roots were determined by ELISA every month and final yield was recorded. At the end of 7 months, plants pre-inoculated with BCAs i.e., G. mosseae+T. harzianum and challenged with Fusarium under field conditions could sustain 61 and 70% improvement in plant height and girth, respectively, and 75% in bunch weight over plants not precolonised with BCAs but challenged with FOC which finally succumbed to the disease. ELISA study revealed Fusarium population was reduced to 0.58 OD in 7 months in G. mosseae and T. harzianum treatment compared to a level of 1.9 OD in Fusarium alone treated plants. Beneficial effect of BCAs may be due to the over all protection provided by them by causing physical modifications in the cell wall, growth promotion and through induction of disease resistance.  相似文献   

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